Report of the Vice-President Advocacy
TO: UMSU Membership FROM: UMSU VPA, Kristin Smith DATE: Thursday, December 3, 2020 RE: 2020 Annual General Meeting VPA Report Report of the Vice-President Advocacy General Responsibilities Student Senate Caucus (SSC) I co-chair the Student Senate Caucus with UMGSA Vice-President (Academic) Rubel Talukder. We on-boarded the newly elected Senators in May, and distributed the revised Student Senate Caucus Handbook. Since then, we have been meeting on a monthly basis ahead of Senate meetings. Student Senate Caucus offers a venue for senators to voice their concerns about the Senate agenda prior to the Senate meeting, and to articulate questions to be raised at Senate. I construct the SSC agendas through reviewing the Senate agenda for the next meeting, pulling out the most important items for discussion, and distilling the issues in appendices. Senators understand they are encouraged to read the Senate agenda when it comes out to help identify if something should be added. The Student Senate Caucus has been eager in adopting an advocacy role as well, having submitted 2 proposals to the University, led by myself as Caucus co-chair: one for compassionate grading, and another for various measures to improve online learning. The Student Senate Caucus has also successfully filled the majority of Senate Committee seats requiring student representation. Individual Student Cases I have helped many students on individual advocacy concerns since beginning my term at UMSU. Sometimes it is as simple as answering a set of questions, providing advice, or connecting students with another office. Other times, students request that I be their official advocate in a disciplinary case, final grade appeal, admissions appeal, case for special consideration, or a myriad of other issues.
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