Sunday 28th February 2016 was a landmark day for the New Testament Church of God (NTCG) in the UK, when a commemoration service was held to celebrate the life of their founding Member and first Leader, Revd Dr. Oliver Augustus Lyseight.

The celebration was organised by the NTCG (Harvest Temple), to coincide with the 10th anniversary of his passing on 28th February 2006.

Dr. Lyseight was voted joint second in the ‘’ survey (2004).

He was awarded a on the 60th Anniversary of the NTCG (20th September 2013) by the Wolverhampton Civic and Historical Society and is first citizen of the local Black and minority ethnic communities to be awarded this prestigious honour.

Dr. Lyseight’s widow, Mrs Rose Lyseight and members of her family were also present. Leaders of the New Testament Church of God, Bishop Wilton Powell OBE - Leader of the Church of God of Prophecy and other dignitaries including Patrick Vernon OBE, David Bennett - Chairman for Black Local History & Cultural Archives Project, 3 local Councillors, and Paul Quigley - Curator at the Wolverhampton Art Gallery were in attendance. A large crowd turned out to take part in the celebration.

Bishop Ruben King led the service with the main address delivered by Bishop Brian Robinson (NTCG National Executive Member). Tributes were paid by Bishop Donald Bolt (NTCG Administrative Bishop), Mr Bentley Cunningham (Chair of the Jamaican Diaspora UK), Newton Lyseight (son of the late Dr. Lyseight) and the young people presented a skit entitled, “Yesterday, today, tomorrow.”

The Revd Phyllis Thompson (NTCG Education Director) pays tribute to Dr. Lyseight:

Revd Dr Oliver Lyseight has left us with a remarkable legacy. Reflection on his attributes and contribution to the church continue to be the unveiling of a Godly servant-leader bringing fundamental assumptions to the fore. He was an extraordinary man.

His life and ministry presents a particular narrative strand to assist in our own sense of calling, our understanding of the Christian worldview and our engagement in our world of complexities. Much has been documented about the racism and subsequent rejection that Dr Lyseight and his

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Against the odds, Revd Dr Lyseight demonstrated a well lived public life whether we look through the lens of the emotional, spiritual, social or political realms. Lesser men would have given up under the stress and strains he endured.

He was a visionary and a responsible leader of leaders; a living testimony of the powerful impact of a Godly servant-leader.

Revd Lyseight’s approach to Church leadership was exemplary. He focussed on Church planting and the advancement of leaders motivated by their commitment to integrity, and shepherding the people of God with pastoral sensitivity.

Today, the New Testament Church of God celebrates over 30,000 adherents in 107 branches across England and Wales. We are positively engaged in the international sphere of our Church, for example, Donald Bolt, our current Administrative Bishop, in the role of Regional Superintendent presides over the Churches across the UK and Norway, Eric Brown, Overseeing Bishop for the NTCG Brixton District is a member of the International Missions Board and a President of Churches Together in England and I sit on the International Education Board.

Since 2008 the NTCG has hosted an Annual Oliver Lyseight Lecture in honour of his life and ministry. It also houses the Heritage Centre, located in Northampton, a pioneering initiative to examine, question, study and create opportunities for interpretation, stimulate new insights and learning about the NTCG in the context of the so called ‘Black Majority Churches’ and our contribution to the Pentecostal influence on the Christian Church life in the UK. For further information visit or contact the Leadership Training Centre.

Revd Phyllis Thompson Education Director

Background information on Revd Dr. Oliver A. Lyseight

Dr. Lyseight was born on December 11th 1919 in the District of Claremont, Hanover Parish, .

He first came into contact with the Church of God in 1935. He did not formally join the Church until 1939.

Dr. Lyseight began his Ministry work in Jamaica in 1941. After working as a ‘War Food Administration Worker’ in the USA during World War 2, he returned to continue his Ministry work in Jamaica and became a Licensed Minister in 1946.

Dr. Lyseight came to Britain in 1951 on board the ship ‘Britannica’, arriving at Liverpool Docks on November 8th 1951. Dr. Lyseight, his wife Mrs. Rose Lyseight and 5 other individuals attended the first public meeting held by the NTCG in the UK on Sunday 20th September 1953.

Dr. Lyseight died at West Park Hospital in Wolverhampton on February 28th 2006.

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Notes to Editors:

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