Journal of Governance and Regulation / Volume 1, Issue 3, 2012, Continued - 1


Ivo Pezzuto*


In the fall of 2008, the U.S. subprime mortgage loans defaults have turned into Wall Street’s biggest crisis since the Great Depression. As hundreds of billions in mortgage-related investments went bad, became suspicious of one another’s potential undisclosed credit losses and preferred to reduce their exposure in the interbank markets, thus causing interbank interest rates and credit default swaps increases, a liquidity shortage problem and a worsened credit crunch condition to consumers and businesses. Massive cash injections into money markets and interest rates reductions have been assured by central banks in an attempt to shore up banks and to restore confidence within the financial system. Even Governments have promoted bail-out deal agreements, protections from bankruptcies, recapitalizations and nationalizations in order to rescue banks from disastrous bankruptcies. The credit crisis originated in the previous years when the Federal Reserve sharply lowered interest rates (Fed Funds at 1%) to limit the economic damage of the stock market decline due to the 2000 companies’ crisis. Lower interest rates made mortgage payments cheaper, and the demand for homes began to rise, sending prices up. In addition, millions of homeowners took advantage of the rate drop to refinance their existing mortgages. As the industry ramped up, the quality of the mortgages went down due to poor credit origination and credit risk assessment. Delinquency and default rates began to rise in 2006 as interest rates rose (Fed Funds at 5,25%) and poor households across the US struggled to pay off their mortgages. Many of them went bankrupt and lost their homes but the pace of lending did not slow. Banks have transformed much of the high-risk mortgage debt (securitizations) into mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralised debt obligations (CDO), and have sold these assets on the financial markets to investment firms and insurance companies around the world, transferring to these investors the rights to the mortgage payments and the related credit risk. With the collapse of the first banks and hedge funds in 2007 the rising number of foreclosures helped speed the fall of housing prices, and the number of prime mortgages in default began to increase. As many CDO products were held on a “mark to market” basis, the paralysis in the credit markets and the collapse of liquidity in these products let to the dramatic write-downs in 2007. When stock markets in the United States, Europe and Asia continued to plunge, leading central banks took the drastic step of a coordinated cut in interest rates and Governments coordinated actions that included taking equity stakes in major banks. This paper written by the Author (on October 7th, 2008) at the rise of these dramatic events, aims to demonstrate, through solid and fact-based assumptions, that this dramatic global financial crisis could have been addressed and managed earlier and better by many of the stakeholders involved in the subprime mortgage lending process such as, banks’ and investment funds management, rating agencies, banking and financial markets supervisory authorities. It also unfortunately demonstrates the corporate social responsibility failure and the moral hazard of many key players involved in this crisis, since a lot of them probably knew quite well what was happening but have preferred not to do anything or to do little and late in order to change the dramatic course of the events.

Key Words: U.S. Subprime Mortgage Loans Crisis, Toxic Finance, Financial Engineering

* Associate Prof. of Marketing, Sales Mgmt. and Consumer Behavior, Strategic Mgmt., and Business Development Mgmt., SMC University, Zurich, Switzerland

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“There's none so blind as those who will not see” Even more incredible to believe is that the (The Prophet Jeremiah) subprime mortgages loans portfolios have deteriorated so suddenly and unexpectedly that risk Most economists and financial analysts identify managers, internal auditing teams, external amongst the main causes of the current global independent auditors, rating agencies, banks financial crisis, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s low management, industry and investment analysts and interest rates policy (Fed funds) of the latest years banking and financial markets supervisory authorities with the resulting credit euphoria of both lenders and (i.e., FED and SEC and others) have not perceived borrowers, the more ”relaxed” credit initiation the dangerous rising burden of risks or at least have policies and procedures, the overwhelmingly positive seriously underestimated the potential blast. This is expectations on the real estate market growth and quite difficult to believe, indeed, given that in the US prices increases, and the massive use of badly mortgage lending market two semi-governmental controlled innovative financial engineering tools. agencies alone, like mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Although these solid and fact-based arguments Freddie Mac, account for over sixty percent of the certainly represent a relevant and accurate portion of total national mortgage lending industry. the “big picture” and help identify and explain some The banks’ subprime mortgage loans of key determinants of the global financial turmoil, securitizations have received in many cases the degree of complexity reached by the phenomenon investment grade ratings (i.e., Fannie & Freddie – and its global spread seem to suggest a more AAA rating) from the leading rating agencies (i.e., interrelated and articulated set of responsibilities than Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s and Fitch) for the the ones represented by the more aggressive placement of their securitized mortgages loans as expansionary US monetary policy, the less rigorous structured products and derivatives (i.e., CDOs - credit policies and some adverse economic and Collateralized Debt Obligations, ABS – Asset-Backed market conditions. Securities, MBS Mortgage-Backed Securities). This is There is no doubt that in today’s globalized a very convenient way of funding the business world and highly integrated financial markets the especially with a AAA ratings (low default risk = low wave of profits and losses (from capital, monetary, cost of debt capital (WACC) from the well-known equity, debt, derivatives, commodities, liquidity, CAPM methodology). This generous low-risk foreign exchange markets) moves very quickly across assessment of the rating agencies has recently led the continents. The speed of communication devices, many investors and economic journalists to declare online and real-time decision support systems, serious concern about a possible conflicts of interest advanced ICT architectures and computer-based in the relationship between the two parties (banks and solutions have certainly simplified but also amplified the rating agencies). Furthermore, the securitization the benefits and threats associated to global financial process was expected to make the markets safer trading, since the higher interrelations and integration through diversification and distribution of risks to a leads also to a higher level of complexity. wide spread number of investors and investment A more thorough and in–depth analysis of how portfolios globally. CDOs are offered in trances of the U.S. subprime mortgage loans crisis has increasing seniority (equity/first loss, mezzanine, originated and evolved, seems to reinforce the idea senior, super-senior). At the more senior level of that this dramatic financial event is predominantly debt, investors are able to obtain better yields than related to the underestimated complexity generated those available on more traditional securities. CDO by the exponential growth of innovative financial issuers usually hedge their position by selling credit engineering products (derivatives), by the SPVs default swaps (CDS) on the reference portfolio. The (Special Purpose Vehicles), by the too ambitious counterparties in the hedging transaction are the ones short-term oriented bonus/profitability/capital gains who actually sell credit risk to the CDO buyers. objectives of banks’ management and their Other doubts that seem to confirm the unlikely shareholders, by speculators, and by a major failure hypothesis that senior bankers, rating agencies of banks, rating agencies, and banking and financial analysts and fund managers were unaware of the markets’ supervisory authorities to proactively and subprime crisis escalation are represented by the timely assess and mitigate the exploding crisis. traditional preventive and pro-active fact-based risk An evidence of this assumption is proved by the management approaches and philosophy of most difficulty of many experienced credit and financial North-American banking and financial services analysts to believe that all the institutions. Credit and financial risk management specialists of banks and financial institutions involved specialists of the retail and investments banks, rating in the subprime mortgage loans crisis, simultaneously agencies and mutual funds are highly qualified lost control of their portfolio risk and had no clue professionals rigorously trained to make fact-based about what was really happening in their decisions on the debt (lending)/securities/derivatives organisations even at the very senior management portfolios, who rely heavily on highly advanced and levels. state-of-the-art metrics, statistical models and

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computer-based technologies to assess credit, As good risk managers know quite well, lending operational, market and financial risks. portfolios’ deteriorations do not occur overnight In addition to these powerful tools, these (even in the subprime segments) if the credit professional also use a set of standard internal origination and credit risk management process are policies and procedures and risk review processes managed properly. At least many risk managers which allow them to have a high level of confidence should not receive significant unexpected surprises in the governance of their risk management simultaneously, having in their banks different credit American banks have a long tradition of policies, corporate strategies, and constantly reviewed expertise in the mortgage lending and unsecured and audited processes. lending industry and in proactively managing their Many leading secured and unsecured lending portfolios with state-of-the art credit risk management organizations in the US/UK use profitability-based techniques which generally include timely and models (NPV models) to systematically monitor systematic use of early warning indicators (KPIs) portfolio performances and to forecast/plan portfolios sourced from credit scoring systems (application and projected trends/results. It seems a bit awkward and behavioural scoring from FICO, NextGen, difficult to believe that some of the best risk VantageScore, and the CE Score), bureau scores managers and savvy financial analysts of the world (from credit bureaus like Equifax, Experian, and have suddenly “missed the boat” causing the dramatic TransUnion), portfolio aging and vintage analyses, bankruptcies (i.e., Douglass National Bank, Hume delinquency/roll rates/flow rates analyses, internal Bank, First Integrity Bank, IndyMac, Silver State ratings-based approaches, external rating agencies’ Bank, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual and models, classified accounts for corporate exposures, others) or severe losses of many prestigious banks Basel II models, CreditMetrics, Credit Portfolio and investment firms, mutual/private/hedge equity View, CreditRisk+, Merton OPM/KMV Moody’s, funds and insurance companies which had to be saved Reduced Form KPMG/Kamkura, VaR, Algorithmics by the Governments recapitalizations/debt-equity models, and so on. swaps, or by the acquisitions/takeovers of It is difficult to believe that all the retail and competitors or investors (i.e. Bear Stearns, investment banks, insurance companies, and mutual Countrywide, Merrill Lynch, Hbos, Aig, Northern funds involved in the subprime crisis with the Rock, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Fortis, Bradford availability of these state-of-the art metrics, risk & Bingley, Morgan Stanley and others). assessments models and senior managers expertise, The reasonable explanation for a crisis of this were simultaneously not able to spot the problem at magnitude and the hypothesis that this paper is an early stage of the threat. They were, instead, aiming to state, is that a combination of a number of extremely talented at convincing leading rating complex and highly interrelated factors have strongly agencies of the good quality (low probability of contributed to this global financial turmoil. The default) of their mortgage portfolios (including the factors are related to economic elements, to the risky subprime segments) in order to transform these corporate governance of banks and financial “risky assets” (mortgages loans receivables) into institutions, to the U.S. Government monetary policy, apparently low risk securitizations and very to the lack of rigorous supervisory controls in the convenient funding for the banks. banking industry and financial markets, to the high These securitized subprime mortgage loans were leverage credit culture of people in the U.S.A. and the then used as underlying assets or collateral of U.K., to the banking management culture and complex and high volatility structured products and philosophy, to the role played by the rating agencies. derivatives (i.e., CDO, ABS, MBS) and placed in the To be more specific, the combined factors which mutual funds, pension funds and hedge funds’ have probably strongly contributed to the subprime portfolios and sold all over the world to institutional issue are related to: investors as low risk (AAA rating) investments with 1) the low interest rates introduced in the last very attractive return rates (profitability). With this years in the U.S. market (expansionary monetary strategy the financial engineering “miracle” was policy) to stimulate aggressive growth of the credit actually invented. Contrarily to the established industry (mortgage lending) and to sustain a steady investment techniques principles (low risk/low growth of the real estate industry; returns and high risk/high return) the financial 2) the high level of leverage of both the U.S. engineering miracle has created the (low risk/high citizens (consumer credit/mortgage lending) and the return) paradigm, at least in the short-term. Most U.S. banks and financial institutions (through the use stakeholders of this innovative banking approach of a remarkable increase of the innovative, complex must have been very happy about the miracle at least and highly volatile financial engineering products in the beginning. Rating agencies’ risk models have such as securitizations and derivatives placed on certainly underestimated the impact that widespread external vehicles - SPVs); defaults in a declining home price environment could 3) the “credit euphoria” of both mortgage have on the value of complex financial engineering lenders and borrowers in the US market, generated products like the CDOs. by the low interest rates and the more relaxed credit

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origination terms applied by banks, has facilitated the Federal Government, and assume some public level of credit risk increase in particular in the responsibilities. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac subprime customer segment. It has also allowed at on September 6, 2008 requested a 200 billion dollars least in the short term the US GNP growth and an rescue plan, they were still rated AAA. The same improved position in the Balance of Payments; occurred with Lehman Brothers, since a few hours 4) the profitability incentives/objectives of the before its bankruptcy announcement on September management of banks, investment firms, and mutual 14, 2008 was still rated as an investment grade (A funds that combined with low interest rates and rapid rating) organization. mortgage portfolio growth have probably stirred even Perhaps there has not been sufficient attention to more speculative behaviours of bankers, shareholders the risk management aspects of mortgages loans and and investors to pursue more aggressively short-term derivatives, or perhaps there has been limited auditing financial benefits. and supervisory controls, but one thing which is sure This last assumption is demonstrated by the is that, at least in the short-term, the rapid portfolio unusual salary and bonus increases in the last few growth has certainly strongly contributed to the salary years of CEOs of U.S. banks, investment firms, an and bonus increases of CEOs and top managers, to other financial institutions. It is possible that the the ROI of the banks and hedge and private equity “credit boom euphoria” might have shifted the funds, to the dividends and capital gains of the attention of many CEOs and senior managers of these shareholders, and to the growth of the US. Economy. organizations from their core business (professional These are the risks of short-termism! lending and ) and Now, however, has come the time to mend the organizational/industry culture (lending and credit broken pieces and to start paying the bill of all this management, portfolio risk/return-based decision big mess. Looking at the accrued loss figures and the making, and systematic risk reviews and audits) to a new potential ones (other institutions that may go more aggressive short-term orientation. They might bankrupt and the threat of global recession) the “bill” have closed one eye or maybe even two sometimes, might become a bit too expensive. Since we have to pursue immediate profitability benefits rather than identified who have been the winners of the financial focusing on the long-term sustainability, profitability, engineering miracle, at least in the short-term, we can growth and brand awareness and reputation of their easily identify as well who the losers of this financial institutions. “gambling-with-the-risk game” will be. Although this hypothesis sounds, as it is, quite The extent of the fallout of the global financial worrying and alarming about the ethical and crisis in terms of social costs are still highly professional integrity of some of the bankers and unknown. financial gurus involved in the subprime crisis, the For sure these poor victims of this risky gloomy assumption does not explain, however, why business will be taxpayers who will have to refund the rating agencies have apparently not immediately the governments’ rescue plans for the banks involved reported the mortgage portfolios’ deteriorations in the crisis, but also the people who have variable- downgrading these assets (mortgages rate mortgage loans and other financial products with receivables/securitizations/or the financial similar flexible rates at least in the short-term. The institutions) or raised issues/warnings about the risky reason for this penalization is related to the liquidity SPVs. Even the banking and financial markets problem of banks that for many months did not trust supervisory authorities in U.S. (FED, SEC) and other one another anymore and have preferred not to lend countries (ECB, BOE, and others) apparently have their counterparts on the interbank markets (short- investigated the problem when it was already quite term monetary markets), thus causing an increase in too late. the interbank offered rates and subsequent increase in The role of the Central Banks is to contribute to the interest rates of the variable-rate mortgage loans financial stability. Financial stability is a situation and other adjustable-rates unsecured lending where financial markets, payments and settlements products. systems and financial institutions function smoothly Furthermore, there are those who have lost their and can withstand shocks. This involves monitoring homes and jobs, and the companies that might go the financial system closely. Now in this case things bankrupt because of a potential recession or seem to have gone in a totally different direction. stagflation that further reduce consumer spending. It results quite difficult to believe that the U.S. Other losers will be the banks themselves, private banking and financial markets supervisory authorities equity and hedge funds or insurance companies and were totally unaware of the subprime mortgage loans individual investors who still hold toxic subprime crisis, considering that the two mortgage lending products in their portfolios or derivatives with giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which manage a underlying assets or collateral represented by risky portfolio of above sixty percent of the overall U.S. subprime mortgage loans (unless they will be mortgage lending market, are in fact government- adequately recapitalized by Governments/taxpayers). sponsored enterprises" (GSEs). This means that they Companies might also be affected by this crisis, are privately owned, but receive support from the without the necessary financial support from banks,

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especially the SMEs, due to their weaker negotiating monitor the quality of these mortgage portfolios power, they will experience more selective and which represent the underlying assets or collateral of expensive pricing for their borrowings due to the complex CDO derivatives after their credit crunch. placement/trading on the markets occurs. Who is And now after the first “financial tsunami” of supposed to control portfolio risk deteriorations and the what else should we assure timely and controlled risk assessment and expect? A second potential wave of undeclared losses disclosure on the markets? In Europe and other parts from other banks and financial institutions which of the world Basel II has already been introduced in might challenge the governments’ rescue plans or a its advanced implementation approach (Advanced new potential crisis affecting other financial products Basel II Capital Adequacy Framework) with the well- such as, credit cards, revolving cards, personal loans, known pro-cyclical effects/problems, but in the leasing products, bank acceptances, overdrafts, U.S.A. the “Advanced Approaches Rule” has become commercial papers and so on. effective only on April 2008, and starting from It is difficult to know what the consequences of January 2009, the US banks that will implement the this crisis will be. One thing which is surely known is Basel II Advanced Approaches will be subject to a that in the U.S. and in the U.K. markets the average three years transitional floor period for potential household debt as percentage of income (installment- capital reductions versus current risk-based capital to-borrowers’ income ratio) is approximately 130% rules. versus a ratio of 40%-50% of a country like Italy. Probably no one has really assured the necessary The dramatic effect of the very high level of end-to-end controls in this complex process. Banks or leverage of banks’ customers (mortgage loans banks’ management involved in the subprime lending borrowers) in addition to the high level of leverage of were concentrated to boost convenient funding, mutual funds, private equity hedge funds and SPVs portfolio growth (through massive origination of (Special Purpose Vehicles) with external (SPVs) subprime and Alt-A mortgage lending), and portfolios concentrated on highly volatile financial profitability and to transfer credit risk to other engineering products (i.e., derivatives, counterparts, through securitizations, with moral securitizations) has increased significantly in recent hazard responsibility; the rating agencies have based years the risk factors in the U.S. lending industry. In their evaluations on pro-cyclical models and perhaps particular the placement of these credit receivables in engaged in conflicts of interest; and the investment SVP, external to the banks, have moved away the banks, private equity funds, mutual funds and hedge risky subprime portfolios from the banks accounting funds have been too busy trading and speculating books, generated funding at very convenient terms frantically on these toxic derivatives every day, trying (with AAA ratings) and have allowed subsequent use to maximize their short-term profitability while of these assets (securitized subprime mortgages) as aiming to effectively control credit risk through collateral for derivatives products (CDO). advanced risk management and portfolio Furthermore, this securitization strategy has allowed diversification strategies, CDOs trances and the use the SPVs to benefit of more convenient capital of CDS. adequacy requirements from the banking supervisory A Basel III and specific supervisory regulations authorities (lower equity and more profitability) since will certainly need to be launched quite soon to they were holding derivatives in their portfolios overcome some of the shortcomings of the pro- rather than regular mortgages loans portfolios cyclical effects of Basel II also to introduce adequate (trading book). risk assessments for securitized assets, derivatives American banks have strongly increased in and SPVs. recent years the use of securitizations, derivatives and The average level of leverage (debt) of the SPVs and progressively reduced the traditional American families and in particular of the subprime funding mix (represented primarily by the interbank segments (higher risk profiles) is very high and market facilities, bank current and savings accounts, difficult to sustain in adverse macroeconomic bank deposits, repos and bonds). conditions. The lack of rigorous and timely controls A massive and intensive CDO derivatives on credit policies, underwriting procedures, and trading between investments banks, mutual funds, portfolios risk monitoring of the rating agencies, private equity funds, and other institutions has then banking supervisory authorities, corporate spread the innovative and “explosive” financial governance members, and internal auditing and risk engineering products all of the world making almost management teams, associated with the opportunistic impossible to understand how many funds and and short-term orientation of speculators on organizations are exposed to these toxic derivatives derivatives and short selling, have seriously and which bank has originally issued the mortgage contributed to the subprime mortgages fallout. subprime loans. Certainly a mortgage loan borrower with a The greater worrying concern then becomes, higher risk profile (subprime) and a high probability how do SVPs, investments funds, financial analysts, of credit default or bankruptcy (which is applicable in rating agencies and banking supervisory authorities the U.S. also to individuals), who is also likely to lose

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either his/her job or home purchased on credit dramatic case is not whether one should prefer the (mortgage loan) or both, will probably have, sooner theories of the Chicago school, (i.e. Frank Knight, or later, a very hard time also to reimburse any type Friedrich von Hayek, Ronald Coase, George Stigler, of credit exposure. Milton Friedman, Robert Fogel, Gary Becker, Furthermore, in case of a generalized worsening Richard Posner, Robert E. Lucas) associated with of the economic conditions the financial crisis may neoclassical price theory and libertarianism and with affect also the real economy with a significant the view that regulation and other government decrease of consumer spending and consumer intervention is always inefficient compared to free confidence levels. These conditions, if not offset by market, to the theories of Keynes about the need of effective and timely economic stimuli of the Governments’ interventions to come out of a serious governments and central banks (monetary policies, recessionary crisis or depression. fiscal policies, investments, or adequate government The issue in this very serious financial crisis is protections and financial supports) will have an that certainly “pragmatism” calls for immediate and inevitable negative impact on the banking industry effective rescue plans to save banks, financial and in particular on the consumer and retail banking markets and the overall international economic segments. stability, nevertheless, interfering with the market The situation may certainly improve in the mechanisms can be a very danger policy since it may medium-term with massive financial plans generate serious distortions if not well orchestrated. (recapitalization) from Governments and central The failure in this financial crisis is not due to banks to shore up the banks and investment funds, economic philosophies (Libertarianism versus otherwise the risks will remain very high due to the Keynsianism) but rather to the lack of ethical values lack of trust among banks. and behaviours of many players involved in the The lack of reassurance of the investors who subprime mortgage lending and securitization/CDOSs would scramble for liquidity, might cause in such trading process. difficult financial situations the risk of a potential The Third Pillar of Basel II was introduced to implosion of the financial institutions. In these increase market discipline through enhanced circumstances, as it has occurred in mid-October transparency and disclosure in addition to the Second 2008, the signs of dramatic risks are the very high Pillar’s supervisory review mechanisms. The Third rates of credit default swaps (which are typically Pillar was meant to develop a much more robust traded OTC and without a regulated marketplace) and global risk-adjusted capital measure based on the high rates of interbank rates (i.e., Libor, Euribor) expected increase in transparency. Basel II has which remained very high for a while, regardless of addressed also some issues related to securitizations. the massive central banks cash injections, interest The Governments’ interventions, although rates reductions, and government bail-out deal reasonable, have certainly partially undermined the agreements, protections from bankruptcies, key central role of the market discipline as the true commercial papers markets coverage and bank unbiased and independent regulator of the ethical or nationalizations. unethical behaviours of banks and financial The challenge we face today is that institutions involved in the crisis. The limited Governments and other institutions have to clean up regulatory policies and supervisory controls for the mess, save the global financial markets from their SVPs, derivatives and OTC trading, as well as, the collapse, avoid a global recession, re-establishing late interventions of the Governments’ and Central some credibility and confidence in the banking and Banks’ bail outs, should not justify the banks’ moral financial markets and in the consumers’ minds. The hazards or the rescue plans as an inevitable choice social costs of this ruthless game may be quite high regardless of the banks’ unethical practice and moral and in Europe (Eurozone countries) this may further hazard. worsen at least in the short/medium term some The introduction of specific ethical codes for countries’ difficulties to comply with the Maastricht banks’, hedge funds’ and other financial institutions’ convergence criteria due to their higher budget management are in principles valuable initiatives to deficits and national debts. enforce more discipline in the industry practice and The Governments intervention to shore up the transparency, nevertheless however, what needs to be banks and investment funds through bail-out deal learned from this dramatic events, is that policies, agreements and the Troubled Asset Relief Program procedures and ethical codes alone are not sufficient, may prove to be useful in the short-term but it may since the crisis was not caused only by the lack of also generate additional problems related to market effectively regulated markets. Even rating agencies, distortions, thus somehow penalizing the “ethical supervisory and regulatory authorities have probably financial institutions” in favour of the unethical ones. had their share of responsibilities in what has According to the famous lessons of “Chicago happened. This consideration provides just another School”, there is no better and fair judge than the useful evidence and confirmation that only the market market to punish or reward “good” and “bad” players discipline represents the primary and totally unbiased in the marketplace. The central issue in this very mechanism to assure ethical and fair practice in the

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industry when all activities in the financial markets and possibly a better world than the one we have are properly regulated and controlled. The problem received. with the intervention of Governments to save banks Our responsibility is to breed a new generation from bankruptcy is related to the fact that it can of business and political leaders who can pursue their certainly immediately mitigate risks and avoid goals and ambitions of successful careers and “domino effects” in the financial markets, but it does personal lives in the best interest of the whole society not restore so easily investors’ trust towards these and not only to satisfy their greed, selfishness, and financial institutions or in the organizations that short-term speculative goals. should have controlled their equity, debt, credit, If our legislators and our regulatory authorities market, operational, liquidity, and financial risks. believe that just by assuring billions of dollars to The primary moral hazard in this dramatic avoid global economic collapse or by imposing new financial crisis should be associated to the lack of and more strict laws, policies, sanctions and controls adequate preventive controls of supervisor on these ruthless and unethical senior executives will authorities, the potential conflicts of interest of rating be sufficient to assure a new era of socially agencies, the unethical practice of banks’ risk responsible leaders, then they are just heading for a management professionals, and the unrealistic very big disappointment or other speculative disasters expectations of senior executives and global investors to come in the future. to maintain sustained double digits profitability There is no benefit from any painful growth for a number of years. experience when there is no lesson learned. With regards to this last point, in particular, it Banks, investment funds, and financial has probably come the time to start thinking about a institutions in general base their mission, reputation, new way of measuring company’s and investors’ corporate image and identity on their professional profitability. The new approach should probably behaviour, transparency, reliability, solidity, account also elements of Corporate Social competence and integrity. “Trust” is that single word Responsibility (CSR). Banks’ and companies’ that theoretically should symbolized and summarize management and shareholders should start measuring what a bank really means to customers, other their profitability with the following indicators: financial institutions and the whole society. • SROI © = sustainable return on investments; Now if we consider that in the last weeks of • SROE © = sustainable return on equity; September 2008 banks and investment funds did not • SP/E ratio © = sustainable price/earning ratio; trust one another for mutual speculative reasons, how • SDCG © = sustainable dividends and capital can people and the whole society still trust many of gains; these banks and financial institutions? The dramatic • SRS © = sustainable reward system (salaries, events of the subprime crisis have demonstrated to bonuses, stock options, incentives to the our society that today the global banking and the management). financial markets systems are quite sick (with the The concept of sustainability, of course, should necessary exceptions, of course), and not just for a be based on the bank’s liquidity, financial, economic, temporary, devastating, and socially expensive and leverage position, planning and strategic vision, liquidity crisis, but for a much more insidious and market conditions, and full disclosure and regulation persistent problem to solve, the lack of trust towards over all existing assets and liabilities (internal and socially irresponsible individuals and organizations external – SVPs). operating in the global finance industry. As much as possible, all financial activities should be traded and negotiated in regulated and References controlled markets. More in general, the complex issue today is also 1. Alles L. A. (1995). Investment Risk Concepts and related to how can our society, political and legal Measurement of Risk in Asset Returns, Managerial systems, business schools, universities, educators, Finance, Vol. 21, n. 1 religious entities, communities change the greedy, 2. Allman, Keith A. (2007). Modeling Structured Finance Cash Flows with Microsoft Excel: A Step-by- individualistic, and short-term orientation of some Step Guide. Book & CD-ROM, Publisher: Wiley key players of the financial markets industry (hedge 3. Altman E. I. (1983). Corporate Financial Distress. A funds, mutual funds, private equity funds, investment Complete Guide to Predicting, Avoiding, and Dealing banks and others) to become more socially with Bankruptcy, J. Wiley and Sons, New York responsible and committed to the long-term 4. Altman E. I., Kishore V. M. (1996). 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