and Waterfront : Section 5

5 24 CCentenenttrere 2 T OakOOaak FFeernerndalendallee 3 EEaasasta ttppopointep inte Mitchell’st 2828 LouLLou 102102 102102 LAKE 40 3535 5 ParkPaPa 1 BayBay 39 5959 HarperHHarperp GrosseGrosse Pointeointeint WWoodsoods GrandeG e 4343 30 5 KingsvilleWoodsW oodsooo/o sLeamington to Lakeshore343 37 LLIVONIAIVONIAONNIA Highlandgghlandn 56 944 PointeP ChC h a thh a m-m-Km -KK GrosseGrosse PointePointoin Farms 1818 3939 PaParkPara k HamtramckH mmtmtramcraram 966 ST.S T.C. CLAIRLAIR ynnynnww DearboDearbornearboarbb rn DETROITDETRDETROETRTROITTROTROIT RéseRéserverve nationale de fauneaun Hts.H s.s 153153 St.St. CClairlair National Wildlife AreaA WINDSORWINDSOWINDNDSSOO BeachBeBeaB DearbornDeaDeearrborboorn ecumsehecumumsehmsemmssehh Stoneyy Lighthousee 36 2 Charingingngg BelleBelle SidingSidiSidS inngng 18 CCrossrossss 1212 944 PPuce PPoPointntt CN InksterInkstksk r RiverR 2 JeannettesJ tess NorthN 20 21 22 23 3524 eekk BuxtonB St.JoachimStSt.Jot. JoJoachachi DeerbrookDeerbrbr rookk CP 1414 27 AllenAll n ParkPark FletcherF err Southu h 8 CeCe Lakeshorekkee 53 424 63 SpSprS r LincolnLLi coo Parkarkrrkk 31 48 Buxtonxt n

R. 27 40 ValettaValettaa 7 OldcastleOldcasasa 131 TilburyTilb 8 6 3 7 46 94 TaylorTayloraylolor 4646 NorthNor 34 MerlinM OliverO er R.R ComberComC mmbber 5 DDee SouthgateSouthgo thgagate 85 WyandotteWyandotWWyanWyandWyay dototte MaidstoneMa nee WoodsleeWoodsleel e RuscomR o 34 23 77 37 1 8 StationSStatiSt o eek 14 RiverviewRivevervververrvrvirvieww South r

EsEEssexssssexse CreekC 9 BelleB WoodsleeWoodsleeleee 48 Paquetteq ettt 43 8 244 11 m WWAYNEA YNY N E AmherstburgAmmheerstburge burg CornersCornerser 2727 o 4 5 c 8 PPort 191010 NorthN h s Staples

T u Coatsworthatswtsw h AlAlmama


3 R FFlatFllat RidgeRidge 1414 37 3 RRockockk CoCCottCotCottamottamot Big 27 3131 Blytheswoodooo ESSEXESSSSE23 S E X 2424 KingsvilleKingsvilgsgsvillllele Leamingtmingtongtog WheatleyWheaWWhheatleyhea MinerMineM 34 77 RockwoodRockwkwowowoododd AmherstAmhersmhemh Cedar 1818 131 Wheatley 29 RuthvRuthventhh enn 33 755 PoinPointinntt 18 17 34 Mouilleeuil 2020 15 LiLindenL Beach SeacliSeacleaceac EstralEstra CCedarhurstd Park NewportNee BeachB Colchester OOxleyOx BBeacheach PigeonPiigeon MONROEMOONROROERO BayBay POINT PELEE N ARK/ P TIONAL DE LA POINTE-PELÉE

PointPoint PeleePeleel

el ee P East Sister a ss a g EastEast e SisterSister I.I. ScScuddercudderc HenHen I. 17b eeleelee IslandIsland Pelee Islandd OTTAWAOTTAWA CCedaredar Point North Bass Island d Wildlife Refuge Middleddle Bass Island IsIslanIslaIsllandd LUCASLUCAUCCASCA PN DE LA POINTE-PELÉE Highlights of Section 5 Essex County has everything from the serenity of Pelee Island to the bustle of Wind- sor: award-winning wineries, celebrated culinary scene, fascinating museums, forts, beaches, farmstands, charming waterfront villages. Visit, Ontari- and for additional tourism information and trip plans. Trail Runs Along: Paved road shoulders, paved and screened limestone paths including the Chrysler Canada and the in Windsor. Essex County is part of the County-Wide Active Transportation Network (CWATS). Length: 213.2 Kilometres Kingsville / Leamington to Lakeshore Map Pages Map17: Kingsville / Leamington Map 21: Windsor East Map 17b: Pelee Island Map 22: Tecumseh Map 18: Harrow / Colchester Map 23: Belle River Map 19: Amherstberg Map 24: Lakeshore Map 20: Windsor West Lake Erie Map 17 of 30 Map 17 Trail Length: 36.7 km

Rd 2 E Mors Woodland St a d N L 33 34 © Lucidmap Inc. 2016

R e Rd Sandybrook Way Queens A Hodgins Mersea Rd 8 Kingsville Leamington An E E fred St rie St Ivan St llio Division Jasperson Mersea Rd 3

tt v Talbo t St E

Goslin Ct 29 St N 3 St Luts d c Dr

x La #$ Orange St Camelot Av ma e Dr r St Fo rest Av rt St N tz R P c D n hn Wig h Av o o rinc Su Ful J Mersea Rd Kra ssell St 7 Came Ru Fox S l r odyc ler A e St ess d 2 ugusti D P Mersea R A son Dr Wo oplar St v Division St N Leamington District E t Oak St Princeï Albe Gate / Cyclist dismount Main St E Memorial Mennonite Home Barrière / Les cyclistes St Remark Essex Jasper 20 ï Seac t W Erie doivent descendre Mill St liff Dr 34 Oak S Sutton W 48 Bennie Av

Av Mersea Rd St S St Av Av St W 6 ï e William Av bot ke Dr Alderton Tal J

t ia oanne Train C t Sandy La Dan Dr gle Sh S ï

S Main St W tor

t Marie C Wi ï erk for

Frase S Mcdonald St Vic n Av v 77 lliso ord A Ct ï E th Av James Av Pulf Hope La ansdown St #$ Queen Enter L ï Bruner Rd

r r Rd Woodlawn Cr ivision v Chrysler Lakeview Av Dr E 20 Mersea Rd D Parkdale A iff Erie St Roma Club Seacl 5 Canada Dock Rd ion Av Se 50 St Coronat 33 Greenway Park neca D C Bevel Line Rd K Dr W h 00.51kmennet liff A.M. O'Neil Memorial l Dr Seac err ï Cul Conservation Area

y L Robson R r Mersea Rd 4 h Dr d a 18 Erie Av Lakeside Park Ferry to Pelee Island Narrow bridge / 00.51km Heritage Rd 3 Lawndale Av No shoulder #$ 33 Pont étroit / 34 Carrefour giratoire Pas d'accotement d ï Mersea R 34

R d 3

Erie St N

29 Av Rd 2 W St E Talbot Rd St Talbot Rd 2 E Leamington Elliott

Peterson 23 Union 34 District Memorial Marlborough St E ï Talbot St W 3rd Conc Rd Oak St W Bridge, wooden deck ï Oak St E Pont, terrasse en bois Mersea Rd 12 v

Cedar Creek Sdrd

Cain Sdrd Fox La

Rd S Mennonite Home Conservation Area c Kingsville 45

M ï ï Main St E rth A ï 42 kms Seacliff Dr ie St Leamington St W ï Fraser Sherk St Graham in ï Er Ma Seacliff Dr W 20 Union Beach DanfoSeacliff Dr E een St Mersea Roma 20 Rd 1 Wigle Av Be Qu Club Pleasant Valley ï vel 16 Campground Erie Line Rd Ferry Terminal Glen 12 Huffman Lakeside Manor Park Leamington Rd Rd Cedar Creek Municipal Robson Rd Conservation Area Marina


Tra Ferry to P Narrow bridge / n 33


No shoulder ver Pelée

Isla Pont étroit / sie Scale le lee l’î

Iler Rd Cedar Island Pas d'accotement e r

Arner Townline Rd à l’île Pel elee Kingsville / P Park & Beach 012km r à

to John R Park sie Cedar Beach Isla r 50 e Homestead Leamington v Rd Conservation Area nd Ferry e Rd ra Conservation itag ée Dolson Her T Area ï 18 ï Little Waters Essex Breezy Beach Beach Beach Legend / Légende Clark Beach Lake Erie On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping Winery / Vinicole Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature Alerts / Alertes 4 Lac Érie Lookout / Vue panoramique FH Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Built-up / Secteur bâti Connection / Liaison Parking / Stationnement ï Cemetery / Cimetière Hospital / Hôpital Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Attraction / Attraction Marsh / Marais Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. / Sentier Transcanadien

17b Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 17b of 30 17 Map 17b Trail Length: 28 km



rno Rd arris-Ga d H Hulda’s Rock Scudder Marina R r C e lu Amphitheatre d Visit ud tto Vin Villa Ruins COOP c NORTH BAY Grocery/Petro S n ï V R

T i d E o r c a l l 1-800-661-2220 n O r The Bakery F R e a S l d d R d e e y hor Dyke Rd for schedules and other v N S h r a e o ry r rs r information. d e Anchor and Wheel i t e o R

r Visitez d Ki Pelee School à n K o u c o m p o s e z l e 1-800-661-2220 g i n s v pour obtenir les horaires et g i svi l a utres renseignements. l e Brown's Rd d l R & rd l ewa e Stoneman Hom d L R e e t e a L m eam Dyk i Ruggles Run n e r Scale g t i t n n o d 0 0.5 1 km g n R Ce t d o

n R


in t

North Bay Loop / Boucle a c

r i

V o Time: 1.5 – 3 hrs L Distance: 19.3 km (11.6 mi) Parson's Rd Pelee Island W Pump Rd

Pelee Airport

Legend / Légende d

d R


Waterfront Trail On-road / Sur la route e r




h Waterfront Trail Off-road / Hors route s

r S


d Waterfront Trail Gravel Road / Route en gravier W



North Bay Loop / Boucle H

Fish Point Loop / Boucle Comfortech Bike Rental Gravel Road / Route en gravier Coneheads Ice Cream Park & Pavilion Alerts / Alertes Ontario Medical Clinic Essex Pelee Island 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Campground Connection / Liaison Westview Tavern

Heritage Centre Coop Hospital / Hôpital Stone House 1891 Brewery Pelee Island Rd est Water Station / Station d’eau Legion Hall Pheasant Farm t+W Stone Road e as r E Alvar Nature Stone & Sky Vin Villa Model R Attraction / Attraction Reserve d Art Works ï d Beach / Plage R

Fish Point Loop / Boucle e Pelee Island k Campground / Camping S y Wine Pavilion t


D o n R Time: 45 min – 1.5 hrs

y Information / Renseignements e r t

r r Distance: 8.7 km (5.2 mi) R

a d

Cu Lookout / Vue panoramique w Owl Feeding


t Marina / Marina S Rd re ho Parking / Stationnement Mahoney Blvd S S

Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Traversier a Sa


e Waterfront Trail Washrooms / W.-C. r Pelee Island ry

McCormick Rd McCormick Bird Observatory Time: 2 – 4 hrs t Winery / Vinicole o Distance: 30.3 km (18.2 mi) S

Hiking Trails / Sentiers de randonnées a n d FOX Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature u n POND d sky Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario u sky FISH POINT ,


Cemetery / Cimetière , ï h NATURE RESERVE O i o Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel h i o Marsh / Marais

Map Updated April 2020 © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Lake Erie Map 18 of 30 19 Map 18 Trail Length: 38.5 km Brumor Yacht Club Fort 11 Malden 11 National Harrow 16 Malden Rd Historic Alma St Site Lieu historique national 5 du Fort-Malden h Rd ueen St

Q Laird Av Ontario Clark St Colio Estate Winery Simcoe St

St Chrysler Can 18 Pike Rd Sinas ada Greenway Rd Concessio ac St W Sin Roseboroug n 8 Rd asac St E S Malden d Munger 20 St W Munger St E Erie St N

i R Centre St W Fryer St

Meloche Rd Centre St Dalhousie Sandwich St S St Sandwich Lowes S E drd Secord Av h Conc S 20 King St 9 ris Sdrd t 18 W 5th Conc S

6 Giardin King St E

7th Conc Rd r



White Sands la Rd h Rd

D Av Maple A Conservation Area South S v d drd Shepley Ct Wellington

Mars St

4th Conc S Creek

South Sdrd Sunset o Nico

Howard ulter Sdrd 13 Concessi oodland Dr Narrow bridge / Rizz on 6

er Rd Rd W Co

S S Given No shoulder Kael Dr Walnut StS ur St S

c 15 S R Pont étroit / Mccormick R d t nc d

Walk Pas d'accotement o Arth Pollard D R 5th Conc Rd r

n th Conc S

h Con

Erie S 6 S t



9th C Townline Rd

d 00.51kmd 5th Conc Rd 20 e L


4th Conc Rd a Sunset c S Big Creek Arner

Beach McLeo Ferris R d Av Conservation Area v 4th Co Con nc Rd

50 A

th Rd

Drummond R Bailey's 3rd Beach Smi Essex 11

Howard Holiday Beach rris Rd Willow Beach Collison Sdrd 3rd Conc Rd Lakewood Conservation Area Fe

Dr Smith Rd Chrysler Canada Greenway 42 kms Cedar Creek Lakewood Beach Essex d Conservation Area R MNR Migrant 41 Queen St

Birds Lookout ws Lakesi 20 17 de x Sdrd Harrow Rd

Fo Meado Gore Rd Levergood Beach H

Scale eritage Rd e Rd Rd Huffman Rd 012km Goodview Beach

wnlin 13 o Crystal Beach Wright McCarthy Beach Belcreft Beach Ambassador Beach ner T Iler Rd

Potlake Rd Ar Pigeon Beach Argyle Beach

Ridge Rd

d Paglione 23 Lypps Beach John R Park Erie Rd Estate Dunn Rd Homestead Cornwall Beach Bell R Winery Conservation Rd Oxley Area Dolson 50 Northrop Beach North 42 Estate Bluewater Degrees Winery Evergreen Beach Estate Breezy Waters Beach Clark Beach Winery Beach Beach Legend / Légende Trans Canada Trail / Sentier Transcanadien Cloverdale Maple Leaf Heritage Rd Carolinian Canada EcoTrail Site Poplar Bluff Beach Beach On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping / Site du sentier écologique Carolinian Canada Craig Beach Beach Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Winery / Vinicole Alerts / Alertes Colchester Klie's Beach Lookout / Vue panoramique Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario Connection / Liaison © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Built-up / Secteur bâti Parking / Stationnement Hospital / Hôpital ï Cemetery / Cimetière Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Lake Erie Attraction / Attraction Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Harrow / Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. Marsh / Marais Lac Érie Colchester Map Updated June, 2016 Lake Erie Map 19 of 30 20 Map 19 Trail Length: 38.3 km

Hotte Harbour M Laurier Pkwy Holiday Harbour atchet Island View Marina Huron Talbot Rd 3 Victory St te Rd Amherstburg Ch 3

Rd urch L St. Clair Marine LaSalle Martin L S Talbot Rd Riverfront Harbour 20 i Rd Dean Construction a ne Rd 11 Rd Kelly Rd Disputed Co Ltd Front R

en Broderick Rd Mueller's Marina ion 8

River Run Harbor sion 6 Rd Mald Acali Place Marina d Walker Rd


Petite Cote Narrow bridge, cyclists dismount Conces Conservation Area Pont étroit, les cyclistes doivent descendre Legend / Légende 3 N Townline Rd On-road / Sur la route 8 Townline Rd t Rd N n S RiverviewDr Off-road / HorsT ownlineroute Rd Fro Alerts / Alertes Narrow bridge, no shoulder 2.0 Distance / Distance (km)14th Conc Pont étroit, pas d'accotement Connection / Liaison


S North Sdrd Hospital / Hôpital

Howard Av Ranta Attraction / Attraction Concession 13 Rd Marina

Beach / Plage Campbell N Ontario N CampgroundEssex/ Camping


Conc N

Conc Information / Renseignements

Walker Sdrd 2nd 12th Conc Rd

3rd h Conc N


8th Con Lookout / Vue panoramique 4 Linwood Dr Edgar Sdrd 6th Conc N Marina / Marina 10 Middle Sdrd Ca

5 m Parking / Stationnement 11th Conc Rd pbe N Malden Rd Essex Town Hall / Hôtel de ville ll Sdrd Tremble Brus Crystal Bay 9 Washrooms / W.-C.

Conservation Area Amherstburg-Essex h Sdrd Greenway Texas Rd Winery / Vinicole y Sdrd

Brumor YachtSandwich St N

th Conc N

Club 5 Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature Railway crossing Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario Thomas Rd Trans Canada Trail / Sentier Transcanadien Passage à niveau Maiden Rd 16 Carolinian Canada EcoTrail Site / Alma St Site du sentier écologique Carolinian Canada

Amherstburg Built-up / Secteur bâti

t Laird Av Laird Sandwich St S Cemetery / Cimetière Rd ï

Simcoe St nd S o 18 Pike Rd Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel St S Malden Rd er

ichm Marsh / Marais


R Meloche © Lucidmap Inc. 2016

Fry S

20 5 c

Dalhousie Lowes Sdrd nc S Concession 7 Rd 7th Conc Rd

5th Conc S

4th Co White Sands 6th Con Middle Sdrd Amherstburgnc S Conservation Area o

Middle Sdrd Brunner Av Marsh Rd Creek Rd Creek

Brumor Yacht Club Rd Sandwic 9th C Con Bridge, no shoulder Duff Av cession 6 Rd

Pont, pas d'accotement William St

Thomas h Railway crossing St N Saint Arnaud Passage à niveau

h Conc S 5th Conc St Rd


7 lchester South Townline Rd 5t o h Conc Rd

Sandwich S Alma St Dr

National t 20 States Av

Historic Site Fort St in St S


k Av Big Creek Lieu historique ummond Rd 4th Conc R

Malden-c Sunset Mcleod Av Ma nois S d national du li

Dr Front Rd S Front Conservation Area v Ven Beach Pacific Il Fort-MaldenA t S Gold Co h Rd

Laird Av S Av Laird St 50 King's Richmond 3rd Conc S Boardwal Vermont Dr A Smit Bailey's Beach Navy St tic Av Amherstburg v

al ay Dr ay ast Dr Yard Murray Bratt3r Drd C Chamber of B onc Rd Howard Park Gore St Commerce Mclean Rd Holiday Beach Collison Sdrd t

S Conservation Area Park St Simcoe St Rd Lakewood B ystal Willow Beach Mars Ferry Pike Rd Her Cr h Rd Smith Rd Dr g St itage Rd Fryer

Lakewood Kin Queen St

Drummond Rd Meloche King Beach MNR Migrant Birds Lookout r St E Scale MccurSharpdy D S-turn with hill Lakes S Briar R 012km ide Rd Virage serré idgeen S. Avavec colline

D Fox Sdrd

Meadows Rd Gore R alhousie S Crownridge B rie St lvd E d Levergood Beach Goodview Beach Low t es Sdrd

Crystal Beach S

McCarthy Beach 00.51kmd White Sands Conservation Area Rd Belcreft Beach e Potlake Rd Wright Rd

Pigeon Beach Eri Ambassador Beach unn R

Argyle Beach 2nd Conc D Middle S Lypps Beach drd 18 Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 20 of 30 Map 20 Trail Length: 17.7 km

© Lucidmap Inc. 2016

Windsor- Detr Tunnel Brand Centre Riverside Dr E 21 oit Festival VIA Rail Scale Dieppe Plaza Bert Weeks Michigan Civic Memorial Gardens Windsor 00.51km Gardens Gladstone Av Terrace Station U.S.A. M Riverside Dr W c D Canada South o Ambassador JanetteYMCA Av Science City Centennial Park u Bridge Cra g Family a l Kildare Rd Ma Ambassador l Odette wford Av Aquatic Via Italia Park Complex Langlois Av St Sculpture Erie StS E Park t Blvd E Ottawa Campbell Av Erie St W Giles L incoln Rd Wyandotte St W Hotel Dieu-Grace Ouellette Av St E Dougall Av herd MacKenzie Shep Hall College Av Tecumseh Rd E Queen Elizabeth River Windsor Sunken Gardens Détroit Sandwich St Tecumseh Rd W Ypres Blvd Prince Rd Construction)(Bridge Huron Lodge Unde Totten St DominionS Blvd Cameron Blvd r Mic Mac Windsor & District Chamber of Commerce Ojibway Pkwy Park Windsor Regional- Rd Western Campus Carmichael Huron C

La Rivière Malden hurch Detroit Park

Rd Ontario Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Pkwy Arman (Canada) Black Oak da St Ojibway W Grand Blvd Heritage Park Park 3 Tallgrass Prairie Heritage The Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway Trail Park Grand Maraisruns Rd 20 W km from Malden Rd in the west to County Rd 9 in the east.

Malden Rd Roundabout Matchette RdOjibway Prairie Ojibway Pkwy Sprucewood Av Carrefour giratoire Provincial Windsor (West) Old Front Rd Spring Garden Cabana Rd W Nature Reserve ANSI Morton Dr Todd La

20 Legend / Légende Trans Canada Trail / Sentier Transcanadien Bingo On-road / Sur la route Canada-U.S. Border Crossing / Poste de frontière Bay Off-road / Hors route Normandy St Park Haven Marina Alerts / Alertes Parking / Stationnement Essex Distance / Distance (km) Westport Marina 2.0 Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Reaume Rd Connection / Liaison Heritage Dr WashroomsCousineau/ W.-C. Rd Hospital / Hôpital Huron Church Line Rd La Salle Marina 3 Winery / Vinicole Attraction / Attraction Bouffard Rd Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature SunSet Beach / Plage Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario Marina Laurier Dr Campground / Camping Built-up / Secteur bâti Information / Renseignements ï Cemetery / Cimetière Michigan Av Lookout / Vue panoramique Conc 6 Rd Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Marina / Marina Marsh / Marais 19 Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 21 of 30 Map 21 Trail Length: 9.9 km Lake St. Clair Lac Sainte-Claire

Lakeview Marina

Scale Sandpoint Beach Riverdale Av 00.51km Riverside Dr E

Reaume Wyandotte St E 22 Park Coventry Gardens 20 Little River Rd

Jefferson Blvd Little River Blvd S National St Lauzon Rd McHugh St

Pillette Rd Seminole St Market Square Drouillard Rd Central Av ï Tecumseh Walker Rd Kildare Rd Rd

Lauzon Pkwy

Windsor Regional - Windsor r de D Metropolitan Campus ï Gla Chrysler Ctr st re Fo th Rd B Ypres Blvd Plymou anwell Rd

EC Row Expwy ï Rhodes Dr Grand Marais Rd E Ontario Walker Rd (Canada) Windsor Division Rd International Division Rd Airport

ï Baseline Rd Devonwood Conc Rd Windsor (East) Conservation Area Cabana Rd E 9th Legend / Légende On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping Winery / Vinicole Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature Alerts / Alertes 4 Dougall Pkwy Lookout / Vue panoramique FH Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Built-up / Secteur bâti Connection / Liaison Parking / Stationnement ï Cemetery / Cimetière Hospital / Hôpital Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel N Talbot Rd Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Attraction / Attraction Marsh / Marais Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 22 of 30 Map 22 Trail Length: 14.4 km

Scale 00.51km

21 Ri vers ide Lake St. Clair Dr Lesperance Rd E Lakewood Lacasse Blvd Park Lac Sainte-Claire

St. Clair Beach Tecumseh Manning Rd Roundabout at Southwind Cres. and at Aloha Dr. Saint Gregory's Rd Carrefour giratoire à Southwind Cres. et à Aloha Dr. Tecumseh Rd Tecumse h Rd Brighton Rd Railway ï Wallace Ln Parkette crossing ï Bridge crossing, no shoulder 2 Passage Private road may Traversée de pont, pas d’accotement à niveau not be maintained

22 Puce Rd Route privée pouvant E Parkette Puce ne pas être entretenue. 19 P Lilydale ik Av e Essex

C Puce Rd St. Clair Av

d 21 r

e Tecumseh Rd

e Renaud Ln

k Lakeshore

22 Parkette 23 R

Little Baseline Rd d Patillo R


Manning Rd

25 Emeryville

Wallace Line Rd

ï er Rd Tecumseh v

Ontario W Puce Ri Legend / Légende ine Rd

On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping Winery / Vinicole 42 aud L Division n Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature Rd

Re 4 Alerts / Alertes Lookout / Vue panoramique FH Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Built-up / Secteur bâti Connection / Liaison Parking / Stationnement ï Cemetery / Cimetière Hospital / Hôpital Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Rd Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Attraction / Attraction Marsh / Marais Puce Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 23 of 30 Map 23 Trail Length: 13.5 km

Scale Lake St. Clair 00.51km Lac Sainte-Claire

Private road may not be maintained Route privée pouvant Ruscom Shores 24 ne pas être entretenue. Busy road crossing Conservation Area Stuart Ln Traversée de rue acalandée St. Clair Av Lakeview Park Parkette Lakeshore Pk 22 s Golfview Charron Beach Rd Ros Beach Rd Caille Av Lakeview Dr Strong Rd Parkette Rourke Ln Parkette Tecumseh Rd Parkette 2 Railway Tecumse h Rd crossing 22 Notre Da Deerbrook me St Passage Tecumseh Rd / County Rd 2: à niveau er narrow road, no shoulders, Riv Belle River Bridge crossing, no shoulder high speed traffic Traversée de pont, pas d’accotement

Strong Rd (60-80 km/h) 31 Tecumseh Rd / County Rd 2:

St e route étroite, pas d'accotement, circulation à haute vitesse Bell


harron Line Rd (60-80 km/h) River


Rourke Line Rd Division Rd 27 22 m

42 Rusco Division Rd Essex Belle River

e Rd

ster Townline Rd Legend / Légende

French Lin

Roche On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping Winery / Vinicole

Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature

Alerts / Alertes Lookout / Vue panoramique Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Built-up / Secteur bâti Ontario Connection / Liaison Parking / Stationnement ï Cemetery / Cimetière Hospital / Hôpital Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Attraction / Attraction Marsh / Marais Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Map Updated April, 2016 Lake Erie Map 24 of 30 Map 24 Trail Length: 16.2 km

Lake St. Clair Lac Sainte-Claire

Lighthouse Conservation Area

Parkette Lighthouse Cove Lighthouse Saint T hames Parkette Clair Rd Stoney Point Inn R i v e r

ï Saint Clair Rd Tremblay Beach Stoney Point Conservation Area

2 Tecumseh Rd Dr e Beach Rd Laforet Beach Rd Coutur r 23 Gracey Sdrd Claireview Parkette Railway Lakeshore Rd 301 crossing

isdelle D

35 Railway T Passage 25

crossing Sdrd à niveau Passage Rd

cey à niveau a 2 Gr Essex eh Rd Lakeshore Rd 302 Lighthouse Tecu ms T ecumseh Rd 39 Scale 2 00.51km 37

Lakeshore Tecumseh Rd / County Rd 2: narrow road, no shoulders, Lakeshore high speed traffic (80 km/h) Lakeshore Rd 303 Tecumseh Rd / County Rd 2: route étroite, pas d'accotement, Legend / Légende circulation à haute vitesse (80 km/h) On-road / Sur la route Campground / Camping Winery / Vinicole Off-road / Hors route Information / Renseignements Conservation Area / Zone de protection de la nature 4 Ontario Alerts / Alertes Lookout / Vue panoramique FH Provincial Park / Parc provincial de l'Ontario 2.0 Distance / Distance (km) Marina / Marina Built-up / Secteur bâti 42 Division 401 Connection / Liaison Rd #$ Cemetery / Cimetière Parking / Stationnement ï Hospital / Hôpital Park, Natural Area / Parc, Espace naturel Town Hall / Hôtel de ville Attraction / Attraction Marsh / Marais Beach / Plage Washrooms / W.-C. Trans Canada Trail / Sentier Transcanadien 30km to Leamington © Lucidmap Inc. 2016 Map Updated April, 2016