Campus Crusade Institute of Biblical Studies Winter Park, FL CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: HUMANITY, SIN, CHRIST, SALVATION June 30-July 11, 2014 9:00-11:00 am Ryan M. Reeves, Course Instructor
[email protected] Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Dean Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Jacksonville, Florida SYLLABUS COURSE DESCRIPTION A survey of and introduction to the Christian doctrines of humanity, sin, the person and work of Christ, and salvation. One hour. OBJECTIVE To better understand and appreciate the aforementioned doctrines as they are revealed in Holy Scripture and confessed by the church in order that we may better live our lives to the glory of the triune God. REQUIRED TEXT Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1994. REQUIREMENTS 1. Reading (20%) All students are required to read chapters 21-25, 26-29, 31-38, 40-43 in Grudem’s Systematic Theology. Reading should be done thoroughly and thoughtfully, with a sincere attempt to learn all one can from this reading. Turn in Reading Report Form on July 11 indicating the amount of reading completed by each reading due date. 2. Scripture Meditation (20%) A much-neglected discipline of the Christian life and theology is Scripture meditation. Essentially, Scripture meditation involves (1) a continuous process of remembering and musing over Scripture's teaching, and (2) a reassessment and a reshaping of one's life in light of that teaching. In this course, we will encourage growth in this discipline by engaging our minds and hearts in some consistent, but non-burdensome, Scripture meditation. For these two weeks, we will commit ourselves to reading thoughtfully and prayerfully (preferably out loud) some assigned Scripture passage.