A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, dearly FuU Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week

Published Every Thursday VOL. XVIII—NO. 10 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 at IS Green Street, WoodUrldge, K. J. PRICE EIGHT CENTS School Jam Mayor Asks eigh Move Here Called For; Proof . J.'s Worst B. of E. Lax ose.d by O'Nei 152 Part Time Classes; Questions Basis of Plea Pupils Facing Added By Citizens That Suit Difficulty Next Year Be Instituted by Town WOODBRIDGE — Proof that WOODBRIDGE — "With 152 the Town Committee has the classes on ijart time, Woodbridge "right, power or authority to in- 'Aaroe Township school system has the stitute requested action" was asked worst condition in the State of from the Citizens for Classrooms by „,,. New Jersey, bar none." Superin- Mayor Hugh B. Quigley in reply >* <•' To; .Offer Plan tendent of ^Schools Victor C. to the former's request that the Nicklas told the Board, of 'Edu- "Town Committee take action in cation Monday. law for the recovery of all monies To. Committee Mr. Nicklas, who has during the spent by the Board of Education in past several years through sur- violation of the law." WOODBRIDGE — School Com- missioners William E. O'Neill, veys and reports endeavored to The letter from the Citizens for fliake the various boards cogni- Classrooms, read at last night's Harry Burke and Francis Wuko- zant of the seriousness of the meeting of the Town Committee vets have been named as a com- situation, made the statement at which Committeeman . George mittee by Andrew Aaroe, presi- after a parent asked whether Mroz was acting chairman, was as dent of the Board of Education, the rumor that students resid- follows: "At a recent meeting of io meet with the Town Commit- ing in Woodbridge Oaks were to •the Citizens for Classrooms a reso- tee in the near future to dis- be transferred to School 15, Ise- lution was duly approved directing cuss the possibility of establish- lin, from School 17, Colonia, the that attention be called to the ing an appointive Board. It is beginning of the next school year, mayor and the Town Committee understood that such a- change was true. to take appropriate action in law -.-, could be made only by the con- The superintendent replied "We for the recovery of all monies spent J*' " sent of the voters, by referendum. are having a tremendous problem by the Board of Education in vio- Mr. O'Neill exploded a bomb- trying to come up with a work- iation of the law. It was further shell .Monday night at Board able plan for-next year. At the resolved that such action De in- meeting- when after .a speech, present time we do not contem- stituted for and on behalf of the which he said he was sure would plate transferring Woodbridge Township of Woodbridge and fur- be considered "heresy" by some ther that such action be taken with of the Board members, he advo- Oaks students to School 15. Stu- dispatch. dents from Woodbridge Oaks cated an appointed board. The North may attend School 18 "An early reply as to the action other Board members, evidently which will be open in September." on the part of the Township Com- startled by the motion, went Continuing Mr. Nicklas said: mittee in this connection is re- along—all voting in the affirma- "I hope to have a plan ready LOOKING AT THE STARS: Jack Thackara, West Avenue, Sewaren, left, is shown with six-inch quested so that the Committee for tive. Absent from the meeting was to submit to the Board Monday .Newtonian reflector telescope he built in his cellar during: the past year. Looking on are neighbors, Citizens for Classrooms, may fur- Commissioner Harold Van Ness. and I will recommend to. the Glen Howell( peering into sight) and behind him, Gerry Petrovey. ther determine its course of ac- In introducing his motion, Mr. Board the plan be advertised in tion." . • O'Neill said, "What I have to the newspapers to allow every- The mayor's, answer, apparently say now is a personal observa- one concerned time to study it written yesterday afternoon reads tion and has not been discussed before it is finally adopted." Home-made Telescope Brings Firmament's as follows: "Your letter of April with anyone; any member of the Site Problems Board nor with any member of 16, 1956 sent by certified mail with HONORED BY SERVICE CLUBS: Dr. C. I. Hutner, president of Mr. Nicklas then went on to dis- a return receipt requested was, as the Township Committee includ- cuss school sites in Colonia. He WoodbritJge Lions Club, is shown with Charles E. Gregory, pub- ing the mayor. This will sound like Wonder into Clear View for SewmrenMan you will know, received at the lisher of The Independent-Leader, after the* latter was named said: "There is some doubt that (Continued on Page Eight) heresy to some of the Board the approximate 19 acres of land By BARBARA BALFOTJR ask to see the.reflector telescope "The mirror' isn't absolutely "Man of the "Year" by the Woodbridge Township Council of Civic members. ,lt seems to me that located on New Dover Road can be SEWAREN — Did you ever which he sets up in his backyard perfect, of course, but none of Clubs at the annual dinner held Tuesday at Oak Hills Manor. The with the mushroom growth of our used as a school site. This ground think you could stand in a Se- almost every clear night. them ever is," Jack explains. plaque Mr. Gregory is holding: and which was presented to Township to the size of many waren backyard and look right "Even the big planetarium jobs him by Dr. Hutner, a close friend, was for "meritorious civic was secured as a junior high Jack has just finished building- 1 Board is Quizzed cities of the State that some city school site. I recommend that the into the craters of the moon? this six-inch Newtonian appara- are off a bit occasionally." achievement." type form ,of government must Board of Education secure from Or see the four moons that tus after a years work in his Jack's achievement in build- eventually take place. With this at least two qualified persons an surround the planet Jupiter, cellar. Working five or six hours ing the telescope is the more re- On Money Use Plan 9 in mind, I believe that a Com- opinion on whether or not the none of them visible to the naked a week for a year, he figures it markable as he never had any- mittee of either the entire Board eye? thing to do with one before. Publisher 'Flan of the Year land can be used as a school site; took him. about 300 hours of WOODBRIDGE — As the result or some of the members should .and if not usable, the cost to; Or know Venus, the lovely, work, and the completed teles- Only other astiononucal t°les- meet with the Township Com- cope he ever saw was a four-inch of finally obtaining a deed to the make it usable. If usable, is it, "faraway Evening Star, not as a cope is worth:about $400. Menlo Park Terrace school site, mittee or some of its members dis- sufficiently • -large .. to, ^SQVMS a j ;pne owned by a friend. But he cuss ...the possibility of changing tiny spark-to the-sky, but as a He ground:'all''the-ajjui-rors- "has alway's been interested in the^Boaid tsf Education ^.Monday junior high school building with; big, globing mass the size of a WOODBRIDGE" —r- For his'achievements in behalf of civic ad- the School District formation himself by hand. This process astronomy. What really started night appioved a resolution for vancement, Charles E. Gregory, publisher of The Independent-Leader from a Chapter 7 district to a necessary playground facilities, tennis ball? alone took three months, and he which the State Department of having a functional capacity for him off was the section called was presented with a plaque - designating him the 'Man of the Yiear" Chapter 6 district. If any of this interests you, is sure that the surfaces are ac- "Amateur Astronomer" in the Education has been waiting, ask- at the annual dinner of the Council of Civic Clubs Tuesday night at 1,200 pupils and a maximum ca- go ring the doorbell of Jack curate to within millionths of ing for appioval of an expenditure Procedure Cited pacity for 1,500; and to provide magazine, "Scientific American." Oak Hills Manor. - . Thackara, 600 West Avenue, and an inch. ••'"••, 'Continued on Page Eight) of $1,196,750 for construction of "In accordance with the Stat- also for an elementary school with the Menlo Park and Hoffman Recipients of the award in previous years were former Mayor necessary playground facilities August F. Greiner, Abraham J. ute, Education 18:6-3 Townships Boulevard Schools and for repairs Neiss, Joseph Dambach, Dr. John may vote by referendum to be having a functional capacity for to the present high school fqr governed by Chapter 6 Districts 585 pupils and a maximum ca- Edison Democrats Establish junior high school purposes. P. Lozo and Frank Cooper. The. pacity for 630? Site Work Saving Council of Civic Clubs is made up Edison Charter where Board members are ap- Within a few days, the State of the Lions Clubs of Woodbridge, pointed by the Mayor or govern- "If the land cannot be used Record Vote In Primaries Department is exepected to render Fords and Iselin; the Woodbridge ing body and -budgets are ap- lor schools or one school then EDISON—The election of coun- At School 17 Urged a decision and, if favorable for the Kiwanis Club and the Woodbridge Group Surveys proved by action of a Board of new sites or site should be se- sults in Democratic party ranks ty committeemen and committee- showed an all-time high of de- Board, the matter will then go to Rotary Club. School Estimate. That type of cured. They should Ije in the area women were the only contests in- WOODBRIDGE — The sum of the Department of Local Govern- operation would necessarily cause bounded by the Garden State: clared Democratic votes in the $15,000 which the Board of Edu- ment which will decide whether Dr. Cyril I. Hutner made the pre- City Government volved in Tuesday's primary vot- township, with a total of 2,105 the Board and the Township Parkway, New Dover Road, Wood/ ing. cation planned to expend on site the Township is financially able to sentation and read a list of Mr. Committee to act in closer coop- and Inman Avenues. votes recorded in that party. work at School 17, Inman Avenue, float the bond issue. Gregory's achievements in behalf EDISON—Rahway officials were In the Democratic contest for eration and eliminate bickering "The need for a junior high An all-time record voije in the: Colonia, is far-too much money, Clyde Edrington, second vice- of the community. He noted that interviewed Monday night by the as to the causes of increases in Democratic party ranks for a pri- (Continued on Page Eight) Gus Launhardt, president of School school in the Colonia and Isemv president of the Citizens for Class- Mr. Gregory has served for a num- Edison Charter Commission in its the tax rates. It would also elim- areas has toeen heretofore estab- mary was established on Tuesday. 17 PTO, told the Board Monday. rooms, asked for a breakdown of ber of years as president of the inate the conditions we are now lished. The need for additional: The Republican Party had con- . "In this referendum that you ask the $110,000 the Board will ask to study of the various forms of gov- facing in requiring two extra ref- tests in Poll No. 4 and Poll No. 15, Kreutzberg IV. J. Press .. the voters to approve on May 22, Board of Governors of Perth Am- ernment throughout the state. • land for another elementary be trihsferred from surplus to cur- boy General Hospital, and during erenda at a cost $2,500, or more, school site in this area in, addition and had originally failed to file a Group Discussion Leader I note that you estimate $15,000 rent -expenses at a special election Previously the charter commis- for each* for funds to operate the candidate for committeeman in for Inman Avenue Grounds," Mr. May 2. this period the hospital has be- School District. to the Hoffman Boulevard site Launhardt said. "I have investi- sion had interviewed officials of. and the Inman Avenue one may Poll No., 1 and a candidate for WOODBRIDGE — Edgar V. "Just how the. money is to be come outstanding in the State. Mount Holly and Teaneck. The committeewoman in Poll No. 11. gated the program there and know He also mentioned that the pub- "In the words of General Elec- be debatable. However, here are ' Kreutzberg, circulation manager used is pretty vague," Mr. Edring- charter commission is engaged in tric—Progress should be our most two of several considerations As a result of the election, you need another exit for safety, ton said. "For example you ask lisher had sponsored a Christmas a survey of all forms of municipal of The Independent - Leader, due to the fact that mothers arrive Fund for the Needy of the Town- important product for the good which substantiate the need:. Prank Bardecker won on a write- Carteret Press and Edison Town- to pick up youngsters and the for $25,000 for site work at School government with the objective of or our rising generations and for There were issued 1,328 building in vote as GOP committeeman in 18. Could we have a real break- ship for the past ten years and as determining whether or not a new ship-Fords Beacon, will be the same time the buses arrive. Even a result no family was without food the taxpaying public. permits in 1S55 in Colonia. In- Poll No. 1. There was no write-in discussion leader for delegates so, Mr. Erdington and I have down? I have been at the site form of local government here cluded in these were; In Blocks vote for a GOP committeewoman twice during the past month, the and gifts on Christmas. Dr. Hut- might be more advantageous, eco- "I will make the motion to.ap- from weekly newspapers of the walked all over the grounds, in- ner also mentioned that Mr. Gre- point a committee to discuss and 493-494, 218 permits, Lynn Oaks, in Poll No. 11. The GOP contest State at the annual New Jersey spected the situation thoroughly last time . in Friday's rain. You nomical or efficient than. the 783; Oak Ridge, 282; Woodbridge in Poll No. 4 between Sigvard could rent a D8 "cat" for $100 a gory is a member of the Board for existing form. explore this matter with the Press Association Circulation and feel that even if you wanted Township Committee and make Knolls and Shorecrest, 358, and Johnson and Richard Cefierberg clinic tomorrow at the Commons to throw away money you could day and a man's time. You ca.n I Citizens for Classrooms; served as Canterbury Village, 30. Very few for committeeman was won toy get a lot of work done with that head of the area rationing Board Rahway operates under a formal report to the Board as Building, Rutgers University, do the work for $3,500, with tops during World War II, as head of to the outcome of such discus- dwelling permits have -been issued Johnson. of $5,000." piece of equipment in a day." "strong" mayor form of govern- New Brunswick. High. Cost to Hit the County OPA and on the Wel- ment with a business manager sions." as of this date against 'these The GOP contest in Poll No. 15 come Home Committee. building permits- There is still a for committeeman between John Mr. Kreutzberg is assistant : Mr. Launhardt askfd. for a Mr. Edrington and Edward and a nine-member council. This Mayor Hugh B. Quigley, who vast amount of undeveloped ac- W. Arrison and Franklin Wood chairman of the New Jersey breakdown as to liow" the money Hickey, of Alexander Merchant As- Mr. Gregory is also a member of system has been in effect there is confined to his home with a reage in this locality." was won by' Arrison. Press Association .Circulation was to.be spent. sociates, board architects, debated the Board of Directors of the First for two years, supplanting a prior stiff back, told The Independent- Madison's Opinion In the Democratic Party ranks, Committee. , (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) (Continued on Page Eight) "weak" mayor form. Leader yesterday the committee Township Engineer Howard committeemen and women con- Edison Charter Commission would be "more than happy to sit (Continued on. Page Eight) members discussed the relation- down with the Board and dis- tests occurred in Polls 13, 15, 16 ship of the mayor and the busi- cuss the entire matter .".He ad- and 17. -In Poll No. 13, the con- ness manager, who is appointed mitted a change of form of gov- test -between Mrs. Shirley Blum by the mayor with the confirma- ernment would mean more re- Hospital Building and Mrs. Betty Vertullc- was won tion of. the council. . sponsibility for the governing by Mrs. Vertullo. The council, consisting of six body for the "right type of people In Poll-No. 15, the contest be- members elected from wards and would have to be appointed and Dedication May 19tween Glen Sudol and Prank three elected . at-lar-ge, sets mu- that- politics would have to be Vogel, Jr., was won by Sudol and nicipal policy, with the mayor and ignored." \ PERTH AMBOY — Dedication the contest between Mrs. Alice business manager responsible for ceremonies for the Nurses Resi- Yacullo and Mrs. Mary LaPlaga the administration of that policy. dence now nearing completion at was won by Mrs. Yacullo. Both the mayor and business the Perth Amboy General Hospital In Poll No. 16, the Democratic manager are full-time positions. Blood Donor Unit have been set for Saturday, May 19 contest between Theodore Litwin The local group also noted the at 4 P.M. at; the Hospital, Anthony and John Barlow was won by Bar- existence of a central purchasing W. Eckert, director, announced low and'the contest between Mrs. agency for Railway's nvunicipal in yesterday. Eleanore Wisnifewski' and Mrs. government and the use of a "ear The event will include talks by Elizabeth Kupko was won by Mrs. pool" system in which all munici- COLONIA —-A meeting of the hospital and other officials and the Wisniewski. pally-owned cars are at the use newly organized Volunteer Blood installation of the cornerstone in In-Poll No. 17, the Democratic Donors of Colonia will be held next of all municipal departments. Wednesday at 8:30 P.M.. at the thp ijew rpsidence. The ceremonies contest between William O'Mal- This, it was said, makes possible climax more than a year of con- ley and John W. Mooney was Von home of Nfelson Kenworthy, Knol- the reduction of the number of wood Drive. struction on the building. by O'Malley and the contest be- municipally-owned cars needed. The West Wing of the hospital, tween Mrs. Helen Gove and Mrs. The group has been formed to occupied for over a year, will also Helen Rahtjen was won by Mrs. supply without charge blood for be included in the ceremonies as Gove. Cancer Society Invites transfusions for persons residing there was no formal dedication at In the remainder of the voting Women to Movie Shows in Colonia or in other sections in the opening of that section last for party committeemen and com- cases of emergency. year. mitteewomen, the candidates were WOODBRIDGE — Township Blood of volunteer donors •will Refreshments and an open house elected unopposed. women are invited by. the Middle- be tested by local doctors and"' tour of the facilities will follow. Township Democratic voting sex County Chapter, American donors names, addresses, blood the dedication ceremony. The pub- saw the unpledged candidates to Cancer Society to view the free types and Rh factors will be filed lic will be invited to tour the first the national convention, led by showings of the motion picture, for future reference. floor lobbies and recreational fa- Gov. Robert B. Meyner, poll an "Breast Self-Examination." ' The tentative date for blood tytj cilities, as well as the classroom average of five-to-one plurality The film will be shown at. the ing is.May-.23 at Colonia Library and laboratory sections on the seer over- the candidates pledged to Majestic Theatre, Perth Amboy, One meeting of the organization* ond floor. Some of the 48 bodrooms, U. S. Senator Estes Kefauver. Monday at 10:30 A.M.- and at the has already been held at the hom-= .housing 96 students, will also Christian J. Jorgensen, local Fords Playhouse, Fords Tuesday of Mrs, Mortimer I..Cowan, Staf- Democratic party leader, who'led LIONS WELCOME FRELINGHTJYSEN: As part of the Youth Program sponsored annually at Woofibridge High School by Woodbridge at 10:30 A.M. Each showing will ford Road. Present were-' Mrs" shown., be followed, by a question and an- It is expected that the residence a last-minute concerted effort for Lions Club, Representative Peter Freiinghuysen, Jr., was gTiest speaker at assemblies Monday. Seated, left to right, are George Kay- Kenworthy; .Mrs. Andrew Wilson the Meyner-led slate of conven- - ser, Dr. C. I. Hutner, Mr. Frelinghuysert, Dr. John P. Lozo, Hig-Ji School Principal; Thomas Cr. JHsmond, Vice Principal; Hev. William swer period conducted by an area Mrs. Eugene Zirpolo and William will be ready for full occupancy on Hi Schmaus. Standing, Etfwar

Port Reading OBITUARIES Officers Elected . Personals . By School 1 PTA STEPHEN GODEN1CH WOODBRIDGE — Stephen Go- WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. George denich, 80, 562 • Almon. Avenue, Oettle, Rahway Avenue, was re- died Sunday at Perth Ambcy elected president of School 1 PTA By MRS. General Hospital. Tuesday night. Othsrs elected JOHN T. He was employed as a custod- were vice presidents, Mrs. Milton ian by the Woodbridge Pottery Stern, Miss Eileen Burke, Mrs. McDOIiJNELL Co., and was a member of Sev- Frederick McElhenny; recording 15 Sixth Street enth Day Adventists, Perth • Am- secretary, Mrs. Joseph Nicastro; Port Reading boy. , corresponding secretary, Mrs. John He is survived by his widow, Binder, treasurer, John Egan. The WO-8-JU2-W Barbara; two daughters, Mrs , slate was presented by Mrs. "Wil- John Pavlovieh, Sli-ckville, Pa, I liam Harned. and'Mrs. Harry Williamson, May- In honor of Father's Night, Mrs. Invitation wood; four sons, Matthew, Madi- Oettle presented the gavel to her son, Wise, Joseph -and John, husband who presided at the meet- . The Provisional League of Wom- Woodbridge, and Stephen, Jr, ing. Dr. George Benko served as en voters of Woodhridge Township Freehold, and 15 grandchildren, secretary and John Egan as treas- will hold a discussion unit for and five great-grandchildren-. urer. The attendance prize went to residents in this area on Wednes- Funeral services were .held yes- KICIIABD O. BOYKEN the sixth grade class of Miss Cece- f lia Artym and the 100 per cent day ..evening, April 25, at 8:30 at erday morning at the Greiner PART OF NEW FIRM: Richard Funeral. Home, 44 Green Street. enrollment prize went to Mi's. the home of Mrs. Ernest Liehtman, O. Boyken, Iselin, has formed a Burial was in the Cloverleaf Park Frances Peterson's fourth grade !i57 Ban-on Avenue, Woddbridge. partnership with Donald L. Mass, The-topic will be "Water Resources Cemetery. , class and Miss Constance Lindsey's Lake Nelson, to organize the firm hi- Hew Jersey," morning kindergarten class. MRS. ELIZABETH KELLEMAN , of Boyken & Moss, architects, at "Anyone interested in finding out The annual Spring bazaar is WOOEBRIDGE — Mrs. Eliza- 75 Paterson Street, New Bruns- being held today m School 11 audi- l'io.w "'he League operates should beth Kelleman, 151 Sherry Street, wick. attend tliis meeting. torium and doors will be open died Monday at Perth. Amboy Mrs.. Boyken was formerly with | until 9 o'clock tonight. All kinds of Notes General Hospital. She was a mem- such New' Jersey' firms as Levy merchandise will be, available. Remember Sister Mary Charles, ber of the Hungarian Reformed ind Soheirigarten, Kruger and Mrs. C. I. Hutner, Mental Health Q. S. M., formerly of St. Joseph's Church. Widow of the -late Steven ?ava. Pierson & MaoWilliam. the chairman, announced April 29 has School, Carteret who taught "Moil- Kelleman, she is survived by four Aiisten CO., and; Drake Tuthill ' been named visiting day, at Marl- day School" and summer school sons, Steven, New York City; Jo- Convery & Cueman. He is respon- I boro State Hospital. There will be for St. Anthony's. She is now seph, Nixon and Andrew and sible for the design of many ma- a guided tour and Governor Mey- superior of Addolorate Villa in Frank, Woodbridge, nine grand- HONOR THAN OF THE YEAR': The Woodbridge Township Council of Civic Clubs, representing the Lions Clubs of Woodbridge, Fords 'or buildings in Northern New ner will be guest speaker. Mrs. Wheeling, Illinois, a home for children and five • great grand- and Iselin; tlie Woodbridge Kiwanis Club and Woodbridge Rotary Club named Charles E. Gregory, publisher of The Independent- Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvana. Hutner will provide transportation elderly ladies. They're having their children. • Leader, 'Man of the Year1 at the annual dinner Tuesday night at Oak Hills Manor. Front row left to right are D. Kent Stultz, chair- Massachusetts and Brazil. He re- for those wishing to attend. aimuai Spring Card Party in Lewis Funeral services were held yes- Dr. Charles S. MaeKenzie, pastor Towers, located at 820 North man of the Council; John Ryan, toastmaster; Mr. Gregory, Dr. C. I. Hutner, president of Woodbridge Lions Club; Edward Patten, ceived his architectural training Secretary of State and guest speaker; John Molnar, president of Kiwanis; Fred Damitz, president of Rotary. Back row, Harold Goet- terday afternoon from the Grein- at Virginia Palytechnic Institute, of the Presbyterian Church of I/Hchigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. If er Funeral Home, 44 Green Avenel, as guest speaker, spoke on any of you would like to send a chius, president of Iselin Liens; Clifford Dunham, president of Fords Liens; Charles J. Alexander, representing Town Committee; Blacksburg, Va., Cooper Union, Street and at Hungarian Reform- "Character and Spiritual Educa- prize or a donation, it would be Frank Cooper, Rev. Louis Leyh, Joseph Dambach, Abraham Ness and Dr. John P. Lozo. Mr. Cooper, Mr. Dambach, Mr, Neiss and N. Y., and Brooklyn Institute of ed Church. tion." most welcome, and it would be Dr. Lozo were named "Man of the Year" in previous years-Anothsr recipient, former Mayor August F, Greiner could not attend as he Design. Mr. Moss, a former asso- ciate of the late Aylin Pierson, is a nice "Thank you" for the. many is out of the State on vacation. PAUL E. COLE fifee memories Sister Mary Charles responsible for the design of many Jersey. He attended Rutgers Uni- AVENEL — Paul E. Cole, 56. schools, churches, industrial and his given us. a lobster "Broil. - Guests were: Mr. beaten'by a hitch hiker who also 787 Rahwa.y Avenue, died Sunday versity and Brooklyn Institute of commercial buildings in Central Design. Mrs. Robert Gazzola, Patehogue, and Mrs. Arthur White and chil- is Held broke the car window. at Perth Amboy General Hospi- Long Island, was a week-end visi- dren, Susan and Thomas, Mr. and Although, Timmerman fits the tal. . ' tor of the John T. McDonnels. Mrs. Clyde Garland/Jr., Mr. and description of one of the men in He was a superintendent em- MRS. CHARLES OLIPHANT, Jr. '.'M./Sgt. William Conran, brother Mrs. John Penna, all of Albemarle the holdup-murder in Hamilton ployed by the Pioneer Eerecting West Street, Colonia For Theft of Gar , 495 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE., FORDS of Mrs. Dan and Mrs. John Me Road. Township, that occured last Friday Co., Kenilworth and owner of Phone Fulton 8-1966 and Timmerman did not steal the jrahmann 5 PHONE VA-6-3396 EJonneli is spending his furlough —Mr; and Mrs. Harry Erickson WOODBRIDGE — A Baltimore, | Cole's Grocery Store. He was a Editor's Note: Mrs. Charles car from Baltimore until Tuesday. member of Local 361, Structural aj Sixth Street before going over- and family, Albemarle Road, were Md., ex-convict, stopped on Route seas to Germany for his last "stint" j Oliphant, Jr., West Street, Co- the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. Iron Workers of Brooklyn. DISTINCTIVE GIFTS - GREETSNS CARDS in the U. S. Army. : lonia, who has capably covered and Mrs. John Cappola, Uniondale, 1 by a motor vehicle inspector for Surviving are his Widow, Agnes; FOR ALL OCCASIONS the Inman section and sur- a routine check, wound up being -Eileen McDonnell, daughter of L. I. Mrs. Scott Named • a son, Paul T., at home; twe rounding area for us, has also booked for stealing a car, ques- WESTMORELAND MILK GLASS My. and Mrs. Daniel McDonnell, —Mr. and Mrs. Webster Howard, sisters, Mrs. Philip Barter, Can- undertaken to serve as corre- tioned by the FBI for possible safe celebrates her first birthday to- Claridge Place, entertained Mrs. ada, and Mrs. Jerome A. Kalich Engagement — Wedding •— Birth and Social Announcements spondent for the new Wood- robbery and sentenced to the coun- President of PTA El Berano, Calif. • " morrow. bridge Knolls development. We Howard's brother, Alton Evans, California, last Wednesday at din- ty workhouse for 60 days. Funeral services' were held yes- IMPORTED BAVARIAN CHINA I hope the residents of the Knolls terday afternoon from the Grein- will cooperate with Mrs. Oli- ner. However, it is expected he will AVE-NEL — Mrs. Dale Scotfc was —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nolan, elected president of the Parent er Funeral Home. Burial was in I SHOWER AND WEDDING ACCESSORIES phant by calling her at Fulton be turned over to Maryland au- the Cloverleaf Park Cemetery. Takes Scant 8-1966. If you are an officer or Claridge Place, were the guests thorities within the next few days Teachers Association Tuesday in | MERCHANDISE, CLUBS LAY-AWAY PLAN Saturday, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Avenel School. publicity chairman of an or- after being questioned by Hamil- Mizzetta, Irvington. Election Merest ganization or group, if you will ton Township police to determine Other officers are Mrs. Rubin notify Mrs. Oliphant of your —Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendricksen Greco, vice - president; Harry Sisterhood Plans and daughters, Carolyn and Susan, whether he may have had a con- regular meetiiig date, she will nection with a holdup and murder Lund, second vice-president; Mrs. .WOODBRIDGE —'As predicted call you if you prefer. Pine Brook, were the guests of Eugene Safford, treasurer, and of a gas station attendant in that last''week, a very light vote was —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Lunch, Mrs. Peter Cocuzza, secretary. In- For Installation municipality. i-t in the Township at the Pri- and daughter, Patti Lynn, Claridge Albemarle Road, last Wednesday. stallation will take place at the lo AVENEL — Mrs. Charles Grill / ction Tuesday, with the Place, attended a birthday party -^Sunday dinner guests of Mr. According to Detective Daniel next meeting. . : it ci-il going along with the and Mrs. Jack Mulligan, Albemarle Panconi and Detective John Go- read the prayer for the opening of in honor of Jean Schaffer, daugh- The annual fair will be held i i w-Hion for delegates to the Road, were Mr. and Mrs. Anthony velitz, Inspector James Dunn was j-'-a meeting of the Sisterhood of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Schaf- today from 11 A. M. to,9 P. M., *-s uenK 1 convention helping to Mulligan, Jersey City. riding on Route I early yesterday the Congregation Sons Of Jacob fer, Amherst Avenue, Sunday. in the school auditorium, under held at the Avenel Jewish Com- nt lbute to the defeat, of Estes —Mr. and Mrs. Leon Goodman, when he noticed a car with a the chairmanship of Mrs. Steven munity Center, Lord Street. 1 —Mr., and .Mrs.: Eugene Black- Highland Park, Mr. and Mrs. Alex broken windshield. He stopped -la fi m the state. : Markulin. " Mrs. Hyman Serulniek, presi- man,. Rugby Road, Mr. and Mrs. Siegel, South River, and Mr. Har- the driver . for a _routine check, Tufi" nas only one'contest on dent, welcorned..Mrs. Irving Malina Daniel Potsdam, Mr, and. Mrs. ry Goodman, Los Angeles, Calif., asked for driver's license" and reg- Mrs. Scott announced a meet- leal ballot for the position of I arid Mrs. Morris Gslber, as guests. dbl can County Committeeman Milton Wasserman, and Mr. and were the dinner guests Sunday of istration. The driver produced * a ing of the parent education group The Torah luncheon, held at the r » th° Fifth District of the First Mrs. A. Kaplan, all of Dufoe Place, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Siegel, Al- registration card for Edmund Ar- scheduled for today has been attended a dance held at the Tem- bemarle Road. thur Bowen and when asked his •postponed. Plaza Hotel, New York City, was d Fied strahl, who has been attended by Mrs. Serulniek and *i i tptinan in the district for ple Beth El, South Orange, spon- —Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Hoffman aame, said it was Edward Bowen. Mrs. Herbert Head, on behalf sored by the Ruth Estrin Goldberg and children.-Ronald, Elaine, Larry of the association, entered a state | Mrs. Milton Medinets, who gave ai ais was defeated by Ed- Brought to headquarters, Pan- a report. Mrs. Louis Baiter, chair- ac Fuz>na, 37-31. The latter Memorial for Cancer Research, and Judy, Albemarle Road, visited coni and Govelitz pieced together poster contest, and won the Mid- Saturady. Afterwards the couples Mr. and Mrs. David Lerman, New- dlesex County award and the re- man.; of the rummage sale held at 1 tr>e support of Arnold S. a ripped social security card found Rahway, reported that the project had a late supper at the China ark, Sunday. gional award. ^db^in Republican Municipal in the man's pocket. The card was a success ' despite the bad House. oore the name Joseph P. Timmer- Two parent education skits pre- weatner. She thanked her com- ii man : —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erickson Teachers' Union Plans man, 1341 North Bond Street, sented, under the direction of mittee for their co-operation. x i nci J Foley, Colonia, Demo- and family atte'nded the wedding Baltimore. Mrs. Scott, were given. Taking Mr. and' Mrs. Prank Windman t»c pspnant for Congress in the of Mr. Erickson's niece, the former Annual Dinner May 16th ; part were Mrs. 'Greco, Mrs. Jo- t +ii D =ti ict, won a. resounding Telephone call to the Baltimore seph MeClue, Mrs. William Chaf- were lauded for their assistance Linda Harper, Flushing, L. I. to police brought to light the fact fto y locally over his opponent, WOODBRIDGE — The an- fey, Barry Smith, Mrs. Arthur at. the annual card party of which William Burke, Little Neck, L. I. that the car was owned by Mr. Eili Enkham, 1359 to 98. Town- nual dinner of the Woodbridge Monneheimer, Mrs. Markulin, Mrs. Harry Schiller was chairman. last week. Carol Ann Erickson was Bowen and was stolen from the > AUoiney Nathan Duff run- Township Federation of Teach- Mrs. Alex Hunter and Miss Doris The membership was informed a one of the bridal attendants. Sears-Roebuck parking lot in Bal- m E •J an unpledged district dele- ers will be held May 16 at The Warman. that Rabbi Solomon Golshevsky —Mr. and Mrs.' M. Luth, Claridge timore the day before. The man expects to begin conducting Friday te to the Democratic convention Pines, Metuchen. Mrs. Leota Dyer, a member of Place, entertained Mr. and Mrs. the local police had in custody was evening services early in May. The d 1234 votes. Mrs. Regina L. Schultz is the faculty; spoke on "How to Let Phillip Lewis, and Mr. and Mrs. actually Timmerman who was re- Rabbi will also take over the He- chairman and she is being as- Your Children Grow Up. Emotion- Robert Hockstein, all of Spring- jently released from prison after brew education program. field. sisted by Donald Devanny, Miss ally."* The attendance awards serving a year and eight months Mrs. Ralph Hess gave a, report —Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schel- Bertha Jaffe, Miss Mary Boyle, were won by Mrs. Burns' first 1956 an complaints of robbery ancllar- on the model seder, giving special telich and children, Maronette and Robert Zanzalari, Miss Rose grade and'-Donald-Wittakers' sixth seny. mention to Jack Sackinoff; Frederick, Jr., Albemarle Road, Marie Mazzeo and Miss Nellie grade. Mrs. Edward Stern was ap- entertained Saturday evening at Lauer. There was blood on Timmer- TENSEN'S ma-n's shirt, and after finally ad- Nylon filament yarn prices pointed chairman of the nominat- mitting, Timmerman said he was slashed 10 to 22 per cent. ing committee and she will be as- NEW BRUNSWICK SECRETARIAL, sisted by .Mrs. Schiller and Mrs. ACCOUNTING AND PREP SCHOOL Joseph Schlesinger. The commit- NEW! IBM, Aviation Secretarial and tee will report at the next meet- Machine Stenography Courses. HOW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ing when election of. officers will 110 Albany Street, New Brunswick take place. The new officers will SATURDAY, APRIL 21st be installed at a. joint installation Call Kilmer 5-3910 WOS, 710 KC. 7:45 P. M. Sunday of the brotherhood and sisterhood, June 9 at the Center. A catered Is your LAST DAY to get smorgasbord dinner will be served. A program will be presented and music for dancing wfll be furnished by a well known orchestra. Non- members will be welcomed. Mrs. A $10.00 Stern, chairman for the sisterhood *c will be assisted by a committee. It was announced that an in- he doing? tegration tea for hew members and STETSON HAT prospective members will toe held at the home of Mrs. George Ket- zenberg, Woodbridge Aveniie, April He's making your telephone 30. • . -r:-\^" . '-', • In the absence of Mrs. Emanuel grow in value! Temkin, program chatirman, Mrs. Henry Sukoff, .• co-chairman, pre- FEATURING FREE sented a playlet titled...:;.* "Four This lineman is putting in a line to a new This lovely ranch home at 11 Bond Street, Westbury Park, THE FAMOUS i.... Daughters," Taking 'part were: home. When he's through, another New Iselin, N. J., was sold this week to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ai Levitt Mrs. Stern, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Jersey family will be enjoying telephone 'FEATHERWEIGHT-by Medinets and Mrs. Lester Jacobs. with a purchase of either a new spring Hostesses for the social hour service. JOHN F. WANTON AGENCY : topcoat or suit at $50.00 or more. were: Mrs, Martin-Goodman, Mrs. It could be someone you know, for this 530 Rahway Avenue, Woodbridge Tel. WO-3-3550 Richard Warner and Mrs. Edward scene is being repeated daily in all parts of We Specialize in Development Resales Stegman. '/ • . . . And you can be sure that what's right the state. Last year alone over 150,000 Former Local Teacher phones were added. The number of people for Spring will be found right here . , . "•-"Admirp the Featherweight's stySe- Lasting Tribute of Love and Respect Now Head of Pa. Schools you can call or who can call you is growing j'wjse proportioning — then try it fresh and satisfying as the new season steadily. And that- makes everyone's tele- -on and see what it does for you. WOODBRIDGE — Dr. Charles phone service grow in usefulness. ' Truly a hat that feels as good cm SELECT YOUR MEMORIAL itself. Boehm, a former Woodbridge hi looks—truly "Fashion High School Teacher, has been Tons, making sure you can phone anyone by the Ounce"! appointed State Superintendent you wish, easily and economically, is our t ' , . - FOR MOTHER'S DAY of Public Instruction of the State eTiT»T?¥? DAILY 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. biggest job—and one we're working at the Mark Every Grave'. Just Say: Charge It! of Pennsylvania, it was an- ^SIOKJB, .. Fr.day 9 AM to g VM Compare Our Prices nounced this week. Since 1940, hardest. Work Done in All N. J. On your HANDI-CHA6.GE Dr. Boehm served as Superin- HOURS Dajiy 9 A.M. to 6 PJW. GRAVE , - < •• Clo efl Wednesday All Day Cemeteries ACCOUNT! NO EXTRA COST tendent of Schools of^ Bucks BUSY LINEMEN... MARKERS from Call Day or Night . County, Pa. SINGLE GRAVE like James M. Livingston, Plainfield, EL. 5-9772 or MV. 3-6466 One of the youngest State MONUMENTS *' JSTABL/SffSD 1880 are operating at full schedule to ex- OPEN DAILY Including Superintendents—he is 53—Dr. DOUBLE GRAVE Boehm served as teacher of the pand and maintain telephone service. SUNDAYS MONUMENTS L.BKGEGS & SONS local high school from Septem- Free Trans, to and from Our Office } Tailcn-Clothttn-ffabcnlaska* ber, 1923 to June, 1926. During' spartment Store SMXm PS KING SIS. — PERTH AMBOV.M. J. that time he was coach of-base- New Jersey Bell Telephone Company ball and his 1925 team- won the 91 MAIN STUEET FREE PAKKING IN.REAR OF STORE county championship. On that 139 McClellan St., Newark Anthony O. Rtillis, Prop. team were Freeholder William WOODBRIDGE Newark-Elizabeth line, Opposite Mt. Olivet Cemetery Open Friday Eveijing Till 9 O'clock Warren and Tax Assessor David F. Gerity.

\. EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACOT THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 PAGE THREE Merck Circle Players Parochial PTA. LWV Discusses. Dr. Howard Hold Workshop Session Plans Breakfast Political Action WOOlfeRIDGE — Miss Eileen At Annual Woodward, assisted by Miss Bar- WOODBRIDGS — A meeting of WOODBRIDGE — Dr. Howard bara Leslie, conducted a session St. James PTA was held in the f AVENEL ,— The Provisional WOODBRIDG3 — The annual Lane, professor at New York Uni- i of the Merck Circle Players Work- Spring concert of the Woodbridge school auditorium with Mrs. League of Wfomen Voters held its shop, at the Merck Training Thomas^ Murtagh presiding. Rt. April Board meeting in the home versity School of Education, will High School Glee Club will be held be the guest speaker at the an- School, Rahway, with both Junior Friday, April 27 at 8 P.M., in the Rev. Msgr. Charles G. McCorristin of Mrs. Daniel Levy, 60 George and Senior members attending. opened the meeting with prayer Street..; _ nual dinner of the Woodbridge Woodbridge High School auditori- Township Education Association .Nfiwcomers to the.workshop are um under the direction of Miss and asked as many members as Mrs!'Joseph Manzione,' chairman which will toe held at Colonia Ray Gardiner, Charles Bockwith, possible" to attend the Communion of the Water Study Committee, Anna C. Frazer, supervisor of vocal breakfast Sunday, to be held after Country Club an Thursday, May George Boyniek, Bruce Zabawa, music in the school system. named Miss Lois Raison, Mrs. Carl 3 at six o'clock. This announce- Carolyn Dolnick, Robert O'Keefe, the 7:45 Mass. Dr. Bella V. Dodd, Bredow, and Mrs. Thomas Thomp- There will be 140 voices and the an authority on Communism, will ment was made, by the chairman, Carl Grement and Ida Marie Eg- son as members of her committee. Mrs. Bernard Jost, at a general gers. The latter is a long-time program- is the result of the work be guest speaker. The Monsignor Under study will ber- (l) Is the member of the Merck Circle Play- done during regular school periods also asked the cooperation of the meeting of the group held at since September. parents in sending their children need for new water supplies so Avenel School. ers . to the daily 8:15 Mass during the great in New Jersey as to make Dr. Lane is a specialist in early In addition to group singing, month of May in honor of the necessary a state wide approach to. childhood education, the problems there -will . be solo numbers and Blessed- Virgin Mary and asked the the problem; (2) Should new reser- of youth, and human relations An songs sung by smaller groups. families to recite the Rosary, voir sites be acquired by .the .state author, Dr. Lane contributes to Miss Barbara Rusinko, a senior, especially during this month. for future use and (3> Should the many educational periodicals in- will present a dance to the strains state have an-. all-over . plan" .for cluding "Educational Leader- of "The Waltz of the Flowers" by Sister Mary Benigna, principal, water and the protection of water. ship," "Childhood Education," and Tschaikowski with Odette Haddad chose as her topic "The Trial of Appointed to Mrs. Frank Maz- the "NEA Journal," as well as to AVENEL—Richard Kerr, presi- as accompanist at the piano. Teenagers" and urged parents to zur's Know Your Town Committee many yearbooks. He is co-author: dent of the Mr. and Mrs. Club of One of the features will be a have compassion on this group of were Mrs. Percy Austen, who will children as it is a very trying peri- with ~ Dr. Mary Beauchamp, of ; the First Presbyterian Church' of quartette consisting of Donald handle "Your Town's Character- "Human Relations in Teaching." j Avenel, announces the addition of Peck, Robert Wildblood, Donald od of their lives. She said istics," Mrs.'Lawrence Ryan, "Your that parents should strive to give The NYCF educator has lectured DR. HOWARD LANE new members at its last meeting Clausen and Raymond Rhinehart. • Town's Government," Mrs. Arnold on early childhood education, Friday as follows: Mr. and Mrs.A special girl's group will include special attention to the youngsters' Graham, "Personnel, Finance, lowed with a movie "And Then troubles and should show love and human relations, and juvenile Paul Duesterdick, 14" Albee Lane, Valerio De Cassio, Brenda Wilson, Equipment,'' Mrs. -Joseph'. Man- problems to educational and lay there Were Four." Colonia; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Barbara Urban, Betty Poroski, affection and good example, as zione, "Public Health and Sanita- In honor of his retirement from these traits reflect in. the upbring- organizations throughout the Hawkes, 418 Hudson Boulevard, Barbara Bourne, Mary Ann Jacko- tion," Mrs. Laura Berman, "Public country. He is a member of the the- Wood bridge Township school Avenel; and Mr. and Mrs. Carl sa, Connie Ludwigson, Helen ing of children. Welfare," Mrs. Albert Schilling, system, Howard Sharp, former Muglia, 422 Grove Avenue, Me- Stuart, Mary Jo Kosic, Joan Rubis, New members welcomed at this Citizens Committee on Children of "Fire and Police Protection," Miss New York City, The Association principal of School 7, Fords, was tuchen. Barbara Dobbs, Frances Cooper, meeting were; Mrs. Mary Kovaes Lois Raison, "Education," Mrs. presented with an alligator belt Winners in the Hat Social were Marilyn ' Lacanic, Faith FrankeZ, and Mrs. Fred Zullo, Jr. . - William Beaton, "Recreation," Mrs. for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Association for with gold buckle by the Asso- Mrs. David Campbell, Mrs. Carl Barbara Ruskinko, Florence Mos- A cake sale was planned for Ernest Lichtmari, "Planning and ciation. Muglia and Richard Kerr. : . carelli, Mary Ur, Cathy Centuori, Sunday, May 6, with the following Zoning and Housing'," Mrs. Herbert Childhood. Education Internation- 50 YEARS OF WEBBED WFE: Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kingberry, al, the National Nursery School Refreshments were served at a Plans are under way for a var- Mary Ann, Mocaaro, Lorraine committee: Fourth Grade, Mrs. Nielson, "Political Organization social hour following the meeting, Dale Kaufman, Gerry O'Neil, Varolin Thomas Campion, Mrs. A. W. .Wfest Palm Beachi Fla., .former, Woodbridge residents, are shown and Election." Association, and the American iety show acording to Mrs. in the living: room of the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Psychological Association. by a committee composed of Don- Scott, chairman of Ways and Bach, Odette Haddad, Judy Short, Heinrich, Mrs. Gerard O'Brien, Means. Alfred Niekles will direct Patricia Mooney. Mrs. John Pasko, and Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. John Dowling, Cliff Road, who gave a party for them Mrs. Mazzur noted "The Know Mrs. Jost. also announced the ald Whitaker, Mrs. Harris and Krulikowski; Fifth Grade, Mrs. last Sunday hi celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. Your Town Survey will provide ah Miss Yolanda Nicorvo. and those interested'in taking part opportunity for citizens to I learn following members of her commit- are requested to meet at the audi- Neil Casey, Mrs. 'John Johnson, 'tee: Tickets. Miss Thora Tait, torium tomorrow at 8 P. M. Pro- and Seventh Grade, Mrs. George more about their local government Mrs. 'Alfred Urffer, Mrs. Colin Relemen, Mrs, W. D. O'Brien and so they may be better able to take ceeds will be donated to the build- intelligent action on local govern- Harris, Mrs. Charles Hansen and ing fund for the Youth and Sun- Mrs. William Brennan. Kingberrys Wed 50 Years; Mrs. Edward Simpson; Reception, day School project. - The spring card party will be ment issues. . Mrs- Kay Chalker and Mrs. Er- Also - discussed were the. year's Mrs. Kenneth Bersey reported held in the school auditorium April nest Link; Invitations, Mrs. John that four prayer groups are now 25, with Mrs. Joseph Brannegan Recall Happy Times Here program schedule and the proposed Peldman and Miss Mary McGon- WOODBRIDGE — Jack Turner, policy for political action for board WOODBRIDGE — Mrs. John J. meeting in homes each week. Any- and Mrs. Leon'j. Gerity as co- igle; decorations, Mrs. Carl Flem- Reilly, 328 St. James Avenue, who one interested in joining may ob-general .chairman of the United chairman. Mrs. Dorothy Shaffer SEWAREN — It's easy to Tin- But for some reason, he decided members. This would, define the ing and Miss Yolanda Nicorvo; Jewish Appeal-Woodbridge. Jewish derstand ho*w MR and Mrs. Paul ;o shave it off and not say any- extent to. which board members is chairman of the Cancer Crusade tain further information from Mrs. will be m charge of door prizes. D. Kingberry have weathered 50 thing to me. Told me to meet him publicity, Mrs. Robert Nesler and in Woodbridge, West, announces Bersey, 423 Remsen Avenue, Ave- Community Center combined cam- Hospitality for the May meet- could participate in politics with- Miss Mary R. Mullen. nel, telephone WO-8-3921-R. paign Saturday Night Social, an- years of married life with seren- at Macy's which was then at the out infringing upon the nonpar ti- her campaign top-echelon person- nounced^ that the affair will be ing, which will feature the in- ity and humor. You sense this corner of Sixth Avenue and 14th At the business^ meeting of the nel as follows: stallation of new officers and the san policy of the League. association a report of the nomin- held May .12 at the Woodbridge couple's remarkable qualities af- Street. I took the cross-town Miss Margaret Henricksen and Mrs. C. H. Rothfuss, Mrs. F. Jewish Community Center: crowning ceremony, will be headed ter just a brief chat with them. ating committee presented the Champa, Patrick Kehoe, Mrs. P. J. by the first grade mothers com- trolley ^and was carrying several Mrs. Joseph Manzione were' ap- following slate of officers: Presi- Mr. Turner selected the follow- Asked, if they had any ad- bundles. As I started to climb pointed to the permenant nominat- Kilmurray, Miss Dorothy Caval- ing committees: program, Mrs. mittee: Mrs. Edward Van Tassel, vice to give on how to have a dent. Mrs. Kay Chalker; vice- laro, Mrs. Charles Anness, Miss Mrs. Neil Casey, Mrs. William down at my stop,, a handsome ing committee. Mrs. Gerald Weil president, Mrs. Bernard Jost;. sec- Henry Winter, Mrs. Ernest Licht- successful marriage,- Mrs. King- young fellow- came out of the was appointed the county delegate. Mary Boyle, Mrs. Edward Scannell, Engagement man, Mrs. David Gutman; invita- Scully, Mrs. John Flanigan, and berry answered with a twinkle in retary, Mrs. Edward Tooker; Mrs. James Keating, Jr., Mrs. Louis Mrs. Albert Strish. crowd, tipped his hat; and be- Mrs. Ralph Jones, the advisor to treasurer, Miss Florence Huntley. tions, Mrs. Isadore Rosenblum; her blue eyes. ;an to help with my bundles. I Brown, Sal Costello, Mrs.. S. Kara; AVENEL—Mr. and Mrs. O. H. The nominating committee, Rt." the Provisional League and presi- Election of officers will be held Mrs. George Krantz, Mrs. John refreshments, Mrs. Herbert Wino- "I still need advice myself, even drew back, thinking he was some dent of the League of Women at the May meeting. Weferling, 20 Lenox Avenue, have grad, Mrs. Lawrence Weiss, Irving Rev. Msgr. McCorristin, Sister Olsen, Mrs. Michael Shannon, C. announced the engagement of 1 Mary Benigna. Mrs. Michael De- after all these years, and cer- kind of masher, when something Voters of Edison will attend the S. Willey, Jr., Mrs. Bert Wheeler, EilenbogenV Leon Wemgarten; made me look again, and it was national convention of the League Trooper Oliver Brennan of the their daughter, Barbara Elaine, to pledge cards, Leonard Goldman, Joy, Mrs, Edward Maloney, Mrs. tainly* wouldn't want to set rules New Jersey State Police gave a Mrs. A. Shaffer and Mrs. Alex Herbert Halstead, and Mrs. Her-for others." Paul without the mustache! He of Women Voters in Chicago and Walter J. Weihel, son of Mrs. Sy Cohen;\telephone and follow- upon her return will deliver Jier lecture on driving safety and fol- Notchey and Ross Price. Elmer Weihel, 618 Pine Street, up, William'Staum, Eugene Hor- bert Nielsen presented the follow- "If any arguments arise, I just looked completely different—just as handsome, but different!" . . report. Mahanoy City, Pa., and the late nick; publicity, Mrs. Jack Gott- ing slate of officers for the 1956-give in and we've got along first Mr. Weihel. denker;;Metwood O. R, T. repre- 57 term: president, Mrs. Peter Kxu- rate for 50 years," volunteered , Lived in Woodbridge Eleven years later, and after SESSION TONIGHT Miss Weferling is a graduate of sentatives,. Mrs. Daniel Hoffman, likowski; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Mr. Kingberry with a grin at his AVENEL -—Boy Scout Troop Players to - Present Final Woodbridge High School, class of Mrs. Doris Kaplan. James Carrigan; 2nd vice-presi- wife. the birth of their two daughters, No. 42, sponsored by St. An- dent, Mrs. William Leahy; 3rd (Mrs. Dowling and Mxs. Elmer A. : 1952, and the McDowell School of vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Zega; Former Woodbridge residents, Koyen Cranford), the Kingberrys drew's Church, will meet tonight; Showing of 'Fifth Season Design, New York City. She. is em- MAKE" MEM0KIAL PLANS : recording secretary Mrs. Joseph the Kingberrys now live in West moved to Woodtoridge in May, at 8 o'clock, in the church hall. ployed in the display department AVENEL — Avenel Fire Com- Palm Beach, Fla., and came north Ulans will be discussed for a trip WOODBRIDGE—The final per- Goldman, Alexander Cohen, Rich- of Hahne and Company of New- pany, auxiliary and Exempt Fire- Tirpak; corresponding secretary, last week to celebrate their 50th 1917. They lived in the house at Mrs. William Kinnelly; treasurer, 686 St. George Avenue near the to the Welsh Farms on Saturday, formance of the Adath Israel ard Kislan, Emanuel Goldfarb, ark. men will hold a Memorial service wedding anniversary Sunday at a April 21. Players production of "The Fifth Marilyn . Rauchman, Marjotrie Her fiance recently completed at St. Andrew's Church, May 27 Mrs. Gsrard O'Brien; trustee, Mrs. party at the home of their son-in- comer of Freeman Street, until Lyman Peck. 1946. Mr. Kingberry had decided to Season" will be presented Satur- Greenberg, Faye Hasenauer and two years service in the U. S. at 8 P. M. The Fire Company law and daughter, Mi. and Mrs; Army, including one year of duty members will participate in a par- The attendance awards were won Jack Dowling, Cliff 'Road. "• "' retire and they moved to their Sunday to celebrate the golden day at 8:30 P. M. at the Wood- Lillian' Berg. by Sr. Mary Judith and Sr. Mary sunder home in Point Pleasant. anniversary. Messages and tele- bridge Jewish Community Center^ Mrs. Jules Meistrich, ticket in the Panama Canal Zone. ade "to be held by the Caftei-et" Josephus and special prizes were The Kingberrys were married "But I guess old engineers don't grams poured in from as near as Large and enthusiastic audiences chairman, announced that excel- Fire Company in celebration of its in 1906 in New York City in the Sewaren and as far as Finland. lent seats are still available for the INFANT CHRISTENED 45th anniversary. The local fire won by Mrs. Thomas Scanlon and retire easily," Mr. Kingberry con- witnessed the comedy last week- AVENEL — The infant daugh- Mrs. 1ST. A. Fahd. Hospitality was in parlor of a Lutheran minister's fessed with a smile: "We moved Mrs. Kingberry's. brother, Gosta end. The story, which concerns last, performance. Tickets will be company will also participate in home. The young bride was bom Gustafsson, sent greetings from sold at the door. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael the Woodbridge Memorial Day charge, of the mothers of fourth again, down to Florida, and no the New York garment industry, Hrabar, 64 Tapipen Street, was grade pupils with Mrs. Peter Ko- Alice Gustaisson in Finland, and sooner settled into a nice, new Abo, Finland. Mrs. Fred Nelson, features Walter Scjionwald in the parade. Mr. Kingberry is a native of a former Woodbridge neighbor of MERCHANTS TO MEET christened Annette Irene Hrabar nowicz; chairman. house than I became chief en- role of "Max Pincus. Other players at St. Andrew's Church. Sponsors Vienna, Austria. The couple met the Kingberrys, sent congratu- are Dr. Albert Richman, Rose WOODBRIDGE — A meeting of Many in New York City soon after each gineer at the Mayflower Hotel were Mrs. Elmer People, Perth Many who went from rags to SPAGHETTI SUPPER in Palm Beach. We miss our lations from Kunkletown, Pa. A Belrffsky, Dorothy Willis, Myra the Woodbridge Businessmen's As- ! WOODBRIDGE — St. James' had come to this country. sister of Mr. Kingberrys who is a sociation will be held Monday night Amboy and Arthur Troccoli Me- riches during the war have dis- Woodbridge friends, of course, Stahl, Walter Ruderman, Elinor tuchen.' Open house was held af- covered they were on a round Senior. Sodality will sponsor a Mrs. Kingberry's sister, Mrs. former star, ^ Silvio at 8 o'clock at the Municipal but both of us enjoy Florida and opera Building. ter the ceremony for 100 guests. trip.—Arkansas Gazette. spaghetti supper Saturday, April Thomas Kinnelly, 305 Washington are very happy there." Onesti, San Francisco, Calif., Miss Tywoniw Awarded 28, m,the school cafeteria from 5 Avenue, Carter et, was present at wired from the West Coast. Two to 9 P.M. Mrs. Cavellaro of Al- the wedding 50 years ago and also But Woodtoidge was a good place to live in and bring their nieces of Mr. Kingberry wrote Scholarship at Gihbs fredo's will do the cooking. She attended: Sunday's party at the from.: France. will be,assisted by members of the Dowlings. hildren up in, both Kingberrys AVENEL — Word has been re- agreed. Then they fell to remin- All tout two of the couple's Sodaliity under the chairmanship "Dad certainly looked differ-; seven grandchildren were able to ceived by Miss Nancy Joan Ty- of Miss Margaret Catalano. Tiekets iscing about the Woodbridge of woniw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ferent," Mrs. Kinberry reminisced. 1917 when Main Street was a dirt be present at Sunday's party. Jack, may be purchased from Sodality "He had a big handle-bar mus- Susan and Peter Dowling and John Tywoniw, 441 Prospect Ave- members or at the door. tache that was all the: rage then.\ road,' when Butler's was the only nue, that she has been awarded a chain store in town, when the Sandra and John Koyen were all two-year full tuition scholarship Regret that we had to turn so many away during our free cMekVday trolley ran on Rahway Avenue, on hand. Only David Dowling, at the Katherihe Gibbs School, when the movies cost a nickel. with the Air Force in England, New York. She will begin" studies follow our ads for future chick's days - - - be early next time! ! ! ! Mrs. Kingberry was a member and Carol Koyen, away at col- there in September. of the original Woodtoridge Wo- lege in Washington, D. C, were Miss Tywoniw has also been man's Club and was its gardens missing. awarded 'a four-year scholarship chairman for some years. She . Other relatives present includ- at Ursinus College, Collegeville, was also active in the Eastern ed the Kingberry's sons-in-law, Pa., representing $300 a year. The GLEN'S Star and her husband was a mem* Jack Dowling and Dr. Elmer Koy- scholarships were earned on the ber of the Masons. Both Mr. and en, Mrs. Koyen; Mrs. Kinnelly's general excellence of her work at £v> Mrs. Kingberry were members for daughter-in-law, Mrs. Madeline Woodbridge High School and by many. years of the First Church Kinnelly, and her children, Wil- competitive examinations. of Christ, Scientist, in Sewaren. liam, Sally, Lynn and Johnny, She is a member of the National [other's Day SPECIALS! Friends Attend Party Woodbridge; Mrs. Kingberry's Honor Society and editor-in-chief About 70 friends and relatives sister, Mrs. Ivar Pelton, West of the El Dorado, the annual liter- attended the iDowlings' party Barnstable, Mass. i ary publication at school. 40-PIECE DINNER SET SERVICE FOR EIGHT!

) PRICE ona 're 6 1 m 'l Other Sets from $5.95 to &eaut on 545 Amhoy Ave., Woodhridge Give Mom the Latest! V- LADIES1 SELECT-A-BILL FRENCH PURSES For that natural look. Made of Finest Longer lasting work. Quality Leather $>5O All phases of beauty culture. For Your Dog Dogs come running when it's time for Moon Homogenized OTHER LADIES' WALLETS All Wallets from 3.50 Initialed Free! Dog Food Because it's tastier, more nourishiag and 3 better for them! And yet it costs no more, and less than many other feeds. Lots of dog owners tell us Moon's is the MOON Pay as Little as $1 Weekly or Use first dry food their pets would eat and enjoy. Backed by r\*J Our Convenient Lay-Away Plan Moon and Company's hundred years experience and depend- HAIR STYLIST: ability for making only the best. 'S JEWELERS For Appointment Main and Cherry Streets, Railway WOodbridge 8-2894 PHONE HI-2-1350 GEORGE WALSH, President . FKEE DELIVERY "The House of Service" CLOSED MONDAYS 279 New Brunswick Awe. Perth Amboy Use our Personal Credit Plan @ Fine Watch & Jewelry Repairing Open Weekdays 8 A. M. Till 6 P.M. Closed Wednesday At Noon SHOP FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P. M. PHONE FULTON 8-5178 "AGE FOWx THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 fiDISON" TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON Inman Avel Section'Coionia (Including Dukes* Estates, Canterbury Village, Woodbi'idge Knolls, Oak Ridge Heights)

Sr. and William Wels, both of West By MRS. Street, last Wednesday at his C H Alt LES home. . .••.„• OUPHANT, —Mrs. Paskal Merritt, Amherst •• Jr. Avenue, accompanied Mr: and Mrs. West Street, Oscar Merritt, Cranford, their Colonia, N. J.guests, to see the cherry blossoms m Washington, D. C, last Tuesday. Phone —Mr. and Mrs. Paskal Merritt, Fulton 8-1966 Amherst Avenue, were the supper guests Monday of Mr. and. Mrs. —±vj.r. ana ivirs. James Black, Si'., Oscar Merritt, Cranford. Patricia Avenue, entertained their —Mr. and Mrs. Currid and sons, son and daughter-in-law, .Mr., and Howard and Thomas, Lancaster Mrs. James Black, Jr., and James Road, were the guests of Mrs. Cur- A&P doesn't feature savings in just one or two departments—but , III, Panwood, last Monday. riers brother-in-law and sister, Mr. shaves prices in one grand sweep throughout the store. If you want —Olivia Fabbo, IseliBj .sp#nt the Save on • ! and Mrs. J. Zink, Massachusetts, steady savings in every section of your food budget, every day of the day with her grandparent's, Mr. recently. week, try A&P. Come see... you'll save on your TOTAL food bill. Famous Brand Groceries and Mrs. Edward Bedore, Edge- —Miss Carol Scott, Union City, ' Come See . . . wood Avenue, Sunday.'« '•••*-•'." spent the week-end with Mr. "and 'II Save at A&P! 7oz. —Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Scott and Mrs. Albert Foote, Inman Avenue. " son, Stephen, Grgen- Brook, were —Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kreitz Tuna Fish can the supper guests Suridfety-'of Mr. and son, Michael, West Street, at- TB«»«* £l«la Chicken of the Sea 6l/2 oz. and Mrs. Albert Fdote",'* Iriman tended a soccer game held in can Avenue. . ~" •: Warinanco Park, Sunday. —Mr. and Mrs. R. Moody and —Mr. and Mrs. William Gara- lunansn -O^^B 16 oz. • daughters, Joan and-'*'Marilyn, folo and daughter, Peggy, Mount can Broadway Avenue. atMn&ed the Vernon, were the guests Sunday Corned Beef Hash christening of their granddaugh- of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick, West ter, Michele Elms, daughter of Street, 2 cans - Mr. and Mrs. Russell Elms* Jersey —Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Libby's Sweet Peas The 12 in I mix 20 oz. t City, Sunday. ..-.--; „ : Edward Bedore, Edgewood Avenue, —Mr. George Scott, Paga-n Place, were Mrs. Thomas Kearney, West pkg. entertained Mr. Fred Suiter, Mid- Orange, and Mr. and Mrs. William Bisquidc A&P brand — our finest quality 30 or. ..wood. Way, Mr. Jacob [Schneider, Chambers and children, Debbie Unpeeled halves can . Bullville, N Y., Chailes.Ohphant, and Craig, Orange. Bartlett Pears A&pb-d 2"'^

cans 30 oz. 1 guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Bat- Libby's Fruit Cocktail 39 chek, Rahway. By —Mrs. Theodore Maffia and son, Dole Pineapple Juice 2'!/„: Peter, Bird Avenue, were Sunday 1 GI/ADYS E. guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Vincen SCANK Kaminski, Linden. Grapefruit Juice »»-*% *£cans 39 191 Lincoln —Mr. and, Mrs. Hamilton Bil- Co 10 Ib. Highway lings, Jr. and children, Diane and Hamilton HI, and Mr. and Mrs. "ALL" Detergent ,:S pkg- 1.99 Tel. -M-8-1619 Edward Hollowell and children, Charles and Vera Jean, all of RinsoBlue : Wright Street, were Sunday guests —All pupils m the graduating of Mr. and Mrs. Vera Hollowell, class of St. Cecelia's or the Pub- Jersey City. _ Pard Dog Food 3'L:41 lic Schools are informed that there —Charles Rechko, Wright Street, will be only one day of registration, participated in the Golf Tourna- Saturday, April 21, for tHose wish- ment at Neptune City Sunday. He Speeiol Offer.' ''ing to enroll at St. Peter's High played with the Western Electric 'School for the term beginning in Golf team. •September. A placement* test will —Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. OUt OWN TEA BAGS be given promptly at 9': 30 A.M. Bessie Hackett, .184 Cooper Avenue, Late comers will not be .permitted included Rev. and Mrs. Alton 10 Cents Off Pkg. of 100 ^E 'to take the test. A registration fee Richardson and children, Lillian, Regular Prica Tea Bags # i3P€ = of $2 will be charged, which is not Faith and Ruth, Berkeley Boule- • • refundable. This fee is charged vard; Rev. Lloyd Sparks and chil- to cover the cost of the tests. No dren, Candice and Stephen, Mars child will be accepted who has not IHm - Me- Miss Jrene Bibby, Ber- MORE GROCERY BUYS! " had his pastor or principal sign keley Boulevard. Rev. Richard- the registration blank which must son is pastor of The Iselin Assem- C be presented at the., time of the. .^7°* God Church and Rev. Sparks entrance test. Blanks may be pro-is ah evangelist who is conducting Broadcast Beef Stew . "C:;-27 cured at the convent or the StReviva. l Services at the church. •' Cecelia's rectory. —Miss Geraldine Graser, Coop- Salfesea Clam Chowder "23 —Reservations may still be made er Avenue, attended the anniver- C for the annual Holy Name com- sary services at Mount Zion Sanc- munion breakfast, May 6 at St. Ce-tuary, Philadelphia, Sunday. Herb-Ox Bouillon Cubes 3 '• 22 celia's Church. Tickets are being —Saturday evening guests of C sold at the main entrance of theMr. and Mrs. James O'Rourke were New Grop—Florida—Yellsw Confadina Tomato Paste 3 :;,; 28 church after each Mass Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crane, Sunnyfield FaisGy Creamery C —The Provisional League of Newark. The . O'Rourkes enter- Women Voters of Woodbridge tained Mrs. O'Rourke's parents and Junket Rennet Powders 3 *•• 35 Township will hold a. discussion sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Fresh lifter C session on the topic, '"'Water Re- Hubbs and Miss Irma Lou Hubbs, Fresh California—URGE SPEflRS sources in New Jersey," Monday, Milltown at Sunday dinner. From Nearby Farms — Sunnybraok Brand Nedicks Orange Drinkj?P.6 dZ 37 April 23 at the home of Mrs. Lyle —•Condolences to Mrs. John ®ra _ •B___^-t Large carton] Reek, Jr.,, Warwick Road," Coionia. Kimball, Charles Street, in tragic EflllS GratleA tdoz.i Crispo Fig Bars . . . :;: —Mrs. Harold Lake;: S&S Fords, death of her mother, Mrs. Ezra was. guest of honor in .observance Baron, Edison. Mel-O-Bif . c8oz.«S-Jc of her sixtieth birthday, at a party —Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyle, \b. Process cheese r Salted Peanuts v^jr bag^I given by her husband and children Pershing Avenue, announce the SI! C at VFW Hall, Lincoln: Highway. birth of a son at Perth Amboy • - - Fancy |fa ! ic Seventy-five guests attended. Mrs. General Hospital. Domestic • ' 3 Little Kittens Cat Food 3 cans 23 Lake is active in the Post's Ladies •.Auxiliary. The party was given CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY |c TidyHome by Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lake, Plain- COLONIA—Bruce David Horner, Wispride Ib. { Household Bags of20&l field, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Horner, giant Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lake, Albemarle Road, celebrated his im ecicheese lh 's all of Iselin; Kenneth Lake, Fords; second birthday at a party Sunday. alian R@maii§:; p°^ ^ -\ Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Max cakes c Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prietz, Fords ic and Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Raiti, Horner, Newark; Mr. and Mrs. 3 29 Carteret. Murray Dinsfriend and children, Meryl and David, Irvington; Mrs. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Painter, Edward Monas and daughter, medium "I |V extra Ige. *|£c 1499 Qak Tree Road, annoynce the Joan; Mrs.' Leonard Sudek, all of stalk •* stalk « birth of a daughter at PertrTAm- Albemarle Road; Mrs. Samuel Ho- m Jone Porker Boked Goods bby General Hospital. jhauser, Union; Mrs. Emanuel A&P's own brand Texas — new crop % lbs. —A new daughter was-welcomed j Schanerman and son,' Joel New- by Mr. and Mrs. James King, 225 9oz. "/ ark, and Master Martin Bergman, a|| Regalo Brand „• , ' Elizabeth Avenue, also- born at Coionia. pkgs. s>ai * cello bag' Perth Amboy General Hpsgital. 6 oz. —Mrs. Engene Bryson, Auth A&P's p*wn brand Avenue, is a patient, at Perth Am- cans .£ From Jersey farms A lbs. bay General Hospital. -'L? S j 6 oz. WE HAVE WHAT YOU NEED! Crop j—Two Iselin boys, memfeeVs of [ cans SC Red—Western ^ lbs. the Perth Amboy Naval Reserve'., Complete Minute 6 oz. Jone Parker — Brown *M Serve i Battalion were promoted, -.- Com- j line of l fciander Sidney I. Simm announced I a if1b*a!ySr*'giS£ Seedless ' lawn seed, Maid ;.- cans (for that "Robert W. Vander De'cker,' 20 6 oz. Trento Street, had been .promoted j turf build- i cans to boatswain mate, third.cjass and | ers, soil e *CCU spring planting bag ©*» bag ^°* Just bake in a moder- Charles Rathsan, 19 Sonprsi'Ave- o o nii - 10 oz. ate pre-heated oven for nue, had been advanced in -a/first Libby's Golden 50 Ib. % ^Q Plant 50 ib. < promotion, toward a petty ^officer tioners that Sliced and Sugared « cans Lawn Food bag fe9## Food bag 12 minutes and serve! will make rating. .. 5 oz. — —Troop 47, Boy Scouts' "spon- your lawn pkgs. sored by> First Presbyterian' GBufch healthy. AMERICA'S FOSEMOST FOOD BSTAItER ... SINCE 1559 f of Iselin, under the leadership of 10 oz. pkgs. Mr. :Rober t: Argalas, enjoyed ian over- night ti:p to Camp Cowaw Swatnson's — Chicken, 11 oz. at Delaware-Water Gapr.Satur-day and Sunday. Twenty-one rne-rnbers Tsirkey or Pot Roast pkg. Thiirsdiif s ani Friipf $ of the troop participated."The boys H 8 t THE GREAT ATLANTIC i PACIFIC TEA COMPANY liiked,.. fished and cooked,i BALE ing for their badges. tts «'i'«*S*3S Prices effective thru Sat., April 21st, in Super Markets and Self-Service Stores only. Argalas,were: Charles Borg, Fred Reight, Robert Short, George Ben- nettr-Herberfc Williams, "SHcTTfcb- ejrj t ScllUlte. -. : rfvct.1- 'S 'i Hilil •t-Chaiies~Ben2, Jr. and chitfti'.en,' Ham Harriet^ and Charles III ''were. 80 LB. Philadelph'ia brand Ready-f o-eaf — boneless,' cooked Saturday guests of Mr. -and-Mrs. BAG Tomato CharlesBenz, Coakley Street.'Sun- ) 3 oz. 8o,33. Ci'ifg 17oz. Plummer, Middlesex Avenue; < has l IT' Pint gallon 2B| returned home. .™, - E can C3n cans —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans and Excavating and Grading Company children. Dorothy and Harr-y,''Mar- coni Avenue, were Saturday guests GARDEN CEMTER Open Thursday to 9P.i,- Friday 'til 1O P, M ' "" "" of Mr. and Mrs. Alymer" Evans, '"•Jiah'way. The Harry Evasfesi%nd 1170 Green Street, Iselin '•Children' were Sunday dinner For Delivery Call 1,1 ,8-3146 ;-.MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE EDISOK TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 195-6 PAGE FIVE PTO Hears Talk Preliminary Plans [Mrs*: Salwa Shohfi Honored Park Terrace Notes Made for Camporee By Psychologist COLONIA—Scouters have been At Opening of New Library Barry Fishier, Debbie McVey, notified through Raritan Council ISELIN — The formal opening of Iseltn, and shades and furnish- John and Tom MeGrail,' Jack. COLONIA — Miss Mary Filosa, that the Northeast District Camp- of the new library building of the ings", were provided by the Ladies Schobert, Michael Imperial and • psychologist and acting director Iselin Free Public Library Asso- : Auxiliary of the" Lions Club. By MRS. Gary Williams. of Rutgers Psychological Clinic and Present members of tne Board GEORGE —-Mrs. John Proctor, Jefferson Reading Center, spoke before a of Trustees are: Caxl Ziesmer, capacity audience at the Parent- instead of 'Roosevelt Park as had FORSTER Street, entertained her bridge Carl Ziesmer, president of thepresident; Robert Bongart, vice- club. Wednesday. Present were Mrs. Teacher Arganization meeting of been previously announced. ! Board of Trustees welcomed the president; Mrs. Ann Calvert, treas- t>5 Ethel Street George Rader, Mrs: Robert Barn- Colonia School 17..: • • On. Sunday. May 6, .between residents of the community and ' urer; Mrs. Mildred Morris, seore- hart, Mrs. John Schobert,. Mrs. Uberty 8-8449 Her topic was "Our Children's Ihe "hours of 3 and 4 P M. Unit mviDed them t0 participate in the'tary; Mrs. Catherine Bowers, Mrs. Leo McVey, Mrs .John McGr Problems at Home and at School." sites withwil thl ela helyp ou oft thtneie Campr uni-t f^ur,,+,—e •„„«„!«„„activities. „o*f «,„the• n*,..,,,.,library, , salwa . Shohfi, Edward Tippo, Mrs. Richard Mohr and Mrs. Larry Miss Filosa stated that most.;of Everett Volk and Ray Smith. • :<- •v/estcott. ji-ee Committee ' i Congratulatory telegrams were children's problems result from The.aims arid purposes of the'^ved ^rom^Mrs._Mary Refreshments were served by a —Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jay demands, pressures, frustrations —A paptr drive will be held j Camporee this ; year, are demon- former librarian, now residing in committee .headed by Mrs. Bowers Saturday by th Cub Scouts. The Ten^n, Atlantic Street, Sunday, and uncertainties imposed upon ierce and members of the Women's Club were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lyman, them by their environment. It is stration of Scout, Skills. AH units and Mi-s. Janet boys need your cooperation. Tie will participate in the .evening Z. McKinieyi ' , a staff member of the and the Ladies Auxiliary of the papers in a bundle and leave them Philadelphia. essential that children like them- of LibrarieSj of the State Lions Club. Mrs. Rose Perillard, -—Sunday guests of Mr. • and selves and consider' themselves as campfire and will have either a on the porch and the boys will be : , song or a skit rea'dy...Units will at- ,t of Education, Trenton,. librarian,. was hostess. happy to pick them up. Mrs. • Wallace Mitchell, Mercer individuals, who can achieve The cornerstone of the new Street, were Miss Sophie Glausel, through , ineouragement. As lead- tend church services Sunday —Mr. and Mrs. Al Bentley, Fed- morning. .. . building was layed November 3, eral Street, celebrated'their anni- Al Blumenthal and Dr. and Mrs. ers, she said, we must avoid the 1952. Since that time construction Committees Named versary at The Pines with Mr. and Monty Greenwood, New York. setting ol standards which are too of the library progressed largely Mrs. John McWhorter. —Bruce Molle, son of Mr. and high for our children to meet. with volunteer help by civic mind- —Jane Cardoza, daughter of Mrs. Anthony Molle, Ethel Street, Children who -see themselves as ed citizens. . By.. Fire Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. George Cardoza, celebrated his eighth birthday achievers will be more .successful. ram Singled out for special honors Saturday. Guests were Billy and The speaker was introduced and at Mason Street, celebrated her fifth T l&tl^ffl \\%T PTPA 1 ^ the opening night ceremonies COLONIA — The Ladies Auxi- birmday Tuesday when -her guests Beth Nagangast, Charles" Olter- welcomed by school principal, Mrs. zewsfci, Kimmy and Michael Ciaire D. Brown and program AJXS4-C11,13 J &. M.rk _L«J? was Mrs. Saiwa Shohfi, who has liary of the Colonia Volunteer Wtsre Thomas Henderson, Robert Franks, Judy Morrison, Fred Jinks, been a member of the Board of Chemical Hook and Ladder Com- Regan, Mitchell and Steven Silver, chairman, Mrs. Waiter Ritchie. pany met at the Inman Avenue Denise Mengeni, Claire Doremus, Kathy Morris and Billy Kingston. Other business transacted at the ISELIN — A meeting of School Trustees for over 30 years. Mrs. —-The Chatterbox Club met at meeting included a progress f.e- 15PTA was held at the school with Shohfi is the only honorary mein- Firehouse Monday, with Mrs. Ro- Uav^d Greg and Michael Cardoza. ! Mrs. Lester Jentis presiding. , ber of the Board. bert Morrissey presiding. —Cub Scouts of Troop 140 at- the home of Mrs. Don Wiley, At- • port on the outdoor fair to be lantic'Street. Present were Mrs. held on the school grounds Satur- Furniture for the new library Mrs. J. Grassi was elected sec- Und^d the circus at Madison ond custodian. Mrs. Louis San- Square Garden Saturday. They Larry Westcott, Mrs. George dfty,: May 26 and the announce- Announcement was made that Was donated by the Lions Club of Rader, Mrs. George Zimmerman, ment of a card party, April 25,, 8 the Spring Bazaar will be held Iselin. A complete modern kitchen donato reported that it will only vi ere accompanied by John Engler, take a few days to change over cubmaster, and eommitteemen and, , . , P.M., at the school. Gustave Lauii- at the school Saturday, May .5. All was donated by the Women's Club TT William hardt, who will succeed himself as to city gas. de-~n mothers-- . Vendola and | the game booths have been set up. —Kevin Curtin, son of Mr. and Scheldt. president of the Organization, for- j The cub scouts of Pack 148 and Mrs. James Staunton, head of —Pamela Rocker, daughter of mally introduced his staff as fol- | the den mothers have assisted. AlSl Registration Set the merchandise club, reported Mrs. Warren Curtin, McGuire lows;'', "vice-president, Mrs. Walter. that due to new orders received Street, celebrated his third birth- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rocker, Kelly -<¥- articles donated for the sale, will. day Saturday. Guests were David Street, celebrated her ninth birth- Ritchie; honorary vice-president, be picked up this week. Special the club will run into the middle day ) at a family dinner Sunday. Mrs. Brown; recording secretary, For Knolls Voters of June. Mallon, Frank and* John Carnig- Albert'Lamb; corresponding secre- features will be a whip ride,, a lia, Sharon Sexton, Frances Vel- —Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Wein- puppet show to be shown twice and : | Mrs. Roy Huelsenbeck w-as con- luzi, George Demchak, Bonnie berg,, Jefferson Street, attended a tary, Mrs. Dianne Williams, a COLONIA — A meeting of the gratulated on the success of the MRS. A. W. DAVJS teacher,, and treasurer, Donald films which will also be shown Woodbridge Knolls Civic Associa- installation party and was named Hansen, Stanley Iceland, Warren dance in Maplewood Sunday. twice. and Gregory Curtin. —Sue Ellen Mqhr, daughter of Nutting. It was announced that the play,' tion was held Monday, April 16th chairman of ,the program commit- Mr., and Mrs. Richard Mohr,, Mrs. Charles Enz, chairman of ! "Clownerama," to have been fea-' at the Colonia School 17, Inman tee with Mrs. William Price and Ethel Street, will celebrate her the constitution committee, read !tared by the Woodbridge Federa- Avenue,:with MiKon Warshawsky, Mrs. Louis Sandonato as her as- tion of Teachers has been post- ;presiding:.; . "' sistants. tion at the ESSEX House, New York. seventh . birthday Saturday, when Rosemarie Tripoli Bride the suggested.amendments and re- —The Metwood Chapter of Wo- bar guests will include Patricia visions to the constitution to beponed to next year.; 115 members present heard re- Ways and Means committee was Zimmerman, Beverly 'Engtas Don- voted-on at the next meeting. V A slate of officers was tentative- ports on the progress being' made named as follows: Mrs. James men's American ORT will meet to- Taggart, Mrs. Raymond Hughes, night at the Metuchen" Jewish na Rader,.Terri Westcqtt, Lorraine : Mrs. ;J. M. Casteras, member- ly nominated for next month's by the organization iii many fields, Vendola arid Paula Derrevere. ' ship chairman-, announced that the election as follows Mrs. Fred Among these are the formation of Mrs. Louis Condas, Mrs. William Center.. ISELIN—The marriage of Miss Davis served with the U, S. Army ' Hermsen, and Mrs. Zulla. —Birthday congratulations.'. to —Gloria Mathey, daughter of England and attended Rut- organization has 350 paid mem- Reight, president; Mrs. Robert. Ar- . a'cub scout pack, organization of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mathey, Hud- Rosemarie Tripoli, daughter of bers to date and that the attend- galas, vice president; Mr. Harold a Little League, putting through Erection of an outside bulletin Barbara Maguire, daughter of Mr. and-Mrs. Salwtpre Tripoli, gers University. He is employed and Mrs. Peter Maguire, McGuire son.. Street, will celebrate her Mr. in the Trust Department of theance award for the meeting will be . Goetchius, second vice president; a road to the school, street lighting, board to inform friends and Strest. : eighth, birthday, with her play- Avenue, iOak Tree, to A/"Plainfield Trust Company. presented to Mrs. Edward Malone Mrs. William Roach, secretary; | police protection. ••..'.-••. neighbors of dances and card mates tomorrow.. . *. William .Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dianne Williams, both Mrs. Colin Biddulph, treasurer:;! At the conclusion of' the business parties to be held at the firehouse, —Leslie Ann Tommirielli, daugh- was discussed. ter of Mi. and Mrs.' Alfred Tom —Birthday congratulations - ta and Mrs, Arthur Davis, Albourne kindergarten teachers. Mrs. Michael Cwiekalo, corre- meeting the members were ad- Street, South River, took place Refreshments were served after minelli, Jefferson Street, celebrated Murray." Goldberg, Wall Street, « Contemporary Art In his annual report, Mr. Laun- sponding secretary; Mrs. Henry dressed bjr Ray Sachs and Tony her eighth birthday Sunday by at- and James Fisher, Atlantic Street. Saturday afternoon in St.Cece W~eiman, parliamentarian. Ross, builders of the development. the close of the meeting. lia's Church. A reception for 200 hardt thanked Mrs. Brown and the. tending the circus and dining in —Mrs. Saul. Kritzman, Ethel : teachers for the manner in which In the probable rezoning of Ise- There was a stimulating question New York; with her parents and- Street,, entertained Mrs. William guests was held at The Pines, lin schools, it may be necessary to and answer period and it is hoped COLONIA CIVIC CLUB Kroner, Mrs: Milton Fink,. Mrs. Metuchen. they have counseled and advised nominate new officers for the elec- sister, Linda. * , .;, / the Organization without attempt- that many of jthe problems will be COLONIA — The second annual —Miss Barbara Ernst, Wood- Norman Silver and Mrs. Wallace The bride,, given in marriage by ISELIN—A fine display of con-, ing to dictate its policies, he also tion next month. . : resolved.. It was - annpunced that "get acquainted" night was held b/idge, was a weekend guest of Mitchel, Tuesday. . : 'her father, wore a full-length temporary art will be a main, fea- Announcements were; made for registration of Woodbridge Knolls ; commended the officers and com- by the Colonia Civic Improvement Miss Theresa Siegal, daughter of —The Saturday Menlo Club will gown of nylon organza, fashioned ture of the Madonna Art exhibit mittees for the excellent perform- the County Council to be held May residents for .voting will be held Club, Inc., at the clubhouse, In- Mr. and Mrs. Lou Siegal, Rielly meet at the.home of Mr. and Mrs. with a chapel-length, train and May 12 and 13. in the Recreation ance of their duties and expressed 2 at Rutger's Commons, executive at the Model. home, Friday from man Avenue. Music was furnished Court. Seymour DeWitt, Ethel Street. French rose lace appliques at the Hall of St. Cecelia's Church, from board meeting May 3, Bazaar May 7-9 PM. and Saturday from 9-12 by Andy Soyka's Old Records and Expected to attend are Mr. and ;his appreciation to the members 4, next regular meeting of the PTA : —This week's anniversary greet- n-eckline. Her headpiece was a 3 to 9 P. M.. Adtnission Wiil be free. for their support. - and 1-4. New Needles Orchestra. Harry ings go to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mrs. Milton Berlin, Mr. and .Mrs. double-crown from which was ar- Members of the Sodality^ who Wednesday evening, May 9. School Morecroft and Fred Rosenberg Wally Mirchel, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Brownie troops 34, 23 and 69of Instruction June 5 and teachers' -When the speakers had con- Forte, Mr. and Mrs.. John Carliri ranged a three-tiered fingertip- will be dressed in the costume to assisted in the opening ceremonies, eluded, coffee and cake was S2rved. i were in charge of arrangements. and Mr. ard Mrs.- 'Stanley Kud- Kritzman, Mr. and Mrs. William. length nylon tulle veil. She carried represent a particular country luncheon, June 14, at the school. Kroner, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lands- with flag bearers and color guards There will be a kindergarten tea The next meeting will be held May I The Civic Club will meet to- zin, Atlantic Street; Mr. .and Mrs. a bouquet of white orchids and whose art work wil be displayed being: Nancy McDonald, Joyce 8th at the Colonia School 17, In- morrow night in the clubhouse John Bennett, McGuire Street, man and Mr. and Mrs. Morry stephanotis. are: to be held at the end of June. Smith. . ; Deitzold, Anita Launhardt, Kathy The attendance award was won man Avenue. . I with Thomas Leworthy presiding. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosecoe, Mrs. Angelo Nleelli, Perth Am- From Iselin: Marie Budzinski, Martorelli, Donna Sue Brown and ! : : Jefferson Street. -Robert Lane, son of Mr. and Poland; Barbara Bourgeois/Af- by Mrs. J. W. Smith's second grade I „ ..r-!:i:fv;:::::::::::"". S«:::::: .:::::: r:: Mrs. Robert.-, Lane, Mason«Street# pTj, cousin of the bride, as ma- Sandra Murray. Hostesses were: and Miss FaFay;-Morrison'v Morrison's thirthird i K:H:HU::::U::1:K:::UUU:::::":::::::::::»::»":1!:- •••• • . ;:; —A speeQy recovery wish toMrs. tron of honor wore a blue nylon rica; Sharon Ott,' France; Vir- I Mrs. Elwood Harris, Mrs. Armahd Murraurray GornitzkyGorniteky, McGuire StreetStreet.. W} .mark his third •birthday, Sat- ginia Clemens, and Andrea Dziom- grade. The door prize was won by tulle gown and carried a Ciccui, Mrs. Robert Vail, Mrs.'H: Mr. Allan Calavano. —Mrs. Seymour-DeWitt, Ethel |urday.-Guests willbe Mr. and Mrs, crescent-shaped bouquet of yellow bak, Spain; Judy Carney and Mary Fred Hansson, Mrs. Rudolph Pet?r- Street, was hostess: to her canasta.• William Uaxp,_ Union; Mr. andcarnations. The bridesmaids, Miss Tanzi, Japan; Muriel Dickinson, son, Mrs. Fred Langendorf, Mrs. Mother's of the sixth, grade pu- club, Tuesday. Present were Mrs.•"Mrs- Arthur Gisin and daughter, pils were the hostesses at the Maude Ray- Carolyn Molinari and Mrs. Mar-[South America; Christine Eber- Robert Koons, Mrs. Joseph Caro- meeting. Abe Land.™. Mrs. Barnet Weis- • Cora, Av^elr Mp Maude Ray garet Zeiss, college classmates of, hardt and Patncia Funk, Austria; sone and Mrs. Bernard Costello. '• jmpnd, Mrs. Thomas Gergich, Lin- J o Ann an The Fife and Drum Corps of STUNNING man, Mrs.'Edward HalUf en anc Mr an the bride, wore yellow nylon ard j DeRose and ^ cis Mas- The next meeting of the group Iselin Chemical Hook and Ladder i —Birthday greetings to John ^ > * - ^ Mrs. Fred Jaco- tulle gowns and carried bouquets tandrea' , Italy•"•-••--;- JoaT -™n Farkas, Bar- will be May 9, 8 P.M. in the school. Leddy, Isabelle Street, and to bus and children. bara Sisko and Helen Sisko; Hun- Company, District 11 entertained -r—Deborah Melillo, daughter of of blue carnations. Kathleen Com- the members after the business John Proctor, Jefferson Street. » iskey was junior bridesmaid and gary; Carol Schmidt, India; Lois —Mr. and Mrs.. Irving Sumka, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Melillo, Mason Sinka, Czechoslovakia; Donaldine session. Mr. Robert Paineer and Any Way Street, will celebrate his second Maureen Comiskey the flower Police Chief Addresses Mr. Raymond Smith were guest | Swarthmore Terrace, attended the girl. Both are cousins of the Wright, Germany, and Kathleen Bar Mitzvah reception for Jerome birthday, Saturday. Deborah's Fleckenstein, Canada. Colonia Club Members speakers. They explained about i Kern, son of Mr. and Mri-s.s Max guests -will be Mrs. T,heresa Melillo, i bride. Colonio: Virginia Auth, India; the organization and the need for Kern, at Steiner's Restaurant, Newark; Mr", and Mrs. Fred Ro- Angelo Nieelli served as best Jo Ann Glascot, South America; COLONIA — A "meeting of theuniforms for the boys.and girls. You Look mano, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Melillo man acid fhomas .*• DEivis, the Colonia .Club was held Monday Newark, Sunday. • : Susan Hines, tl. S. A. —Saturday luncheon guests of and children, Bloomfield; Mr. and bridegroom's brother and Helmut Woodbridge Oaks: Mary Blythe, evening at the Colonia Library Mr. and Mrs. Wallace 'Mitchel, Mrs. Michael Melillo and son, Mr. will; be Donna Elliot,' Jean, An- France; Pat Bellis and Eileen at which Police Chief John R. Mercer Street were Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Al Martino, Mr. and Mrs. thony, Richard and Carmen Micliz, Egan was the guest speaker. HeMetwood Chapter ; At It! William Venezino, ^Belleville, and Quinn, China; Mary Dorrbecker, Bennett Blumenthal, Brooklyn. Michele Goren, Bonnie Lamberti,. South America; Dorothy Gilroy, discussed the organization and Mr. and-Mrs. Daniel Dombrowski, Zeiss were ushers. Andrew Tri- operation of the Woodbridge Po- —Judith* Conisha, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ziccora, Austria; Dorothy Hoffman, Hol- To Meet Tonight Mr. and Mrs. William Conisha, poli, Jr., the bride's nephew was land. lice Force. : Long island. : _ , ring bearer for the ^double-ring McGuire Street, celebrated her Chain O'Hills: Maureen Crosby, Members voted to hold a tal- MENLO PARK TERRACE — A _ fifth birthday Sunday. Guests were —Birthday congratulations, to ceremony. Spain; Maureen Donoghue, South ent sale May 7 at the regular Mrs. Guz Turner, Atlantic Street, A graduate of New Jersey Col- meeting of the Metwood Chapter j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gaines, Mr. America; . Pat Napolitano, Italy, cancer dressing meeting. This will of Women's American ORT (Or- and Mrs. John Nash, Mr. and Mrs. and to Mr. and Mrs. William Hen- lege for Women. , , th^ e. brid, e is. a, i and Lillian Wertz, Germany, replace the food sale previously derson, Mason Street. teacher TT TT ganization for Rehabilitation: Leslie McClannihg and sons, and at Woodbridge High Westbury: joyc"e Stewart, Hoi- announced for May 19. Proceeds through Training) will be held Mr. and Mrs. Al Gaines, Elizabeth. —The Sewing Club met at theSchool and is also Women's Di- land; Marie Deen, Canada; Ellen of the recent card party were home of Mrs. Harry Ballard, Jef- rector at Perth Amboy YMCA. Mr. tonight at the Metuchen Jewish —Mrs. Kenneth Morrison, Ethel McKeon, Patricia Henegan and voted as a- donation to the li-Community Center, . Grove Ave- Street, entertained Mrs. Morry ferson Street. Present were Mrs. brary. ' ••''[ Ted Wasky, Mrs. Donald Sherry, Carol Patania, Ireland. nue, Metuchen. Mrs. Max Keller- Smith, Mrs. Barnet Weisman, Mrs. and Mrs. Thomas Crimi, Newark, . Hostesses for the evening were mann will preside over the busi- Saul Kritzman and Mrs. William Mrs, William Kucheck, Mrs. Albert Hajduk, Mrs". H. J. Lister, Mrs. Sunday» and attended a birthday Cub Pack Enjoys Tour Mrs. Joan Kotarsky, Mrs. John ness meeting. Kroner, Friday. party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barton, Mrs. Walter - Sweeney, Mrs. Eugene Ladoux, program American Shops* —Birthday congratulations to Patrick Duffy and Mrs. Howard Houghton. Sal Crimi given in honor of Mrs. Of Hay den Planetarium Mrs. M. Pienciac, Mrs. Alex Set- chairman, will present Miss Dore. Mrs. Frank Kopcho, Hudson Crimi's birthday. • tler and Mrs. Anthony Kalinow- Newark, who will speak on proper New CROSS-BELT Street, and Mrs, Walter Alexander, '—Congratulations to Mr. and COLONIA — Forty-two members Mrs. Fred Softer, Mason Street, on —Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas ski. The attendance prize was won use of cosmetics. Refreshments Marylmoll Road. Space and sons, Ethel Street, were of Colonia Cub Scout Packj 146 by Mrs. John Feldman. will be served. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnhart, the birth of a son. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. An- under the leadership of Cubmaster Jefferson Street, entertained Mr. —The Menlb Park Woman's thony Auriemma, Union. H. Fred Hansson, toured The Leather. . and Mrs. William Williams, Ste- Club met Tuesday at the home of —Mrs. Nat Schneider, Atlantic American Museum of Natural His- phensville; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mrs. Nicholas Space, Ethel Street. Street, was hostess Tuesday to j.tory and the Hayden Planitarium Derrevere and Mr. and MrsPresen. t were Mrs. John Jacobus, Mrs. Bernard Bobkin, Mrs. Jack Saturday. • . April Drug Specials!! Eugene Mallon, Metuchen, Satur- Mrs. Joseph De Geronimo, Mrs. Lieberman, Mrs. Nat Boydman, Adults accompanying the group Jacket day. Frank Dallabelle . and Mrs. Stan- d ley Bielecki. Mrs. Frank Kohlenberger and Mrs; were: Mrs. Julius Bruce, Mr. and —Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goldberg. Mrs. Albert Lamb, Mrs. Roland Wherever you go ... what- Saul Zuckerbrod, Wall Street, were —Saturday,- Mr. and Mrs. Nich- •Mrs. John Jacobus, Mrs. Nich-" Parker, Mrs. Leroy Holman. Mrs. ever you do, you'll just love Mr. and Mrs. Sam Linken and olas Space, Ethel Street, attended olas Space, Mrs. Anthony Auriem- ! John De Silva, Robert Deureling, sons. Dennis and Rickey, Union. the wedding of Mr. and Mrsm. a and Mrs. Edward Space, at-•[ Rudolph Peterson, Mr. Ben Cirlin, the comfort and style of this —Birthday congratulations to Frank Calabrese, Newark. The re- tended^ a luncheon at the Mayfair and Robert Carey. ' Bottle of 100—Reg. 49c 1 Pint—Regular 49c soft, supple, washable kid- ception was at the Savoy Plaza, Mrs. Michael Forte and Mrs. Farms, Monday. ' i . — : skin. Perfect for shopping Thomas MeCann, both of Atlantic Orange. —Richard Jacobus, son of Mr.' CARD PARTY TONIGH1 Street. —Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobus, and Mrs. Fred Jacobus, Mason j COLONIA — The Mothers Asso- tours, driving, sports events. —A speedy recovery wish to Meiiko Avenue, attended the mar- Street, marked his fourth birthday j ciation of Colonia will sponsor a Features 'include: crossing Mrs. Elmer Hughes, Wall-Street. riage, of Mr. and Mrs. JohnDelli Tuesday when his guests were card party at the home of Mr. and —Mr. and Mrs. James Dingwall Sajifii, Sunday. The reception was Bobby Lane, Jimmy Peterson and Mrs. Harry Morcroft, Kimberley belts at back, fly-away push- held at The Rock, West Orange. and children, Diane and Jimmy, Jeffery and Ricky Corcione. I Road, tonight at 8 o'clock. up cuffs, set-in sleeves, semi- Atlantic Street, were dinner guests —Mr. and Mrs. John Abraham, slash pockets. In exciting of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Battaglia, Atlantic Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. . • Louis Strand and daughter, Peggy, new colors such as: Gunmet- and nephew, Michael Rein, Mary- al,'Champagne, Pink, Ivory, —Birthday congratulations to knoll Road, attended a birthday Mrs. Sal Musco, Mercer Street, Salmon, White, Powder Blue and to Mrs. Joel Kohl, Kelly Street. party Monday in honor of Mrs. —Robert George Barnhart. son Strand's mother, Mrs. John Abra- and Bed. of Mr. and Mrs..Robert Barnharfc, ham, Union. Jefferson Street, will celebrate his Mr« and Mrs. John 'Jacobus, sixth birthday, Saturday. Guests Menlo Avenue, were guests of Mr. Gigantic 1 Special Orders at' largest Selection of Leather No Exfra Charge! Jackets and Coats in the nation, from 29.95 IRITUAL RALLY - PUBLIC INVITED Alterations are For the 1. Proven general-purpose formula! Charge Aeeount$ Invited 2. Thrives in poor, cloyey or sanrfy soils FE6ERATI0H 0F SPIRITUAL CHURCHES las. 3. Treated with Dufonfs &SftM! 4. Stands trampling without pampering! To be held by Rev. V. Flelschman of the MAY 1-2-3-4

SEVENTH CHURCH OF PSYCHIC SCIENCE wW Boy MARYELGREEN PROMPT, FREE DELIVERY At the from your ne/gribarfcoarf dettforl New Jargjey'g largest Cteihmm ELIZABETH YSViCA, 135 Madison Ave., Elizabeth PEDIGREED SEEP CO JERSEY CITY 5/ M. J. WOODBRIDGE STORE /, April 21st at 7:30 P. M. DEPENDABLY SERVING YOU AND On U. S. Highway No. 1, Near Woodbridge Cloverleaf Mediums from: Washington, D. C, Newark, N. J., Store Open Daily 'Til 9:00 P. M. New Yof k, " Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Long :; Other Stores in Newark and Lodi Branch and Rumsonj New Jersey ; PAGE SIS APRIL i., 1&3S EDISON^TOWNSHIP AND FOitDS

LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES days, at which time a bargain and sale Boulevard; thence- running (1) West- Crestwood Avenue at' a point therein fail to complete the purchase In ac- Doris Court at a point therein distant sale deed will be delivered.; Purchaser Office entitled, "Map of • Metuchen deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall : erly at right angles with the* Easterly distant One Hundred Fifty (150') test cordance with the terms of sale. Two Hundred (200') feet Northerly from shall also pay "for the required Internal Estates, situated in Raritan Township, also pay for the required Internal Jine of Fifth Avenue, Three Hundred Southerly from the intersection of the The Board of Commissioners of the the intersection of trie Westerly line of Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de-' N. J. comprising 43 Desirable Plots, The Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- j'Seven and Twenty-five one-hundredttis Westerly line of Crestwood Avenue with Township of Edison in the County :Doris Court With the Northerly Uns posits will he retained by the Town- Property of The Metuehen Realty dc posits will be retained by the Town- | (307.25') feet, more or less, to a point the .Southerly liiie of Overbrook Ave- of Coge! Street; thence running (1) erly outline, Triree Hundred and i missioners reserves the right to reject any, right of tenants, and occupants, missioners reserves the right to reject j Sixty (60') feet to the place of Be- Being known and designated as Lots Thirty-eight one-hundredths (300.38')' awarded to Mrs. Rita O'Corihell 1 'To be advertised-in the Edison Town- i said bid- or in the event a higher bid if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- said bid or in tne event a higher, bid ginning'. 11 -to' 16, inclusive in Bloc -; 375-G «s ship .aid lords beacon un apr.i !9, ia.£:'\ feet, more or less, to the Westerly lhie or better terms shall be bid for said nances and regulations govemina trie and John Nisbet. " .• or better terms shall be bid for said Being known and designated as Lot shown on a certain mao filed "in -the of' Doris Court; thence (4) Southerly property to accept the same. said land and the sale and use thereof, 549 as shown on a certain map Hied Middlesex County Clerk's Office en- along the. Westerly line of Doris Court, Door prizes were won by Mrs. property to accept the same. NOTICE OSCAR KAUS, ana any facts which an accurate sur- OSCAR KAUS, in the Middlesex County Clerk's Office , titled, "Map of Highland Heights prop- One Hundred Twenty-six and Fifty- Township Cleric vey and inspeetioa of the premises In James Krutzler, Mrs. Michael entitled, "Rahway Estates, Owned and erty of Soren Nielsen situate in Rari- p..--,**,, >T?1.^O ;„ nprebv riven that seven one-hundredths (126.57') feet, : Township Clerk To be advertised in the Edison Town- question would disclose. Trie Township Hrabar, Mrs. Betty Jones, •'Mrs. To be advertised in the Edison Town- Developed by the Kline Realty and ton'Twr).. Middle"*-* Co., N. J. Scale I. Gingold offered to purchpsp fr"m mere or less, to the place of Beginning, ship and Fords Beacon on April 19,1956. will not assume any responsibility for ship and Fords Beacon on April 19, 1956. Improvement Co., 132 Nassau St.. N. T. | 1" — 80' Sept. 1925." the Township of Edison for the sum Being known and designated at Lots opening streets or "furnisillng any Carl Swetits, Mrs. Frank Mozel- City, Scale 1 In. .= 100 ft,, August fl, Being also known as Lots 11 to la. of Six hundre-1 ($600.00) Dollars in cash 119,-120 and 121 as sliown on a certain ou delivery of Deed. . 1 NOTICE •utilities. eski, Mrs. Henry Kennedy, Walter NOTICE 1907. J. L. Bauer, Civil Engineer, Eliza- inclusive, in Block 375-G ;is shown on map filed in' the Middlesex County All successful bidders or purchasers Public Notice is hereby given that beth, N. J." the Tax Map of the Township cf Lots 15-17, Block KB-D; Lots 1-3, Clerk's Office entitled, "Map of Oak- Public Notice is hereby (given that will be required to -pay twenty per cent Drabin, Elmer Dragos, "Henry Being also known as Lot 38 in Block Edison. Pleek 556-E. I. Gingold. Tree. Terrace, Situated at ,Oak-Tree, Paul P, . TJ'Neil, President. Columbia, Williailli m KantoKt r offereffdd to purchase Club of Metuchen, offered to. purchase (20%) of the purchase price, together Kennedy, Michael Hrabar, and from the Township of Edison lor the 496 as shown on the Tax Map of the CONDITIONS OF SALE: TltAGIT 1. Raritan TiwnshiJJ, Middlesex Co., N. J. with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars Township of Edison. Township of Edison, County of January 1921." ' from the Township of Edison for trie Steve Pejka. •,•.(."&-.•.'...,.• sum or Seven hundred fifty ($750.00) The Township rftssrvts the riant to sum of'Two hundred. ($200.00) Dollars as a deposit on account of trie costs Dollars, payable in cash on delivery of CONDITIONS OF SALE: reject any and all bias nti'l to adjourn M^rf'p-f-T State' of New Jersey. Being also known as Lots 1, 2' and 3 of advertising and preparation of deed, Winners of the table* prizes j Deed. The Township reserves the right to PRGTNNTNG in the Easterly line of in Block 556"-E as shown on tlie 'fax in cash on delivery of Deed. such sale as permitted by law. The Lots 9-10, Block 203. immediately on the date of the sale, were Mrs, Charles Schrettner, j Lots 4, 5 and fl. Block 766. reject any and all bids and to adjourn property, will be sold subject to restric- Poris Court at a point therein distant Map of the Township of Edison. and in the event of failure to do so, William Kantor. such sale as permitted by law. The tions of record, if any, easements, if Two Hundred (200') feet Northerly from CONDITIONS OF SALE; !"' Paul F. o'Nell. Mrs. Walter Drabin, Mrs. James the intersection of the Easterly line of • Township of Edison, COiirrty of the property shall again be Immedi- Township, of Edison, County of property will be sold subject to restric- eny, rights of tenants, and occupants, 1 The Township reserves the riglit to ately placed .far sale and struck off to Hoffman, Mrs. Swetits, Mrs. E. tions of record, if any, easements. If if any, municipal arfd state laws, ordi- rtcris Court with the Northerly line of Middlesex, State of New Jersey. Middlesex, State of New Jersev. Gogel Street; thence running. (1) East- reject any and nil bids and to adjourn BEGINNING in the«NortherIy line of the highest bidder complying with the Zoneski, Mrs. Mac Iver, William BEGINNING in the SoutheasterlSoutheasterly y . rightg s of tenants, and occupants nances and regulations governing the such sale as permitted by law. The conditions of sale. The balance shall lf an said land srid the sale and use thereof, erly at riRlit angles with the-Easterly Park Avenue where trie same is Inter- Perna, John Nisbet and Steve line ot Jackson Avenue at a point y. municipal and state laws, ordi- line of Doris Court, Two Hundred property will be sold'subject to restric- sected by the division line. between be paid within a period of thirty (30) therein distant Seventy-five (75') feet I nances and regulations governing the and any facts which an accurate sur- tions of record, 1%. any, easements, if days, at which time a bargain and sale Pejka. vey and inspection of the premises in Twenty-five (225') feet; thence (21 Lots 355 and 356, as said lots are shown Northeasterly from the intersection of \ said land and the sale and use thereof, Northerly parallel with the Easterly any, rights of tenants," ,and occupants, on trie following described map of deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall the Southeasterly line of Jackson Ave- and any facts which an accurate sur- question would disclose. The Township if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- Non-player prizes were award- will not assume any responsibility for line of Doris Court, 'One Hundred "Metuchen Estates," which said begin- also pay for trie required Internal nue with the Northeasterly line of vey and inspection of the premises in Eighteen and Five-tenths (118.5') feet, nances and regulations governing the ning point is also distant There Hun- Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- ed .to Mrs. Frank Sorvillo, Mrs. Bolger Street; thence running (1) question would disclose. The Township opening streets or furnishing- any said land [tnd the sale and use thereof, utilities. more or less, to the outline of. the dred Ninety-five and Two-tenths posits will be retained by the Town- William Bonham, Mrs. Thomas Northeasterly along the Sotrtheasterly will not assume any responsibility for whole tract; thence (3) Westerly along and any facts which an accurate sur- (395.2') feet Westerly from the interr ship as liquidated damages if-bidders line of Jackson Avenue, Seventy-five opening streets or furnishing any vey and inspection of the premises iri Meehan, Mrs. Krutzler, Mrs. Jo- utilities. All successful bidders or purchasers said outline, Two Hundred Twenty-five section of the Northerly line of Park fail to complete the purchase in ac- (75') feet; thence (2) Southeasterly at will be reouired to pay twenty per cent and One-tenth (225.1') feet, more or qxtestion would disclose. -The Township Avenue with the Westerly line of Main cordance with the terms of sale. seph Wukovets, Mrs. Clifford- Eo- right angles with the Southeastely line All successful bidders or purchasers will not assume any responsibility for i (20%) of. the purchase price, to^e^her less, to the Easterly.line of Doris Court;, Street, as said point of intersection is The Board of Commissioners of the selle, Joseph Kelly, Larry Piccil- of Jackson Avenue, One Hundred (100') will be required to pay twenty per cent with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars thence (4) Southerly along the Easterly opening streets or furnishing any shown on said map of "Metuchen Township of. Edison in the .County feet; thence (3) Southwesterly parallel (20%) of the purchase price, together- 'me of Doris Court, . One Hundred utilities. • " . lo, Andrew Galisin, CharleS>C5."Niell, with the Southeasterly line of Jackson as. a deposit on account, of the costs Estates"; thence running (1) Westerly of Middlesex, has fixed. Wednesday, with the s\un of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars of advertising and preparation of deed, Twenty-five and One tenth,(125.1') fee , .. All successful bidders or purchasers along the Northerly; line of Park Ave- April 25th, 1956, next at 8:00 P. M. Joseph Meder, William/:fleilly, Avenue, Seventy-five (75') feet; thence j as a deposit on account of the costs immediately on the date of the sale, more or less, to the place of Beginning. will be required to pay twenty per cent nue, One Hundred (100') feet; thence at the regular meeting of the Board (4) Northwesterly parallel with the of advertising and preparation of deed. and in the "eventi of failure to do so, William Moran and William Han- second course, One Hundred (100') feet immediately on the date of' the sale, Being known and designated as Lots (207n) of the purchase price, together (2) Northerly at right angles with the of Commissioners to be held at the the property shall again be immedi- 116, 117 and 118 as shown on a certain with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars Northerly, line, of Park Avenue,"" Two Town Hall for a hearing as to whether derhan. to the place of Beginning. and in the event of failure to do so, ately placed for sale and struck otf to Being known and designated as Lots tiie property shall again be immedi- map filed in the Middlesex County as a deposit on account-of the costs of Hundred (200') feet, more or less,- to said offer of purchase shall be con- the highest bidder complying with the Clerk's Office entitled, "Map of Oak- advertising and preparation of deed, the outline-of-the whole tract; thence firmed and ratified. The Board of Com- 387, 338 and 389 in Block J as shown atelv placed for sale and struck off to conditions of sale. T^e "balance shall immediately on the date of the sale, on a certain map filed in the Middle- the highest bidder complying with trie" Tree Terarce, Situated at Oak-Tree, (3) . Easterly along, said outline, One missioners reserves the right to reject be -paid within a period of thirty (30) .Raritan Township, Middlesex Co., N. J. and in the event of failure to do so, Hundred (100'). feel; thence .{4) South- said bid or in the event a Higher bid sex County Clerk's Office entitled, "Map conditions of sale. The balance sliall days, at which time a bargain and sale be paid within a period of thirty (30) January 1921." i.ne property shall again be immedi- erly parallel with the second course, or better terms shall be bid for said Theatre Group, of Metuchen Estates, situated in Rari- deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall Being also known as Lots 15, .16 and ately placed for sale and struck off to. Two Hundred (200') feet, more or less, tan Township, N. J., known as Jackson days, at which time a bargain and sale also pay for the required Internal property. to accept the same. deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall 17 "in Block 556-D as shown on the the highest bidder complying with the to the place.of Beginning. OSCAR KAUS, Terrace, the Property of The Metuehen Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- Tax Map of the Township of Edison. conditions of sale. * The balance shall Being known and designated as Lots Realty and Improvement Co." also pay for the required Internal posits will be retained by the Town- Township Clerk Formed in Bore Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- TRACT 2. be paid within a period of thirty (30) 356 and 357 as shown on a certain map To be advertised in the Edison Town- Being also known as Lots 4, 5 and ship as liquidated damages if bidders BEGINNING in the Westerly line of days, at which time , a. bargain - and filed in the -Middlesex- County Clerk's 6 in Block 766 as shown on the Tax posits will be retained by the Town- ship and Fords Beacon on April 19,1956. METUCHEN — A drama group Map of the Township of Edison ship as liquidated damages if bidders has been formed at the Metuchen CONDITIONS OF SALE: tfail to complete the purchase in ac- The Township reserves the right to cordance with the terms of sale. Jewish Community Center to be reject any and all bids and to adjourn The Board of Commissioners of the known as the Metuchen Center such sale as permitted by law. The Township of Edison in the County Theatre, it was announced today property will be sold subject to restric- of Middlesex, has fixed Wednesday, tions of record, if any, easements, if April 25th, 1956, next at 8:00 P. M. by Emanuel Choper, in charge of any, rights of tenants, and occupants, at the regular meeting of the Board the first production, "Father of if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- of Commissioners to be held at the the Bride." nances and regulations governing the Town Hall for a hearing as to whether said land and the sale and use thereof, said offer of purchase shall be con- This prize-winning three act and any facts which- an accurate sur- firmed and ratified. The Board of Com- comedy will be presented* for two vey and inspection cf the premises in missioners reserves the right to reject question would disclose. The Township said bid or in the event a.higher bid evening- performances only, Satur- will not assume any responsibility for or better terms shall be bid for said day and Sunday, April 21 and April opening streets or furnishing any property to accept the same. OSCAR KAUS, ou hear a firnmp... 22 at the Metuchen Center, Grove utilities. All successful bidders or purchasers Township Clerk Avenue and Clarendon Court. will be required to pay twenty per cent To be advertised in the Edison Town- The leading roles will be played (20%) of the purchase price, together ship and Fords Beacon on April 19, 1956. with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars by Leon Jaffe, Mrs. Milton Bron- as a deposit on account of the costs NOTICE stein, Mrs. Milton Robbins, Mor- of advertising and preparation of deed, Public Notice is hp^er." cj,,o^ »•-• immediately on the date of the sale, Charles De Covello offered to purchase ton Wernik and Bernard Marks. and in the event of failure to do so, from the Township of Edison for the Other members of this all Metu- the property shall again be immedi- sum of Nine hundred ($900.00) Dollars, chen cast are: Marvin Massey. Mrs. ately placed for sale and struck off to in cash ort delivery of Deed. the highest bidder complying with the Lots 42-49, Block 333. Lenard Spivack, Mrs. Arthur Ma- conditions of sale. The balance shall Charles DeCovello. its' only your heart! zur, Mrs. Daniel Kaufman Dr. be paid within a period of thirty (30) Township of Edison.. County of days, at which time a bargain and sale Middlesex, State of New Jersey. Lloyd Kornblatt, Larry Gottlieb, deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall BEGINNING in the Northerly line Mrs. Bernard Levitt, Walter Green- also pay for the required Internal of Glendale Avenue at a point therein span and Leon Kaye. Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- distant Nine Hundred. Fifteen and posits will be retained by the Town- Ninety-five one-hundredths (915.95') ship as liquidated damages if bidders feet Westerly from the intersection of fail to complete the purchase in ac- the Northerly line of Glendale. Avenue Sir Laurence Olivier has agreed cordance with the terms of sale. with the Westerly line of Silver' Lake to join Burt Lancaster and Mont- The Board of Commissioners of the Avenue; thence (1) Northerly at right gomery Clift in the film version Township of Edison in the County angles with the Southerly line of of Middlesex, has fixed Wednesday, Sylvan Dell Avenue, One Hundred of "The Devil's Disciple," by April 25th, 1956, next at 8:00 P. M. Thirty and Twenty-two one-hun- George Bernard Shaw. He will at the regular meeting of- the Board dredths (130.22') feet, more or less, to of Commissioners to be held at the a point distant- One Hundred (100') have the role of Burgoyne. Town Hall for a hearing as to whether feet Southerly from the Southerly line said offer of purchase shall be con- of Sylvan Dell Avenue, as measured LEGAL NOTICES firmed and ratified, The Board of Com- at right angles therefrom; thence (2) missioners reserves the right to reject Westerly parallel with the Southerly SHERIFF'S SALE said bid or in the event a higher bid line of Sylvan Dell Avenue, One Hun- Superior Court of NTew Jersey, Essex or better terms shall be bid for said dred Eighty-seven (187) feet, mare County. Docket No. L-3357-5?. property to accept .the same. or less, to a brook; thence (.3) South- ' General Investment Corporation, a "* ' OSCAR KAUS," "-. •- erly-: down said, brook*. One Hundred corporation of New Jersey, Plaintiff, Township Clerk Forty-two (142') feet; more or, less, to and Mario Ricci and Antonietta Rieci, To be advertised in the Edison Town- the Northerly line of Glendale Ave- Defendants, Writ of Execution for the ship and Fords Beacon on April 19, 1956. nue; thence (.4) Easterly along the sale of premises dated February 14,1956. Northerly line of Glendale Avenue, Two By virtue of the above stated Writ, NOTICE Hundred Forty-six (246') -feet, more or to me directed and delivered, I will Public Notice is hereby given that less, to the place of Beginning. expose to sale at public vendue on John J. Kantor offered to purchase Being known and designated as Lots WEDNESDAY, THE 25TH DAY from the Township of Edison for the 115 to 122, inclusive, as shown on a OF APRIL, A. D. 1956, sum of Seven hundred fifty ($750.00) certain map entitled, "Revised Map of at the hour of 2 o'clock by the then Dollars, payable in cash on delivery River View Dell, Raritan Township, prevailing (Standard or Daylight Sav- of Deed. Middlesex Co., New Jersey. Surveyed by ing) time, in the afternoon of the said I-ot.s 1. ? arid 3, Block 766. Mason & Smith, Civil Engineers, Perth day, at the Sheriff's Office in the City John J. Kantor. Amboy, N. J. Scale 100' =' 1" June 24, of New Brunswick, N. J. All the right, Township of Edison, County of 1910." title and interest of defendants, Mario : Middlesex, State of New Jersey. Being also known as Lots 42 to 49, Ricci and Antoinetta Ricci, of, in ana BEGINNING at the Intersection Bof inclusive, in Block 339 shown on '. to all the following described premises, the Southeasterly line of Jackson Ave- the Tax Map of the Township "of to wit: .'••;.¥•. ' nue with the Northeasterly line of Bol- Edison. All that certain lot, tract-orvparcel ger Street;- thence running (1) North- CONDITIONS OF SALEL of land and premises, situate, lying and easterly along the Southeasterly line of The Township reserves the right to being in the Township of Edison, Jackson Avenue, Seventy-five (75') feet; reject any and all bids and to adjourn County of Middlesex and State of New thence (2) Southeasterly parallel with such sale as permitted by law. The Jersey, and more particularly described, the Northeasterly line of Bolger Street, property will be sold subject to restric- as' follows: One Hundred (100') feet; thence (3) tions of record, if any, easements, if Being known as Lot 33, in. Block Southwesterly parallel with the South- any, rights of tenants, and occupants, 160 S as laid down on a certain map, easterly line of Jackson Avenue, Sev- if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- entitled Map of Haven Village; Section enty-live (75') feet to the Northeast- nances and regulations governing trie erly line of Bolger Street; thence (4) said land and the sale and use thereof, 4 situate in Raritan Township, Mid- Northwesterly along the Northeasterly and any facts which an accurate sur- dlesex County, State of New Jersey, line of Bolger Street, One Hundred vey and inspection of the premises in April, 1950, Raymond P. Wilson, Civil (100') feet to the place of Beginning. question would, disclose. Trie Township Engineer, 46 Paterson Street, New will not assume any responsibility for Brunswick, New Jersey, which map is Being known and designated as Lots opening streets or furnishing any filed in the Clerk's Office of Middle- 390, 391 and 392 in Block J as shown utilities. sex County. on a certain map filed in the Middlesex Being also known as No. 23 Hull County Clerk's Office entitled, "Map of All successful bidders or purchasers Drive. Metuchen Estates, situated in Raritan will be reqxiired to pay twenty per cent The approximate amount of the judg- Township, N. J., known as Jackson (20%) of the purchase price, together ment to be satisfied by said sale is the Terrace, the Property of The Metuchen with the sum of Fifty ($50,00) Dollars sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Realty and Improvement Co." as a deposit on account of the costs and Ninety-nine ($1,499.00) Dollars, to- Being also known as Lots 1, 2 and of advertising and preparation of deed, gether with the costs of this sale. 3 in Block 766 as shown on the Tax immediately on the date of the sale, Together with all and singular the Map of the Township of Edison. and in the event of failure to do so, rights, privileges, hereditaments and CONDITIONS OF SALE: the property shall again be immedi- appurtenances thereunto belonging or The Township reserves the right to ately placed for sale and struck off to in anywise appertaining. •'. .' reject any and all bids and to adjourn the highest bidder complying with the ROBERT H. JAMISON, such sale as permitted by law. The conditions of sale. The balance shall Sheriff. property will be sold subject to restric- be paid within a period of thirty (30) •OERALD W. KOLBA, tions of record, if any, easements, if days, at which time a bargain and sale Attorney. any, right of tenants, and occupants, deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall F. B. 3/29; 4/5, 12, 19/56 $35.65 if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- also pay for the required Internal nances and regulations governing the Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- NOTICE said land and the sale and use thereof, posits will be retained by the Town- Public Notice is hereby given that and any facts which an accurate sur- ship as liquidated damages if bidders John J. Mesics Jr. offered to purchase vey and inspection of the' premises in fail ito complete the purchase in ac- from the Township of Edison for the question would disclose. The Township cordance with the terms of sale. sum of Seven hundred fifty ($750.00) will not assume any responsibility for The Board of Commissioners of the Dollars, payable in cash on delivery of opening streets or furnishing any Township of Edison in the County Deed. utilities. of Middlesex, has fixed Wednesday, Lots 46, 47 and 48, Block 766. All successful bidders or purchasers April 25th, 1956, next at 8:00 P. M. John J. Mesics, Jr. will be required to pay twenty per cent at the regular meeting of the Board . Township oi Edison, County of (20%) of the purchase price, together of Commissioners to be held at the Middlesex, State of New Jersey. with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars Town Hallfor a hearing as to whether BEGINNING at the intersection of as a deposit on account of the costs said offer of purchase shall be con- the Northeasterly line of Bolger Street of advertising and preparation of deed, firmed and' ratified. The Board of Com- with the Northwesterly line of Central immediately on the date of the sale, missioners reserves the right to reject Avenue; thence running (1) Northwest- and in the event of failure to do so, said bid or in .the event a higher bid erly along the Northeasterly line of the property shall again be immedi- or better terms- shall be bid for said Bolger Street, One Hundred (100') feet; ately placed for sale and struck off to property to accept the same. thence (2) Northeasterly parallel with the highest bidder complying with the OSCAR KAUS, the Northwesterly line of Central Ave- conditions of sale. The balance shall Township Clerk nue, Seventy-five (75') feet; thence (3) be paid within a period of thirty (30) To be advertised in the Edison Town- THE NEW BEL AIR SPORT SEDAN with Body by Fisher-one of 20 frisky new Chevrolet models. Southeasterly parallel with the North- days, at which time a bargain and sale ship and Fords Beacon on April 19, 1956. easterly line of Bolger Street, One deed will be delivered. Purchaser shall Hundred (100') feet to the Northwest- also pay for the required Internal NOTICE erly line of Central Avenue; thence (4) Revenue Documentary Stamps. All de- Public Notice is hereby given that Southwesterly along the Northwesterly posits "will be retained by the Town- Michael Zafarana offered to purchase line of Central Avenue, Seventy-fiye ship as liquidated damages if bidders from the Township of Edison for the (75') feet to the place-of Beginning. fail to. complete the purchase in ac- sum of One thousand fifty ($1,050.00) Being known and designated. as Lots cordance with the terms of sale. Dollars, payable in cash on delivery 344,' 345 and 346 in Block J as 'shown The Board of Commissioners of the of Deed. on.a certain map filed in the:Mjddle- Township of Edison in the County Lot 4, Block 104-1; Lots 11-16, Inclu- It's enough to quicken anybody's pulse,'the way this new . sex.' County Clerk's Office \e4'tltlecl, of Middlesex, has fixed Wednesday, sive, Block 375-G, Michael Zafarana. "Map of Metuchen Estates, situated in April 25th, 1956, next at 8:00 P. M. Township of Edison,-.County of Raritan Township, N. J., known as at the regular meeting of the Board Middlesex, State of New Jersey. Chevrolet takes to the road. And it's so smooth and quiet you Jackson Terrace, the Property;" ~o? The of Commissioners to be held at the TRACT 1. Metuchen Realty and Improvement Town Hall for a hearing as to whether BEGINNING in the Northeasterly can almost hear the happy beat of your heart! CO." •'":•• ;- said offer . of purchase shall be con- line of Prospect Avenue at a point Being also known as Lots '46, 47 and firmed and ratified. The Board of Com- therein distant Two Hundred (200') feet . 48 in Block 766 as shown "on the Tax missioners reserves the right to reject Southeasterly from the intersection Map of the Township of Edison. said bid or in the event a higher bid of the Northeasterly line of Prospect CONDITIONS OF SALE: or better terms shall be bid for said Avenue with the Southeasterly line of When you feel that big bore V8 in the NASCAR Daytona Beach time The Township reserves the right to property to accept the same. Dalton Place; thence running <1) reject any and all bids and to adjourn • OSCAR KAUS, Northeasterly at right angles with the come alive under your foot, your trials. Chevy won both the acceler- such sale as permitted by law. The Township Clerk Northeasterly line of Prospect Avenue, More People Drive property will be sold subject to restric- To be advertised in the Edison Town- One Hundred one and Fifty-three one- Chevrolet Than Any heart might even skip a beat! ation and flying mile contests for tions of record, if any, easements, if ship and Fords Beacon on April 19,1956. hundredths (101.53') feet, more or less, any, rights of tenants and occupants to the outline of the whole tract; Other Car- Don't worry. That's normal. popular-priced cars —and both in if any, municipal and state laws, ordi- NOTICE thence (2) Southeasterly along said 2 Million More! nances and regulations governing the Public Notice is hereby given that outline. Fifty (50') feet; thence (3) Chalk: it up to Chevrolet's zestful, record-breaking time! said land and the sale and use thereof, Eugene and Sybil R. Tarulli offered to Southwesterly parallel with the first and any facts which an. accurate sur- purchase from the Township of Edison course, One Hundred One ana Fifty- let's-go-places spirit, with horse- Come on in and hear what your vey and inspection of the premises in for the sum of Four hundred ($400.00) seven one-hundredths (101.57') feet, question would disclose. The Township Dollars in cash on delivery of Deed. more or less, to the Northeasterly line power ranging up to 225. Thisis the heart has to say about Chevrolet. will".' not assume any responsibility for Lot 38, Block 496. of Prospect Avenue; thence (4) North- : opening streets or furnishing any westerly along the Northeasterly line utilities. , Eugene and Sybil B. Tarulli. car, you know, that took top honors Why not make it soon? Township of EdiSon, County of of Prospect Avenue, Fifty (50') feet to All successful bidders or purchasers Middlesex, State of New Jersey. the place of Beginning. will be required to pay twenty per cent . BEGINNING in the Westerly line of . Being known and designated as Lot AIR CONDITIONING-TEMPERATURES MADE TO ORDER-AT NEW LOW COST. LET US DEMONSTRATE! (20%) of the purchase price, together Roosevelt Boulevard where the same is 4 in Block I as shown on a certain with the sum of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars intersected by the division line be- map filed in the Middlesex County as a deposit on account of the costs tween Lots 548 and 549, as said lots are Clerk's Office entitled, "Map of Kilmer of advertising and preparation of deed, shown on the hereinafter described Place, Section A, situate at Stelton, immediately on the date of the sale, map of "Rahway Estates";* which said Raritan Twp., Middlesex Co., New Jer- and in the event of failure to do so, beginning point is also distant Eight sey, Scale 1'' = 80' 'Ms.y 1923." JUNE CHEVROLET, Inc. the property shall again be immedi- Hundred Thirty-seven and Eighty-two 'Being also known as Lot 4 in Block a-tely placed for sale and. strucK off to one-hundredths {837.82') feet, more or 104-1 as shown on the Tax Map of the the highest bidder complying with the less, Northerly from the intersection Township of Edison, -• •• ' \ • conditions of sale. The balance.: shall of the Westerly line of Roosevelt Boule- TRACT 2. New Brunswick Ave., Fords Tel. VA 6-6722 950 Middlesex Ave., tVletuchen, H. J. ; be paid within a period of thirty (SO) vard with the Northerly line of Railway BEGINNING in the Westerly line ot EDISQ& TQWNBHIF A&D FORDS BEACON $HUBfeDAY, APRIL 19, 1958 PAGE SE7EN

tending the meeting were Patty ;has?..become eligible for the Kahn will be chairman. , .. "~ A- small "party was given and in Among the celebrants was his TAKING RESERVATIONS Scofield, Ruth Baron, Grace But? Intermediate. Scout group. The —A new member, Gloria, Mjg- the evening Robert was treated great grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda COLONIA — Reservations for, ler, Cynthia Lord, .Lillian children ig Ungex, Jr.. Hearthstone Avenue, event will take place Saturday, is toedded down with pneumonia., was toasted, included -the follow- -and to Mr. J,; Mujiea, Glenwood, May .12, at,, the V.F.W. Hall, New ing guests: Mr. and Mrs, Edward Brunswick Avenue, Fords. Tickets who is. a .patient • at the Beth Yusha, JJartford, Conn.; and par- Israel Hospital, Newark. are available from members of the ents, Mr. and Mrs. Loufe Betting- committee or by calling George er, Sr., Linden. —Congratulations to Mr. and Crisufu! i, LI. J)-0Gi2 or myself, Mrs. Joseph ,Coasdale, Glenwood Li. 8-3207. —Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Bran- Terrace, who a-re the proud par- The Officers and Directors of nigan, Hearthstone Avenue, were — Of'OC II'- f GO ' ii:v.T-:! ••Wr-rU =nts of ;a new_ baby boy,. Patrick feteti on tijeir .fourteenth wed- Gerard, 'born .last Thursday in the has jusfc been raeeiv&d that fire ding anniversary, as well as Mr. alarm boxes will be installed ambulance of the Fords F-'rst Brannigan's birthday which are Aid Squad. Patrick was in a hur- throughout the development with- on the same day at a small gattw in the next two week. , ry to meet his brother, Joseph, ej-ing at the., home., oi Mr. and Jr., and siste/, Kathy, Mother1 and —The Provisional Council Mrs.. . Charges , Ai'tkins, Jonquil son are-doing well."despite the League of Women Voters ."of. Circle. Also present were Mr. and excitement and hectic arrival. " Woodbridge Township has ex- Mrs. James Mullen and.Mi'. and :—The Board, meeting of the tended g, special invitation to the Mrs. Thomasi Rohan.. "' - " Lafayette Estates Civic Associai women in Lafayette Estates to —Muriel, 'and. Chris Dandorf, Won will take place Monday, April attend its first unit meeting where Snyder . Road, marked . the first 23. The general membership meet- they can become acquainted with ten years : of their • wedded life ing will be held Monday, April the organization at the home, of together *y dining, in ; a Chinese "30, at the school annex :of Our Xtnit Chairman,' Mrs. Edward Ell- restaurabt in New Brunswick. Lady of Peace Church, Ford: and Great Pride" m of • Tlieir dridge. 47 Atlantic Avenue, Menlb . -r-Mrs. Ella Markbwitz,. Snyder Aftrboy Avenues. .' ;' Park Terrace. The topic for dis- Road, was honored : oh the oc- :—Mr. and Mrs. clarence cussion is "The Water Problem casion, of her birthday at the wed- Bridges, Jonquil Circle, celebrated in New Jersey," a matter of great ding of Mr. and .Mrs. Stanley their, fifth wedding anniversary concern to all of us. For more de-, Parower. which the Markpwi'tz's this week when they went to see tailed information, call Mrs. F. attended. Sunday- the dinner "Seven Wonders of the World?' Jeselsohn, LI. 8-7399. guests at the Markowitz's were: and dined at Leon's, New York.. —At the home of Mr: and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Oransky and Son, Clarence (Buster to his Kenneth Miglionico, Ford Avenue, son, Billy; Mr. and Mrs. George friends) spent a short Vacation daughter, Gloria, celebrated, her Fried, Bronx; Mr. and Mrs. Mur- with his. grandparents, Mr. and At Route" 27 and ..Willow, Avenue,- Edison, New Jersey •fourth birthday. At the gala oc- ray Dransky . and children, Al- Mrs. John : Dills, Cranford. casion were Mr. and Mrs. John freda, and Kenneth, Rego Park, L. I. —Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Tanzola, Miss Louise Tanzola, Mr. Archdeacon and family are oc- Frank Tanzola and fiance, Miss —A small party was held in cupying their new home on Ar- Ann Marie Natale, Mr. John Tan- honor of the fourth birthday of lington Drive. They have " come zola, Jr., and fiance, Miss Grace Jimmy LaMotta, son of Mr. and here from Oak Street, Avenel, Barbier, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Rug- Mrs. Frank LaMotta,- Concannon Mrs. Archdeacon is the former geiro. and daughter, Mary Ann, Drive. The children who attend- Mary Syme, Avenel. \ Newark; Mr. and -Mrs. Magazina. ed-. ,rwere Jimmy McDermott, —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jack- end daughter, Eileen,.'Hillside; Tommy, Billy, arid Johnny Red- son and • family, Mflfran Placed Mr. and Mrs. Felix Barrone and mond;- -Gloria Quattrone, Cindy spent Sunday visiting Mrs. J'acki- daughter Janice, Newark; Rose DiNicola." , son's brother's family, Mr. arid Capaccio, Mrs. Ruth "Magazine, —Gerald Sullivan, Inverness Mrs. George Polinko, Leyittowrr and daughter, Judy, Elizabeth; Terrace, o.n the. occasion of his Pa. : ; ' Mrs. Jack Beers and daughter, birtliday, together with Mrs. Sul- Beverly, Johnson City, N. Y. —Veronica Clerico, daughter of livan and daughters, Marion, Mrs. Rita Clerico, G-lenwood Teri- —Joseph Mesce, son of Mr. and Myra, Kathleen and Joan, had race, was feted on her fifth birth- Mrs. Angelo Mesce, Ford Avenue, dinner at the "home of Mr. Sulli- day at a party which was atr also was four years old this week van's mother, Mrs. Mary Sulli- tended by her playmates. and helping him blow out the van. After' dinner, the Sulliyans ••—Roger and Marilyn Ward candles on his cake "were Mr. and joined a group of their friends to helped their daddy, Ed Ward, Mrs. Carmine Simione and chil- attend a show. Sunday guests at Jonquil Circle, blow out .the dren, Ida and Michael, Newark. the Sullivan home were Mr. Sul- candles on his birthday cake": •—Little Robert Christensen, livan's mother and sister, Mrs. Mama Cecelia, and grandpa, Jo- son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Chris- Eileen Atkinson- and her daugh- seph Dixon, joined in eating the tensen, Glenwood Terrace marked ter; Mr. "and Mrs. John Hefiin cake and Jce' cream. his second birthday at a family and their four children. • —Mr. and Mrs.- Bill Ferren's /affair which included his sister, .—The first meetings of the two daughter, Connie, Snyder Road, Linda, his grandparents, Mr. and newly - organized Intermediate had a party marking her sixth Mrs. gteven .Muchi, godparents^ Girl Scout troops were held this birthday to which her cousins, week. The Monday group; under Tommy, Trudi and Barbara Mr, a'nd Mrs. Leonard...Sabo and the leadership of. Mrs, Betty Mu- son, "Glenn.. The celebration was Walsh, . Kathy Noble, Connie's jica,: Glenwood Terrace, met at sister, -Peggy and brother Billy,; further enhanced when the Chris- her home. The following were ; •55 tensens' went to see a Circus per- were invited. The children's par- elected patrol leaders: Patrol A, ents were also present. EVERY MODERN BANKING SERVICE formance the following day. Joan Schmidt; Patrol B, Barbara. Many happy returns of the day Moitz; treasurer, Barbara Leila; —At the meeting of Brownie Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to Mrs. Ann Biega. Mrs. Biega's secretary, Yvonne Altieri. Also at- Troop 58, a "Fly-Up" ceremony mother, Mrs. Helen Payne who was held for Geraldine Johansen

— FROM 9 A. M. TO 3 P. M. : — - Our Best Wishes«.. Commercial Checking Accounts @ Special Checking Accounts •- Safe Deposit Boxes Savings Accounts, 2c'r Interest © Christmas Club Accounts The growth and strength of America have Loans antl Mortgages @ Night Deposit Service • ® Walk-Up and Drive-in • "Windows come in a1 significant degree from the under- standing relationship — which is , traditional — between banks and the people. Fundamental in the philosophy of banks, and in their creation, is the desire to serve the public, the community. This philosophy, we know, is deeply impressed in the hearts and minds of those FROM [. TO 5 P. M. who are responsible for the establishment of The The Board of Directors will be on hand to welcome all visitors and guide you on a tour Edison Bank. % of our new, modern banking house. We hope you can attend, we've got plenty of free parking space. -, Because this is so, a pleasant and mutually helpful relationship between The Edison Bank BANK HOURS: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Daily—5 P.M. to 7 P.M. Fridays—Information Phone CHarter 9-0500 and those who are its patrons is assured through the many years of the future. That this relation- ship may ever be endowed with the fine traditions of banking is our earnest wish on this beginning day.


one, and the eye-piece. With those 7%,e - J- VFW Band to Give Publisher Nanied three parts, ^ou.have a telescope. (.Continued from Page One) I used to set them up on a board Bank and Trust Company, Perth clamped to a stool and saw finely. Concert Tonight Amboy. Then,- after I made the tube, I. John Ryan served as toastmasfcer used a temporary tripod." FORDS — Charles E. Gregory, at the dinner and the invocation Jack admits that he has really publisher of the Independent- was given by Rev. Louis Leyh of been bitten by the telescope-build- Leader, will be guest speaker, at a Holy Spirit Church, Perth. Amboy. ing bug. Now he'd like to tackle 1 concert to be given tonight at 8 The principal speaker was Secre- a bigger one, perrlaps a 12 .4 inch tary of State Edward J. Patten, job which is the largest practical o'clock by the Fords VFW Military who was introduced by Thomas G, • Ramblin' Around:& Band at Woodbridge High fecnooi for an amateur,' he says. There ; Pv-;. Joi:n No.^or, 2i, son of Mr. Desmond. Kenneth Stultz, chair- have been 20,-inch telescopes built and i,ir,a. AieA.and.-r -N6sL-or, 77I. auditorium. man of the Council of Civic Clubs by individuals, but these are un- •'Warwick: Street, Iselin, wag rfeesnt- Mr. Gregory will speak during presided. usual. Mostly, due to the cost. .'ly graduated from a ' nine-week ceremonies which will be held Representing Mayor Hugh B. A mirror blank that on Jack's six- ' general ararung course Qf^tlie En- prior to the concert. Joseph Eagaii, Quigley, who could not be present inch project cost $5 would cost gineer School, Fort Belwr, Va. Donald Kubeck, Clarence Hanley because he is ill, was Township $250 on a 20-inch telescope. • •-. • Thomas Sposk, 348 Ella Ave- and Michael Ellis, will present the Treasurer- -Charles vas conrined to bed at the direc- Bond Transportation, Inc., Wood- dent of the Third Ward Second t | used. is costing us, but the fact remains didn't make it seem too difficult," Roder, 505 Jensen Avenue; a'District Democratic and Civic tion of my physician. It was deli- it is costing us that sum." :. Jack explains. "My telescope has bridge, and L. I. Nicholas, Nicho- vered to my desk, I might add, "You must remember," he said, ISELIN U-8-9090 las. Petroleum Transport Service, daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Edward ,Club, welcomed six new members "the land was "given you. If you 'Best Money Can Buy' '• a magnification of 100 and 3.00 Bazzell, 900 Rahway Avenue. I Monday at Hillcrest Inn, Avenel after and not before some anony- When Mr. Hickey said the school diameters, which probably won't Avenel, have -been named to the mous caller had made inquiry as went out in the market to buy WED. THRU SAT. board of directors of the NewFrom Iselin, a daughter to Mr. and ' Street. They are Mrs. Dorothy 21 acres of ground you would have has the best money can buy in-mean much to anyone not scienti- Mrs. James King, 225 Elizabeth \ Hague, Fred Ascough, John Cogan,' to whether or not it had been re- cluding aluminum frame doors. fic. Next thing I want to tto is add Susan Hayward-Richard Conti Jersey Motor Truck Association. ceived. to pay a very large sum of money." . . . Attended a luncheon for Con- Avenue; a daughter to Mr. and |Philip Szobodan,' Leroy Wilkinson Mr. Edrington replied that was a clock-drive that will, move the in. Mrs. Robert Painter, 1499 Oak Tree and Bernard Jorgensen, "In light of your apparently perfectly fine if you could afford telescope at the same rate as the gressman Peter Frelinghuysen, Jr., libelous charge that 'monies (were) stated that it would cost $60,ouu it., He also mentioned he had at the High School Monday, andRoad; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Law- The club endorsed. Magistrate stars cross the sky. Thus, you can rence Boyle, Pershing Avenue; a Andrew D. Desmond for Middle- spent by the Board of Education to solve the drainage problem oh visited a very fine 16-room school set it on a particular star, go off I must say that every time I meet in violation of law" we have as- the proposed school site. in Darien, Conn., which had two "I'll'Cry Tomorrow" the congressman I am more anddaughter to Mr. and Mrs. James sex'County prosecutor and a letter for awhile, come back, and it will Moyer, 121 Bedford Avenue. . . . of recommendation will be sent sumed that you are not only in •Mr. Madison and Alexander multi-purpose rooms, a kitchen, still be in view." PLUS more impressed with him. He possession of facts to support that administration offices, outdoor Gene Barry - Edward Arnold in seems to have a keen insight on From Woodbridge, a daughter to to Governor Robert E. Meyner. Merchant, Board architect, were A gadget that he has already Mr.'and Mrs. Charles German, 305 The club also endorsed Elmer Dra- allegation, of which • we have no authorized to make a study of muti -purpose area and "the "THE HOUSTON STOKY" all problems in his district. . . . square foot cost was $13.30." built into the telescope and is Grady Drive; a daughter to Mrgos. , for Third Ward committee- knowledge, but also in possession .the situation and to inform the | proud of is a slow-motion adjust- The Wood-bridge Township Fed- of a sound and documented legal eration of Teachers will hold its and Mrs. Eugene Rukasujew, 601 man. P . - Board as to just how much it Andrew Aaroe, president of thement on both'the declination and Giant Sat. Matinee Washington Avenue. Also a • Mr. Conneli appointed chairmen opinion indicating that we have would cost to put the land in con- Board, said: "That is just what polar axes. (Translated for the ilth annual Spring dinner at The the right, power or authority to Pines, May 16, at 7 P. M. _. . . Miss daughter to Mr.'and Mrs. John as follows Mrs. Raymond Heinrieh, ? dition for construction. we are shooting for, cheaper benefit of a lady reporter who al- ABBOTT and COSTEIXO Dotzauer, 231 Wall Street, Meiilo chairman and Mrs. Peter Conneli, institute the requested action., schools. I'd build wooden schools ways flunked general science: A Gail Cooper, 7 Fairview Avenue, «Calls Charge Libelous Colonia, and Miss Anne Baum- Park Terrace; a son to Mr. and co-chairman of hospitality; Ber- if the people wanted them, but I thing that gets rid of the shake Mrs. Frank ZullO, 6 Third Street, | nard Jorgensen, ways and means; "We cannot imagine that a Board Is Quizzed feel the schools Mr. Leibowitz has and wobble, and enables the teles- "GO TO MARS" garfcen, 29 Livingston Avenu: designed are darn good schools." Avenel, .have enrolled at the Kath- Port Reading. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Sears, good- group, such as your dedicated to (Continued from Page One) cope to fix on an exact position and arine Gibbs School, New York, i cheer; Henry Kennedy and Mrs. rendering a worthy public service, the question of conventional, vs "No school _is too good, if weand hold it.) i Henry Nelson, membership; Wil-would make what appears to be can afford it,"'Mr,Edrington com- and will begin their work there functional school ' buildings. Mr, Another feature he added is the "" on July 9. Both will graduate from jliam Perna and Joseph Godby, a libelous charge without -having Edrington said that the. original mented. j program.and Mrs. George Whitley, equatorial mount. This, too, has Woodtoridge High School in; June. facts to support the truth thereof cost of School 18 was $5 26; 63 6 but The Colonia man also advocated explanation involving tipped axes Chapter 13 of publicity. . or would request us to take action now the . cost was $638,000., Mr.the Board go on record urging the "THE LOST PLANET" Tentative plans were made for and angles with the vertical being -•jit the Typewriter-: - without a legal opinion indicating Hickey said figuring the cost of the Town Committee to charge $300 equal to the latitude (about 42 Mrs. Oswald Nebel, recording- a square dance in May, prs.-----;uo we have a right so to do. j Iselin. School at a 16-classroom for building permits and the money 5 — CARTOON'S — 5 to be used lor the family picnic be placed in a special fund for degrees), but can be more easily secretary of the Fords Woman's "If you will be kind enough to basis would put the cost of the understood as a device for tracing Club, is the author of an ^article, this summer, under the direction continue rendering a public serv- classrooms at $32,914 each. How- school purposes. SUN. THRU TUES. ' of Mr. Conneli and Mr. Jorgensen. "The Town Committee has . a star across the sky for which "Hurray! We Won!" on the Fords by AMERICAN EXPRESS ice by disclosing those facts and ever, he pointed out two of the iuc xuvvii ^uumt^ u»» you onl h t t - adjust. Plans were also discussed for a J Frank Sinatra-Eleanor Parker Library in the New Jersey Club- the law upon which you relied, it classrooms are equal in size to found fault with you, lets start |mentment . fashion show and luncheon in the kicking it back to them. We have woman Magazine. ... A New York "'I 7- 8DAYS will not only be appreciated but one and a half classrooms each and "These, things are just gadgets daily columnist recently stated that fall, under the chairmanship of will enable us to consider intelli- in addition there are air the regu- gvot to start someplace. How many » With Escort Mrs. John Mahon. . ijien on the committee ever take a to make the telescope more con- Captain Kurt Carlsen is planning | gently your request and make a lar facilities including principal's venient to use," the West Avenue • ' Circle Tours decision with respect thereto." offices, teachers rooms and; toilet good look around? I know it may THE GOLDEN ARM" to open a restaurant in New Jer- , of Florida $134.50 1 'scientist explains. "Really, the only sey. Mrs. Carlsen says the captain Mrs. Mahon , and hospitality was rooms. . '."''. start ill feeling but it is time to Also Pilgrimages, to Canada.. .$137.00 under the direction of Mrs. Albert It was on the complaint of the start some kind of fund," Mr. Ed- important part are the mirrors: at present 1- la Bombay and if he "We also have many extra items "FURY AT GUN SIGHT PASS" Panorama Motor Tours of Engel. Citizens for Classrooms that the. rington concluded. the large one, the small, diagonal is planning to open 8, restaurant • New England and Colonial Board of Education "had been not found in a normal school," Mr. it is certainly news to her. As a The Board promised to take the . New York $159.00 The 101st Airborne is becoming spending money without the bene- Hickey continued. "We have fold-; suggestion under advisement. matter of fact, she said, he hasn't Historic the first atom-armed division. fit of public bids" as required by away tables in the'•cafeteria, ter- spoken of retirement and certainly Virginia Tours ....$172.00 law that Prosecutor Alex Eber razzo floors in the •_ corridors, alu-. Foreign Minister Pineau has an- knows nothing about the restau- " Canadian Cruise-Tours .. .$203.00 started an investigation of theminum window frames, an inciner-.. • Circle Tours nounced that France would rec- rant business. She thinks it is "all . of Nova Scotia. $224.00 Board of Education. As the re-ator, two paved •courts...-- ognize Tunisia as' an independent a mistake." ... I may be preju- ©osts so lilt!@ sult of preliminary investigation "if you take into consideration -, nation. : diced, but I am of the opinion that All prices tjuofed ore minimum, plus fax. and evidence supplied by the Citi^ the extra items you come down, toJ the men of the service clubs i zens for Classrooms, Mr. Eber pub- a. cost of $19,000 per classroom," \ couldn't have picked a better per- . * See us for information about ' licly stated that the matter would the architect said.. . . ' j NOW! Rogers' & Hammerstein's Fabulous son for the "Man of the Year" j » 14 other lighthearfed, leisurely be placed before the grand jury. Mr. Hickey estimated the cost' than my boss. ... I American Express Summertims anywhere An inspection of the Board's books for square foot for the new Iselin STATE- j Tours., is now in process of being made In the Mailbagr Pittsburgh BO© school would be $18.80. He also by Arnold S. Graham, accountant, contended that the fair way of THEATRE "CAROUSEL" Chosen to serve as chairman of Baltimore SB© at the request of Mr. Eber. Woodbridge, N. J. their dormitories for the next aca- MARGARETTEN estimating school costs was noj; by. The First Motion Picture in. the New CinemaScope "55" from BiSataaoa after 8 PM and ' Friday Nite Is High School Nite Starring Gordon MapRae - Shirley Jones demic year at Douglas College were WED. THRU SAT. Miss Donna V. Addicott, 14 Lillian TRAVEL AGENCY m all day Sunday. 3 in in. statiom rates, 10% Fed- tax not included. John Hodiakr Virginia Leith in COMING s Terrace and Miss Marjory S. 276 Hobart St. Perth. Amboy SOON! l¥ieet le in Las We^as" Lpckie, 78 Albert Street, both of HI 2-0900 SOMETHING NEW at the VILLAGE INN!! "On the Threshold Woodbridge. . . . Fred;.;Adams, chairman for Jimmy, Catano's Daily from 6 P. M. 'til Closing of Spase" testimonial dinner next Thursday Special (CinemaScope) night, says it will be. an outstand- Delicious Introductory Offer PLUS ing success. Harry Burke, chair- Kichard Widmark-Doriiia Reed man-of tickets, reports only a few For PIZZA in NOW: JKock Hudson - Miss Cornell Borchers in ducats remain. . . . Township resi- Baked to order l>y the Famous LARGE PIE "BACK LASH" dents in the Amboy Naval Reserve Frank Denaro, master of pizza v ; Battalion recently "promoted are: A PERMANENT/ maKing for oyer 10. years! SUN'. THRU TUES. .- "NE¥Ee SA¥:GOOD BYE"v To Electronics Technician Second VALUED TO $15,00 PRIVATE FAMILY ENTRANCE Rag.1.25 James Cagney in : Also — '^A DAY5 OF FURY" [' - : •' •'• Class, William M. Hladik, 40 TO DINING ROOM Dale Robertson - Mara Corday Howard Street and Ferdinand P. True—we make you this offer To Eat Hoco or to Take Out. "Tribute to a Bad Man" Phone WO 8-9287 Offer Good Now thru April 30. (CincmaScopc) Wantuck, 49 May Street,. both of with a moneyTbaek guarantee: EXTRA ! ! Saturday Matinee for the Kiddies at 1 P. M. Hopelawn; to Boatswains Mate 3/c, PLUS Full-length Feature, "HOUDINI" Ernest F. Mayti, 131 Corey Street, That/vfor $8.50. we. will give Marjorie Main - Arthur Fords and Robert W. -"Vaiider you a permanent that you will Hunnicott in SUNDAY AND MONDAY1— TWO DAYS ONLY I ! Decker, 20 Trento Street, Iselin; like as well as any you might "MA AND PA KF.TTLE IN to Seaman, Robert J. Mehesy, 68 have paid up to $15.00 for. — THE OZARKS" Worden Avenue, Hopelawn; to That will look as Well, be as Green St. and Rahway Ave. Woodbridge WED. THRU SAT. "It Came: From Outer Space" Fireman, Robert F. Daton, 51 Soft, Cilossy, and as Natural as R. JANNI, Pro; John Wayne-Susan Hayward in -..-•'"'' — ALSO —'•"•- ••• ; • ; " •'-'• Douglas Street, Fords; seaman ap- you desire. "THE CONQUEROR" 1 prentice, Robert J. Oross, 242 Lib-^ "HOUSE OF WAX " erty Street, Fords and Charles G.' At Fredric's you may be sure that only tnelinest supply is Rathsanm, 19 Sonora Avenue, Ise- used, that you will receive the utmost of attention. TUESDAY, APRIL 24th — ONE NIGHT ONLY ! ! lin. ... If you are having trouble getting, a permanent in your Grey 2 BIG SPANISH HITS! VT fine hair, try Fredric's for his special wave on this type of hair, ST. DEMETRIUS COMMUNITY CENTER Last But Not Least: PLAYHOUSE The Arnold Grahams are vaca- A visit to FBEDRIC'S will tell you why FREDRIC is acclaimed 681-691 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret tioning in Washington foi a few as one of New Jersey's leading hairdressers. The pleasant sur- THURS. THRU SAT. roundings at his new salon, the fine service and individual hair- — Proudly Presents — styling given you, along with the relaxing music supplied, by the Hi-Fidelity system at Fredric's makes your visit to the hair- DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT "BENNY 00 NOW SHOWING—-LAST TIME'TONIGHT! dressers a pleasure. - , ' THIS FRIDAY, APRIL 20th STORY" " INDIAN FIGHTER " Steve Alien - Donna Heed BRING TfflS AD FOR A FREE : $1.00 JAR OF FREDRIC'S SHAMPOO ANDY WELLS .and His Orchestra "DYNAMITERS" ' ••' • •• " Co-Hit,."THE NAKED STREET" ' , with Wayne Morris Benefit of FRIDAY and SATURDAY — John Wayne" - Lauren Bacall AMERICAN LEGION POST 263 SATURDAY MATINEE Starting 1:30 P. M. with The "BLOOD ALLEY" FREDRIC =THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 21st and our Regular Show with an Extra Cartoon • CO-HIT: "DESERT SANDS" (Continuous) SUNDAY and MONDAY — Barbara Stanwyck-Fred MacMarray your hairdresser BARON BOBICK and His Orchestra SUN. THRU TUES. : Benefit of Hill Social Club "There's Aiways^'Tpmorrow" In Rahway In Clark CO-HIT: "STRANGER QN HORSEBACK" RA-7-9883 CR. 6-9817 ===== TfflS .SUNDAY,..APRIL 22nd-, "BACKLASH" MUSIC BY THE Richard Widmark-Donna Rccd TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY --April 24-35-26 150 Elm Avenue Karitan Avenue The Audie Murphy Story Starring. Audie Mucphy in POLKA,PARTY CONN. TWINS "KETTLES IN THE OZARKS" 103 MAIN !! Predrlc himself is at his salon in Railway 5, days and 2.'evenings a week. Next •« W (J He is at his Clark shop on Wednesdays only by appointment.—Bota Benefit •with Marjoric Main WoodbrijJse y shops open 6 days and 2 evenings every week.- , .-.:.••'. Young Ladies' Sodality, Holy Family R. C, Church Starting at 2 P.M. Open Friday "ill 9 ?. M. (Continuous) "TO HELL and PACK" • ' CO-HIT: "LO^SOI^^TRAlt"-^^ EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1956 • PAGE NINE FORDS ASBEY Firemen Complete Fords Women's Club Elects Four Women Join Auxiliary Plans First Aid Course Mrs. Egan New President Political Club For Installation KEASBEY — A first aid course FORDS — Mrs. John R; Egan flag- was displayed and dolls FORDS — The Fords Women's FORDS — The Ladies' Auxiliary with 22 hours of instruction was was elected president of the Wo- dressed in the native costumes Democratic Club met m Lopes of Fords Memorial Post 6090, "VFW, completed by seventeen members man's Club of Fords at a meeting of many nations were" on exhibit. Restaurant and heard .talks" by met in post headquarters and wel- of the Keasbey Fire Company No. held in the library. Mrs.;Egan is Mrs. Otto Kowang, international William. Warren, Jr., Bernard comed Mrs. Ingrid • Brennen into 1. John Yuhasz, of St. John's First the wife of Police Chief Egan and relations chairman, arranged for Dunn, Mrs. Chester Lambert, M. membership. Aid Squad, Fords, "was the instruc- has been an active member of the the appearance of the singing so- Joseph Duffy, Francis Foley and Final plans were made for the tor. dlub for several years. ciety and Dr. Forgotson. Clifford Handerhan. -Mrs. William joint installation with post to be Those taking the course were: Other members elected were: Warren-, Jr., presided. held tomorrow at 8 P.M. in post- John Kovacs, Jr., Stephen Katran- Mrs. George Molnar, first vice Mrs. Ralph Rotella, Mrs. Julius headquarters. The public is in- sky, Stephen Pisco, Albert Pisco, president, and Mrs. Joseph Fedor, Nagy, Mrs. Howard Dodgre and vited. Invitations were received to Albert Kubiek," Frank Dodd, Wil- corresponding secretary. These of- Birthday Marked Mrs. Lillian Crawford were wel- attend installations of Woodbridge liam Stark, Andrew Payti, John fices are for a two-year term.-In- comed into membership. Auxiliary Post 4410 on April',-21"' Masluck, Paul Sharkey, John Fa- stallation will be held at a supper Mrs.-Mary Chamberlain was ap- and Hopelawn Auxiliary Post 1352 zak, Stephen Fazak, Jr., Charles meeting of the club to be held at By Fords Child pointed chairman of the club's on April 28. Banko, Michael Ellis, George The Pines, Metuehen, May 17.- Din- April project. Mrs. Sidney Jaroff Mrs. Dorothy Lund, outgoing Crawford, William Dambach, Sr., ner will be served at 6:30 P. M. FORDS—The first birthday of announced Mrs. Joseph Muska was president, presented thank you and William Dambach, Jr. Reservations must be placed .with Marion Julia Kjersgaard, daugh- the winner of the mystery prize. gifts to various chairman. The Mrs. Herman Christensen, 43 Lib-ter of. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kjers- special prize, donated by Mrs. Vio- erty Street, before May 14. gaard, 48 Highland Terrace,' was let Dueker, was won by Mrs. Helen Mrs. Egan and Mrs. Oswald A. celebrated at a party. Mr. and Mrs.. Medvets Dalton. Theatre Party Nebel will serve as delegates at the Guests were the child's maternal' Entertain for Children Hospitality was in charge of Mrs. State'Convention of the N. J. State grandparents, Mr.' and Mrs. Peter Helen Hines, Mrs. Alice Domejka, Date Announced Federation of Women's Clubs to be Vincler, and paternal grandpar- SEWAREN—Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Mrs. Mildred Gallagher and Mrs. held in Atlantic Cify, May 8 to 11. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. seph F. Medvetz, Cliff Road, were Dueker. Mrs .Elsa Rosenblum and MrsKjersgaard. , Miss Barbara and hosts Saturday at a triple birth- The next meeting will be held FORDS — The Better Schools James Clement were named alter- James Kjersgaard, Mr. and Mrs. day party for their three children, April 23. The newly elected of- Association met in the home of nates. Michael Mizerak and children, Marlene, 10; Helene, 6, and Joey, ficers will preside at this meeting. Mrs. Fritz Arnold, Wildwood Ave- Michael and Mary Jo; Mrs. Mar-3. , nue, and welcomed Mrs. Martin The American Home Department garet Dunay and children, Kath- will sponsor a food and apron sale Guests included Yvonne Pekola, Sorenson into membership. lene, Joyce and John; Tony Linda and Laura Kubicka, Marilyn Mrs. Walter, Mingin, secretary, in the library, this afternoon. The Raniere, Perth Amboy. Patrick, Maryann Panko, Cheryl Gasiewskis Hosts announced the group will see the garden department will 'have a Mrs. Geprgre Chilipka and son, Lucas, Suzanne Mack, Ellen Bloom, play, "The King and I," at thebooth at this sale where seeds and George; Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sama Pamela Seng, Joyce, Janice, Doris, Paper Mill Playhouse, May 25plant. s will be sold to raise money and son,; Anthony; Mrs. Michael Carol and •Diane TJhlig, Cammy INDUCTED INTO OFFICE: Above are newly elected officers of the Fords Republican Club. Left to . For Daughter, Members will meet at the home of for a garden, implement for the Pazur, Fords; Mr. and Mrs. Jo- Clark, Carol Anne Sluzak, Amy right are Mrs. Thelma French, secretary, Mrs. Marie Tackinous, treasurer; Mrs. Helen Adameie, Mrs. Harold Sorenson, 200 Gutter Federations" Self Help Agriculture seph Vincler and daughter, Mary- Mack, Kathy Kleban, Waltei; Glen vice president; Mrs. Albert Larson, president; Arnold S. Graham, Republican Municipal Chairman; FORDS — Mary Ann Gasiewski, Avenue, at 7 P. M. for transporta- program in Korea and India. ann, Sayreville; Miss Joan Treider, Marusiefski, Bobby Marusiefski, Mrs. Helen Howell, State Republican Committeewoman; Mrs. Louis Testa, secretary of the County daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John tion. A prize was awarded to Mrs.Woodbridge; Mivand Mrs. William Wayne Clark, Phil Fichett, Jr., and Women's Republican Club, and Mrs: Lillian Cicio, member of the County Board of Elections. Gasiewski, 122 Longview Circle, Mrs. George Hafely reported on George Heath for raising the most Kjersgaard, South Amboy. Allen Patrick. was given a party in honor of her the recent Citizens Council meet- money for the talent dollar proj- second birthday. ing and Mrs. Irving" Kahree re- ect. Mrs. Chester Baginski, art GOP Head Gets Same Gavel Guests were: Helen Gasiewski, ported on the Board of Education chairman, announced that four Bride-to-Be Feted Beth, Donna, Mary Lou, Ricky and meeting. paintings by members of the de- Jimmy Cox, Charlene and Kath- The dark horse prize, donated partment will be exhibited at the leen Evanello, Barry and Mary El- 'Park Reports : At Surprise Party She Wielded 23 Years Ago len Morgan, Scott, Sherry and by Mrs. Kahree, was won. by Mrs.Art Symposium to be held at FORDS -^ Peter Smoyak, re- retary; Mrs. Marie Yackinous, John Sorenson. The next meeting Douglass College,. April 21. Mrs. Kathleen Cummings, Jerome Ja- EDISON — A shower was given tiring president of the Fords Rer treasurer. kubczak, Michael and Marion will be held May 15 at 8:30 P. M. Baginski reported on the Federa- the Planetarium and the Museum Miss Dolores Pasterak, daughter of publican Club, presented to Mrs. Arnold S. Graham, Republican in the home of Mrs, Joseph Sims, tion' Art Day at Newark Museum of Natural History. • Chumer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pasterak, .70 Albert Larson, newly elected Municipal chairman, presented Also Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ja- Koyen Street. attended by herself, Mrs. Arthur By —Donna Lynn Hertfelder, Fourth Street, by Mrs. Joseph Mil- president, the same gavel she corsages to both the "new and A. Overgaard and Mrs..Nebel. Washington Avenue, celebrated her kubczak, Mrs. Muriel Cummings, MRS. GEORGE ler, aunt of Miss Pasterak, and her wielded 23 years ago when she outgoing officers. Chester Gasiewski, Sr., Mrs. Elea- The chairman of the library fifth birthday on the eleventh with sister, Mrs. John Lukacs, at the became the first president of the Guest speakers were Mrs. Helen committee, Mrs. Frank Dunham, F. FERGUSON a party for playmates as follows: nor Evanello, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Breakfast Planned Eileen and Nora Fitzgerald, Bobby latter's home, 10 Ireland Avenue, organization. Howell, State Republican Com- Gasiewski, Mr. and Mrs. Chester reported a circulation of 1,463 93 Homes Park Fords. Other officers installed were mitteewoman; Mrs. Lillian Cicio, Gasiewski, Jr. and Mrs. Helen books for the month of March. Avenne Dering, Marc Nevin, Kathie Austin, Linda Wittenbreder, Lee, Debby Miss Pasterak will marry James Mrs. Helen Adamiec, vice presi- member of the County Board of Chumer, maternal grandmother. Club members were requested to Daton, Jr., son of Mr; and Mrs. Elections; Mrs. Louis Testa, sec- For Mother's Day volunteer services to assist Mrs. liberty 9-1473 and Susan' Sinnott, Patty Ikuss dent; Mrs. Thelma French, sec- and Kathleen and George Barnum. James Daton, 51 Douglas Street, retary of the County Women's George Molnar, library improve- Fords. Republican Club. FORDS—The Altar Rosary So- ment chairman, with cataloguing Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Officers Installed ciety of Our Lady of Peace Church —Tentative- plans for the an- Donald Hertfelder entertained for Guests were: Mrs. Jean Miller, Fords Social Club Mrs. Frances O'Meara was wel- of books in the library. Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. Irene" By Keashey Democrats met in the annex and made plans Mrs. Otto Kowang, international nual family picnic of the Woman's their daughter at a family party, Plans Theatre Party comed as a new member. During for a communion breakfast Moth- Club, June 24, were made at last the guests being Mr. and Mrs. An- Kaczmarek, Mrs.- Theresa De the social hour Mr. Smoyak was relations chairman, reported a let- Hanes, Mrs. Frank Fedor, Mrs. KEASBEY — Committeeman R. ers' Day. The breakfast will be ter of thanks was received from week's meeting at the Presbyterian drew Banks, Edgewater; Mr. and FORDS—The Fords Social Club awarded the dark horse prize. Richard Krauss 'installed officers served by the Holy Name Society Church After the business session Mrs. Floyd Smith, Metuehen; Mrs. Gloria Nolan, Mrs. Lucille Zupko, the American Friends Service Miss Shirley Brown, Ann Bocchet- met at the home of Mrs. Peter of the Keasbey Men's Democratic Mrs. Michael Horvath and •Mrs- Committee for 93 pounds of cloth- the members were entertained by Natalie Smith and daughter Carol, Terebush, Summit Avenue, and PLAN THEATRE PARTY Club at a meeting field in club- Anthony Virgillo were welcomed Thomas Feeney, hypnotist. Mr. Jersey City; Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur ti, Norma Brown and Mrs. Ingor ing sent by her department. This Egan of Perth Amboy; Mrs. Emma discussed plans for a theatre KEASBEY — Plans for a theater rooms as follows; into membership. Special awards clothing is distributed to disaster Feeney has been a resident of Shook, Neptune; and Donna's party, May 1.2. party to New York, April 28, were Peter Keso, president; John went to Mrs. John Brozowski, Mrs. Woodbridge for about twenty-five grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. DZupk. o of Metuehen; Mrs.. Mona areas and is a federation project. Stick of the. Park. Smith of Keansburg; Mrs. Rose A first aid bourse was conducted completed at a meeting by the Dankiewicz, vice president; John Louis Martin and Mrs. Anthony It was. announced that an article years and has appeared" before by Robert Neary of St. John's Keasbey Women's DemocraticiA. Sebesky, secretary; Anthony- Schwiner. many audiences. He stated that Pasterak, Mrs. Rosella Opitz, Mrs. about the library improvement —Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nevin Mary Matyi, Mrs. Julia Pasterak, First Aid Squad. The door prize Club. Reservations may be made I Nagy, treasurer; William Fodor Rev. Alfred Smith, moderator, project written by Mrs. Nebel is he tries to enlighten people on the were guests on Sunday of Mr. and was won by Mrs. Neary. with the chairman, Mrs. Marge I and John Meszaros, trustees, and advantages of hypnotism and ex- Jfe. Anna Miller, Mrs. Betty Zigre^ opejied ancf closed the meting with" appearing in the current issue of Mrs. L. Reis of Jamaica Estates,' Mrs*. Anna O'Reilly, Misses Mitzi Rychlicki. Mrs. Irma.Sleight pre- ' John Rychiieki, sergeant-at-arm3Vrfy prayer. Mrs. Raymond Levandoski the New Jersey Clubwoman Mag- plained how useful it has been Long Island. It was a cocktail sided. Mrs. Jean Jeglinski was A moment of silence was GS"-' found in the sick-room. Miller, Ethel Nerneth and Sylvia AUXILIARY SESSION presided. Refreshments were azine. party and reception for Mrs. Reis' Psolka, Edison. FORDS—The Ladies' Auxiliary named chairman of a special proj- I served for Jacob Kovalski, former served after the meeting. The club was represented at the —Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miller, Des brither, who is visiting from South Also Mrs. A. John Lukacs, Mrs. of Fords Unit, 163, American ect. I vice president of the group. program- auditions sponsored by Moines, Iowa,'left last week after Africa. Daton, Sr., Mrs. Sarah Delina, Mrs. Legion, will meet in post rooms, NEW DAUGHTER the Newark News and held in the an extensive visit with their son-in —Mr. and Mrs. Richard John- Margaret Gresh, Mrs. Elizabeth April 24, at 8 P. M. FORDS — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffith Building, Newark, and ;at -law and daughter; Mr. and Mrs.son, and their children, Karen, Schwiner, Mrs. Edna Peterson, the Third District Music Festival Chester Aronson, Washington Ave- Richard and Michael, are moving Skafi, 772 King George Road, are Mrs. Rose Poniatowski, Mrs. Irene TO MEET IN LIBRARY Lhe parents of a daughter born in held in Perth Amboy. nue. A triple birthday party was from their Woodruff Street home Vertes, Mrs. Irene Sautner, Mrs. Mrs. Egan, program chairman, held for Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Aronson to their new house in Hartsville, FORDS —- The American Home the Perth Amboy General Hospital. Andrew Supko, Sr., Mrs. Andrew Department will meet in the li- introduced Dr. Florence Forgotson and her son, John Russell, who Perm. Supko, Jr., Mrs. James Vertes, Mrs. of Red Bank, the Third District celebrated his birthday on the —Barbara Holzschuh, Clinton brary April 26 at 1:30 P. M. SON FOB ALESSIS Rosalie Senoziak, Mrs. Helen chairman- of International Rela- fifteenth. Avenue, took ice-cream, cup-cakes Zsamba, Miss Doris Sadowski, HOPELAWN — Mr. and Mrs. tions, who spoke of her various —Mrs. Thomas Ikuss, Rivington and lollypops to the forty children Carmine Alessi, 46 Emmett Avenue, Mrs. Gene Melton, Mrs. Rita Van LIST MEETING DATE trips to all parts of the world and Street, Den Mother of Pack 149-A, in her class at the Colonia School, Kerun, Mrs. Gladys Bulvanoski, FORDS—The PTA of St. John's are the parents of a son born in showed color slides. Dr. Forgotson Den 6, held her first meeting at the occasion being her ninth birth- the Perth Amboy General Hospital. Mrs. Julia Lukacs, Mrs. John Silag- Episcopal Church will meet stressed the importance of study- St. Cecelia's Church. Mr. Ikuss is day. yi. Miss Eleanor Silagyi and Mrs.April 26. ing the customs and life of people one of the committeemen' for the —Donna Hertfelder is recovering Joseph Lebenski, Fords. LIONS TO MEET in other lands in order to promote Pack and the membership includes from a,, tonsillectomy performed FORDS—The Fords Lions Club a better understanding of their William Rikvalski, Thomas Burke, recently at Doctors' Hospital, UNUSUAL REQUEST rights. Th'omas Granelli, Jerry Carlo and MEETING MONDAY Oklahoma City, Okla. — A re- will meet in Lopes Restaurant Newark. quest recently received at Tinker April 23. Vocal selections in German and James Ikuss, all of the Park; also —Mrs. Donald Barnickel and FORDS—The Ladies' Auxiliary in English were given by the Man- Thomas Paladino and Russell Ca- Mrs. Robert Ferguson, Pines Lake, of Fords Memorial Post, 6090, V. Air Force Base, at which a crew ner & Damenchor Society of Perth terenicchio, Westbury Park. F. W., will meet April 23 at S P.of men do nothing but dispose of were among a group of former em- no longer useful airplanes, stumped Amboy. —J a n i c e Clough, Woodruff ployees of Travelers Insurance M. in post headquarters. Mrs. Elsa Rosenblum, civil de- the 25,00 military and civilian pttone Street, was hostess to some, of her Company, who met last week for personnel at the base. The letter fense chairman, gave details on the little friends last Saturday for her cocktails and luncheon at The niversary. rales are public participation phase of "Op- Hotel Statler, New York. came, from two boys, aged 13 and seventh birthday party. The guests —JoAnne Doris Kronseder,. in- slightly used airplane to "set in eration May Day" scheduled for were; Karen Johnson, Debby Ham- —Mrs. Dorothy E. Hicks, Park- fant daughter of Mr., and Mrs. May 1. Mrs. Henry T. Hopkins, of mett, Dianne Kull and Nancy Jane 14, who asked about obtaining one chester, N. Y., arrived last Friday Walter Kronseder, Bloomfield Ave- my yard to learn how to fly."' LOW Keyport, third district civil de- •ilmore. to spend the week-end at the home nue, was christened at Trinity fense chairman, spoke briefly of —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Peace, Eli- of Mrs. George F. Ferguson. On Episcopal Church, Woodbridge. Boston , .(SO© the work: of her committee. A skit zabeth Avenue; celebrated fifteen Saturday, additipnal guests were: (The sponsors were John and Leona HIS ALIBI Detroit .90© on "Home Protection'" was given years of marriage last week. Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson and Martin. A party for many guests Charleston, W. Va. — Plunking with Mrs. James Harkay acting as day night they entertained Mrs. children Linda, Laurie and Bob, was held at the Kronseder home. down a tooth before the judge, From Boonton tSivc H JPM and Earl Sizemore, arrested for being all day Sunday. 3 min. station narrajtor. In this skit articles need- Peace's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bar- —The Provisional League of rates, 10%Fed- tkgnotincluded. ed for the protection of the home B. Taylor, Woodbridge Oaks; Mr. nickel with Jane-Ellen and Nancy. | Women Voters of Woodbridge drunk, explained that he wasn't in case of an attack were displayed. Peace's father, Percy, Long- Island; —Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Hin-.Township will hold a discussion drunk,' but was groggy from four In keeping with the "interna- Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, also kel, Rebecca Place, were among unit for residents of this area on shots of novocaine the dentist had tional" theme, the United Nations of Long Island; and Mr. and Mrs.the many guests attending the; din- Monday evening at 8:15 at the used to extract the tooth. The James Beffert, Union. From the ner-dance re-union of Mrs. Hin-home of Mrs. Lyle Reeb, Warwick judge wasn't impressed, however, Park guests were: Mr. and Mrs. kel's Plainfleld High School class, 1 Road, Colonia. The topic will be assuring Sizemore that "novocaine "Marry me and you can send your furs r Julius Meadows, Mr. and Mrs. Fred held at the Morrisville Inn. j the situation of water resources in has no odor like bay rum." He re- Dixdh/Mr. and Mrs. John Magnier, —Birthday greetings to Deborah 'New Jersey. ceived fifteen days. and woolens to "MARTIN" for storage." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fennesz and Ann Moorehead, Park Avenue, who Mr', and Mrs. George Natusch. was four years old Tuesday; De- —Mr. and Mrs. J. Lombardo, borah Ann Tygrett, Elizabeth Ave- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- nue, two years old last Friday; and as Caloia, Woodruff Street, Satur- to William C. Anderson, Jr., and Proclamation day night. / Virginia Kodilla, both of Park WHEREAS, a major goal of our State and Nation is the Our modern "cold-cold" vaults are per- —Marc Nevin, Elizabeth Avenue, Avenue, and Janet Gartner, Har- maintenance of a sound domestic economy in time of peace so fect for furs-—and—all woolen storage. was six years old, Tuesday. He and rison Avenue. as to provide full employment, opportunities for initiative and David Mellow are going to New —Mr. aiid Mrs. Richard Work- investment and an adequate supply of goods for our citizens; . . . You get our famous "4-way protec- 1 York with . Mr. Nevin to see the man, Homes Park Avenue, went ' and tion against MOTHS, FIRE, THEFT Gilbert display of trains on Fifth out to dinner last Saturday to WHEREAS, an equally important goal is the fortifying of Avenue, also to Rockfeller Center, celebrate their fifth wedding an- cur defenses so that our people can live in confident assurance and HEAT . . . expert glazing and of protection from enemies abroad; and ". cleaning services too. ... . WHEREAS, the chemical industry of our State has- made, FORDS, HOPELAWN and KEASBEY and increasingly continues to make, substantial contributions to both these goals by transforming our rich resources into ever • Fur Storage .. only 1% on after CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS more useful products; and WHEREAS, because these contributions by the chemical © Storage Pak.. only $1.99 industry have.helped our citizens to attain a higher standard of living and have greater security than any other people on (Budget Including- free 'pickup (NOTE: For insertions in • this calendar, '• Rug Storage .. iPrices) and delivery. What Could Be Easier? earth; s call Mrs.. Andrew Sedivy, 100 Grant Ave- NOW, THEREFORE, I, HUGH B. QUIGLEY, MAYOR OF Here's the easiest, quickest, most convenient way nue, Fords, VAlley 6-5670, before noon THE TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, do hereby proclaim the on Tuesday of each week. Mrs. Sedivy week of April 23-28, 1956, as to bank. Just drive up to our teller's window and Visit your nearby alon is correspondent for Fords, Hopelawn CHEMICAL PROGRESS WEEK Call or phone for routenirin and Keasbey.) " • make deposits from the seat of your own car.t in the Township of Woodbridge, and urge all civic and fraternal Today Woodbridgp groups, all educational and scientific bodies, all news disseminat- 108 Main Stiw* Try it .,. . soon! ing media, all chambers of commerce, and all other -groups to For WO-S-3BKI APKIL encoui-age and promote the celebration of Chemical Progress Our Week, using- as the theme, of • their activities A BETTER Iseliii 23—Meeting of Fords Lions Club in Lopes Restaurant. AMERICA THROUGH CHEMICAL PROGRESS, and to do Friendly 1538 Oak Tree K'IJ>) 23—Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Memorial Post 6090, everything within their power to bring home to each citizen the Bonded LI-S-3061 V. F. W., in post headaquarters, 8 P. M. - importance of the chemical industry in their daily, living. Routeman Metuehen 24—Meeting of Ladies' Auxiliary of Fords Unit 163, American • 402 Main Strct The Friendly Bank of Fords, New Jersey HUGH B. QUIGLEY, Mayor Legion, in post rooms. . LI-S-3015 MEMBER JFEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Attest: 26—Meeting of American Home Department in library, 1:30 P. M. MEMBER OF FEDERAL INSURANCE CORP. B. J. DUNIGAN, Township Clerk "your clothes best Mend" 26—Meeting o'f PTA. of St. John's Episcopal'Church. >! - * •-'•-•.•!'- :' -•••••;-•• r ,- ,.— ".'- •':•. •„•!• ;•' _ difficulties besetting efficient and economi- AWARD SEASON Edison Township-Fords Beacon cal operation of our community has been Some Pertinent Dala the almost complete lack of liaison between in the Published Every Thursday by these two agencies of government. They, The Woodbridge Publishing Co. as autonomous bodies, have acted with total ; Post Office Address: Fords, N. J. independence of each other-^-each consid-. History of Woodbridge ; Woodbtidge 8-1710 . ering simply its own necessities without N • • \ , • placing them m. relation to the necessi- By RUTH WOMC who had conducted it as a hos- Charles E. Gregory telry for many years. Here before Editor and Publisher ties of the other. We already have seen Chapter IV the financial chaos which such a system Practically every community in this historic Inn is probably the this area claims that ''George place -where the "stars and , Subscription rates by mail, including post- nurtures. stripes" were first officially un- Washington slept here,'" but furled in the village. age, one year, $3.00; six months,. $1.50; three We have always felt that our educational them is knowledge of Washing- months, 85 cents; single couies by mail, 10 ton's connection with. Woodbridge Marks Historic Spot cents. All payable in advance. system could have the advantages which in at least two instances. Iii his Jennet (or Janet as she is trip from New York to Philadel- called in legal documents; chose By carrier delivery, 8 cents per copy. many experienced, civic-minded residents could give it. We think the services of these phia in May, 1776, the route lay one of the most historic spots to Entered as second class matter April 17, through Woodbridge to Amboy, erect her liberty pole. For it was 1936, at Fords, N. J,, post office, under the men could be guaranteed if they could be- probably on May 22. In this in- as I mentioned before ihe place Act of March 1, 1879. stance he made an inspection of where Washington spent his last come members of the Board of. Education Staten Island with an idea of night as a private citizen before by appointment—and we feel that if given fortifications, which may have taking his oath as first president the opportunity to fulfill such a responsi- been the reason for keeping of the United States. In the party closer to the coast than he might was the war governor of New This, We Are ^ - bility, Mayor Quigley would make out- otherwise have done. The in- Jersey, William Livingston. The Independent-Leader is compliment- standing appointments. formation is due to the fact that Because her husband was a Woodbridge figures in bis ex- Tory, his property was confis- ed that its editor, Charles E. Gregory, has We trust that Commissioner O'Neill will pense account. There is no in- cated and because she was a been selected by the combined service clubs assert vigorously the suggestion which he formation as to whether he went loyal member of the colonies, by the same route on his return Janet was permitted to purchase of Woodbridge Township as the recipient has sponsored. That it may be explained trip in June. the confiscated property. On of their annual award for meritorious pub- and explored as objectively as possible •'"'" On the last night of his journey August 15, 1778, the name of : should be the aim of all. We will try to do f rorruMount Vemon to New York Phillip Gage appears with others lic achievement. . . our full share. for his inauguration in 1789, fi'om the Township who had Washington slept on the night joined the army of the King of It is the intention of The Independent- of April 22 at Woodbridge. He Great Britain or had otherwise Leader to express at all times the will and stopped at Cross Keys Tavern on betrayed the colonies. Inquisitions As Off to Work We Go the northwest corner of Main were entered against them. On the judgment of the people of our com- Nearly everybody's working for the gov- Street and Amboy Avenue, now the list was one Ebenezer Foster, munity, without fear or Javor. We will not the site of the Columbian -Club. Woodbridge, one of the most ernment. The original building—a long, prominent men of the Township. be deterred in this objective, for price or That's a conclusion which may be drawn white house—has been moved to He was a step-brother of Lt. Col. the rear of the club. The State Thomas Hadden, * a prominent for person. We believe that our standards from two recent studies cited by the New of New Jersey has placed a patriot of the Township. of journalism have won for Mr. Gregory the Jersey Taxpayers Association. plaque at the site to mark the These inquisitions were re- fact that "Washington slept turned by the Court of Commor honor which has come to him. We will for- The U. S. Bureau of Census reports that here." Pleas; New Brunswick, and hear as of last October approximately 38 of every ing set on October, 1778. The ever hold these standards high. One of the heroines of the commissioners appointed to take : 1,000 of the more than five million residents Revolutionary War locally was care of the matter were William . L.-F..C. in New Jersey were on public payrolls. Nine Jennet (old fashioned spelling) Manning and Ebenezer - Ford, Pike Gage, for whom Janet Gage both representatives of promi- were employed by the Federal Government Chapter, Daughters of the Amer- nent families in Woodbridge. Bravo! , within New Jersey while the other 29 were ican Revolution, Woodbridge, Ebenezer Ford kept the tavern employed by state and local governments. was named. I am indebted to of what is now known as Fords, One of the most thoughtful and signifi- Under the Capitol Dome Janet Gage Chapter for most of but for many years known as cant contributions to a transcending local The official computation showed a total the information about her. She "Ford's Comer." of 207,592 full- and part-time public em- By if, Joseph Srlbiiliis was born in 1748, and was the Evidently many of the offend- governmental problem has been made by wife of Philip Gage, the Tory. ers did not appear for final •*, Commissioner William E. O'Neill of the ployes in New Jersey/These included 49,798 Daily's history describes her as judgment to be passed upon their on the Federal civilian payroll, 29,306 listed TRENTON — Hurricanes sweep- VIGNETTE: — Gold curtains chised will be reduced to a mini- a woman of "enthusiastic tem- , allegiance, for on February 12, Board of Education. It should receive the were drawn to block the,outside mum. perament and of undoubted pa- as working at the state level and 128,488 ing across New Jersey during the triotism." To her is given the 1779, after seemingly sufficient serious and considered attention of both our summer and early fall months sunshine. Powerful Kleig lights The change was recommended time had been given them to see in the employ of local government—county, were turned on and movie cam- credit of having been the mov- public officials and the people. ahead will continue to be named by the New Jersey Election Laws ing figure in the raising of the the error of their ways, they were municipal or school district. The state era began grinding. Newspaper- Study Commission in its. report branded as fugitives and offend- Commissioner O'Neill suggests that steps after girls so they may be pro- men sat tense in their chairs. first "liberty pole" in Wood- ers and their property was of- figure reported by the Bureau of Census nounced easily, quickly recognized to the Legislature in January,. bridge, soon after the close of be taken at once hy his colleagues in con- Governor Robert B. Meyner, 1955. Governor Meynor is re- the Revolution. fered for sale by the commission- includes state authorities and the State and easily remembered. highly groomed, sat at the head ported in favor of the idea. ers at public vendue on March junction with the Town Committee to ar- University in addition to regular State Those who look ahead with of the table in the plush execu- According to Dally, the only 22, 1779, at the house of John range a referendum whose acceptance by dread at the approach of the tive conference room. The re- DOPE ADDICTS: — Increased part that mere man seems to Conger, Innkeeper, at Bonham- agencies. hurricane season may get some porters began to throw questions. numbers of narcotic addicts in have taken in this historic event town, then a part of Woodbridge the electorate would alter present methods However, working for the government is consolation out of the fact that , At this psychological moment; New Jersey must be considered a is that of her Negro servant, Township. of selecting members of the Board of Educa- not the exclusive privilege of public em- the United States Weather Bu- a workman in the State House serious threat to society and a "Joe," who under Jennet's direc- Inquisition was found and tion. Under Mr. O'Neill's proposal, these reau claims that rarely are there cellar began to hammer on the basic cause of crime and corrup- tion cut, carted and with her as- judgment obtained against Phil- ployes, according to another survey re- enough hurricanes in this area, floor beneath the well-arranged tion. sistance, set up the pole before lip Gage and two tracts of his members would be appointed by the Mayor leased by The Tax Foundation. Men em- over a single season, to use up executive press conference. Cam- The New Jersey Commission the old Cross Keyes Tavern, then property were offered for sale to more than .half of the 26 names eramen threw up their hands and instead of being chosen by election. In addi- ployed in industry and in other pursuits on Narcotic Control made this the property of John' Manning, (Continued on Page Eleven) tion, a Board of School Estimate would be in any alphebetical list. The rec- the Governor slowed down and declaration in a recent report to devote a substantial share of their working ord number of tropical disturb- stuttered. The hammering con- the Legislature. The commission established to prepare the annual school week earning enough just to pay the direct ances in one season is 21 which tinued. The Governor continued pointed out that under a 1952 Competence Creates Confidence budget. . , . was reached in 1933. to talk. Newspapermen began law, all persons convicted in State and indirect taxes which keep the Federal, Hurricanes originating in the looking at> each other.- Nervous; op'Federal courts of narcotic of- ' As a member erf the Board of Education, state and local governments going. Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea hands still in the air, a camerman fenses are required to register and Atlantic Ocean during 1956 pleaded: -"Can't someone stop Mr. O'Neill shows commendable courage 1 with local police or the State The private research organization's com- will be identified by the follow- that noise? ' Another shut off the Police. sound machine. and sincerity in advocating such a change, putations show that it takes the average ing names: Anna, Betsy, Carla, As a result, there is a regis- one which we regret to say will probably man (working 40 hours and earning $85 Dora, Ethel, Flossy, Greta, Hat- Robert 3. Burkhardt, the Gov- tered population of 889 . narcotic develop considerable opposition among his tie, Inez, Judith, Kitty, Laura, ernor's secretary, hastily left the offenders in New Jersey. Of this, per week) 12 hours—or one and one-half? Molly, Nona, Odette, Paula, room to search out the culprit number conservatively 600 are colleagues. Even if such is the case, how- Quenby,. Rhoda, Sadie, Terese, in the catacombs beneath the working days—just to pay the costs of Ursey,. Vesta, Winny, Xina, Ypla, convictions for the use of drugs ever, we feel that weight of public opinion government. State House. The Governor con- and this figure reflects the total and Zenda. tinued to smile broadly. of registered addicts only and not can be exerted in order that the O'Neill Thus, not until Tuesday noon of the The bureau explains that in ; One newspaperman comment- the total number of addicts. plan can be carefully explored and care- the Pacific Ocean a somewhat ed: "A. Kefauver delegate in the "There is no record of care or average working week has the average tax- similar but separate naming sys- If you own—or drive—an automobile, your car insurance is an item fully judged. :. ."•;•• ; basement." Another said "A rehabilitation^ of these registered of major importance. Don't make the mistake of placing insurance payer worked off his tax obligations. He tem is used to identify tropical Republican in the cellar." An- addicts," said the commission, just because it SEEMS to be "cheaper," for you will GET what you One of the most compelling reasons Mr. then goes to work earning such family cyclones of typhoon intensity. other said "A G.O.P. Mouse." The "and the rate of recidivism is pay for—and no more!"Consult a LOCAL AGENCY, such as ours Because the Pacific has a much noise subsided. The questioning between fifty and eighty per cent and let us point out just what your insurance dollars will DO for O'Neill advances in behalf of his proposal budget essentials as food (8 hours), hous- larger number of tropical storms started all over again. you, or tell us what YOU want in coverage and protection and we is that its adoption will "necessarily cause ing (7 hours), transportation (3?/ hours), each year four sets of girls' names where no facilities for compul- will write It that way with assurance that every cent so expended 2 are used, and in a continuous sory . treatment, rehabilitation will deliver the security that YOU want. Policies placed with our the Board and the Township Committee to clothing (3 hours), medical (2 hours), VOTERS:—Newcomers to New and after care are available to organization are backed up by our personal and conscientious fixed sequence without regard to Jersey would be given a better service. the calendar year or season. The the courts and probationary act in closer cooperation." As we .have seen recreation (1% hours), and the other chance to vote in State and local forces. the problem for years, one of the principal necessities. first typhoon in the Pacific during elections'under plans being stu- each season is assigned.the name died by the Legislature. "Therefore, so large a number Friendly Service—As Near As Your Phone directly following the last name of registered addicts must be used during the previous season. Several resolutions have been considered a serious threat to 1929 When all 84 names ^have been introduced to amend the State society and a basic of crime and . used, the entire Pacific list is re- Constitution to cut down the corruption." Opinions" of Others peated again starting with the period of "time that a person must first name in the first set. live in the State and in the county PAROLE: — New Jersey's before he shall be entitled to vote. Legislature is considering enact- ^f AL ESTATE & 1MSURMKfi WHO NEEDS A TALK to a million-unit-a-year market. nois..The 700,000 votes he rolled Suggestions have been made At the present time, the residence ment, of a law requiring that one that the Weather Bureau desig- requirement "for voting is one member of the present three- BY HISS? .-.'.. .'•.'. - In "Breakthrough on Transis- up .represent some 96 per cent f tors" the magazine describes the nate hurricanes by numbers, by year in the State, and five months (Continued on Page Twelve) Princeton University is getting of the Democratic turnout. Fur- English letters, by Greek letters, in the. county. It is proposed to plenty of publicity—all; bad*— •opening toy Philco of the world's thermore, the combined total for largest transistor factory in by boys' names, by the phonetic cut this time down to six months because a student xiebating so- Mr. Stevenson and Senator Ke- alphabet used by XI. S. military in the State and forty days in-the ciety won't cancel an invitation Spring City, (Pa.'It has 100,000 fauver is only a few thousand feet of floor space; probably will below the combined Republican services during World War 2; by county. to convicted perjurer- Alger Hiss names of animals, or by descrip- . Under the present State Con- to come over April 26 and tell have a peak output of 15 to 20 vote, in contrast to the margin million of the little geranium of a half-million toy which the tive.adjectives, such as annoying, stitution a great many people the society "The Meaning- of blustery and churning. moving into New Jersey or mov- Geneva." buttons yearly. Meanwhile RCA Republicans led the Democrats is completing a 120,000-square- in the primary of 1952. But the Weather Bureau in- ing from one county to another' No less a public figure "than foot plant in New Jersey and tends to name hurricanes after are disenfranchised. If the reso- Livingston Merchant, assistant In a sense the Illinois primary girls because their use is shorter, lution is adopted by the 1956 Westing-house is ibuilding an- was more important for Mr. Ste- secretary of state for European other of about the same size. quicker and less confusing than Legislature and approved by the affairs and newly appointed am- venson in -what it did not do the older and more cumbersome voters at next November's gen- toassador to Canada, has joined The details are pretty techni- than in what it did do. It did latitude - longitude identification eral election, the number of per- in the protests. Mr.. (Merchant, cal, but the point is the transis- not give the extra push to the methods. . sons who are thus disenfran- a Princeton alumnus, warned tor business has just smashed a Kefauver bandwagon that in - that Hiss appearance "would do production barrier that formerly this case might have proved lasting and. irreparable damage limited manufacturers strictly to fatal to Mr. Stevenson. Although OLAMOS GIRLS -to Princeton." handwordk methods. Now, ma- the peripatetic Senator from To date the university's ad- chines can do it^thanks to the Tennessee wages no campaign, in ministration has taken a- "boys discovery of a new, improved Illinois, his friends encouraged a will toe *>oys" view of the matter kind of germanium unit called •write-in for him there;, inspired and has declined ito force the the "surface barrier transistor." no doubt toy his successes in New hand of the obstinate student By 1958 or soon after, all new Hampshire, Minnesota and Wis- group. • auto radios are likely to be using consin. But Mr. { Kefauver's transistors—eight or nine of 'em write-in was small, and while If the boys in the debating that does no particular harm to society can't see the desservice to a set — instead of vacuum BANKING HOURS: You will find readily available at this bank tubes. That's a huge market. his chances,, it also hasn't helped they are doing themselves and him. Furthermore, the primary Monday thru Friday any financial service you are ever likely to (Portable radios could make a their university, it seems to us did not result in big defections 9 A. M. to,2 P. M. •"•». need. You are invited to use our facilities as /their education is lagging some- •third big market. Eliminate the from Mr. Stevenson in the Friday Evenings '* where.— N. Y. World-Telegram heavy batteries necessary to ipemocratie stronghold of Cook broadly as possible to aid your progress. and The Sun. work vacuum tubes and your County, where his nearly two- 4 P. M. to 6 P. M. pocket squawk box will play for to-one majority over the Repub- TKANSITORS GAIX>RE months. licans showed that Crhicago's Big mass production of ttiose Until now, knots in production Mayor Daly and the ;organiza- tiny miracle buttons called have kept transistor cost high tipn still have things well in transitors is now going-; strong, and the volume low. The first hand. .- Mr. ' Stevenson's state- reports Business Week. The next aid transistors cost $7.50 each. wide vote was close to what he 2% Paid on Savings Accounts large -volume market for tran- Now the unit price is near •received in 1952 as the un- sistors is expected to toe in auto- $1.75 — about the cost of the opposed Democratic candidate mobile radios. . glass tube it replaces. — Denver for Governor. He can now face %% Pafd on Savings Certificates The first big public use of Post. his crucial Florida contest these grain-of-com sized equiv- against Mr; Ke±auver with more alents of the vacuum tube came &MNOIS PRIMARY assurance than would have been in hearing aids, where mmaturi- Adlai E. Stevenson as the possible a few days ago. zation is a money-making must. leading Democratic contender WOODBRIDGE The hearing aid makers toegan for tthe Presidential nomination The vote this year in the Illi- putting transitors into their can take considerable satisfac- nois Residential primary was Our New Building, Corner Moore Avenue NATIONAL BANK gadgets some three years Ago, tion from the results of the pri- far below that of 1952, but it/ « i««, nxa RATUMI srxoreirt «•», wo*i» SHOTS sunn* / and already are providing close mary in. his home State of Illi- (Continued on Page Twelve) and Berry Street (Opp. Town Hall) Member; Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation PAGE TEN EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACOft "What's for dinner? Oh, Spanish THURSDAY, &PRIL 10^ 1&56 PAGE ELEVEH "Leader" magazine please contact Appointments Made at Four New Members him at Fulton 8-8769. Mrs. Grant Awards Presented Some Pertinent Data Nims, Jr. was named chairman Boy Scout Meeting fqr the Memorial Day Parade. She •••'' • • •. in the ' •„• .••. , .• COLONIA — Boy Scout Troop "" " '• " ' ••.. . •'. '• - a '•_.:•" ; Welcomed by Wl will issue instructions including; At "Pack Meeting Girl Scout News a list of "fulldrejss" regulations. 45 met Friday night at the : American Legion Hall where ISELIN — Four new members Mrs. Charles Enz, .financial chair- ISELIN — An awards meeting -of Woo dfc man, asked that all leaders turn guests were Mr. Pox and Mr. were welcomed by Iselin Post 2636. Reich and their . sons of Cub of Cub Pack 148, sponsored by VFW at a meeting Thursday. The their financial statements over to School 15 PTA was held Thursday, new members are: Anthony Nie- her promptly after their- last June Scout Pack 145, who passed their (Continued from Editorial Page/ Please call Mrs. Jack Brown at [Rally were also discussed at this Webelos requirements by attend- preceded by a program depicting radka, Walter Moschberger, Sam- Liberty 8-1916 for all Girl Scout neighborhood meeting. Represent- meeting! ! • the theme for April, "Bird uel Policastro and Charles Brus- ing a Scout Troop meeting. tlie highest bidder — one tract ulon Pike, who Tell at the siege and Brownie news. : ing all seven of the'Intermediate- REMINDER—Any leader who is Announcement was made of ap- Watchers." of 53 acres = • on Strawberry Hiil kiewicz. troops were: Mrs. Joseph McClue, : of Little Yorki' how Toronto, Girl Scout Troop 8, sponsored by giving up her troop must turn troop pointments and promotions .as fol- All dens presented displays Deris and the oChez-a tract of 37. acres Caa., in 1813, and for whom Plans were completed for the the Fords iions, Club, held: its leader Troop 42; Mrs. Rubin Greco, records and troop funds in to a lows: Mr. Hope Smith and Mr.4, 6, 7 presented skits under .the of •. salt meadow. These were sold Pike's Peak is named. Clarissa 'joint ..installation which will, be meeting in Fords P*rk last week. assistant Troop 42; Mrs. David board member. Under no circum- Albert Hornyak, assistant scout- direction of the den mothers; Mrs. at public vendue at the house of Pike, the only phild of Gen. Zeb- held April 21 at-8:30 P.M. at Post The girls met at 10:30, then started Tappen, leader Troop 52; Mrs. L.stances should she keep these items masters; Hubert Mertes, newly Larry Steinberg, Mrs. Theodore ulon M. Pike, to attain maturity, HeadquartersrAlfred Bruderer will practising for Field Day. Their Jacob, Mrs. R. Kling, both assist- Esaiblt. Fitz . Randolph, Wood- : in her possession oivgive them to promoted to senior patrol leader; Kristensen and Mrs. James bridge, on March 23, to Janet married John Cleves Symmes be; the installing officer for theEroof) representatives will be: ants Troop 46; Mrs. Charles Havel, the new leader. Gary Mohr, promoted to patrol O'Rourke. • • Gage/as the highest bidder.. -•• Harrison,! son of President Wil- post and Mrs. Lilla Mae Dziombak Broad jump, Diane Seyler; 50 yard leader Troop.12; Mrs. James Knox, Troop 15, led by Mrs. James leader, and William Locke, pro- Guests from Woodbridge Cub House Is Refuge liani Henry Harrison and uncle, for the auxiliary: An open house . dash, Margurite Dall-; 3' legged leader Troop 15; Mrs. Joseph Knox, made plaster of paris race, Sharon Ofsonka and Patty Birtha, leader Troop 17 and Mrs. moted to assistant patrol leader of Pack 43 were: Cubmaster, James Capt! John Conway, prominent of President Benjamin Harrison. for the public will follow. , placques, in the form of the Sacred the "Apache" Patrol. Taylor, committee members, Mi- "Bhus we find Janet to have been Mr. Bruderer, Memorial Day Jones; Wheelbarrow race, Rose- John Poll, leader of Troop 14 andHeart and the Madonna. These chael Duchko and den mothers,^ in the.Revolution, a.member of ann Lalley and Patty Jones; ball Senior Troop 7. An inter-patrol contest was Committee of /Observation of the a descendant of the first families program chairman 'announced that were Easter gifts for mother. The held and points were given for in-Mrs. James Taylor, Mrs. EleanoiT of Woodbridge, the -mother of at throwing contest, Carole Fischer girls also made Easter Bunny | Coiincil of Safety of the State,. a special meeting for all Iselin or-, and Sharon Ofsonka. Patrol No. Mark Birthdays spection, ^irst aid bandages and Peterson and Mrs. Michael Duchko. High Sheriff of the County and; least • four sons, the wife of" ganizations that expect to partici- Refreshments. at the last meet- baskets and scrapbooks for the Larry Steinberg and Cubmaster Tory, the. sister "of a prdmiheni 2 won the potatoe race and patrol Children's County Home • in West- \ time judging. The winners wei'e one of the founders of the So- pate in the program will be held No. 3 won the bag race during the ing of Brownie Troop 32, sponsored the "Rattlesnake" Patrol. Roger Kenny presented awards as ciety'of Cincinnati, with tiie Cut- officer of the American Revolu^ April 23 at Post headquarters. by Congregation Sisterhood Adath field. They were given to polio follows: Den 2 George Legones, tion* the aunt of a captain, who inter-troop activities. The girls patients. Plans, were made at the troop ter, Ayers, Fitz Randolph, irislee, Plans ;were furthered 'for the had- their lunch at the park, too.. Israel, were overabundant. Reason? Greenbar meeting tor individual gold arrow; Bruce Rapp, one year Harned and Harriot.. families, latex became a-lieutenant-colonel, square dance May 26. Sanford They were celebrating April birth- pin; Vincent Kiczyston, one year the' great-aunt by marriage to Mrs. Richard Walsh is their .Girl Scouts from Mrs. Charles! projects to be undertaken at fu- were close neighbors of the Gage Luna, chairman, announced that leader. . •'..'. •'..-. •-. days, six in all. Hostesses were Enz' Troop 49 presented a playlet, ture troop meetings. pin; Leslie Mathews, wolf badge; family,' and it is evident from the, the son of aii, early President of music would be furnished by Uncle mothers of the Birthday Browies; "Snow White," to the Brownies of Thomas Colgan, one year pin; Har- the United States —- and above ry Bergen, lion badge. Den 3, Fred affidavit of; the captain and his George and his Jersey Ramblers. A combined -Easter and Birth- Mrs. Thomas Chiardlla for daugh- Troop 64.. Mrs. Henry Dickson is wife,':Jane, made, before Ben- all a true patriot. - ... Mr. Luna -was also appointed chair- day party was held by Mrs. An-ter Kathleen; Mrs. Stanley Gasio- leader of Troop 64 and Mrs. Ikeer Troop 33 and Mrs. Robert Cant- Reight, assistant denner's stripe; jamin Manning on September 17, Town Plays Part Well man for the annual poppy sale. drew Wargos' Troop 2. Phylis Ya- rowski. for Judith; Mrs. Louis Burroughs assists. Taking part in well, leader Troop 36. Alex Cwiekalo, bear book, 1 gold Susan Edwards, ' Bonny Falk, 1792, that Janet was a trusted . And thus : it went all -through covino, Jacquiline York and Erma- Kovacs for Kathleen; Mrs. Jules the presentation were Margaret arrow, two silver arrows; John friend and neighbor, and her the Revolution, Woodbridge play- line Cappola were the birthday Meistrich for Abby; Mrs. George Guellich, Elaine Cauepauro, Shir- Shelley Fomenko, Barbara Frank, Podeszwa, bear book, one gold ar- house considered a place of se- ing her part well. During that- Squad Bowling Team girls. These girls also made Easter Oettle for Barbara and Mrs. Ben- ley Walker, Marilyn Moody, all Barbara Jennings, Beth Knudson, row, two silver arrows, and assist- curity for their personal property. time very few records were kept;! baskets for St. Josephs Home in jamin Rabinowitz for Ilerie. Prizes from Troop 49; Judy O'Donnell, Judy McKean, Connie McManus, ant denner's stripe. Den 4 Robert During the Revolution, upon of Township meetings and from Guests of Rahway Unit Woodbridge. Mothers of the girls for the games were awarded to: Sandra Walker, Patricia. Wyda, Carol Metzger, Leslie Nims and Midgely, two silver arrows; Dennis the expected approach of the en- March 12, 1776, to March 11, • helped to plan a bazaar. The girls Diane iBelmonte, Ann Gabriel and Peggy Chamberlain, all from Troop June Parr had an enjoyable (even Brown, one year pin; Michael emy in numbers, or by the con- 1783, no meetings are recorded.; GOLONIA. — The Colonia First will sell items that they . have Jane Tanzman... Mrs. Jules Meis- 64. Shirley Walker and Elaine though it was more than a little Popp, bear book. Den 5 John templated absence for. a time of \Nb allusion was made to the warAid Squad Bowling Team mem- made. Some of the items are:,itrich, leader, is assisted by Mrs.Spangenberg pantomimed' "Cin- chilly) overnight outing at Knoll- dough, denners stripe, Kenneth the menfolk in tlie. family, the and the only valuable part of the bers were guests of Quinn and chair shapped pin cushions, waste Norman Tanzman and Mrs. Solderella" in three parts. top, supervised by Mrs. Grant Migliorato, two silver arrows; Ste- Boden Team at an invitation paper • baskets and home made Spiller. Nims, Jr., leader,arid Mrs. Richard phen Kravitz, bobcat, and wolf .women" and'children thus affect- . records at the Municipal Building, A new member, Lilliam Ander- ed would be taken for safety to is that it shows who held office. match at the Cue-Bee House, Eli- cherry jam. Assisting Mrs. Wargo Larsen. Mrs. Charles Knudson and books; Charles De Ceso, bear book zabeth Avenue, Rahway, Saturday. with the troop are Mrs. John Troop 9, Golonia, made a trip son, and a new assistant leader, Irving Metzger helped by volun- and two silver arrows. Den.6, Al- the mountains in the vicinity of On March 1% 1776, William to New York last week. The girls Mrs. Richard Nims, were welcomed Plainfie.lo" and Basking Ridge. It Smith was moderator; Robei-t F, . William Yorke, Ike Burroughs, Timax and Mrs. Herman York. teering as "chauffers." The girls lan Snyder, 1 gold arrow; Allen Carmen Macaluso, William O'Don- attended the Easter Show at Radio by Brownie Troop 24. Hostesses enjoyed stalking in the woods; Kristensen, two year pin; Richard is probable that upon these oc- Randolph, Town "Clark"; John Easter napkin holders were do- City Music Hall. This was thefor a belated Easter party were casions that the personal prop- Shotwell, Isaa<3 and Matthew nell, Walter Pankewich, and Frank outdoor games,'songs and a camp- Clark, denner's stripe, Warren Importico bowled for \the First nated to the Edgar Hill Nursing first time some of the girls had ever Patty Ogden and Jane Potskanik. Weick, assistant denner's stripe. erty of the Captain and his fam- Freeman, "Over Seears, of the Home by the members of Girl ridden, on a subway train and they fire program. I heard the girls Aid Squad Team. : There -was a gay egg hunt with had a lot of fun doing these things ily was left with Janet for safe- Poor for the insuing year"; Ben- Scout Troop 48. The girls made were quite thrilled about it. Theprizes going to Gloria Bindewald, Den 5 with Mrs. Albert Kull, den keeping. It is evident that the jamin' Thornal and Samuel Force, Harry Smith, Richard -Smith, but even more fun was the un- fearless Janet remained at home them in the form of cardboard automat was* the source of much June Houseman, Andrea Poth and planned revelrey after "lights- mother, was the host group. Freeholders; Joseph, Shotwell, Richard Albrecht, Leroy Donnelly, bunnies. Brownie Troop 27 also amazement and amusement as theKathy Novack. Mrs. Leroy Binde- The regular meeting of the pack so that she might better look "assessor"; Nathl. Heard "Serve and Joseph Smith faowled for the out." Cooking was done on camp- after the care of her possesioris, made the same kind of tray favors girls used nickles to acquire their wald is leader of this Troop. fires; they cooked "pocket stew," scheduled for May 26 has been as Collector to geather.ye taxes Cue-Bee Team. and donated them. lunch. Mrs. Henry Ulshoefer, lead- cancelled in order that the pack and that she had no personal ye Ins."; James Bonny and Rob- Girls from Brownie Ti"oops 33 bread twists around franks, Ka- fear of the invader. ^ Troop 27 had a lot of fun. ater, and Mrs. W. Felton drove Jo- and 36 held a joint Easter Party. bobs, bacon and eggs. The trip was members might attend the circus ert Clarkson, surveyors; John people. We are not going to anne Glascott, Joyce Goodrich, May 26 from 1 P.M. to 6 PJvI. at Marsh, Marmeduke Hunt, Israel their easier egg coloring party. Novelties made during the month a huge success, witnessed by the Janet's house, according to croak.. We see many bright tints There were eggs of every descrip- Diane Larsen, Peggy Felton, Don- of March were used at this party. fact that all participants arrived Cooper's Field. Dally, was in the Strawberry Freerifan, Da.vid Kent, William in our, future sky. But we seetion. Mrs-. Peterson, leader, said na Larsen, Geraldine. Dedlack, Moore, Jr., James Munden and Paula Agolio, Linda Gaydos and Songs were reheased for field day.home happy but weary, and more Hill section "half way between James Ayres, "Overseeai's of thee. little clouds there, too. May wethe girls had more fun eating Enjoying all the games were Bar- than a couple of them went right COFFEE CLUB MEETS the house of ^Hampton Cutter not utter a word of warning be- them, though. Karen Conger to New York. -At bara Cooper, Mary Jane Fairchild, to bed for some rest—including roads"; Samuel' Jaquish, Ben- fore the storm comes and throws their last meeting the girls sewed COLONIA — Mrs. Fred Sutter, (1873)-arid Ms clay bank, along jamin Thdrnal, Moses Bloomf ield, Leaders from the Woodbridge Cancer Dressings. Barbara Healey, Patty Healey, Mi- their leader! Midwood Way, entertained the by the brook." It was here in Nathaniel Heard, Robert Clark- some noble bark upon the strand? neighborhood held their last meet- chele Polaek, Betsy. Sweeney, Have you thought of something members of the Coffee Club at her 1777 that.the battle of Straw- son and Joseph Shotwell, "trus- Proud of Residents '•:' ing at the home of. Mrs. John Ruth. Board Meeting: Elaine Wahl, Jane Weisman, Kath- "different" for the girls to do orhome last week. Attending were: berry Hill was fought. .tees -to the School Land and , "Growing up among us . arePlans were discussed for Field Day; There was a board meeting of leen Cantwell, Marie Tupper, Bar- make? Have you worked on a Mrs. George Scott, Fagan Place; Philip Gage died at the age o£ Money for thee year Insuing" many • fine-looking young men, Rally and badge work. Mrs. Wil- the Woodbridge Township Council bara McCabe, Mary Jane Sloane, badge in an unusual manner? Tell J"Mrs. Albert Foote, Inman Avenue; 37 in 1780 and with his -wife, (spelling as it* .appears in the strong, self-reliant and ambi- liam Kovac, Mrs. Frank James, of Girl Scouts at the home of our Christine D'Amoto, Diane Stiles, us all about it. Did you take a Mrs. James Taggart, Union Beach; Janet, who died May 3, 1821 in original-book). , tions. The late war for the Union Mrs. William Mazurek, Mrs. Ro-president, Mrs. Herman Steinbach. Joyce Weinbrenner, Diane Lynn hike to someplace ''out of the or-Mrs. William Wels and Mrs. her 73rd year, lies buried in the despoiled many homes of the bert ' Clark, Mrs. Nprman Kilbey, Mr. Henry Ulshoefer, register, asks Castiux, Patty Bundrick, Patty dinary?" We would love to hear Charles Oliphant, Sr., both of West Methodist Church yard, Main ; The spelling in some cases re- bravest and best, and our public Mrs. John Ruth, Mrs. Leroy Binde- that any leader not receiving her Connely, Mrs. William Doerr, lead- about it. Street. Street. Beside this burial yard veals that some of the clerks had gatherings were dreary enough wald, Mrs. William Petty, Mrs. S.: was the originalburial lot of "the little schooling, t\3n allowing for for a while, we missed them so. Spiller and Mrs. Chris Christensen members of the Silent Commun- the^style at the time. For ex- Some of them returned and glad were present. Mrs. Christensen, ion," the Quakers. In this yard ample, the word adjourned ap- we were-to see them back again; chairman, announced that the next today may be seen the. tombstones pears as. "Agurnde" and survey- but some sank to the Vave on meeting will be May 2 at the home of brownstone marking their last ors in one case,as "Suryares." Southern fields and., unknown of Mrs. Leroy Bindewald, 132 resting place-^Tory and patriot, Dally must have been a man - hands performed for them the Bucknell Avenue, Woodbridge. side by side; With them is buried of vision. He closes his history hasty rites of burial. In the still- Elect Officers a sonr Thomas, who died at the with the'end. of the Revolution. ness of deserted wilds and far- New officers have been elected age of 22." Although he wrote in 1873 when away battlegrounds some of them for Brownie Troop 60. Chairman, : ianet ,«Pike- Gage- was- a-de-: Woodbridge was just a dot on'the rest today. Those were, brave Jtfdy -Klein; secretary, Sherry young men. Shall the generation scehdant of Capt. John Pike, of •map, he said: "If we. could play Cowell; treasurer, Dorisr Watkins; Wobdbridge, whose first wife's Rip Vanj Winkle: and open our which follows them be less so? refreshment committee, Ann Borys name was Mary and whose sec- eyes on the village two hundred , . .-the hope for the future is -and Sandra Meyerowitz. Mrs*. Jo- . ond wife was Elizabeth Blesse, years from now, doubtless we in our young people. Will they seph Watkins is leader of this widow of Edward Fitz Randolph, should see more wonderful betray it? It is for them to de-troop. the Pilgrim immigrant. John ". changes'. than would . have ap- cide. To love.God and to do good Star of Bethlehem Girl Scout •was a magistrate, a 'member of peared to the view of John Pike constitute the noblest life a manTroop 14 and Senior Troop 7, under the Council under the Proprie- if. he had recently revisited his can hope for; and in such a life the leadership of Mrs. John Poll, tary Government and one of the home of. two centuries ago. '. we invite the young people of spent a day in New York. The girls first settlers of Woodbridge. His "Our town is near enough to Woodbridge to expend their pow- saw the Easter Pageant and movie son, John, married'Sarah Stout, New York'to afford a home for ers, assuring them that it is thein Radio City Mu.sic Hall. They Monmouth County, and their merchants.of that city, and our only one that brings no disap- also toured the United Nation son, Zebulon, married and had. traffic and manufactures are ris- pointment. Building. Their heartiest thanks among his children a son, James, ing in importance every year. In "Another hand before many to the following mothers for their who ,: marjied Mary Harriot. the . natural order, of things, years will doubtless find material cooperation: Mrs. Sigmund Sta- Among their children were Zeb- therefore, our destiny is. one of enough in the yet unknown andchelski, Mrs. Stephan Marhulin, ulon and Jennet. Zebulon became steady progress. Obstacles may future history of the town to setMrs. Ignatz Obropta, Mrs. ¥incent a captain and later a major in prevent our development, such as it down before the world. That Mufp h y, and Mrs. Stephen the Revolution. These commis- the lack of public spirit among such a record may contain honor- Thomas. Twenty-six girls went on sions were signed by. George our leading men, a lax.morality, able mention of many of our the trip. . • . Washington and that of colonel anti-Christian influences, and a young men and young women is Second cl&is and proficiency by Thomas Jefferson. He died at degenerate population. To some our earnest hope. But better than •badges were explained to'leaders of Xawrenceburg, Ind., : in 1834. ; extent these opposing forces are any record, may their names be the Avenel section by Mrs. John Janet's nephew, son of her broth- already among us—especially the written hi the Book of Life." Ruth, badge chairman, and Mrs. er, Zebulon, was the famous Zeb- lax morality among . our young ' (Continued Next Week) Norman Kilbey. Field Day and the

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"The deposits you make in a Mutual Savings Bank account Giving In...To Hii Practical. Side ! are ready for any purpose whenever you want them. • We will tell you, in all honesty, that this gentleman Cadillac's traditionally wonderful resale value. That's where I keep my savings," i, 1 • was a little dubious when he first walked into the And, lastly, he is being told that, at this showroom. . ' time of the year, his dealer is able io make There was no question, to be sure, alxmt his Cadillac ownership even more practital than usual. wanting a Cadillac. That's why we suspect that—having given in But, quite frankly, he wondered whether or not long ago to his heart—he is now giving in to his he was in a position to purchase a motor cap as practical side. And that's a combination no man wonderful as the 1956 Cadillac. can resist! . But now he is learning some facts about this If you have considered Cadillac the car in your distinguished motor car that are removing the future—but have postponed making the move for SINKING HOURSi 9 A.M.. 3 fJK frttay 9 A.M. •6 fM.4 doubt from his mind. reasons of economy—we urge you to stop In soon. First of all, he is learning that a Cadillac is As an experienced Cadillac dealer, we have Safety for Savings Since 1869 \ relatively modest in Its initial cost. established a wonderful relationship with fine-car He is finding out about Cadillac's extraordinary motorists, throughout the community- Our repu- The wmwwm AMBOT dependability and freedom from repairs. tation for integrity is positive assurance of yctar Savings: Institution He is diseovering the remarkable facts about satisfaction as a customer. PERTH AMBOY, NEW JERSEY MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE COBPOKATIOti MILLER. PONT1AC CADILLAC, Corp. St. George and Milton Aves. FU 1-0300 Rahway, J. PAGE THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1958 EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS BEACON

by the Goifernor without regard I Council, also authorizes the State fare c? the prisoner. Any such I by 450,000. If this suggests some j President Eisenhower received discharge could be revoked by the to political belief or affiliation; L Parole Board to issue to a prison-; ; measure of "farm revolt," it is several thousand, more votes in that, generally, the members of j er released on parole a dicharge board in its discretion. I mitigated fey the two-to-one this primary than did Mr. Ste- the board shall not engage in from such parole prior to expira- margin President Eisenhower re- venson, and/or the bulk of them RATES — INFORMATION partisan political activities, and tion of the' maximum term, for Opinions of Others [ ceived "downstate" (everywhere he had to rely on what are 75c for 15 words I Deadline for ads: Wednesday 10 that each member of the board which the prisoner was sentenced, but Cook County). This is nor-' essentially farming areas. [Never- devote his entire time to the per- less commutation time, but only (Continued from Editorial Page) mally Republican territory. If theless, the decline in the G.O.P. 3c each additional word A. M. for the same week's While resting from his television if the board.first determines that Payable in advance • publication. formance of Ms duties. may be significant that while the there is a real farm revolt brew- total should leave no room Jor activities, Jack Benny may make The measure, recommended by such discharge is for the best Democratic total fell off by some ing, it should show up snore complacency in Republican party Telephone WO-8-1710 a movie this summer. Charles the New Jersey Law Enforcement interests of society and the wel- 200,000, the •Republicans dropped * strikingly than it has. ' •circles.—The New York Times. Martin, independent producer, warts Mr. Benny to star in "The FEMALE HELP WANTED O FOR SALE Phon," a story about an average man who pretends to be some- WAREHOUSE for sale—40' x 30' body of importance.and, as a re- AN on lot 150' x 55'; has 10' x 10' sult of the subterfuge, becomes in- ECTORY office. Located at 685 St. George volved in rather serious compli- OPPORTUNITY . . . Avenue, Woodbridge^Call WO8- cations. \ Spurting Gonis awaits capable and con- 2686-W. , 4-19, 26 Accounting @ Furniture m 'Music Instruction Plumbing and Stealing) A newcomer who will make her scientious female clerical SERVICES how in moving pictures opposite Get That REEL FIXED workers, with some knowl- HAVING TROUBIJE with your John Payne, in "The Boss," is BUY ON THE HIGHWAY - MUSIC MEANS WOODBRIDGE NOW! sewerage? "Electric Sewerobter Gloria McGhee. Gloria has stage, A LIFE TIME OF JOY edge of typing, who are radio and television acting experi- AND SAVE "Bu Mer" removes roots, filth, sand and For Yonr Girl and Boy Plumbing & Heating interested in a banking stoppage from clogged pipes, ence. T2ie story's about a political Featuring "Penn," , party leader. career. Generous salary drains and sewers. No digging, no LEARN TO FLAY THE damages—rapid and efficient. Call © Inquire About Yearly Nationally Advertised ® Remodeling "Aitex" and during training period, In "Star Light, Star Bright," ACCORDION THE MODERN, "Centaure" Tony's Plumbing and Heating, Bookkeeping^ Sendee. Brands of" Furniture 'EASY WAY- ® New Installations periodic increases there- WO-8-8007. 4/5 - 4/26 Julie Adams will portray the Am- Service erican girl, hoping for a screen © Personalized Service NO -^.nrTMiTvrrMyr "no RTTTT. @ Gas and Oil Burners Station after and many other at- HUNGARIAN Recipe Book, Eng- career. Universal - International tractive benefits. lish print. Price $1. Mrs. P. So- will produce the film. by Trained Personnel. Call WO-8-3046, HI-2-7312 REEL REPAIRS A SPECIALTY regi, 1767 Prairie Avenue, South Erroi Flynn is scheduled to star Reel Checked, Cleaned, APPLICATIONS by Bend 14, Ind. 3/15 - 5/31 in "The Big Boodle," which gets L. PUGLD3SE - A. LIPO Polished, Greased and $ -| .50 LETTER ONLY! underway this month. Flynn is WAYSIDE Adjusted, for Only .... * FOOD SUPPLEMENT currently finishing up his starring stating age, experience, assignment for Universal in "Istan- FURNITURE SHOP (Plus Parts, If Needed) references. For those who YO-ZYME/THE NEW MIRACLE bul." U. S. Highway No. 1 — Avene! "Home of Reel Parts" FOOD We Have, In Stock qualify, personal inter- brings you the essential qualities Marc Platt, who last worked in A. B. L. L. B. Charles Farr ® TROUT WORMS views will be given. found in Yogart, Lactose and the musical, "Seven Brides For OPEN DAILY 9 A. M. • 9 P. M. ® MAINE-MADS MOCCASIN'S Brewer's Yeast, which aid in regu- Seven Brothers," at Metro, will not TAX and BUSINESS lation of intestinal nutrition and CONSULTANT Phone WOodbridgre 8-1577 Plumbing - Heating LOAFERS and SLIPPERS • need his dancing shoes for his • WILDLIFE PICTURES -• The First Bank and - staying youthful longer. Write for next picture. He will have, a 34 Green St., Woodbridge, N. J. I Electric Sewer Service (framed) Trust Co. details and free samples: Box 10,straight dramatic role, in "Some- PRIVATE LESSONS: International. Independent-Leader. 4-19* where I'll Find Him," also at.Met- Modern and Classical — Beginners Telephone! ® HUNTING AND FISHING Perth Amboy, N. J. tro. • Funeral Directors and Advanced. . - LICENSES ISSUED © MISCELLANEOUS Appointments Day or Night Woodbridge 8-0594 Ask How You Can Win "Love Story," will be Doris Woodbridge 8-1401 Since we carry the largest selection E. & G. MULLER of famous-make accordions in the 621 LINDEN AVENUE One of Our Trophies AVON COSMETICS Day's next film. She is scheduled Reasonable Rates - Confidential Raritan riay area, you are assured Plumbing and Heating to begin work on this film some- of the best in quality at the lowest Wooabridge, N. J. IIIjfWJf* FISHING TACKLE Spare time can be turned into Kensington • Avenue "Guardian of Small Business" possible prices. dollars through service to Avon time in July. Early next year, ilUU 1 SJAND REPAIR Colonia, N. J. Miss Day will star with Carol SYNOWIECKI 1 customers. II you make friends PU-1-0834 PU-8-5683 SPORTING GOODS easily and wish to earn good in- Channing in a full-scale musical We carry a full line of Musical 4/12 - 5/3* remake of the drama "Stage Door." Coal. Instruments and Accessories 256 Monroe Street, Rahway . come, -write Miss Boiling, P. O. Funeral Home Mads© & TV Service Telephone RA-7-3894 . Box 705, Plainfield. 4-19 IF YOUR DRINKING has Decome Choose from such famous make ac- Dinah Shore has certainly been cordions as: EXCELSIOR, TITANO, a problem, Alcoholics Anony- on the move this year and it still, 46 Atlantic Street IORIO LANCE, ACME, HOHNER, WIDOW for baking and general mous can help you. Call Market is continuing. She plans to put on Carteret, N. J. ACCORDIANA, EXCELSIOLA and AL'S -RADIO help for small summer hotel. 3-7528 or write P. O. Box 253,two shows in Houston. Texas, on COAL - FUEL DALLAPPE. Sheet Metal. Call Pulton 8-8990. 4-19* Woodbridge. April 17th and 21st. The second &' TELEVISION 4/5 - 4/26 show celebrates Texas Indepen- Telephone Carteret 1-5715 Perth Amboy's Oldest Established Prompt Expert Repairs HELP WANTED dence Day and is also a benefit KEROSENE Accordion Center EXPERT ALTERATIONS done on 18 Years At the Same Location RCA Tubes and Parts This is the time of the year clothing. Work picked up andfor the Texas Shriners' home—at DENTAOL ASSISTANT wanted. $250 per ticket. Batteries to get things done. ... So Experience not necessary. Write delivered. Phone evenings, FU-8- EDSIE'S MUSiC-CEHTER get it'DoneiRight with particulars. Box 105, c/o this 7996. . s 4-12, 19* While it's hard to believe that Eddie Bonkoski, Prop. 34 PERSHING AVENUE newspaper. „ 4-19, 26s SOLVE YOUR HEATING MMS i FOR YOUR plumbing and heat- Dennis Morgan has an 18-year-old 557^State St.,-P. A. VA-6-1290 CARTERET, N^ J. daughter, he has. The daughter, MALE, FEMALE HELP © , ing problem, call Tony's Plumb- Kristin, is following in her dad's PROBLEM A. Kish, Jr., Prop. ing and Heating Service. WO-8- GAYDAS WANTED footsteps—playing in "Our Hearts Telephone, CA-1-5089 8007. 4/5 - 4/26 Were Young and Gay" at West- • FROM SERVICE © FLYNN-A SON © lowing,, and Trucking SHEETMETALWORKS EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on DARAGO'S ridge Girls School. Next year, she FUNERAL HOMES plans to enter the University of suede jackets. Apply Ortem AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL TO COMPLETE HEAT- Established 51 Years Complete Moving Job All types of metal work Sportswear, 133 Avenel Street, Wisconsin, her father's alma ma- 420 East' Avenue Largest and Oldest in County 3 Rooms $25 5 Rooms $35 LEADERS ,— GUTTERS - Avenel. 4-19, 26 Hydramatic, Fluid and Standard ter. ING INSTALLATIONS Perth Amboy : 23 Ford Ave., Fords 4 Rooms ?30 € Rooms $40 ~~~ u - yf u ~~" * 280 McClellan St., Perth Amboy FORCED AIR HEATING • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • Robert Taylor has his time laid VA 6-0358 All Loads Insured — 10 Years Exp. Call Klllcrest 2-7365 out for him for quite a while in TELEVISION and 4/5 - 4/26 WDGE. 8-1400 . ECONOMY MOVERS AIR CONDITIONING , COLONIA — Bungalow; reason- advance. He is currently finishing NATION-WIDE MOVERS RADIO SERVICE able; owner-occupied. Call Ful- PAINTER AND DECORATOR "The Sixth of June,"' at Twentieth FLASHING, Etc... ton 8-3358. 4-19* Free Estimates Century-Fox and then moves on Rah way 7-3914 86 Washington Avenue to Metro „ for "Power and the CA-1-6541 Call CA-1-4825 Heating and 48-State Carteret • FOR SALE ® V. J. TEDESCO Prize." Then, he goes into "The Thirty-Second Day," a story filled Moving Call CA-1-4978 46 St. Ann Street, Carteret , 6 Fillmore Avenue, Carteret COAL &OIL GO; Air Coiidstlssilsig Service EIGHT PIECE, dining .room-set 4/5 - 4/26 with intrique and mystery.' Calls Made and garden furniture. Call WO- 826 RAHWAY AVE., AVENEL AGENT 8A.Mf-8P.tt 8-1606. 4-19* BONGART SCHOOL OF Home Owners, Business, Joe and George Magella Taxi Calls DRIVING Capitol -Dome National Van Lines ONE USED Tuna Outfit; 12/0 LICENSED IN NEW JERSEY. 81 Industial Perm Reel, Tuna Rod and har- Homes Park Avenue, Iselin. Lib- ''Continued from Editorial Paee) ALL TYPES Hea! Estate - Insurance ® DAYS-, ness. Trolling Rod; 9/0 Penn Reel, erty 8-0070. 4/5 - 4/26 mmeber State Parole Board toe Delicatessen double built Bamboo Trolling Rod a woman. SHEET METAL'WORK and harness. 1 5V horsepower PIANOS TUNED and Repaired; A. W. Hall and Son 2 The proposed law, sponsored toy Gutters and Leaders Local and Long Distance outboard motor. Rudy's Sporting free estimates. Also will buy Senator Walter H. Jones, Ha- Moving and Storage Goods,. 256 Monroe Street, Rah- used pianos. Call VA-6-6816, J. ckensack, also provides that all , Expansion Attics NATION-WIDE SHIPPERS of way 7-3894. 4/5 - 4/26 Slater. 4/5 - 4/26 members of the board be named TREAT SHOPPE Duct Work Household and Office Furniture SCHOEMAKER veu 'senyicat- 613 Railway Ave., Woodbridge Authorized Agent JUST PHONE : FREE-ESTIMATES Howard Van Lines weekly, when it is dry enough, to ditions are met. (Opp. White Clmreh) Separate Rooms for Storage kill tiny weeds. Temperature of the soil is im- Call WO-8-0647-W CRATING ® PACKING AGENCY WO 8-0200 V portant. Some seeds can germinate <§> SALADS at their BEST Fast and Courteoiis Service A seed is a dormant or resting in cool soil. Others will germinate or WO-8-0090-R SHIPPING Your Garden © SODA FOUNTAIN Unclaimed Furniture of Every stage of a plant. It is dry. Inside only after the soil -warms up. Many Description Realtor and Insurer the coatings is a relatively large failures are the result of planting W00.DBRIB-6E TAXI mass of food. With most plants ©FRESH BAKERY GOODS Office and Warehouse •(This Week* some seeds too early. This in- LAWN MOWERS 34 Atlantic Street, Carteret 443 PEARL ST. WOODBRIDGE J By Charles H. Connors 's* that we grow this is in two parts, formation on time to plant is usu- Open 7 A. M to 10:30 P. M. called cotyledons, and between P TEL. CA-1-5540 "We 5ell the Earth and Rutgers University, the State ally on the seed packet in general these is the germ.of the new plant. terms. INCLUDING SUNDAYS Insure What's On It." ..University of New Jersey « ALBRIGHT'S KEY SHOP You can see these parts plainly 124 WASHINGTON AVENUE YELLOW CAB in a peanut or a bean. Grass, in- As examples, carrot, beet, pea, spinach, radish, onion and lettuce . ' CARTERET Pet Shops cluding com, has only one cotyle- • Phone CArteret 1-7163 24-Hour Sowing garden seeds will be adon. These cotyledons become seed among vegetables and Sweet EDISON, N. J. novel experience for many new Alyssum, Candytuft, Marigold, HAND and POWER LAWN what are known as the seed leavqs MOWERS SHARPENED and . BABY TURTLES and Taxi Service home owners this year, and per- after germination. sunflowers among flowers, will LI-8-8400 haps some more experienced gar- germinate at low temperatures. REPAIRED TROPICAL FISH deners may profit by a little study Cotyledons contain enough food Many others, if planted too early, MERCURY OUTBOARD BaDy Chicks and Ducks on Sale Jot this number down. of the subject.,. to start the new plant into growth will rot in the ground. Avenel Pharmacy MOTORS Buy 'them, by the 100 or M; Doz. Lots Of course, the soil should not be and to support it until it develops The soil must be moist, so that SA£E and Service Baby Parakeets or Singing Canaries worked while it is wet, but only a root system and true leaves. In water can be absorbed through 994 RAEWAI AVENUE, SCHWINN BICYCLES Roofing and Siding WO 8-3466 when it is in a condition to break this state, it can take in moisture the seed coats to start making the SALE and Service Gift Plowers - Flower Potter WOODBRIDGE 8-1914 Azaleas - Gardenias Radio Dispatched Cabs up easily when raked., "When it isthrough its roots and manufacture food available. There must be air SAWS SHARPENED — KEYS All iii'Dud and bloom. fit to dig., the entire garden area food in its leaves to make it self- about the seed to admit oxygen and MADE Distance No Object can be worked over and raked supporting, but only if certain con- permit carbon dioxide to escape. PRESCRIPTIONS GUT.H RET SHOP Henry J onsen & Son WHITMAN'S CANDIES Liqyor Stores Carteret's Little Zoo 80 Roosevelt Avenue, Carteret Tinning and Sheet Metal Work Upholstering Cosmetics - Film CA-1-4070 Roofing- Metal Ceilings and Greeting: Cards Telephone Woodbridge 8-1889 Furnace Work ~ Photography ;.V SALE! :<. Woodhridge 588 Alden Street Reweb Chair Bottom — $9.dO Liquor Store Reweb Sofa, Bottom — $18.00 JUSTA POUND Woodbridge, N. J. Work done in your home or at RAYMOND JACKSON JOS. ANDRASCIK, Prop. Telephone 8-1246 oar shag Complete Stock of Domestic Baty's weight de- Refill Cushions with new AND SON and Imported Wines, Beers cides the price. springs and filling-— ?4.50 Even if he weighs ---- Call WO.-8-12li .-.':";.',-•"'" and Liquors 20 poirnds, you Service Stations Druggists 574 AMBOY AVENUE pay only $1.00 tot •.••.SERMAYAN-:.V;- a. 5 x 7 portrait— WOODBRIDGE, jM. J. egularly ?4.00. UPHOfcSTERY: SHOP 88 Main Street TOWNE GARAGE 5 FIFTH AVENUE, AVENEt; Woodbridge, N. J. Musical Instruction AVENEL STUDIOS, J. F. Gardner & Son , Telephone 8-0554 WO-8-1349-R 493 RAHWAY AVE3STDE Yarns Private 169 Avenel Street, Avenel Woodbridge Lessons W0-8-354O / Anything an^ Everything Electrical Contractors on We're Specialists III For—KNITTING ' : TRUMPET * BEAR WHEEL ALIGNMENT GUITAR CROCHETING: ' ' ACCORDION AND BALANCE : v SAXOPHONE NEEDLE POINT: ® BRAKE SERVICE Vernon A. Jensen HOOKED RTOS - m TROMBONE and Amplifiers 9 DRUMS • EMBRQIDEBY / Q :] Electrical Contractor STUDENT RENTAL PLAN Sewing •• • ' sfs :: ••-.- . . O Industrial For Information Call HI-2-694&- © SAMPiY RAY'S Select Your BUTTONS The SEWING KIT Commercial MUSIC and REPAIR SHOP We'll Make Your 73 E. Cherry St. .•-'" 4,67 ITew Brunswick Avenue, Fords Buttonholes RAHWAY 5: €' Residential CANDID OR STUDIO Everything for Your Giddap! WO-8-2582-J SEWING NEEDS : Two farmers met on the road. "Si, i've got a mule vritli dis- GALLARD'S PHOTO temper. What- did you give that 547 AMBOY AVENUE one of yours when he had it?" CLASSIFIED ADS Woodbridge 8-3651 The SEWING KIT "Turpentine, Giddap." Open 10 to 6 ' A -week later they met again. 73 E. Cherry St. "Say, Si, I gave my mule turT BRING RESULTS Mon. .and Fri. Nights to 8:30 . '.RAHWAY 1-1673 pentine and it killed him." A-125-56 "It killed mine TOO, Giddap." EDISON TOWNSHIP AND FORDS THURSDAY; APRIL 1&, PAGE THIRTEEN Barron Tossers Trip St. Mary's Club 4-2 in

Police Pistol Team High School Track DERBY CHOICE - By Alan .Maver Seyler Trips '• Piscataway; 2nd Stra Victory is. Posted PUT WILL &B O// Ludwig Scores 293 Over Perth Amboy KENTUCKY PBR&y Gives MAY5. WOODBRIDGE—The Township PERTH AMBOY — Woodbridge Police Pistol Team caused the WOODBRIDGE—Fresh from a High School ran its season's rec- competing clubs in the Central well deserved 88-29 triumph ©v er ord to 4-1 after defeating St. Jersey League to look up and take Perth Amboy High'School, Coach Mary's by a 4-2 score in a game notice of their recent 1164-1127 Lou Gabriel's Barron track team which required an extra inning victory over Piscataway Township, is prepared to take on St. Mary's before it was finally settled at the the team which copped the 1955 of- Berth" Amboy this afternoon at Washington Park diamond. championship with only one de- 3:30 o'clock at the stadium. Bddie Seyler, the promising left- feat. . Bobby Kasko, a practically un- hander from Fords, has earned the i Last season the -Jyoodbridge known last Spring, was the Wood- No. 2 pitching spot on the Barron.' club finished second to Piscataway bridge star against, the Panthers squad behind Ronnie Osborne by to one of the closest races in the with victories in the 100- and .220- virtue of his two straight decisions. history of the league. However, yard dashes. His time was 10.4 hi His effort against St. Mary's was the loca] marksmen appear to have the century and 23-8 in the 220. his best, limiting the Lions to six improved considerably and it looks Leroy Alexander, the Barrens' hits during his eight-inning stint. .. -as thought they will be t!:e team Seyler also demonstrated fine con- f to beat iiui-.ns u _- prcSwUt cam- brilliant football prospect, was his i( team's leading point collector with trol, walking only one batter and paign. striking out seven. Andrew Ludwig, the Central Jer- a .first-place finish in the broad sey circuit's most outstanding jump event and second .places in Bob Siewarga, St. Mary's starter shooter and the ace on the Wood- the 100 and 220 sprints. His leap who was charged with the defeat, bridge squad, was back in form, in the broad jump covered 19' pitched good enough to win since sweeping top honors with a 293 S'A". "..••• he limited the Woodbridge swing- score out of a possible 300. Ludwig In the field events, Lou Hagler ers to only.four safe blows. How- accumulated his total by punctur- was top man for Woodbridge, tak- ever, his downfall was his own, ing his targets for 96 points in the ing the discus throw with a 119' due to the fact he walked three slow-fire phase of the competition, 10" heave and placing second in batters in the eighth inning when 87 in the time, and a perfect 100 the shot put 'behind his team- the Barrons rallied for their two. in the rapid. mate, Bob Sabo, who tossed the winning runs. . Anthony Zuccaro was close on sphere 50' 8"." Woodbridge broke a scoreless tie the heels of his teammate Ludwig As far as . Gabriel was con- in the fourth inning when Richie for the second-highest score hi the cerned, one of the real surprises Kuzniak, playing the outfield for match with a commendable 291 of the recent meet was 1;he out- the first time this season, drilled mark. He ran up his total with standing performances of little a triple to left center field and performances of 98, 94 and 99. Ronnie Hutteman of Iselin, who came in to score on Johnny How- Fred Tobey and Jim Beitz were INTERMEDIATE CHAMPS — Pictured above is the St. James' basketball team, winners of the copped the javelin event toy. toss- ell's sharp single over shortstop. Piscataway's most effective shoot- Woodbridge Township Intermediate Basketball League championship. The Saints gained the crown ing the spear 148' 5". Hagler was The Barrons ran their margin ers on the range with scores of 285 witK a win over the Avenel Presbyterians in the playoffs. In the bottom row, left to right, are Wil- also second in this event. to a 2-0 count in the fifth frame and 283, respectively. liam Anderson, William Roberts, Allan Jordan and-Jerry DeMaio. In the back row, same order, on an error, stolen base and hit. Woodbridge is scheduled to-re- Andy Buchko, James Maloney and Joseph Zegra Missing from the photo is Ray Terpanick, manager. The veteran Bob Pair added Distributed hv Kina Features S Seyler scooted down to first base turn to action Tuesday afternoon points to the Red Blazers' collec- when his ground ball slipped at 1:30 o'clock at-the Main Street tion when he finished first in the through second baseman Sam range with - Middlesex Township linden is Subdued mile run in 5.13. Carl Gross was Marsicano. On the next delivery, furnishing, the opposition. Elizabeth Team Captures- another Woodbridge first when he Seyler stole second and rounded WOODBRIDGE (1164) won the grueling 880 sprint. third to touch home plate ,when . SF TF RF Tot. By Barron Golfers 100-Yard Dash. — Time, 10.4: Kuzniak belted a timely single to *f A. Ludwig ...... 96 97 100 293 Early. Lead in Pin Tourney 1. Kasko (W), 2. Alexander (W), centerfield. A. Zuccaro 98 94 99 291 WOODBRIDGE—With a large prizes»in both the net and gross COLONIA — Woodbridge High 3. Michalski (PA). St. Mary's balanced the score at A. Grosskopf- .... 97 95 -98 290 "number' of teams representing-the divisions. In order to include the School's - golf team, despite the 220-Yard Dash — Time:' 23.8: 2-2 in the sixth inning after two J. Waldman ...... 98 94 98 290 fareorners. of the State on hand, numerous teams which registered handicap- of rain, ran their, vic- 1. Kasko (W), 2. Alexander (W), outs were marked into the score- PISCATAWAY (1127). for the tourney, it will run four tory string to two straight by books. Ray Corej started the rally the New Jersey Knights of Colum- x 3. Iorillo (PA). P. Tobey .....96 90 99 285 bus Bowling Tournament got off consecutive weekends at the same trouncing Linden toy a § krV-h. 440-Yard Dash — Time, 55.1: with a double to left field and ' J. Beitz . 95 93 95 283 to a fihe;start over the" weekend alleys. score at the Colonia Country Club. 1. Palachko (PA), 2. Cunningham moved over to third when Eddie G. Van Allen: 90 93 99 282 at the Bowl-Mor Lanes. Lloyd Thompson," the Barrons' "(W); 3. Priche (W). Urbanski booted Joe SuswaFs M. Ahearri .-. 92 86 99 bouncer to short. At this point Joe 277 Taking part in the pre-touma- No. 4 man, was the best on" the 880-Yard Dash. — Time, 2:11.5: ment ceremonies were Rev. Gus- Cooper's Defeated, course with a 44 score for nine Carroll singled sharply over sec-^ 1. Gross (W), 2. Steuber (W); ond base to score both runners. tave Napoleon of St.- James'; Wil- holes. He edged his rival, Andy 3. Green (PA). In the eighth inning, Ronnie 150 Boys Sign Up fred G." Albert of Grand Haven, Obester, by six strokes. Mile—Time: 5.13: 1. Pair (W); Mich, the Knights of Columbus' Steve Prasser, a veteran from Gasiorowski, pinch-hitting for National Bowling Secretary; Har- 2. Buchan (PA), 3. Jansen (W). Bobby Racz, was nicked by a pitch- Team Standings the 1355 Woodbridge club, was at For Little League old "Van Woerth, New Jersey State peak 'form, taking advantage of 100-Yard High Hurdles.— Time NOTES DELIVERED BY PONY EXPRESS ed ball and waved down to first Athletic Chairman; Mayor Hugh W IL his irons to come out on top of 13.2: 1. Holup (PA), 2. Lichinsky base. He stole second base before WOODBRIDGE — Officials of Quigley, John Pap, tournament Kasar Builders ,'52y2 34>/£ his opponent, Charles DeBlasio, (W), 3. Stafford (PA). Bruce Legay, the Barron track star, has been ac- Kuzniak worked Siewargo for a the Woodbridge Little Leaguers manager; and William Haug, Cooper's Dairy 48 39 . by two strokes. 120-Yard Law Hurdles — Time cepted at Georgetown University. . . . The Fords Little free pass. Both' runners advanced were enthused over the fact that tournament, secretary. Ideal Beauty Salon ...... 47 40 14.4: 1. Holup (PA), 2. Lichinsky a notch on a passed ball by-catcher 150. new boys registered for the Miele's Excavating :' 46 41 The Red Blazers added addi- (W), 3. Stafford (PA). League is currently formulating plans to dedicate George Mrpz. The Court Club of Dean Gessnef tional points to their total when 1956 season wscently at St. James' Council No. 3310 of Elizabeth took Mary's Dress Shop A5V2 41% • Pole Vault — Height: 9'6": their new stadium in Fords Park on May 6. Members Deadlock Broken and St. Anthony's in. Port Bead- Jag's Sporting Goods .. 43 44 Johnny Enz won over Joe Laucius .over the .leadership in__ the first by four strokes: The match be- 1. Parkas (W), 2. Choch&ki (W), of the organization have decided to name the field Howeil broke the deadlock when ing. Sixty of the young baseball weekend of competition with .a tselin Lumber'"/. i 42Vi 44'V£ 3. Zych (W). .. he singled to send Gasiorowski stars will be assigned to the Al's Sunoco ..... 23y 63% tween Woodbridge's Ben Johnson after Johnny Dennis, a former manager who was 2,911 net; score and a 3,085 gross.- 2 and Linden's Ray Beck wound up Shot Put —Distance 50' 8": 1. home from third base. Urbanski American ai^d National Division ISELIN—Whatever hopes Coo- killed in an acceident last fall. . . . Coach Bob Mascenik went down on strikes before Os- teams, while the remainder are Carteret No. 2, representing the in a tie. Sabo (W), 2. Hagler (W), 3. Peld Council, placed second in per's Dairy envisioned of over- (PA). borne walked to load the bases. destined to be farmed out to the taking the front - running Kasar is-high on his Woodbridge. freshman team which has Harold Ford, the next batter, minor league. the net division with a 2,683 total Javelin —Distance: 1& 5": 1. pin score; while third position is Builders in the St. Cecelia's six strong-armed pitchers, a good infield and a fast out- struck out, but Jerry Gonyo wait- Tryouts will, continue at the No. Hutteman (W), 2. • Hagler (W), ed the St. Mary's hurler out to currently held by Rochelle Park Women's Bowling League before Barron Frosh Edge 3. Benzeleski (W). field. His club recently edged New Brunswick, 4-3. . . . 11 School field Saturday morning the close of the season were gain another free pass, which competing for the Sacred .Hearts • Discus — Distance 119' 10": .1. Harold Ford, the Woodbridge first baseman, hit a line at 9 o'clock and are scheduled to Council.. dashed to pieces when they were forced Kuzniak in with the sec- Hagler (W), 2. Mantini (W), 3. ond run of the inning. close at the same site April 28. In the gross division, the Somer- upset by Miele's Excavating, in New Brunswick 4-3 drive at the Port Reading diamond during a recent All boys are requested to bring three straight, 719-683, 619-617 Sabo (W). Seyler demonstrated his ability set Knights trailed the Dean Gess- WOODBRIDGE — Coach Bob Broad Jump—Distance 19'8!/i": game which: traveled to the railroad terminal office only their gloves, since the neces- ner Council With a . 3,041 total. and 700-699. in the seventh frame when St. sary equipment is furnished by Mascenik's Woodbridge freshmen 1. Alexander (W), 2. Cunningham building in center field, but the best he could do was Mary's had runners on second and Ranking third with 2,035 pins were Lillian Abate., was the Exca-' team collected only two hits dur-> (W), 3. Priche (W). the' Little League. the Sacred Hearts from Rochelle vators' heroine with a 468, while run out a double for his tremendous wallop. . . . Coach third with only one out and he The drills to pick the most tal- ing their fracas with New Bruns- High Jump: Distance 5' A": 1. bore down to retire the next two Park. • her teammates, Marie Remler and wick, but the Barrons took ad- Ernie Dubay's golf team appears to have improved over _ ented and enthusiastic candidates Mary Murgacz, trailed with totals Adamkevich (PA), 2. Zych (W), batters to escape without damage. The tournament consists of five- vantage of the scarcity of safe 3. Lichinsky (W). ** will be under the supervision of man teams in competition for of 458 and 417. The Dairymaids', last year and we wouldn't be surprised to see them go Richie Kuzniak and Johnny the various Little League man- blows to manipulate a 4-3 tri- best were Sue Seredy 456, Ruth umph. undefeated this spring. ... It may be difficult to be- Howeil were the Barrons' leading agers. 'Each boy will be screened ^Kossibly Einhorn 429, and Mabel Kaluskel hitters during the game with two thoroughly batting, fielding and A widow wfl.s visited by the ghost 421. * Ken Kosloski went the full Registration Set lieve, but the Woodbridge Little League is in desperate safe blows- apiece. running before he is evaluated for of her late husband while she lis- seven-inning distance for the Bar- Woodbridge's next opponent will The Kasar Builders gained two rons to pick up his first conquest need of assistance for the coming season. Additional future assignments. tened to the radio. She hoped he full games on the .second-place be New Brunswick at the stadium. If The most difficult task con- would return again but when he of the season. While working off For Iselin League managers are needed on at least eight teams. Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 Go Dai intet b defeating the rubber, he allowed seven hits, fronting the Little League at pres- did not, she wrote the radio sta-ithe Meal Beaut Salon fa two out STRICTLY BOWLING o'clock ent is the .preparation of the Van uon: fanned seven batters and walked ISELIN—Charles Bahr, director WOODBRIDGE (4 of three. The Constructioneers five. Johnny Chamos was charged of the Iselin Little League, an- Buren Street Stadium for the "He didn't possess any aptitude romped in the first and third, Hack Chomicki, secretary of the Middlesex County Ab. R H rapidly approaching season. Par- in mechanical matters when he with the Zebras' defeat although nounced that his organization has 740-617 and 618-605, but lost the he pitched a good game. Chapter of the ABC, informed us that the Majestic Racz, 2b 3 0 0 ents and those interested" in the was living—Do you suppose he made arrangements to register all Fratterolo, rf 0 0 0 second, 666-651. New Bnmswick held a 3-0 edge boys from 8 to 12 years old for Lanes' alleys are in perfect condition. He claims one little League movement are des- could have gotten on the wrong Estelle Eosso, one of the Kasar Kuzniak, If 3 perately needed to groom the two wave and been carried somewhere going into the bottom of the sixth the 1956 season, Saturday morn- Howeil, rf 4 Builders' stars, was at peak form, ing at 10 o'clock at Kennedy Park. alley was a little off earlier in the season, but with the diamonds at the' stadium site. else."' . • inning "and appeared to be well Urbanski, ss - 2 hitting a 482 three-game mark.. on their way to victory with Cha- All boys who are interested in complete cooperation of the owners, the necessary ad- •Biose interested in helping are We Can All Understand This The Beauticians' stars were Irma Qsborne, cf 3 requested to report to Fred De- 'Tis the night before payday mos hurling no-hit ball. However, becoming members of the local justments were made within 48 hours. Hack further Ford, lb : 4 Hebler and Vicky Karansky with the Zebra chuckel- lost his control Little League, are requested to John at 9 o'clock Saturday morn- And all through my jeans, sets of 413 and 409. stated that all sanctioned alleys are checked periodi- Gonyo, 3b 3 I've hunted in vain for the. as he walked Kosloski, Bartkin produce their birth certificates King, c =—.. 4 ing Al's Sunoco, the circuit's cellar Ways and the means and Yuhasz to load the bases. during the process of registering. Continued on Pagre Fourteen Continued on Page Fourteen dwellers, displaj'ed championship With the sacks jammed, Bob Veterans from last summer are MINIMUM Not a quarter is stirring, —Not even'a bit. form, defeating Iselin Lumber in Vail stepped to the plate and lost also requested to re-register. . meeting of league officials and SERVICE three straight, 661-655, 642-634 little time ramming a two-base Tryouts will commence immedi- managers will be held tonight at The greenbacks have left me, and 676-652. CALL $2-35 The pennies have quit. hit down the left field line to score ately, weather permitting, to pre- the Tomasso Agency office located Forward, tarn forward, The Gas Pumpers' mainstay Kos2oski and Bartkin. Still trail- pare for the season's opening on Oak Tree Road. Adults inter- O time in thy flight, i was Mae Pineault, who chalked up ing, 3-2, Strather, the next bat- game, which is scheduled for ested in becoming affiliated with FRANK'S And make it tomorrow games of 171, 164 and 137 for a ter, picked out a fat pitch and May 1. the Little 'League are also invited 472 mark, while the Lumberjacks' Bahr also disclosed that a to attend. NOTICE Just for tonight. drove it over second base to chase HADI0 & TELEVISION most effective bowler was Jessie home Yuhasz and Vail with the 463 NEW BRUNSWICK AVE Why Not, Oberdick with a 465. tying and winning runs. Another thinker in matters Mary's Dress Shop advanced to The young Red Blazers are FORDS military doubts if the far-flung wthin a half-game of the first scheduled to return to action this MAJESTIC LITTLE LEAGUERS PHONE guided missile is the weapon of division .after splitting its recent afternoon at Rahway with the decision. If he means not by a match with Jag's Sporting Goods. Rahway High School freshmen on Cocktail Lounge HI-2-1067 long shot, let him say so. — The The Dressmakers copped the first tap. Matt Fratterolo is expected All Members of the Little League will be State. clash, 706-660; Jag's, the .second to handle the Woodbridge mound Allowed a Special 629-626, while the third wound up duties with either Bob Strather or it CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT in a 673-673 tie. Wayne Howeil slated to work be- SPECIAL ATTRACTION Mary Oleckna 442, Steffie Saley hind the plate. THIS FRIDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS Attention! 422, and Louise Sinclair 421, starred for the Dr-essmakers. Jag's The Measure of a Man 1% DISCOUNT on PF Sneakers outstanding performers were Sally Not—"How did he die?" • FATSO MARCO Stevens and Anne Lamb with to- But—"How did he live?" Formerly of the Milton Berle TV All Little Leaguers: Not—"What did he gain?" Show "AND AWAY WE GO" tals of 433 and 431. Singing All Your Old Favorites WELCOME The call of Play Ball will soon be echoed. You, "LITTLE But—"What did he give?" New Jersey State CHRISTENSEN'S Treasure Chest Winners LEAGUERS," future baseball stars of tomorrow, can be assured Really Good But—"Had he a heart?" EACH OF THE FOLLOWING RECEIVED A FREE PAIR of proper equipment at JAG'S. Customer: "Have you any good And—"How did he play ALSO EVERY Women's Bowling OF SHOES AT EASTER: Your uniforms, bats, balls etc., will be issued by your pork?" His Godgiven part?" FRIDAY and SATURDAY Tournament LITTLE LEAGUE. You, must have the shoes and gloves. Butcher: "Good pork Say, I've These are the units to measure, Dancing to the Music of Diana Mason, Helen Baunxgrartner, Michael Bedard, Janet We, at JAG'S, feel confident that we can supply you with got some pork that will make bet- the worth Walter Bowne Lewis, Donna Cox, John Woodhull, Wilbert Krogh, Jr, Summer Leagues the correct glove and shoes for you. ter chicken salad than any lamb Of a man as a, man, regardless and His Dougrlas Stiegman, Wendy Sehwenzer, Patty Cieri, Alien We have a wonderful stock of. baseball gloves, over 500, arid you could buy." ' of birth. Now Forming Egri, Bill Sehwenzer, Chester Elliot, Richard Galvanek, we assure you that we can suit you. t * MAJESTIC TRIO Jack Metzgar. Extra! Saturday Nite Call Come in to browse around before the season gets started. GINKY, Lovely Vocalist VAUey 6-3481 A small deposit will hold your items lor you. 0PEN DAIL Bring Dad with you. He will enjoy this as much as you. Let's Go Bowling! STORE Y 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. Plus NITELY (Except TUESDAY) , FRIDAY TILL 9 P. M. — Join Our — * DANNY FIMIANI at the Baby Grand Piano * UA1ID£ TF YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR DISCOUNT CARD tiUUK5» CLOSED WEDNESDAY ALL DAY FOR "ROUND THE CLOCK BOWLING VISIT THE NEW STOP IN AND PICK ONE UP SUMMER LEAGUES Five-Man Teams and Mixed Teams MAJESTIC LANES AIR-CONDITIONED — AUTOMATIC PIN SPOTTERS EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF JAG'S Sporting Goods Call WO-8-9249 or Stop In At COME EARLY, STAY LATE 400 STATE STREET PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Route 9 and Pennsylvania Avenue BOWL-MOR LANES HOPELAWN, N. J. Henry Jaghwsld, Prop. Tel. HI-2-34G1 453 AMBOY AVENUE, WOODBRIDGE One Mile from Edison Bridge PAGffi FOURTEEN THUBSDAY, APEIL 19, 1956 EDISON TOWNSHIP AND /FOBDS BEACON

ranked second with a 914. Women's Bowlkg A tie developed in the Class D competition when Rosemary Hei- Woodbridge 'Oaks News nen and Lila, Spittle of Atlantic Tourney Continues City and Evelyn Sargent and FORDS- fifth wedding anniversary Sun- Jeanette Anderson, of Hacketts- day. Mrs. Cohen and' son, Barry HOPELAWN — The New Jersey town recorded identical 823 totals. By spent Monday visiting with her Women's Bowling Association Grace Koch of Bound Brook and Rt No. 9, y4 MILE from TURNPIKE EXIT GLADYS E. Championship got off to ' a, fine Barbara Alberto of Raritan were parents Mr. and Mrs. William on top of the Class E heap after SCANK Linkov, Newark. start at the Majestic Lanes over 100 Yards From Exit 128 —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schott, the weekend with % record number rolling a 734 mark. Garden State Parkway 497 Lincoln Adams Street, visited Mr. Schott's of bowlers performing in the in- Highway father, "Mrs. Henry Schott, Or- augural competition. The tourna- ment will continue this weekend. Barron Tossers ?el. LI-8-1679 ange, Sunday. He is a patient at Clara Maas Hospital, Newark. Sally Carpenter and Marge > ('Continued from Sports Page) •—Mr. and; Mrs. Jack Katzen- Yelencsies of. Metuchen snatched Seyler, p 3 10 Open SUNDAYS 9:30AM. to 9PM back, Adams Street, announced the Class A doubles lead with a *Gasiorowski 0 10 —Mr. and Mrs. Daniel May- the birth of a daughter at Rahway 1037 total pin score. /The former B0 worm, Chicago, have returned Memorial Hospital. came through with games of 160, 29 4 5 home after having been house —Sunday guests of Mr. and 165 and 200 for a 525 set, while ST. MARY'S (2- '. Tr 9:30 A.M. to 10 P.M. guests for a week of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert Argalas, Adams Yelencsics hit a 512 mark after Ab. xv ^H OPEN SUNDAYS FOR SALES ALLOWED BY LAW William T. Dwyer, George Place. Street, were Mr. Charles Jindra- rolling games of 191, 163 and 158.Marsicano, 2b 4 0 1 SATURDAY The Dwyers and their guests dined cek, Sr., Mrs. Eleanor Hegen and High game for the weekend was Galya, 3b 3 0 0 ,.in New York City on Friday eve- son, Philip, all of Irviiigton. a 219 score by Tinker Shaffer of Corej, ss 4 1 1 ning and attended a performance, Camden. She hit the top game Siewarga, p , 3 10 of ."Damn Yankees" at the 46th while accumulating a 534 series Carroll, 1b 3 0 1 Street Theatre. 'Plainfield Topples to take the Class C singles lead. Shoudis, rf 3 0 l —Mrs. Robert Ostlin, Arthur The top set of the matches was Morz, c -2 n l 1956 Place, was guest of honor at a \ a 549 total .by Virginia Miller, rep- Waliki, If 1 0 0 stork shower given by members of Reo Diner Bowlers resenting Glab's of Scotch Plains. Nemyo, If . . ... 0 0 0 the Arthur Place Epicusen Club, Her lofty set was partially respon- **Tirpak 0 0 0 Model at ,the home of Mrs. Louis Magee, TEAM STANDINGS sible for the 2348 total her team ***Suswal 1 n 1 24 Arthur Place. Guests were: Mrs. Plainfield Recreation .. 70 20 recorded to pace the Class A five Andrew Monda, Mrs. William Raritan Oil Co ;.... 62 28 women division. 30 2 6 Schafrer, Mrs. Carmen Mareno, ] * Walked for Racz in 8th Dixie Belle 50 /2 39 y2 Clo Pink and Hannah Kane of Mrs. Frederick Salzbach, Mrs. John Reo Dinnerettes 44 *"Hit into double play for Waliki Simoneau and Mrs. Warren Fer- 47 Englewood topped the Class B in 6th Catalin Corp 40% 49V2 competitors with a 1016 mark, ris. New Brass Rail 35 ***Singled for Nemyo in 7th 55 while Mabel Brook and Ann Ran-Woodbridge ..0001100 2—4 —Mrs. Alex Cuthbertson and 30 >/i 59% The Pines J dow of Trenton placed second St. Mary's 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0—2 son, Dickie, Oak Tree Road, at- Vie!'s Accordion School 28 /2 61 y with a 980 rally. tended the birthday party for little 2 Douglas Catlin, son of Mr. and Mrs. HOPELAWN — The Plainfield The Class C pace setters were The newly appointed Senate Recreation protected Mary Gomich and Alice Hall of committee on lobbying will start O. T. Catlin, Cooper Avenue, Satur- its eight- Elizabeth with a 944 total, while day. game lead in the Central Jersey its activities by an inquiry into Women's Major Bowling League Mary Rexter of Metuchen and the behavior of the supporters and —Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiss and Gloria Kaminsky of Perth Amboy daughter, Donna Beth and Terri by riding' over the Reo Dinerettes opponents of the natural gas bill. Lee, 15 James Place, have returned of Woodbridge in three straight home after a motor trip to Hous- games at the Majestic Lanes, 892- ton, Texas, where they were guests 643, 839-734 and 823-746. Sports Round-Up FLUSH of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Farrow and Marie Rowe, the Plainfield star, (Continued from Sports Page CROSS TOP daughter, Margaret for five days. chalked up High.: set, when she MOUNT Shelly Robin Weiss, daughter of rolled games of 213, 183 and 181 cally throughout the county and most of them are in -. FREEZER the Weisses spent a week with her for a 577 total. Her teammates, the best of condition. . . . Ben Buckin was high man maternal grandmother, Mrs. Wil-Bert Kuhlthau and Jean Eder, liam Weiss, Philadelphia. were also on the beam With total in the Woodbridge Service League during the past —-Mrs. Robert Swenson, ways pin scores of 522 and 514, respec- week with a 249 game. ... Ray Jackson and'Johnny rTT and means chairman of School 17 tively. The Reo Dinerettes' most PTA announced that the group will consistent bowler was Doris Reick, Elek, as a doubles team, placed second during the first hold a spring card party, April 25, who registered 468. week of competition in the County Men's Handicap at 8 P.M. in the all purpose room Raritan Oil, the second-place Bowling Tournament at the Fords Recreation. ... It of the school. Reservations may club, kept pace with Plainfield by be made with Mrs. Swenson at her subduing Viel's Accordion School was nice to see Ann Lorfing come through with a 528 home, 109 Francis Street, or with in three straight, 845-694, 781-670 set in* the Monday Night Women's League at the Ma- any committee member. and 796-632. ' —Word has been received of the The veteran Emma Mayer paced jesties Lanes. .. . From, here on in, the scramble among death of Michele Imperiale, New- the Oilers during the one-sided the Saturday Niters, the Plaza Barbers and Bob's TV ark, father of Gerald Imperiale, match with a 552 set chalked up should be interesting with only two games separating Chicago, formerly of James Place. after hitting marks of 196, 166 and —Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs.190, while Tillie Zalari trailed with the three teams in the Woodbridge Service League at GIANT 15CU. FT, George Hutnik, Adams Street; Mr. a 511 three-game total. Marge the Craftsmen's Club. . . . Sayreville took the lead in and Mrs. Robert Argalas, and Mr.Homsack was high for .Viel's with and Mrs. Fred Braunsweig, War- a 451 score. the Knights of Columbus State. Bowling Tournament ren Street. These couples ob- In the third clean ;sweep of the at the Bowl-Mor.:-;. . . Marie Rowe and Emma Mayer UPRIGHT served their wedding anniversar- evening, the Catalin Corporation splashed the pins for three-game marks of 577 and 552 ies this past week; the Hutniks, of Fords romped over Dixie Belle, their twelfth; the Argalases, their tabulating scores of 801-776, 788- to pace the bowlers in the Central Jersey Women's ninth, and the Braunsweigs, then; 745 and 768-756. Major League. eleventh. Rose Arias 497, Mildred Hardy —Mr.- and Mrs. William Bihler, 483,- and Dot Haas 487, were the SHORT HOPS 27 Warren Street, attended a Catalin Corporation's most effec- Tony Peterson claims an athletic member of the music recital at Carnegie Hall, tive bowlers. Dixie Belle's best were New York, Saturday evening. John Ann Dustal and Sally Carpenter local Police Department has a new hobby—baby-sit- of Mrs >vith sefcs °f 491 and 478. H. Higgtns, a . brother Tile New Brass Kai f ting, in Colonia. . . . Rumors persist that Joe Branni- Bihler, participated as a tenor l °, Perth gan is planning another softball comeback. . . . Foot- in the recital. :j Amboy was sharp., taking the first —Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.] two games from The Pines, 758-743 ball stars Lou Hagler and Bill Sabo have settled for William BiMer "were Mr. and Mrs.and 734-724, but they faltered in Bridgeport University in Connecticut.. . . The Barrons' A. L. Higgins and daughter, Beth, toe third, losing it 797-792.. Ann Lakomski sparked the Am- ace pitchers, Ronnie Osborne and Eddie Seyler, are Willow Brook Grove, Staten boyans on me alleys with a 512 Island, and Mr. and Mrs. James set, while Ethel Stutski and Sally both former Woodbridge Little Leaguers. The former O'Neill, Iselin. The Higgins have Pastrick posted three-game marks toiled for the James Motors Giants, while Seyler start- recently returned from a six of 472 and 450. Ann Heenan, the ed with the St. Anthony Cubs. . .'. After sampling his months visit in Mexico. Pines' star, was once again high ALL-STEEL GARDEN 2 YEAR —Week-end guests of Mr. andfor her team with a 495 total pin new cough medicine with surprising results, Bobby Garden Mrs. Robert Chmelzli, Warren score. Jardot placed his order for, a whole case. ... It looks .95 Street, were the parents of Mrs. FIELP GROWN Chmelzli, Mr. and Mrs. Edward as though the Township Police Pistol Team is headed .Cart Wheel 1QP QUALITY Bartlett, White Plains, N. Y. OWN COFFEE MUGS ;.• Bay Port, Mich. —. Remember for another banner season after defeating Piscataway, Mr. and Mrs. George Hackett, the defending champions, by a decisive score in their Reg, 10.95 Barrow Warren Street, entertained at the days of the individual shaving Don't be misled by the low prices. These are Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. mugs on the barbershop shelves? opening match. All four Woodbridge marksmen shot regular 2.98 plants. Finest roses grown. James Weston and daughter, Well, almost everyone at Sam Mur- 290 or better for a 1164 score. Andy Ludwig is still SEED and FERTILIZER Joyce, Red Bank, and Mr. androw's restaurant has his own cof- PLANT FOOD Mrs. Robert Bihler and daugh- fee mub—lettered with his name team captain Closindo Zuccaro's ace, but he can ex- 5-10-5 ters, Patty and Janet, Clark. • and lined up on the shelf. Mug- pect some help from Adolph Grosskopf, who hit his —Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cohen, owners get their coffee for a nickel, SPREADER Bradford Place, observed their while others have to pay a dime. targets with surprising accuracy in the inaugural Reg. 11.95 match. . . .Local stock car racing fans are anxiously 50 lbs. Nice to Know awaiting the opening program at Old Bridge, which Flapper—What did Dad want to Holding Firm Buys see you for? has been delayed twice. . . . The Iroquois of Perth Am- GRASS SEED Nervous Suitor — He wanted boy became affiliated with the Mid-County League, Garden know if my intentions were strict- •tments ly honorable. which is scheduled to start the 1956 season May 14. Hand 5 lbs. No. WOODBRIDGE — Dawn Hold- ings, Inc., representing a group of Tools investors, has bought from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hirsh, the Claire Apartments at 490 Rahway Ave- 17" GAS ENGINE-ROTARY CUT, OUTDOOR STEEL nue, on a lot 90 by 114 feet. The BRAZIER TYPE building contains 21 apartments. J /Jed With Mr. and Mrs. Roland Frate have an sold to Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Le- POWER MOWER • 2 Swings vitt, a six-room frame house at 11 Bond Street, Iselin. — To — Charcoal The Levitts have one son' and • Air Glider formerly resided in Newark. Mr. Levitt is a chemist employed by Shell Chemical Corporation, New- GRILL gs ark. The Fates are moving to Charlotte, N. C, where Mr. Frate, a chemical engineer, had obtained The. Edison Bank Reg. 6.50 a new post. Frederick M. Adams was counsel for all parties. John F. Manton Agency was the broker. 4 Wr6m Our New Home . : STEEL AND DUCK. STEEL AND DUCK The Catcli . ALUMiN & FOLDING FOLDING A very lazy fellow was finally prevailed upon to apply for a job. To Your-.New -Home""'. CONTOUR GADABOUT He seemed to fill all the requisites the application called for but the SARAH salary offered was very modest. "If you take the job," said the m. GAMQPY manager, "you will receive a raise YACHT in six months." TOP "You say I'll get a raise in six months?" asked the applicant. The OFFICERS and DIRECTORS, of the Reg. Beg. Reg. "Yes," said the manager, "if CHAIR 11.95 3.95 11.00 your work ' is satisfactory, of course."" ' "Oh," said the applicant, turn- ing away in disgust. "I might have REVERSIBLE known there'd be a catch to it!" WOODBRIDGE scHieos" EXPENSIVE 'TOTES ELECTRIC RAZOR Houston, Texas — The two votes cast in Precinct 14, in a city bond- NATIONAL WITH TRADE-IN OF/YOUR issue election, cost the city $75. OLD RONSON - SCHICK - Not that the voters received any REMINGTON -SUNBEAM - money, but the city paid out $42.50 BANK NORELCO E L E CIE I C in salaries for an election judge 1 and three clerks to man the polling RAZOR/ -/ :>,..., . ... EXHAUSTS STALE AIR; TAKES place, $22.50 to rent the voting Reg. 29.95 " IN FRESH AIR machine and 510 rent for the pre- Member: Federal Reserve System and Federal Deposit Insurance Company cinst site;