LAND SOUTH OF JUNCTION 34, M4, HENSOL Planning Statement On Behalf of Renishaw plc February 2014 Land South of Junction 34, M4, Hensol, South Wales Planning Statement Project Ref: 20184/A5/P2 20184/A5/P2 20184/A5/P2 20184/A5/P2 20184/A5/P2f a b c e Status: DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT FINAL Issue/Rev: 1 2 1 1 1 Date: 02/01/2014 12/01/2014 19/01/2014 7/2/2014 14/2/2014 Prepared by: CC JR JR JR JR Checked by: JR JR JR JR JR Barton Willmore LLP Regent House Prince’s Gate 4 Homer Road Solihull B91 3QQ Tel: 0121 711 5151 Ref: 20184/A5/P2f/JR/sw Fax: 0121 711 5152 Email:
[email protected] Date: February 2014 COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Barton Willmore LLP. All Barton Willmore LLP stationery is produced using recycled or FSC paper and vegetable oil based inks. CONTENTS Page Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 8 2.0 Context 11 3.0 Planning History 19 4.0 Application Proposals 22 5.0 Assessment of National Planning Policy 40 6.0 Local Planning Policy 49 7.0 Material Considerations – Justification for the Proposals 66 8.0 Alternatives 99 9.0 Draft Heads of Terms 101 10.0 Conclusions 111 APPENDICES 1. Application Site Boundary Plan 2. Parameters Plan 3. Illustrative Concept Layout Drawing 4. Landscape Strategy Drawing 5. River Ely SSSI designated site 6. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCS) 7.