IRS “Con”Spiracy Charge Show Me “The Grouch” the Law Nealy? America’S Debtor Prisons a Case of by Edward Snook Income Tax Returns” for Joco Attorney with R.S

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IRS “Con”Spiracy Charge Show Me “The Grouch” the Law Nealy? America’S Debtor Prisons a Case of by Edward Snook Income Tax Returns” for Joco Attorney with R.S Demanding Accountability FREE Are you a Please Take victim? ONE page 3 US~Observer Committed to excellence in investigative journalism - Volume #1 - Number - 19 Oscar IRS “Con”spiracy Charge Show Me “The Grouch” the Law Nealy? America’s Debtor Prisons A Case of By Edward Snook Income Tax Returns” for JoCo attorney with R.S. Errol contributing years 2000 and 2001. The Serial Criminals IRS maneuvered to resigns Billings, Montana – Henry ensure the original By Captain Tedd Peck (Hank) and Judy Matthies of indictment was handed Laurel, Montana were served down by the Grand Jury The constant reminders of By Ron Lee superceding indictments on April before the statute of the deviant culture we live Investigative Reporter 25, 2007, by U.S. Attorney Kurt G. limitations expired, for in is becoming more Alme. The indictments charged the year 2000, on tax day prevalent in today’s Grants Pass, OR - Even Hank with two counts of “Willful of 2007. society. The stench of though he has stiff Failure to File Income Tax serial rapists, child competition, Oscar Nealy Returns” for years 2000 and 2001 molesters, murderers, c o u l d g o d o w n i n and both Hank and Judy with Conspiracy sexual predators, and Josephine County history “Conspiracy to Defraud the United lurking terrorists permeate books as one of the worst States” for the purpose of to Defraud our news headlines. attorneys to ever practice impeding, impairing, obstructing, This phenomenon is law. So pervasive were his and defeating the lawful is a Con particularly noticeable in wrongdoings he sent a government function of the the twenty-four hour news letter of resignation to the Internal Revenue Service of the Attorney Jeff Dickstein cycles known as cable Oregon State Bar (OSB) on Treasury Department (IRS) in the so eloquently stated in his news. Major events in this May 3, 2007, stating, "I do ascertainment, computation, closing arguments in the world of consequences not desire to contest or assessment, and collection of the now infamous “Joe occur daily and if reported defend the ... complaints, revenue; that is, income taxes. Banister” trial – “A Photo: © Sha Sha Chu, All Rights Reserved to, and comprehended by, a allegations or instances of It is highly unusual to be served a conspiracy to defraud is a distracted public, could In this chilling prophetic pictorial the IRS alleged misconduct." And, superceding indictment without c o n . Yo u d e f r a u d shake the thunder from the towers above a seemingly conquered and on June 20, 2007, his being served with the original someone when you convince them sky. Media news does not indigent man. According to TRAC Reports, resignation was accepted. indictment, which was sealed until that what you absolutely know a n d w i l l n o t p i q u e data from the DOJ shows the government Complaints filed with the the Matthies were arraigned on isn’t true is in fact true. You would suspicion from the masses bar included: failure to June 21, 2007. The original have to trick them into believing reported 151 new tax prosecutions in and that is by total and well carry out a contract of indictment charged Hank with 2 what you know to be false is true. March 2007. Prosecutions are up 9 orchestrated design. employment; failure to counts of “Willful Failure to File Trickery, deceit and craft. To percent from levels reported in 2002. Although petty theft is deposit or maintain client funds in trust; failure to Continued on page 16 Continued on page 15 account for client funds or property; failure to keep a 23 – 60 client reasonably informed Jurors’ True Duties of the status of a case; A Lifetime failure to communicate Take back control before it’s too late with client sufficient[ly] to By US~Observer Staff all of us to obey unfair and Behind Bars allow client to make unreasonable laws. The i n f o r m e d d e c i s i o n s America - During the judge will instruct the jury By Verna Wood r e g a r d i n g t h e early years of the United that they must make their Investigative Reporter representation; knowingly States, up to the mid decision based on the make a false statement of 1800s, you could get facts as presented during Holdenville, OK - “You law or fact to a tribunal; tossed in prison for failing the trial and in strict are hereby sentenced to c o n d u c t i n v o l v i n g to pay back your debts. accord with the law as spend the rest of your life dishonesty, fraud, deceit or Not only were you stated by the judge. The in prison!” Most of us misrepresentation; conduct expected to come up with jury does not legally have cannot imagine what it p r e j u d i c i a l t o t h e the money to pay back to adhere to the judge's would feel like to have administration of justice. what you owed, but you instructions. This is those words spoken to us. From criminal defenses also had to pay for your because in a jury trial, the And we certainly can’t to post conviction relief imprisonment! real "judge" is the jury fathom hearing them if we cases, guardianship filings Today, it is still possible itself, and the judge in the had not committed a crime. to civil suits, Oscar Nealy to be thrown or remain in jail for absolute moral and legal power to black robe only has the power to Yet that is exactly what misrepresented his clients debt. Debts of fraud, child- judge all cases on the basis of the oversee the orderly presentation of happened to 23-year old and foiled their cases while support, alimony, or release fines fairness and reasonableness of the the case to the jury, while it is the Reno Francis in September asking for more money at can land you in jail or prevent you law. Corrupt judges have jury that is the proper "judge" of 1970, nearly 37 years ago. every turn. Some clients from being set free. This is the suppressed this information so both the facts and the law involved Only 17 days after Reno’s would hire him and never g o v e r n m e n t ' s g o a l w h e n most of us are not aware of the in the particular case at hand. arrest he arrived at hear from him. He would prosecuting income tax cases. jury's power. At the time of our Every prospective juror has not O k l a h o m a S t a t e even avoid their multiple Apparently we have become nation's founding, when many only the right but the obligation to Penitentiary in McAlester - attempts to contact him. desensitized to incarcerating men judges were honest, this power himself and his fellow Americans a convicted murderer At one point Nealy was and women in what should was not hidden as it is today. The to see that justice is done and to facing a lifetime behind suspended from the rightfully be called "debtor's jury has the undisputed power to remember that ignoring an unjust bars. As of this date Reno is practice of law by the OSB prison." acquit, even if its verdict is law is sometimes the juror's only still in prison regardless of for a period of 4 months, Anybody who is called to be on contrary to the law as given by the recourse to achieve a just verdict the fact that he is but that didn't stop him. He jury duty for any court should judge and contrary to the evidence. which would be NOT GUILTY. completely innocent of the continued to practice, and know their responsibilities, rights The judges want to keep this power Example: The year was 1670, murder of which he was appeared in court on and power. The jury has the secret so they can continue to force and William Penn was on trial for Continued on page 6 Continued on page 10 Continued on page 20 Inside this edition US~Observer 233 Rogue River Hwy. PMB 387 Tax Withholding On The Ropes? . P age 04 Grants Pass, OR 97527-5429 Devvy Kidd Special . Page 08 Welcome to the ‘Methborhood’ . Page 17 Kelsey’s Mom - Guilty Says Jury . Page 24 US~Observer • Page 2 The Grange COMMENTARY Adopted Resolutions Our Nation’s Plight: for a Stronger America Such a Simple Solution The National Grange is the nation's President Dwight D. Eisenhower on By Greg Evensen a southern internment camp without o l d e s t n a t i o n a l a g r i c u l t u r a l June 29, 1960, and is the only private parole. Several million incarcerated US organization, with grassroots units edifice in a federal block across from the prisoners may pick strawberries. established in 3,600 local communities White House. It serves as a non- The simple solutions are sometimes so VIII. The United Nations organization in 37 states. Its 300,000 members governmental headquarters for elusive. In our day of computer created is given six months to vacate the US. provide service to agriculture and rural agricultural and rural families.
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