Hailan Holdings Limited 海藍控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with Limited Liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) Stock Code 股份代號 : 2278

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Hailan Holdings Limited 海藍控股有限公司 (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with Limited Liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) Stock Code 股份代號 : 2278 Hailan Holdings Limited 海藍控股有限公司 (incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) Stock Code 股份代號 : 2278 2019 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 Hailan Holdings Limited 海藍控股有限公司 Contents 目 錄 2 Corporate Information 公司資料 5 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告書 7 Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 23 Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 29 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 48 Report of the Directors 董事會報告 70 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 環境、社會及管治報告 100 Independent Auditor’s Report 獨立核數師報告 110 Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 112 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 綜合財務狀況表 114 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 綜合權益變動表 115 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 綜合現金流量表 117 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 236 Financial Summary 財務摘要 Corporate Information 公司資料 DIRECTORS 董 事 Executive Directors 執行董事 Ms. Zhou Li (Chief Executive Officer and Chairman) 周莉女士(行政總裁兼主席) Ms. Fan Wenyi 范文燚女士 Mr. Chen Zhonghua 陳仲華先生 Non-executive Director 非執行董事 Ms. Yao Yu 姚宇女士 Independent Non-executive Directors 獨立非執行董事 Mr. E Junyu 鄂俊宇先生 Mr. Li Yong 李勇先生 Dr. Zhao Guoqing 趙國慶博士 COMPANY SECRETARY 公司秘書 Mr. Yang Dong John 楊東先生 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES UNDER THE LISTING 根據上市規則的法定代表 RULES Ms. Zhou Li 周莉女士 Mr. Yang Dong John 楊東先生 AUDIT COMMITTEE 審核委員會 Dr. Zhao Guoqing (Chairman) 趙國慶博士(主席) Mr. E Junyu 鄂俊宇先生 Mr. Li Yong 李勇先生 REMUNERATION COMMITTEE 薪酬委員會 Mr. E Junyu (Chairman) 鄂俊宇先生(主席) Mr. Li Yong 李勇先生 Dr. Zhao Guoqing 趙國慶博士 Ms. Zhou Li 周莉女士 NOMINATION COMMITTEE 提名委員會 Ms. Zhou Li (Chairman) 周莉女士(主席) Mr. E Junyu 鄂俊宇先生 Mr. Li Yong 李勇先生 Dr. Zhao Guoqing 趙國慶博士 AUDITOR 核數師 Mazars CPA Limited 中審眾環(香港)會計師事務所有限公司 2 HAILAN HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Corporate Information 公司資料 PRINCIPAL BANKS 主要往來銀行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited 中國工商銀行股份有限公司 Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. 交通銀行股份有限公司 LEGAL ADVISORS 法律顧問 As to Hong Kong law 香港法律 Loong & Yeung Solicitors 龍炳坤、楊永安律師行 As to PRC law 中國法律 Beijing Dentons Law Offices, LLP (Guangzhou) 北京大成(廣州)律師事務所 REGISTERED OFFICE 註冊辦事處 Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited PO Box 1350 PO Box 1350 Clifton House Clifton House 75 Fort Street 75 Fort Street Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS AND HEAD OFFICE IN 中國主要營業地點及總部 THE PRC 2/F, No. 1 Building Hampton by Hilton 中國 No. 169 Yu Lin Road 海南省三亞市 Tianya District 天涯區 Sanya, the Hainan Province 育林路169號 The PRC 希爾頓歡朋酒店旁1號樓二層 PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS IN HONG KONG 香港主要營業地點 Room 2212, 22/F, The Center 香港 99 Queen’s Road Central 中環 Central 皇后大道中99號 Hong Kong 中環中心22樓2212室 PRINCIPAL SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE 主要股份過戶登記處 Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited Ocorian Trust (Cayman) Limited PO Box 1350 PO Box 1350 Clifton House Clifton House 75 Fort Street 75 Fort Street Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Grand Cayman KY1-1108 Cayman Islands Cayman Islands 海藍控股有限公司 2019年報 3 Corporate Information 公司資料 BRANCH SHARE REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER OFFICE IN 香 港股份過戶登記分處及轉讓登記處 HONG KONG Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited 香港中央證券登記有限公司 Shops 1712–1716, 17th Floor, 香港 Hopewell Centre, 灣仔皇后大道東183號 183 Queen’s Road East, Wan Chai, 合和中心 Hong Kong 17樓1712–1716號舖 PLACE OF LISTING 股份上市地點 The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”) 香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯交所」) COMPANY WEBSITE 公司網站 www.hailanholdings.com www.hailanholdings.com 4 HAILAN HOLDINGS LIMITED ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告書 Dear Shareholders, 尊敬的股東: On behalf of the board (the “Board”) of directors (the “Director(s)”) of Hailan 本人謹代表海藍控股有限公司(「本公司」或「海 Holdings Limited (the “Company” or “Hailan Holdings”, together with its 藍控股」,連同其附屬公司統稱「本集團」)董 subsidiaries, collectively known as the “Group”), I am pleased to present the 事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)提呈截至2019年12 audited financial results for the year ended 31 December 2019 (the “Reporting 月31日止年度(「報告期間」)之經審核財務業績。 Period”). During the Reporting Period, as for the macro environment of the overall 報告期內,行業宏觀環境上,政府房住不炒的 property development in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”), there was 局面未發生變化,繼續落實因城施策穩地價、 no change to the government’s policy of “housing properties for 穩樓價及穩預期的長效機制;融資環境上先鬆 accommodation, not speculation” (房住不炒) and the implementation of long 後緊,金融監管機構施行多管道並行限制,控 term effective system of “policies implementation according to local and urban 制行業整體融資規模。海南省的限購政策自前 conditions” (因城施策) and “stabilization in the price of lands, properties and 年實施以來,加上政府對住宅項目的審批進度 anticipation” (穩 地 價、 穩 樓 價 及 穩 預 期) continued. The scale of overall 放緩,海南省今年整體供應及銷售大幅度減 financing environment for the property development in the PRC was under 少;面對如此經營環境,海藍控股的業績亦無 control by the various measures and restrictions of financial regulatory 可避免受到衝擊。 authorities. Since the implementation of property purchase restriction policy in Hainan province in 2018, alongside with slowdown in government approval procedure for residential project, the overall supply and sales of residential properties in Hainan province dramatically decreased during the Reporting Period. Under such business environment, the result of Hailan Holdings was inevitably impacted. For the Reporting Period, contracted sales of the Group amounted to RMB550.7 報告期間,本集團合約銷售額達至人民幣550.7 million, representing a reduction of 53.3% as compared to 2018. Contracted 百萬元,較2018年同期減少53.3%。合約銷售 saleable gross floor area (“GFA”) was approximately 22,192.0 square meters, 建築面積(「建築面積」)約為22,192.0平方米, representing a decrease of approximately 47.2% as compared to last year. The 較去年同期減少約47.2%。合約銷售均價(「銷 average selling price (“ASP”) was about RMB24,817.0 per square meter, 售均價」)每平方米約人民幣24,817.0元,按年 representing a decrease of approximately 11.6% as compared to last year. The 減少約11.6%。銷售額大幅下降主要是海南省 sharp decrease in sales was mainly attributable to slower approval procedure 政府放緩住宅項目審批,控制住宅建設投資, for residential project by Hainan provincial government, control over residential 以及限購政策影響所致。 construction investment and the impact of property purchase restriction policy. As for the overall property development in the PRC, the investment amount for 中國整體物業發展方面,全國開發投資額增速 development across the country increased at a growth rate of more than 10% 仍保持10%以上增長,全年銷售額再創新高。 whereas the annual sales amount reached its all-time high again. Comparing 與行業相比,由於集團國內業務2018年前地產 to the industrial data, as the Group’s domestic business and its property 開發項目均位於海南區域,較易受區域政策影 development projects were located at Hainan region prior to 2018, which 響,開發銷售體量2019年有所收縮;針對區域 made us susceptible to regional policy. Our overall sales volume decreased in 環境影響,集團自2019年走出海南,依託於粵 2019. In order to alleviate the regional impact, the Group started business 港澳大灣區優異的政策環境及經濟環境,先後 outside Hainan region since 2019. Given the friendly policy and brilliant 投資進入湛江、梅州,獲取新開發項目,在控 economic condition in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the 制有效管理半徑的情況下,增強企業發展韌 Group made presence in Zhanjiang and Meizhou and undertook new 性。 development projects. By controlling effective management radius, the Group has acquired greater resilience for development. 海藍控股有限公司 2019年報 5 Chairman’s Statement 主席報告書 Looking ahead, the sales and development plan would be affected by the 展 望未來,2020年一季度受疫情影響,行業銷 epidemic for the first quarter of 2020 and it is expected to see a series of 售及開發計劃將受到影響,政策面預計會釋放 loosening policy, including the ease of property purchase, sale and finance 一系列的寬鬆政策,包括限購、限售、限融的 restrictions. The numbers of sales and development are anticipated to recover 放鬆,預計二季度及下半年銷售及開發規模將 in the second quarter and the second half of the year and it is anticipated that 會有所回升,預計全年銷售及開發規模仍處於 the numbers of annual sales and development would generally remain stable. 整體平穩態勢。集團針對疫情影響,採取線上 The Group has adopted online sales method to supplement sales channel in 銷售方式補充銷售管道,同時通過放緩一季度 response to the impact of the epidemic. Meanwhile, we have tried hard to 投資、提高融資提款金額等多方面手段保證公 ensure the good operation status of the Group through cutting investment in 司處於良好運營狀態。集團仍對中國整體物業 the first quarter and increasing withdrawal amount of finance funding. The 發展保持謹慎樂觀,2020年持續開發海南區域 Group remains cautiously optimistic about the overall property development 存量項目,並繼續進行粵港澳大灣區及周邊投 in the PRC and will continue to develop the existing projects in Hainan region 資拓展,擬對長三角區域進行機會性投資,保 in 2020 and keep investing and expanding in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao 持地產板塊持續穩定、有效增長。 Greater Bay Area and peripheral areas. It is our intention to make opportunistic investment in Yangtze River Delta region so as to keep the stable and effective growth in real estate business segment. Although we remain positive on the long-term development of the PRC’s real 儘管我們對中國內地房地產業務的長遠發展持 estate business, the Group has been actively looking for other business 樂觀態度,但為分散業務風險,本集團一直在 opportunities to become an international corporation to diversify its business 積極物色其他商機,走向國際化的道路。海外 risks. Development opportunities in overseas regions, mainly including Hong 地區主要包括香港、美國及東南亞的發展機 Kong, United States (the “US”) and Southeast Asia, among which Silicon Valley, 會,其中特別是矽谷地區乃美國經濟的重要引 which is one of the important engines of the US’s economy with constantly 擎之一,對房地產開發需求仍然較高,對集團 high housing demand, may be a new income source for the Group’s future 未來的發展,可以帶來新的收入來源地。2019 development. In 2019, we started two projects in Silicon Valley in North 年我們集團啟動了北美矽谷地區兩個項目,預 America, which are anticipated to gradually deliver considerable return for the 計未來可以為集團陸續帶來可觀回報。 Group in future. The management has formulated the future development plan. By basing in 管理層已制定好未來發展藍圖,透過立足香 Hong Kong, delving into the
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