UNITED ARCHITECTS OF THE PHILIPPINES The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects UAP National Headquarters, 53 Scout Rallos Street, Quezon City, Philippines MONTHLY CHAPTER ACTIVITY & ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Chapter UAP BAGUIO CITY CHAPTER MONTH OF OCTOBER Chapter President Arch. Arven B. Lac-amen Contact Numbers 09264433229 DATE November 1, 2018 Email Address
[email protected] SUBMITTED CHAPTER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE MONTH Indicate your chapter activities undertaken during the month such as Chapter GMM, Professional Development Seminars, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives, etc ACTIVITY NO. 1 Title of Activity World Architecture Day Celebration Date October 2, 2018 Total Attendees +200 Students, +30 Guests, 8 Members Venue Saint Louis University, BC Objective of the Activity To celebrate the World Day Architecture and to Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic X Others Architectural Exhibit Activity in line with 4Ps X Profession X Professional X Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the X Unity X Ability Continuity of Service UAP corporate thrust Photo 1-2. Students from Team 1 ready to celebrate WAD and showcase their models to other students, faculties and guests. (Photo submitted by Arch.ALac-amen) MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.org Page 1 of 40 Photo 3-4.Team 2, the team yellow, ready to showcase their works. (Photo submitted by Arch.ALac-amen) Photo 5-6.With Team 3. (Photo submitted by Arch.ALac-amen) Photo 7-8. Team 4 completed their booth. (Photo submitted by Arch.ALac-amen) Photo 9-10. Team 5 done and ready to showcase their models.