Mar09 QWR.Pub
World Federation of Chiropractic March 31, 2009 WFC QUARTERLY WORLD REPORT A REPORT FOR: I N S I D E WFC Member Associations President's Message .................................................1 WFC Associate Members 10th Biennial Congress—Montreal..........................3 WFC Council and Past Councillors Administration & Committees.................................5 WFC Research Council Public Health Committee Report ............................6 WFC Committees FICS Report..............................................................7 Regional Organizations: World Notes .............................................................9 APCDF, ECU, FLAQ Associate Members ..................................................11 ACC, FCER, FICS, WCCS PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ments and planning for others – sia, where a new chiropractic including improvements in clini- school is being established at the cal training and a wide range of International Medical University. research projects. This initiative is in partnership with RMIT University of Mel- Two weeks before that I was at bourne, Australia, and is being the WFC’s 4th Annual Eastern led in Malaysia by Dr. Michael Mediterranean Region Seminar, Haneline, formerly of Palmer this year held in Dubai, United West, San Jose, California. Arab Emirates, February 27-28 and attended by 40 chiropractors Meanwhile, Dr. Molly Robinson representing 10 countries in the from Minnesota is three months region - Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, into her year as the first ever doc- Dear Friends and Colleagues: Lebanon, Libya, Qatar, Saudi tor of chiropractic working full- It is a privilege to serve as your Arabia, Syria, Turkey and the time for the World Health Or- President, and to have an oppor- United Arab Emirates (UAE). ganization at its headquarters in tunity to see how strongly and Immediately before that, WFC Geneva, Switzerland. This is pur- steadily our profession is growing Secretary-General, David Chap- suant to a contract between WHO throughout the world.
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