City of Elgin Removes Jefferson Davis Highway Marker For Immediate Release Elgin, Texas June 26, 2020 Amy Miller, Public Information Officer,
[email protected] 512-229-3213 Friday June 26, the City of Elgin removed the Jefferson Davis highway marker that was placed at Taylor Road and Main Street in 1937 by the Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The highway marker was brought to the attention of the City Council at the September 3, 2019 City Council meeting during citizen comments. The text of the marker was: “Jefferson Davis Highway Marker Erected by the Texas Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy 1937”. The September 17 City Council meeting included this agenda item “Discussion and possible action to staff regarding the highway marker currently located within Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) right of way at the intersection of Main Street and Taylor Road.” The Texas Historic Commission was contacted about this marker they noted that it was not part of the Texas Historic Commission Marker program and they had no authority over the marker. The Texas Department of Transportation noted that it was located in TXDOT Right of way and under their rules they consider it a marker not a monument. TXDOT provided approval for the marker to be removed at any time, but they did not have any staff or resources to put towards removing it. At the November 5 City Council meeting, the council discussed the highway marker concluding with this motion: Council member Penson moved to remove the Jefferson Davis marker, Council member Gonzalez seconds the motion.