Corporate Governance and Directors' Duties in Hong
‘O‘O‘One‘O ne Jurisdiction, Two Regimes?’: A SocioSocio----legallegal Perspective on how Directors of Chinese Family Companies in Hong Kong ssshouldshould be Regulated A L E K Young A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Thesis submitted: March 2013 University of Western Sydney i ii Acknowledgement This decade long journey had been plague by years of heartache, setbacks, tears and occasional joy. I am ever so grateful for the collective wisdom of my supervisory team; Professor Michael Adams, Associate Professor Scott Mann and Doctor Marina Nehme. No words can express my gratitude and indebtedness for their kindness, guidance, and help, in particular, to Professor Michael Adams, because without his stewardship I could not have completed this thesis. Through this endeavour, I am also very grateful for the support and advice from many friends and colleagues in Australia and Hong Kong. Equally, there have been many critics whom expressed their scepticisms and opposition to my thesis. My initial reaction was one of anger and then despair, but upon reflection I realised that they have been helpful in pointing out my shortcomings. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to both my friends and critics. They are: Associate Professor Alex Lau, Honorary Professor Ted Tyler, Professor Albert Chen, Associate Professor Daniel Ho, Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff, Associate Professor CK Low, Professor Chong Kim-chong, Doctor Ann Black, Associate Professor David Morrison, Doctor Amanda McBratney, Associate Professor Charles Qu, Professor John Braithwaite, Professor Arie Frieberg, Professor John Farrar, Mister Philip Lawton, Doctor Len Gainsford, Professor Sam Blay, Doctor Grace Li, Doctor Andrew Simpson, Professor Stewart Clegg, Doctor George Li, Professor Paul Redmond, Doctor Vassili Joannides, Doctor Joel Swann, Associate Professor Gavin Nicholson, and Professor Myles McGregor-Lowndes.
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