and South NHS NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay Hospital Help for you following your bereavement

Bereavement Office 01803 654818 Level 4 Reception Zone A Torbay and South Devon NHS NHS Foundation Trust

Torbay Hospital Help for you following your bereavement

Bereavement Office 01803 654818 Level 4 Reception Zone A

Memories are the loveliest thing,

They last from day to day,

They can’t get lost;

They don’t wear out,

And can’t be given away.”


1 Dear relative, carer or friend. The staff of South

Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust would like to express their sympathy to you and your family at this difficult time.

The first week of bereavement can be a time of grief and sorrow but it is also a period in which a number of matters must be dealt with.

We hope this booklet will provide you with some useful help during the early stages of your bereavement.

2 The following issues are covered in this booklet: What to do first - Collecting the death certificate Page 4 Organ donation page 5 Coroner’s Post Mortem page 6 Hospital Post Mortem page 6 Collecting Clothing and Valuables page 6 Paying your last respects page 6 Registering the death page 7 Who can register the death page 7 What to tell the Registrar page 7 What the Registrar will give you page 8 Arranging the funeral page 8 Burial or cremation page 9 The Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Service page 9 Grief in Children and Adolescents page 10 Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) page 10 After the funeral page 11 Remembering page 11 Suggested list of who needs to be told of the death page 12 Suggested contact numbers for support and advice page 13 Directions to Registrar’s Office at Library, page 14 Great Western Road TQ4 5AG. Telephone 01803 207130 A page for your own notes page 15 Support Services page 16

Bereavement Office, Level 4 Reception, Torbay Hospital Telephone: 01803 654818

3 What to do first - Collecting the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) Providing there is no Coroner’s investigation, the Bereavement Office will provide you with a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD). This is not the official Death Certificate as you will obtain this when you register the death with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages at Paignton Library, Great Western Road TQ4 5AG.

Please contact the Bereavement Office after 10.00 am on 01803 654818 before coming to the hospital. The Bereavement Officer will book a time slot to collect the certificate. The office may be very busy after weekends and Bank Holidays. There is an answer phone if the office is busy. Please leave your contact name and telephone number and we will call you back as soon as possible. Please speak clearly. Opening hours: Monday to Friday

Bereavement Officers: Marie Lewis Kim Palmer

4 Organ donation Many people will have made a decision, in life, about organ or tissue donation. Your loved one may have registered their wishes on the NHS Organ Donor Register, carried a Donor Card or discussed their thoughts with you. It is very possible that they can help others through donating tissue (eyes for corneal transplants and / or heart for valve transplants) following their death. The donation will not delay funeral plans as the procedure can be carried out quickly, within 24 hours of death for eyes and 48 hours for heart valves. Eye donation does not alter the appearance of the deceased.

If you know their wishes about organ donation or would like to find out more, please contact any one of the following as soon as possible following the death:

• The Eye Retrieval Team on 01392 406255. • The Donor Transplant Co-ordinators on 0300 123 1108 or 24 hour pager on 07659 591642. • The ward staff may also be able to assist you.

Eyes: Eyes can help restore sight to people with cornea problems (the clear part of the eye). This may be a result of damage caused by eye disease or injury, or defects from birth, and the white part of the eye (the sclera) can be used in operations to rebuild the eye.

Heart Valves: Heart valves can be transplanted to save the lives of children born with heart defects, and adults with damaged heart valves.

5 Coroner’s Post Mortem Occasionally, deaths have to be reported to the Coroner who decides if there should be a post mortem. If this is the case, there may be a delay before you can proceed, but the Coroner’s officers will advise you when you can register the death with the Registrar in Paignton. The Coroner’s office telephone number is: 01803 655205 or 01803 655255

Request for a Hospital Post Mortem The doctor who issued the MCCD may ask your permission for a post mortem examination to assist in medical knowledge and teaching.

The post mortem will be explained to you and you will be asked to give your consent. If you agree, you will be asked to sign a form. The examination should not delay the funeral arrangements.

Clothing and valuables Any property and valuables that you have not already received after the death may be collected when you come to the hospital for the MCCD. The Bereavement Office will advise you where to collect them. To collect any valuables from the cashiers you may be required to provide specific paperwork. To confirm what paperwork is required please contact the cashiers on 01803 656555.

Last respects Please speak to your funeral director about arranging this for you. If the one who has died has not left the hospital you may wish to pay your last respects in the hospital’s Chapel of Rest. We recommend you contact the ward in the first instance and they will arrange this for you. The Bereavement Office can also help you and they can be contacted on 01803 654818.

6 Registering the death When you have received the MCCD from the Bereavement Office, you can then register the death. You must make an appointment to register the death. The Register Office telephone can be very busy sometimes - please be patient. The Register Office Paignton Library, Great Western Road, Paignton TQ4 5AG Telephone: 01803 207130 Fax: 01803 525388 Email: [email protected] (Directions are on page 14 of this leaflet)

Who can register the death • A relative of the one who has died who was present at the time of death. • A relative who was in attendance during the last illness. • A person present at the time of death. • The person responsible for the funeral arrangements.

You need to give the Registrar the following documents: • The Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD)

You will also need to give the Registrar: • The date and place of the death of the one who has died. • Their last (usual) address. • Their first names and surname (and maiden name if appropriate). • Their date and place of birth. • Their occupation (or former occupation if retired). • If the person was married, the name, occupation, and date and place of birth of their marriage partner. • Whether the person who has died was receiving a pension or allowance from public funds.

7 The Registrar will then give you: A Certificate for Burial or Cremation (also known as the Green Form) unless the Coroner has given you an Order for Burial or Certificate for Cremation to give to the Funeral Director.

The Registrar will also discuss with you the process for informing the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The ‘Tell us once’ service will be offered to you at the time of booking your registration appointment.

You can also purchase certified copies of the Death Certificate for financial and other matters. We recommend that you obtain at least one copy and the Registrar will explain the cost of this to you.

Arranging the Funeral Following a death it is important that you contact a Funeral Director as soon as you are able so they can start making preliminary arrangements for you. You can do this even before the MCCD has been issued. Funeral Directors are a valuable source of information for you and most Funeral Directors are available seven days a week. They can advise you on registering the death and other issues. Costs of funerals do vary and you may wish to ask for a brochure and price list or compare the costs before making a decision. A funeral can take place in the Funeral Director’s own Chapel. If you wish, the Funeral Director can organise the cremation without your attendance and this can reduce costs considerably.

You may wish to organise things by yourself but please consider asking for help from relatives or a close and trusted friend. They will want to help and support you in any way they can.

If you receive State Benefits you can apply for help in paying for funeral costs. You can obtain form SF200 (Funeral Payment 8 from the Social Fund) from your local Department of Work and Pensions Office or Job Centre Plus. Please check what costs the Social Fund will cover.

Burial or Cremation Most Churches have set fees for burial. Your Funeral Director can advise you about this. Costs may be higher for someone who lived outside the Parish. Most non-denominational cemeteries are owned by either local authorities or private companies, so fees may vary. No-one can be cremated until the cause of death is known. There are certain forms you need to sign. Ashes can be scattered in the crematorium’s garden of remembrance or in a favourite place, with permission. Ashes may be buried in a relative’s grave.

The Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Service During this time you may feel that you need the support of others. It may help to speak to someone about your feelings. This is often a difficult time for family and friends too and they may be afraid to speak about your loved one for fear of upsetting you. You may need to take the first step and let them know you would like their support.

The Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care Service are here to support you and, if you wish, they can put you in touch with a minister of your own denomination. They can be contacted on 01803 656406 or through the main hospital switchboard on 01803 614567.

The Chapel at Torbay Hospital is situated near Radiology East and is available to all patients, relatives, friends and staff for personal reflection and prayer. Please ask at the main Reception desk on Level 4 for directions to the Chapel.

9 Grief in Children and Adolescents Generally children do not understand the meaning of death until they are three or four years old. However, they feel the sense of loss of a close relative or friend in much the same way as adults. Even in infancy, it is clear that children grieve and feel great distress. Children experience the passage of time differently to adults and can appear to overcome grief more quickly. However, children in their early school years may need reassuring that they are not responsible for the death of a close relative as they often blame themselves for one reason or another.

It is important that the grief of a young person is not overlooked as they will often not want to burden parents by talking about their feelings. It can be helpful to include them in the arrangements.

Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) We know bereaved people sometimes have questions about their loved one’s hospital care and that getting prompt answers to these questions can help their grieving process. If you have any questions to raise with hospital staff, please contact our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) on 01803 655838.

10 After the funeral Although settling the estate of the one who has died can be confusing and distressing, obtaining probate for the estate through the Probate Registry can be quite simple, though a little time consuming. This can reduce costs considerably for the Executor. (Probate is the court’s authority to administer a deceased person’s estate). If you are the Executor, it is your responsibility to see that the person’s wishes, as you understand them, are carried out. This will include payment of funeral expenses, debts and taxes, as well as the disposal of their possessions and assets.

If it seems likely to be complex it may be worth using solicitors and accountants to sort it all out. Fees will be charged for those services and they will come out of the estate. You will need to make it clear precisely what work they need to do for you.

Whilst this is going on, access to monies in the estate can be difficult but banks and building societies may write a cheque out of the estate to cover funeral expenses even before probate is granted.

For those who have been close relatives or friends the process of adjustment to their loss may take a while. Try to avoid making hasty decisions during this time, especially if you are living alone.

Remembering Everyone will have their own way to remember the person who has died. Talk about them and mention their name often and put the emphasis on the good things that happened when they were alive. Members of the family or close friends may appreciate a photograph or small object as a reminder. Most important of all will be your own memories.

11 Who needs to be told about the death

Suggested contacts Details

Priest, Vicar or Minister of other Faiths Family doctor Department of Work and Pensions Banks, Building Societies, Insurance Social Services re Home Care Work place for occupational pension Executors of the estate (Will) Solicitor Inland Revenue and Council Tax offices Residential or Nursing Home Landlord or Housing Department Electricity Gas Water Telephone Post Office to redirect mail Stop Mail (stop unwanted mail-leaflet in Bereavement Office) DVLA Swansea (driving licence) Outstanding appointments Schools, College, University attended

12 Suggested contact numbers for support and advice Benefit Enquiry Line 0800 882200 Bereavement Advice Centre Tax, Benefits and Probate 0800 634 9494 Carers UK Advice and support for carers 0808 808 7777 Veterans UK 0800 1692277 Probate Registry - Exeter 01392 415370 Pension Help Line 0845 6060265 Torbay Hospital Chaplaincy 01803 656406 Patient Advice Liaison and Support (PALS) 0800 0282037 Cruse Bereavement Care (for adults and children) 0300 3305466 0808 808 1677 Children and Families in Grief. 0800 393917 Email: [email protected] Age UK 01803 555181 SWinGS (South West in Grief Support) 01803 402213 Bereavement Support Service (Upton Vale Baptist Church) 0800 0730109 Cancer Support Centre, The Lodge, TBH 01803 617521 Samaritans 116 123

South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust The costs of producing this leaflet are met by the advertisers. Whilst we gratefully acknowledge this welcome support it does not imply that we recommend the services or products advertised. All rights reserved.

13 Directions to Registrar’s Office at Paignton Library, Great Western Road, TQ4 5AG Telephone 01803 207130








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T A G O ES GREAT WESTERN ROAD R TQ4 5AG Copyright © RNS Publications 2017 A380 SANDS RD

14 Your notes


























15 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Hospital Bereavement Office Nil For deaths that have occurred in Torbay Hospital - provides the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to enable the death to be registered, plus information and support for the bereaved. Printed booklet provided. Hospital Chaplaincy team Nil For deaths that have occurred in the hospital. Can arrange religious support. Signposting. Support in organising baby funerals. On call 24/7.

Booklet Provided for District Nurse Teams Nil Booklet providing information for the bereaved on what to do following a death in the community.

BACP - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Nil The BACP Register is the first psychological therapists’ register to be accredited under a new scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament. Members of the public can now choose a counsellor or psychotherapist belonging to a register approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health & Social Care.

Bereavement (Self Help) Nil On-line

Bereavement Benefits Nil Information regarding bereavement benefits, payments, allowances including funeral payments & qualifying criteria.

Torbay Council Website Nil Information on - Council Tax, Registering a death, arranging a funeral, probate, public funerals.

16 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Level 4 Reception 01803 654818 Zone A, Torbay Office open Mon-Fri 10.00 - afternoon Hospital (no set time). Out of hours call switch and ask for on call manager.

Level 4, 01803 654186 Hengrave House Martin Manley

T&SDH&C NHS Order from Narnia Kestell Trust [email protected]

National BCAP House 15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth LE17 4HB [email protected] 01455 883300

National See link for video and printable booklets on bereavement

National bereavement South West Water Worthing BN11 9NT

Torbay Area Registrar enquiries On Line - 1st Site 01803 207130

17 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Council Website Nil Information on - Family Information Services. Two pages of information around Bereavement Organisations.

Devon Registration Service Nil Offices in Totnes & Offers the ‘Tell us Once’ scheme. The reg office will advise the following departments of the death, if documents still held by the deceased: Passport, Driving Licence, Blue Badges, Bus Pass, NI Number, Medical Card.

Torbay Birth & Death Registration Torquay, Paignton & Nil Brixham Libraries Offers the ‘Tell us Once’ scheme. The reg office will advise the following departments of the death, if documents still held by the deceased: Passport, Driving Licence, Blue Badge, Bus Pass, NI Number, Medical Cards.

18 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Torbay Area On Line - 2nd Site 0800 328 5974 Fax: 01803 207871

South Devon South Hams Register Office Follaton House Road Totnes TQ9 5NE Devon Register Office Old Forde House Brunel Road Newton Abbot TQ12 registrationservice/registrationoffices/ devon-register-office [email protected] 0345 155 1002 (for both offices)

Torbay Torbay Library Lymmington Road Torbay TQ1 3DT 01803 208300 Paignton Library Great Western Road Paignton TQ4 5AG 01803 207130 Brixham Library Market Street Brixham TQ5 01803 853870

19 Name of service and type of support Cost

Counselling Directory - Link on Torbay Council Website Cost Online directory of individual counsellors in Devon, giving full details of counsellors inc experience, qualifications, and costs, plus additional counselling services at foot of pages. Adding bereavement to the search will link to detailed information on bereavement.

Bereavement Support Service Nil Weekly support group providing coffee and a chance to meet with others who have also suffered a bereavement. Informal support from coordinator. Not religiously affiliated.

Roadpeace Nil Roadpeace is the national charity for Road Crash Victims and is an independently funded, membership organisation. Members include those who have been bereaved or injured in road crashes and also those who are concerned about road danger. Roadpeace is a member of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) which has UN Consultative Status.

20 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Devon

Self refer Paignton/ Run by Co-op funeral service. Brixham/ Diane West is employed by the Co-op Torquay for this work. 10-25 people attend Paignton/Brixham weekly, there is room for expansion group meet in 0800 073 0109 the back of the Methodist Church on Palace Avenue, Paignton on Thursdays 10.30 - 12.30 Torquay group meet at Upton Vale Babtist Church on Tuesdays 10.00 - 12.00

Self referrals. National [email protected] Referrals from Jeff Baker [email protected] police, clinicians & National Trustee [email protected] other organisations and local ie CRUSE representative Opening hours Mon - Fri 09.00 - 17.00 Exeter Main office 0207 733 1603 Shakespeare Local Branch 01392 435627 Business Centre Helpline 0845 450 0355 245a Coldharbour Lane Bixton London SW9 8RR 21 Name of service and type of support Cost

The Bereavement Counselling Service (SW) Nil for The Bereavement Counselling Service (BCS) offers specialist bereavement clients counselling in response to complicated grief. living Therapists have specialist knowledge, training and experience and work within under regular professional supervision. The BCS is based in Plymouth. the South Suitable clients living within the South Hams area may receive their Hams counselling free of charge. Area

Survivors of bereavement by suicide (SOBS) Nil Provides support for people over the age of 8 who have been bereaved by suicide of a close relative or friend, offering a confidential telephone helpline, help by email, group meetings (in a number of locations) and support information.

Rowcroft Hospice Nil One to one counselling sessions at home or at Rowcroft, 10 sessions are available. Twice monthly support group at Rainbow House 1st & 3rd Thursday 2pm - 4pm. Support Group alternative Wednesdays at Bishopsteignton Community Hall 2pm - 4pm.

Cruse Bereavement Care - South Devon Nil Provides one to one counselling for clients in their own home or an agreed venue. Cruse South Devon also offers a telephone counselling service for those who would prefer this.

CRUSE is a charity relying on donations, clients would be asked if they would like to donate at the end of their treatment - this is purely optional.

22 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone GP or Psychiatric South Hams services. Self [email protected] referral The Bereavement Counselling Service 01752 349769 Falcon House, Eagle Road, Plymouth, PL7 5JY

Self refer National [email protected] National helpline 0300 111 5065 (Lines open 09.00 to 21.00 every day)

Referral process: South Devon & Rowcroft Hospice Foundation letter offering Torbay Avenue Road bereavement support Torquay TQ2 5LS sent 6 weeks after death of patient families-friends/caring-for-you-as-a- known to Specialist relative-or-friend/bereavement Care service at Hospice 01803 210800

Self refer National No office address for South Devon - (information varies home visits only. for each area - these details are for [email protected] the Devon area) Devon Area - 0300 330 5466 Mailing address - Lines open 10.00 -16.00 with 24 hour answerphone service 3 Palace Gate National helpline 0808 808 1677 Exeter EX1 1JA Young Persons Helpline 0808 808 1677 (covers the whole Lines open Mon-Fri 9.30 - 17.00, Tues, of Devon) Wed & Thur open till 20.00 23 Name of service and type of support Cost

Child Bereavement UK Nil Support & information when a child is grieving or when a child dies. For families, young people or schools, professionals. Face to face, if people can travel to them - otherwise there is support via an online forum - monitored.

Samaritans Nil Emotional Support

Support after Murder or Manslaughter (SAMM) Nil National UK charity supporting families bereaved by murder or manslaughter.

Compassionate Friends Nil Loss of a child / children - from illness or accidents. Also special groups for bereavement from murder or suicide.

24 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Self refer National Child Bereavement UK Clare Charity Centre Wycombe Road Saunderton Buckinghamshire HP14 4BF [email protected] [email protected]

Self refer National 21 Warren Road Torquay TQ2 5TQ [email protected] 01803 299999 or 116 123 Personal visits can be made between 09.00 and 22.00

Self refer National [email protected] National helpline 0845 872 3440

Self refer National [email protected] 01626 862203 National helpline 0345 123 2304 Lines open daily 10.00 to 16.00 and 18.30 to 22.30, 365 days a year

25 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Holiday Helpers Network (Devon) Nil Torbay Holiday Helpers Network (THHN) gives free fun filled holidays to families who have a seriously ill child, families who are bereaved - having lost a child or parent and to families who have a terminally ill parent.

The concept of the charity is simple - over 120 businesses offer free holidays and services to the families that are helped

Ubuntu Counselling Services Nil A Multicultural counselling service for Devon. This is an NHS commissioned service, free to clients. See people from all cultures, ie Polish, Russian, Asian etc including white British - but there must be a multi cultural connection - ie mixed marriages, children from other cultures. 8 Sessions and then reviewed - no cut off.

26 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Note - holidays National are only awarded [email protected] by a referral via a Hotel de la Mer registered Charity 16 Babbacombe Road 01803 325152 or healthcare Torquay TQ1 3SJ professional. Families are referred by a list of over 200 referring charities, hospices, hospitals and organisations from across the UK. Grants may cover travelling expenses to reach their free holiday destination.

Anywhere Devon Dr Faith Stafford [email protected] Director of Services Opening hours 09.00 - 17.00 C/O CVS Wat Tyler House 01392 201572 King William Street Exeter EX4 6PD Sessions held in Newton Abbot Library - contact (phone / email) to confirm day & times available

27 Name of service and type of support Cost

The Children’s Society - CheckPoint Torbay Nil CheckPoint Torbay provides a range of free and confidential information, advice and support services (inc bereavement) to children and young people aged 8-17. The programme’s base is in Torquay but services are made available across Torbay.

The guiding philosophy of CheckPoint Torbay, based on over 21 years of local experiences, is to ensure that young people have immediate and straightforward access to indepedent help. We aim to promote young people’s safety, health, values, rights and responsibilities in the community so they are encouraged to reach their own decisions and consider their choices in order to achieve their full potential.

One of our most popular and respected services is the Drop-In. This is a street-level access point for young people where no appointment is necessary and information, advice and initial support is readily available.

CHICKS Nil for 5 Day activity break for 8 - 15 the The children CHICKS support comes from a variety of backgrounds - activity those living in poverty, children that are being neglected or abused, either week mentally, physically or sexually, children who have lost parents or even (just transport children who are full time young carers. to and from the venue is not covered)

Child Bereavement Network Nil The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) provides information, guidance and support for anyone caring for or working with a bereaved child. It is a hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK

28 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone

Anywhere Torbay do/helping-children/our-programmes/ 7 Victoria Road children-risk-streets/check-point Ellacombe Torquay 01803 200100 TQ1 1HU Drop-in service open from 12.30 - 17.00. Answerphone messages can be left 24/7 and a call back will be made the next working day.

Self refer National [email protected] Moorland Retreat Bonnaford Brentor 01822 811020 Tavistock Devon PL19 0LX

Self refer National www.childhoodbereavementnetwork. Childhood [email protected] Bereavement 0207 843 6309 Network 8 Wakely Street London EC1V 7QE

29 Name of service and type of support Cost

Children & Families in Grief Nil Children & Families in Grief is a charitable bereavement organisation, providing practical and creative support for children and their families after the loss of a significant person. The service offers 3 family sessions with a review, a therapeutic weekend followed by a final session to include a referral if necessary to another organisation, such as CRUSE for further support.

Winstons Wish Nil National helpline and call back services, offering support, information, guidance to all those caring for a child or young person who has been bereaved.

Provides professional therapeutic help in individual, group and residential settings via our national helpline, interactive website and publications. Our professionally qualified clinical practitioners provide bereaved children and their families with a range of support services.

Fernlea Trust Nil Offers free and confidential support to those who have experienced baby loss.

Please be aware that this organisation also offers support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy and abortion counselling.

Little Footprints Nil Resource and support site for families who have experienced the death of a baby and for those looking to support them. Advice on later grieving process. Free pack to download.

30 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Healthcare South Devon professionals, school PO Box 425 nurses, Counsellors, [email protected] Paignton TQ4 9BF CAMH and self 01803 393917 - leave a message or referrals call on Tuesdays between 10.00 - 18.00

Self refer National 4th Floor General enquiries 01242 515157 St James House Helpline 08088 020 021 line open Mon St James Square - Fri 9.00 - 17.00, Weds 19.00 - 21.30. Cheltenham Gloucestershire Answerphone messages will be called GL50 3PR back the next working day.

Self refer Torbay Area [email protected] Time Out 6 Sturcombe Avenue 01803 853609 or mobile Paignton TQ4 7EB 07788 560779 0300 400 0999 Mon 9.00 - 12.30, 18.00 - 21.00, Tues 9.00 - 20.00, Wed 9.00 - 15.00, 19.00 - 21.00, Thurs, 9.00 - 21.00, Fri 9.00 - 15.00 Sat 9.00 - 12.00, Sun 14.00 - 16.00

South Devon 07811 412271

31 Name of service and type of support Cost

Lullaby Trust Nil Support for parents who have suffered the sudden and unexpected death of an infant, by freephone helpline, befrienders, discussion forum, information leaflets.

Widowed and Young (WAY) Nil Only national charity in the UK for men and women of 50 or younger whose partner has died. Its a self help group run by a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves. Founded in 1997.

War Widows Association (WWA) Nil Support, Travel Cards, Family activity breaks Useful forces weblinks

32 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Self refer National [email protected] 11 Belgrave Road London Information & Advice - 0808 802 6869 SW1V 1RB Freephone helpline: 0808 802 6868 open Mon - Fri 10.00 - 17.00 Weekends and Bank Holidays 18.00 - 22.00

Self refer National [email protected]

Self refer National 199 Borough High [email protected] Street 0845 2412 189 London SE1 1AA

33 Your notes
























Ref: Torbay Hospital Bereavement Book Review Date: September 2019 Publication Date: September 2017

34 Your notes












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You may need help, support or advice on what to do when someone dies in relation to probate.

Freephone: 0808 168 5181 Mobiles: 0333 240 0360

We offer free guidance and advice on the legal and financial aspects of bereavement including your responsibilities and whether probate is required.

Calls are free from most land lines, some calls may be monitored for training purposes and all calls are confidential. Published by RNS Publications © Tel: 01253 832400 R19

Organ donation Many people will have made a decision, in life, about organ or tissue donation. Your loved one may have registered their wishes on the NHS Organ Donor Register, carried a Donor Card or discussed their thoughts with you. It is very possible that they can help others through donating tissue (eyes for corneal transplants and / or heart for valve transplants) following their death. The donation will not delay funeral plans as the procedure can be carried out quickly, within 24 hours of death for eyes and 48 hours for heart valves. Eye donation does not alter the appearance of the deceased.

If you know their wishes about organ donation or would like to find out more, please contact any one of the following as soon as possible following the death:

• The Eye Retrieval Team on 01392 406255. • The Donor Transplant Co-ordinators on 0300 123 1108 or 24 hour pager on 07659 591642. • The ward staff may also be able to assist you.

Eyes: Eyes can help restore sight to people with cornea problems (the clear part of the eye). This may be a result of damage caused by eye disease or injury, or defects from birth, and the white part of the eye (the sclera) can be used in operations to rebuild the eye.

Heart Valves: Heart valves can be transplanted to save the lives of children born with heart defects, and adults with damaged heart valves.

5 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Hospital Bereavement Office Nil For deaths that have occurred in Torbay Hospital - provides the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD) to enable the death to be registered, plus information and support for the bereaved. Printed booklet provided. Hospital Chaplaincy team Nil For deaths that have occurred in the hospital. Can arrange religious support. Signposting. Support in organising baby funerals. On call 24/7.

Booklet Provided for District Nurse Teams Nil Booklet providing information for the bereaved on what to do following a death in the community.

BACP - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy Nil The BACP Register is the first psychological therapists’ register to be accredited under a new scheme set up by the Department of Health and administered by an independent body, accountable to Parliament. Members of the public can now choose a counsellor or psychotherapist belonging to a register approved by the Professional Standards Authority for Health & Social Care.

Bereavement (Self Help) Nil On-line

Bereavement Benefits Nil Information regarding bereavement benefits, payments, allowances including funeral payments & qualifying criteria.

Torbay Council Website Nil Information on - Council Tax, Registering a death, arranging a funeral, probate, public funerals.

16 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Level 4 Reception 01803 654818 Zone A, Torbay Office open Mon-Fri 10.00 - afternoon Hospital (no set time). Out of hours call switch and ask for on call manager.

Level 4, 01803 654186 Hengrave House Martin Manley

T&SDH&C NHS Order from Narnia Kestell Trust [email protected]

National BCAP House 15 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth LE17 4HB [email protected] 01455 883300

National See link for video and printable booklets on bereavement

National bereavement South West Water Worthing BN11 9NT

Torbay Area Registrar enquiries On Line - 1st Site 01803 207130

17 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Council Website Nil Information on - Family Information Services. Two pages of information around Bereavement Organisations.

Devon Registration Service Nil Offices in Totnes & Newton Abbot Offers the ‘Tell us Once’ scheme. The reg office will advise the following departments of the death, if documents still held by the deceased: Passport, Driving Licence, Blue Badges, Bus Pass, NI Number, Medical Card.

Torbay Birth & Death Registration Torquay, Paignton & Nil Brixham Libraries Offers the ‘Tell us Once’ scheme. The reg office will advise the following departments of the death, if documents still held by the deceased: Passport, Driving Licence, Blue Badge, Bus Pass, NI Number, Medical Cards.

18 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Torbay Area On Line - 2nd Site 0800 328 5974 Fax: 01803 207871

South Devon South Hams Register Office Follaton House Plymouth Road Totnes TQ9 5NE Devon Register Office Old Forde House Brunel Road Newton Abbot TQ12 registrationservice/registrationoffices/ devon-register-office [email protected] 0345 155 1002 (for both offices)

Torbay Torbay Library Lymmington Road Torbay TQ1 3DT 01803 208300 Paignton Library Great Western Road Paignton TQ4 5AG 01803 207130 Brixham Library Market Street Brixham TQ5 01803 853870

19 Name of service and type of support Cost

Counselling Directory - Link on Torbay Council Website Cost Online directory of individual counsellors in Devon, giving full details of counsellors inc experience, qualifications, and costs, plus additional counselling services at foot of pages. Adding bereavement to the search will link to detailed information on bereavement.

Bereavement Support Service Nil Weekly support group providing coffee and a chance to meet with others who have also suffered a bereavement. Informal support from coordinator. Not religiously affiliated.

Roadpeace Nil Roadpeace is the national charity for Road Crash Victims and is an independently funded, membership organisation. Members include those who have been bereaved or injured in road crashes and also those who are concerned about road danger. Roadpeace is a member of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) which has UN Consultative Status.

20 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Devon

Self refer Paignton/ Run by Co-op funeral service. Brixham/ Diane West is employed by the Co-op Torquay for this work. 10-25 people attend Paignton/Brixham weekly, there is room for expansion group meet in 0800 073 0109 the back of the Methodist Church on Palace Avenue, Paignton on Thursdays 10.30 - 12.30 Torquay group meet at Upton Vale Babtist Church on Tuesdays 10.00 - 12.00

Self referrals. National [email protected] Referrals from Jeff Baker [email protected] police, clinicians & National Trustee [email protected] other organisations and local ie CRUSE representative Opening hours Mon - Fri 09.00 - 17.00 Exeter Main office 0207 733 1603 Shakespeare Local Branch 01392 435627 Business Centre Helpline 0845 450 0355 245a Coldharbour Lane Bixton London SW9 8RR 21 Name of service and type of support Cost

The Bereavement Counselling Service (SW) Nil for The Bereavement Counselling Service (BCS) offers specialist bereavement clients counselling in response to complicated grief. living Therapists have specialist knowledge, training and experience and work within under regular professional supervision. The BCS is based in Plymouth. the South Suitable clients living within the South Hams area may receive their Hams counselling free of charge. Area

Survivors of bereavement by suicide (SOBS) Nil Provides support for people over the age of 8 who have been bereaved by suicide of a close relative or friend, offering a confidential telephone helpline, help by email, group meetings (in a number of locations) and support information.

Rowcroft Hospice Nil One to one counselling sessions at home or at Rowcroft, 10 sessions are available. Twice monthly support group at Rainbow House 1st & 3rd Thursday 2pm - 4pm. Support Group alternative Wednesdays at Bishopsteignton Community Hall 2pm - 4pm.

Cruse Bereavement Care - South Devon Nil Provides one to one counselling for clients in their own home or an agreed venue. Cruse South Devon also offers a telephone counselling service for those who would prefer this.

CRUSE is a charity relying on donations, clients would be asked if they would like to donate at the end of their treatment - this is purely optional.

22 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone GP or Psychiatric South Hams services. Self [email protected] referral The Bereavement Counselling Service 01752 349769 Falcon House, Eagle Road, Plymouth, PL7 5JY

Self refer National [email protected] National helpline 0300 111 5065 (Lines open 09.00 to 21.00 every day)

Referral process: South Devon & Rowcroft Hospice Foundation letter offering Torbay Avenue Road bereavement support Torquay TQ2 5LS sent 6 weeks after death of patient families-friends/caring-for-you-as-a- known to Specialist relative-or-friend/bereavement Care service at Hospice 01803 210800

Self refer National No office address for South Devon - (information varies home visits only. for each area - these details are for [email protected] the Devon area) Devon Area - 0300 330 5466 Mailing address - Lines open 10.00 -16.00 with 24 hour answerphone service 3 Palace Gate National helpline 0808 808 1677 Exeter EX1 1JA Young Persons Helpline 0808 808 1677 (covers the whole Lines open Mon-Fri 9.30 - 17.00, Tues, of Devon) Wed & Thur open till 20.00 23 Name of service and type of support Cost

Child Bereavement UK Nil Support & information when a child is grieving or when a child dies. For families, young people or schools, professionals. Face to face, if people can travel to them - otherwise there is support via an online forum - monitored.

Samaritans Nil Emotional Support

Support after Murder or Manslaughter (SAMM) Nil National UK charity supporting families bereaved by murder or manslaughter.

Compassionate Friends Nil Loss of a child / children - from illness or accidents. Also special groups for bereavement from murder or suicide.

24 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Self refer National Child Bereavement UK Clare Charity Centre Wycombe Road Saunderton Buckinghamshire HP14 4BF [email protected] [email protected]

Self refer National 21 Warren Road Torquay TQ2 5TQ [email protected] 01803 299999 or 116 123 Personal visits can be made between 09.00 and 22.00

Self refer National [email protected] National helpline 0845 872 3440

Self refer National [email protected] 01626 862203 National helpline 0345 123 2304 Lines open daily 10.00 to 16.00 and 18.30 to 22.30, 365 days a year

25 Name of service and type of support Cost

Torbay Holiday Helpers Network (Devon) Nil Torbay Holiday Helpers Network (THHN) gives free fun filled holidays to families who have a seriously ill child, families who are bereaved - having lost a child or parent and to families who have a terminally ill parent.

The concept of the charity is simple - over 120 businesses offer free holidays and services to the families that are helped

Ubuntu Counselling Services Nil A Multicultural counselling service for Devon. This is an NHS commissioned service, free to clients. See people from all cultures, ie Polish, Russian, Asian etc including white British - but there must be a multi cultural connection - ie mixed marriages, children from other cultures. 8 Sessions and then reviewed - no cut off.

26 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Note - holidays National are only awarded [email protected] by a referral via a Hotel de la Mer registered Charity 16 Babbacombe Road 01803 325152 or healthcare Torquay TQ1 3SJ professional. Families are referred by a list of over 200 referring charities, hospices, hospitals and organisations from across the UK. Grants may cover travelling expenses to reach their free holiday destination.

Anywhere Devon Dr Faith Stafford [email protected] Director of Services Opening hours 09.00 - 17.00 C/O CVS Wat Tyler House 01392 201572 King William Street Exeter EX4 6PD Sessions held in Newton Abbot Library - contact (phone / email) to confirm day & times available

27 Name of service and type of support Cost

The Children’s Society - CheckPoint Torbay Nil CheckPoint Torbay provides a range of free and confidential information, advice and support services (inc bereavement) to children and young people aged 8-17. The programme’s base is in Torquay but services are made available across Torbay.

The guiding philosophy of CheckPoint Torbay, based on over 21 years of local experiences, is to ensure that young people have immediate and straightforward access to indepedent help. We aim to promote young people’s safety, health, values, rights and responsibilities in the community so they are encouraged to reach their own decisions and consider their choices in order to achieve their full potential.

One of our most popular and respected services is the Drop-In. This is a street-level access point for young people where no appointment is necessary and information, advice and initial support is readily available.

CHICKS Nil for 5 Day activity break for 8 - 15 the The children CHICKS support comes from a variety of backgrounds - activity those living in poverty, children that are being neglected or abused, either week mentally, physically or sexually, children who have lost parents or even (just transport children who are full time young carers. to and from the venue is not covered)

Child Bereavement Network Nil The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) provides information, guidance and support for anyone caring for or working with a bereaved child. It is a hub for those working with bereaved children, young people and their families across the UK

28 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone

Anywhere Torbay do/helping-children/our-programmes/ 7 Victoria Road children-risk-streets/check-point Ellacombe Torquay 01803 200100 TQ1 1HU Drop-in service open from 12.30 - 17.00. Answerphone messages can be left 24/7 and a call back will be made the next working day.

Self refer National [email protected] Moorland Retreat Bonnaford Brentor 01822 811020 Tavistock Devon PL19 0LX

Self refer National www.childhoodbereavementnetwork. Childhood [email protected] Bereavement 0207 843 6309 Network 8 Wakely Street London EC1V 7QE

29 Name of service and type of support Cost

Children & Families in Grief Nil Children & Families in Grief is a charitable bereavement organisation, providing practical and creative support for children and their families after the loss of a significant person. The service offers 3 family sessions with a review, a therapeutic weekend followed by a final session to include a referral if necessary to another organisation, such as CRUSE for further support.

Winstons Wish Nil National helpline and call back services, offering support, information, guidance to all those caring for a child or young person who has been bereaved.

Provides professional therapeutic help in individual, group and residential settings via our national helpline, interactive website and publications. Our professionally qualified clinical practitioners provide bereaved children and their families with a range of support services.

Fernlea Trust Nil Offers free and confidential support to those who have experienced baby loss.

Please be aware that this organisation also offers support for women facing an unplanned pregnancy and abortion counselling.

Little Footprints Nil Resource and support site for families who have experienced the death of a baby and for those looking to support them. Advice on later grieving process. Free pack to download.

30 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Healthcare South Devon professionals, school PO Box 425 nurses, Counsellors, [email protected] Paignton TQ4 9BF CAMH and self 01803 393917 - leave a message or referrals call on Tuesdays between 10.00 - 18.00

Self refer National 4th Floor General enquiries 01242 515157 St James House Helpline 08088 020 021 line open Mon St James Square - Fri 9.00 - 17.00, Weds 19.00 - 21.30. Cheltenham Gloucestershire Answerphone messages will be called GL50 3PR back the next working day.

Self refer Torbay Area [email protected] Time Out 6 Sturcombe Avenue 01803 853609 or mobile Paignton TQ4 7EB 07788 560779 0300 400 0999 Mon 9.00 - 12.30, 18.00 - 21.00, Tues 9.00 - 20.00, Wed 9.00 - 15.00, 19.00 - 21.00, Thurs, 9.00 - 21.00, Fri 9.00 - 15.00 Sat 9.00 - 12.00, Sun 14.00 - 16.00

South Devon 07811 412271

31 Name of service and type of support Cost

Lullaby Trust Nil Support for parents who have suffered the sudden and unexpected death of an infant, by freephone helpline, befrienders, discussion forum, information leaflets.

Widowed and Young (WAY) Nil Only national charity in the UK for men and women of 50 or younger whose partner has died. Its a self help group run by a network of volunteers who have been bereaved at a young age themselves. Founded in 1997.

War Widows Association (WWA) Nil Support, Travel Cards, Family activity breaks Useful forces weblinks

32 Referrals Location Contact info from Website / email / telephone Self refer National [email protected] 11 Belgrave Road London Information & Advice - 0808 802 6869 SW1V 1RB Freephone helpline: 0808 802 6868 open Mon - Fri 10.00 - 17.00 Weekends and Bank Holidays 18.00 - 22.00

Self refer National [email protected]

Self refer National 199 Borough High [email protected] Street 0845 2412 189 London SE1 1AA

33 Your notes












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