DEATH PENALTY NEWS DECEMBER 2007 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 1 Easton Street London WC1X 0DW United Kingdom AI Index: ACT 53/001/2008

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DEATH PENALTY NEWS DECEMBER 2007 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 1 Easton Street London WC1X 0DW United Kingdom AI Index: ACT 53/001/2008 DEATH PENALTY NEWS DECEMBER 2007 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 1 Easton Street London WC1X 0DW United Kingdom AI Index: ACT 53/001/2008 A BULLETIN ON THE DEATH PENALTY AND MOVES TOWARDS WORLDWIDE ABOLITION UN VOTES FOR GLOBAL MORATORIUM ON THE DEATH PENALTY In an historic vote at the UN General Monaco, Montenegro, Mozambique, Namibia, Assembly (UNGA) plenary session on 18 Nauru, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, December, 104 countries adopted a resolution Nicaragua, Norway, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, calling for “a moratorium on executions with a Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, view to abolishing the death penalty”. 54 Russian Federation, Rwanda, Samoa, San countries voted against the resolution and 29 Marino, Sao Tome Principe, Serbia, Slovakia, countries abstained. Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, The landmark decision, which is non- Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Timor-Leste, binding on states, had cross-regional support Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Ukraine, and followed a vote taken at the UN Third United Kingdom, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Committee's 62nd session, on 15 November, Vanuatu, Venezuela. on resolution L29 calling for a global The following countries voted moratorium on executions. The voting at the against it: Afghanistan, Antigua-Barbuda, Third Committee was 99 countries in favour, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, 52 against and 33 abstentions. The resolution Belize, Botswana, Brunei Dar-Salam, Chad, was co-sponsored by 87 states from around the China, Comoros, Korea (Dem Rep), Dominica, world Egypt, Ethiopia, Grenada, Guyana, India, The following countries voted for the Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, final resolution: Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Mauritania, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia, Oman, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, St Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Kitts-Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent-Grenadines, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Congo (Rep), Somalia, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Thailand, Costa Rica, Cote D’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Tonga, Trinidad-Tobago, Uganda, USA, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Yemen, Zimbabwe. Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Estonia, The following countries abstained: Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Belarus, Bhutan, Cameroon, Central African Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Republic, Congo (Dem Rep), Cuba, Djibouti, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Fiji, Gambia, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Korea (Rep), Laos, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Madagascar, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Niger, Sierra Leone, Swaziland, Togo, United Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Arab Emirates, Tanzania, Viet Nam, Zambia. Death Penalty News December 2007 ________________________________________________________________________________________ The following countries were not The executed men were convicted in a present for the vote: Guinea-Bissau, Peru, Kano state court and then relocated to other Senegal, Seychelles and Tunisia. prisons around the country for execution. The The UNGA has previously taken death warrants were all signed by the current important steps towards abolition and to limit governor of Kano state, Malam Ibrahim the death penalty over many years. In 1977 the Shekarau. UNGA reaffirmed, in resolution 32/61, that However, as recently as 15 November the “main objective to be pursued in the field 2007, a Nigerian government representative at of capital punishment is that of progressively the United Nations stated that in Nigeria restricting the number of offences for which “Punishment only comes after exhaustive legal the death penalty may be imposed with a view and judicial processes, including recourse to to the desirability of abolishment this the supreme court of the land. …It is thus on punishment”. The UNGA has adopted record that we have not carried out any capital standards to limit the application of the death punishment in recent years in Nigeria.”. penalty and safeguards to protect the rights of According to the most recent statistics, those facing capital punishment, including by 784 prisoners are under sentence of death in adopting the Second Optional Protocol to the Nigeria. The last recorded execution took International Covenant on Civil and Political place in 2002. Rights and endorsing the Safeguards Guaranteeing Protection on the Rights of Those facing the Death Penalty. IRAN EXECUTES YET ANOTHER There were two previous attempts to CHILD OFFENDER pass similar resolutions in 1994 and 1999, but since then the number of abolitionist states has Child offender Makwan Moloudzadeh increased. At the UNGA in 2006, Finland, as was hanged on 4 December in Kermanshah the President of the European Union, delivered Central Prison. He had been sentenced to a statement supported by 85 states which death in July 2007 for lavat-e iqabi (anal sex) expressed “deep concern at the continuing use of the death penalty around the world”. The in connection with the alleged rape of three statement went on to call on states that still boys around 1999, when Makwan maintain the death penalty to abolish it Moloudzadeh was aged 13. completely and, in the meantime, to establish a His trial, held in the western cities of moratorium on executions. Other states have Kermanshah and Paveh, was grossly flawed. subsequently endorsed that statement. The alleged victims withdrew their Therefore, the adoption of the resolution accusations in the course of the trial, and calling for a moratorium on executions at the reportedly said they had either lied or had 62nd session of the UNGA, the UN’s highest been forced to “confess”. In sentencing political body, is a clear recognition by states Makwan Moloudzadeh to death, the judge of the growing international trend towards relied on his "knowledge" of the case, as is abolition of the death penalty. allowed by Iranian law, deciding that Makwan Moloudzadeh could be tried as an adult, and that the alleged offence, otherwise NIGERIA MISLEADS WORLD unproven, had taken place. ABOUT EXECUTIONS The sentence was confirmed by the Supreme Court about a month later. His lawyer sought a judicial review of the case, Evidence has emerged that at least seven and in November, the Head of the Judiciary, secret executions have taken place in Nigerian Ayatollah Shahroudi, granted a temporary stay prisons in the last two years, despite of execution pending a further review of the assurances by the government that Nigeria has case. On or around 1 December this review not executed “in years”. appears to have found no fault with the verdict and sentence. Makwan Moloudzadeh's lawyer Death Penalty News December 2007 2 ________________________________________________________________________________________ was not given advance notice of his client's article 201 of the Guatemala Penal Code. That execution, although this is required by Iranian article had been modified in 1996 resulting in law. an expansion of the scope of the death penalty, in breach of the American Convention on Human Rights which prohibits the extension JAPAN EXECUTES THREE of the death penalty to crimes to which it did PRISONERS not apply at the time of ratification, which in the case of Guatemala was in 1978. The Court also ordered the reform of Three men were executed on 19 December, article 201 of the current Penal Code and one of whom was aged 75 years. ordered Guatemala not to execute any person For the first time, the authorities condemned to death for the crime of released the names of the hanged men, on the kidnapping under the current legislation. orders of the Justice Minister, Kunio There are 19 people under sentence of Hatoyama. However, the policy of secrecy death in Guatemala. The last execution took remains, as in the practice of not informing place in 2000. prisoners in advance of the date of their execution continues. Nor are the families advised of the execution until after it has taken USA – NEW JERSEY ABOLISHES place. DEATH PENALTY After his appointment in August 2007, the Minister of Justice told reporters that he On 17 December the Governor of New wanted Japan to implement a little-enforced Jersey, Jon Corzine, signed into law a bill law that requires the execution of inmates abolishing the death penalty in the state and within 6 months of their final sentences. replacing it with life imprisonment without the Currently, the Justice Minister signs off on possibility of parole. Thus New Jersey became every execution. the first US state since 1965 to legislate to 'I think we might want to consider a abolish the death penalty. The state Senate system in which it takes place automatically had passed the bill by 21 votes to 16, and the and objectively without the Justice Minister's lower General Assembly did the same by 44 involvement,' that prisoners should be votes to 36. “automatically” executed six months after the A report published in January 2007 by failure of their last appeal. the New Jersey Death Penalty Study While a small number of opponents of Commission – set up by the state legislature in the death penalty continue to raise questions 2006 to examine all aspects of capital about its use, the general population in Japan punishment in the state – had found, among is overwhelmingly in favour. other things, that
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