The B-G News March 25, 1960
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-25-1960 The B-G News March 25, 1960 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 25, 1960" (1960). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1529. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. ^\°>* Education our nuitlaiMjey Excellence oar OoaL OUS VoL 44 Bowling Gram State University. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. March 25. 1960 No. 39 Military Ball Features Victory Banquet Honors BG Athletes; Henderson Orchestra Teams Heralded As University's Best Skitch Henderson, who has been a leader in the American By Dave Younq pop music field for the past 20 years, will be the feature at- Bowling Green's athletic teams were heralded collectively traction, with his orchestra, at the annual Military Ball, Fri- aB the best in the history of the University Wednesday night Charities Appeal Ends; before 500 athletes, coaches, administrators, students, and day night, April 1, in the ballroom of the Union. Henderson, probably best known for his performances sports followers, at the annual sports banquet in the ballroom on Steve Allen's "Tonight" show, will conduct his orchestra Donations Total $1,450 of the Union. Highlighting the affair were the introductions and perform as solo pianist of the coaches and players whose achievements made the vic- Collections for the United pha Tau Omega, $9.31; Delta for the Army and Air Force tory banquet a tremendous Campus Appeal were less Tau Delta. $11.77; Shatxel Hall, ROTC cadet* and their guests. The $15.17; Delta Upailon, $3.24; Sig- success. than half of the amount an- Staff Applications Ball, which will beirin at 8:30 p.m. ma Nu, $45; Theta Chi, $3.39; and Official presentation of United with the receiving line and contin- ticipated by the Charities Zeta Beta Tau, $51.66. Off-campus Press International and Associated ue until I a.m., is being managed For Publications Roard. The goal was $3,000. contributions totaled $7.50. Press ail-American awards and the by the Army ROTC Corps thin This money will be distributed Contributions totalled UPI national small college football year, under the direction of cadet to the charities listed on the drive Are Now Available ehampionship trophy were features Larry Bradford. $1,450.19, according to Joyce envelopes: Muscular Distrophy, Applications are now being ac- of the evening. At intermission, the queens of Frost, secretary-treasurer of the World University Service, Society cepted for the positions of editor Football Coach Doyt Perry and the Army and Air Force ROTC Roard. Faculty donations amount- for Crippled Children and Adults, and business manager of the Key will be crowned, and recognition Association for the Mentally Re- and the B-G News for 1S60-61. President Ralph W. McDonald re- will be extended to the Arnold Air ed to $.100 of the total. tarded, and the Student Emerg- Key applications can be obtained ceived the UPI football trophy Society Queen and the Pershing Chi Omega and ZCIH Beta Tan ency Fund. from James R. Gordon. Key ad- from Haskell Short, Ohio news Rifle Queens. Here winners of the women's and viser, in 104 Hanna Hall. B-G manager for United Press Interna- Candidates for Battle Croup men's divisions for the third con News applications are available tional. He presented the second Queen of the Army ROTC are Bar- secutive year Chi Omega contri Whittaker Announces from Donald J. Brenner, B-G News team all-Amerlcan award won by bara Fritsche, Mooney Hall; Ruth buted $1.50 per person and ZBT ladviser, in 106 Administration basketball star Jimmy Darrow to Johnson, Chi Omega; Janet Sebe- $1.8 1 per person. The engraved Car Registration Rules Bldg. The applications are to be basketball Coach Harold Ander- slqr, Alpha Chi Omega; Carlleen plaques were presented hy Ann returned to the respective advisers. son. Darrow is In New York City "Any student bringing a car to Andestad, Chi Omega: I.uurane (iallaher. Charities Board presi- Applicants for editors of the two for the East-West all-star game eampus for the first time, during Thurston, Harmon Hall; Marilyn dent, to both groups. publications should have not only tomorrow. Anderson also received the next two weeks, must apply Myers, Mooney Hall; and Mary a thorough knowledge of publica- Darrow's award from AP for be- The women's housing units' to- for a temporary registration stick- Ann Coscarelli, Alpha Chi Omega. tion practices, but some adminis- ing selected for all-American ho- tal was $820.40. Contributions er." said Raymond Whittaker. as- The AFROTC Queen candidates trative experience and ability, norable mention. were: Chi Omega. $127.68; Alpha sistant dean of students. There Don Wolfe, sports editor of the arc Janet McLean. Bobbi Cooper. Camma Delta. $21.08; Alpha Del- said Mr. Gordon and Mr. Brenner. Henrietta Lyons, and Irene Whit- is a $1 charge. "Both jobs can be filled only by Blade, after making a few humor- BG Professors Attend ta Pi, $75; Alpha Phi, $87; Moo- A student requiring a second or ous remarks about his qualifica- ney. ney Hall, $69.55; Phi Mu, 181.09; students who are both good jour- In contention for the title of third temporary sticker will be tions as a sports writer, presented Social Science Council Kappa Delta, 116.98; Treadway nalists and capable leaders. The Arnold Air Society Queen are charged $2 and $3, respectively. editors and business managers of football co-captain Bob Zimpfer "Bowling Green's department of Hall. 181.96; Harmon Hall. $55.85; Nancy McCormick and Henrietta Many students will be bringing the Key and the B-G News .hold with AP's little all-American a- economics alone was better repre- Prout Hall, $84.00; Alpha Chi cars to campus in the next two ward. Zimpfer also was recognized Lyons while the Pershing Rifle Omega, $2.70; Delta Gamma, down some of the most responsible Queens are Cloya Scott and Bar- sented than most of the other weeks to have a means of trans- positions entrusted to University for his participation in the North- $:<7.89; Gamma Phi Beta, $23.54; Ohio universities," said Dr. Be- porting their belongings home dur- students," they said. South game at Miami, and the Op- bara Sohulz. l.owry Hall, $53 74; Helta /.eta, vars Mabry, assistant professor of ing the coming Easter receas, Mr. Applications for these positions timist Bowl at Tucson, last Decem- Skitch Henderson was born in $11.60; Alpha Xi Delta, $01; and England in 1918. His experiences economics, concerning the meeting Whittaker said. must be reviewed and approvod by ber and January. Williams Hall. $11.00. have ranged from theatrical tours of the Ohio Social Science Council the Journalism Activities Com- held March 12. at Otterbein Col- "A student registering a car Dr. Elden T. Smith, dean of stu- with Judy Garland to the study of Total for the men's division was after the Easter vacation for the mittee. Members of the committee lege. dents, acting as master of ceremon- his art with such masters as Al- $354.54. Money contributed was: first time will be charged $5 for are Dr. Kenneth H. McFall, pro- ies, began the program by Intro- He and Allen Wiley, assistant bert Coates and Arnold Schoen- Stadium Club, $13.01; Kappa Sig- a permanent, registration decal," vost; Dr. Elden T. Smith, dean of ducing the nine athletic teams and professor of economics; Harmon berg at the Juilliard School of Mu- ma. $12.71; Pi Kappa Alpha, $27; said Mr. Whittaker. This decal will students; Dr. Benjamin L. Pierce, the coaches, and proceeded lo give Voskuil, and Dr. Jacob Cohen, as- sic. Kohl Hall, $18.03; Rodgers Quad- be valid until August. dean of the College of Business recognition lo every person at the sociate professors of economics, His work in the lighter orchest- rangle, $03.91; Sigma Phi Epsilon, Administration; Dr. Edgar F. Dan banquet who was connected In ral field scored an instant success attended the conference. Dr. Co- $35.33; Sigma Chi, $21; Phi Delta iels, assistant professor of Eng- torn* way with the athletic pro- hen was the leader of a group upon his arrival on the American Theta, $8.80; Phi Kappa Tau, Fellowship Presented lish; Dr. Richard Carpenter, as- gram. scene. He worked for several ma- which discussed a paper entitled $7.99; Phi Kappa Psi, $7.01; Al- sociate professor of English; Dr. jor film companies in Hollywood "The Impact of Credit on Econo- James Steidtmann, a senior in Raymond Yeager, assistant pro- A poem, "Song of the Falcon," as an arranger-composer and as a mics." the College of Liberal Arts and fessor of speech; and Barbara was read by Dr. Smith following pianist-arranger for such persons Dr. Mabry said. "The program Keith Trowhridge, the newly a geology major, has accepted a Cooper and Mark Winchester, stu- the recognitions. Excerpts from as Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra. was quite successful, and included elected president of the Student teaching fellowship in the gradu- dents. Jesse J. Currier, chairman of the beginning of the poem read: After military service as a B-2!> some interesting papers and good Body, is the father of a recently ate school at Dartmouth College the department of journalism, is "By the shores of Portage River, pilot, he formed his own orchestra discussions." born 8-pound baby boy.