DIRECTORY. 663 STURMINSTER. [.J STVR.M:EN'STER. NEWTON CASTLE is a market they consist of a keep, within a vallum and ditch, seated on a town and parish in the hundred and union of the same name, hill. The ~round-plan was in the form of the letter D. and in the county court district, 108 miles from There is a large camp, called Banbury. There are no manu­ London, 10 north-west from Blandford, I~ west from ~her- fuctures carried on; the woollen trade, which at one time borne, 5 south-east from , and 8 south-west from was of some extent, has totally disappeared. A Literary and Shaftesb~o~ry, in the diocese of Salisbury, archdeaconry of Scientific Institution was established about 1850. There is Dorset, and deanery of Shaftesbury, situated on the banks of a market every alternate Thursday, chiefly for cattle. The the river Stonr, which, flowing through the vale of Black- fairs al"e l1eld on the 12th of May and 24th of October. A moor, empties itself into the sea at Christchurch, in Hamp- court leet is held annually, in the month of October, at shire. The church, St. Mary's, within the last twenty-seven which is appointed the high constable of the hundred of years has been nearly rebuilt, and very considerably en- Sturmino;;ter. The petty sessions of the division are held larged, at the sole expense of the present vicar; it is in the here. 'l'he acreage of is 4,346, and Norman style, in the form of a cross; the tower is part of the population, in 1851, was 1,916. In the nnion of StuT­ the original building; its height was, however, increased at minster there are nineteen parishes, comprising a population the time of the repair of the church. The living is a vicarage, of 10,235. The workhouse is at Sturminster. in the gift of Lord Rivers, lord of the manor, and the tithes l'i EWTON tithing is divided from Sturminster by the have been commuted for £712, with residence; glebe, 200 river. Bagbere is a tithing 2 miles west, on the road to acres; the Rev. Thomas Henry Lane Fox is the vicar. The . Primitive Methodists have a chapel. The W e.~leyans have a FIDDLE FORD is a hamlet of Sturminster Newton, 2 miles chapel and Sunday school. There are schools for children of south-east from that town, and 8 north-west from Bland­ both sexes and for infants, supported by voluntary Aubscrip- ford; Kingsdown, 1 south-east ; Hole, half a mile south ; tion. On the Newton side of the river are the remains of an Knacker's Hole, Garland, and Common Gate, 2 miles south; old castle, supposed to have been erected by the Romans; Darknell, 2 miles south-west. Sturminster Newton Castle. Duffett Samuel, farmer, Common Rake Martin, miller & farmer, Newton PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Duffett Wm. butcher& farmer, Newton Mill Bridge George, esq Duffett Wm. butcher Ralph Charles, farmer, Bagbere Cheeseman Mr. Benjamin Fish George, farmer, Bagbere Roberts George, farmer, Bagbere Cheesewright William, esq Fish Joshua, farmer, Bag·bere Roberts Richard, manager of National Colbourne William, esq Foe Francis, grocer, Newton Provincial Bank Dash wood 1\Iisses Goodfellow John, tallow chandler Roberts William, boot & shoe maker Dashwood Mrs Gould John, tailor Rog-ers George,schoolmaster of National Davis Mrs Gould William, farmer school Foote Mr. James Hames John, brickmaker, Bagbere Rose Benjamin, tailor Forward Miss Hammond John, chief superintendent Rose Charles, carpenter .:FoxRev.Thos.Hnry.Lane,M.A.Vicarage of county police Rose Charles, shopkeeper, Gots corner Goodridge Mr. John Hancock Thomas, ironmonger RoseChristian,(.Mrs.)shopkeeper.Newtn Guy ~Irs. Ann, Newton Harvey Robert Hideout, solicitor, clerk Rose Daniel, baker&; farmer Long Samuel Waiter, esq to magistrates & perpetual commis- Rose James, farmer N ewman .Misse,s sioner Rose J ames, farmer, Bagbere Roberts Richard, esq Harvey Thomas, beer retailer Rose J ames, tailor Spencer ~Irs. Newton Hawkins Thomas, draper Rose Job, farmer Tarzewell, James, esq Hayward Robert, cooper, Newton Rose John, dairyman, Newton Hibberd Charles, baker Rose John, farmer COMMERCIAL . Hopkins Charles, mason & shopkeeper, Rose Joseph,grazier & farmer, Newton .Adams Charles,carpenter & wheelwrght Bagbere Rose Hosanna (Miss), baker Adams Phillip, parish clerk Hopkins Henry, farmer, Bagbere Rose Samuel, farmer, Newton Andrews William, farmer, Bagbere Horder John, tailor, Waterloo cottage Rose Thomas, beer :retailer Baker George, hairdresser & perfumer Hntchings Alexander, grazier, Newton Rossiter Henry, White Hart Barnett Edward "\'Villiam, tailor Hutchings Nathaniel, Crowncmmner- Rossiter John, auctioneer, appraiser, Belben WiHiam, farmer, Bagbere cial hotel~ po.~ting house valuer, estate & general commission Bennett Anne (Miss), schoolmistress Hutchings Martha (Mrs.), shopkeeper a~ent, & land & timber surveyor, Bennett Betsey (Mrs.), schoolmistress Isaac Catherine &Son, tanners & curriers Newton house Bennett Robert, furmer, Prixey Isaac Henry, draper & clothier Rowland Elizabeth (Mrs.), straw bo!l- Bennett Robert, farmer, Bagbere Jackson Edward,grocer & druggist net maker Best John, tinman & brazier Jackson Joseph, beer retailer Rowland Thomas, boot & shoe maker Bleathman Thomas, farmer, Common Knott Ambrose, jun. farmer, Ham lane Savory Eli, boot & shoe maker Brice Edward, veterinary surgeon Knott Ambrose, sen. farmer, Ham gate Selway Enock, surveyor & agent for Brown Robert, baker & grocer Knott George, harness maker, Newton Lord Rivers Burbidge Henry, watch & clock maker Knott John, jun. farmer Sherring Richard, Bull, & cooper Busey John, furmer, Bagbere Knott John, farmer Short Aaron, shopkeeper Cheesewright William, surgeon, & re- Knott ·wmiam, shopkeeper Short Eumund, butcher gistrar of births & deaths Lambert William, farmer, Bagbere Short John, beer retailer & butcher, Clough Grace Goodenough (Mrs.), ma­ Lawrence, ·wm.millwright&machinist, Blue hill tron of workhouse Newton Sperry Jas. watch & clock ma. & jeweller Clough Wm. Kemp, master of work- Light Louisa (1\Irs.), wardrobe dealer Spinney Thomas Edward, professor of house Long Samuel Waiter, solicitor music & music & pianoforte warehouse Coates John, wheelwright, Newton Melmoth Thos. saddler k harness makr Stanuley George, shoemaker Colbourne "\'Vm.manager of Dorset bank Michell Simon Langhorn, pattern & Stickland James, mail cart contractot- Collins David, SwaN rake maker Strang-eEdward, currier & leather cutter Coombes George, blacksmith, Bagbere l\litchell Joseph Foot, grocer Strange James, fanner, Newton Cowley John, mason Moors William, blacksmith Strang-e J ames, grocer Cox William, blacksmith Mullet James, furmer, Puxey Strange Joseph, farmer Crafts Howell Wm. veterinary surgeon, Mullett James, farmer, Bagbere Stroud Henry, farmf'r Newton Mullett William, bailiff Sweatman Robert, Red Lion, Newton Curtis J ames, bootmaker MullettTheoph.furmer,Broad Oak farm Tarzewell James, surgeon Dashwood Henry Chas. solicitor, com­ National Provincial Bank( branch of), Thorne Henry, furniture broker missioner in chancery, clerk to com­ (Richard Roberts,manager); draw on Topp Henry, farmer, Bagbere mis;;ioners of taxes & secretary to London Joint Stock Bank Trite William, printer, bookseller, sta- Sturminster ag-ricultural society Newman John, farmer tioner & post office Dorset Bank (branch of), (Robert & N ewman J osf'ph, tailor Tuffin J ames,Rose ~Croum, & butcher, Herbert Williams), draw on Williams, N ewmanRichd.Phillip,mason& bricklyr Bagbere Deacon & Co Osmond Henry, grocer W estcott John, currier & leatherseller Dowding James, farmer, Bagbere Paviour Thos. linen & woollen draper White Henry \Yilliam, beer retailer -& Dowding William, farmer, Bagbere Phillips Edwin,plumber,painter&glazier carpenter Dowling George, horse breaker,Newton Pile William, brush mak~r, Common Young Edward, shoemaker Drake Samuel, boot & shoe maker Pope John, cooper Young John, bootmaker Duffett Samuel, jun. butcher Potter Thomas, grocer & tea dealer Young Robert, tailor & draper PosT OFFICE.--William Trite, sub-postmaster. Letters delivered at 7·30 a.m. Box closes at 6·15 p.m.; letters received until 6·25 by affixing an extra stamp; dispatched for Blandford at 6·25. Money orders are issued & paid at this office