Seventy Glorious Years
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Seventy Glorious Years 1934 - 2004 3rd W EST W ICKHAM SCOUT GROUP St. John The Baptist) 1934 2004 The Present Scouters The Original Scouters Scouts Group Scout Leader Acting Group Scoutmaster Vacant MR. S. W . QUAIFE Acting Scout Leader Seeonee Cub Pack Doug Su ivan Explorer Scouts Assistant Scout Leaders Scoutmaster Cub Scout Leader John Picozzi Explorer Scout Leader MR. S. W . QUAIFE Sharon Co ettta Martin Howarth Ian Lead.eater Assistant Cub Scout Leader Helpers Ian ,ead.eater Chris Hart Assistant Scoutmaster Helper C ive Bush MR. F. SUMMERS E aine Hutton Ex-Officio Leaders W ontolla Cub Pack Cubmaster Vernon 0ush Assistant Cub Scout Leaders Martin Pepper MISS S. SIMMONS Beaver Colony Chris Dines Roger Jordan Beaver Scout Leader Assistant Cubmaster 0ridget Huggett A ys He m Helpers Assistant Beaver Scout Leaders MISS E. GEE John Ti .ury Jane 0enfie d Peter Dines 6e y Mu en Helper Jane Thorne 2 51 CO.CERTS, P0AYS A.1 GA.G SHOW S 1937 Of One 0 ood 1938 The Road to W here 1939 Gang Show 1949 Shreds and Patches Seventy Glorious Years 1951 He Found Adventure 1955 It:s a W onderfu ,ife 1957 Jumping for Joy 1958 Having a W onderfu Time 1959 0e Happy 1961 High Time 3rd W EST W ICKHAM SCOUT GROUP 1964 Top of the Morning 1966 These are the Times 1968 Red, W hite and 0 ue St. John The Baptist) 1970 It:s in the Air 1972 Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah 1974 F ying High 1976 It:s a New Day 1978 W hat a W onderfu ,ife 1980 Ring out the 0e s 1982 Your On y Young Once 1984 Something to Shout A.out 1986 Happy Days 1988 0ring Me Sunshine 1990 Put on a Happy 1994 Ce e.ration 1996 Tonight:s the Night 1998 W onderfu Day Proceeds from the sa e of 2000 W e: Go On this .ook et wi go towards Group Funds 50 3 1985 0recon, South W a es 1995 W areham, Dorset 1986 W areham, Dorset 1996 Criccieth, W a es 1987 ,och ,omond, Scot and 1997 W ood.ury, Devon 1988 Criccieth, North W a es 1998 0recon, South W a es 1989 W areham, Dorset 1999 Cromer, Norfo k 1990 0recon, South W a es 2000 W areham, Dorset 1991 Hedenesse, Ho and 2001 W ood.ury, Devon 1992 Ryde, I.O.W . 1993 W ood.ury, Devon 1994 6andersteg, Switzer and 4 49 SUMMER CAMPS 1935 Shank in, I.O.W 1964 Isfie d, Sussex 1937 Po egate, Sussex 1965 You .ury, Oxford 1938 Po egate, Sussex 1966 Northwood, I.O.W . 2OREW OR1 1939 East.ourne, Sussex 1967 0ideford, Devon 1947 Shank in, I.O.W . 1968 Ta -y-bont, W a es 70 years old what an achievement! I am proud to have een associated with the Group for 60 of those years - eing invested as a Scout on June 26th 1948 Com.pine, ,yme Regis 1969 ,och ,omond, Scot and 1944 and retiring as Group Scout Leader on Decem er 31st 1970, and since 1949 Horsted 6eynes, Sussex 1970 Northwood, I.O.W . then in various capacities watching from the sidelines. 1950 You .ury, Oxford 1971 0ideford, Devon , e are inde ted to those first leaders in 1934 who too- up .aden-Powell0s vision and created what was then the 41st .ec-enham Scouts, and to the 1951 0att e, Sussex 1972 Jersey succession of leaders who over the years have ensured the continuation of the 1952 Horsted 6eynes, Sussex 1973 0recon, W a es Group. 1953 You .ury, Oxford 1974 ,och ,omond, Scot and. 1ow many oys I wonder and now girls! have passed through the Group during this time2 3oung people who it is hoped have continued the Scouting 1954 Charmouth, Dorset 1975 W atchet, Somerset ethos in their daily lives, and made a difference in the localities in which they live. 1955 6ingsdown, 6ent 1976 6andersteg, Switzerland On ehalf of St John0s Church, who are proud to support and sponsor the 1956 0ieu eau, Hants. 1977 ,ongnor, Derbyshire Scout Group, I offer their congratulations and my own personal th 1957 Marlow, 0ucks. 1978 Jersey congratulations on the Groups 70 irthday, and may God continue to inspire oys and leaders and all who are connected with the Group during the years 1958 Charmouth, Dorset 1979 0recon, South W a es ahead. 1959 W atchet, Somerset 1980 Jersey 1960 W a es.y, Nottingham 1981 ,och ,omond, Scot and Ken Gaved Curate 6St Johns Church7 1961 W atchet, Somerset 1982 Ryde, I.O.W . 8 former Groups Scout Leader 1962 Ta -y-bont, W a es 1983 Criccieth, North W a es. 1963 Charmouth, Dorset 1984 Jersey 48 5 6ueens Scouts Chief Scouts Awards 1982 6athryn Hodges 1984 Stephen Naish May 1987 Graham W hiting Jonathan 0ea es 1998 Chris E mer 1987 Pau Ta.raham ,iz Ford 1990 Andrew Davie Simon Hen ey Rodney Hunt Andrew W e.. 1993 Simon 0eaz ey Michae Hunt Simon Jones Adam Pavitt Peter Tomkinson 3Be Happy3 The 1959 Gang Show 2inale 2inale Show Gang 1959 The Happy3 3Be 6 47 Seventy Glorious Years Roll of Honour THE EAR0Y YEARS The Scout Group 6then called the 41st .ec-enham7 ac:uired official status on 5th Kings Scouts Chief Scouts Awards Octo er 1934. It came a out after the then Rector, the Rev. C. A. Page, D.S.O. called a meeting of a few people interested in Scouting. They included the 1947 Ted Mea in 1969 Peter Fisher Choirmaster, Mr. , illiam Powell - a distant relative of Lord .aden Powell the Derek W heat ey Vernon Needham founder of Scouting - Mr. S. , . Quaife, Mr. D. F. Summers, and Miss S. Simmons. At this meeting it was agreed that the Group should e a Controlled 1949 6enneth Gaved 1973 Michae 0rown Group, 6now called a Sponsored Group7 with the Rector as Controlling Nicho as Fry Pau Rutter Authority. A set of wooden uildings was set aside for use as 1ead:uarters and 1950 Derek Moreton Christopher Sterrett was situated where the Assem ly Rooms Car Par- is now. Roy Gaved Martin 6ett e A second meeting too- place, and Registration and , arrant forms completed. Ro.ert 0anks The Group Scarf was agreed as Royal .lue on Old Gold. Mr. Quaife was 1974 Ma co m 0u ey 1952 Ian W e s Martin Pepper warranted as Scoutmaster, and acting Group Scoutmaster, Mr. Summers as Pau Sewe Assistant Scoutmaster, Miss Simmons as Cu master and Miss Esther Gee 6later 6ueens Scouts to ecome Mrs. Summers7 as Assistant Cu master. 1975 Peter Gander 1956 Grahame Cat ey Leaflets were o tained from 1ead:uarters and circulated to all the occupied 0asi Dawkins 1976 Andrew Fai es houses on Coney 1all Estate. These were part of Aingsway, part of Queensway, 0rian George part of Chestnut Avenue, part of Cherry Tree , al- and all of .irch Tree Avenue Ian Jackson 1977 Gary Moss and Church Drive. Timothy Prentice 1962 Graham Fuke As a result of this a general meeting was held to which several oys and their 1978 Timothy W e.. parents came. A tal- a out Cu s and Scouts was given and the date for the first 1967 Peter Danie Nei Anthony Troop meeting was arranged. At the first Troop meeting the Rector, the Rev. Page came and tal-ed a out the 1968 Christopher W inchester 1980 Timothy Gaved David Thomas James Dance Religious Policy to e adopted y the Group. The oys were divided into two 0ernard Ro.inson Martin Donne y Patrols of a out four each, and spent the rest of the evening on 1ayes Common. The first meetings were held in the Parish Rooms, later called the Rectory 1977 Michae 0rown 1981 Timothy Heppe Christopher Sterrett Rooms, and demolished in 1971. 1owever, uildings had een set aside for the 1983 ain Davanna Group0s use, formerly a cow shed they were later to e called BThe 1utch0. 1978 Martin Pepper Richard George Early activities included trips to Frylands , oods where the oys were taught the Graham W hiting rudiments of fire lighting, tea ma-ing and trac-ing. From the first Cu Log .oo- it is recorded that Cthe first Pac- Meeting was on 46 7 , ednesday, 31st Octo er 1934, when five small oys met A-ela in the Rectory 9th Octo er. There will e a Family Camp in early July. Rooms, this eing our Den for the present time, their ages ranging from eight to During the past 10 years many mem ers of the Group have shown their sporting nearly eleven yearsD. prowess as can e seen y the large num er of trophies that have een gained The first recorded minutes of the Group were dated 14th Eovem er 1934, and and we added to the tally of Queens Scouts. Our hard wor-ing Supporters those present were Messrs. S. , . Quaife, E. 1armer, and D. F. Summers and Association is 40 years old. Miss Simmons. It was reported that there was B4/3d. in hand from su scriptions A word of than-s is due to our many helpers and supporters whose names and donations0. haven0t appeared in the preceding paragraphs ut who continue to lend us their At the eginning of 1935 it was decided that Messrs. Morrells 6the developers of consistent support. In particular John Til ury who has assisted , ontolla for the Coney 1all Estate7 e approached Bwith a view of o taining permission to many years, Sharon Eewman who has organised many of the supporters events, use the ungalow on the E.E.