Hesburgh Discusses Environment ND Honors
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~------------------------------------------------- -- Lewis Chicks NO administration in the wrong? Originally built as a convent in the 1960's, Students respond to an alleged rape incident at Wednesday /,ewis I fall has since become the home of more Notre Dame and the administration's response than 300 women. to the crime. APRIL 5, Scene+ page 12 Viewpoint+ page 11 2000 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXIII NO. 115 HTTP:/ /OBSERVER.ND.EDU Hesburgh discusses environment ND honors that Ilnsburgh McKenna • Father Ted cites montionnd. has society as biggest conw undm· !wavy threat to nature prnssure and is with Laetare sufkring in quali By KirLIN TURNER ty. "ThnrP arP so New~ \Vrilt:r By JASON McFARLEY many places on News Writer l~arth when~ tlw 1-'<ttlwr Tlwodon• IIPsburgh. air is unbrnath Univnrsity pn~sicknt Pnwritus. abln," llnsburgh Notre Dame will recognize ki!'kPd oil' a dismssion sPriPs that said. Andrew McKenna, chairman of will bP!,rill thP rPidmttion ofTarth Tlw pollution of the University's Board of Trustees Month 2000 at Notn• DamP. Tlw water sources is since 1992, with the 2000 Laetarn sPriPs addn•ssPs tlw probiPms tlw sncond factor Medal, the and tlw solutions t'oiH'Prning t•nvi• that llnsburgh list highest honor the University ronnwntal protPction. Pel iL<; fimdamental bestows and "Tiw Pn\'ironnwnt is surlt an to Pllvironmnntal Pnormous thing - it is thl' Pnw prnlili•ration. the oldest one lopP in whirlt \\'P livl' ... said "WP haw taknn given to IIPsburgh. tlw sPcond biggPst American lit• list.t•d "tlw tlm•p gn•at biPss rnquirPnwnt on Catholics. "[He has] ings wt• havl' f(w human lif(• and Earth and man l'XistPIH'P" iL<; watt•r. land and air. not only dedi- agml to pollutn 97 cated time McKenna Tog<'lhPr with tlw lPill(Jl'ratP rli perr<'nt of' it, .. hn matP. thl' watPr supply and tlw tilt said. and resources to many charitable causes ... but to tlw sun. IIPsburgh statPd. "If' l'n~servation of' you sat down and plannPd out a land resourcns is also, by example and leadership, pPrf'Pct planPl. you could not do anotlwr nssnntial [basi led others to dedicate them lwttPr." IIPsburgh notPd that key in maintaining selves as well," said University "tlwsP conditions do not Pxist any tlw stability of the president Father Edward Malloy. "The causes you support are wlwn· Pist• iL<; fitr iL<; \\'l' know." nnvironnwnt. Tim SoriPty posPs an inrrnasing U.S. providns a diverse, but prominent among thn•al to rlnan air. watt~r. and grnat portion of them have been the Church and land, said I!Psburgh. thn world's agricul MIKE HARRISfThe Observer Notre Dame, which has benefited in a special way from your energy "Tiw gill God gaw us is a world tural supply. he Notre Dame president emeritus Father Theodore Hesburgh discussed the in Pquilibrium }that! WP arP importance of the world's environment Tuesday night. He stressed the and vision," Malloy told McKenna said. importance of younger generations in maintaining a delicate balance. destmying," lw said. "We have the while informing him of his selec tion for the award. According to I lnsburgh. il' this most boautiful !'arm- generation as the first in rncogniz Earth is something we need to McKenna learned of his selec imbalant·t~ (JPrsisL-;. and if' WP do land in the world and yet we arn ing the importance of environ take care of." said Hesburgh. tion early last week, according to not do somPthing about tlw constantly taking land· out of the mental awareness and conscious The preservation of the envi grPPnlwusP-Pfli~d. wn an~ going agricultural production," said Dennis Moore, director of Public ness. ronment, Hesburgh said, Relations and Information. At to dnpiPll~ tlw Earth of' iL-; oxygnn. llnsburgh. "Your generation, I think, has Air, OIW of' tiw Jirst IWCessiti<~S I lesburgh ichmtilied tho rising finally gotten the message that the see EARTH/page 4 see LAETARE/page 4 ND senate changes hands; presidents reflect on duties havB improved the lives of Notre University committees such as "To help the transition go O'Donoghue stressing the impor By LAURA ROMPF Dame students. CLC, First Ynar of Studies and smoothly we have appointed a tance of good communication. Assistant News Editor "We made several positive tho Student Disability commit transition chair," O'Donoghue "I can't say I have any regrets. changes such as the extension of tee," Murphy said. 'This is also said. "It's been a fairly smooth If I could change anything, I Transition tinw for student SafeRide's hours, and based on the focus of the Board of process." would have worked more on government bngan April 1 at the rider-ship this past week Trustee's report in May. We Also, Murphy has met with communication," Murhpy said. midnight wlwn Mieah Murphy's nne!, those hours suit the stu looked at several committees O'Donoghue to answer questions "I feel this is where most prob term as student body president dents better." where students were either not and advise him of people who lems lie - communication ended and Murphy . represented at all or were could help his platform materi among people in the office, with B r i a n said his underrepresented." alize. people from administration, and O'Donoghtw administra Although O'Donoghue has O'Donoghue among stu took oflicP. tion also been in office less than a week, said that both dents in gen Murphy hnlped to his administration has laid Murphy and "Fortunately this year eral. We said his increase groundwork to work for the student body probably tnrm was student same fulfillment of campaign vice president there were no major could have b () h involvetmmt promises that Murphy's strove Michael controversies where I done a better n~ w a r d i n g in sporting for. Palumbo have would have had to make job up and and Pduca activities. "There is no single. one item given useful down the tional. Murphy O'Donoghue w e which is first on our agenda. We advice. an immediate, important, whole com " F o r - worked on are launching several different "We're a definitive decision." munication tunately this yoar thorn wen~ no a1 hletics. nspecially with projects at once to ensure they new adminis chain to keep major ron trove rsios who rn I Midnight Madness and the bas go into d'fect as soon as possi tration and people more Micah Murphy would have had to make an k.Ptball student section. Once ble." O'Donoghue said. we're going to informed and imnwdiate. important. definitive again, the student section is now "Structurally we have just fin operate by outgoing student body president receive more dedsion." lw said. "IJowevPr, I ba(·k up and running. Also stu ished selncting our stafl' and set our own stan- information hope that we madn improve dent season tickets for hockey ting the budget. Now it is time to dards, guide- from people." nwnts on tlw quality of' tlw stu are now available." go forward and start working," lines, and goals, but both Micah Murphy also urged dPnt oxpPrit~nco hPn' on cam Another goal of' thn Murphy he said. and Michael have given us many O'Donoghue not to forget his pus. administration was to incwase The current transition period guidelines to effective servant role as a student servant. Murphy also hopes several thn voice of tlw students. between the two administrations leadership and ('or this guidance "1-Iopcfully [O'Donoghuel will programs his administration "Finally wn havn helped to g<'t should be smooth because both we are grateful," he said. t·onstruc:tPd. such as Safe Hide. more studnnt rnprnsentation on parties are working together. Murphy offered advice to see SENATE/page 4 __ j page 2 The Observer+ INSIDE Wednesday, April 5, 2000 INSIDE COLUMN THIS WEEK IN MICHIANA Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Assess abortion + Art: "Full of Emptiness." + Theater: "Thn Wiz," 8 + Music: Fernando Ortega + Music: Billy Hay Cyrus works by Kuna Na. 9 a.m.- p.m., Mendel Center in Concert, 7:30p.m., Concert, 7 and 9:30 p.m .. cases separately 7:30p.m., Colfax Cultural Mainstage, Lake Michigan ELCO Performing Arts Ramada Wagon Wheel Center, South Bend. College, Benton Harbor. Center, Elkhart Theatre, Warsaw. When a 16-vear-old friend c-alled to tell me slw +Art: "A Lifi• in Art." + Art: "llnad of the Class," + Theater: Dancing at + Film: "Hear Window," was pregnant~ I locked myself in a room and let works by tnaehers, 9 a.m.- Lughnasa: By South Bend her voic1~ innumerabh• concerns. works by Margaret Iannelli, 3:45 and (>:30 p.m .. She wantnd the baby. Stubborn as ever, she II a.m.-5 p.m., N11w Moon 7::m p.m .. llarbart Gallery, Civie Theatre. 8 p.m., The Vickers Theatre, Thrne wouldn't hear of postponing the picture-pPrfect life she wanted with tlw Gallery. Benton llarbor. Long Bnach. Firehouse Theatre. Oaks. child's father by considering Lauren Berrigan adoption or abortion. Eventually. and dan~ I say, thankfully, her baby's Sports Compiled from U-Wire reports health forced dortors to Production OUTSIDE THE DOME perform a medical abortion. She later admitted that. in many ways, she knew her U. of Iowa students storm office to join WRC life would oiTer more opportunities since slw was childless. IOWA CITY "We may have been Although the Ul had attempted to Unfortunately. often due to fear or lack of In an "absolute derlaration" that meet one of the SAS demands on money.