Cities Development Initiative for Asia P R O J E C T O V E R V I E W

Country: P H I L I P P I N E S Status: Key Sector(s): CONSULTANCIES UNDERWAY TOURISM, HERITAGE, City: METRO ILOILO Application approved: 31/JAN/2008 TRANSPORT, URBAN RENEWAL P R O P O N E N T S Geography and Population

M I G E D C Mr. Jose Roni Peñalosa Area: 989 km2 CPDO, 2/f Hall Annex Bldg., Executive Director and J.M. Basa Street, Coordinator MIGEDC Population: 800,000 Iloilo City 5000, Metro Iloilo - Guimaras is located on Island Phone: (+63) 33 335 1334 Phone: (+63) 33 335 1334 and is composed of the City of Iloilo, the munici- Website: [email protected] Email: [email protected] palities of Leganes, , Central State Partner Other Partners Pavia, San Miguel, Santa National Economic Development Barbara and Authority (NEDA) the province of Guimaras.

K E Y C I T Y D E V E L O P M E N T I S S U E S Metro Iloilo Guimaras The overall city's development plans focus on the following areas: is a voluntary “metro arrangement” with the - Public Safety and Security; City of Iloilo as its lead - Land Use Management; Local Government Unit - Environmental Management; (LGU). - Infrastructure Development; - Basic Services Delivery; - Trade and Investment Promotions; Intervention Areas Source of Maps: - Tourism Development; - Special Project Planning Development; - Transport Planning and Traffic Management. D E T A I L S O F C O O P E R A T I O N CDIA supported activities include: FIRST PHASE a) Pre-feasibility studies for: GIFTS Project (Guimaras - Iloilo Ferry Terminals System); Downtown CDB revitalization project; b) Strengthening of the MIGEDC as the MIG coordinating Unit for the Infrastructure Investment Program development and implementation; c) Development of a Marketing Plan for the other MIGEDC Infrastructure One of the main roads in Projects identified in the MIGEDC Infrastructure projects identified in the Iloilo's Central Business District investment plan; and SECOND PHASE d) Support to PPP Bidding Process for both PFS. E X P E C T E D D E V E L O P M E N T A L I M P A C T S - Improved income opportunities for hawkers, and improved hygiene and public health through redevelopment of public market; - Improved solid waste and wastewater management; - Reduced air pollution through pedestrianization; - Improved access to banca ferry transport through better equipped and safer ferry landings; - Enhanced inter-local government cooperation. Intervention area GIFTS project

E X P E C T E D I N V E S T M E N T F O L L O W UP PROJECT PERIOD APR/2008 - ongoing Est. infrastructure investment value 20 mil US$ Potential sources of financing CDIA SUPPORT 143,000 US$

ADB (Asian Development Bank) CITY CONTRIBUTION 37,750 US$ (in kind)

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