The Messenger

Parish Magazine of St Michael and All Angels, Middlewich with St John the Evangelist, Byley

Rocky’s club in full swing

Photo by

September 2010

50p Service plan for September 2010

5th September - the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity 9.15am Middlewich Communion 11am Middlewich All Age Communion (no Kingdom Kids) 11am Byley Morning Prayer 6.30pm Middlewich Evening Praise

12th September - the fifteenth Sunday after Trinity 9.15am Middlewich Communion 11am Middlewich Morning Praise (Kingdom Kids restarts) 11am Byley Communion 2.30 pm Middlewich Baptism 6.30pm Middlewich Evensong

Tuesday Morning Coffee

There is coffee served in No28 every Tuesday morning from 10.30 am after the weekly healing service. Come and chat and if you need prayer just ask.

Please note that there is always an 8.00 am Communion on a Sunday morning and a 9.30 am Communion on a Thursday at St Michael’s

Please turn the lights off!

Please note it costs more than £2000 per week to run St Michael’s !!!

2 19th September - the fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

World War II Weekend

8.00am Middlewich Communion 9.15am Middlewich Communion-Cancelled 11am Middlewich All Age Civic Service 11am Byley Morning Praise 6.30pm Middlewich Evening Praise

26th September - the seventeenth Sunday after Trinity 9.15am Middlewich Communion 11am Middlewich Morning Praise (including kids) 11am Byley Communion 2.30pm Middlewich Baptism 6.30pm Middlewich No Service 7.30pm Middlewich Café Church

Saturday prayer meeting

1st Saturday in each month

Starting 4th September

at 8am in Number 28

To meet together to pray for guidance for the Parish representatives

in their quest to employ a new Rector.

St Michael’s is a properly registered charity, number 1127335


A letter from Ian

What are we doing to our kids? As the parent of three teenage sons I wonder how on earth it got so hard for young people.

When I was going through school I worked hard (at least from time to time) but not like my kids have to. I had far more time for other things than academic study, indeed I think I spent most of my teenage years either on the rugby or cricket field. Then I went to university and my education was paid for by the government and they even gave me a grant despite both my parents being professionals. After university I entered the world of work where there seemed to be a good selection of jobs to start me off in employment and I had no debt! That meant within a few years I was able to put a deposit down on a flat.

Now you can argue that perhaps the whole process was a bit too generous but I now feel that things have swung back against young people. Many are deeply stressed by the academic expectations placed upon them. 44% didn’t make the grades they needed this year at A level. Not surprising when vast numbers of them were required to get straight A’s even for average courses at average universities. How many brilliant kids now think of themselves as failures?

There is an expectation that many will go to university but then the places aren’t there (what sort of a crazy government fines colleges £3700 per student where colleges admit too many). It looks like around 200,000 young people won’t get a place this year, in- cluding many A and A* students. If they go out into the world of work there aren’t the jobs there used to be because of cutbacks. Many young people in their twenties have never done anything other than intern jobs to gain experience and bolster the CV (lets be honest this is essentially free labour!).

They are saddled with debt, the average debt of a university leaver is now £25K. House prices are still way too high. The average age for someone buying their first home is now 31 (if they have parental help) 36 (if they don’t). A generation is growing up who simply aren’t able to live like my generation did.

It’s hard to see why: The Government is cutting expenditure dramatically so all sorts of projects are going. In Middlewich we’ve already seen the new health centre put on hold—what next? The jobs will in time evaporate and the fear is that recession might well be just around the corner again. What effect will that have on our young people? Will there be any jobs for young people to take on?

The scrapping of the “Future Jobs Fund” is lunacy. It was a great scheme that gave kids meaningful employment and a real sense of direction without affecting their benefits. The logic that says it is better for kids to sit around doing nothing rather than putting them to useful work escapes me.


I’m all for giving people the challenge of really fighting to achieve in life because you al- ways appreciate more what you’ve had to fight to get, but as a father I worry about the way our society is making life so hard for young people.

What time bomb is ticking in terms of stress related illness, marriage breakdown, debt, alcohol dependency, child neglect and abuse, social and community disintegration be- cause we aren’t supporting the future generations properly? Jesus always put the wel- fare of children first according to the pattern of Mark 10. It’s about priorities in the way you think, and I fear that our children are dropping down the priorities list of our society.

I suspect many of the young people don’t even realise how hard things have become for their generation, they after all have grown up with the expectation that it is normal to pay fees for university and normal to run up big debts and normal that they can’t afford to buy, and normal that they may join the ranks of the “inbetweeners” who have moved home after uni because they can’t afford to live.

Nobody has adequately explained to me what has gone so wrong with the public fi- nances that many of the things we could afford as a nation in the 70’s and 80’s are now beyond the public purse to pay for.

I try and stay out of politics and nothing I’ve said already should suggest that I’m criticis- ing either of the major parties particularly. I’m actually criticising all. The last Labour Government did some good for young people but mostly the rot set in there. The cur- rent coalition just hides behind the smokescreen that they can’t afford to help young people.

Christians need to say, “please help our kids!” Help the young people whose family life has been a mess, help the troubled ones, help the gifted ones, help the unemployed, help the ones trying to deal with their debt, help the ones wanting to buy their first home, help the ones trying to make a go of marriage, help the ones starting families them- selves.

Jesus example was to train the next generation. He gave time to the preparation of his disciples, and beyond them to a much wider group. All of us have a responsibility to provide those who follow us with the values, principles and experience they need to build a strong community. I fear that Government is finding that mentoring role hard to understand. You can’t just talk about the cost of education without comparing it with the cost of breaking our society further down the line. Please pray for the young people, it is so hard for them. The truth is you and I need them, or at least one day soon we will.

Reverend Ian Bishop, rector of Middlewich and Byleyyleyyleyyley

5 Charity Golf Day

If you know of anyone who would like to play in the Churches Charity Golf Day at Antrobus on Friday 10th September will you get in touch. We want to raise money for local hospices. It costs £35 each for which you get 27 holes of golf, coffee on arrival, lunch, and supper.

We also need scorers on the day. Could you be available to help? Please speak to Ian or Alastair Griffith.

World War 2 Festival

September 18th and 19th

St Michael’s will be one of the main sites for the WW2 commemoration week- end on 18th and 19th September. At a recent meeting it was decided that the theme will be “Pathway of Peace” and this will be portrayed by a prayer laby- rinth taking visitors on a tour of the Church, stopping at prayer stations to re- flect and pray. The Mother’s Union and some of the Home Groups have been asked to provide these prayer stations. In the Lady Chapel there will be books and a prayer wall for visitors to record memories, hopes and prayers for the future. The Sanctuary will provide another area for quiet prayer, deco- rated by our Flower Guild. Throughout the day there will be entertainment in- cluding “Vera Lynn” singer, Fiona Harrison and “George Formby”, Paul Cas- per. We want a “chat” session and are asking for members of our congrega- tion to come and tell us their stories of the war. Whether it’s serious or funny the topic doesn’t matter, we want the session to be interactive with visitors joining in if they wish. For this we want to mimic a 1940’s Living Room, so if you have any items of furniture that might help with this that we can borrow please let us know. No28 will be participating in a shop window competition and again we need ideas and items of memorabilia, please contact Pat if you can help. On the Sunday the Parade will finish at the Church joining us for a Civic Service followed by refreshments. We still need people to help deco- rate, steward and serve refreshments both in Church and at No 28. If you can help please contact Pat in the office. “If anyone is housebound but would like to include something in the “Book of Memories” that they can contact the office and we will arrange for someone to visit them. Contact Pat 01606 738005.”

6 Evensong and Tea

We're holding a service of Evensong at 3pm on Wednesday 1st September. People have enquired about doing this for sometime. It is open to anyone and there will be tea and cakes served afterwards. For further information speak to the Rev Thia Hughes.

Coffee Morning for Macmillan Cancer Research

There will be a coffee morning at Number 28 on Friday 3rd September to raise money for Macmillan's research programme (see previous page). It's a terrific cause so please come along and support the work. We needs of- ferings of cakes and biscuits that can be delivered to Number 28 earlier in the week.

The Alpha Course is back by popular demand and we at St. Michael’s are inviting you, your friends and family to a special evening which is the Alpha Course Launch Meal at the Kinderton Hotel Middlewich on Tuesday 21 st September at 7.30pm. (Donations only)

The Alpha Course is such a great way of finding out about the Christian faith.. it’s for those who have questions about life, questions like ”If there is a loving God why do such bad things happen?” and “ Who is this Jesus?’ is these types of questions that form the basis of the Alpha course. We explore the Christian faith in a relaxed non-threatening manner over ten thought provoking weekly sessions. After each talk which begins the following Tuesday 28 th at 7.30pm at No 28 (Opp. St. Michael’s) we divide into small groups for a time of discus- sion. Christians also find the course extremely helpful to their faith. All those who at- tend the course have a lovely social time too in making new friends over tea, coffee or soup and a roll.

If you would like to attend the Alpha Course and or the Launch meal ...... please con- tact :- ...Parish Office 01606 738005 or Jacqui 01606 836460.


Christian Aid Quiz 'QuizAid' Saturday 25th September Queen Street United Reformed Church 7.45pm

The now traditional CA Quiz night will be held at Middlewich URC on Saturday 25th September. It's great fun and we raise a bit of money for a very good cause doing wonderful work.

Get a team of four together - there should be a sheet to sign in Church very soon.

Please start planning your teams and support this event.

'A date for your diary'.


Are you over 45? Then come and join us.

WHERE – Willowmere WHEN - Tues 26th October TIME - 10.15 - 3.45

Fun, Fellowship, and a Good Time.

We are building on the theme of the WW2 Week-end where the church will be the centre for prayer, peace, reconciliation and hope for the future. We plan to base our Holiday Club on Jesus' com- mand to "Love your neighbour as yourself"

We will have sharing time re the war years, coffee, lunch, some workshops and afternoon tea. More details to follow.

8 “ TWO MONTHS IN!” It’s Great!! Two months into my Curacy and what a busy time it has been. Firstly I want to thank you all for making me so welcome and helping me to feel at home with your encouragement and sup- port. It has been exciting meeting lots of new people, and quite a challenge trying to remember your names. Middlewich is a busy church with so much going on and I have been very fortunate to be able to ‘pop in’ on a lot of those things – but still more to see and experience – looking forward to Alpha, card making , Little Stars and Cell Groups – fantastic! ‘ Smilers’ was my first encounter on day 1. What a marvellous fun time we had – hec- tic, chaotic, and I was utterly exhausted – but what a brilliant group. To see so many children bringing their Mums and carers to church is so encouraging. I’ve been privileged to attend Communion at Willowmere and the Salinai , and been to visit two people at home with Home Communions. It has been a succession of ‘firsts’. I have preached my first sermon, led my first service, done my first baptism and my first funeral . I have been to Byley twice, and met with several of the congregation, includ- ing Bruce, Alan and Glenys. At the moment we are restructuring and expanding the Pastoral Care and Visiting Min- istry so that we can involve more people in what I like to call ‘ the ministry of the cup of tea’. Watch this space for more details – anyone who would like to be involved please see Ian, Liz or myself. As I write this, I am experiencing my first Holiday Club – Rocky’s Place. How wonder- ful that the churches are working together to share Jesus. We have had lots of fun, 93 children are enrolled so you can imagine the sound levels and the excitement with eve- ryone entering into the party ‘Spirit’. I am excited and challenged by all that God is doing in Middlewich and Byley and feel both privileged and thrilled to be part of this team. You really are a fantastic bunch of people and I already feel very much at home as part of your church family. Thia Hughes

Card Group The Card Group offers courses in the making of greetings cards and meets on Thurs- day evenings when courses are in session. The courses last eight weeks and we cover a range of techniques to make cards for birthdays, birth congratulations, weddings and other special occasions. We have been running for 18 months and it has been a par- ticular joy to welcome a number of new people to every course. The next course begins on 16 September and some of the sessions will have a Christmas theme. We meet from 7:30pm – 9:00pm in no 28. Why not come along and bring a friend? All courses are free of charge and we particularly welcome people who are not members of the church. If you would like to see examples of what we do, take a look at our cards on sale in no.28!


Future events:

Tuesday, 14 September

Come and meet St Michaels Mothers’ Union. We start with a shared lunch at 12.30pm and our meeting follows at 1.30pm.

Tuesday, 12 October

Our afternoon meeting is entitled “Celebrating the Harvest”.

Tuesday, 9 November

Our visiting speaker is Dorothy Harrison, who is the MU representative for one of our charities, ‘Away From It All’ (AFIA). Come along and hear about the holidays we are able to provide; the fun and enjoyment the children have, and a much needed break for their mums.

Mothers Union Sunday Rota

Duty September October Intercessions Miriam Sant Vi Neale-Smith

Banner Angela Tempest Pan Dunning

Escorts Jo Hulse & Thelma Miriam Sant & Helen Senior Ashley

Offertory Jo Henry & Sue Pam Jackson & Thelma Ashley Hawkes

10 Salt Sunday October 10th

Salt Sunday plans are beginning to take shape. This year we are going to be the focus of the Diocesan Salt Sunday celebrations, so we want it to be really good.

Tony Woode has played a vital role in the emergence of the “Salt of the Earth” project which has sought to begin a dialogue between the Church and the key chemical indus- tries in the Weaver Valley. The project has different elements to it, one of which is Salt Sunday. Therefore we think something like this will take place

10.30 am. Our Harvest Festival service with an emphasis on salt as the gift of God and a vital resource to human life

12.30 pm. A reception in Number 28 for Civic leaders and people in the Salt and Chemi- cal Industries of the Weaver Valley

2.00 pm A walk around part of the Middlewich Salt Trail and exhibitions and sideshows in and around St Michael’s

3.00 pm An all age celebration service with Bishop , Bishop of Birkenhead and lots of other special guests.

For this to be a success we need lots of help so please plan to be here on 10th October.

Number 28

Now open as a “drop-in” centre Monday to Friday 10am—2pm

Call in for coffee & a chat!

Open for room hire for events Speak to Pat on 01606 738005

11 The Normal week at St Michael’s

Monday 7.00 am Prayer in church 9.00 am Staff Meeting at Number 28 1.30 pm SMILERS at church (not during August) 7.30 pm SMAART St M’s handbell ringers 7.00 pm Rehearsals for the Festival Choir in Church from September Tuesday 9.30 am Healing service and coffee at Number 28 7.30 pm Alpha at Number 28 from September 7.30 pm Tower ringing practice in church Wednesday 9.15 am Prayer in church 6.00 pm Music group practice 7.30 pm Choir practice (not during August) Thursday 9.30 am Communion 7.30 pm Card Group at Number 28 Friday 9.15 am Prayer in church 6.00 pm BLOG (Club for Years 4, 5 and 6) not during Au- gust 7.30 pm DYN@MIC (Club for Years 7, 8, 9) not during Au- gust

Ian’s Installation as Archdeacon

Please note that Ian’s last service at St Michael’s will probably be Christmas morning. Ian’s last service at Byley will be the Carol Service.

His installation as Archdeacon of Macclesfield will be on Saturday 8th January at 4pm at Chester Cathedral (not June as stated in last issue!) All are welcome.

Chester Archdeacon

Please also note that Rev will be installed as at Chester Cathedral on September 11th at 4.00 pm. All are welcome. Mike is the Vicar of Stranton near Hartlepool in the North East of England and a really terrific chap. He used to work for the Secretary of State for Transport in a former life and comes with a wealth of experience and will be a wonderful Archdeacon for the area.

12 Forthcoming Vacancy

The Search Begins!

We were appointed as lay representatives at the Joint Meeting of Middlewich & By- ley Parochial Church Councils on 19 July and met with the Bishop of Birkenhead (acting on behalf of the ) on 26 July 2010.

A Chester Diocese format is being used to create separate Parish Profiles for both St Michael’s and St John’s and the same wording is being used for The New Incumbent section. These documents plus annual reports and more visual representations of our church and activities are also being prepared.

Please pray for all involved as we seek a worthy successor to Ian who can lead us into a further period of growth and service to the Middlewich and Byley communi- ties.

To strengthen our prayers, we are holding a Prayer Breakfast on the first Saturday of each month at 8.00 am in Number 28, starting on Saturday 4 September – added at- traction bacon butties, or a vegetarian equivalent by request!

Bruce Gleave, Mike Reed, Glenys Richardson, Linda Webber 20 August 2010

Café Church News

The upcoming evenings are as follows

26th September: What about the environment

Talk to Paul Humphreys about getting involved but anyone can come along. Café Church is a new and vibrant way of doing Church and is open to everyone. Just come along and bring your friends.

13 Street Pastors

The Middlewich Street Pastors scheme continues to develop.

Ann Hurley has had to step down as Co-ordinator because of work commitments but re- mains on the Management Group, Bill Morrison has stepped into the role to become the new Co-ordinator.

The Management Group is now:

Rev Ian Bishop (Chairman) Anne Latham (Secretary) Bill Morrison (Co-ordinator) Julia Brumby Dave Brannon Ruth Speed Elaine Reynolds Rev David Moore Rev David Spence Ann Hurley

PCSO Lorraine Megs also attends the meetings.

It's a great team but if you would like to join in the Management Group then speak to Ian.

At the last meeting it was agreed to proceed towards the launch of the Street Pastors at a service at Middlewich URC on Sunday 31st October at 6.30 pm. Everyone is wel- come.

The first nights the pastors will be on the streets will be Friday 5th November and Satur- day 6th November (Firework weekend!)

If you want to take part in the next training.

For the next Part 1 training (if you missed the last) there is a session being run in Liver- pool on 4th September (speak to Bill or Ian for details)

The crucial Part 2 training is on Saturday 25th September and will be mostly led by the police. It involves Street Saftey training, Drugs awareness, and working with the police. Everyone needs to complete this training. It's open to everyone and starts at 9.30 am in Number 28 and will finish shortly after lunch. Please come along if you're interested in becoming a Street Pastor.

The uniform has arrived and you can now see this.

Please get involved if you can. 14 Sue Ikin

Sue Ikin and her husband Graham joined our Church last year. What many of you may not be aware of is that Sue is a qualified Pastoral Worker like Sylvia and Elaine. On Saturday 2nd October Sue is going to be licensed to serve as a Pastoral Worker for Middlewich and Byley. The service begins at 5.30 pm and you are all warmly invited to get along and support Sue. Please come along, it is always a terrific service.


I have been asked to write a short profile about myself so hear goes! From a young age I went to Sunday school and Young Peoples Church; during my late teens and early twenties I went to Church three or four times a year. After my first child was born I felt something was missing in my life, and I started attend- ing church regularly. My Faith grew through bible study and attending a Charismatic Ladies House Group, where my faith grew in to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I continued to grow through the Bishop’s Faith and Life course (which is now called Doorways). I felt called to do the Foundation for Ministry course but felt unsure where this would lead. During the course I realised that some of my gifts were listening, caring, supporting and comforting. These gifts given by God, have supported me and been developed by my experiences in children’s and youth work, baptism visiting, church and family life, also in my working life as a nurse. As the course was coming to an end I felt called to Pastoral work and so went through the selection process and then pastoral training. I was licensed in 2007. I am married to Graham and we have attended St Michael and All Angels since last Oc- tober. We live in Rudheath, Northwich, have two grown up sons and two grandsons, and a Irish setter called Dylan. I work four days a week for social services within a day centre for older people. We have both felt welcomed into the church family and I look forward to working along side the Ministry Team and getting to know and minister to the church and the wider community of Middlewich. I will be licensed as a Pastoral Worker to St Michaels and All Angels and St John the Evangelist, Byley in Chester Cathedral on Saturday 2nd October at 6-30pm. You are warmly invited to come and support me if you can.

Yours in Christ, Sue Ikin.

15 Parish Registers for 2010

Baptisms 6th June Cameron Andrew Prentice

11th July Alfie Alec Dawson Jack Thomas Gooley

25th July Oliver Thomas Hatton Jack James White Alice Lucy White 22nd August Jay Andrew York

Funerals Ist July Geoffrey Towers Kerridge Close 5th July Colin Whitehouse Leighton, Crewe 28th July Elaine Barber Seddon Street 2nd August Keith Johnson Lewin Street 9th August Richard Anthony Clark Turley House, Handforth 11th August Irene Husband Grange Lea

Weddings Byley 24th July Graham Morrison & Christine Hankey 21st August Richard Hughes & Rachel Hankey Middlewich 24th July Simon Lockett & Nina Madden

16 Unless the Lord

builds the house, its Faith Communities in the ‘Big Society’ builders labour in

vain. Together with the Chief Rabbi and Archbishop of (Psalm 127:1) Westminster and leaders of other faiths, the Archbishop of Canterbury hosted a discussion with the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, and the Minis- So don’t forget to ter for Decentralisation, Greg Clark. In the course of pray! the very constructive and positive discussion which focussed on the government’s ap- proach to the ‘Big Society’, participants shared their opti- mism about the sense of a ‘new moment’ arising from the government's willingness to see Church and faith communi- ties as providing a model to be appreciated, rather than as a group to be shaped by government. The approach is one of co-operation rather than co-option

Church bells ring to highlight toll of biodiversity

Church bells across the country will ring in tune with the United Nations next month to mark crucial interna- tional talks on biodiversity. As the bells toll at the UN headquarters in both New York and Nairobi, bell ring- ers from small parish churches to large cathedrals and minsters are being encouraged to ring on Sep- tember 22. This year was declared the UN 2010 Inter- national Year of Biodiversity (IYB) and the is one of the official partners in the UK.

There is always someone available to pray with you after ser- vices. Just ask. It’s good to pray! Equally if you would like someone to come and pray with you at any time speak to Sylvia or Elaine.

17 Byley Church News Cleaning Rota September 5th Ruth Bennion 12th - 19th Jane wildman 26th - Oct 3rd A Nicol / A Gleave October 10th - 17th P.Newton / G Richardson PCC Meeting September 6th in the Village hall. Whist Drive Dates 7th and 21st September in the village Hall Harvest Dance Some details for the Harvest Dance as October Magazine will be too late :-

Friday 8th October - Harvest Dance with light supper 7. 30pm in the Village hall

Tickets :- Adults and Children of senior School Age - £5.00 Children of Junior School Age - £3.00

Bring Your own drinks and glasses. There will also be a raffle!

This will be a Barn Dance type Evening featuring dances like:

St Bernards Waltz ; Gay Gordons : Barn Dance plus more. Come along and have a dance

All tickets must be purchased before hand in order to establish the numbers for ca- tering. 18 Byley in September

5th September Prayers Christine Hamill-Stewart (Thia Hughes) Cleaning Ruth Bennion Sidesman Caroline Oakes

12th September Prayers Ian Bishop Cleaning Jane Wildman Sidesman Frank Walton

19th September Prayers Jacqui Briscoe Cleaning Jane Wioldman Sidesman Eleanor Winnett

26th September Prayers Liz Woode Cleaning A Nicpl / A Gleave Sidesman

3rd October Prayers Steve Broadfoot Cleaning A Nicpl / A Gleave Sidesman Wilf Lomas

Important dates for your diary 10th September Charity Golf Day at Antrobus

18th/19th Sept World War 2 weekend at Middlewich

8th October Harvest Dance and Supper at Byley 10th October Salt Sunday Harvest Special in Middlewich 17th October Byley Harvest Festival

A note from Gill Stanning

To all at St Michael’s

Thank you so much for the gift of £200 that you gave me on my Ordina- tion. I have spent the money on a home communion set which will I know be immensely useful over the coming years. Thank you too for your con- tinuing prayer support…I am feeling the benefit! Love Gill

19 Rev Ian Bishop, Rector, Middlewich and Byley

The Rectory, Poplar Fell, Nantwich Road, Middlewich CW10 9HG 01606 833124 [email protected] Church Administrator— Pat Pugh (Mon-Thurs 10am-2pm) Church Office, 28 Hightown, Middlewich CW10 9AN 01606 738005 [email protected] Jeremy Coles, Director of Music & Family Work & Michelle Coles, Prayer Ministry 6 Shilton Close, Middlewich CW10 0RN 01606 738309 [email protected] Rev Liz Woode, Curate & Tony Woode, Reader 6 The Grange, Hartford, CW8 1QH 01606 75030 [email protected] Thia Hughes, Curate 01606350132 90 Hartford Rd, Davenham, Northwich. CW9 8JF. Mobile 07970734507 [email protected] Rev Simon Hamill-Stewart, Assistant Priest & Christine Hamill-Stewart, Reader 87 Warmingham Lane, Middlewich CW10 0DJ 01606 737329 [email protected] Steve Broadfoot, Reader 22 Angus Grove, Middlewich CW10 9GR 01606 738373 [email protected] Sylvia Bosomworth, Pastoral Care Worker 98 Sutton Lane, Middlewich, CW10 0BY 01606 737338 [email protected] Ann Hardy, Organist 54 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832121 Middlewich and Byley Church Staff Church Staff Byley and Middlewich [email protected] Jacqui Briscoe, Reader and Alpha leader & Bob Briscoe, Health and Safety Officer 53 Lewin Street, Middlewich CW10 9BG 01606 836460 [email protected] Elaine Reynolds, Pastoral Care Worker 28 Westlands Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HN 01606 832596 [email protected] 20 Steve Bailey, Middlewich Church Warden

4 Ladies Walk, Middlewich CW10 0BH 01606 834264 [email protected] Linda Webber, Middlewich Church Warden 74 The Walled Garden, Bostock Hall, Bostock, Middlewich CW10 9JN 01606 861626 [email protected] Fiona Loney, Middlewich Church Warden 3 Coriander Close, Middlewich CW10 01606 833180 [email protected]

Gladys Robinson, Middlewich Flower Guild

2 Orchard Close, Middlewich CW10 0AU 01606 834923 Hugh Malkin, Middlewich PCC Treasurer 5 Lindisfarne Close, Middlewich CW10 9HS 01606 833023 [email protected] Catherine Barber, Middlewich PCC Secretary 24 Waterside Way, Middlewich, CW10 9HP 01606 833161 [email protected] John Briggs, Pledges Officer 85 Rolt Crescent, Middlewich CW10 0BE 01606 832810 Mike Reed, Middlewich PCC Chair & Lorraine Reed, Reader and Ordinand 1 Douglas Close, Hartford, CW8 1SH 01606 781071 reed [email protected] Other Middlewich Contacts Contacts OtherMiddlewich Jo Hulse, Middlewich Mothers Union 56 Nantwich Road, Middlewich, CW10 9HG 01606 832198 [email protected] Ruth Broadfoot, Electoral Roll & Bookstall Manager 22 Angus Grove, Middlewich, CW10 9GR 01606 738373 [email protected] Ian Taylor, Middlewich Bellringers 78 Long Lane, Middlewich CW10 0EN 01606 834095 [email protected] 21 Glenys Richardson, Byley The Gables, Byley Lane, Byley, CW10 9NL 01606 834343 [email protected] Anne Nichol, Byley PCC Secretary The Round House, Byley Lane, Cranage, 01606 836314 CW10 9LW annenicol@btinternet .com Bruce Gleave, Byley Church Warden Cross Lane House, Byley, CW10 9NL 01606 832523 Alan and Jean Percival, Byley Church Warden and treasurer The Green,Yatehouse Lane, Byley, CW10 9NS 01606 833808

Other Byley Contacts Contacts OtherByley Christine Hankey, Byley Village Hall Chestnut Farm, Byley 01606 832938

Ian often sends out e-mails with prayer requests and news. If you would like to receive this, please will you send your address to [email protected].

If you have any articles or photographs for the October magazine, please would you e-mail them by 10th September to the Church Of- fice [email protected] . You can also place ar- ticles in the pigeon hole for the Church Office.

The church website address is

And finally --- I was cruising along the breathtakingly lovely Oxford Canal on a Sunday morning, feeling slightly guilty because I wasn’t at church. I thought to myself ‘surely I am at least as close to the Lord in this beautiful countryside as I am in our wonderful church!’ Margaret English


TRIPLE C BYLEY VILLAGE HALL Covers, Curtains, Cushions Bookings for family parties, Loose covers for chairs & sofas receptions, meetings and Curtains from new fabric groups Curtains remodelled to suit Tel: Elaine: 01606 841285 01606 832938 07837 606231

Middlewich Community Centre (off the Civic Hall Car Park, Middlewich)

Ideal for parties, meetings etc For further information call Reg Jackson on 01606 832118

23 Peter Forshaw Funeral Services

An Independent Family Business 24 Hour Personal and Dignified Service 23 Wheelock Street, Middlewich 01606 836708

CATS (Opticians) Optometrists and Contact Lens Centre Senior Citizens special package 30-32 Wheelock Street, Middlewich CW10 9AG 01606 836582 Byley Coaches Private Hire and Contract Work Byley Stores and Garage Ltd Byley, Nr Middlewich CW10 9NP 01606 832171

Neil Hopley, Electrical Contractors Ltd NICEIC Approved Agricultural, Industrial, Domestic Installations and Repairs Brooks Lane, Middlewich, Cheshire 01606 833993 or 07976 661061 (mobile)

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Gems Wedding Supplies Town Bridge, Middlewich Sensational wedding gowns, bridesmaids’ dresses accessories, formal hire Favours made to order 01606 832900