Acupuncture Induction Techniques

Acupuncture is an energetic treatment using Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture points, often used with stimulation in the form of and/or electrical current. The reason that responses vary are due to the balancing effect of the treatment. Some people are extremely responsive to energetic medicine, others not as much. The use of acupuncture for induction is like a gentle push; nudge – it will not force the body to respond if it is truly not ready. This is why that repeated treatments are beneficial. If there is no response after the first treatment, don’t assume that it is not working; we sometimes need to be “pushed” a few times before we get results.

What to Expect: During the treatment you can expect a wide range of sensations…..From nothing, to lots of tingling, warmth or “zingy” travelling feelings in your body, usually your legs. You may not feel anything other than the slight pinch of the needle being inserted. After the treatment some people feel extremely relaxed while others feel energized. Both are normal responses. A change in bowel movements is and/or appetite is also commonly reported. Mild cramping or stronger Braxton Hicks contractions may occur during or after the treatment. If contractions start, you may want to try some of the other suggested induction techniques to augment the labour.

Other labour induction suggestions: • Homeopathic remedies – alternate the blue (A) and black (B) cohosh every 30mins. Place 3 pellets of remedy A in a glass of water stir and take 1 drink. Refill glass. Put aside. 30 mins later place 3 pellets of remedy B in a different glass of water, stir and take 1 drink. Refill glass. Put aside. Repeat. • Labour tincture may be used every 30 mins off the homeopathic schedule – 30 drops. • 3 capsules of Evening Primrose oil inserted vaginally against cervix at bedtime. • Increase Red Raspberry leaf tea to 6 cups daily or 1 Tbsp of Gemmotherapy Rubus Idaeus tincture 3 x daily away from main meals. • to uterus point (SP6- inner leg) and acute point (LI4-hand) • Gentle exercise – hard enough to get a light sweat for ~20 mins. • Nipple stimulation – suckling, rolling between thumb and finger, or breast pump. • Castor oil vigorously massaged onto belly; heat may be applied to increase circulation. • Spicy food! Thai, chili, etc. • Female orgasm to contract the uterus; male orgasm to put semen on the cervix. • Burn a small amount of sage – encourages open communication, releases negative in the environment. • Relax….whatever that means to you. Watch a movie, yoga, glass of wine, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy etc.