Vol. 11, No. 30. Whole No. 551. SÜMMERLAND, B.C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 21, 1919. $2.00, payable in. advance: Water Comptroller C.N.R. Officials Herds Visited Ably Defend Trustees Accept New Mun. Act < Visit Valley Wm. Young Resigns ers In Not Satisfactory By Extremely Mr/William Young,' who was'ap• Resignation of If^Kam^^ pointe; d .to' the position of" Comp : Fatal Disease Rates Enquiry To Council ; i5A. troller of Water-Rights six years Prin. Lees ^ald Marin,- and lone of 'theychief ex- ago, when that posi ti on was?created. i !;e£ujtiy^ tion;,CoVasT here. -yesterday inSuc h is Opinion of .Experts R. M. Winslow Présents resigned.. It was rumored that .thNov/Seekinge a New Head Former Owners Will Have ; After Learning Symptoms' Good.Case^ for B.C.F.G.A. lands undertakingihadfig- for Summerland Consoli- Brief Opportunity" to company with.-Mr Mercer of Van• : 1 couver. These rgentlemen visited ured^iargely .irivthe:- severance':b; f his - . dated Schoolsr Buy"' Lands.J - the i company's, mill on the-'North Known In South Increase Fatal .rejati6ns.-.with-:the';-.government{.and: ——: , Thompson, and this - morning left alsoithatthe revival of formerurri- Though Usually Fatal, Death .,-, . .- . _ gation matters in connection withTh e resignation of Principal C. . rmTU ...... , ..." by car for Vernon. .-Neither of Kailway Commission Told the was a-factor.* Mr Rate Here Was Light Higher Express Rates Would Young, however,'has said thaWt. hLees,,oe f the-Summerland Con- fclThe proposed new municipal act, them had anything to say regarding ls solidated Schools, was accepted at * which ,t was said,-would be brought .the.time. that work would commencHave e a Serum , Kill Business Quite in accord with the.Osoyooas ; specialmeeting of.--,the school before, the House at Victoria-this on. the Okariagari branch of -the" land purchase, and that he retireboards held ; òn Monday-evening in ^_ week, .came in -for ^some adverse CN.R. from this city, butExper edgint gopinio n is; that:Summer i practice :ih hi.the.s " board room.- " The resignation "4 criticisms at the regular meeting of from the - number of officialnd.was whs o^recentl y à |'JThat-the"proposed increase in exto- ..enter '.private and willis to take effect the last of'March, the Summerland municipal council haveivisited this city duringan dth ever y fatal ^cattle disease,- when and the secretary was Instructed to' ed to the dassification of munic.- the cqrhpany cohter^plites:/earllandy "was recently visited by a new I press charges and the cancelling of Profession as an-advertis engineere ,a t once for applicants palities. .Small, unimportantjrcit- construction onthe line. ^ _ -, _ „ 'the commodity tariff on fruit'will' °Pen. an office^in rM thre position. v_ ies^ were placed m: class one, while three or four "weeks agff two cows hfeve almost disastrous -effect upon ^oun,g £ ¿9. this; provincExpressine gfro mregre t that it'had Be-' municipalities: such as Summerland were lost by "Mr H. C. Mellpr fol- the fruit growing industry of.this the McGill.Universrty come necessary for "him' to enter lowing very brief illness, and Coun.' province -was .the opinion emphati- „ such a complaint Mr W. A. Cald• and anr d of.much greater I RiiciriAcc f-fAti/tlt J. R. Campbell also' lost one or two cally expressed when the BoarVotd oef1 WiloTTIn l Soldiers riC3B4;powers-'*6f' s Bank range. Dr'R. C Lipsett, as is his sion at Vernpn on Wednesday after-,- Memorial pupi Is ,of Ahe entr ance; rclass ' from s ; self government. - He pointed out custom, reported the losses'to the noon. Mr -R. M. Winslow, who attempt] ng the, entrance • exam ina- - that while'the -smallest ^community Health of Animals Branch of the opened the case for. the CommitteB,C.~ Fruite Failed to Agreetions ^ ''He had ,heard of similar-, organizedundeT r a ;city charterSummerlan d Staff òf-Bank ofo f Dr J. D. Paxton, of Kamloopsr.woul,d be most damagingvto the-in• complaints, and now his own "boy - would have a courBof revisionsroMontreaf l Opening Branch Departmenone of . tht eo f^inspectors Agriculture; of, whicthe'-healthdustry Growersh ; He-maintained^tha' Association, toldt ththe,Corne O-n Any One Scheme had been told it"was no use for him' " assessment composed of"three elect• resulteof animald in'ths branche promp. t arrival heri businese missios nwould Otha, tnot th"e stand change~ thse propose in• d "to try to pass. Mr, Caldwell thought ; r ed citizens outside the council whosThee Bank of Montreal' is prepar• Bein• g uncertain, as to'the creascausee in rates asked for-by the. -Th exe, citizens of Summerland wilthel teacher ^should get.behind such ' ' decisions ^wiere'-finali^suciv-munici-'in g to open a branch at Naramataof theT. death of the animals, presDrs companies, and would havbee asked-t o make' their choicepupil bys . and.give them^every-assist-. • -:palities:a8:Ours^woold;^not--»,of£thed :I at" leas t^ par t o„f Saskatchewan,ed.Th giv-e comm'itteeof fifteen ap made in the /municipal~.act foofficr e business jsj already, being-done t pointed at a public meeting h'althde i nprospect s of failure. "'Chairman ' - holding the land ^responsible foart Naramata "--where :.two rooms.-i^rltish'\C6lumbia^eterinaryvAsson ^ mg these, markets up to ouSrt comStephen'- s Hall on FebruaryGartreli 5th : informed-Mr:Caldwell that rates as for taxes instead of,,asth eex •old_,Lakeside', Hotel "buildinciationg . Dr Chester _ felt /pretty petitors from Washington anhads Ore investigate- d the'various "propsimilao r complaints :had:been receiv- plained by the clerk, the. watehavr acet been engaged and afe beinconfideng t frornTHhe isymppms des-: gon. The commodijty tariff issitions-bu essen- t "was not able to edagre, ean d he/ and other membersof making provisioufor the -collecting cribed by Dr Lipsett that the ahi- tial to the life of the oindustryn anyronei11, h*e At the adjourned meetthe •board expressed 'surprise that - ' of-rates in the manner providedlarg forJ e, fitted;'up'.as safe used'whe an ban thek bank-haofficerrial:d 1; :s Thha t de ' died*of, haemorrhagic held, and should not be abolished. thè mattèrrfshould again- come up. the enforcement of taxes by'the septicaemia, although it was just A ^change frorh\ the flat inratge -t oto .bae held next.WednesdatMf'Marshally ; stated^hatsby^discour-^;. municipal act. The proposed acat - sub;office in .the -Ritchie^block, evening :the: ; committee-will bring where the'safe hasTBeen"until nowpossible, , he b . saidthrax, that the disease mileage rate basis^ill?result in our aging the,doubtful, pupils the tea• will be further considered .at a later hight in reports on five.different propbsi- meeting! A copy-of "the new wilactl |b e moved across^he^IkeVthe ™ '. This fear, how^ shipper1 s losing.half theirtions.'i'andswil business, l suggest th'atsignedcher- s was able, to make a better-re -1 : had been received "from Mr J.-Whewioffice: e ever,, was soon .set aside, and Dr he continued,, and as is ae basicasct by the citizenscord on, and Mr Caldwell contended Jones, member-at. Victoria, with The,growing-importanca e of Nar-"Chester'¡ s opinion further con- industrm y "upon,, which/the life thoef various."-propositionsthat^ havthae t the board .should not keep. a. request ..that -he/be advised of amatthea is thus giveh£'recogriition,firmed.- - „, -v any communities, defends,-" beeitn advanced. ^ . - - teacher- whoj had-"-no?.,ambitio.h for ' This "disease'until'recently was 3^1^ring|a^^ that,work,land urged^that'tK; è prin-^? wishes of the counciJ l with respecandt. the Bank' of"vMontrèàl ; has made The committee met in the coun- to any changes. - ' 7a\wise ¡ move, by ;being. tHéifirst barik"onlyi tb^ be found, in./-the- warmer^ ^S^^^fC^j^^^^^^!^^^,,cillchamberyonl-W,edhe^ ^ ciparsVesignatión1 beàccéptè&v^f"r T•2"c i Jto open in'-Nàramata since thè^cìosstate-s o ;f the^south, Jbiut has bee,n raise- the/cafload* mrnimum -from In "proposi ngjthàt thè^esignation^ | 1 wheni-reports,"from• a;number, -of -. l^^J^^^ ^^ % be accepted Mr.Marshall^said there y ing.óf-abranch-office there,.follow- workin« g north>'ahd;several'"cases 47|00^ttbj20j0Qb^ sub--cpmmittee3^w:^5< ^ pr.ncipaUf.^ was only two courses open; : onestò; r . , noti ngj the 'datejinjwh ich^the^were; avel-been^known srn-.the rgtate;o& ^a^|PB,i^^^te^f ^Jn^f^^iSfconsidered.r - *.Mrs .iFosbery,' -in^ sub"-àccépt'ànd'th; è other to fe'quirethat"| tate boom.- --The citizens .of Nara-. caseWashingtona re . Somn ed years;;ago one* BlowraB,givJng/Amer: ^mittingvthetrepor t ,bf her-; sub-enm- cashedj^the treasurer: made re^ly;,to- oE in the the teacher, remaihiuntili'theiend of Ss a the. charge; that? the; teachers^salarmatdy received over $100,0(fo last XT PP^ ? | ^-'strict'south torsi an unfairfurthe advantagr cone; rnittee - V- said" 'that/in' view of/the cheques were;held ^rundulyUoibgibevparfn- f their fruit * croò ,-and^as Nejv Westminster,, and-if is re- prairie markets,. fact that a' new schdol buildingthè" term . Hi was 6orry for the ZSSSSSW P«ted to.yi m»kin? hw-j* ^^2," IfThfÎZ3 would have to be provided inpupil thse that; rthe" work-;;should be in- / fore being issued, and gave,the-fol.bearing- ' age, • succeeding years near future, she ; personally: favoredterrupted, , but if the teacher- wass^ lowing dates'.'January 17,; Marchshould! . see the doubling an•d fatalitin"tre Manitob•y is..vera yan dgreat Saskachewan..Th, being e tosom thee satisfactioincrease nin ofrate- sth ema thboarye dnew.schoo l site as the placforcee idn to stay oh'it might -be just and 28, May. 6 and 21, July-5bling, of this figure. ' . ' 90 per cent., there being nd'medibe -justly, due to the expresswhic comh• to erect a monument bearinàs bagd for them. Mrv Garnett '• August 9th and 30th, Octobe; r 29th, cinal treatment of much abouuse.t .Drpanies"tha!t , some;any 'increas increasee wilin lrate provse a •••-•Novemher-:29th^Be^mber'20tK;^'^i Chester reported that a serum.hahandicad p _to the fruit and vegetablthee name s of our fallen heroes.though .If t it would not be good busi• A request from R. R. Chew thaVerty deep sympathy .is expressebeen-developed d that has reducedbusiness the I* "while any such sweepintheg park is selected as the sitnese ssh eto> require him to stay, and theirrigation flume from the south for R. J. McDougall, editor of the mortality about one half, and when advances as are•would\eliminat asked fore b yth eth proposee d clocsecondek d the motion accepting the main to hilost lobte bgivee given .n attentio ^attention n Penticton Herald,-, in. the loss of; his used as a'vaccine has conferred'im- express companiefroms thwoule dtower be .nothin Herg comm i resignation.ttee . . . wife, who passed away suddenly munity. The disease is caused by sh)rt of disastrous, apparently "was, sympathetic to thJJ.e• Tait asked-if the letter from was referred to the water commit• v park.idea. . the principal had been answered, tee. Mr Chew reported thatlast'wee he k following an operation;for th^ Bacterium Bovlsepticum.- Sir Henry Drayton, chairmaApublin ofc building in'close proxan d was informed that it had hot, had suffered loss to hay; and peritonitisother , at the age of 28 years. Dr Paxton took away with him the Dominion Boarimitd yof t oRailwa the yBan k of MontreaMl r Marshall explaining that thè ; ; crops through excessive leakage.Besid e the bereaved husband there specimens'of the organs of the dead Commissioners, - presidewhicdh a woult thid sprovid e for a libraryboard, had overlooked instructing A by-law authorizing the borare• left,two young children, a girl cows to be analyzed. meeting, and. associateda witreadinh ghim roo m for adults, anthde a secretar y to make reply. Mr rowing against 1919 taxes of $8;00of.seve0 n and a boy of five. Mr An official of the Experimental was Dr G. G. Rutherfordsecond, latelreadingy , room for childrenTai,t expressed himself in favor of was given the required three reatimeMcDougald, bult arrivewasd in oh Victori Fridaay aaccomt the• Farm at Agassiz says that haemorr- appointed as membeanrd ofa ,thmen'e Cosm clu b rbonv Witraisinh nng the principal's salary, pro• ings at Monday's meeting andpanie wasd b: y Mr W. A. McKenziohagi, c septicaemia seems to be oh mission. office for an attendant was proposevidedd he would take on more of the finally considered and npproved",at a d hat ifc by the library sub committee,teachin of g and rearrange the work so a special meeting held on WednesM.L.A,? , the funeral, being heldboLhr S J J \^te the express companies were welwhicl h Mrs Bentley was chairmaasn t o saver the salary of the addi- <' day, and the chairman of thetha fin•t afternoon. Mr McDougall'P^b^thats Ti may occur in the represented/there, being present' tlonal teacher recently added to the ance committee and- treasurer wernewspapee r col leagues i n the OkanaOkonngan• . It appeared in some Hon. F. H. Phippen, K C Thcounsoe soldieri s would be givenstaf liffe an d to leave the "domestic sci• ; authorized to make the necessargany and elsewhere in this provincemSs', ^^mm*™ ?rthe Express &toSo^,estimat .e of-the cost of such a builencde room free for the purpose for will unite in their desire to lighte/n^ arrangements with the bank, his sorrow in his hour of sad and Ing was from seven to eight whicthouh it was intended. He said : Offering to take the best.advan« sand dollars. the new principal must be given - 1 itage of weather and of the condlsuddefn bereavement. < known ^andrecoghized in Europe T.:^ -Speaking for the, park committetoe understand -that ho ; must take tlon of the road surface of the lake- for-forty years, and for a some- and • Kenerni manager Domnfnn on more work, Mr Tait thought it \i \\l**AA Mr R, ,H; Helmer presented a very shore drive including Shaughnessy" AlttMAM w^lesser.period in>t full report, together with a plawans very unfortunatb,that Principal Avenue, W. Watson suggested that VemOn WOUICI muf: ^lii^^^^^^ 1 flet nB,do the - Burr, traffic manager, Dominioproposen d for improving! the parLeeks was - resigning as, he believed he bo given permission to put that iw3?!t ^ , 1 . theory Express Company; R. Holme suS ha was a good teacher. road in better condition, HIb sug• Consolidate Taxes S-'«nflS£ff^ erintendent Domlnio^ExS S (Continued on Pago G). gestion met with approval, and Mr oi iniluonza. The inference was Vancouver. " • 'Aftor some further discussion in ; Wntson was instructed to proceed perhaps not,unreasonable when cat- Mr G, E, Mcintosh Domlnihn which the' opinion was expressed by An important resolution dealing Mr Marshall that it was impossible : with the work whenever condition.»s tra;™r¿rr0r»= tie died during the epidemic among transportationfofli^ Goes were favorable, He proposes usinwags paBBod by the Vernon cityo rcou thne symptoms similar. for any tenchei' to succeed In school Tho fact that Borne of the locadocumentl s showing that tho pro• To B.C. Farmer work-and carry on outside busIneBB,/ ,n drag. .. ell last Monday night. cattlo that Boomed to be affecteposedd increase in oxpresB rates on tho motion was put to a vote, there It was resolved that applicatiowitnh tho disease did not die less.thawns n carload lots run from> 12 JW , E. McToggart, who onlbeiny ng two votes for Its occeptnnco, Expressions of disapproval of thboe made to tho legislature tomatte hnvro of much'surprise to thet oex •186 por cent. In car lots thfowo adweek• B ago returned from huovert -no expression when nays woro apparent dlenoBltlon of some clti-trie Municipal Act amended so portsthat, '. . vance ..In tariffs runs UP to asonss hig, hha s become editor and manacalled• for. zens to soil or, lease lands to alOrienl arrear• s may bo consolidated and as in some Instances 142 perge centr of. The FarmM-r Marshall mado tho suggestion tals wore hoard at Monday's counciprovisiol n mado whereby delinquent Ho mado comparisons of .Americaor.n Befor e leaving for overseas thaMrt In order to mnko up for lost meeting, Jt Is apparent that ifta ixt payers can repay tho Bamo inlRr1KLUn XKU pROÇW ÇWUKR WORKk " FWnÇ were within the power of the fivecoun• yearly InBtalments of oncflfth MVb.tarlflVwit h these proposod ratesMeTaggnr, t was with The Groitimno thoro Bhould bo no Enstor cil to do so tho council wouldeac makeh .year' , conditional upon full showing that tho Unied StatoaGrowers rate ' Guide, of Winnipeg, thvncntloe n olhpr than Good Friday it illegal to soU'orloaBO to'Orienpaymen• t of onch.yonr'a current At a recent mooting of tho waSums •very much, lower. For instanceofficia,l organ of thd»organizod farman-d Easter Monday. No action was tals. Reovo Simpson said on Montaxes•, Failure, In any year to makmerlane d Branch of tho Okanagahon pointed out, tho rato froorme of tho prairies, and provloutoken,s to. Ambulance Longuont which thNorto Vh Ynlcimn to Winnipeg thawast was Fruit Markets CommisM• r Tait, a now member on the day that If there wob no checkoltho onr of these'payments would forpolic-y for tho future was discussed$2,80, , while from Kolownn tosione r with tho British Columbibearda , made Inquiry of tho refer• this movement pooplo of Britishfol t tho taxpayer's right to thoit apo wa-s decided to discontinue WInnlpog,fur- * a ahortor haul byGovornmont 8G4 . During that timo hencoe mado In Prlnclpnl Loos' letter cltlzonhood would bo moving daoult consideration provided, mil'oR, tho proposod rato was $4.80.did -much to further tho marketinto gth o director of manual training faster than they wore coming in. thor regular meetings, tho noodDurln for g tho afternoon Mr Winsloofw Britis h Columbia fruit on thtnklne g on outside work, Ho was A recommendation from tho roads the work which has been "carriecallod don mnn y wltnosBOB to support his commlttoo that a horoc which thPentictoo n has virtually boon pronot- now. existing, Provision wabrlofs , Among thorn woro H,prairi A, e provinces. While connectedInforme d that thfo had boon put municipality hnB'been using bmlBuo d a grnnt of $1,000 frommad thoo for the disposal of tho McNnughtonmote- , mnnngor of tho Gorwit«h tho government Mr McTnlioforg o tho board lnflt yoar and that bought from tho owner, H, Dunsprovinc- o to bo oxponded in thlao! roBtll- l on hand, It was agreedodn Head F.G.A.; Thoo. Cathorgnr-t established tho Agriculturathlo momborB who woro then on the pair of its principal Bt;root,, ,Thotha4t tho members bo naked to con , Journal, and fnthorod tho deparboart d woro entirely satisfied with don, for $200 wob adopted. i romuindor of., tho cost will botribut paido ton cents por month ton wood; O. E, Bnrnoa of mentaWnlhachlnl mngazln, o through Its earlMry Bnkor nnd hla work, nnd be- Tho flnnnco commlttoInauranco recomo I• by tho council, and tho job will bo knowlodgo ofHovfi d ho wna carrying out tho con• mended renewal of I fund for : tho bonofit of prisonora, of.' president of the ,U.C. .» Frui monthst Grow, Hi-s wldo ditions of his contract, on the powor houoo, and1 thnplacet thde under the care of "Provinciawar."l- ;

THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW Friday, February 21 PAGE TWO SOLDIERS AS TEACHERS. ' Cije &ummerlant» &etrieto RETURNED MEN are being encouraged by the Minister of Edu• SUMMERLAND FRUIT UNION Published by THE REVIEW: PRINTING & PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED, cation for Alberta to become school teachers. Considerable success is RALPH E. WHITE, MANAGING DlttEOTOR apparently attending the" plan, for although the announcement of the SUBSCRIPTION RAIES : 12.00 PER YEAR. IN ADVANCE. SIX MONTHS $1.00. special conditions offered was made biit a week. before the opening of NOMINATIONS for DIRECTORS for the Year the present session of the Alberta Normal Schools, twelve men were en• 1919-20. should be in the hands of the Secretary Advertising Rates: rolled. By the Alberta plan men returning from overseas are-relieved; Eight Genta per line for each sub- LEGAL NOTICES.—Twelve Cents per Une for the first insertion i all fees while in training, are granted certain concessions in the mat• by the 27th inst. sequent insertion. ' LAND NOTICES.—$7.00 for 60 days, $6.00 for 30 days. ter ;of admission requirements,' and receive from the government loans ~" ' T. G. BEAVIS,. WATER NOTICES.-30 days, 150 words and under, $8.00; each additional 50 words, $1.00. of money sufficient to enable them, to complete courses at the Normal Secretary -Treasurer. THEATRICAL. ETC.—60c. per inch for first Insertion, and 25c per inch each subsequent insertionSchools. . * ' LOCAL NOTICES or Readers. Immediately following regular locals, 20c per counted line; 10c per " ' • line each subsequent insertion.. Half these rates when accompanying display advertisements LODGE NOTICSS Etc.. 25c. per week, per column inch. - FOR SALE Advertisements, Etc., 2c. per word first week; lc. per word each subsequent week. False Reports have been circulated to the effect that Transient Advertisements payable In advance. »...•• ^ we had gone out of business: These-were not true. Rates for Contract Advertisements furnished on application. Weather Report. ...We have^ the finest possible stocks of Nursery Trees' Copy for change of contract advertising must be in the hands of the printer not later than Tues• -anti Plants for 1919 Planting; day noon to insure publication in the next issue. ' Abstract from weather records for January, 1919, k kept at the FRIDAY; FEBRUARY 21. 1919. .Government Station, Baleomo Ranch, Summerland, B.C:. If You Want Trees This Spring,

FARMERS PAYING PENALTY. • Jan: Maximum Minimum Sunshine Total Don't Delay Ordering hr: min. Rain Snow HOW MUCH DO OUR FRUIT GROWERS lose every year because Ins." 1919 of the present condition of our roads? This would not be as hard a '21.0 '::\::''3.0 Ó.00 Fill up the gaps with.our Sound and Hardy Stock. question to answer as it might appear nor the question: how much '22.0 -''--W9.O. •• •• 3.54 ••••.'•.--•'-:8-:"; -.': " 25.0 -, 10.0 5.54 We have all the Standard Varieties.—Amongst them are: would our fruit growers and citizens generally be "in pocket" by a ^:4'. ••-' - 21.0 • 7.0 '2.12 wise expenditure on road improvement? Until we have better road y';-^. 5 22.0 7.0 • . 5.42 i''--:'.':,":-:.'. APPLES. Rome Beauty _ . PEARS. Plums ' 6 ".:-.' 27.0 . 10.0 0.00 . the waste will continue to total a surprisingly large sum. Here is what Duchess Spitz Bartlett J Peaches . './.V7,v. 27.0 13.0 ' 0.00 • Apricots a road engineer writing in Collier's Weekly says: 8 Iß 26.0 .11.0 3.42 - Cox' Orange - Winesap'', •Flemish Beauty: •••y-'^.9 25.0 10.0 0.30«e ;'.'"..;.%:--.' Gravenstein : Wagner- Anjou Grapes "Why, do you know, that the United States has been paying a 10 37.0 ' •15.0 2.36 • Mcintosh Banana Rasps penalty of more than $504,000.000 a year in the excessive cost of the 31.0 20.0 0.00 2:00 -0.20 Wealthy Newtown' •- ' CHERRIES. Currants ' ••-¿-12 •;•'-.:' 32.0 '22.0 '-'•:. 2.12 v.o. 20 0.02 - : transportation alone of our argicultural products from farm to market 13 39.0 . 21.0 1.06 Delicious Bing Gooseberries 0.00 '• Strawberries simply because of its neglect of the highways? This estimate was made 14' : 40.0 . 35.0 Grimes Golden CRABS. Lambert -n . 15 42.0 '28.0 2.18 1 Rhubarb in 1914 by the joint committee on federal aid in,the construction of post Jonathan ' Royal Anne 16 40.0 22.0 0.00 1.50 0.15 Spy' Hyslop Roses roads, Sixty-third Congress. 17 41.0 30.0 0.24 .>?-''.:'"-• 18 , . 43.0 35.0 0.00 xyf-'- "Att that time the gross tonnage estimated to be hauled over the 19 40.0 . 33.0 • 0.00 0.2Ó 0.20 highways for that year was 700,000,000. The cost of hauling over th 20 36.0 • .25.0 ß 3.42 21 39.0 ' 25.0 6.12 - average unimproved roads was about 21 cents per ton mile, and the cost 22 • 39.0 30.0 0.00 4.00~ 0.40 Riverside Nurseries over improved roads 13 cents per ton mile, making a saving of ,8 cents • 23 . 43.0 ' - 30.0 4.12 24 38.0 25.0 2.54 .:':f: Agent: S F. SHARP, Grand Forks, B.C. per -ton mile. The average haul was about 9 miles, making a gross 25 ' 38.0' ' ' 31.0 0.18 0.50 0.05 'Phone .791. - " r ' - 30-31 saving on the transportation over improved roads of 72 cents per ton 26 39.0 , „ 24.0 5.00 -27 40.0" 26.0 0.00 - !'•:... This multiplied by the gross tonnage gives the $504,000,000 saving.'; 28 46.0 . ' 35.0 5.00 "At the present time it has been estimated that the quantity b 29 36.0 . 27.0 *. 6.30 80 ' . 34.0 19.0 0.42 goods hauled over the roads is something in excess of 1,000,000,000 ' 31 - . 35.0 '26.0 0.12 ' il"-':' •>-"?'': tons, and that the saving effected" by improved roads would be from - ";vv>;::--jli

$750,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 annually. : rages ) 1919 34.32 ' 21.84 . 65.12 '•' 0.20' '8.20 1.02 and V • OUR ROADS. _ otals ' ) 1918 . 32.45 •21.32 .54.18. .0.05 11.70 1 1.37 THE PLAN PROPOSED at a recent meeting-in .to pro vide a fund for road work in this district may perhaps be open to some "What is the plural of man, Wil• criticism, but it at least indicates that public attention is very point- \lie? " asked the ."teacher of a small NOTICE edly directed towards the necessity of bringing about an immediate pupil. • betterment of conditions regarding our highways. "Men," answered Willie. TENDERS '- When the present Provincial Government went, into office they . "And-the^plural of child?" ..." To have Your Own Private "Twins,'.'.-j,was,-^he unexpected FOR wereUeft a handsome legacy by their predecessors in the shape of ,: or Business Stationery** . . reply. - - >?' ,\ t~ good roads. • The highways of the province were one of our; chief REMOVAL of BRIDGE :Qid You ever figure how much "assets, and were the subject of favorable comment from^all visitors. per hundred sheets thé ordinary . The former Minister-of Works had well won for himself the title of Writing Pad costs ? — If not, ' T,- •'.: -WE. PRINT-'. TENDERS will be received, by -just try it. "Good Roads Taylor," and in every section of this district our avenues the undersigned District Engineer I of traffic were in tip-top shape. But in these days compliments have up till the hour of four (4) p.m. on I We can supply you with full- given place to reproaches, and from one end of the country to the other WEDDING March 8th 1919 at the District En• size Letter - Paper with your complaints are heard regarding the state of disrepair .into which our gineer's Office^ Penticton; for tak• Business or Ranch name and ing down the old Copper Mountain | roads have fallen during the past two or three years. Appropriations and; other Bridge, including substructure, address oh it for 65c. and 75c. tor road work have been cut down to almost the vanishing point, and per hundred in lots of 1000; ] piers; etc., which has recently been local superintendents have been at their wits' ends in their futile efforts Society • replaced by a new structure. The and less in larger lots. Small to, spread their thin allowances over areas that callfor ten times .the successful tenderer is to keep all | extra charge if padded, Give amount of money at their disposal. The 'government's plea that econ• Printing material taken from the old Bridge, us a trial order NOW. omy must be exercised in ajl departments is given as an excuse for this except the iron, which is to be I neglect.of essential work, but it is received with scant patience by the as good as the best, piled where directed by the General and our prices Foreman for theDistrict. Any suffering public. , are right further particulars can be obtained Now that the question of providing employment for returned sol• from Mr Finley Fraser, General I Job Printing diers has become a burning issue, it is high time that the provincial Foreman, Hedley, or at the office The Review Department. authorities effected a change of policy in this matter, If necessary road Why Buy Elsewhere ? of the undersigned. The lowest or any other tender will not neces• work cannot be provided for from current revenue there is all the more sarily be accepted. - , force in the plan advanced at the Kelowna meeting. An easy solution W. K. GWYER, of the problem would be in a loan to be floatedb y the province for this The REVIEW District Engineer. particular wprk, and with the experience of the Victory Bond campaign Job Printing Department Penticton, B.C; - in sight, it might be worth while to consider the advisability of offering Feb." 17th, 1919. Buch debentues to the pe"bple of British Columbia.—-Vernon News.

FOR THE KNOCKERS A New Stock THE IDAHO SPRINGS SIFTINGS-NEWS of recent issue contained an editorial which, especially the, Becond and third parargaphs, is so OF applicable ^0 the Okanngan towns in which The Review circulates, that we publish the editorial here in full: " Pruning Shears just arrived Every Citizen of Summerland and vicinity is invited to "We do not say it with a desire to injure the feelings of any par• attend the Adjourned Public Meeting , At $2.75, 3.25 and $6.00 ticular person in Idaho Springs, but we feel the majority of our people to be held in the ^ • also ' are agreed that there is a tendency on the part of a few hero to find Pruners, "Walters." fault with every public proposition that íb brought forward, to "knock" every needed improvement. It is not only in Idaho Springs that this Is Parish Hall, Wednesday, Feb. 26th 10-ft, long $2.35. Other makes with 30-in, true, for every town has one or more people of this'class, But wo are at ,8 p.m. —'- handles at $2.25, $3,25 and $6.75. concerned with our own town solely, and wo do nob care how many When the Report of the Committee appointed to inves• knockers other towns havo, we want to get; rid of ours. "Feltol" ^ "As good a place to llvo in ns wo have hero it could and would havo tigate the several propositions, advanced ât the Meeting boon bettor if the knockers had not crept in. No man or set of men can held Feb. 5th for a MEMORIAL to our Fallen Heroes A Floor Covering in various patterns- hope to run tho town to suit everybody, but wo bollovo all of thorn who will be received, and acted upon. light, medium and dark shades at havo any any in public matters are doing their best to mnko this n $1.12& per square yard. bigger and bettor town, Thoy aro apt to mnko mistakes, Thoy wouldn't bo human If thoy didn't. But tho bost way to holp them pro New Samples of 20th Century vent mistakes is to aid thorn when thoy nro trying to aid you, „ "If you boo something about town that needs attention, don't go Clothing off saying "Tho town oiilcials are not doing their duty." Call thoir Come in and select your SPRING SUIT. attention to it and offer suggestions. Holp thorn all you can, for you nro helping yoursolf nt tho samo timo, Wo havo a wholo lot of room hero for tho man who boosts, But thoro Isn't a foot of ground on which Penticton steam Laundry Congoleum Rugs tho knockor or fnult-flndor should find a wolcomo"rn this community," 1\ X 9 9x9 9 X 10J 9 X 12 $15.00 $17,50 $20,00 $22.50 DAYLIGHT SAVING is practically cortaln to bo renewed for tho t.*h. Riley » summerland agent corning season when pnrllamont moets, When tho plan was inaugurated Inst year considerable opposition wob reported, farmers probably putting up tho moBt serious opposition, An Ottawa report states that opposition Summerland Supply Compy. this year is very slight, much loss than beforo daylight saving wbb given Summerland and West Summerland. atrial.

< Friday, February 21 THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW Page Three

to. for a price not less than one set present some of the Reserves are Says Local Correspondence. with nothing accomplished. Fraser River Route by the government from the advice too small to range their stock. This Yours truly, Merchants Have of the Indian Agent and Inspector a question for the Ranger to de• The Columns of THE REVIEW are open to cide. , WM. BRENT. (Merritt Herald.), the public for the discussion of matters of gen•of different locations. Half of the eral interest. No .notice can bo taken of anonysal• e money going to the owner, or West Summerland, B.C., Word has been received in Kam- The Control. mous communications. Letters intended.for in• Though I would like to. help all sertion must be authenticated• by the name antheid r heirs and the other half held returned soldiers it does seem that Feb. 15th, .1919. loops and Merritt to the effect that address of the writer, not necessarily for publica• n trust by the government for a the Dominion Government has de• Eastern mail order houses have tion.The opinions of correspondents "are not the ones who formerly made their necessarily those of the Review.-:-. !!,;•-; period of twenty years or until the homes in the different localities cided definitely in favor of the obtained a killing grip on many party or parties become capable of should have the first consideration; Thompson-Fraser river route for the western communities. Some of tfEISlTS EXPROPRIATION.OF INDIAN self support. No taxes to be paid and a great many of them have these unfortunate centres are to be 1 building of trie "connecting link"! till then.- The interest of the trust PROMPTLY SECURED! found in this fair Okanagan. The RESERVES, • not yet returned. Though there in the great Interprovincial High• fund to be paid to the owner or his In all countries.- Ask for our INVEN• situation is.not a hopeless one, but seems to be lots of time we should -way .that has been under considera• heirs twice a year. I understand at TOR'S ADVISER.whlch will be sent free. t requires courage and persever• The Editor, Summerland Review. not be found stalling, and a year MARION & MARION, tion for several years, and that sell'dirrent their lands who wishes from now still stalling asat present work 1 on the - construction of thisanc e on the part of those citizens of Dear Sir, 364 University St.. Montreal. highway will be commenced this these communities upon whom the T would like to express my-views year. This is good news to Interior responsibility chiefly rests. A pion• on the question as it has been for sections of British- Columbia, and eer of this province who has an ex• time immemorial a,;, wild crySfrom crowns with success the efforts of cellent grasp of. the mercantile situ• any member of the. government-or New Prices those hard-working men who have ation interestingly comments on this opposition who wishes to become been giving much time and atten • question as follows: , - famous, yet give no solution t&^the ON Mclaughlin tion-4:o this important matter. In The eastern department stores are question. - ;n r this connection it is no more than starting on their spring campaign.' Sfrange. as" it may seem, but just that the people of Merritt and As they cannot for love or money nevertheless true, the Indians of Flour, Feed, the Nicola Valley should recognize get their advertisements in the the Pr ovi nee of Bri tish 'Columbia -the credit that is due to the untir country papers they resort exclus• have never really signed awaytheir ; Grains, &c. ing efforts. of trie members of "the ively to catalogues. . , They reach rights to any of the lands of this Kamloops Chamber of Commerce ths people, and many of those province, and in any of - our laws who throughout the last year have people- are buying goods ranging made for and provided the present • February 6th, 1919. given the question so-much study from baby socks to ice chests. Why reserves are only the Camping and effort. . -. - is this business growing? It is not Grounds for the different-tribes so much due to the claim that the So, therefore, to proceed, laws . lbs. price goods-^can be purchased cheaper, should be passed at once toxlear WHEAT 100 4.50 for when all things are taken into; Horticulture Board the titles on the lands outside of CORN Í00 4:50 consideration,; quality, express, op• the present Camping Grounds Canada's Finest Car To Be Reformed. portunity of seeing what you buy, Then pass another, law granting a OAT GROATS 100 3.85 and the benefits derived by the con• clear title of the Camping Ground BRAN 100 2.15 1919 Models Now Ready. The product is limited. Order early. tributions made by the local mer• to the occupants. Then survey the New Board to be Composed chant for the betterment of the Camping Grounds according to~the SHORTS .100 2.25 community, and the further fact of Heads of Agricultural fields.- Then issue a-clear title to that your dollar' never, comes back; BARLEY CHOP 100 3.35 everyone of the -occupants for Departments. the advantage rests with the home- FLATTENED OATS 100 3.35 CHEVROLET purchased' goods. The" questionJs home place for :raising:;grain;anci WHOLE OATS 100 3.25 490 — BABY GRAND an easy one. The department stores other produce and a sufficien and ' Victoria.—A change in the organ• amount of range adjoining :_or sep ization of the provincial machinery believe in advertising, hot once in OAT FEED 100 1.80 a while but all the time. They un• arate to range their stock with for supervising horticulture in the water, the Chief Ran DAIRY CHOP 100 2.55 Province of , British Columbia is to derstand human nature, and. fully ger.'s advice, as worked out in the SCRATCH FEED .. 100' '4.55 be madel in an "amending act to be realize that if they are to sell their Summerland Garage goods they must let thè State of- Washington. - Then let brought before the Legislature. people I each and every owner or their heirs OYSTER SHELL . 100 3.00 Under.the old system a board was know about them. If every mer• chant in the country towns would ROLLED OATS 20 1.50 formed of prominent horticulturists x represening different parts of the give close attention to his advertis• FLOUR 49 3.00 ing, following it up as he does the province, these • members being HAY ton .40.00 nominated ' by ' the government other his store, the eastern ' department store would Home Seekers Since then the department of agri soon cease to be a menace to local culture has acquired; alarge I represent Leading Companies R. H. ENGLISH, Proprietor. II, A. ALLISON. Calgary RENE T. LECLERC, Monlnal Phone 322 HON. GEO. A. BELL, Reglna SIR J. DOUGLAS HAZEN. 8t lete JOHN GALT, Wlnnlpea W. A, DUCK, Halifax • .. Office-West Summerland W. C. Kelley. GEO. M. REID, London HON.MURDOCKMeKINNON.CkarlotUtawn

West Summerland Garage For Informationj REGARDING Corporation of the District of War-Savings Stamps Summerland. FORD CARS, ADDRESS NEAREST OFFICE

NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting DRITIS1LC0LUMDIA . . . . Roam 015«pfl!lUi|Bat1.1a|, VaKOWir of the Court of Revision for the purpose of hearing Trucks and Parts ALBERTA . 218a 8tU Avtnne Wait, Calgary| 742 Te|l«r Dialldimi, Edaanten any complaints against the Assessment Roll f pr the SASKATCHEWAN 803 McCtllum-IIIII BaiMbf, Rfflu SOI Elielrle Railway Cliaabiri, Wlaalpig year 1919 of the Municipality of Summerland, B.C. Qeneral Auto Repairs. MANITOBA .... . THUNDER DAY ... . Ream 410 Grata Exckaiii, Feri WüIUh, Oat. will be held in the Municipal Office, West Summer- WESTERN ONTARIO . . . . SOI Ricamali! Streit, Luaei, Oat. land, on Monday, March 10th1/1919, at Ten o'clock CENTRAL ONTARIO . . » . . » • ÜITtraateStaoat, Tarlato in the forenoon, Tires, Batteries, Grease, Motor Oils EASTERN ONTARIO . . . . • . . Viciarla Maleva, Ottawa . ... 100 St. Jiwi Streit, Meatnil All appeals, stating ground of appeal, must be "Best money will buy." QUEBEC NEW BRUNSWICK ...... 80 Prlace William Stoat, St. Mb made in writing to the Assessor at least ten days NOVA SCOTIA .... . Metropoli Ballaiaf, lUUii Stoet, Halifax previous to the first sitting of the Court. Give tlio old tiro pump a mat, l&" Uho our PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. . . . Pmiadal BalUlBf, CVarlattitiwa nid to VSecritary|Ww^avlii«iC«maalttee.

Wont Summorland, B.O., \'M , O.H.M.S. and markedo >n envelop* "O.H.M.5," require no poatage. February 3rd, 1010, Municipal Clerk „ FREE AIR 37 THE SUMMERLAND. REVIEW Friday, February 21 Page Four regained his usual health and phy• are glad to learn that he has receiv• the transaction of business^a'dainty sique.- He also states that Arthur ed his final discharge, even if he lunch was served consisting of Peachland Doings is in good form, but no definite did have more or- less trouble to get pineapple salad wi th bread : and A Weekly Chronicle Furnished - word of his returning. it without waiting too long for it'. butter, coffee and heart-shaped cook• " There's the 'Phone !" By Our Local Representative. Since receiving his discharge he has ies and cake. A hearty vote pf There was a meeting of the mem• spent a, short time visiting across thanks was tendered the ladies of bers of the Presbyterian Church the line. the executive and the waitresses for Mr G. Keyes and Mrs G. B their kindness in providing such an Phillips with two of the children held in the church" on Thursday night of last week. Mr J. E. Kerr arrived home from enjoyable afternoon. Owing to the motored to Summerland on Wed Penticton by Monday morning's increase of membership, Mrs R. E nesday of last week where' Mrs Mr and Mrs A. W. Miller were boat." ' ' . , - ' Taylor was added to the directorate; Phillips is since visiting friends passengers to Kelowna on Friday of A motion was. carried at this meet' there. Mr Keyes returned the same last week, returning the same Mr; S. H. Murdin and. famijyfare ing to the effect that the ladies of day. " , evening. enjoying a visit from an old chum the Institute give an Irish supper Promptness in answering the tele• of Mr Murdin of former days on on the 17th of March, the proceeds What is one's loss is •often Mr Nicholson, of Victoria, B.C. the prairie, in the person of Col. phone is a mark of courtesy "shown the another's gain, and we are inclined to go to the Institute funds in'the* spent a few days in town last week P. Bowen, who arrived on Monday mean time, later used for the caller. - It is also a help to the operator, - to feel that,, in regard.,to"a good ; making an inspection of the light night to spend fa few days here'. Memorial Fund if needed; • for it enables her to complete the call milk cow which left here on'Wed house on Squally. Point. The light Col .Bowen has~.'seen;- much ser v i ce nesday of last week to take'up its has not been working satisfactorily overseas'and has also experienced a and to giveher attention toothers. new home in Summerland. "^Mr'S of late, and while here Mr Nichol• good share of suffering, -having Twenty-four gallons 'of-, oil from H. Murdin sold one of the fine cows son was able to locate the trouble been badly gassed^ ; -• :; the liver of one shark is said to Telephone" calls should be answered which he brought from .Chilliwack and arrange [for thenecessary re- .have been obtained by a fisherman promptly, forsometimes the calling per• some time ago, to*Mr J:'- Campbell pair Mr and • Mrs A. Town were pas• who captured the shark in the of Summerlar^d. sengers to Kelowna on Tuesday, re• Straits of Georgia.' It was a huge son does not waiCahd "hangsup." If- Mr and Mrs G. Keyes,- accompan• turning in the evening. specimen of the greyshark, or man An old timer in the person of Mr ied by MrçsL. D. and Mr H. E. Mc this" happens thé' subscriber who has The Ambulance. League met-on eater, measuring;"fourteen feet six James Silver, passed through town Call, motored-to Penticton on Fri-. inches. \ -i .i^'-'r.'. } v been called should not blame the on Wednesday of last week on his day of last week'to attend the fun Tuesday afternoon, and we under way to Periticton, where-he had stand that this was" a final meeting operator. " - ' - '. , N era] of the late Mrs.R. J. McDou- been-called owing to the illness of gall, which was held at two"o'clock for the purpose of winding upall Aunt — " Yes, - Jehriny.* Santa Your co-operàtion is required for his daughter, Mrs R. J. McDou in the afternoon. • work possible and making arrange• Claus brought you a baby brother; ' gall; It was a severe shock to him ments for the sending into head• Johnny—" Great ' Scott! Another efficient service. 1 on arriving in Penticton to find Mr J. McKinrion returned home quarters of everything on;hand. A present that ain't any use!" that the one he was hurrying to see on Friday evening's boat of last ten cent [tea was served which had passed away during the after week from a short trip up the lake. brought'in about $2. ^ noon of the same day. She had W ANTED been ill only a very short time, and Mr R. E. Law and family were MrsEstabrook, Sr., was a passen• her death came as a great shock to passengers to Penticton on Friday ger to .Summerland on Tuesday, night, where they went to visit Mr- night where she expects to remain her' many frjends not" only in her Pr op ertyr - home town, but as well "here, in Law's brother Everett of the Pen• for a few,days before returning to. Peachland where • she spent a.pqr ticton Herald staff and his wife. Peachland. . •" that can show fair return The; children returned on Monday tion of her earHer . life,iiwhere her The bank safe arrived on Tuesday- - on Investment'to" Sell." ' Summerland Telephone Co. morningto'resume their school at• 1 bright sunny nature: won "for; her night's boat, which looks like busi• - - . Limited. many true friends.. Her sorrowing tendance, ; but .Mr Law remained: overa few days. ness in the bank prospects for-Peach- husband has the" deep sympathy: of 1 andThere has not been much W. J. ROBINSON his many friends here, he having 64 REVIEW; 9J Passengers to Kelowna on Satur• progress in the matter of the fitting REAL ESTATE &~INSURANCE VISITING thick LINEN ^Fabric also made this his home town for up -of the building this week; ow• a time. day .last "were Mrs Sanderson and — Latest-^. Stytoh' -- Aittotic — Offices. Master Billy; Mrs A. Smalls; Fran• ing to lack of confirmation of work Summerland B.C. CARDS Mr and Mrs Kitson of Harrogate, cis; Robinson and Mr R.. J. Hogg,1 to be done, but it will probably be England, were visitors to town-last all returning in the'evening. hurried through, nowT week, and. while here were "guests Mrs Hendrickson, who has been at the Edgewater Inn. They left Engineer" Groves is a visitor in | in Penticton for some time with on Thursday morning's boat. town again this week. her mother, arrived home' on Satur- The regular monthly meeting of After spending a short time in daymorning last. ~ She reports her mother doing favorably. She re• the ; VVomen's Institute was held in. Kelowna, Mrs C. Aitkens returned, the "school- room ofr- the. Baptist to her home here on Wednesday turned - to Penticton on' Monday night last. " ";« Church . on the 14th inst, forty-six night of last week. members being "present. The ex• , Mr Iverson~bf Trepanier, return-' Mr A. J.. Miller was a passenger ecutive - had planned a surprise-for ed home on Wednesday night pf last tov Summerland on Saturday night the members in the form;of a-Val-: week from Bear. Greek, where he I last, auto oh Sunday. enti ne tea;. .The room was prettily, has been for; some time cutting decoratedwith hearts -arid stream-, timber for;the Kelowna saw-mill, Mrs N. S. Davidson of Trepanier ersj^and the ladies of the executive, is spending a,3hort'time in Pentic• wore.white dresses with*red heart^ After getting Mr Powell's new ton visiting friends,' "• She_ went MpHIS is--an important hour fpr^^C^^ shaped aprons and caps. vvOn enter• sawing outfit into - action at the | down last^Saurday night, ing each-lady was presented s with a v 1 nation is entering oh a new'era.It is pas^ skidway, Mr Wpodbridge, the Rev. H. D. Riggs'. paid town;his -Valentine qt6:;be r; pinned i on,, .and,. agent, left on Thursday morning'of : wi thin.; -. .the^t waH dai nty--red • helari^ frorn war top^c^ last week. usual-week-end fill the pul• pit for the Baptists; He remained was a clever, witticism to be read in TKere' are thousands of soldiers returning fro-;a over• Mr W. Suddaby and Mrs Suddaby over for a few 'days this week as• answer to the rol 1 ca 11. r This caus• seas. The Government is doing all m its power to returned home on Thursday morn• sisting Mr Keyes with some work ed much.amusement forall." After. get these men. "6aek'to a ing of last week after spending, a at the wood business. - - few days at down-the-lake points. Passengers north on - Monday ir is giviri^^ Mrs Stephens and family went morning were Mrs A. D. Ferguson down to Penticton oh Thursday and Hv Miller, Mrs '.Ferguson to any -other-nation—to; keep the soldier going till ne night of last-week, returning on spend the day in Kelowna and Har• Fire Saturday morning. old goes to the Coast to receive his gets a job. ::, ;",.,;,:..:.v; -j.V..^ ,., final discharge. Of course he did Mr J. E. Kerr and Mr H. Wil It gives .him a ^wnon^where his usefulness is not know how long he would be ab• Pine and Fir — All Lengths Hams were also passengers down sent, but expected not less than impaired by his service. ~ - the lake on Thursday night of last two weeks. li teaches a man week." Mr Kerr went'to Periticton Stove Lengths: ^ "we^;;/r^ when his service

to attend the funeral of the late Tom McLaughlin's smiling face unfits him for his former trade. - : Mrs R. J. McDougall. is to be seen in town again and we $7.00 per Cord, two rks. Delivered. It gives Mrs J..Silver of Vernon passed through on the '' Sicamous " on Prices on other lengths on request ness recurs, and supplies free'artto^^ Thursday night of last week to join Whon in Vancouver put up at surgical appliances. _ . . ; her husband at Penticton for the funeral of their daughter. ~ Hotel ©unsimutr Nippon Wood It is bringing back to Canada at- the public- Vancouver's Newest and soldiers' dependents n^^ Mr Douglas Henderson, at pre• •. ••- most complete Hotel - expense the overseas. sent residing in Sjmmerland In the Contract Co. cottage of his father, Rev. A Hen• 250 ROOMS - 100 with Private Baths. P. 0. Box 2 • West Summerland But the Government, liow- After he has rested, the derson, paid town a visit on Friday c.ver willing, cannot provide 1 morning of last week renewing ac• European Plan $1.00 per day up 20-tf soldier must be provided with quaintances of his former sojourn the personal touch! needed in an opportunity for employ• Eloclvlo Auto Dun Moots nil Boats in our midst before signing up for unci Trains froo, this work of repatriation. ment. In towns of 10,000 service. We are pleased to see and That must be given by the population, Public Employ• hear Mr Honderson say thnt he has Cor. Dunsmuir and Richards Sta. people themselves.'. ment Offices have been estab• tr TIME TABLE lished to help soldiers, as well The men who went from as war-workers, secure good -WESTBOUND - these parts to fight in Fland• Price of * . jobs quickly. "Where these SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY | ers deserve a , real welcome Nursery Stock exist, citizens should co-oper• Butter Fat No, 9, West Summerland - 4.08 a.m., home—the best we can give. Arrivo Vancouvor - 4.00 p.m.. ate. "Where they do not exist, from 1st January,, 1919 We are now taking In most towns committees the citizens themselves should orders for Trees .for r~ E A STBOUND - of, citizens have already been ' help put the soldier in touch Spring Delivery 60 c. per lb. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY | organized to meet the soldiers with employment. . No. 10, West Summorland - 1.00 a.m. and .their dependents at the Riverside Nurseries (Loaves Vancouvor 8 a.m.) station, to provide hot meals, Kelowna Creamery, Limited, T. A, OLIVER, Agent. supply automobiles,': afford O. E. FISHER, Trafflc Manngor, The fighting job is done, It Kelowna. S. F. SHARP .... Agent Ponlloton. temporary accommodation JS11L ao-na * when necessary. has cost many a heart-burn•

. .. • ing. But it has been well CANADIAN In addition, many other done. Tlio least we can do PACIFIC towns are organizing social is to show our appreciation gatherings to give public wel• in no imcertain manner. Building Materials Daily - Except Sunday come to returned men after —BRANCH— they have been homo a Don't let the wclcombdio SOUTH „, . NORTH Wo now lmvo a COMPLKTR STOCK 10. IB Sloamoufl 17.46 few d ays. away with the cheers. ~ of Evorything You Noed In this lino ! 11.20 Enilorby 10.20 11,45 Armstrong 10.00 Pine 12.00 Vornon , 1B.1B and Fir Siding 12,r>G Okunagnn Ltnding 1T>,00 Cedar and Pine Shiplap, ~-Lake~ Trimming "and Finishing 18.15 Okanngan Lniullng 12.00 The Repatriation Committee Material Always :(n Stock. 1B.80 Kolowna 8.1B 1.7.00 Poachland 7. IB 18.00 SUMMERLAND 0.1B OTTAWA Dully Naramatn Dally "Phone 28 10.15 Pont.icton "B.80 WM. RITCHIE. II. W. DltODlH, A, 13. SlIAHPU, O.P.A. Vancouver. Ali ont, Hiimroorlandi I Friday,f February- 21 THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW Page Five

from that man. He told, me I might amount to something,' which ommunity PaSSlhg Events: Social Personal &c was news to me—I had never heard EMPRESS it before; in.any event he gave me ATTRACTIONS alendar of an inspiration to study, so I work• ed, and the more I worked, the Miss Amy Brown left by boat on Capt. Bo wen came in from the Mr and Mrs James Ritchie are more I .realized how valuable it RID AY, Eeb. 21: oming Events Monday morning to return to Tor• Coast last Saturday to make a brief planning to return to Summerland was, which fact I continued to ap• ' ' Ghosts of Yesterday " > onto where she will continue nurs• visit with friends here. with their family to again take up preciate as I grew older. ing. - ) their residence here. Advance notices under this heading will be : I never saw a boy or a man who Featuring NORMO TALMADGE, charged for at two cents a word,'- Minimum Miss E. Braun of Summerland is charge 25c. first insertion. Each repeat one got anywhere if he did not work," ' The Ghosts of Yesterday " will stand; • - . cent a word. Minimum 10 cents. Harold English will, be operated making a short stay in Penticton A big treat is in store for you the test of quality. The cabaret scene went on Mr Beatty. "I know you is a masterpiece. The interior of the on by Capt. HeraldrBfor;some ear as the" guest of Miss Gaube.-r-Pen- next Monday night in Penticton boys have given up a great deal to trouble before he returns- from Van• ticton Herald. artist's home is lavish. This production The citizens of the municipality when Farmer Wood will speak on take on these extra studies^ but you cannot afford to ignore. of Summerland are cordially invit• couver.' Democracy. Admission 50 cents. none of you will ever regret it. As ed by the Home Comfort Club to a By no means fail to hear Farmer Holders of 1918.Chautauqua tickets you grow older you will find the reception in honor of our returned, Farmer. Wood, president Canad• Wood speak on Democracy, in Pen• ree. . ' ' 30 competition between men very keen SATURDAY, Feb. 22: soldiers to be held in Empire Hall; ian Council of Agriculture, wilt ticton, on Feb. 24, Steward's Hall; and he who is fairly well educated " A Mile-a-Minute Kendall " Wednesday, March 4th, ' at 8 speak in Penticton Monday, Feb. 24 •p.m. Admission 50 cents. .30 Geo. F. Stirling, organizer for has a distinct advantage over the J With JACK PICKFORD o'clock. , C30 at 8.00 p.m. j Steward's Hall. Ad- the Federated Labor ' Party, will man who is not. Every boy has mission 50 ¡cents. - - • 30 Dr F. W. Andrew went down to speak - in Campbell's Hall, West some kind of a vague idea'he would Just as swift as the name implies, you; • D. I. class, Tuesday the Coast the first of the week cannot go wrong in seeing this show. Summerland, on Thursday evening, like to be something or other when Also a Breezy Comedy. / 3 next,.8-p.m., in West. Sunimerland Mr and Mrs H. Caricellor, who where he will be operated on by February 27th, at 8 o'clock. The he grows up, he does hot know just BaptistTChurch.. - Collection. . C30 haveibeenliving in Peach Orchard Capt. Herald for a nasal affection. subject will be " Reconstruction what. You will, however, find Theosophical Study Glass: Sub• since'their return . from the Coast, from the Standpoint of the Pro• there are. three' or four simple MONDAY 24, TUESDAY 25: will shortly take up kheir'residence Mr F. A. C. Wright returned, on ject, "The Phthagoras, The World ducer." He will also speak at things that tend to a man's success BILL HART in Teacher." / . C on their fruit lot. Friady. last from Mayo Brothers' Naramata on Friday evening, Feb Thcfirst is good health. It is" im Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Mr ruary 28th. All are- cordially in possible for a boy or man to 'work "Tiger Man " , Come and. hear Rev. Dr Whyte, .The property at Trout Creek Wright went there expecting that vited. - •. 30 against; that .handicap. The next Superintendent of Methodist Mis• Point, commonly referred to as thé •if would be necessary to hâve an thing is honesty. No man in this, Are you looking for excitement? sions, in :St Andrew's Presbyterian IDunham place, and owned by C. A, operation, but fortunately the fa If so, see Hart in "Tiger Man.''' Mr and Mrs J. Downt'on, who or any other; country, who was not Comedy. Church at the 10.30 service nextl'McWilliams for several years past, mous physicians advised otherwise^ have so efficiently managed Hotel honest, attained success; he may I has been purchased by,the present -;;^S'.ÏCi'; i'/.'^r.-S X~Xy/:^y'yyif?y?y2y{~£'' appear to do so for a time, but Sunday. Everybody welcome, i_C Summerland for more than: two WEDNESDAY 26: occupant, P. Laidlaw. At a meeting of the Home Com years, will surrender their Tease on when his dishonesty is discovered; A young man recently sent $3 to fort Club held on Wednesday even the 15th of March. Mr and Mrs which it will be sooner or latere 4water;i bottle;; covers^^ 2 bed an extended visit to Chatham, On• started college" in Toronto, my fam• than others. When I was a young• No responsibility accepted for cor 3ocks; 5 lapaVotomy?r8\'ockings;* 18 tario, where her parents reside. ily having moved there when Lwas ster, my father,* who was a very rectness of telephoned .advertisements 7 personali property .bags; 30 slings; Mrs- McCutcheon also, visited Mr LI or 12;: I was aday pupil at the wise man, used to say: 'Never - Prof. BOVING 3 ties; 24 housewives; 43 prs McCutcheon's parents at Acton, On• college. I did riot believe in work, think- you- are better than anybody Of the University of British Columbia, For- Sale. — socks; 4"!stfetcher caps5. ' '."••'" however,'-.and I did .very litie study• else, but always think you are just tario, and spent a few days in Re-' E; HOGÄN gina where Mr and Mrs McCutcheon; ing. My, nickname was 'Banty.' as good.' Modesty is a quality I FOR SALE.—Two gentle milk Those Holders of Chautauqua [indulged in numerous scraps and suppose I should apologize for men• Provincial Soils and Crops Instructor, cows cheap for immediate sale; one lived 'before coming to. Summer- season;tickets for? 1918,-who were iarid. spent most of my time after school tioning, "for it has become very un• LIONEL TAYLOR just fresh, other due August. Ap• promised 'that Farmer Wood who hours doing the things I should have popular, and is now almost obso• Kelowna; and ply Box 101 Peachland.' 29,31 was to have lectured at the Chau Ralph Brown, in a letter written done when school was in. At the lete; nevertheless, it isone of the end of the year a report was sent to finest qualities a boy or man could R/H. HELMER FOR SALE.—One triple power tauqua last summer, would come to his parents on January 23rd, Vice-President of the Seed Growers' sprayer, in first-class working or• at a later date, will be glad to stated the Canadians were hoping my parents, and I think, without have. Association, will be present to learn that the date of his lecture to leave Siegburg in about three boasting, that was the worst report "I understand that with your Address the Meetings. der. D. L. Sutherland. 'Phone ever written about a' boy. At the ' 602• ' 29tf has been fixed. Chautauqua season days for Namur, Belgium, and they studies you mingle a little play, ticket holders will be admitted free believed this was the first step on end of the report was a note to the which is a good thing. Every boy B.c. Seed Growers' Association. FOR SALE — Cycle Incubator; to hear this eloquent speaker, who the homeward journey. He states effect that if I did not return to the should play every game he is adapt R. V. AGUR, capacity about three, dozen eggs, has a message of interest and im that he often sees Cliff McWilliams college at the beginning of the next ed for; he usually works well who Director Southern Okanagan District. >Phone 901 • 27tf I portance to every one interested and Walter Mumm, and that both term, the principal could get along plays well. I am not very old, and 29-30 without me. I think perhaps he . FOR SALE.—Two jumpers. T. B. in agriculture. are looking fine. every night between September and was right. I was humiliated and. May, when I am in Montreal, if Young. 23tf Penticton will have a fall fair ashamed of myself, and I believed FOR SALE Harold English has :been given do not have a hard forty minutes' and apple show next autumn with everybody knew I was of no partic• handball, I feel 1 am depriving my WOOD FOR SALE.—Seasoned his discharge from the army, ac• ular UBe. slabs from De Muth's mill. ,$10.00 the possibility of a livestock exhi• cording to a telegram sent by him elf of something I need, A man Ideal Small Homesite bition in conjunction. This decl< per load. .Telephone 568. Caldwell. from' Vancouver to his parents. "I was sent to another school, should have a sound body as well as sion was arrived at at a meeting of a sound mind, and the two go hand Comprising TWO ACRES . ,; ,, ;; 18tf Leaving here early fast week he ex• where my record was not known, Heavily Bearing Orchard fruit growers and farmers of that pected to be given his discharge in hand." Cherries, apricots, plums, FOR SALE*—That desirable pro- for which I was thankful. I there district when the Penticton Agri almost immediately upon arriving fell into the hands of a tutor who; In conclusion, the-speaker said: peaches, crab-applos perty adjoining the K. V. Railway cultural and Horticultural' Society at headquarters, but, much, to the "In the work you have taken up at and apples. station, known as the Hosmer or• though a good teacher, had a vio• wbb again called into assistance. disappointment of himself and par• lent'temper. He encouraged us the -Y.M.O.A. you are npt now a On main road, domestic water and tele- chard. F. D. Cooper; Peach Or- The intention is to make the fall phono, and overlooking ents, he was given military duty when he was not abusing us. If a ware of the advantages you are lay _____ \ • . chard. " 18tf fair an annual institution, and an which held for him the prospect fellow showed inattention he was ing up for yourselves, but these effort will be made to have the fair For pricos and terms write or interview Tv B. of being required to continue in the likely to be hit on the head with' a will develop as the years proceed FOR SALE- -Fire wood. cover the requirements of the Sim- THOS. B. YOUNG, Summorland. Young. •'•„•••'.•, 49tf service. ruler; but the first words of en• and I assure you that I wiBh you al ilkameen and the Okanagan.' couragement I ever received came the greatest possible success." 20tf FOR SALE — Do Laval Cream I Separators. T. -B. Young. 48tf| Do You Want a ' Holstein Heifer? For Rent. Classified "For Sale" or "Want" Ads. Order Form - If so, phono or sco ub. FOR RENT—Comfortable five- The RIALTO roomed cottage, with two sleeping , \"" : — ; ; _• BALCOMO RANCH. R.V. Agur, Mgr. porches and small stable. R.'C. . Use whls blank on which to write out your condensed ad., one word in each spneo, 'Phono 744 Lipsett, 'Phone 698. SOtf Enclose money ordor or choquo, and mail .direct to THE REVIEW, Summerland, B.C. SATURDAY, FEB, 22nd, RATE; Two cents a word firstInsertion , minimum price 25 cents; subsequent Inser• GEO. WEAVER, FOR RENT!—Two bearing, or- tions, ono cent a word, minimum 10 cents, PIANO TUNKR and REPAIRER chards, also one cottage. D, L. Naramatn, B.C. P.O. Box 2. Sutherland. 'Phone 002 29tf "The Cinderella Man" Authorised Tuner from Uowcb'MubIo House, Ld, Featuring MAE MARSH, Wanted. All pni'lH of Olttmnttftit Vnlloy viultutl rcBularly. Bond ma n pont card for prompt call, This Is a Goldwyn production, mid WANTED,—To hiro, piano. Ap• a vory beautiful plcturo. ply, stating terms, to Box 820, Ro- m. a. s, si. iti. vlow Offlco, 80,81 â»untmerlnnb llobrje, Slo, 50 WANTED.—Prlnclpnl for Sum. . — MATINEE — Mflctnon IhoTliurmlni morlnnd Public Schools; duties to | on ur Imforo tlio fulill l for tlio Young Folk and othors moon. commoncc April 1st.. Addrosa ap• at 2.80. llov. II, A. Solly. plications, Btntlng salary required w.M. to secretary, J, H. Bowerlng, West IREQUlAI l EVENING PERFORMANCE K, S. Hogg, siso, Summorland. . 80,81, Theosophical Study Class WANTED — Quantity of clean cotton or llnon rags, froo of but• Evory Sunday Evisnino. at 1,50 SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, obovo tho Drug Storo, tons, hooks, etc,, and of a alsso I Plonso publish tlio nbovo ndvortlBomont.,,,.,. , ...tlmos, for'whlch I endoso $.,. • West Summorland, suitablo for wiping machlnory, Re- vlow Offlco. tf 1 "Thais Orclor of tho Star In tho East, NllltlOlHKMMlMMHIMMMMIIMfMMH'MMMHMIMIMIIMMI I«, ( M , * * M,,, ,*•! M M M** M*,,* Every Tuosday ovonlng at 7,80, WANTED—Good gonoral purposo Starring MARY GARDEN horao, weight about 1,800 pounds. . . F. G. Barnard, 'phone 004. 28tf A Story of •nrly Christian days, tokon Address ,< , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.....,...,..<>,,.,..,,... , • • from Anitolo Franco's world BERT HARVEY, Architectural DeBlffno and Spécification» Lost and Found. famous novel, If replies aro If doslrod, ropHoB may bo addrossod to Box at Rovlow Offlco. Prepared. ' to bo mailed oncloso 10 cents oxtrn to covor cost of postage

LOST, — A plaid motor rug. i C0MINq _ ««Field OF HONOR.

Finder please leave at Review Offlco * W|(h Mab MAnBll( WEST SUMMERLAND, B.C. or Supply Storo, West Summorland, _uMUMiiif|iw_f_iutmM«m^

t • Page Six THE SUMMERLAND REVIEW Friday, February 21

WILL ASK FOR VOTE ON 'with offices and .council chamber," and restjrbomsfor men\and;women; Welcome The Boys REAL- ESIATE MEN will be bondedJf a bill, advocated by re- SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL. presentative,real estate men is;passed by the Legislative Assembly. The It should ? be built of -material -of.a h Boy Scout Column (Continued from page 1) - permanent nature, ? and of imposing'Tune—":Marching . Through -Geor- bill would prohibit all who are not'licensed; and' bonded;from 'pursuing appearance;;'Such a building should: showing location of obelisk; and a ; • gia.'.' • ' • real be centrally located withgrounds of SUMMERLAND TROOP BOY design for same, as well as a design sufficient acreage, with small park Hark! the; whistles/; joyfully, >-J:'••:Robinson did ^nbt/press-forpthe .and, then decide on a site. The rious propositions be reported upon, .hospital, idea. 'He expressed., the , , i and that W. C. Kelley and' R. E. •«hope%-::that;i>as:.',it-..would;;bejdifficult •:library;--?gymnasium,';-:or-rfcivic;;<.-hall White be a committee to - take a -to agree^ on someof the other pro- could be provided after. - The peo : vote of the citizens on the various positions," agreement might even• pie had bought the; park with no memorial proposals. tually be -had on the hospital idea;,ofrleaving;it,Jn its wild state! -scheme. " ,., - • -

-Mr G. J. ;G. White had. given v'^.<:thevr'purchase-^and^;remodeIling...'of the gymnasium further study, and Your patronage respectfully solicited. c. expressed ;himsel£s as more strongly - in favor of that scheme. "-Mr Thos^ Dale had offered to donate^an.^acre , The undersigned is now conducting in his own name the ^ o%land ?adjoihing.~.the gymnasium business which he has been managing for .' . property.' - On this ^a-me'morial - " "" : Mr." J. R. CAMPBELL. ' stone .with- the names of Summer-; rf-feland comrades ^;'erected, A full stock of Fresh and Cured Meats.and Fish and'the_grounds beautified with will be "carried,-and;every effort made to maintain '"••awns and trees, .and provided with -,-* seats^and %w^ar tfb'phiesVkand- would; a good service. /Your orders will be appreciated. be" an-'-attractive; picture "beside a ; i much-travelled -road.- The"building would be ^a place of recreation and .reunion1 for soldiers, and for'public use-as a gymnasium ;and-for asocial v cm 99 reunions, an excellent assembly hall.; Summerland is $fh^rgi;n