The End of the Tour
THE END OF THE TOUR Screenplay by Donald Margulies Directed by James Ponsoldt Based on "Although Of Course You End Up Becoming Yourself: A Road Trip With David Foster Wallace" by David Lipsky © 2014 EOT Film Productions, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No Portion of this script may be performed, published, reproduced, sold or distributed by any means, or quoted or published in any medium, including on any website without prior written consent of EOT Film Productions, LLC. This material is the property of EOT Film Productions LLC and is intended and restricted for use solely for EOT Film Productions, LLC personnel. Distribution of disclosure of this material to unauthorized persons is prohibited. Disposal of this script copy does alter any restrictions previously set forth. FADE IN: 1 INT. LIPSKY’S WEST END AVE APT/LIVING ROOM/OFFICE - NYC - 1 2008 - NIGHT A bright, unpretentious two-bedroom in a pre-war building, cluttered with books and papers, reflecting its owner’s lively mind. The decor is that of a perennial grad student’s digs, the bachelor pad of a New York intellectual. A dog curled up on the sofa beside him, DAVID LIPSKY, a boyishly handsome forty-three, quick-witted, tightly-wound, smokes and types speedily from scraps of handwritten notes, surrounded by books on his current journalistic subject, climate change. A stack of copies of his recent publishing success - Absolutely American - looms nearby. His iPhone vibrates. He gets up and answers the call. LIPSKY Hey, Bob, what’s up? BOB’S VOICE (over phone) Listen: According to this unconfirmed report..
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