ICN Shenzhen Code 2017 - This must be mentioned before you write anything from Code because code keeps on changing so the version that you are writing from must be clearly mentioned for every answer.

Chapter H – Names of Hybrids

Article H.1

H.1.1. Hybridity is indicated by use of the multiplication sign x or by the addition of the prefix “notho-” to the term denoting the rank of the taxon

Article H.2

H.2.1. A hybrid between named taxa may be indicated by placing the multiplication sign x between names of the taxa; the whole expression is then called a hybrid formula.

Example: Salix aurita L. x S.caprea L.

Article H.3

H.3.1. Hybrids between representatives of two or more taxa may receive a name. For nomenclatural purpose, the hybrid name of a taxon is indicated by placing the multiplication sign x before the name of an intergeneric hybrid or before the epithet in the name of an interspecific hybrid, or by prefixing the term “notho-” (optionally abbreviated as “n-”) to the term denoting the taxon.

i. Example : xAndropogon

ii. Melamspora xcolumbiana

iii. Mentha xsmithiana

iv. Polypodium vulgare nothosubsp. Mantoniae

H.3.2. A nothotaxon cannot be designated unless at least one parent taxon is known or can be postulated.

H.3.3. For purpose of homonymy and synonymy the multiplication sign x and the prefix “notho-” are disregarded. Article H.4

H.4.1. When all the parent taxa can be postulated or are known, a nothotaxon is circumscribed so as to include all individuals recognizably derived from the crossing of representatives of the stated parent taxa (i.e. not only the F1 but subsequent filial generations and also back-crosses and combinations of these). There can thus be only one corresponding to a particular hybrid formula; this is the earliest legitimate name at the appropriate rank, and the other names corresponding to the same hybrid formula are synonyms of it.

Article H.5

H.5.1. The appropriate rank of nothotaxon is that of the postulated or known parent taxa.

H.5.2 If the postulated or known parent taxa are at unequal ranks, the appropriate rank of the nothotaxon is the lowest of these ranks.

Article H.6

H.6.1. A nothogeneric name(i.e. the name at generic rank for a hybrid between representatives of two or more genera) is a condensed formula or is equivalent to a condensed formula.

H.6.2 The nothogeneric name of a bigeneric hybrid is a condensed formula in which the names adopted for the parental genera are combined into a single word, using the first part or whole of one, the last part or whole of the other (but not the whole of both) and optionally a connecting vowel. The use of a hyphen instead of or in addition to a connecting vowel is treated as an error to be corrected by the deletion of the hyphen.

H.6.3 The nothogeneric name of an intergeneric hybrid derived from four or more genera is formed from the name of a person to which is added the termination –ara; no such name must exceed eight syllables. Such a name is equivalent to a condensed formula.

Example : xBeallara

H.6.4 The nothogeneric name of a trigeneric name is either (a) a condensed formula in which the three names adopted for the parental genera are combined into a single word not exceeding eight syllables, using the whole of first part of one, followed by whole or any part of another, followed by the whole or last part of the third (but not the whole of all three) and, optionally, one or two connecting vowels, or

(b) a name formed like that of a nothogenus derived from four or more genera, i.e.from a personal name to which is added the termination –ara.

Example: xSophrolaeliocattleya (hybrid of Cattleya x Laelia x Sophronitis),


Article H.7

H.7.1. The name of the nothotaxon that is a hybrid between subdivisions of a is a combination of an epithet, which is a condensed formula formed in te same way as a nothogeneric name, with the name of the genus.

Article H.8

H.8.1. When the name or the epithet in the name of a nothotaxon is a condensed formula, the parental names used in its formation must be those that are corrected for the particular circumscription, position and rank accepted for the parental taxa.

Article H.9

H.9.1. In order to be validly published, the name of a nothogenus or a nothotaxon at the rank of a subdivision of a genus must be effectively published with a statement of the names of the parent genera or subdivisions of genera, but no description of diagnosis is necessary, whether in Latin, English, or any other language.

Article H.10

H.10.1. Names of nothotaxon at the rank of species or below must conform with the provisions

(a) of the Code outside of Chapter H applicable to names of the same rank and (b) in Art H3. Infringements of Art H3.1 are treated as errors to be corrected.

H.10.2The following are considered to be formulae and not true epithets: designations consisting of the epithets of the names of the parents combined in unaltered form by a hyphen, or with only the termination of one epithet changed, or consisting of the specific epithet of the name of the one parent combined with generic name of the other (with or without change of termination)

Article H.11

H.11.1. The name of a nothospecies of which the postulated or known parent species belong to different genera is a combination of a nothogeneric name with a nothospecific epithet.

H.11.2The final epithet in the name of the infraspecific nothotaxon of which the postulated or known parental taxa are assigned to different species may be placed under the correct name of the corresponding nothospecies.

Article H.12

H.12.1. Subordinate taxa within nothospecies may be recognized without an obligation to specify parent taxa at the subordinate rank. In this cse non-hybrid infraspecific categories at theappropriate rank are used.

H.12.2 Names published at the rank of northomorph are treated as having been published as names of varieties. Examples for according to article numbers

46.1 Family : Resaceae Juss.

Scientific name: Rosa gallica L.

46.2 Pinus longaeva D.K.Bailey

46.5 Gossypium tomentosum was named by Nuttall but description was provided by Seemann is it is cited as Gossypium tomentosum Nutt. ex Seem.

46.6 In a publication by Candolle, Dunnal gave an account of Solanaceae and mentioned the author of the name Solanum dasypus was Drège. So the name Solanum dasypus was given by Drège but validly published by Dunnal in the work of Candolle so the citation is Solanum dasypus Drège ex Dunnal.

46.7 Linnaeus ascribed the name Lupinus to the pre-starting point author Tournefort; the name is cited as Lupinus Tourn. ex. L.

47.1 Linnaeus originally described genus Myosotis but later Brown revised it he retained the and name but applied them to a different genus so it is cited as Myosotis L. or Myosotis L. emend R.Br

48.1 Sirodot included Lemanea carollina Bory in his new genus Sacheria and retained the type so it is cited as Lemanea Sirodot non Bory

49.1 Cistus aegyptiacus L. was transferred to Helianthemum Mill. And is cited as Helianthemum aegyptiacus (L.) Mill.