Oriented Matroids: Applications - Chapters 6, 7 and 8

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Oriented Matroids: Applications - Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Oriented Matroids: Applications - Chapters 6, 7 and 8 Kalle Klimkewitz 10.12.2013 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Catalog 1 2.1 Organisation . .2 2.2 Properties . .4 2.3 Generation . .6 3 Point Configurations 7 3.1 Basics . .7 3.2 A Conjecture Related to the Sylvester-Gallai Theorem . .9 4 Hyperplane Arrangements 9 4.1 Basics . 10 1 Introduction In the presentation and this final report we want to talk about the applications of what we have learned so far in the doctoral thesis of L.Finschi [1]. This covers most of chapters 6, 7 and 8 of the thesis. We take a look at how we create a catalog of oriented matroids in section 2. Next, in section 3, we want to find out how to use this catalog to create a catalog of all possible point configurations. In section 4 we do the same thing for hyperplane arrangements. Note that whenever we specify numbers in definitons, theorems, etc. we refer to the number in the thesis. 2 Catalog We want to create a catalog of all isomorphism classes of oriented matroids. To do this we want to use chapters 3 (Generation of Oriented Matroids and 1 Isomorphism Classes), 4 (Tope Graphs and Single Element Extensions) and 5 (Cocircuit Graphs and Single Element Extensions) of the thesis. That means we want to create all isomorphism classes inductively by sin- gle element extensions starting from the easy base cases when the number of elements equals the rank of the matroid or when the rank is 2. In both cases there exists exactly one isomorphism class of oriented matroids. Note that we can always restrict to simple oriented matroids, as there exists a simple oriented matroid in every isomorphism class. In subsection 2.1 we will specify the way of organizing the calatog, in 2.2 we will investigate some the the properties this induces. In 2.3 we show how the catalog is generated. 2.1 Organisation First, one has to decide on how to organize this catalog. For this one has to decide on two basic questions: • how do we save the isomorphism classes, i.e. we have to decided on a data format • how do we order the classes, i.e. decide on an ordering principle Lets look at the ordering principle first. When deciding how to order the isomorphism classes we should try to order them by invariants of the class as otherwise the ordering might depend on the representative we choose for every class. These invariants include: the number of elements n, the rank r, the big face lattice, the tope graph and the cocircuit graph. Notice that the latter three do not directly induce an ordering, meaning if we are for example given two tope graphs its not clear which one is bigger. This is why we choose n and r to order by first, leading to the definiton of IC(n; r), a list that includes all isomorphism classes of oriented matroids with n elements of rank r. We thus only need to decide how to order inside IC(n; r). As there does not seem to be a canonical way to do so, this gives us the freedom to choose it somewhat arbitrarily such that it will give us a natural and practical overall ordering. Before we go into further detail we need to specify the data format that is used. For this we need some preliminaries from Chapter 0. With any basis of the underlying matroid and every element in it, we can associate a cocircuit that is well defined, called the fundamental cocircuit: Definiton (0.9.3, Fundamental Cocircuit). For an oriented matroid M, a basis 0 B and an e 2 B we call the cocircuit X determined by Bne ⊆ X and Xe = + the fundamental cocircuit of B w.r.t. e This cocircuit can be used to define a basis orientation, which acts as a sign variant of the determinant: Definiton (0.9.4, Basis Orientation). For an oriented matroid M and its or- dered bases (B) a map χ :(B) ! {−; +g is called a basis orientation if 2 • χ is alternating, i.e. if for any ordered basis (B) and permutation π we have χ(π(B)) = sign(π)χ(B). • for all (B) 2 (B), e 2 B; f 62 B s.t Bne [ f 2 B we have χ(B : e ! f) = XeXf χ(B) where X is the fundamental cocircuit of w.r.t. B and e (i.e. we can calculate the value of the new basis using the value of the old basis and the fundamental cocircuit). Such a basis orientation is unique up to negation, as stated by the next theorem. Theorem (0.9.5, Las Vergnas). Every oriented matroid has exactly two basis orientations χ and −χ. We extend this unique basis orientation to all r-subsets and get the chirotope which determines the oriented matroid: Definiton (0.9.6, Chirotope). Let M be oriented matroid of rank r on n ele- ments. We call fχ, −χg the chirotope of M if χ is a map defined on all ordered r-subsets of E s.t. • restricted to the bases, χ is a basis orientation • χ = 0 for all non-basis r-subsets Proposition (0.9.7). The chirotope together with rank r and E determines M. The proposition is easily proven by getting the cocircuits from the bases, from which we get all covectors in M. We use the chirotope to save the matroid. For every matroid we need to save n one sign for every r-subset of f1; : : : ; ng, thus r signs in total. This number is the same for every matroid in IC(n; r). We order the subsets in reverse lexicographic ordering. That means that we order the elements in every subset increasing and order the subsets by the largest element first, than by the second largest and so forth. Lets look at an example, the ordering of 2-subsets of 4 elements: Example. The usual ordering would be: 12,13,14,23,24,34 (ordering by the lowest element first) whereas we take 12,13,23,14,24,34 3 Note that this give us the following two interesting properties. The first 2 sets do not contain 4 and are exactly the 2-subsets of 3 elements in the reverse 3 lexicographic ordering. The last 1 sets on the other hand contain 4 and if we delete the 4 from every set, we are left with the 1-subsets of 3 elements, also n−1 in reverse lexicographic ordering. This generalizes to the first r signs and n−1 the last r−1 signs for r-subsets of n elements, which will be used in the later proofs. To save the matroid we now always take χ or −χ s.t. first non-zero entry is +. More formally: 3 Definiton (Encoding). M oriented matroid on E = f1; : : : ; ng of rank r. De- n note χ(M) 2 {−; +; 0g(r) the encoding of M by the lexicographically positive map in the chirotope of M where the signs are given according to the reverse lexicographically sorted r-subsets. Now we can give an answer to the Isomorphism Class Representation Prob- lem posed in Chapter 3. For every class of isomorphic oriented matroids we choose the representative s.t. χ is lexicographically maximal, where − < + < 0. To find the representative of given simple oriented matroid we might need to consider all permutations and reorientations. Again, more formally and to introduce the notation: Definiton (Representative). M oriented matroid on E = f1; : : : ; ng. Denote by rep(M) the uniquely determined simple oriented matroid on E which is in the same isomorphism class and for which χ(rep(M)) is lexicographically maximal. With this we can now specify how we want to order inside IC(n; r): we order the classes such that the encoding of the representatives is lexicographically increasing. Denote by IC(n; r; c) the isomorphism class that comes at the cth position in this list. This completes the specification of the organization of the catalog. 2.2 Properties Here we want to investigate three properties of the catalog. The first two will be used in the generation process, the third is a useful property about uniform oriented matroids. Lemma (6.3.1). M simple oriented matroid on E = f1; : : : ; ng of rank r. Then n−1 1. If n 2 E is not a coloop then the first r signs of χ(M) are not all 0 and are equal to the signs of χ(Mnn) (in the same order) n−1 2. If n 2 E is a coloop then the first r signs of χ(M) are all 0 and the n−1 last r−1 signs of χ(M) are equal to the sign of χ(Mnn) (in the same order) Proof. To prove this we use reverse lexicographic ordering and the properties that were mentioned earlier. Note that n is a coloop if and only if it is part of every basis. Thus, if n is not a coloop there exists an r-subset that does not include n n−1 (and corresponds to one of the first r signs) and that is a basis meaning it has a non-zero entry. Notice that the rank of M is equal to the rank of Mnn and every basis of the latter is also a basis of M. Restricting χ to the deletion minor leads to a basis orientation of the deletion minor (the axioms are fulfilled), which proves the first part.
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