AGENDA LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD OAKLAND, CA 94612 LANDMARKS PRESERVATION ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS: Christopher Andrews, Vice-Chair September 8, 2014 Peter Birkholz Stafford Buckley Regular Meeting 6 PM Eleanor Casson City Hall Frank Flores Sergeant Mark Dunakin Valerie Garry, Chair Hearing Room 1 Mary E. MacDonald 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza Oakland, California 94612 Educate, Advocate, Protect Historic Resources :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: This meeting is wheelchair accessible. To request materials in alternative formats, or to request an ASL interpreter or assistive listening device, contact Betty Marvin at 510-238-6879,
[email protected], or TDD 510-238-3254 at least three working days before the meeting. Please refrain from wearing scented products to this meeting so those with chemical sensitivities may attend. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A. ROLL CALL B. OPEN FORUM C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of August 11, 2014 D. LANDMARK OF THE MONTH or other features of interest California Electric Company building, 3015 Adeline Street, 1940-46, R.H. Cooley arch., John J. Moore Co. bldr.; PDHP rated C3. Presentation by Boardmember Casson. E. NEW BUSINESS_- Action Items Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board, September 8 , 2014 2 1. Location: Children’s Hospital and Research Center Oakland (CHRCO) The CHRCO campus is located at 747 52nd Street and is generally bounded by 53rd Street to the north, State Route 24 (SR-24) to the east, and Martin Luther King Jr. Way and the elevated BART tracks to the south and west. APNs: Multiple Proposal: Public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Report to obtain cultural resource-related comments on the redevelopment of the CHRCO campus. The Project would occur in two phases.