W a A “WHALE” O F A V IEW 1 rm 2,238cfs 75cfs , M S 4,430cfs 4 e S p 5 to h ri W Groundwater Recharge Zone it n h 6 liu ik g it If you use your imagination, part c s e s e fs R R R R of the map below looks a bit like Annual Estimated . . . . a whale swimming off the page. Squaw Creek Groundwater Recharge S p So when Bob Main, former ri n F g 114cfs Central Watermaster in Cascades = 3800 cfs a R ll R iv e iv r created the map, it was aptly e r THE m m Bend Feed named “The Blue Whale”. It is a a a 6cfs D D


e p i r u graphic model of the various i i a

k Tumalo Feed r c i Little Lava P

W flows throughout the Deschutes e CHALLENGES Crescent n Lake a r Basin, with the width of the river Lake C corresponding to actual river BY REACH Crescent Creek REACH . . r. r. r. flow in cubic feet per second R R p s n C C A C N N S u S s is rn en or or w k lt in p n v ol tr th th al e (cfs) at the times noted. u u e w a d al U C le Q e C O y C h ro D ni an C re S B an re t M C Big Marsh Creek al go al an ai al r t Little Deschutes River n n e u C C UPPER DESCHUTES iv ro 1 an an s T al al R f d 249cfs e c Walker Basin Canal k 5 REACH BY REACH - o 4 High summer flows ro ,2 IT’S THE C 1 Groundwater Discharge Zone Low winter flows GROUNDWATER Water Quality issues Potential Endangered The Deschutes is talked about in Species Act issues three distinct parts, called reaches. The “Upper Deschutes” is considered from the Upper Deschutes Middle Deschutes Lower Deschutes 2 MIDDLE DESCHUTES headwaters to the north Average Winter Flow = 20 - 500 Cfs Winter Flow = 450 - 1200 Cfs Winter Flow = 3750 - 4500 Cfs diversion dam in Bend. The Low summer flows “Middle” reach is from the north Average Summer Flow = 1800 - 2000 Cfs Summer Flow = 30 - 75 Cfs Summer Flow = 3750 - 4500 Cfs diversion to Lake , Average Natural Flow = 1404 Cfs At Gauge Natural Flow = 1350 Cfs Natural Flow = 4533 Cfs At Madras Gauge Water Quality issues and the “Lower” reach is from 5800 Cfs 100 Year Average At Moody Fish passage issues there to it’s terminus at the Crescent Potential Endangered Columbia. Each reach has its Lake own story to tell and opportunity Species Act issues for enhancement. About half of Dam re-licensing issues Cultus c f s = Cubic Feet Per Second the surface water flows in the Lake lower reach come from Our Measure of Success groundwater discharge near Wickiup 3 LOWER DESCHUTES 1 2 3 One cfs is the equivalent of . Most of this Res. 7.48 gallons of water flowing groundwater enters the aquifer Crane Lava Lakes Scenic Waterway flows in the high Cascades. Prairie each second or 646,000 gallons (protected in-stream Res. per day. flows) A CHOICE OF Sisters Potential Endangered Species Act issues FLOWS - “ALTERED” S qu Benham Falls aw Water Quality issues OR “MORE NATURAL” Cre G ek Lake Billy As you can see, the summer Chinook Warm flows are very altered from the La Pine G G G Springs 4 natural flows (shown as cross- (AND OTHER MAJOR hatching). Historical diversions TRIBUTARIES THAT have created the opportunity for = AUGUST AVERAGE STREAMFLOW Bend ENTER THE DESCHUTES) restoration of flows in the middle Madras ver Low flows / winter and section of the river and various = AVERAGE NATURAL FLOW Redmond tributaries by doing conservation d Ri Maupin summer projects applied to the current oke Moody = AGRICULTURAL DIVERSIONS Sherars Water Quality issues system of open, leaky Cro Falls G and antiquated delivery systems. Co ESA related issues This presents a great opportunity = GROUNDWATER DISCHARGE AREA 4 lu Habitat change m for conservation and possible bi = GROUNDWATER RECHARGE a reallocation of some of the water Ri while still providing for productive ve agriculture and restoration of G = GAUGING STATION r ek flows in our basin for fish, wildlife Cre and scenic qualities so important ut Prineville Tro to the Deschutes Basin. Res.