MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND Summons to attend Parish Council Meeting to be held on Wednesday 5th September 2018 at Congregational School Room, Nether Kellet at 7.00 pm A G E N D A 18048 To receive apologies 18049 To approve Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 4th July 2018 18050 To receive Declarations of Interest 18051 To adjourn the meeting for a period of public discussion and to provide ‘information only’ updates on activities in recent weeks. (Note: Any matters needing a ‘decision’ will be considered as an agenda item at a future meeting) (i) Public discussion (ii) Clerk’s report on correspondence, activities and actions since last meeting (iii) Members updates and reports since the last meeting, including: 1) PACT 2) LALC 3) Quarry 4) Twinning Association 5) Fly-tipping 6) PRoW 7) Village Hall 8) Projects 9) B4RN (see report) 10) Lodges Charity 11) Lengthsman 12) Other matters

18052 To consider the list of planning applications/road traffic orders/consultations and decisions set out below: Application No: Description 18/01001/FUL Single storey extension to front elevation – 5 Grange View Road, Nether Kellet, LA6 1ED 18053 To receive an update on planning authority decisions on previously considered applications (papers enclosed) 18054 To authorise payment of the following accounts: Mr R Bailey; Parish Clerk Fees and Expenses - July & May 100821 £425.32 2018 100822 Nether Kellet Congregational Church (three meetings) £54.00

18055 To consider current banking arrangements and issues (Clerk to Report) 18056 To consider disputed payments to Lancaster City Council (Clerk to Report) 18057 To consider the current state of the Town Well (Cllr Smith to report) 18058 To consider development of a Parish Plan (Clerk to Report) 18059 To consider date and time of next meeting Parish Clerk 30 August 2018 28 Wilson Grove , , LA3 2PQ Tel: 07828254149; Email: [email protected]

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PARISH OF NETHER KELLET Draft Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held at Congregational Church School Rooms on Wednesday 4th July 2018 at 7-00 pm.

Present: Councillor Mr D Whitaker - Chair Councillor Mrs J Bentham Councillor Mr Chris Halhead Councillor Mr N Johnson Councillor Mr P Riley Councillor Mr George Smith Councillor Mr Ian Williams In attendance: Thirteen residents; City Councillor Mr JR Mace 18036 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies were received from County Councillor P Williamson and Mr S Hinde 18037 MINUTES: It was RESOLVED that, subject to a minor amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 6th June 2018 be approved. 18038 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS: There were no declarations of interests or dispensations in respect of items on the Agenda. 18039 ADJOURNMENT FOR PUBLIC DISCUSSION & INFORMATION ONLY UPDATES: 1) Public discussion: a) Members received a further update on the work of volunteers on the Community Speedwatch Scheme. It was reported that as well as speeding, volunteers are on the lookout for drivers using mobile phones and non-use of seatbelts. Any issues are reported electronically and then followed up the Police. The main purpose of the scheme is to educate and raise awareness but enforcement action can also be taken. b) City Councillor JR Mace reported on a positive meeting with representatives from the Environment Agency and other interested parties to discuss the flooding that had occurred in Halton Road and Main Road, last November. c) The Clerk reported that little progress appears to be being made regarding the defibrillator – the latest position being that questions had been raised by Green Urban UK Ltd around the electricity supply to the cabinet. 2) Clerks report: The Clerk reported on correspondence received which included an ‘Informal issues and Options Consultation’ being carried out by Lancaster City Council regarding the Bailrigg Garden Village development, and a consultation by County Council seeking views on the future provision of the Children and Wellbeing Service. The Clerk requested that arrangements be made to dispose of the Parish Council’s filing cabinet which was no longer needed. Action: Parish Clerk to arrange disposal of the filing cabinet. 3) Members updates on issues arising since the last meeting: a) PACT: Members were informed of a recent break in where a cash box and a handbag were stolen. There had also been an incident where forged debit/credit cards had been used to fraudulently purchase many items from the local Londis convenience store. b) LALC: Nothing to report. c) QUARRY: Nothing to report d) TWINNING ASSOCIATION: Nothing to report e) FLY-TIPPING: Nothing to report f) PRoW: The Clerk reported that Lancashire County Council have been advised that the parish council will opt into the Local Delivery Scheme 2018/19. g) VILLAGE HALL: It was reported that potential new members for the committee had come forward and some new ideas for fundraising and future events were suggested. The recent Sports/Field day raised £1,300 on what was a wet day. h) PROJECTS: Nothing further to update i) BA4N: Councillor Bentham reported that significant progress had been made in recent weeks. A comprehensive network plan had been completed in the form of a Google Earth map and detailed spreadsheet – the information from which is enabling work to start on some network installation. Fibre connections to the cabinet at the Village Hall from and Halton will follow, and ducts are being laid from Moor End Farm and progressing towards the Village Hall over Lawson’s Farm. A meeting is planned to inform residents of the progress that is now being made, together with the distribution of an information leaflet. Details are also being made available on the B4RN website. Members welcomed and supported the availability of additional and up-to-date information on the good progress being made. A small number of dedicated volunteers have worked very hard to this point, but more are needed. j) LODGES CHARITY: Included within the Agenda Minute 18043 refers k) LEGTHSMAN REPORT: Councillor Smith reported on a range of activities that the Lengthsman had carried out in the last month, involving grounds maintenance; repair work on existing benches; playground painting and repairs and sweeping Main Road ahead of the Field Day procession. Following a question, Councillor Smith reminded Members of the arrangements made in respect of the ‘Wickstead Horse’ as previously reported. l) GENERAL MATTERS: Members requested that an item be placed on the next Agenda regarding the Town Well. Members raised matters concerning the safety of the wall around the play area on Shaw Lane and the need for a replacement notice for the play area. It was RESOLVED that Members updates be noted, and that follow-up action be taken as necessary. 18040 PLANNING APPLICATIONS/TRAFFIC ORDERS: Application No: Description: 18/00691/FUL Erection of a stable/storage building - Land North Of, Hallfield Lane, Nether Kellet 18/00711/OUT Erection of a dwelling with a detached garage and creation of a vehicular access with associated parking - Land Adjacent To, Meadowcroft, Nether Kellet Temporary prohibition of through traffic, The Green, Over Kellet from 09:30 – 15:00 on Thursday 19th July 2018 Members considered the above applications and traffic order. There were no comments/matters of concern raised in respect of 18/00691/FUL and it was RESOLVED that the application be ‘Supported in Principle’. Members also RESOLVED to note the temporary road closure at The Green Over Kellet. Residents in attendance were then given the opportunity to raise issues and concerns relating to application number 18/00711/OUT. All those attending had strong views and objections to the proposed development stating several material considerations relating to the Local Plan and supporting policies and documents. Members commented at length on the matters raised and asking supplementary questions to the residents comments and objections. It was then RESOLVED that the parish council objects to the development and proposals set out in the outline planning application 18/00711/OUT. The Clerk was directed to write an objection, for Member approval and subsequent submission in relation to the following material considerations relating to the outlined development: • It does not make a positive contribution to the landscape; • It will result in a loss of residential amenity/privacy; • It does not conserve or enhance the character and quality of the landscape; • It is likely to have a negative impact on the nearby conservation area; • There is a high risk of flooding and major drainage issues; • There is substantial concerns about the stability of the ground upon which the development will stand 18041 PLANNING AUTHORITY DECISIONS: Members considered the up-to-date position on decisions of the planning authority (Lancaster City Council) on planning applications previously deliberated. It was RESOLVED that the decisions of the planning authority be noted. 18042 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT: 100818 Mr R Bailey, Parish Clerk’s Fees and Expenses – June 2018 £210.34 100819 Nether Kellet Village Hall – Round and About 2017-2018 £1,092.30 100820 Lancaster City Council – supply of bedding plants £182.69 Members were advised that following comments on the very poor quality of the bedding plants received from Lancaster City Council, the plants had been costed at 2017/2018 prices and extra plants provided. After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that Cheque No’s 100818 and 100819 be paid and that a further reduction be sought from Lancaster City Council for the supply of bedding plants before payment is considered further. 18043 LODGES CHARITY: Councillor Johnson reported that the Annual Return for the charity had been submitted and details of the Trustees updated. Further history and information on the original purpose of the charities funds was identified thanks to old records and local knowledge. It was established that its purpose had been changed at some point, although the documentation supporting this has not been located. Notwithstanding the change, there was again debate about its ongoing purpose and relevance today. Some Members felt that the charity should be wound up and others considered that further enquiries should be made with the Charities Commission to establish what is required to ‘modernise’ its purpose and ongoing need. It was also commented that there had been no call on the charities funds in many years, apparently due to a lack of local knowledge of its existence as well as its outdated constitution and purpose. After further debate, it was RESOLVED that the Charity Commission be consulted about amending/updating the purpose of the charity and arrangements for winding it up, so that an informed, and final, decision on the future of the Lodges Charity could be made. 18044 ROAD SAFETY & TRAFFIC CALMING: Following a recent incident in the village a resident had contacted the parish council about speeding vehicles. The specific incident was briefly discussed as was the wider issue of speeding and possible solutions. The Clerk reminded Members that powers are available to them that would allow traffic calming and other measures aimed at reducing vehicle speed to be implemented. It was noted that main problems are vehicles speeding when coming into the village and picking up speed when leaving it. It was also acknowledged that the speed camera (SPID) is not currently functional and there was a discussion about the problems with charging the batteries in these cameras and the benefits and cost of versions that operate using a solar panel. Members also commented that the impact of the Community Speedwatch Scheme, having only recently been introduced, is not yet known. After some discussion, it was RESOLVED that the reasons for the SPID not being in operation be investigated and a solution sought. It was also RESOLVED that the parish council monitors and receives regular updates on the impact that the Community Spacewatch Scheme is having on vehicle speeds with a longer-term solution being considered if appropriate and necessary. 18045 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE ARRANGEMENTS: Members considered the frequency and quality of grounds maintenance services currently provided by the principal authority. It was acknowledged that grounds maintenance schedules had noticeably changed as local government funding had been cut since 2010. Members are unsure what the current service provision is but have perceived a general inconsistency in, for example, the frequency of grass cutting in the village. There was also consensus that the quality of services provided had deteriorated in recent years. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk arranges to meet with officers from Lancaster City Council, Public Realm to establish the current grounds maintenance provision for Nether Kellet and reports back to a later meeting of the parish council. 18046 EMERGENCY PLAN: The Clerk advised Members that the Nether Kellet Community Emergency Plan, produced in February 2017, needs to be reviewed and updated to accommodate changes in personnel and to ensure that it remains fit-for-purpose. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk reviews and updates the Nether Kellet Community Emergency Plan as necessary and reports back to the parish council in due course. 18047 DATE & TIME OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of the Parish Council will be Wednesday 5th September 2018. The Parish Council meeting closed at 8:40pm

Clerk of the Council Date:

Chair Date: Nether Kellet Parish Council Correspondence – September Meeting 2018

Date Sender Topic 27/07/2018 Lancaster City Council Draft Heritage Strategy 31/07/2018 Lancashire County Council Bolton Lane – road markings 03/08/2018 Lancashire Highways Services Temporary road closure 03/08/2018 Lancashire County Council Worn road markings – Bolton Lane / B4RN REPORT August 2018

There has been further substantial progress since the July report.

The ducting for the fibre to connect the Halton network with Nether Kellet has reached a chamber in Chris Halhead’s field just over the wall from Shaw Lane. We have also successfully prospected a route to connect houses on Grange View to a chamber planned for Dave Whittaker’s field, next to his house.

We have had a very well attended meeting in the Village Hall addressed by Dave Ryall from B4RN to publicise the Nether Kellet project. As a result of this meeting we have gathered a keen group of volunteers who have already helped with digging a trench along the North side of Sea View gardens. There has also been a substantial increase in the number of people who have purchased shares in B4RN thereby investing in the Nether Kellet project.

Mick Procter has been very busy talking to his neighbours on Bridge Road and has designed a fibre route to connect almost all of the houses on his side of the road.

A team from B4RN has been to Nether Kellet to survey the road crossings planned for Back Lane, Main Road and Shaw Lane. The contractor hopes to complete the laying of ducts below those roads by the end of September. B4RN are also looking into helping with the installation of the distribution cabinet at the Village Hall. Steve Foster who mole ploughed the ducting from Moor End farm to Shaw Lane intends to come again in September to mole plough part of the route to the Village Hall from Over Kellet.

We hope that this rapid progress will continue as long as the weather permits.

John Bentham Planning Application Comments & Decisions July 2018 meeting

Application Number / Planning Authority Parish Council Comment Description Decision / Status 17/01410/FUL: Erection of Comment made on certain Awaiting permitted with 8 detached dwellings with conditions that the parish conditions associated access and council would like to met landscaping; Land North East of Briarlea Road, Nether Kellet 18/00691/FUL - Erection of Support in principle Application withdrawn a stable/storage building - Land North of Hallfield Lane, Nether Kellet 18/00711/OUT - Erection of Objection on the basis that Application withdrawn a dwelling with a detached the application: garage and creation of a • Does make a positive vehicular access with contribution to the associated parking - Land landscape; Adjacent To, Meadowcroft, • Would result in a loss of Nether Kellet residential amenity/privacy; • Does not conserve or enhance the character and quality of the landscape; • Will have a negative impact on the nearby conservation area; • Will increase the risk of flooding and drainage issues and; • Raises serious concerns around the stability of the ground underneath the development

Macmillan, Cameron

From: dcconsultation Sent: 16 July 2018 17:59 To: dcconsultation Subject: Comments for Planning Application 18/00711/OUT

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 5:58 PM on 16 Jul 2018 from Mr Robert Bailey.

Application Summary Address: Land Adjacent To Meadowcroft Nether Kellet Lancashire Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with Proposal: associated access Case Officer: Mrs Eleanor Fawcett

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Robert Bailey

Address: 28 Wilson Grove Heysham Morecambe

Comments Details Commenter Objection to the Application Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: From: Mr R Bailey, 28 Wilson Grove, Heysham LA3 2PQ, Parish Clerk, Nether Kellet Parish Council To: Regeneration and Planning Services, Lancaster City Council Date: For the attention of Ms Eleanor Fawcett Reference: Planning Application 18/007411/OUT - Outline application for the erection of a dwelling with associated access, Land Adjacent to Meadowcroft, Nether Kellet, Lancashire I write as the Parish Clerk of Nether Kellet Parish Council on behalf of Members who considered the above planning application at their meeting on Wednesday 4th July 2018. Members have examined the plans submitted with this application and as residents of Nether Kellet, know the site well. The meeting was attended by many residents, several of whom took the opportunity to speak about the application. Having considered their representations and on the basis of their own knowledge of the site and consideration of the application and related documents, Members wish to object strongly to the development of

1 the proposed dwelling. By way of background to this application, Members are cognisant of the fact that in April 2015, pre-application advice was given for the erection of two dwellings on the same land (Reference 15/00385/PREONE). The assessment of the application raised several officer concerns where it was considered that 'there will be privacy and overlooking concerns for 3 Hill Lane, and an access arrangement which is disproportionate to the development applied for, which will have an urbanising effect in what is allocated as countryside lane and will be detrimental to the settling of the conservation area.' The Summary advice concludes that 'The terrain on the site is quite challenging, and given this, it is considered that one dwelling with a direct access off Hill Lane would lend itself better than that currently proposed which would overcome officer concerns on the basis of loss of privacy and overlooking 3 Hill Lane, with materials and a design to be used which compliments the sites location and proximity to the adjacent conservation area. It is Members contention that despite the current application being for one property much of the concerns raised by officers in 2015 have NOT been sufficiently addressed to be supported. The main points of our objection to this application are set out below: 1. Policy DM 35 requires new development to make a positive contribution to the surrounding landscape through good design having regard to local distinctiveness, siting, layout and scale. The proposed development is in a substantially elevated position compared to surrounding properties that will make it visible to much of the existing village. It is Members view that the property has the potential to overshadow buildings close by and result in the loss of view of the surrounding countryside of properties in the conservation area.

Members are unconvinced by the supporting Heritage statement that the new dwelling will 'utilize the topography of the site and together with the proposed distance away...will ensure that privacy is maintained, and the new dwelling will not dominate its neighbouring properties...'. Members see no strong evidence to support this statement and it is their view that given the size of the property and its position at a high point of the land, it will have a detrimental impact on the surrounding landscape and the nearby historical buildings. 2. Loss of Residential Amenity/Privacy: Combined with the elevated position of the development it is likely to also obscure the view of houses and building in the adjacent conservation area directly and on a greenfield site. Members note that the proposed solution to reduce the impact of the development overlooking other properties is to build a double garage above the height of this existing bungalow - Members are concerned that this will simply replace the issue of 'overlooking' with 'overshadowing'. Members see nothing in the proposed plans or its location that will sufficiently address the impact of loss of privacy on nearby premises and indeed,

2 the new property has the potential to look directly into the upper storey and back gardens of Meadowcroft which are at a considerably lower level. The private grounds of the new development will all overlook existing housing and gardens. 3. DM42 states that a development should: Demonstrate good siting and design in order to conserve and where possible enhance the character and quality of the landscape. Members consider that the proposed development will result in the loss of the open aspect of the local neighbourhood given that the land is surrounded by small family homes - larger housing such as that proposed would be more in keeping in other parts of the village. The proposed development will fundamentally change the rural character of this part of the village. The views currently enjoyed will be significantly disrupted by this development and the proposals will not comply with DM42 should the development mean that the topography will be flattened to accommodate the elevated position of the development as this will neither be conserving nor enhancing the character and quality of the landscape. 4. Conservation Area/DM32 - Whilst the proposed development is not located within the Conservation Area, its boundaries are nearby and, as such, it is considered that it does not comply with policy DM32 as it will not be conserving nor enhancing the character and quality of the surrounding landscape. The proposed development would replace greenfield and any solutions to provide privacy may well then be highly detrimental to the residential amenity of nearby property. The position of the proposed dwelling is not considered to be in keeping with most of the existing properties in the Conservation area.

5. Flood Risk / Ground Stability and Drainage: The proposed development is on land of 'challenging topography' and Members consider that the proposal will increase risk of surface flooding and have the potential to cause damage to existing properties due to the instability of the ground and the steepness/slope of the hill of the proposed site. Members maintain that the development is in contravention of DM38 relating to Other Environmental Considerations as the proposals present a high risk to the stability of the existing land. It is known that heavy or continuous rain has resulted in considerable surface water/flooding on numerous occasions in this immediate area and to properties in Meadowcroft. The proposed development increases the angle of the slope further, potentially increasing surface runoff and will increase the risk of flooding to properties in Meadowcroft. As recently as November 2017, Halton Lane in the village flooded when the existing drainage system failed to carry away the water - any development on high ground above the eastern aspect of the village is very likely to increase the load on the existing drainage systems and increase the risk of flood events re-occurring. Members request that this application is considered by Lancaster City Council, Planning Committee and give

3 notice that the Parish Council may wish to speak at a meeting of the committee at which this application is to be decided. Please let me know as soon as possible the date of the meeting.