MOST IMMEDIAIE Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MPLADS***** Division) East Block-6, Level -5, R.K. Puram, New Delhi - 110066 Dated: 19th July 2o2l Subject:- Release of pendino instalments of FY 2O19-2O under MPLADS - reoardinq. Kind reference is invited to this Ministry's Circular of even number, dated 02.05.2021 on the subject cited above (copy enclosed) soliciting thereby proposals for release of pending instalments of Fincial Year 2019-20, complete in all respects and containing duly signed all such relevant fund-related documents like Monthly Progress Report(MPR), Utilization Certificate(UC), Provisional Utilization Certificate(PUC) and Audit Certificate(AC) and also fulfilling criteria of unspent and unsanctioned balance of funds as applicable, latest by 15-6-2O21. 2. Despite the above-said Circular and continuous follow up by officers of this Ministry through emails and telephone, release of pending instalments under MPLADS is impeded due to non-submission of eligible proposals and fund-related documents by the nodal District Authorities. Two Lists showing instalments pending under MPLADS for the FY 2019-20 in respect of Hon'ble Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha(Annexure-I & II), are enclosed for reference. 3. The nodal District Authorities are, therefore, once again requested to send proposals complete in all respects immediately to enable this Ministry to process the same and issue sanction orders for release of MPLADS funds at the earliest. 4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. ,{#*hm', Deputy SecretarY (MPLADS) e-mail:
[email protected] Encl.-as above To 1. The Chief Secretaries of States/UTs 2.