Table of Contents
IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS G. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY INTRODUCTION This Draft SEIR chapter describes the environmental setting for the proposed project, including a description of the watershed and groundwater basin, surface runoff and drainage, flooding, and water quality, based on available information provided as part of the project application (Appendix J-1), published reports, and a site visit. The environmental setting also describes the project regulatory framework. Following the setting, impacts that could result from implementation of the proposed project are evaluated, and mitigation measures to reduce impacts to a less-than-significant level are recommended, where appropriate. ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Watershed and Groundwater Basin Characteristics and Project Site Topography, Stormwater Runoff, and Drainage Watershed Description The project site is located within the Corte Madera Creek watershed. Corte Madera Creek is a perennial stream draining twenty-eight square miles of primarily forested Coast Range Mountains and narrow valley flats within the urbanized corridor of central eastern Marin County, discharging into San Francisco Bay. The watershed is bounded on the west by a steep, forested ridge running northwest from the East Peak of Mount Tamalpais (elevation 2,571 feet) to Pine Mountain and then north-northeast to White's Hill (elevation 1,430 feet) and Loma Alta (elevation 1,592 feet). Major tributaries to Corte Madera Creek include San Anselmo Creek, Fairfax Creek, Sleepy Hollow Creek, Ross Creek, Tamalpais Creek, and Larkspur Creek. San Anselmo and Fairfax Creeks are perennial tributaries which rise along the western forested ridge and drain onto relatively steep and narrow valley flats; these creeks combine as San Anselmo Creek.
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