D C Volume 10, Number 6 College at Lincoln Center, Fordham University, New York November 11-23, 1987 Convocation Celebrates Medalists9 New Students Increase, "460 Years Of Service" But Attrition Still High Fordham Unity Emphasized In Presidential Address By Mary Kay Linge to work to make this a strong college ... by 'ton- ing up' our whole program, perhaps through bet- Preliminary enrollment figures for the College By Suzanne Myron ter support systems ... the direct course is being at Lincoln Center's fall semester reveal thai taken through [Assistant Dean] Rita Hendricks' overall enrollment has dropped since the fall of "[The University Convocation] provides an Attrition/Retention Program." occasion for Fordham University to pause in the 1986 by three percent, despite a 29 percent in- crease in new students — meaning that the attri- This recently-established project will attempt rush and take note of itself," said University to make personal contact with all students who President Rev. Joseph O'Hare, S.J., in his tion rate among students of advanced standing is at about ten percent. have left CLC before graduation, in order to Presidential Address. The address was given dur- determine the reasons why attrition occurs and. ing the gala event on October 25 in Rose Hill's "We know that the attrition rate is still uhac- in some cases, to help those who respond return McGinley Center Ballroom. ceptably high," commented Associate Dean Ed- to school. "It's too soon to make judgements" The speech followed the presentation of the ward Bristow as he heard the new figure, which about the students that are missing this semester. Archbishop Hughes and Bene Merenti Awards was determined by the Observer using totals ob- Hendricks said. "It won't be until spring that we to meritorious faculty, and a short introduction tained from the Registrar's Office, the can make conclusions or proposals about them." Undergraduate Admissions Office, and Ihe Adult by Executive Vice President Dr. Joseph Cam- However. Hendricks' office has received some marosano. Student Services Center. For the year-to-year evaluation, the numbers used were the totals as responses from students who did not return for The convocation in the fall, as opposed to the of October 25 in both years. [At press time, there the 1987 spring semester. "Ninety-five percent one held in the spring, said Fr. O'Hare, "pro- was not enough information available to make of those who have responded have asked to talk vides an opportunity to celebrate in private what any comparisons of the new attrition rate to those lo us about their possible return to the Universi- we are, what we hold dear ... yet encourage and FR. JOSEPH O'HARE of past years, although Director of Adult Pro- ty. " she said. "They seem to be happy that we've support our differences." grams and Student Services Ully Hirsch, who has contacted them ... it made them realize that we Five Lincoln Center faculty members were tracked such figures, said that the rate has at arc interested in them." presented with Bene Merenti medals in regard Dorm "More Likely times been as high as 18 percent.] Since the 1987 One of the possible reasons for continuing at- for their service to the University. Honored for figures are not yet final, some small increases trition may be out of the school's control, Bristow ' 40 years of service were Professor of Philosophy By 1991," Says are expected by the end of the semester, par- believes: "It may be that the financial aid prob- and Assistant Humanities Chairman Bernard B. ticularly among first-time adult enrollees. lem is the cause," he said, "and if that's the case, Gilligan and Professor of History William J. there's nothing we can do." Now that the federal Murphy. Honored for 20 years of service were O'Hare The enrollment increase for new students is a government has changed its regulations concer- Professor of Classics and former College at Lin- significant reversal of the trend of the last decade, ning student grants and loans, "for every stu- coln Center Dean George W. Shea, Professor of By Suzanne Myron which has been marked by steady decreases of dent attending class, there were others who could English Helen Ruth Vaughn, Leonard P. Stocker, about ten percent every year. The number of not come back." he said. "And as long as money At the University Convocation held'on October Graduate School of Education, and Thomas P. traditional freshmen is the only one that has drop- is tight, since this is an urban school, that will 25, University President Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare Vinci, Graduate School of Education. ped this fall, but the two-student deficit is be a problem. said that the new 1000-bed College at Lincoln minimal compared to the 13 percent loss in this "Naturally I am delighted. I have enjoyed all Center dorm, now in its planning phases, will category in. 1986. The number has been artificial- "Internally." Bristow concluded, "we have 40 years," said Gilligan, who was. described in be completed possibly by 1989, but "more like- ly inflated, however, by the inclusion of the 16 to take every step to make it as easy as possible a speech given by CLC Dean William Tanksley ly by 1991." "Discover Fordham" students among the high- for our students lo arrange for financial aid as the "quintessential philosophy professor — Assistant Director for Government Relations school entry freshmen; when that number is add- stimulating thought, critical judgement, and the Joseph P. Muriana said, however, that 1991 is ed, the total of 156 "traditional freshmen" quest for excellence." Tanksley went on to tell a "conservative" figure for the dorm comple- represents a 10 percent increase from last year. of Gilligan's many acheivements in the past 40 tion. Muriana estimates that "by the summer of years, not the least of them the assumption of Most of the new enrollees belong to the non- 1988" the city planning aspect of the dorm traditional and advanced standing (transferring the CLC community's "universal perception of should be finished and construction will begin. him as a friend." ;ind returning students) categories. The number Muriana said that a recent delay in planning, of new adult students has gone from 187 to 265 Tanksley also bestowed on Murphy his medal, a hold-up on the traffic analysis which the -- an increase of 41 percent. "I expect that the the second he has received in his 40 years at University's consultant had prepared, was due reason for the tremendous increase of adult Fordham. Tanksley called Murphy a "historian" to a change in the city's criteria on traffic reports. students is the new advertising campaign." and a "survivor" who is "congenial and sharp- "[They] decided that wasn't the way they wanted Bristow said, "as well as the very cordial man witted, an interesting colleague to work with and it done," said Muriana. who attributes the delay ner in which they are treated by the Aduli Ad a pleasant raconteur to dine with." to the concern over the traffic analyses done by missions Office." These two factors may.have "I walked up here on stage, and I realized I'm the New York Coliseum project as well as thai also contributed to the 33 percent increase in working on my 7th president," said Murphy. "I of Roosevelt Hospital, who also has plans for advanced-standing students. tried to figure out how many students I've had expansion. over the years, and it boggles the mind, it really Despite the fact that this fall's group of 501 Muriana said that he hopes, however, this will new enrollees is the largest in recent memory, boggles the mind." be resolved "within a month or two. "The last "I am very pleased." said Shea, smiling wide- the high attrition rate is a matter of great con- delay, a result of the corruption within the city cern to the Administration. "We are trying to planning department, which forced a change in take steps," said Bristow. "Indirectly, we have staff, was caused by the new staffs lack of EDWARD BRISTOW familiarity with Fordham's proposal, he said. Muriana said that, in dealing with the city, the only way to proceed is "one step at a time." Stabbing Forces New Precautions "It's hard to give out real dates when we're not in control."he said. At Henry Hudson "We're hoping this is the final road block," he said. By Mary Kay Linge Henry Hudson for "about ten years," has not returned to his room since that night; "He must schools' science programs, he said, would be a A violent incident that occurred last week out- be hiding," Singh said. The room is located on second priority so that Fordham could "restore side the door of a Fordham student's room in the the 12th floor, which contains twelve of For- the science department so that it can continue." Henry Hudson Hotel has caused the Office of dham's 20 leased rooms, and is directly across Likewise, Fr. O'Hare pledged that an endow- Residential Life to re-evaluate the safety precau- the hall from one of them. tions available to the students that live in ment for the financial aid program would be a Other hotel personnel said that they had been University-leased hotel rooms, according to goal "so we can recruit talented commuter instructed not lo discuss the incident. Assistant Dean for Residential Life Lisa students." Peterson said that, although the incident was Peterson. The final goal Fr. O'Hare outlined was the a matter of concern to Ihe University, "I'd feel completion of the CLC dorm [see sidebar for" "We have to make sure that word gels out more concerned if it had been a random person details], as well as more Rose Hill residences. about what really happened," Peterson said, "so who'd just come in off the street. This person "Eventually Fordham will provide |Rose Hill] that we can hear from the students about what had been invited in, though, and there's not a with housing for 3,000 students, and CLC with they feel would make hotel living safer." lot we can do aboul lhai sort of thing." BERNARD GILLIGAN housing for 1,000 students," he said. He add- According to hotel manager Rugu Singh, the The hotel has agreed, however, to place dou- ly. "I am more pleased by ihe many good wishes ed. "Eventually, of our 4,000 [Rose Hill] incident, which took place at about 2:00 a.m. on ble locks on the doors of all the rooms that Ford- of my colleagues today." students, 3,000 will be residents." November 3. involved a longtime resident and ham has leased. Peterson said that she is open "Our 19 medalists rcpresenl 460 years of ser- "If, in the long-term development of the city. his invited guests. "As far as we know. |thc resi- lo ideas from the residents on any other safety vice," said Fr. O'Hare in his speech, "but there Fordham is to remain a vital and vigorous in- dent | was having u parly, and they must have hail measures or devices that could be implemented. can be no statistics to properly measure ex- stitution, it must remain true to itself." said Fr. a' little loo much to drink."' said Singh, "they The ideas being investigated include Ihe introduc- perience." i O'Hare. "Only then will the University be able gol into a fighl and il spilled over into the tion of a "crimewalch" program, the possible Fr. O'Hare outlined several goals for the to contribute." hallway." Il was there that one of the visitors placement of Fordham rooms in a single area of University to complete by |W I, ihe year of Ford- "We are the beneficiaries of a past that did not was stabbed. Singh suid that he did not know the the hotel, and ihe installalion ol peepholes, since hani's Sesquiccnntcnnial. Among them was work, and the beneficiaries of a future with lit- extent or the severity of the injuries "because several students who were awakened by the in- "faculty compensation," an increase in pay im- tle promise," he said. Fr. O'Hare went on to I don'i know who this person was." Police were cident were unable to see what was going on out- plemented by using u higher luitioif rate to pro- outline the problems facing many universities to- called in by the hold's security office and. ac- side their doors, she said. vide "an allowance three to four times as great" day, quoting the U.S. Secretary of Education as cording to Peterson, are still investigating Ihe to fund the project. An endowment for both continued on page 15 case. The resident, who had been staying ut the Page 2 - CLC Observer - November 11, 1987

O, ALPHA»PHKDELTA -National Fraternity-

When: Thursday, Nov. 12 8:00 p.m. •$l.00 w/Toga 12:00 a.m. & Contribution to Clothing Drive Where: •$2.00 with Toga - Plaza Cafe •$3.00 without Toga & Non-Fordham Students (The Pub)

Invites You To Get Roman With The Greeks TOGA PARTY!!! o 4 November 11,1987 - CLC Observer - Page 3

ClubFocus Party'Scares Up Big Crowd Sisters Seek Social Awareness By Kris Wright On Thursday, October 29, Sigma Alpha Zeta By Kris Wright said there was a lot of enthusiasm and energy in sponsored a Halloween mixer held in the the freshman class. "The girls are witling to cafeteria and Plaza Cafe. "I was extraordinari- "We want the girls to have a good time,'' said work together, play together, and laugh ly pleased," said Sigma Alpha Zeta President Sigma Alpha Zeta President Lorraine Connolly, together," said Connolly. "There's a lot of Lorraine Connolly. Over $800 was raised for the - and we needed a better location for contact with the students so it was a perfect marriage." dham students are coming together." The 3rd floor location, said Stratford, gave "no Although the event was sponsored1 by Sigma Stratford hopes Career Planning's new, more reason for students to casually walk in or wander Alpha Zeta. there was a lot of support from other visible location will encourage students to begin into the office." club members and students, said Connolly. "The the process of career planning, a process which According to Stratford, the move will make girls did a fantastic job," she said, "but we never he said is often postponed or evaded.- Career Planning more visible to students since could have done it without the students' help." it will now be "closer to the Student Activities • "People find lots of ways to avoid [careerplan- Joe Narciso as "The Jerk" Office, student clubs and studentorganizations." ningj," said Stratford, "hopefully, by our visible "We want to put into people's mind that we're presence that will be able to kick people and here." he said, "we want to be closer to the they'll be able to get up and do it." Wednesdays At FORDHAM students." The ABC's of AIDS By Connie Aitcheson ners; intravenous drug users who share the same needles; hemophiliacs or recipients of blood con- On October 21. the Counseling Center spon- taminated with the AIDS virus and babies born sored a lecture called "AIDS: What Everyone to mothers who are carriers of the virus. Should Know." as a part of the Health and Wellness series. The lecture was held in the 4th The only two testing methods for HTLV-HI are floor Student Lounge. Elisa and Western Blott, said Brugal. Elisa is the first test for possible exposure to HTLV-HI. If Although the topic concerned AIDS (Acquired the test results are positive, the Western Blott test Immune Deficiency Syndrome), most people (a more accurate method) is given to see if the didn't believe they needed to know about AIDS, person is a definite carrier for the antibody, he according to one person who wished to remain said. anonymous. Only twelve people appeared at the lecture. "The attendance was very apathetic. I ex- Medications prescribed to AIDS patients are pected to see Psychology majors and Pre-med ma- AZT and AL 721. According to Brugal, someone jors, people who I thought should have been in- who has a low immune system has what is call- terested for their own educational purposes. Why ed pneumocystis carinni. That person will be didn't their instructors push them to attend this treated in the hospital with bactrim for 14 days, lecture?" with the hope that the medicine will stop damages Dr. Fred Brugal, one of the two speakers at the to the immune system. When sent home the per- lecture, gave an overview of what causes AIDS, son will take Azidothymidine (AZT) every four symptoms of AIDS, who gets AIDS, how it is hours on a chronic basis until some progress is transmitted, and AIDS testing methods. He stated seen. The other medication is AL 721, which is that AIDS is caused by Human T-Lymphotropic only prescribed in four hospitals in the country, Virus Type HI (HTLV-IH) and that the virus is Roosevelt being one, he said. also thought to cause AIDS-Related Complex The second half of the lecture concentrated (ARC), a milder illnes of AIDS. mostly on reducing one's risk of getting AIDS. According to Brugal, symptoms of AIDS are: Laura Nagera, R.S., the other speaker, started night sweats, shivers, loss of appetite, weight loss, the second half of the lecture by stating, "You sore throat, white plates that stick to the mouth should cafe about yourself enough so has not to which may cause pain, and purplish blotches that be exposed to the virus." appear in unusual places, e.g. one's ear lobe. Suggestions Nagera made in reducing one's risk A combination of these signs, if persistent for were as follows; (I) reducing the number of sex-« a long period of time, may be a sign tht someone ual partners (according to Nagera, the greater the has been exposed to HTLV-IH. said Brugal. number of sexual partners, the greater the risk "Testing positive for HTLV-IH virus means of getting AIDS), (2) knowing your sexual part- you've been exposed to the virus. It doesn't mean ners before having sex, (3) avoid the exchange you have the virus," he said. of body fluids which means using a condom to Wednesday He added, "although those who [have been ex- reduce the chance of exchange of fluids, (4) not posed to| the virus may not have AIDS, they are sharing I.V. needles because it would also mean November 11 capable of transmitting the virus." contacting someone's blood, (5) building up your Brugal dismissed the myth that touching, hug- immune system. Adequate rest, good nutrition, 9:00 p.m. in the Pub ging, sitting pn toilets, eating together, and eating and regular exercise all make one's immune from the same dish previously used by an AIDS "system stronger to fight off fluids und HTLV-IH. v may cause AIDS. With Howie Gold and ' t Finally, Nagera asked ciich of the remaining 1 HTLV-HI is directly transferred from blood to people in the room what his or her feelings were Friedhoffer-"The Madman of Magic V blood and from blood to semen, he said. Accor- toward AIDS. Some of the feelings expressed ding to Brugal, people in the risk groups qf get- were sadness, shume, and anger. But Nagera ting AIDS arc homosexuals, bisexual mules, and pointed out that it is important to feel hope, for The show and food are absolutely FREE heterosexuals who have had muny scxunl part- only through hope can the illness be conquered, Page 4 - CLC Observer - November 11,1987

The Evening Student Coalition

presents Adult Student Party

Wednesday, November 18th 9 - 11:30 pm in the Plaza Cafe

Free Food, Fun and Friends

United Student Government News Advertisement -See our letter to the editor responding to last issue's editorial- SENATOR GHALLAGER ELECTED NONTRADTIONAL VICE-PRESIDENT, ACEVEDO, SINGLETON, WIN FRESHMAN SEATS

Non-Traditional Senators, Evening Student October meetings to answer Senators' questions on their pro- fices from the Evening Student Coalition. posed Spanish Club. Mr. Rivera and Betty Vega, another Coalition, Take Charge of Key Issues College Council Moves To Make Seat For Betsy Ghallager, a popular Non-Traditional Senator, resign- representative, apppeared at the October 28 USG meeting ed her seat on the Senate to accept an overwhelming ratifica- which ratified their constitution to give them official status. USG President-Will Require Change In tion of her nomination for Non-Traditional Vice-President. Art Marina Frants, a representative from the Serendipity Jour- Council Constitution, Committee Says Zaballero (Non-Trad) suggested the appointment, which was nal, also appeared before the USG to answer questions about The Constitution Committee of the College Council inform- immediately offered to the Senators by Lisa Guido. Ghallager's the Journal, which she said was intended "to provide an outlet ed USG President Lisa Guido that a USG President's seat on appointment was then unanimously ratified by an enthusiastic for creative writers on campus." The club's constitution was also the College Council would involve a change in the Constitu- Senate. ratified on October 28. tion, but the Council approved a motion to set this process in Ghallager has been active in the Evening Student Coalition The CLC Yearbook (a student club) presented a proposal action. since its inception earlier this Fall. Betsy Ghallager and Art to include the yearbook fee in the graduation fee, rather than Zaballero, working closely with the most active group of non- have it funded out of the SABC funds to which all students Senators, Exec Board Discuss Progress and tradtional senators ever seen on campus, have provided vigorous contribute. Such a move would save Seniors considerable Agenda Amid Praise and Criticism leadership for evening and non-traditional student interests. money too, since they would pay substantially less for the book Even before the CLC Observer printed an unflattering editorial if the fee becomes part of the mandatory graduation fee. Janet Acevedo and Vanessa Singleton were elected to the about USG (for our response, please see Letters to the Editor two Freshman seats on the USG Senate. Their victory was page) Senators and Executive Board members have been in a celebrated at a first ever Freshman Night, which was a success. College Council Says No Reading Days For constant discussion and review of which course to take after CLC Parenteau Reports to USG; USG these first eight weeks of the academic year. Vice-President for Evening Student Coalition Members Meet With Administration Traditional Students Paul Brubaker stressed the "need for col- to Hold Major Forum Officials on Variety of Issues lective effort. USG Treasurer Katherine Francis noted that The Evening Student Coalition held an Open Forum for even- Assistant Dean of Students Normand Parenteau reported to "changes take time and much work." Senator Jackman (Non- ing students at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 4. Evening the USG that the College Council had approved a unified calen- Trad) said he "didn't see any problems with the USG. It's just students were encouraged to come to communicate their ques- dar, but that the reading days enjoyed by Rose Hill students a matter of time for us to settle in and work together as a group." tions and problems to the guest officials from non-traditional were excluded from the CLC calendar. Since CLC is on a 4 programs and to USG Non-Trad Senators. The Evening Stu- credit system, as opposed to Rose Hill's 3 credit system, it does THE UNITED STUDENT GOVERNMENT: Executive Board: dent Coalition will sponsor an adult mixer in the Plaza Cafe not allow, at this time, for reading days. LISA ROBIN GUIDO. President on Wednesday, November 18. At a recent Senate meeting, Lisa Guido and Chris Needham (Non-Trad) met with For- PAUL BRUBAKER. Traditional Vice President dham Executive Vice-President Dr. Carhmarosano to discuss BETSY GHALLGER Non Traditional Vice President Zaballero said he "wants non-traditional and evening students KATHERINE FRANCIS. Treasurer , to know that the USG is aware of the student transition pro- budgetary issues and urge him to accept an invitation to come KRIS WRIGHT.'Secretary blems Involved in the changes in Excel." down to CLC to answer students' questions at an open forum. U.S.G. Senate: While the discussion was thorough and covereda broad array KENNETH L SCHWARTZ. Senior Senator & President Pro-Term USG To Begin Tabulating Student Surveys of issuesp little headway was made obtaining details on MARILYN GONZALEZ. Senior Senator budgetary questions. LORRAINE CONNOLY. Junior Senator The United Student Government will be tabulating over two- GERALD GLACKIN. Junior Senator hundred fifty student surveys received to date, while It will con- Zaballero, Ghallager, and Walter Jackman (Non-Trad) met LOURDES CHICON. Sophomore Senator with Dean Ully Hirsch on October 8 to discuss Adult Services JOE NARCISO. Sophomore Senator tinue to distribute surveys to students. Lourdes Chicon (Soph) VANESSA SINGLETON. Freshman Senator and Celeste Kinsella (Non-Trad) reported that surveys will now and coordinating the efforts of the USG and the Dean. At the JANET ACEVEDO. Freshman Senator meeting agreement was reached on four items: be distributed in the classrooms of cooperating faculty members. CASEY CHATILLON. Non Traditional Senator The USG survey Is aimed at finding out In a systematic and •Non Traditional Senators will be Introduced to the adult WALTER JACKMAN, NonTradillonal Smntor - —• - - " students via the Adult Newspaper, CELESTE J. KINSELLA. Non Traditional Senator •reliable way what Issues are critical to students. The USG will" PEGGY MCCARTHY. NonTradlllonal Senator determine an agenda for action after these issues are •Adult Services will provide an abstract description of division CHRISTOPHER NEEDHAM. Non Traditional Senator systematically Identified. offices and their location so students may discuss academic ARTUHO ZAI1AI.I.URO, Non Traditional Senator programs. TAMERA CRAMER. Non Traditional Senator USG Meets Four Times In October, •Adult Services has issued a questionnaire to Excel students The next USG meeting will be on Wednesday November 11, Acts on New Spanish Club and to assess how many Excel students need additional six credit at 5:00 pm in Rm 412. All students are encourgaed to attend courses In January '88 to complete the liberal arts requirement. and voice their opinions. USG's office Is Rm 408-A. Ptease stop Journal for Creative Writers •Introduction letters should be sent to the various division of- Lawerence Rivera appeared before the USG during three by to talk to us, or call 841-5250. November 11, 1987 -CLC Observer - Page 5

•.-•-.••- -•.•-••• . -,•-..••.,..'• COMMENTARY The Artful Dodgers By Marie Flemmings I consider myself to be a fair, liberal, and somewhat at the newsstand where many dollars are broken for the sake understanding person. However, like everyone else, I too of a .35 newspaper. Other times he waits idly by the token have my limit. Right now what distresses me the most is the booth. The token booths however, have become less fruitful new breed of beggars on our city streets. You know who I since the price of a token went up to $1.00, there-isn't much mean, those individuals that have turned panhandling into a change hanging about. So the "Clever One" spends more career. My gripe is not towards the truly homeless, poor in- time these days at the newsstand. I almost overlooked the se- dividuals that cause you no harm. I am referring to those cond runner-up in the "Persistent" category. There is a who accost you on the street and all but demand your woman that can be found at the southwest corner of 45th money. Street and Lexington Avenue. Every day she sits on a wall outside of the post office, and I kid you not, while eating her I have divided the beggars of today into different lunch she holds out a cup. If you don't believe me you can categories. The first group I call the Quartermaniacs. These go and look for yourself. are the dear people that brush past you and whisper in four Oh the glorious New York City subway. Definitely the seconds flat "Can I have a quarter, I have no job, please eighth wonder of the world. A city beneath the city. This is God bless you ma'am." First of all, who are they kidding? where you can find "The Beggars' Beggar." Those whn A quarter ? The only thing that you can get for a quarter in dare to infiltrate the subway system must be the best and the N.Y.C. is a phone call. What are they going to do? Order in brightest. Consider this, they must be able to get their entire Chinese food? Really guys (and gals), you should say,"May I spiel out in three minutes or less. This means an introduc- have $20?" You still would not get it from me, but at least tion, a story, and the collection of coins all before the train you would be more honest about the situation. These are not pulls into the next stop. I hate to choose favorites but in this stupid people, mind you. In my opinion, they make con- instance it was a must. Third prize for the most convincing scious decisions to go out of their way to make themselves goes to the young woman that enters the train with a child offensive. I think that they know that their appearance will strapped to her chest. I've seen her several times in the past make people give them money in order to avoid being touch- year. She has gotten older but the baby has not. I've never ed. But not me, I hold my breath and walk past very quick- even seen her with the same one. She walks through each ly. I usually do not make my escape without getting a car and hands out slips of paper with a message. The farewell message. Their favorites are full of expletives message is simple. It briefly states that she is new to the usually pertaining to my mother. Really people, isn't that country (Ha! she's been riding the "A" train longer th.i-> line of profanity a little outdated? Let's move on. me), has no way to feed her Daby, and can we please spare some change. Needless to say, this scenario cannot be acted The next street offenders that I will cover are the everyday out during the rush hours. She is strictly 12 noon to 3 p.m., beggars. We've all seen these people before—that man or "The Mild Hours." She's good! I've seen her get $5.00 woman who is in the same location every day. Through bliz- bills (profits are probably shared with the printer). Second zards, thunderstorms, and extreme heat. I'll call these peo- prize goes to a man who takes begging one step further he ple, "My, aren't we persistent." I have two personal provides a little (very little) entertainment before he begins favorites in this category. In my neighborhood there is a man his plea. He could go places—I've heard him do a pretty that positions himself at the stairway leading down into the good Springsteen. First prize goes to those people, oh you subway. He is there every rush hour, a.m. or p.m. He just know who you are, I won't elaborate! My only question is waits for us commuters to come to the stairway. He has been how do you get into the subways? and how did you learn to there for so long that he does not have to say anything. We weave in and out of the moving train like that? all know what he wants. Some give him money every day Although this is written in a sarcastic tone, I am trying to others don't. I'm a don't. What surprises me with this guy is make a very serious point. Everyday more and more people that with his ability to be so punctual he should have some are hitting the streets because they have fallen through place to go—what a waste. Oh, I almost forgot, there is a society's safety net. Our job is not to idly pacify those who new entry in my neighborhood. I'll call him,"The clever •approach us each day with a few coins. We as individuals one." He has figured out a way to catch people while they should realize that one day one of those beggars could be a are likely to have money in their hands. He positions himself 1 familiar face. Koch's Clean Sweep By Andrew David greel Mayor Koch's poncy of hospitalizing mentally ill homeless people who pose a threat to themselves or others, raises some serious questions about the governments role in protec- ting people from themselves. Billy Boggs, the homeless woman who was living on a steam grate for over a year, was sighted as classic example of a homeless person who posed a threat to herself. City officials said Miss Boggs often ran in front of traffic, was abusive to them, threw food at them, and burned money given to her (heaven forbid, not sacred cash, say it isn't so!) First, the amount of people in New York City who run in front of traffic is a number too high to count. I run in front of traffic all the time, when will I sent to Bellvue? Secondly, abuse is a vague term; to me, it means the woman must have to bash me over the head with a club. Maybe she didn't like the food, and money doesn't mean much to a lot of people, believe it or not. The point is when is someone's behavior, however detrimental to themselves, going to get them into trouble with the government? It gets really scary to me when I hear about people being taken off the streets because they ' and he probably does. However, the fact that this woman Psychological Association) the mayor also spoke of a city pose a threat to themselves. was living on the side of a restaurant in a decent mental health official who informed him that Miss Boggs The Government already forces me to wear a seatbelt neighborhood, probably plays a larger role in her being was not one to be considered for hospital ization. when I drive and tells me how fast to drive. Should I be hospitalized. People probably did not enjoy eating at the The mayor characterized the offical as "Loony" for mak- taken away because I pose a threat to myself and others restaurant, when they had to look at a homeless woman ing this decision. When the mayor (that psychological whiz) because I fail to obey these laws? City officials say Miss outside. starts hospitalizing people because HE thinks they are crazy, Boggs defecates in her clothing, thus posing a threat to then not only government, but government officials also have herself. This I take to mean that the government has taken it Newspaper reports of Miss Boggs' attempts to be released too much power over people's lives. upon itself to impose hygiene standards upoii the population. from Bellvue always say how well groomed she is and how The mayor has repeatedly called the lawyers for these Some people would probably love to see. laws mandating thai she appears to be like any other defendant. They treat her as hospitalized homeless people crazy. Lucky for the lawyers people brush their teeth, u$S deodorant, and bathe daily. if they think she was previously an animal. Why do people that they have homes, otherwise they too might be hospitaliz- Control populus seems to be the tune of the times. always think homeless people live like animals? Just because ed. Anyway, the mayor is not talking about the dog-catcher There are mountainmen in the west who are homeless, someone has rejected the lifestyle of most of the population, taking dogs to the pound, he is talking about getting rid of who pose a threat to themselves by exposing themselves to does not mean that they are crazy. As a society what we are annoying eyesores that offend the rich New Yorkers. These dangerous weather conditions and dangerous wildlife. Many saying by locking these people against their will is that they eyesores are human and even if they are causing harm to would consider these men mentally unstable, due to their are animals and need to be locked up like animals. themselves, is that a reason to put them away? Boxers do screaming and hollering when they get into a town, yet these harm to themselves every time they get into the ring—is it people are left alone. Why? Because they arc rarely seen. Americans think that everyone either has to live in a home because they are doing it for money that it gets society's The homeless who do not know how to survive in the moun- or want to live in a home, or else there is something wrong stamp of approval? Is it because homeless people's only goal tains or woods, but do know how to survive a city like New with them. Why can't someone live in a cave or a cardboard is existence, and'not success that we want them certified as York at night, make the sinful mistake of being seen. This is box if they chooosc to? The media always says that these crazy? If so, then I'm just existing too, and not wearing my their real crime, and this is why they are being tak(jn off of homeless people really want to live off of the streets, but seatbelt, so stay out of my crazy life. the streets. can't. Miss Boggs wants to live in the streets, so why can't It was once said, "The sane man/woman, must appear in- They say Miss Boggs can't take care of herself, but if she she? Because the City says that she is mentally ill and poses sane, in an insane world." In this city most of the in- had been living on the streets for as long as they say, she a threat to herself. Yet, she has no history of mental illness. habitants are striving for success, money and power. They has done more than most people could under the same cir- Mayor Koch personally met Miss Boggs earlier in the year work all day long so they can gel that fancy address. There cumstances. Mayor Koch says that he has undertaken this and later told a group of psychiatrists about her. While talk- are people called crazy living at the same address, without program in the name of humanity, he feels for these people, ing to this group of psychiatrists (The American even working for it. Yeu, they must be crazy! Page 6 - CLC Observer - November 11,1987 Pre-Law Society & Fordham Law School

meet: The Fordham Law School Deans

Thursday, November 11th, 1987 at 3:30 pm in Room 204 in the Law School

• Mandatory attendance required for club members also: Meet the Lawyers December 3rd, 1987

C Watch out for further details! * Student Intercampus Committee BARTEND sponsors or Intercampus Sports Day BARSPEND We feature: Saturday, November 14 1 or 2 week programs 10:00 AM-4.-30 PM at Rose Hill (plus) Day, Evening, Weekend classes Ram Vans Leave CLC at 10:00 AM (plus) Immediate Events at Rose Hill: Free Use of Lomabardi Center with ID Job Placement Intercampus Intramural All-Star Football Game Free Admission to Rams vs. C.W. Post (plus) Low tuition Last Football Game of the Season!! Barbeque NATIONAL BARTENDERS SCHOOL Ram Vans return to CLC fvlYC & Vicinity: (718) 461-1700 at 4:30 PM New Jersey: (201) 750-8775 Long Island: (516) 385-1600 Sign up for Tickets and Ram Vans in Room 420 at CLC SAO in McGinley Center at Rose Hill Need only be 18 to serve in NYS November 11, 1987 - CLC Observer - Page 7

OBSERVATIONS ••• Don't Hold Your Breath

sn't nostalgia wonderful? After leafing through some old Observers of the last five years, we couldn't help but notice I COMING SOON the odd way that times tend to change, and yet remain the ON THIS SITE same. Take that old1 standby, the dormitory issue. One banner FORDHAM UNIVERSITY'S headline said it all: "Finally, CLC Getting Dorm." The arti- IC DORMITORY cle reported the prediction of the Board of Trustees that the Pending ratification facility would be ready "before the current CLC freshmen graduate." It ran on October 19, 1983. While that freshman class was attending Fordham, it read a seemingly endless procession of hopeful stories about the imminence of the dorm's design, approval, and construction. As it registered for the opening of sophomore year, it found that the "top priority" of the Lincoln Center campus would be the "residence hall operation," now that construction of the Law School addition was underway. As it studied for finals in junior year, it was told that the dorm "will be completed by either the fall of 1987 or 1988." As the academic year came to a close, it read that construction was slated to begin in the spring of 1987. Two months into its senior year, it heard that the opening date would be delayed for one year, until the fall of 1989, pending approval of the project's environmental im- pact study. Now that the Class of '87 is gone, the Administration has assured the new freshman class that the CLC residence hall will be completed by 1991. If nothing else, the new round of excuses will make for some interesting reading.

LETTERS unrealistic, but that didn't stop Pat Robertson Compelled [sic] from getting eight million dollars! A refutation of your statements would be too To the Editor: lengthy for a letters column. But may I suggest After reading [Andrew) Creel's commentary, that you let your fingers do the walking through "Gay Rights? or Wrongs" [Volume 10, Number the Gayellow Pages, a nationwide directory of 5], I felt compelled to write a response. It's gay organizations and services? (My personal unbelievable that a person with the benefit of a copy will be left at the offices of the Observer liberal arts education could harbour such ignorant continued on page 12 views. Creel mentions the National Man-Boy Love Association. The organization, when titled cor- Unrepresented rectly, is the North American Man-Boy Love To the Editor: Association (NAMBLA). Such a mistake is in- Several articles in the October 28th issue of dicative of Mr. Creel's writing displayed in this the CLC Observer seemed sadly related. commentary: journalism based on few concrete "Gay Rights? or Wrongs" was Andrew CLC OBSERVER facts and a limited knowledge of the subject Creel's editorial about the unreasonable demands EDITORIAL BOARD matter. of gays. If we start giving rights to homosexuals, Mr. Creel presents NAMBLA as being Creel wonders, what will be next? Child representative of the general gay population. molesters? People who like sex with animals? Editor-in-Chief Mary Kay Linge Staff: Connie Aitcheson, Steven J. An Why must NAMBLA be made to represent It is unclear why Creel is so threatened by the Managing Editor Lisa Volpe tunes, Fran Arricale. Paul Brubaker homosexuals in Creel's commentary? I believe manner in which consenting adults choose to have News Editor Suzanne Myron Ryan Carey, Adrians D'Andrea, Sharor that he himself found it difficult to rationally sup- sex, but by introducing bestiality and pedophilia port his view of homosexuality. Percentage-wise, Dawson, Tisha des Prez. Dionne Ford into a discussion of gay rights, he revealed the Features Editor Claire Vindigni continued on page 12 kind of bitter prejudice and ignorance that has Arts Editor Fran Brancatelli Lynette Harrison, Deanna Hayman gay activists marching to Washington to begin Arts Editor Gary Rosen Debbie Hirsch, Diane P. Licht, Sear Depressed with. Commentary Editor Marie Flemmings McDonald, Marilyn Pons, Arlen To lump these groups together implies that Sports Editor Andrew David Rodriguez, Jill Ross, Kenneth Schwartz, To The Editor: homosexuality is the equivalent of child molesta- Andrew Creel's recent article "Gay Rights? Creel Malou Soriano, Noah Sudarsky, Carole tion and sex with animals. This may be Mr. or Wrongs" gives a depressing reminder that is Taylor, Peter Vasseur, Kris Wright Creel's opinion, but it has little to do with reali- At-A-Glance Editor Nicole Ramsay is still respectable to be bigoted against gay peo- continued on page 12 Photography Editor Greg Lord ple, even in an enlightened University. As a gay Art & Design Editor William Ribeiro man, I am not much concerned if any heterosex- The CLC OBSERVER is the Independent stu- ual likes me. In America, you may hate USG Views Business Manager Jill Ross dmntnewtpmper of the College at Lincoln Cen- whomever you wish, but you may not deny them To the Editor: ter, Fordham University, New York. The their equality before the law. Gay rights advocacy In response to your last editorial [' 'Anyone Out opinions expressed in the OBSERVER, Includ- carries that simple message: in housing, employ- There?" Volume 10, Number 5), the United Stu- ing those In columns, lettere, and graphics i ment, contractual and related rights, sexual orien- dent Government would like to address the com- thorns of the individual writer or artist. Those tation cannot occasion discrimination. Faculty Consultant Elizabeth Stone expressed in editorials are the opinions of the ments and analogies made. editorial board. No part of the OBSERVER— On the issue of "orientation," Mr. Creel is First, increases in enrollment do not gauge all Including advertioemonto, articles, photo- a little behind the times. Social science now wide- conditions within a university. There is no cor- graphs, and graphics—may be reproduced In ly accepts that being gay is indeed an orienta- relation between the size of an incoming class any way, shape, or form without the express tion, virtually congenital, not a preference. The and student apathy. On the contrary, the problem ©CLC Observer, 1987 written parmieaion of the editorial board. For continued on page 12 of student apathy focuses around those students advertising Information or other correepon already attending a university. Regardless, stu- dance, contact the CLC OBSERVER, Box 18, dent involvement has increased this semester, an Lincoln Center Campus, Fordham Unhnrslty, Saddened observation expressed by students, faculty, and New York, New York 100B3. Room 42B C. Telephone (9.1£J 841-B3B4. To the Editor: administration alike. c/b It was with sadness that I read (Andrew Second, with respect to freshmen involvement COLUMBIA Creel's) commentary in the October 28th issue and their elections, a 25 percent voter turnout SCHOLASTIC Awociltcd of the CLC Obsen'er. The .statements made in is by no means "pathetic." Also, it is apparent pass Assocwwao Collegiate your piece were bigoted, uninformed or, at why more freshmen would attend a party given PriM worst, both. A check of the crime statistics would for them than would vote in un election. First Pboe Award, 1983 Second Place Award, 1984 show that the majority of child molesters arc Third, our primary cpnsideration was concen- Second Place Award, 1985 -irst Place Award, I985 heterosexuals, not gays or NAMBLA members. trated on filling the eight non-traditional senate Expecting something by demanding it is continued on page 15 Page 8 - CLC Observer - November 11, 1987 AP

By Gary Rosen Comedies Topper wasn't enough. Apparently neither Out Of Th was Heaven Can Wait. Now we have another life to death to life fantasy drama in our midst - Alan Without Laughs Rudolph's Made in Heaven. The story centers around Mike Shea By Sean McDonald summer NBC started the trend roling by testing (Timothy Hutton), whose life isn't going very The laugh track has been synonymous with the the series The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd. well. He has just lost his job, and his girlfriend situation comedy almost "from the beginning. The show, which starred Blair Brown, did well informs him that she is engaged to somebody Even shows that film before a live audience usual- enough for the network to order more episodes else. Mike feels it's time to get away, but unfor- ly use a laugh track to supplement the audience's of it. and to use it as a mid-season replacement. tunately he doesn't get very far. On his way cross-country, he spots a car full of people that chuckles. A comedy series without laughter is Hooperman, which is on ABC Wednesday at drove off a bridge. Our hero Mike jumps in to certainly not a new idea, but it is a concept that 9:00 p.m., stars John Ritter as a sympathetic save all of them, but sadly he doesn't make it. has not been successful. Not a success, that is. police detective in San Francisco. The show was He's as dead as a door nail. until this year. There are three situation comedies created by Steve Bocheo and Terry Louise Fisher. on the fall schedule and, although Frank's Place Bochco is the one that was behind Hill Street The next thing we know, he ends up naked (starring Tim Reid) on CBS has sturggled to find ' Blues, white Fisher worked on Cagney and Lcicey. in a large empty room with a black and wfiite an audience, both of the shows on ABC, Hooper- Both are currently producing LA. Law, and tile floor. There he is joined by his deceased Aunt imin and Tin- ' 'Slap'' Maxwell Story, have been Hooperman. Typical of Bochco and Fisher's Lisa (Maureen Stapleton), who has informed him doing well. previous works, it is not surprising that Hooper- that he has "kicked, the bucket." Mike discovers that heaven isn't so bad. He The idea of not using a laugh track can be trac- man has elements of a drama series. It is a show gets to go wherever he wants by just thinking ed back to a few failures in the sixties. After that that can be very funny one moment and very sad about it. Isn't that great? His aunt suggests he the premise of not having laughter on a corned) and tension filled the next. It also seems that visits some dead friends, so Mike sets out to find show was close to being sacreligious. Hooperman is not going to be afraid to deal an old war buddy. The first show to challenge the laugh track seriously with social issues of the time. The problem is he lands in the wrong house. commandment was M*A*S*H* in the early seven- The "Slap" Maxwell Story stars Dabney Col- His flight pattern must have been a little off. ties Larry Gelbart, who created the series, fell eman as an obstinate sports writer on a small ci- There he meets Annie.Packer (Kelly McGillis), the laugh track was offensive for a show like t> newspaper. The show was created by Jay an innocent, naive girl who was born in heaven. M*A*S*H* Although M*A*S*H* was a situation Targes, the same fellow, who came up with Col- They fall madly in love and decide to get mar- comedy, it was also a series that dealt with the eman's last situation comedy, Buffalo Bill, £., well i ieel and spend the rest of their existence together. seriousness of war each week. The end result was as The Days and Nights of Molly Dodu. Col- All is wonderful until Annie's soul gets caH- a compromise. The show would have a laugh eman's characters on the two shows are si'inilar 1 1 track, but not during the scenes shot in the but Maxwell is a bit more sympathetic. It seems o F;irth Id start ;i nvu 111> . How Irapic . operating room. The early eighties saw very few as if he and the audience are going to be taught Mikr simpls caivixl !IM WIIIIOLII the low Made It examples breaking the laugh track tradition. a few lessons along the way. s lilc so he asks Emmet "the man in charge" Perhaps the only example was the short lived Whether comedies without laughter is a new series on ABC called Police Squad. trend or just four experiments is tough to tell. For After the failure rate of shows with no lSughter, now, though, it is nice to see the clever mixing it is somewhat suprising to realize that the three of comedy and drama on these classy programs. Now You See Then networks have premiered four shows with no Perhaps the networks now feel that the audience By Victor Paul Marasso ed in a legal dispute with Lorimar and NBC, laugh tracks, or enven a live audience. This past no^longer needs to be told what is funny. Now you see them. Next week you don't! which airs her series. Both sides feel that they It's the mystery of the disappearing television are the injured party in this fracas. The real stars. Even if you watch TV only a couple of losers, though, are Valerie Harper's fans. hours a week, you've probably experienced that Whether Harper walked off the show or was frustrating feeling when you turn on a series you . fired, is not the issue. The end result is that she love, only to find that your favorite star has is no longer a part of Valerie. What's The Story ? vanished without a.trace! With no prior warn- On the other hand, most of these actors are ing, the cast member you've looked forward to overpaid to begin with. Lorimar may be justified seeing week after week, is no long a part of the in taking a hard line with Harper, in order to pre- show. vent other actors from allegedly holding up their Sometimes, the character continues with a shows' production. The networks' reasoning is new face brought in to do the role ... a veritable that the show itself is more important than any stranger in your midst. Other times, the character one actor on it. itself is written off the series. Network executives No matter which side you're on, one has to call this expediency. The actors themselves often feel that the manner in which the Valerie refer to their abrupt departure as "moving on to character was written off is in very questionable new horizons." The viewers call it just plain taste. Valerie has been killed off in a car acci- disappointing. Yet, as the Fall '87 TV season dent and her sister-in-law (played by Sandy Dun- picks up steam, it's become apparent that the can, a talented dancer/actress), moves in and game of casting musical chairs has become a fact becomes a substitute mother to Valerie's of network series' life. children. Valerie's Family, as it is now called, There are a variety of reasons why these cast is a sit-com, not a dramatic soap, so I feel that changes take place. This season, contractual the writers could have come up with more of an disputes between a series' star and his/her pro- upbeat explanation for Valerie's absence. ducers have emerged as the major source of Another reason why an actor will leave a hit instability. series is that they simply grow tired of the Currently, actress Valerie Harper is embroil- character they are playing. This is especially true eeeoeeeoooo By Dionne Ford Salvation is the theme of Grammy winner Mar- vin Winan and director Ron Milner's gospel An Uplifting revival Don't Get God Started, which debuted on Broadway in October. Drugs, sex and marriage are secular problems the main characters are con- fronted with. In each case, Jesus is the solution. Most gospels are directed towards a black au- dience and Don't Gel God Started is no excep- tion, yet the message the production conveys ap- peals to people from all walks of life. Each episode is narrated by the beautiful voices of the lead vocalists. Be Be Winan and Vanessa Bell Armstrong. Both vocalists are professional THE PROCLAIMERS gospel singers whose credits range from gram- my nominations to top-selling LP's. Their per- By Debbie Hirsch formances in Don'/ Get God Started are equally After listening to This is the Story, the debt The peid brothers wrote most of the songs, as impressive as their resumes. "Looking For album of Scottish brothers Charlie and Craiii which are about political injustices. Side one con- Love In All The Wrong Places" is a beautiful Reid, better known to British audiences as The tains songs like "Throw the 'R' Away" about the ballad sung by a beautiful voice (Armstrong), Proclaimers, one wants to ask, "what is the Caledonian's and the Saxons,. I don't know about with an equally beautiful story to tell. In this story?!" This album can be described as unusuul you, but I don't know much about Caledonians ballad, Armstrong sings of the fact that once one to sa\ the least. or Saxons and I don't care. "Over and Done finds love in God. they need not search for love There is no band or back up singers on this With." the second (rack on (he album, makes less anymore. This talented duct is accompanied by record—just two voices and acoustic guitars. The sense than the first, and they get progressively a very enthusiastic chorus, whose performance brothers harmonize nicely, but it doesn't make worse. is praiseworthy. A high energy level is the key a difference. You never really catch on to what As I forced myself to listen to side two, I was lo any musical, and this major ingredient con- the songs urc about. suprised to come across u song titled "The First tributes to the success of Don 7 Get God Started. This Is folk music with a political undertone.' Attack" which differed from die previous eight The first five minutes of the show had the au- tt reminds me of the sixties—somewhat Joan Baez songs. It had a fifties beat, and even (hough its dience aroused and clapping much like a southern somewhat Peter, Paul, and Mary. The problem subject matter wasn't interesting, it was pleasant Baptist church alter the minister preaches his ser- is the politics arc Scottish" and not American, sounding. I concluded (hut it was a fairly decent mon. In Act I, we are introduced to the "sins" therefore there is no identification to it. The lyrics song. of each of (he main characters. Chip Fields mid seem foreign and the music is redundant and This is not an album for classic rock music Giancurlo Esposito portray a couple whose mnr- repetitive. Each song sounds like a copy of the funs, nor is (his an album for new wave music riugc is being torn apart by Esposito's serious and other. Once in a while to udd u bit of diversity, fans, or country music funs. I'm not sure there equally expensive drug problem. Fields also plays they throw in the lap of a lamborinc or bongo, is a category for the fans of this folklorc- a simple-minded hairdresser named Hiirbara Ann, iiml the shake of the marrucas, but it just doesn't poliiically imposing music. who falls into the trap of ii law school student The nisi of Don November 11, 1987 - CLC Observer - Page 9 ITS

to send him back to Earth to be with Annie. Em- is World ? met agrees to do so but under one condition. Zuburan At The Met Mike must find her within 30 years or he will By Marilyn Pons never see her or be truly happy again. He was considered one of the most famous between 1630 through 1639, he painted some of The rest of the movie is spent with Hutton painters of the New World during the Golden Age his most notable works, including "Saint Fran- and McGillis' new characters, Elmo Bamett and of Spanish painting—the best after Vealsquez and cis in Meditation." This painting contains many Ally Chandler. Barnett is a scruffy, radical, El Greco—but he has gone virtually unknown lor of the same characteristics as "Saint Serapion," hippie-type who wanders from place to place. almost three hundred years. The paintings of the such as the realism and the attention to details Chandler is a sophisticated successful cartoonist. Spanish artist Francisco de Zubaran have at long in the coarse weave of the woolen cloth and the Will the two meet again? I'll leave that for you last reached the United States in all their mystical raveled hole at the Saint's elbow. The light is to discover. splendor, and can be seen at the Metropolitan softer, but similar to Caravaggio in attaining a Made in Heaven does have a few things go- Museum of Art until December I3th. reali i ic and dramatic effect. Saint Francis's ex- ing for it, including the surrealism and dream- Zubaran was born November 7. 1598 in Fuentos pression is both intense and mystical. like sequences. The story is beautifully filmed de Cantos in the province of Badajoz, Spain. At During the 1640's, Zubaran produced works for showing us lush landscapes, tranquil fields and the young age of 15, he set out for Seville to exportation to South America, thereby explain- peaceful ocean waves. become a painter. There he studied and befriend- ing the presence of his paintings in countries like The score throughout the film is well-placed ed Velasquez. However, their painting careers Peru. Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. and very effective. The best tune is "We've took completely different directions. Velasquez He did. however, continue to produce works for Never Danced," performed by Martha Davis. painted the royal courts of Spain, while Zubaran. Spain like "The Virgin and Christ in the HOuse Some of the other artists include rockers Tom a devout Catholic, painted religious paintings for of Nazareth." This painting is an example of how Petty. Ric Ocasek and Neil Young. The trio turns the churches and monasteries. Zubaran masterfully uses expression to reveal (he in cameo appearances for what appears to be no meaning of the story. The Virgin looks at t' particular reason. In 1628, he painted a series of works for the sacristy of the Church of San Pablo. "San Sera- young Christ as he pricks his finger on u ihorn. Anne Wedgeworth (Three's Company) :ind pion" belongs to this series. It is an example of She forsees his suffering in later life- her sad James Gannon turn in very good performa u .'.-. what Zubaran is famous for. The figure, like so quiet expression reveals her spiritual vis'on. as Mike Shea's parents. Debra Winger appe^s mam others, stands out from a neutral By 1650. Zubaran's work fell out of favor with in an uneredited role, as Emmet "the man in background. The light source enters from the the monks. He left Seville and established himself charge" and is very believable. Others, such us sides of the painting focusing on the folds of the in Madrid where he tried to reaffirm his cputa Maureen Stapleton and Amanda Plummer. who saint's garment, giving off subtle reflections. He lion and increase his resources. The effort prov has a minor role, are worthy of much more. uses his talent for making texture in the white gar- ed to be a failure, and he died in 1664. in great Hutton and McGillis, two fine actors, are ade- ment so that it seems very realistic, and the play poverty. quate in their roles, but the characters are trite of the undulating lines from the collar to the The 20th century has brought Zubaran back to occupy a place of artistic recognition which and predictable. Made In Heaven has a few good lowest folds add to the illusion of three dimen- Heaven owed to him. He alone represented, in s sir moments but it certainly isn't out of this world. sionality. The saint's expression is as if he had pie and direct themes. Ihe prelercnces ol >l o OQQQOQOQOOflOaaHBQOOOfl just expired his last breath ol life. In 1629, Zubaran was officially asked by the ly a religious Spain, but a popular, chi* Irou and traditional Spain wilh great inten . anJ town council of Seville in i.iU u-sidcikc ilii-ie. a, Now You Don't which he accepted. At the height of his career devotion of a show like Dallas which has been on for man) that their actors are "guests" in the viewer's years. No matter how imaginative the writers are,- home each week. When a person watches a show Cryer Goes Back To School it's natural that an actor will want to challenge for any length of time, it's only natural that the his skills with different types of roles. viewer will identify with, and get to like, cer- It's true that the financial rewards and tain characters very much. To the viewer, his recognition factor of being on a top ten series favorite character and the actor who plays him are enormous. Despite this, series mega-suecess are, often, inter-changeable. The viewer is go- can be a double-edged sword. Many actors fear ing to resent it when his favorite actor/character being type-cast by both producers and the au- is replaced. dience. These actors want their careers to last On Cheers this season, Ted Danson's longer than just the life of the series they are cur- character, Sam Malone will have to start a rela- rently on. tionship with a new woman. Shelly Long is one Dallas, in fact, has been the scene ol of the few TV actresses who has made the tran- numerous comings and goings over the past fev. sition from the small screen to success at your seasons. Patrick Duffy (Bobby Ewing), tried neighborhood popcorn palace. testing the waters outside Southfork and ended Kirstie Alley has replaced Long and is play- up returning to the show by popular demand. ing the new boss at Cheers. Alley's character is When Duffy decided to leave Dallas, the not just a re-working of Shelly Long's character. producers wisely wrote the character out of the To their credit, the creative forces behind Cheers script. The show's producers also learned not to have decided to take some casting chances. Alley replace an old favorite with a new face in the is dark-haired and more intense and sultry than same role, when they tried casting Donna Reed Long was. She brings a totally different acting in Barbara Bel Geddes' role as Miss Ellie. In her style than Long's to Cheers. day, Donna Reed was a fine actress, but to On an entirely different front, temporarily millions of fans, she was not Miss Ellie. It will absent from The Equalizer is the show's star. be interesting to see what is done with the role Edward Woodward. Woodward suffered a heart of Pam, previously played by Victoria Principal. attack this summer and has only recently resumed It is my feeling that some producers forget continued on page 14 nnnnnnnnnnnnoooQQqQL n nn (Marvin Whright-Bey), who's looking lor someone to support him through school, but not Production someone to love. We are then introduced to Claudette and Robert, (Connie Marie Brazelton and Marvin JON CRYER in Hiding Out Whright-Bey) a couple struggling to find peace By Marilyn Pons with themselves which is inevitably impossible. Hiding Out is a comedy thriller about a president Kevin (Tim Quill), who also is the ex Robert is an insurance salesman who enjoys hang- young Boston stockbroker on the run from mob boyfriejid of Max's leading lady, Ryan (An- 3 ing out with "the guys" on the weekend and cat- assassins, who becomes a high school senior in 1 nabeth Gish). This of course creates tension bet- ching a Lakers game. Glaudette is much more order to elude his pursuers. ween them. particular in her amusements and is certain that This film is Jon Cryer's first real starring Maxwell falls in love with Ryan, who makes she was destined to marry a doctor, and as a result role. Although he has worked in various movies him feel at ease. He is then able to reflect and looks for her pleasures elsewhere. Silk, who is and plays he is probably best known for his role reassess his priorities. Because of their relation- played by Giancarlo Esposito, is a helpless nym- as Duckie in Pretty in Pink. Cryer portrays An- ship. Max is able to come to terms with himself phomanic, who believes that sex is a relief to the drew Morenski, a 27-year-old stockbroker who and testify against the mob, although it will un- daily pressures he is faced with. happens to be a key witness in the federal in- doubtedly change his life and limit his freedom. Ernie Banks and Marilyn Coleman play the vestigation of a mob bonds scandal. While under The movie comes to a thrilling climax as the wise old man and woman, as well as the Reverend the protection of the FBI, Morenski watches hitmen catch up with Max during the announce- and his wife. This duo won my heart within the thunderstruck as paid assassins shoot a torrent ment of his election victory. With the help of first two minutes of their presence on the stage. of bullets meant for him. As a result, Morenski several friends, he is able to take the would-be Their wilty impressions of God's children in this literally runs for his life escaping for the moment assassin head on. This proves that he can take day and age foreshadow, as well as acting as from both FBI agents and the mob assassins control of his life and also face whal happens dur- prologues to the following scenes. He almost unknowingly seeks refuge in the ing and after the trial. Act II may appropriately be entitled "The home of his aunt (played.by Grelchen Cryer, his, Hidiiif; Out is reminiscent of movies like Salvation." Each of the main characters turns i<> real life mother) and 16-year-old cousin (Keith Buck to the Future and Peggy Sue Got Married the Lord lor help and their problems are solved. Coogyn) in suburban Delaware. Morenski ex- in the basic story line of the adult returning to Those characters who refuse to be saved or have changes his corporate look for that of a punkish his/her teenage years. Yet, in this case, Moren- no hope for salvation find "the wages of sin" in teenager, and christens himself Maxwell Hauscr, ski chooses this alternative to protect himself, but death or desolation. catching the name from a glimpse at a coffee can it becomes a journey, so to speak, which grants There is a personal message to everyone who in. the school's administration office, thereby him the ability to realize Ihe emptiness of his life sees this musical, whether that person be black becoming a high school senior again. until then. or white. The bri limit musical composition of this What was once granted adult freedom now The comedy in Hiding Om is nonstop, but show just adds to its success. Anyone who sees becomes prohibited doings, such us a casual it is not as suspenscfut us it claims to bii. Jon this show leaves with a strong feeling tht there's cigarette or a factual opinion. The voicing of Cryer is fantastic and I hope to sec him in many no going wrong with the Lord or with Don 7 Get Max's opinion earns him an umlcsircd notoriety more slurring roles. If you're looking for an Gml Started, Every time this show runs, the little and popularity. He finds himself drafted inlo-nin- entertaining and funny movie, this is definitely Long Acre Theatre will fill with the spirit of God. ninj.1 for president agsiinst the two-term school the one to sec. Page 10 - CLC Observer - November 11,1987

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477 Madison Avenue (at 51st St) 45 W 48th St. (Rockefeller'Center)* AMERICAN EXPRESS and other major credit cards HONORED November 11, 1987 - CLC Observer -• Page 11 ARTS A Shayna Maidel Triumphs

By Noah Sudarsky family, or more appropriately, what remains of existence, especially in the closeness that prevail- on the part of Lebow, who is making a point about When playwright Barbara Lebow conceived A it; her mother, her cousins, uncles, aunts and best ed between her and her mother, her friend Han- modern American lifestyle. Shayna Maidel, (Yiddish for "a pretty girl") she friends are all dead. In one scene, Lusia and her na (Cordelia Richards) and perhaps most tangibly, The acting in A Shayna Maidel is not so much was concerned with depicting and expatiating a father quietly discilss the fact, when they com- hertiusband Duvid (Jon Tenney). We understand individually brillant, as collectively effective. The condition that is at the heart of American society. pare lists of family members carefully preserved that it is this intrinsic quality of Polish life in direction of Mary Robinson creates a cohesive Suffering, in the real sense of the word, is on- in little black books, the enormity of the general, extended into the German concentration production that is a powerful celebration of the ly an idea to most of us. As Americans, however, Holocaust comes crashing down on the audience. camps that allowed Lusia and her friend Hanna. indomitability of human nature. Nothing in this we often experience the suffering of others Although Lusia and her father are always sup- united through suffering, to survive. (However, play is out of place, and the last scene is especially through movies, books, personal histories, or pressing their emotions, (something which, because of the inhuman conditions inside the appropriate: Lusia visualizes, an alternate reality through knowing and/or speaking with people perhaps, is characteristic of people who know camp, Hanna later dies of typhus.) where everyone she ever loved was alive and who have suffered. This is the case with Viet- what suffering really is) Rose does her best to Diametrically opposed to this is the super- reunited in Rose's apartment. As the vision fades nam, just as it is the case with the subject of repress her Jewish identity—she changes her ficiality and materialism of Rose's life in the U.S. we are brought back to the dismal reality of life, Lebow's concern in A Shayna Maidel—the name from Weiss to White, and is completely Lacking nothing as a child or as an adult, (ex-' yet deep down we can sense that all is not Holocaust. As Lebow herself once said, "the play overpowered by her emotions as a side of the. cept possibly a meaningful relationship with her hopeless, and that Lusia and her newfound family deals with the American response to the event world she never realized existed is revealed to her. father) Rose leads a life that is comfortable and are on their way to happiness. [the Holocaust] rather than the event itself." In This anguish becomes progressively more acute professionally successful. She lacks, however, the this sense, having Melissa Gilbert play the ail- as Rose learns to accept and love her sister, who spiritual and emotional wealth that abounds in A Shayna Maidel is playing Off-Broadway at American girl from Brooklyn who is bewildered, at First was just a thin, haggard, and slightly Lusia's life and this, in my opinion, is deliberate the Westside Arts Theatre on 43rd Street. shocked, and somewhat guilty after getting even frightening stranger to her. a vague idea of the suffering her sister went The plot of A Shayna Maidel revolves around through during World War II is unquestionly ap- a series of contrasting images. The dramatic propriate. Gilbert, in many ways, is the figure we opening scene depicts the birth of Rose and associate with everything that is intrinsically Lusia's father in a small Polish village, while a The Cat's Meow American (predominantly as a result of her por- group of Cossacks are knocking furiously on the By Fran Brancatelli centerfold—Burmese Revnolds. trayl of Laura Ingalls in Little House on the door. They are ready to break it down if they hear From the creator oiDogue, the best seller that Even the parody advertisements in Cat- Prune). the slightest sound, but the newborn baby does parodied Vogue magazine and featured pictures mopolitan were comical and extremely realistic not so much as let out a peep and the soldiers Making her New York stage debut in A Shayiu. and stories about canine cuties, comes looking. For example, there were ads for leave. This scene is meant to show the adverse Maidel. Gilbert is Rose Weiss, the younger sister Catmopolitan (Pocket Books $9.95). Cat- C'lawreal—scratch proof claw enamel, Espurrit conditions under which the Polish have always in a Polish-Jewish family that was separated JUM mopolitan is a hilarious and entertaining spoof Sportswear, Maidenfur and Hiss jeans by Georges existed—sandwiched between the Russians and before World War II broke out in Europe. When of Cosmopolitan magazine that portrays beautiful Mickeymouso. There is nothing more amusing the Germans. The rest of Act one takes place in Rose was four, she and her father Mordechai cats and kittens as high-fashion models and than seeing a cat dressed in designer jeans, ex- Rose's comfortable New York apartment. The ma- (Pual Sparer) escaped to the U.S. while her older glamourous celebrities. The book was created, cept maybe seeing one in a bra and panties. jor contrast in the play, however, is between Rose sister Lusia (Gordana Rashovich) and her mother designed and written brillantly by Ilene In addition to the fun Catmo poked at women's (Joan Macintosh) are forced to remain in Poland and Lusia. Through a series of flashbacks, we Hochberg. learn of Lusia"s life in Poland before the magazines and advertisements, there were some and consequently to experience the German in- Catmopolitan features some playfully in- Holocaust. Although ardous, there was an honest, serious features in the book. Some of the photo vasion and the Holocaust. teresting articles such as; "Catatonic Catastrophe! earthy, and beautiful human flavor to her simple lay-outs displayed the latest in cat beds and Twenty years later Lusia is reunited with her Catnip-The Drug Problem." "The Cat's Out of houses, as well as collars, and dishes and the Bag-He's Pussyfooting Around" and an ex- placements to make your cat's dinner more ap- cerpt from Jackie Collars' new book, Hollywood pealing. The book also outlined what stores these Housecats. "Ima Katz's Anxiety Column" and items could be purchased in. TV Update "Cat Body" gave cats advice on everything from Catmopolitan is a delightful treat for cat lovers. how to deal with a cheating tomcat to obsessive The photographs of the cats are beautiful, and By Gary Rosen frontational and funny." They're right on target. fur licking. Catmn also displayed-the latest in cat the use of color really brings them to life. The CBS continues to have1 more than its share This is not your usual desk and couch chit-chat. fashions and lingerie, modeled by Kitty Brinkley book will also provide a good laugh for anyone of problems. Its eight hours of new programming The guests sit on one side of the set and Downey and designed by the likes of Hiss Claiborne and who picks it up. It looks as though Hochberg may this fall isn't doing very well in the ratings. That sits on the other perched up on a raised chair, Calvin Tlnw Cuinin even had a male have another best seller on her hands. may be one of the reasons that Entertainment above the guests. President Donald Bud Grant will be leaving his Some of the topics have included diplomatic post. Grant held that position for the past seven immunity, UFO's, the KKK and the homeless. Wednesdays At FORDHAM years. In recent times CBS has gone from number If Downey doesn't like what you say, you're in one to a weak number two. Grant will be a con- trouble. On a few occasions he has said to guests sultant to the network as well as an independent to sit down, shut up and even to leave the studio. producer. Mori told a film producer that his clip sucked News Flash: NABET and NBC have finally and even called a few panelists jerks. come to terms. It's about time. Hopefully this His studio audience is not your typical one. will be the last strike for a long while, though Downey even has a fan club which seems to con- with (he cutbacks there may not be anybody left. sist of 16-23 year old males who cheer al his WWOR-TV Channel 9 has a new newscast, every word. entitled The News at Ten. It's anchored by Jen- The Monon Downey Jr. Show certainly is nifer Valoppi and newcomer Van Hackett. The not for the sensitive or easily offended. hour seems to be a news/magazine-type format, • Sometimes it does get out of hand and becomes Wednesday, November 18th with many features throughout the broadcast. quite a scene, but it's worth a look. He's dif- Contributing reporters include Pat Collins, ferent, somewhat entertaining and never boring. formerly of The CBS Morning News and Dorothy I'll give him that. 3:00 and 9:00 pm Rabinowitz (The New York Post). Steve affd Al Former Morning Show host Ann Abernathy Albert will continue to do sports and a toned- is now a contributing reporter on Entertainment down Lloyd Lindsay Young gives the weather. Tonight. in the It will take time for The News At Ten to see Joan Rivers has finally become the perma- what works and what doesn't. The anchors com- nent center square on The Hollywood Squares. plement one another and the broadcast shows Her first week went smoothly and she seemed 4th Floor Student Lounge promise. One part I would eliminate is Geraldo to be more comfortable towards the third or Rivera plugging his own show. Run a promo if fourth show. Her contract is for one season then you have to. Rivers and the producers will go from there. R Channel 2 News has been making some ABC's Dolly is sliding. The ratings have changes. Paul Sagan, formerly the Executive been falling off since its premiere. Producer Nick E Producer of the 6 pm newscast has been named Vanoff has been brought in to see if he can help "COMIC GENIUS. News Director, replacing Steve Wasserman. out. Vanoff recently produced Jackie Mason's It's easily Steve Martin's best picture and firmly establishes Weekend weather person Allison Field has left Broadway show and has previous variety show him as an authentic comic genius. F the broadcast to pursue an acting career. Field experience. Hopefully he can add some needed never seemed to be comfortable on the air. John humorous touches to Dolly. Bolaris, a meteorologist has replaced her. Chan- New Show Department: Brian Keith is back on R nel 2 and 4 have traded reporters. Mike Tiabbi ABC in The Pursuit of Happiness. Keith plays is now with WCBS as an investigative reporter Roland Duncan, a crust old history professor. and Neal Rbsenau has taken up shop at News 4. Comedian Paul Provenza is David Hanley, a Attractive anchor Michele Marsh announc- young man who's been traveling around the ed her engagement on the air. She'll wed Price country discovering the United States, He moves Paschall, an investment banker in the spring. to Philadelphia and becomes an assistant pro- How did they meet? Price sent a fan letter to fessor working with his idol, Professor Duncan. reporter Diane Diamond asking her out. She's The opening episode dealt with Hanley's arrival spoken for, but she set Michele up on a blind and showed the differences between the two men. date. Only on television folks! It wasn'T anything special. Once again writing New noon anchor Bree Walker is doing a is the factor. The script is lacking the humor a fine job and is a welcome addition to the team. sitcom should have. INN newsman Marvin Scott was recently Keith better hope that the storyline improves named Executive Editor of his weekend or The Pursuit of Happiness could be another newscasts. Scott just celebrated his 25th year in Melba, The show competes against Dallas and broadcasting. (Speaking of INN, Morton Dean Miami Vice. has left Channel 11. Brad Holbrook, the 7:30 an- Finally, Fox Weekend Television has once chor, has taken over Dean's duties on the 11 pm again shifted their programming around. There news with Sheila Stainback. are only so many changes a viewer will tolerate. What's New: There's another new talk show on I hope they know what they're doing. the air waves and it's called Vie Morion Downey And Last But Not Least: ABC's Dynasty is gct- Jr. Show, wceknights at 9 pm on Channel 9. . ting sillier and sillier. The writers should watch WWOR is billing him as "rude, arrogant, con- continuod on page 14 Page 12 - CLC Observer - November 11,1987

homosexuals who, on a daily basis, must-ignore to add to and transmit civilized culture. The ad tells of 1,000 personal ads with wild nude Compiled from page 7 bigoted comments from ignorant homophobes. Many people who hate gays expect us to take photos! On page 17 was an adforPriape be Sex ^ The parade also acts as a means of inspiration resporisibilty for fringe groups like pederasts and Shop Gai, with a list of items for sale that in- even bestialists. I would remind them that the more heterosexuals molest,children than do for those closeted homosexuals who for personal cludes "Leather, Lubricants, Underwear, heterosexual population has proportionately at homosexuals. Yes, NAMBLA advocates gay reasons fear joining the gay community. Magazines, Gay Guides, Rubber, T-shirts, [un- least as much sleaze to it, for which heterosex- relations with youths, but the organization is an Creel states that if homosexuals don't want to printable sexual paraphernalia]... "On page 37 ual do not feel responsible, so please spare us independent faction of the larger gay rights move- be abused or discriminated against, they should was an ad that said in bold letters, ' 'Heterosex- the noisome red herrings. Heterosexuals are the ment — not many gays support NAMBLA. remain closeted. Should black Americans have ism Can Be Cured.'' Finally on page 39 was an people who brought you divorce, broken homes, ad saying, and I quote verbatim, "Condoms The youth involved with NAMBLA members remained at the rear of the bus? The answer is child abuse and wife abuse: how could any group Suck! So Enhance Your Sexual Pleasure With Our are not young children, they are mostly teenagers obviously no. Homosexuals in the United States with a track record like that feel smug and dis- Flavored Gel Designed Solely For Condom who are trying to deal with their own sexuality form a large minority which must protest social dainful toward anybody? Use!" in a homophobic world. These homosexual teens injustices in employment and housing, as well often turn to older homosexuals for the emotional as a denial of the basic human freedom of choice In this oppresively heterosexual culture, "gay Thank you for dispelling the stigmas that socie- support they can't get from family members or ' which this nation was founded upon by people wrongs" seem almost trivial, yet we are now ty has placed in my mind. friends. If it weren't for society's homophobia, who escaped here in order to avoid persecution grappling vigorously with our problems. Gay homosexual teens would not be emotionally turn- by people who were intolerant of the practices needs, on the other hand, are legitimate objects ed out of their homes in search of someone who of others. of concern in a University. When I studied at will accept them for who they are. One should Mr. Creel, no minority looks for a stamp of Fordham, I felt totally isolated and unable to meet Unrepresented from page 7 not paint a picture of all homosexuals as child approval from the government or from society, and share with other gay people. Even black molesters, nor should they draw poorly con- all they can hope for is to be treated as equals, students have always had access to their peers ty. There are far more cases of heterosexual structed metaphors comparing homosexuals to and to be recognized as a human being whose and adult role models. Gay students didn't. So fathers molesting their daughters than there are heroin addicts. abilities are no different than that of any other I applaud any progress that permits gay students of wild-eyed gays randomly stalking,unsuspec- or adults to devise their own pursuit of happiness. Creel's stress on the idea that homosexuals member of society. ting children. I must quote the last sentence of Mr. Creel's That's the American way, whether Mr. Creel But this was only one point of Creel's editorial. make an active preference to be homosexual is likes it or not. <, so incredibly naive that I could not begin to insightful commentary. "I may have to accept His main concern is that he shouldn't have to discuss it in this commentary. All I can suggest gay rights and have to deal with gays, but don't John M. Stable "like" or welcome gays. I quite agree with him. is that you read a book on the subject, or you tell me I have to enjoy it." Mr. Creel, you will Fordham College '72 No one should "have to" do anything. He's for- may prefer to remain ignorant of the facts. No have to accept gay rights, and certainly will have tunate to be able to express his preferences — one has ever woke and thought to themselves, to deal with gays, but whether you enjoy it or not everyone has those rights. His solution to this "From now on I think I'll be gay." not is your private issue. pesky problem of gay rights is simple: if they from page 7 It's wonderful that Creel knows the real issue Saddened don't want to be treated differently, they of the gay rights movement is, "that gays and Thorn Whatley shouldn't discuss who. they are. Perhaps he's lesbians want the approval of society; they want CLC'88 for your perusal.) Or that you call the Gay Swit- overlooked an even better solution. We could society to condone their private behavior." Gays chboard listed, in the Manhattan white pages? round them up, pin stars on their chests, and send don't care for society's approval, nor do they ex- Either way, you'll get plenty of information on them off to "rehabilitation" camps. That would pect society to condone homosexuality. Gays how gays are dispelling the stigmata society has teach them a good lesson for being "different" want society to realize that what one does in their from page 7 placed on them. and keep them quiet at the same time. bedroom has no effect on. their abilities outside As a gay man, thirty-two years young, I have "Gigs Goes to Rome" was ostensibly an ac- the bedroom as members of society. A homosex- only thing a gay person can. choose is whether come to understand that, like any other person, count of Anthony Giglio's semester in Italy. His ual has the ability to be as good of a politician, or not to ignore his libido; he cannot change it. I have a mind and heart. It is regrettable, Mr. time in Rome has provided him with the follow- businessperson, son, daughter, spouse, priest or Can Mr. Creel conceive that being gay may be Creel, that you preferred to leave your mind and ing educational information: 1) all Italians do not soldier as any other human being. much like being left-handed, and about as heart behind you when writing your opinion. smell bad, 2) Italian men who hold hands are not The gay rights marches are not designed to say, provocative? Alan Kanen necessarily "queer," and, 3) even Rome sells "We are different and we want to be treated On our positive role in society, the subject is CLC '88 deodorant. equal." They are designed to make the statement more complex and I would sympathize with Mr. The writer responds: There were a number of approaches Giglio that all people, regardless of race, religion, col- Creel's failure to thread his way through it. As Dear Mr. Kanen: could have taken with his story. He could have or, sex or sexual orientation (not preference), at least 10% of the whole world, gay people are I am happy to inform you that my mind is in ' described what being a student abroad is like, should be allowed to live lives free from pre- a diverse lot. We have no single "life style" apart perfect working order. The Gayellow Pages were the cultural.attractions of Rome, or how he's judice and governmentallyrsupported discrimina- from single-sex affection, and as result of millen- very helpful. In the first 39 of the 256 pages there discovered his own heritage. By choosing to tion. Many people who march in gay rights mar- nia of hatred and oppression against us we have were 39 ads. The ads consisted of 13 magazine write such an inane series of ethnic characteriza- ches are heterosexuals who oppose "discrimina- as yet no positive community life model. But an- arid periodical ads, four hotel ads, four theatre tions, he not only belittled Italians, but he tion, these people are an integral part of the gay thropologists and sociobiologists insist that in and video store ads, five clothing store ads, and belittled Fordham's Study Abroad program as rights movement. other cultures, and theoretically in this one, gay 13 other ads for tours and clubs. well. The main function of the gay rights parade is people have a quite positive role precisely On page 14 was an ad for Goldenrod: A Con- It may be that Giglio feels that his surname en- to act as a system of emotional support for because (Key do not procreate and have the leisure tact Magazine for Gay and Bi Male Swingers. continued on page 15 Racism In America Is racial Tension in America increasing? Juniors and ^RTC/IRVED V Seniors X. CLASS RINGS Join us for a discussion on race issues Order Now... that affect our lives Save Sponsored By H.E.O.RS.O.

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WOOQOCOBOOP C wopoe November 11, 1987 - CLC Observer - Page 13

That I Never Knew By Paul Brubaker cliff diving. One spring day while I was in the attic making As I worked my way through more pictures I the mundane exchange of sweaters, parkas, and grew more recognizable. My ears were wider, my corduroys for t-shirts, shorts, and tank tops, I hair was longer, and my teeth were visible. It was stumbled across a box filled with photographs. also clear that I had a personality developing and They were thrown together in a disorganized pile this led to the action photos. In most of them I just beckoning for a little attention. Nof being in was usually dressed in some sort of costume play- too much of a hurry to find my Hawaiian shirts, ing a role, i.e. "Hopping Cassidy on his faithful I knelt down beside the box of photos. At the bot- Airedale, Trigger, having a Shootout with a tree." tom of the box there was a manila envelope fill- Some of them preceded the action like in the shot ed with my baby pictures. Having seen enough where I am hugging my mother's thigh while she black and whites of dead great-aunts, I dove into was in the middle of dropping a quiche on the my own photographic archives. way to the table. Perhaps the most striking thing about my baby In the space between the role playing and the pictures was (hat in all of them the subject was mischief making lay my gender identification a total stranger. This jello-bellied, bald, saddle- period. I suspect my father was behind the lens shoed thing bore no resemblence to the guy who during this time. In one shot I am caught in the was in my mirror that morning. act of shaving with my father's razor. In another Whoever this model was he certainly brought I am grabbing my father's briefcase, holding a a new dimension to my parents' lives. The nature piece of toast, and kissing my mother on the of every photo was that of two people who saw cheek as if I am "late for work". Still, in another, no end to the different ways of taking a baby's I am frustrated as I try to tie a necktie around picture. There I was in one picture sitting in the my neck. kitchen with strained asparagus on my cheeks, While looking at all these pieces of my daily nose, and ears. Another show was of me in a card- life as a little person, I could not help but notice board box with an inflatable rabbit'. Of course, my feelings of sentiment. Being in college as I there were hundreds of babe-in-the-buff shots in am, through my hopes and aspirations, always which I appeared in the bathtub, on the dressing looking ahead to the future. It seems as I work table, and on the living room floor in all my glory. in school and rack up credits in my majors, it is With the inventivness and fervor that these pic- easy to get caught up in what has not happened tures were taken with I am convinced that my yet. When I stumbled upon my baby pictures I parents were extremely bored.before I was born. was compelled to remember all of the experiences For all I know, my parents held competitions bet- that made me what I have become so far. Though ween themselves as to who could do the craziest I have no degree that follows my name, I thing with the kid and photograph it. remember the school of nurturing that I have long Being the first child in my family I was the sub- since graduated from. In a handful of photographs ject of many "first" photos. I could handle see- I can see the astonishment my parents had at each ing the first Christmas shots, though I question trivial thing I did as a small child. I can hear their the use I may have had for the basketball under laughter when they caught my infantile can- the tree. The shots of my first Halloween, were didnessb on film. also pretty harmless, even though I consider be- Even though t can hardly remember being that ing dressed up as Mortimer Snerd and sat on my young I can feel the love I felt being under my "ventriloquist" father's lap a little demeaning. parents' wing. Even though many questions still The portfolio of "First Attempt at Potty Train- remain about my future, I am reminded of the ing" was a little unbearable. I sincerely believe security that I began to feel when I was bom. that a toddler's fears of this stage in life would Though I am still not moved enough to put those be minimized if those present would refrain from potty pictures in the collage in the living room, using cameras. From the expressions on my face I can be thankful for every time I heard "Say I am not sure if I thought I was potty-training or cheese." o Fall Into Fashion By Malou Soriano and spice, floral bouquet, and mild musk. The Today, women's clothing and accessories are prices range from $7.5O-$5O, depending on the designed to portray a curvy, yet soft look. size of the bottle. For those who shy away from November is the month to hunt for and discover artificial ingredients, try Perspectives, a perfume new fashions and fragrances for the winter which contains all natural ingredients derived season. Whether your taste is exotic, glamorous, from fruits. The price is $45. or casual, many varieties of clothing, makeup, Today in fashion there are more shapes, sizes, and fragrances are available to fit your mood and colors, and scents than ever before. So it leaves vour lifestyle. il up to vou to choose what express your feelincs For the casual appearance in jackets and coats, and tastes. Remember, you can't find your desired iced-denims with fleece lining and denims lined outfit and accessories for the right price in one with plaid are the popular choices, according to .store. Shop around! Marie-Claire Licero, a spokesperson from the Limited in Manhattan. Prices range from $!5O-$30O. WHAT IF YOU The pill-box hat ($ll.99-up), short bolero jacket DON'T GET ($29-up), wide cummerbund belt ($3.99-$5.99), and oversized trousers ($16.99-29.99), are the INTO THE GRAD perfect accessories to obtain the exotfc look. To SCHOOL OF accent the outfit, bright colored argyle gloves with YOUR CHOICE? patterned cuffs work well. Materials on gloves Sure, there are other are fur, fleece, sherling, and plaid. schools. But why settle? For people who want these looks, but can't af- Kaplan prep courses help students raise their scores ford high boutique prices, try stores such as Joyce and their chances of Leslie, Ormond, and Lerner Shops. The^ all have be ing admitted intotheir reasonable prices, which are 30%-40% lower first-choice schools. Fact than boutique prices. is. no one has helped IKAPLAN students score higher! This season's makeup focuses on bright col- STANLEY H. KAPUNI WCAtlOHAL CIHTM LTD. ors in contrast to neutrals, and matte finishes in- OTHER COURSES: MCAT, DAT, NCIEX, NTE, CPA, BAR REVIEW & OTHERS stead of shiny finishes, according to a makeup correspondent from Macy's. Preferred colors for the lips are bright reds, fuchias, plums, browns, and nudes. Cheeks arc blushed with neutral soft Call Days, Evenings, Even Weekends tones, mostly mild browns. Eyes are shadowed with deep browns, oranges, golds, plums, and mctallics (silver and bronze). For department 212-977-8200 store brands, the lipsticks can run from 131 West 56 Street (Between 6th & 7th Ave) ,99'-$5.50, eyeshadows nnd blushes run from Sl.99-S6.99. The name brand designer makeup NewYork,N.Y10019 ranges from $9.00-up, depending on which par- ticular brand you choose. The most popular scents this season are fruit Page 14- CLC Observer - November 11,1987

Help, I'm Hooked! By Debbie Hirsch the help of eight hour blank tapes. I woke up and The VCR is a dangerous invention. Since the before eating breakfast or brushing my teeth, I day my family joined the millions of people who made my way downstairs to the family room and own at least one VCR in their homes, my life has straight to the VCR timer. I would set my shows changed. From the moment that shiny black box and continue with the rituals of my morning. Dur- with the numerous lights and buttons took its ing the day my mind would wander and I would place next to the television set in the family room, worry if the VCR was taping. I would get scared old emotions ranging from gratification to frustra- that in the depths of my morning fog I had forgot- tion have taken on new meaning in my ten to set it, or maybe someone had unplugged personality. it mistakenly, or even worse, that it had broke My first reaction to the new member of our n. I would come home after a busy and tiring day family was one of elation and excitement. After and head straight for the VCR to make sure it had months of being hounded and begged, my father performed its duties. At night, after everyone went gave in and bought a VCR. I finally could tape to bed, I would end the day as I had begun it, my afternoon soaps that I had missed for the with the VCR, the remote control, and my soap several months since I had returned from collge. operas. Not being much of a nighttime TV viewer made One night as I was settling down for my fix, me miss the daytime dilemmas I had become so my nightmare came true. When I turned on the addicted to. I couldn't wait for the next day. TV and pushed the play button what displayed Soon after the box was opened, I realized my was not my favorite daytime characters, but a lot anticipation was to last for quite a while. Besides of static and snow. Like an addict without his the main box, which was the actual body of the drug, I felt a panic wash through me. Questions VCR, came numerous cords, plugs, connectors, swarmed my mind as to the destiny of my VCR. and attachments, as well as an instruction booklet Would it ever be fixed? What would my day turn so thick it-could have been a novel. I then knew into without this regimented schedule I had it would take more than several minutes to get become accustomed to. this mechanism in working order. It would take The next morning as my mother saw my fran- more like several days and'several people reading, tic state, she confessed to be the culprit who cursing, connecting, and disconnecting in frustra- disconnected it and was unable to reconnect it in tion to finally make it operate the way it was sup- working order. After fruitless efforts to restore posed to. it to health, we called in the VCR repairman. To celebrate our successful collaboration in the Needless to say, the VCR man looked at us as birth of our new friend, the VCR, my family pro- if we were morons and hooked up Jthe machine ceeded to rent a movie or two every night for the in less than a minute for which he receied a total next several weeks. Fights broke out over VCR sum of thirty-five dollars. Before he had a chance time, and over who got to watch when they to pull out of the driveway, I was pushing but- wanted. I was still unhappy because viewing taped somewhat mechanically inclined, which unfor- ly figured out how to set the timer. And then it tons and sighing with relief. films was the only use the VCR had served us. tunately, is not one of the stronger points in my all began. After that ordeal, I realized that I had become I still hadn't been able to tape my soaps.. family. I had long since given up on the instruc- I became a maniac—addicted and strongly con- a slave. There would be no turning back to a time Now approached the true test of my patience, tion booklet, which to me was as complicated as sumed by the power of the VCR. I first ex- before the entrance of that shiny black box with I had to learn how to set the timer. You don't have reading War and Peace Therefore, it was only perimented with one show at a time and even- the numerous lights and buttons that took its place to be Einstein to figure these things out, just after several weeks of trial and error that I final- tually worked my way up to four shows a day with next to the television set in the family room.

See Them continued from page 9 ACADEMIC WORD PROCESSING

filming his series. Dyson, a former (spy colleague of McCall's who. In a special two part episode, the son of takes over the search for his friend. Mitchum's Term Papers, Dissertations, Cover Letters, Tape Transcriptions McCall (Woodward) is joined by the other no-nonsense approach makes up for the star's Extensive Law Firm Experience regulars as they search for the "missing" absence. Experienced with Fordham Dissertation Specifications and Formats Equalizer, who has been kidnapped by the KGB. Woodward is "The Equalizer," in every - Change is inevitably a part of life. The old sense of the word, and it was difficult to con- and familiar things we're used to are comforting, Accurate, Dependable, Reasonable Rates ceive how the show could hold my attention especially to television viewers. But to grow as without the benefit of its star. The answer came a person, it is important to explore new avenues. in the form of veteran actor Robert Mitchum, As far as the networks, studios and actors are CALL STEPHANIE (212) 734-4928 who provides needed charisma and star quality concerned, changes have become a permanent for the supporting players. Mitchum plays part of our television picture. New York Psychotherapy Group The New York I's.wholhcrapy (iroup TV Update continued from page 11 is an organization of experienced pro- fessionals in private offices thrmighoiit Knots Landing on CBS and take notes. A recent cellent drama, due to a fine script and sensational I he Now York and New Jersey mcl- episode in which Constance McCashin's acting. Dynasty better shape up or it will sink ropolitan area. character, Laura, gets a brain tumor was ex- by the end of the season. \Ve offer a full range of sen ices in- cluding individual, croup, couple and family therapy. Your individual needs guide us in H41-5304 (212) matching you with a therapist. Fees 67.1-0884 are moderate and based on a sliding scale.

.5j IS COLLEGE TUITION A PROBLEM? |Fordham EMS will be sponsoring 2 CPR& RELAX! Don't let lack of money prevent you or discourage you from finishing your jcourses. One on November 17th & 19th? higher education. Why go to a bank, when you can get free assistance from us? (and the other on November 23rd & 24th. More than 3 billion dollars in financial assistance is available to students Each course costs $20.00 and you can, annually. Students' financial Aid Services, with its ten years experience helping jsign up in Room 420. students nationwide, can help you solve your tuition problem for good, by finding 5 to 25 sources of financial assistance geared specifically to your needs. THESE GRANTS ARE FREE AND NEED NOT BE PAID BACK There is a modest processing fee. Results are guaranteed--a service you COUNSELINE can't afford not to use. (212) 496-9043 This service is for freshmen and sophomores and also for seniors entering the graduate program. Name of Student: * * Address: Psychotherapy and Counseling City: State: _ Zip: Professional Staff Telephone Number: Year In School: Please send this coupon to: Students' Financial Aid Services Convenient 100 Rlverdale Ave., Suite 4C West. Side Location •Sliding Scale Vbnkare. N.Y. 10701 November 11,1987 - CLC Observer - Page 15 SPORTS Looking Back From Twinkies Come Twins

By Lourdes Chicon also had the lowest won-lost percentage, besides without its heroes and unforgettable moments. the most controversial. There were about four Another baseball season has come and gone past Series winners Oakland A's in 1974, who had There was the "homer-hankie." After a home run, controversial calls made by umpires. In the se- and so has another Series. .556; the Philadelphia Phillies in 1980, with .562; in jubilation and support for their team, the fans cond inning, Don Baylor was clearly shown in On Simday night, October 25, the Minnesota and the Kansas City Royals in 1985, also with would wildly wave handkerchiefs in the air. The replays arriving safe at home plate. Whether the Twins beat the St. Louis Cardinals to win the .562. What probably helped the Twins win the problem was, the fans couldn't be told apart, since umpire couldn't see well is not known, but he rul- World Series, four games to three. Series was the fact that four out of the seven both teams were hit with "homer-hankie" fever. ed Baylor out on a play that could have helped Incredibly, all seven games were won in home games were played at the Metrodome in There were also two very memorable home runs. the Twins tie the game 2-2. Later on in the game, stadiums. The Minnesota Twins won the first two Minnesota. Thomas Lawless of the Cardinals hit a three-run another controversial call was made against games in Minnesota, the Cardinals won the next The Metrodome is a strange stadium which homer in the fourth inning of Game Four to help Tommy Herr of the Cardinals. Herr was safe at three games in St. Louis, and the last two games makes most players on visiting teams feel quite the Cardinals win 8-4. What's so incredible is thai first after first baseman Kent Hrbek tried to tag were won by the Twins 11-5 and 4-2, to win the uncomfortable. What's so "strange" about the Lawless* last home run was in 1984. Kent Hrbek's hum out. Again, the umpire apparently did not. championship. This is the First time in baseball Metrodome is that most players aren't used to the grand slam home run in the sixth inning of Game see the play well and ruled Herr out. history that all seven games were won within way the light reflects down to the field from the Six helped the Twins win ll-5. There was Frank home territory. dome. Probably the change in light caused a bit Viola, who won both Game One (lO-l) and Game World Series '87 turned out to be exciting. Bui. The St. Louis Cardinals were the favorites to of disorientation within the Cardinals' team. The Seven of the Series with Jeff Reardon pitching i hen again, what World Series hasn't been? It is win the championship title, but the Twins prevail- dome itself is out of the ordinary. The dome has the ninth inning. Frank Viola, a former student the event that grips a nation in unified sportsman- ed against all odds to win the Series. At the begin- holes, so that a Twin hit a ball out of the stadium from St. John's University and whose family lives ship, to see the thrill of victory and the agony of ning of the season, the odds against the Twins during a practice session before Game One. in Long Island, went on to win the MVP Award. defeat. Congratulations to the Minnesota Twins ever winning the Series was 30 to I. The Twins Like all past World Series, this one was not Game Seven of the World Series was probably for beating insurmountable odds.

Tennis continued from page 16 the number one spot in women's . breaking Navratilova's 58 consecutive match win- remaining players eligible to compete in the tour- citing matches played between these top sixleen Evert has had her share of tournament wins this ning streak. This was Mandlikova's first win since nament are: Helena Sukova, Gabriela Sabatini. players. Old rivalries have remained and new ones year, having recovered from a knee injury which the 1985 U.S. Open final. To date Mandlikova's Zina Garrison, Lori McNeil. Maneula Maleeva. have been forged. The points separating these top kept her out of last year's Virginia Slims Cham- only other win this year was in Washington, D.C. Claudia Kohde-Kilsh, Catarina Lindqvist, Rafael players in some instances may be great but the pionships and this year's Australian Open. Evert got off to a slow start this year, Rene, Sylvia Hanika, Bettina Bunge, and Katrina winner of this tournament will have an affect on enjoyed the tournament victories in Dallas, but the summer months were good to her, with Maleeva. (Tournaments are still being played and the outcome of who will be named World Cham- Houston, and the European Open. Shriver winning Birmingham, Newport, and the point changes could occur which might affect pion. Will the I987 World Champion be Graf. Mandlikova looked like she was back on track Canadian Open. some of the players standings.) Navratilova. or Evert? We will just have to wait when she won the Australian Open this year, Using the point standings from October 7, the Over this past year there have been many ex- and see.

Unrepresented from page 12 Constitution. If Bork was deemed unsuitable, it was by a diverse panel of officials elected by Convocation continued from page 1 American voters. titles him to make such remarks; and it may be I realize that two of these articles were that this really is the extent of his learning ex- editorials and expressed the views of the authors; saying that today's colleges do not know what In conclusion, Fr. O'Hare desribed New York perience. But the CLC Observer is a paper that the other was a feature. I just wouldn't want a they are doing, that they are charging too much as a "city of change,"

By Diane P. Licht The 1984 Virginia Slims Championships mark- If you follow women's tennis, Madison Square ed the return of a best of five set final to women's Garden is the place to be November I6th through tennis. Women's tennis tournaments in the I880'S 22nd for the Virginia Slims Championships, the and '90's were like the men's tournaments, three- final event on the women's tennis tour. out-of-five sets. In 1901, the U.S.L.T.A. ruled that Virginia Slims has sponsored women's tennis women's matches would be changed to two-out- since 1970, but it wasn't until 1983 that the World of-three sets. In March 1986, during the 1985-86 Championship Series emerged in response to Virginia Slims Championships, the first extend- solving the question of who is world champion. ed best of five set match in 85 years took place Back in 1981, won the between Navratilova and Hana Mandlikova with Australian Open, U.S. Indoors, and. Avon Cham- Navratilova as the victor. pionships; won the U.S. and Cana- This year, however, Navratilova is battling to dian Open, and the Toyota Championships: and regain the number one spot. Although Navratilova won Wimbledon, the Italian Open, played in fewer tournaments this year, her first and the Women's Tennis Association Champion- tournament win did not come until Wimbeldon ships and was ranked number one by the WTA. where she beat Steffi Graf, breaking Grafs 41 Each of these players had wins over the others consecutive match winning streak. The and felt that they were World Champion. The In- Wimbeldon victory gave Navratilova her eighth ternational Tennis Assocation voted on this mat- Wimbeldon singles title, tying the record set by ter and awarded the 1981 World Champion title Helen Wills (Moody) back in 1933. Navratilova to Evert. made it to the finals in all four grand slam events Since then, Virginia Slims developed a system this year, getting her second grand slam win at where players recieve points based on their per- the U.S. Open. formances and the level of the tournaments they Grafs record for this year has been most im- enter. These points are accumulated over the pressive. Her victories over Evert and Navratilova calendar year. The sixteen players with the highest in the Lipton International Players Tournament point total and the top eight doubles teams at the in February was a sign that Graf had arrived. Graf end of the year compete for the tournament title has won many titles this year. Among them are: in the Virginia Slims Championships. The title ~-*^N^ WITA Championships, Italian Open, German of World Champion is given to the player who Open, and French Open. Her victory over has earned the most points during the year in Navratilova in the French Open placed Graf in singles play. continued on page 15

Cafeteria Hours: i.ot Cafe Hours: M - Th 8-8 M - Th 12 - l() F 8-6 W-Th 12 II S c 8:30 - 2:30 At A Glance F c. 12 6

DISCOUNT PARKING INFORMATION: Four (4) parking* Discount Theater Ticket Vouchers are available in the SAO for garages in the area are offering discount parking rates to members 'the following shows: Talk Radio. I'm Not Rappaport.^MOMS. INSIDE CLC of the Fordham University community. Flyers with garages and Radio City Music Hall's Magnificent Christmas Spectacular, Little rates are located in the SAO. Stop of Horrors, Broadway Bound, Nunsense. & La Cage Aux FK'.I - Interested in Engineering? Fordham has a 3-2 Pre-Engineering TYPING & RESUME BOOK is available in Room 420. Complimentary & Discount Club Passes tor the following clubs Program run jointly by the Division of Science and Mathematics are available in the SAO. Rm 420: 4D. Palladium, The Saint, The at CLC and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Tunnel, Nirvana and Limelight. Columbia University. If you're interested in finding out more about Complimentary Admission To Classical Recitals - Slop by the the program, or if you're already enrolled in it. come to our SAO for available concert dates & sign up. meeting at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday. November 11, in Room 816. For more information, contact Dr. Werschulz at extension 323 or the Division at extension 396. AROUND NEW YORK Senior Portrait sittings will be held Nov. 9 and 10. Sign up in Room 420.

It's not too early to order your 1988 CLC Undergraduate Year- STAND UP NEW YORK (a N.Y. Comedy Club) announces NO book at $25.00 each in Room 420. COVER CHARGE for students with Fordham I.D.'s on Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday shows at 9pm, Friday shows COMING SOON!! The Student Intercampus Committee will be at 11:30pm and HALF COVER CHARGE ($3.50) to Monday shows sponsoring it's annual semi-formal, to be held on Saturday,. at 8:30pm. R.S.V.P.'s must be made in advance and there is a 2 December 12, at the N.Y. Hilton-tickets will be on sale soon! drink minimum per person (proper proof required). STAND UP NEW YORK is located at 78th Street & Broadway. To make reser- The Sociology Club announces its general meetings as follows: vations, call 593-0850 after 2pm. November II at 4:45 p.m. and December 8 at 4:45 p.m All are welcome to attend!

Glucose Tests - Have your blood sugar level checked by the EMS. This service costs $2.00 and is performed by appointment only. HILL HAPPENINGS To schedule an appointment, call extension 158 or stop by room 4O8E. TOP/American Age Presents: Dave Debucherre, Nov. 11 Two CPR courses will be offered by the EMS. Course I will be held Nov. 17 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Nov. 19 from 6 p.m. to Bronx Arts Ensemble in the Ballroom at 10:30 a.m. Nov. 12. 10 p.m. Both days are mandatory. Course 2 will be held Nov. 23 from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Nov. 24 from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Both Cinevents: "Tough Guys at 8:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. Nov. 12 days are mandatory. Each course costs $20.00. Sign up in room in Keating First 420. The Counseling Center will conduct Strong Campbell Career |I American Age Presents: Sarah Weddington, "Leadership—You Interest Tests in Room 502 on Nov. 12 from 3-4:30 p.m. and Nov. | Can Make A Difference" at 10:30 a.m., Nov. 12 in Keating First. 17 from 6-7:O0p.m. Study Skills Workshops will be held in the 4th floor student lounge on Nov. 16 from 6-7:30 p.m. and on Nov. 1 Circle K Presents: Male Leg Contest at 9:00 a.m., Nov. 12 in 17 from 5-6:30 p.m. A discussion entitled "How to Write a Per- £ the Ramskellar. sonal Statement for Graduate Psychology, Social Work, and Educa- tion Programs" will be held in room 504 on Nov. 18 from Cinevents: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" Nov. 13 at 7:30 p.m. 5-6:O0p.m. A workshop on Stress Management will also be held New Posting Policy In Lowcnstcin Building: The responsibility in Keating First. Nov. 18 at 5-6:00 p.m. in room 512. Those interested in the of posting ami removing signs is now left to the Charlotte Newc,ombe Scholarship Program can attend a meetinc individuul/cluh/dcparimcnl requesting it. ALL MATERIAL TO Special Events Sponsors: Lip Sync in the Ramskellar Nov. 13 in room 506 on Nov. 20 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. BE POSTED MUST STILL BE APPROVED BY THE SAO. RM at 9:00 p.m. . • 420. (We will stamp.material wiih the SAO and-removal-date stamps). All unauthorized posting will be removed. Detailed Football Fordham vs. C.W. Post Nov. 14 at 1:00 p.m. Posting Policy is available in the Student Activities Office AVAILABLE IN 420 Free NYC Bus, NYC Subway, and Ni'« Jersey Path I rain maps Weekend Activitcs Commlttc Sponsors: Video Dance Party in STUDENT ACTIVITIES OFFICE available in Room 420. the Ramskellar. Nov. 14 at 9:00 p.m. Audience Wanted For "ftilk Shows •The Morning Program. & Attention All Students: If you want to, find out just whut is hap- Complimentary Admission to Classical Recitals- Stop by the Geraldo. Sign up for tickets in the Student Activities Office, pening at the Hill then cull the Campus Activities Board's SAO for available concert dates & sign up. 420. Hotliric—579-2341.