CANDLEWOOD LAKE AUTHORITY Lir Got) 354 1, 92X • I A\ Ir61il 350 5011 ON" LC- 11(' 1 I 06784- 04137 • ( P
0 v CANDLEWOOD LAKE AUTHORITY lir got) 354 1, 92x • I A\ IR61il 350 5011 ON" LC- 11(' 1_ I 06784- 04137 • ( P. O. IIO\ 37 • Sill 14. 111! 1. ( Minutes of Regular Meeting October 14, 2015 Attending: Absent: Sherman P. Schaer Sherman H. Berger New Fairfield G. Linkletter Sherman B. Kemble New Fairfield J. Murphy Brookfield J. Hodge New Milford C. Robinson Danbury P. Eng Brookfield M. Toussaint New Milford B. Brown J. Wodarski New Milford E. Siergiej Danbury W. Lohan Brookfield D. Rosemark Danbury J. Keating New Fairfield L. Marsicano, CLA Executive Director Coordinator F. Frattini, CLA Administrative H— v M. Howarth, CLA Public Education Director N D. Vane, CLAMP Chief of Marine Enforcement If_ ca ao= cr- R. Barnard, CLAMP Captain, Marine Enforcement U- Cr M. Toussaint U-° Recorder: C-:', UJ:,,::: - S Guests: Sui Wodarski, New Milford I-»- a W Christina Alvarez, WCSU student- CLA intern, Danbury John& Lisa Scagnelli, Squantz Pond, Sherman Chuck Corbin, Squantz Pond, New Fairfield Noel Mac Carry, Lavelle Ave, Squantz Pond, New Fairfield Cynthia Peterson, Lavelle Ave, Squantz Pond, New Fairfield Patrick Raffaele, Candlewood Echoes, Squantz Pond, Sherman Phyllis Schaer, Chairman, called the regular meeting of the Candlewood Lake Town Hall, Brookfield, CT. She Authority to order at 7: 53 P. M. at Brookfield welcomed all. Secretary' s Report: In the absence of the Secretary, Frances Frattini noted that there were no changes to the minutes of the September 9, 2015 regular meeting. Mark Toussaint made a motion to accept the minutes of the September 9, 2015 regular meeting as written, seconded by Jerry Murphy and voted with all infavor.
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