
Five Homecoming Queen Finalists Named Last Night

By KATHY NORRIS I ber of Alpha Lambda Della and Pelt :'411C. Sargent, known to bet' of Chi Omega sorority, Sue After graduation, Sue hopes to High School in Oakland is Cheryl is a member of Kappa Kappa 'Phi Kappa Phi, school honor fra- many as "Sarge," Is a junior Eng- lists skiing and travel among her travel and to teach high school King, sophomore social science Gamma sorority, and plans to be- "Mirror, mirror on the wal1,1ternities. lish major from Glendale. A mem- interests. English. Hailing from Holy Names major from Walnut Creek. Cheryl come an elementary school teacher. who is the fairest of them all?" Which coed of the five Homecom- Reading, "especially about cul- ing Queen finalists, announced at tures and civilization," and art are a rally in the Men's Gym last among Cheryl's interests. night, will wear the crown? Songleader Hilary Goldwater is Sponsored by Sigma Phi Ep- a 19-year-old sophomore from Las silon, Jody Kaiser is a junior Vegas, Nevada. The Gamma Phi speech correction major from Beta sorority member lists "sports Manhattan Beach. The 21 -year-old cars, fun places, and getting mail" Alpha Phi sorority member, loves as her "likes." the outdoors, in which, she says, She is majoring in psychology, "I can find the beauty and aim- and likes dancing and water skiing. s'plicity that seems to be so easily The queen will be crowned at in the rush of college life." the Coronation Ball November 13. Green-eyed blonde Mary Blom- Bids for the bail are available in quist, 21 -year-old senior from Cu- front of the bookstore to all ASB by the SJS pertino, is sponsored card holders, according to Bob Marching Band. An honor student and member of Band -Aides (dance- Himel, homecoming committee drill team 1, Mary k also a mem- JODY KAISER SUE SARGENT CHERYL KING MARY BLOMQUIST HILARY GOLDWATER chairman.

Leaders: Sign Up Lyke Sales End Today Is the last da3 to buy the last day students Today is Lyke, campus feature magazine Interested In serving as orienta- for 50 cents at five campus lo- Islay sign up for In- tion leaders cations. Trim! Lopez, party car- Further Information terviews. toons by SJS grad Pat O'Dan- signup sheets are in the and leis, short stories and Lyke doU Union, 315 S. Ninth St. College Juice Morrall are featured. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE

Vol. 52 SO SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1964 No. 33 Blazer Controversy Man Makes Own Niche Visiting Scholar Bunche Comments Boils; Recall Afoot? Lecturer The Student Council blazer issue council rescind its $500 allocation On Civil Rights, U.N. 'Fact, Fiction' Man is never the victim of cir- erupted into a blazing controversy for ASB blazers. cumstances, according to William The passing of Prop. 14, which will nullify the Rumford Act, is Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, undersecretary general of the United Na- yesterday. The original resolution approving Milford Correll, a Christian Sci- "inconsistent with the trend for equality," and will not improve the tions, spoke to about 500 SJS students and local citizens in Concert Finance Committee, one of coun- blazers for representatives and ence lecturer. He will present a image of the United States or California in the area of civil rights, Hall last night on "the United Nations, Fact Against Fiction." cil's three permanent committees, ASB officers was passed by coun- lecture entitled "Who's in Con- declared Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, 1950 Nobel Peace Prize winner and Dr. Bunche, a guest of the Visiting Scholar Committee, began voted 4-0-2 to recommend that cil Wednesday. trol?", Tuesday in the SJS Me- United Nations official. his speech by explaining the lateness of the U.N. General Assem- Blazers were chosen because of morial Chapel at 8 p.m. Dr. Bunche told members of a press conference yesterday morning bly session this year "brought about because of the impasse over council's desire to "maintain com- The lecture is being sponsored that he looked on the decision of Prop. 14 as a backward step. Article 19" of the U.N. Charter revoking the votes of member munications with the student by the SJS Christian Science Or- Since California is one of the nations delinquent in dues or as- . Corpsman body." ganization. Students and the pub- most populous states, the passing sessments. Rick Trout, Finance Committee lic are invited to attend by the of Prop. 14 will have significance "The biggest delinquency was chairman, said his group "didn't organization. in the United States and interna- that of the Soviet Union," ex- Plans Visit think blazers would accomplish the Correll, who went into the tionally. plained Bunche. The Soviets owe purpose as stated in the original Christian Science healing practice In our country "there has been a $52.5 million to the U.N. at the John Fasolino, an official in the resolution." steady advance toward civil present time, he said. Office of Public Affairs of the The committee, he declared, rights," Dr. Bunche pointed out. Dr. Bunche said some of the Washington Peace Corps Office, "didn't think the $500 cost is jus- Due to the worldwide press, our nations delinquent in their dues met with SJS officials Wednesday tified by value received," and that racial problems are of common and assessments have refused to to map plans for a week-long in- "similar objectives could be accom- knowledge to the people of other pay because they didn't want to formation program here Nov. 9-14. plished by other means." countries. support what they thought was Members of the Peace Corps As a result of Finance Commit- "Acts of racial injustice damage "illegal" U.N. military action. staff will man a peace Corps in- tee's action at least one represen- our prestige throughout the Explaining the purpose and his- formation center on Seventh Street tative has reversed his stand on world," Dr. Bunche said. This is a tory of the U.N. security force, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. the issue. moral question and should be Dr. Bunche asserted that U.N. worked out because of what we intervention in Cyprus, the Congo, "Experienced Peace Corps staff Bill Clark, sophomore represen- dis- think and not because we are wor- Palestine and other places has members will be available to tative and committee member, be- ried about how it will look to been necessary to prevent World cuss the Peace Corps program voted yesterday in favor of the others. War III. fore classes, clubs and other cam- rescinding motion. He had voted With direct reference to the "These peace armies don't solve pus groups," Fasolino said. Wednesday for the allocation. Several returned Peace Corps United Nations, Dr. Bunche said anything themselves," Bunche The committee's motion now volunteers from Senegal, Bolivia that Red China is "a credential is- to council, where it will al- said, "they bring quiet: they buy and Nigeria will be a part of the goes sue, not an admissions issue." most certainly be voted upon. time" until problems are resolved team. Appointments for a Peace Whoever represents China has Corps speaker should be made by Spartan Daily was unable to great influence on the way people politically. There are more than confirm a report yesterday that vote. This year the vote will be 100,000 veterans of U.N. military calling 293-0345. WILLIAM MILFORD CORRELL "There are still many miscon- several students are circulating a closer due to France's shift to the "peace-keeping" actions, he said. to recall the 10 represen- . . guest lecturer ceptions concerning the Peace petition Peking, China side, according to Photo by Bob Hall To the charge that the U.N. Se- hope to correct," tatives who originally voted for after military service in Europe Dr. Bunche. Corps which we curity Council is dominated by said Fasolino. "One is that an ap- the blazers. during World War II, is a resident On the question of using military DR. RALPH J. BUNCHE, 1950 Nobel Peace Prize winner and Communists, plicant must have a highly devel- Roughly 2,000 valid signatures, at Cleveland, Ohio, He is a recog- force to reach solutions, Dr. United Nations official, answered questions at a press conference Dr. Bunche noted oped skill. Actually, liberal arts 10 per cent of the student body, nized teacher of the religion and Bunche commented, "we have yesterday morning in the president's conference room. Dr. that the Communists do not often graduates with the right personal- would be required on any such pe- is currently on tour as a member learned by trial and error that mil- Bunche was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his part in arrang- have the majority of votes on their ity characteristics and emotional tition in order to provoke a recall of the Board of Lectureship of The itary forces can be used as an in- ing the armistice between Israel and the Arab naticns. Dr. side in the General Assembly. fill many election, according to the ASB First Church of Christ, Scientist, strument in seeking a political so- Bunche is guest of the Visiting Scholar Committee and will be maturity can successfully Concerning world government, assignments," he said. Constitution. in Boston, Mass. lution but not as a means." lecturing on campus today. Dr. Bunche said, "There's no such pretension on the part of the U.N." Political Awareness Questionnaire: He then denounced economic in- equality as a barrier to world peace which the U.N. should seek to eliminate. This afternoon, from 1:30 to SJS Not Conducive to Stimulating Atmosphere 2:30, an informal discussion period will be held by Dr. Bunche in the is the final article in a series the castle quad. The Consersatie Guild Is not an, easy to EDITOR'S NOTE: This 'rau Delta Phi's Tower List is an expression of Seenth Street, pushing into Home Economics Quad (weather on political awareness at San Jose State. This is an of student concern for better teaching at SJS. Therein you mingle with the scholars in the classify. Members major in anything except the of the atmosphere on this campus. permitting) or in the recreation interpretative opinion Students also indicated definite approval of free market place of ideas. arts, philosophy or psychology and argue with By MARILYN BELL faculty members' stimulating political discus- Who are these scholars? their instructors in class. Lately the Conserva- room of Hoover Hall, 325 S. 8th St. SJS lacks the 'supports' that would give it sion, expressing personal political opinion if The Guild of the Middle majors in business, tive Guild has been dispossessed of its manor a livelier, stimulating atmosphere. stated as such and participating in political ac- education or engineering, has a B average and house with the change of address of the Amer- This is not the fault of the college, nor the tivities so long as they are not sit-ins. This thinks the world is in pretty good shape. Mem- ican Opinion Bookstore. Although not clannish, faculty, nor the students. Intellectual curiosity reflects Spartan wariness of anything approach- bers complement their robes with black, white the guild is rumored to hang out at the Spar- exists outside of the classroom, but among too ing total commitment to a cause or ideal, an or blue tennies or loafers and drive Chevies. tan Daily office. small a group. attitude that might become more tolerant with They supported Johnson and Murphy in the The intelligent conservative has a good sense The physical makeup of the campus is a more contact with highly expressive individuals. election and are seriously considering joining the of humor and enjoys a good Sir Barry joke. He real detriment to the exchange of ideas, and Friday Forum, Open End, TASC (Toward Peace Corps. joins the YRs and YAF but attends SPU and this is unfortunate. Until 1967, when the College an Active Student Community), SPU (Student Everyone knows the Activist Guild, with its TASC meetings to heckle the speakers. He feels Union is completed, there will be no central Peace Union), YR (Young Republicans), YAF affinity for long stringy hair, sandals, beards that Ayn Rand deserves Sartre's Nobel or a meeting place at SJS. The only spot of beauty, (Young Americans for Freedom) and the Demo- and an unwashed look. The beards and grubs, Pulitzer at least and he really has his doubts Tower Hall and the Inner Quad, is being torn cratic Club may not win everyone's approval, however, are fast disappearing at the castle about Earl Warren. down. Faculty-student contact at present is at hut their speakers and projects do fill a po- and many a Joe College is a liberal in disguise. In this castle, the Guild of the Middle is the a bare minimum. Only half of the students litical void. Activists major in the humanities and arts and largest guild. It is easygoing, accasionally ex- polled actually had spoken with one professor Consider the campus this way: know many of their professor personally. pressive and maintains the status quo. It avoids outside of class, and this was in his office, in MEDIEVAL CASTLE CONSERVATIVE GUILD becoming involved in the politics of the Activist the hall, or "while walking along." SJS is built like a medieval castle, its im- Heaven for the Activist is spelled B-E-R-K-E- and Conservative Guilds, but nonetheless lets NOV. 9 THRU 13 This is tragic because students Indicated in pregnable walls of concrete block bounded by L-E-Y. Activists spend their free time at the them have their say. It always will remain the the questionnaire an interest in faculty thought. an insurmountable moat of traffic. Cinnabar on San Fernando, at the front left strongest Guild, but gradually is influenced by cpartah Although a small per cent of students knew In the center stands the Tower of safekeep- tables in the Cafeteria or making the rounds the other two. It needs to learn to express its where the professors live or what their basic ing, surrounded by green grasses and the hu- of SPU and TASC meetings. They consider John- own ideas, and have them tested in the market- interests are, all reported that they knew where manity sheltered by the walls. son a conservative and wore "No on 14" but- place of ideas. Then the scholarship of the Scokitcre Right on Campus their professors had earned their degrees. You enter the castle through the drawbridge tons with pride. castle will have more meaning and depth. 2SPARTAN DAILY Friday, Nov. 8, 1964 How come 44,000,000 people are insured by THE GUEST ROOM Metropolitan Life $500 for Council Blazers? more than any other EDITOR'S NOTE: The Guest Room is a column written by non-members of company in the world? th Daily staff. Daily will accept column material from any interested stu- Crest Would Be Best for SJS dent, but re OOOOOO the right to select and edit colurnns. Monday, Les Freund, program co-ordinator of the Democratic Club, will present his views Mostly it's because our cus on the recent election. tomers the the way we treat Vs eduesday the AS13 Council voted to buy itself a $500 ..hern--and their money. Big wardrobe. By RICHARD REEB President, Young Republicans as it is, Metropolitan has never Council, which, up till now, has had an undeserved reputa- lost the personal touch. The Presidential landslide for Lyndon B. Johnson is now his- tion for mismanagement of ASH funds, voted to buy blazers tory, and future employment (for at least four more years) of the and crests for itself and the five executive officers. PETER K. STEIN slow-talking Texan is now assured. What about the future of Barry M.S. in Bus. A.D., SJS '64 The main purpose behind the allocation, originally pro- M. Goldwater? More importantly, what about the prospects of the 1485 Park, San Jose posed by Gene Lokey, junior representative, is "to maintain American freedom movement? 293-61,50 communication with students in order to be properly informed The backers of the Republican nominee and the cause of lim- of student needs and desires." ited government, free enterprise, and reason which he represents, Metropolitan Life An alternative to this proposal would have provided $50 to must begin anew their efforts to convince the American electorate INSLIANEIC COMPANY r,iwsoeK.N V. buy crests for council members. of the greatness of their cause. [Nothing is to be gained by brood- If council is really concerned with maintaining communi- ing over the results and coming to the false conclusion that all is cations, and if the members believe it could be done through lost.] the use of blazers and crests, their aims could be realized just More than 26 million people across the United States voted One Airy 5-epeicel as well through crests alone. for Sen. Goldwater. We know now that few of them did so out of AS for ascertaining the needs and desires of students, it is party loyalty; indeed, there was a substantial Republican defection ohs iotis that students neither need nor desire their student to the very non-Republican President. [Goldwater supporters voted council to spend $500 on blazers and crests. This is evidenced their convictions, and ignored party labels.] "WORK,I, by the fact that there is a recall movement afoot directed Several factors contributed to the large plurality that the against all those council members who voted for blazers. warmed-over New Dealer rolled up Tuesday, several of them hav- The reasons expressed by council members who opposed ing nothing to do with the issues. OF the allocation are much easier to defend. The main one, of course, is the assassination of President Ken- nedy. The memory of that tragedy hung over this campaign like a "I don't see how we can justify spending $500 on our- 'WINK OF TgE Momei INvESTED IN ALL THIS." selves," said one student representative. Another concurred: curse. President Johnson, who projected the image of uniting the ART", "The Crests would serve the same purpose without the expense." nation in an hour of great suffering, reaped tremendous political Proponents of the allocation insist their motives are pure, benefits when he assumed the office of the Presidency. that they truly think the expenditure for blazers and crests is The columnists and commentators that we have heard so much Thrust and Parry -s eaters & Cashmere Coal - for the ultimate good of council-member-student relations. about immediately concluded that Goldwater was finished as a Moycr Bros. Music Our Specialty They deny that the proposal was initiated "just to get a contender for the Republican nomination. They were wrong. 'Student Body Needs sweater.' Furthermore, an assassin's bullet in no way changed the issues Warm Jackets Too' Guitar Lessons Undoubtedly, most of the students who voted for the allo- for 1964. They did, however, manage to manufacture a national Editor: Folk Music DISCOUNT WITH AS8 CARD guilt 0 cation meant well. However, it is interesting to note that three complex, quite undeserved, but nevertheless rather widely It is not at all strange that 0 accepted by the American people. Hence, Hubert Humphrey, the Largest select ion of 0 of the council members who voted for the blazers opposed the the Student Council should ap- 0 Marching Band's request to travel to the Arizona-SJS football now Vice President-elect, could tell a throng in Ohio to vote for prove an allocation of $500 for guitars in town. Pres. Johnson, because John Kennedy, up in Heaven, was watching jackets now that cold weather game. 84 E. San Fernando Art Cleaners The resolution ultimately must be approved by Bob Pi,a no, them. Ohio, incidentally, did not vote for Mr. Kennedy in 1960, a Is approaching. Well, at least I fact that HHH was fit to remind guilt-ridden Ohioans of. will be able to recognize council 298-5404 398 E. Santa Clara 293-10300 ASB president and by the Financial Advisory Board before 0 being submitted to council for final decision. [A related issue revolves around the stability of the American members as they rush between Spartan Daily urges the Financial Advisory Board not presidential system. Never in our history has a candidate for the classes. But I wonder if they ...C.CP:40=Cof4J only to withhold its approval of the proposal but to express nation's highest office succeeded in unseating the President less will be able to recognize me? It disapproval of the council's action. than a year after the death of the man victorious in the previous seems only logical that a pro- WE DON'T HAVE PLUSH SEATS!* In addition, Spartan Daily urges ASB president Pisan to election. posal should be submitted which exercise his power of veto this irresponsible proposal and keep Three presidents in less than three years was apparently more would provide the entire Student EXPENDITURE bi- Aninistration one of accomplishment. W.W. than the American people could take, particularly when the first Body with jackets (of a differ- We spend $30 a night for rental of the Spartan Room in the Hotel Saint of the three was so violently removed from his office. The old saw ent color than the council mem- Claire, San Josel that "a man has to have a chance to prove himself" worked to bers' jackets). Then council We average $40 advertising for each night's performance of advanced, LBJ's political benefit.] adult theatre! U.S. Launches Spacecraft to Mars members could recognize us as We pay royalties of approximately $30 per evening for John Osborne's Thus, what should have been the central issue of 1964free- we rush between classes. award -winning drama, "Look Back in Anger." CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -- spaceships to land with para- dom vs. statismretreated into the background. The American Emitt Wallace Plus incidental expenses of abc, $10 ,on The United States yesterday chutes. people voted with their hearts and emotionsnot with their minds. A17010 TOTAL COST PER PERFORMANCE $110.00 launched a Mariner television The 575 pound spacecraft, The returning President would be foolish indeed if he interpreted spacecraft on an historic 81/s loaded with scientific gear as the mandate as overwhelming approval for his "Great Society." Tower Mess Area INCOME: month voyage to give man his well as a camera, was first Over the next four years the Great Electorate will view his Improvement Plan Our intimate, theatre in the -round will seat only SO people per perform- first close look at mysterious hurled toward an orbit 115 miles program with a critical eye, particularly those nearly 40 per cent ance! Editor: Mars. above earth. After Mariner who voted not so much against Lyndon Johnson, but against Our tickets sell for $2.50 for reserved seats, $2.00 for general admis:ion Since the arrival of Tower and only $1.50 for students. Average income per seat$2.00! The pioneering probe is de- coasts 26 minutes, engineers the public policies of which he presently is the symbol. Hall wrecking crews, the condi- Add $5.00 for refreshments, and signed to take 22 pictures of the planned to rocket it to the tion of the central portion of our Martian surface and to see if 25,600 mile an hour speed needed TOTAL POSSIBLE INCOME PER SHOW S105.00 campus has become progres- the little planet's atmosphere is to escape the pull of earth's WE LOSE, PER PERFORMANCE $ 5.00 worse and worse. I pro- thick enough to allow future gravity. sively It will be several days before Off the Cull pose two actions to be taken: HELP! "mudhole" paths scientists will be able to deter- First, our "LOOK BACK IN ANGER" IS A DARN FINE DRAMA, DIRECTED BY across lawns must be eliminated DICK BAKKERUD AND FEATURING AN EXCELLENT CAST, STARRING mine if the windmill-shaped By BILL LEONARD craft is on the curving 350 mil- by the erection of wooden walk- WILLIAM HOUCK, WITH SUZANNE PAYNE, PAUL NORRIS, PATRICIA The great election is now over, and the ways. And second, to add a RFIEA AND LESLIE MOORHOUSE THE PRODUCTION 15 POLISHED lion mile course needed to give Long Tall Texan has AND PROFESSIONAL, AND WE'RE PROUD OF IT1 Mariner a glimpse of Mars and whipped the Arizona Cowboy-Merchant-Photographer-Senator. little "splash" to our campus, THAT'S ALL WE CAN GUARANTEE! possibly its "canals." Now, all journalists, columnists, and commentators across the the plywood fencing around (continued on page 5) country can sit at the typewriter and assume the role of the Mon- Tower Hall complex should be day morning quarterback. utilized by art majors to dis- HERB'S The question, of course, is why did Goldwater and his running play their creative ability to the Chevron Station mate receive such a drubbing at the polls. Several factors must rest of the student body. I leave be cited in answer to this question, and most of them can be found the rest up to Grounds and Main- STOP AT THE in the campaign. tenance and the Art Department. .5es/ice stoirr SIGN OF Goldwater bungled the campaign from the very beginning. Bob Devlin At tbe GOP convention in San A10873 BETTER Francisco the Senator picked a virtual nonentity as a vice presidential running mate, then capped SERVICE off the convention with his famous "extremism in defense of liberty EL RANCHO ROPICAIR Whatever your needs in the way of is no vice" speech, which offended many moderate and liberal Re- Alma and Almaden 294-2041 1968 Alum Rock Avenue auto services, from a tankful of gas publicans. to an engine tune-up, you can be "THE NEW INTERNS" NORTH 5riii-'FN sure they'll get prompt expert at- Then the senator from Arizona, in typical American political TRAINING tention at reasonable student rates. style, brought out his best tub-thumpers and ballyhoo lows and "DR STRANGELOVE" "ALL OF ME" OIL CHANGE began to campaign throughout the nation. Pacific Air Academy "RAVISHED" LUBRICATIONS He also continued to commit costly FRONT WHEELS blunders. Now Offers STUDIO As a columnist pointed out yesterday, for example, he spoke BEARINGS PACKED AND 396 South First 292-6778 SOUTH SCREEN RELINED against the TVA in Tennessee. In Florida, a resort state peopled by FINANCING! BRAKES ADJUSTED AND many senior citizens, he "CASTLE OF BLOOD" spoke against Social Security. Private Pilot "GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM" TIRES BALANCED In the Midwest, long "HERCULES AND THE He who is not pre- a seat of conservatism and the heartland Commercial Pilot "RIDE THE WILD MOTOR TUNEUP of HAUNTED WORLD" SURF" loa red today, will be Corner of 8th and William St. American agriculture, Goldwater alienated farmers and lost Instrument Pilot votes by speaking Multi -engine Pilot STUDENT RATE less so tomorrow out against Flight Instructor farm price supports. GA Y,.1 o VID Thus, Goldwater did nothing Acrobatic Flight Training TOWNE 400 South First 294-5544 Prepare nowso you're not to help himself in these areas Available Soon !!! 1433 The Alameda 297-3060 tomorrow. of the country. "LILLIES OF THE FIELD" up a creek "LILITH" CAL-BOOK Goldwater's biggest contribu- "THE IMPORTANT MAN" The best time to start prepar- PILOT SCHOOL , With Both in Spanish ing for your financial future is tion to American politics was Approved by Warren Beatty - Jean Seberg while you're still in college; his restoration of the two-party Federal Aviation Agency Education you'll be glad you did when NEWS system to the South. True, al- California Dept. of CINEMA look back and see the you most every registered voter Pacific Air Academy SARATOGA 552 South Bascom 295-7238 value of your head start. (and this by no means includes 14502 Big Basin Way 295-4212 "GIRL WITH GREEN EYES" Life insurance is an integral the many eligible voters who MUNICIPAL AIRPORT "YESTERDAY, TODAY, Plus part of any financial planning New Arrivals are not allowed to vote in the SAN JOSE AND TOMORROW" Kafka's and Provident Mutual is up to South because of the color of latest plans and "PSYCOSISSIMO" "THE TRIAL" date with the their skin) in the features especially designed South voted for young adults. paperbacks for Goldwater because of his stand against the civil rights Dining Room Service Don't pat it off. Contact our David Ogilvy: CONFESSIONS OF AN bill. Drive-in and campus office now for a talk ADVERTISING MAN 75c about ysmfinancial future. The fact remains, however, Haynes Johnson: THE BAY OF PIGS 75c that the Arizona senator con- Morris L. West: BACKLASH 50c tributed to the first healthy Bob Hope: I OWE RUSSIA $1200 50c two-party situation in the South TICO S since Reconstruction. Tom Niemann '63 trade books John Byde '64 Louis Untermeyer: LOVE SONNETS 95c Spattansaily l'ACOS Dick Heideman '64 Second class postage paid at San Ray Terry '65 Jose, California. Member California 111 technical books Dick Flanagan '65 Newspaper Publishers Association and R. B. Adler: INTRODUCTION TO Audit Bureau of Circulations. Pub- TAKE TIME TO SEE Ben Reichmuth '57 SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS lished daily by 81,. Associated Stu- $4.50 dents of San Jose State College, ex- Mike Rogers '57 Soshin Chikazumi: PHYSICS OF MAGNETISM $15.75 cept Saturday and Sunday, during col- HOW DELICIOUS Peter Henrici: ELEMENTS OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS lege year. Subscription accepted only $8.00 on a remainder-of.sernester basis. Full 210 North FOURTH academic year, 19; each semester, $4.50. Off-campus price per copy, 10 A TICO'S CY 7-5707 cents. CY 4.6414Editorial Ext. 2383, california book co., ltd. 2384, 2385, 23136, Advertising Ext. 2081, 2082, 2083. 2084. Press of Globe Printing Co. Office hours I45-4:20 HAMBURGER CAN BE pRoVIrjrNT 134 e. son fernando p.m. Monday through Friday. MUTUAL 1i LIFE Editor WILLIAM WATSON r son jose, california open saturdays 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M. 4 OOOOOOOO ao0Postr Ade. Manager JANET BRAUN Phone Orders CY 7-8421 4th and St. James Day Editor SCOTT MOORE News Editor RICHARD DOTY 1111 111 Ill 1 9 SJS Landmark Falls: Tower Hall Yields to Wreckers

1 ..

TOWER HALL COMES DOWNI. to r.: 1) Demolition began early in October with the destruc- tion of the southwest portion of the complex. 2) as demolition progresses, wreckage within Tower Hall can be seen from the outside. 3) Through the broken southwest archway, La Torre stands still dignified. 4) Ruins of the southwest archways await final blows from a jackhammer. 5) Quiet and deserted, the old reserve book room at the southeast portion of the complex will be the last to come down. 6) The lonely corridors no longer echo the sound of student voices. Instead, the sound of wreckers' hammers reverberate in littered hallways. Bottom photo, emptiness and wreckage can be seen in a window of Tower Hall. At present, a demolition operations are still centered in the southwest por- tion of Tower Hall. Herwig of California, a Campbell construction firm, expects total renovation to take 10 months. Photos by Jon Lewis

Tower Hall's 54 -Year Lectures On

History Will Soon End ECSTASY es * ANNOUNCING * by TIMOTHY LEARY, Ph.D. Tower Hall's fate has often Closed in April 1963, Tower and RICHARD ALPERT, Ph.D. been discussed, but few students Hall was judged unsafe in event A New Coin Laundromat ever felt the nostaglia they may of an earthquake. formerly of Harvard University Plenty of washers and dryers feel now that the ivy-covered The decision to demolish the authors of "The Psychedelic Experience walls are tumbling down. complex and renovate the Tower WASH 20c6 a.m.-12 p.m. Sunday. November 8, 1964 - 3:30 P.M. Tower Hall was 59 years old and Morris Daily auditorium, DRY 5c DAILY "THE ECSTATIC EXPERIENCE" venerable made last January by the State last September. The I. THE SCIENTIFIC SITUATION A review of those findings Board of Trustees and the State complex has a long and senti- and theories of astronomy, genetics, physics. and neurology which ment -laden history which began Department of Finance culmi- define man's position in the evolutionary process. attention when the doors were opened to nated nearly two years of will be given to the neurological and pharmacological situation more than 600 students on Sept. lengthy debates, negotiations and that is, to the incredible potentiality of the brain and to drugs which student referendums. affect consciousness. 10. 1910. 2. RELIGIOUS APPLICATIONS. Psychedelic worship defined Operations were begun early and profusely illustrated; the method, preparation, production and in October by Herwig of Cali- peakillakMeasitakeukarkataltsl~smiellellottlaateritari frequency of psychedelic worship noted; the ecstatic-robot compro- fornia, a Campbell construction mise defined; the theological and physical reasons for taking psych- SPECIAL SAILINGS firm. The company expects total edelic drugs on the seventh day reported. 3. PSYCHOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS. A look taken of man's renovation to take 10 months. FROM MEAT MARKET ' little mind and his big, big brain. Why it is necessary to "go out La Torre's bells will still ring STATE of your mind" to "use your heed." Two types of learning bio- WEST COAST TO EUROPE the quarter hour. But they will Corner 4th and Santa Clara CV 2-7726 6 chemical imprinting (sudden, ecstatic, non -conceptual, and irre- not ring over the rest of the versible by any except chemical means) and associative -conditioning COMPLETE LINE OF FIRST QUALITY MEATS explored. S. S. RYNDAM from Los Angeles complex for which they were Sunday. November 8, 1964 - 8:00 P.M. January 4: 5330 to Lisbon, originally intended. Wholesale and Retail $350 to Rotterdam The stately Tower and Morris "THE ECSTATIC COMMUNITY" I. SOCIAL APPLICATIONS. Man's recent, unnatural and dis- S S. SEVEN SEAS from San Fran- Daily auditor i um will stand cisco Fobruary 5: $225 to alone, surrounded by trees and THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS astrous digression into uni-family life examIned. The multi -family community explored. Reports on recent experiments in communal Azores. $240 to Lisbon. :1250 grass. to Rotterdam living. 2. THE POLITICS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Ecstacy and stasis defined. Ecstacy and leisure related. The meaning and social 10% lb. Interesting ports anroute. SPARE RIBS 45' use of ecstasy indicated. Ecstatogenic training centers and psyche- roundfrip discounts available. delic re-imprinting centers suggested. Psychedelic organizations folders Deck plans, descriptive eevaluated. The strategic program for consciousness expansion in the Minimum fares FOLK sent on request. lb. next decade outlined. given above. Book now for best HOT DOGS 39` space. Cni tars-Banjos-Lessons Both Lectures in the Executive Conference Room COLUMBIA BACON 294 lb. 4 SIEMER & HAND, LTD. RICKEY'S HYATT HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE RENT TO LEARN HAMBURGER 89' 2 lbs. 4219 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, California 465 California Street ADMISSION to lectures by ticket. A donation of $4 per lec- Son Francisco. California Plenty of FREE PARKING ture or $7 for both is requested. May be purchased at the BENNER MUSIC door, or EXbrook 7-6737 by writing to the HUMAN GROWTH INSTITUTE, CV 7-7417 1884 W. San Carlos h Wholesale to Fres, Sororities and Boarding Houses The Village Corner. Suite D. Los Altos, Calif. sae dolviedmpromerpeeeprovappeprapperpromprprawaidespeamparot 4SPARTAN DAILY Friday, Nov. 6, 1964

Sp rck ra

By JANE HOYT Society Editor An enticing innovation has appeared on the scene which may revolutionize kissing. I can see it now. Joe College will traipse past Betty Coed, take one whiff of a vitally potent smell, fling his arms around her, give her a smooch, and fall down on his knees to propose. The new product Is a man-catcher more powerful than ham- burger-scented perfume, leather-scented hair spray, or beer-flavered mouthwash. The innovation is FLAVORED LIPSTICK! A nationally known cosmetic firm is marketing lipstick which has the aromatic fragrance of fruit. Such choice shades and flavors at Include Pineapple Kiss, Cherry Kiss, Strawberry Kiss, Grape Yum Yum Kiss and Cola Kiss. Mission Motor Scooters MARJORIE BROWN After making a personal olfactory test, I can verify that these JENNIFER JONES, Dr. Gus Lease and Marjorie Brown (I. to r.) delectable shades smell just like the fruit they represent. But they 609 Bird Avenue ... pretty, talented show how Miss Brown sang her way to the talent award at the might start chewing still taste like lipstick! If they didn't, coeds ********* ************ * ************** ***********to Miss California contest this past summer. during class to stave off the hunger pangs. # * * * their tube of Lipstick 'a** 5. # * HOOVER HALL THE * Hoover Hall coeds have been studying hard to bring notoriety * Her Melody Is Like a Pretty Girl to their dorm when mid-term exams are returned. Since all work and no play makes Jackie a dull girl, the coeds By PAM GUTERMUTE Brown, 23, senior elementary ed- in which to select and rehearse took a study break last night to attend "The Sound of Music" at As they s:Ins and laughed ucation major at SJS, Dr. Gus the talent presentation. They the Hyatt Music Theater in Burlingame. After the play, the women around the p, Miss Marjorie Lease, associate professor of wanted to select something oper- SAN JOSE JAll 1 had dessert at the hotel. music, and Jennifer Jones, their atic and something lighter to ap- Next Wednesday, the coeds will continue with the enrichment accompanist, related the tension- peal to all tastes. Hours and of their cultural life by attending "Camelot" at the San Jose filled tale of how Marjorie be- hours were spent examining mu- Civic Auditorium. A block of tickets at $4.25 each is being held for came the Grand Talent Winner sical scores in search for the THEATER all dormitory residents. VESPA in the Miss California Pageant right one. Many of Marjorie's fa- Sunday, Hoover and Allen Halls are sponsoring a foreign student this summer in Santa Cruz. She vorites were obscure and would 5th and Santa Clara discussion. Several Indian students will discuss their country. largest selection of Vespa was also fourth runner-up in the not have appealed to the general Hoover's Little 500 Bicycle Race team includes Bob Bonds, iliotorscooters, parts and Pageant. public. Bob Hodson, Ray Pyne, Ken Shackelford, Tom Webb, and Ken .te('essories in Northern Marjorie has always liked to Good, captain. sing. When she was young, she DECISION MADE KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA sang while she did her chores. Marjorie and Dr. Lease finally Next Saturday, Nov. 14, the Kappas will hold their pledge AL RUITER She was in choir at high school decided on "Un beldi," or "One PREMIERE formal at San Francisco's Hilton Inn. Twenty-three new pledges and was encouraged by her Fine Day," from "Madame But- (ITORSCOOTERS will be honored. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6 teacher, but she didn't start terfly" by Puccini. They chose It SIGMA KAPPA San Jose's only authorized singing seriously until four years because it seemed to express the Plateau 7 is the setting for the fall pledge dinner and dance Vespa dealer. ago. Since then, she has starred sensitivity of a young girl. "LOT I" tonight. Couples will dance to the music of Hernandez and in numerous shows and has be- This was to be sung in Italian. 607 Auzerais Ave., San Jose his band. Shows every Fri.-Sun. at 6:45, 8:30, 10:15 come quite a professional. Marjorie's next number had to (Cor. Bird .5 Auzerais Ave.) express a similar feeling in more The fraternity men have adopted several Sigma Kappas as 1 "Loll" is a 3 -act drama featuring jazz ballet, theater-in- MISS SAN JOSE little sisters. Diana Britton has been named a Sigma Chi Little 295-1124 contemporary music. She wanted the-round, and progressive jazz quartet After winning the title of Miss something "familiar and loved." Sigma and Sue Rust has been chosen a little sister by Sigma Pi. Greater San Jose last spring. "This was the hardest deci- Sharon King was elected president of the Delta Sigma Phi order Admission: $1.25 students; $1.50, others Marjorie, a tall slender blonde, of the Daughters of the Sphinx and Sandy Kerhulas is president of sion," said Marjorie. They went Tickets available at San Jose Box Office or Door became a contestant for the title through titles and songs and the Lambda Chi Alpha Crescents. REFRESHMENTS of Miss California. She, Dr. songs and titles. Whatever they ALPHA TAU OMEGA Lease, who has been her voice chose had to end on the same The ATO brothers have invited a group of campus notables to *,. instructor for three and a half high note that the previous dinner and discussions. Included in the group are Dr. Stanley Benz years, and Jennifer had 10 days number ended on so the audience dean of students; Bet-niece Ryan, assistant housing director; Dr. wouldn't be let down. Their Cornelia Tomes, associate dean of students, and Robert A. Ander- search led them to the ideal sen, activities adviser assistant to the associate dean of students. song, "S omewhere Over the Dr. Thomas Tutko, assistant professor of psychology, spoke to the A Distinctive Corsage Rainbow." It had to be rewritten men on motivation of athletes. so it could start high, then get FLY Results of pledge class balloting named Dennis Parker presi- For Iler Pleasure At SAN JOSE higher yet to lift the emotional dent; Howard Smith, vice president; Pat Kleeman, secretary- impact. treasurer; and Mike Fink, social chairman. Homecoming or Friday the fraternity men will hold their traditional Oakie Any Special LOS ANGELES R-WRITE NUMBER Stomp. The event starts with a steal' barbecue, wheelbarrow and Occasion Hours and hours of rehearsing sack races, followed by a dance at the Red Barn behind the Awful with Dr. Lease and Jennifer fol- Awful. lowed for Marjorie. Jennifer, Sixteen men recently were honored at the initiation banquet senior piano major at SJS, had held at Vahl's Restaurant in Alviso. New initiates are Bob Chaffet, lak to re-write the number again Bob Deasy. Don Duran, Darrel Gary, Briant Hunt, Roger Kokores, after it was orchestrated. Mar- Scott McOelland, Larry Montgomery, Dick Neve, Larry Pegram, jorie memorized and re-memo- Chad Schneller, Bob Siegel, Bob Stenson, Tom Stewart, Tim Tinti -www41114 TIME rized as time grew short. and Jim Yeates. Duran and Schneller received the Outstanding CONNECTICUT ,AIRLINES All this and more was going Pledge awards, and brothers Norm Wilson and Jim Pryor received MUTUAL LIRE on during finals. By May 30, the Outstanding Brother awards. 2.86-1862 Marjorie had to have a tape of A SCHEDULED AIRLINE her number ready. It could only CHI OMEGA be long or she Today is the big day for Cheryl Bansmer when she travels to would be penalized in the judg- Fresno for the California Maid of Cotton contest. SJS hopes are SINCE 1885 PIZZA DELIGHT ing. Besides this, she had to ar- pinned on the finalist. MY OUR range her wardrobe, pose for Mixey Salentine is the new president of the Sigma Chi Little "FAMOUS FOR FINE FLOWERS" Sigmas, and Jody Schmale has recently been named a Little photographs, lose the weight "I Sigma. 2nd and San Fernando always gain during finals," and The Chi Omega Dull Skulls recently sang at Cal State College eg) decide on make-up for television. In Hayward for the fall formal. CYpress 24312 At last the day came, and DELTA SIGMA PHI what a day It was. Talent finals Four new coeds have been added to the membership in the were held Saturday, June 20. Delta Sigma Phi order of the Daughters of the Sphinx. Initiated THE FINEST ALWAYS AN YOU PAY NO MORE The girls arrived at the hall at Friday were Wendy Brownton, Gamma Phi Beta; Carole Peloquin, 830 and remained there all day. Alpha Omicron Pi; D. J. Ruttan, Chi Omega, and Susan Paladino. Marjorie was the last on the llst Chicken Delight 1.39 Shrimp Delight 1.39 to perform, at 6 p.m. SIGMA PHI EPSILON FREE DELIVERY 1614 E. Santa Clara 251-2313 Dad's Point Park in Stockton was the scene of a joint exchange GRAND TALENT WINNER between the Sig Eps and Phi Kappa Tau fraternity of University The 36 pageant contestants of the Pacific. After traveling to the park by bus from San Jose, Specializing only in European Made Cars didn't find out who the winner the men barbecued hot dogs and socialized before going to the was until that night on TV. The San Jose-UOP football game that evening. GARAGE Et .ROPA hours and hours of work payed After the game, the 70 Sig Eps and their dates were guests off as Miss Marjorie Brown was of Phi Tau's for an informal coffee hour at the fraternity house Repair of Volkswagen cars named Grand Talent Winner and before returning to San Jose. Mercedes Porsche Fourth Runner-up in the 1964 PHI SIGMA KAPPA Miss California Pageant. Men who have pledged Phi Sigs include Don Applegarth, Jim "There was tremendous pres- Colton, Roger Cox, Pat Dempster, Les Doyle, Ken Ehlers, Lee sure during the entire pageant," Eminger, Bill Englund, Bob Glenapp, Larry Leedom, Jim Lotz, said Marjorie. "When they an- Steve Maggetli, Ron Martin, Ray Nolton, Pat Olesiuk, Larry Oshier, MASTER MECHANICS 760 Willow St. nounced that I had won, I felt Trained in Germany San Jose 25, Calif. Ed Peterson, Stoddard Reynolds, Bill Robertson, Clarke Rountree, Werner Zollenkopf 292.5675 all full of smiles." She attributed Al Sequeira, Wev Shea, Mike Sinclair, John Sylvia, Gene Valle her winning to Dr. Lease and ap- and Steve Zell. preciated the help and patience of her family and friends. :7Jzt.,eis AK .,..n,lal 41,2.1:3,,,..ts!tits 41,241,,:isvt,A1x.li1iss1ts ./zsioxurasAlsira\isnsi;; "Singers need rest to perform Our pleasure is well and, at the same time to be 4 11. charming and ravishing," said Itie to !-.C1'Ve Marjorie. "Rest was something g I didn't get." Touch Her Our famous small rib-eye steak with potatoes, bread and Heart With salads. $125 Flowers Swing yo' podner Open 24 Hours Nothing leaves a lasting right on over impression like flowers to Free Parking at Al's & Earl's to win-over that special 38 So. 3rd Street someone. GOODWILL THURSDAY, NOVEMBER COSTUME SHOP 19th 8:30 P.M. ANGELO'S .7fouieri P\o3e Marie SAN JOSE CIVIL AUDITORIUM (For that special costume) TICKETS: $3.50, $4.00, 8.4.50. 85.00 (THE Campus Florist) Open Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. ON SALE SAN JOSE BOX OFFICE STEAK HOUSt. 10 cin. 'fil 5 p.m. 8th & Santa Clara 295-4321 San Carlos 72 E. Santa Clara Street 44 N. Market St. 297-4609 Next to St Claire Hotel ;eV

SPARTAN DAILY-5 ******** ***************************************4 Friday, Nov. 6, 1964 Single Show Students Debut Amateur & Professional 9ront Ole Center Tonight in Opening MAGIC Supplies, Party Gags, LEARN For 'Camelot' Games and Fun Supplies .111(1 royal pageantry Editor's Note: Comedian and singer Glenn Yarbrough will Of Jazz Theater TO FLY of the magic land of "Camelot" appear tomorrow night at 8:30 in the San Jose Civic Auditorium. Within Write, in for Magic ALI KIMAR Magician Available will come to the stage of the their own realms both performers have built their reputations in night "Luti.’ a ph* written, direct- appearances across the country, in Supplies Catalogue for San Jose Civic Auditorium Mon- clubs, one-night stands and television and acted by SJS students, Career Opportunities addition to record albums. ed, now! 393 1 st St. Porto, & Shows day night at 8. will kick off the first season of San Jose, Calif. Airlines Hiring The National Touring Com- the new San Jose Jazz Theater pany is bringing the musical . . . Spotlighting Bill Cosby Enroll now in one of our this weekend. here for one performance only. By ADRIENNE KENNEDY The theater, Fifth and Santa guaranteed courses Tickets are available from Wen- Fine Arts Editor Clara Streets, will present three FOR dell Watkins Box Office. shows nightly every Friday, Sat- "C amelo t," by Alan Jay "Common, fat hippos! Cummon, fat hippos!" So goes one of the Private Pilot urday and Sunday at 6:45, 8:30 Reality Care Lerner and Frederick Loewe, funniest monologues on record, as Bill Cosby relates his version of Commercial Pilot and 10:15. is based on T. H. White's novel, Noah and the Ark In his first album, "Bill Cosby is a very funny Low, low prices Instrument Rating "Loti," was written by C. J. "The Once and Future King." Flight Instructor fellow . . . Right!" Ralph, graduate student and in- by The story is built around the un- All work done qualified Multi-engine Rating Cosby in his wry, offbeat fashion has a talent for creating structor in biology; Susan Deet- love triangle of King Arthur, Audio -Visual Ground School usual situations and turning them into hilarious one-man conversa- er, senior psychology major, and students under supervision Guenevere and Lancelot. sations. Incongruity is his byword. Dale Long, professional musician. The musical weaves together In considering the very prosaic activity of tossing a coin, Cosby explained that CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Miss Deeter COLLEGE the themes of King Arthur's manufactures humor with coin tossing as it might relate to the jazz theater is a combination of SULLIVAN B EAUTY dream of a world in which 292-8254 Revolutionary War or Custer's Last Stand. He concludes a delight- jazz balle t, theater-in-the- 374 South First St. 295.9516 might serves right and the Ill- fully satiric skit on the shaving ads with the soft-spoken repartee: round and progressive jazz mu- SAN JOSE fated romance of his beautiful "All I wanted was a shave . . . not a self-!" sic. Although a basic script and wife Guenevere and his most Cosby, a native of Philadelphia, was "discovered" by a New York plot are followed, each player FLIGHT admired knight Lancelot. Times reporter when he was booked into the Gaslight Cafe in Green- has enough freedom within the SCHOOL, INC. The production is the second wich Village. Since then he has appeared in such places as San part to express individual ideas attraction in the San Jose Mu- Francisco's hungry i, the Gate of Horn and Mr. Kelley's in Chicago, and creativity. San Jose Municipal Airport sic and Arts Foundation's Trouble? 1964- the Bitter End in New York and the Fifth Peg in Toronto. Television SJS students with parts in the Having Car 65 concert series. audiences have seen Cosby as guest of Ed Sullivan, Jack Parr and production are Buffy Mangum, Garry Moore. Mary Anne Shank, Diana Mat- His second and most recent record, "I Started Out as a Child," they, Micky McBride, Jim Lich- We are specializing in any car repai r and in a was released this fall. Yet from the first laugh of a Cosby convert to ens and Dave Satri. Appearing Products United Radio & T.V. Supply Co. the last lauding comment of a died-in-the-wool devotee, the truth of in the title role is Jean Lefferts, complete line of Shell the matter reads like the title of his first LP: I3ill Cosby IS a very drama major. WHOLESALE DIS I RIM 1 ORS funny fellow . . . Right! The group will tell the story ELECTRONIC PARTS HI-Fl of "Loti," a young girl who mar- Carl Brown Shell Station . . . Spotlighting Glenn Yarbrough ries a man two weeks before he is drafted Into World War II. By CAROLYN CHASE & Bill Boone Automotive STUDENT DISCOUNTS The main purpose of the jazz CORNER SO. 11th STREET & SANTA CLARA In an interview at the hungry i recently, Glenn Yarbrough, pop- theater is to recruit and train PHONE 295-9920 Monday-Thursday-Friday 1425 W. San Carlos Street ular recording artist, said that money was not the most important students instead of professionals thing to him. Till 9 P.M. CYpress 8-1212 so that the students would have THIS AD GOOD FOR $5.00 ON ANY TUNE-UP An ex-Limeliter, Yarbrough was asked why he is no longer an opportunity to gain experi- singing with the group. ence and to earn money, accord- eicAMONMP. "All three of our personalities are different, and the songs we ing to Long. (continued from page 21 recorded were always a compromise of what each of us really Admission is $1.25 for stu- wanted to sing," he answered. dents. Tickets are available at YOU MIGHT NOT LIKE IT! Upon graduation from high school and prior to his singing career, the San Jose Box Office, For DANCING Yarbrough attended St. John's College in Annapolis, Md., and studied further information call 294- IT'S HILARIOUS IN PARTS LIGHT, COMICAL. AND SEXY IN OTHERS, classical Greek and pre-Socratic Philosophy at Mexico City College. 5405. EVERY FRIDAY BUT ESSENTIALLY IT'S A DRAMA OF THE "ANGRY YOUNG MAN", When Yarbrough left the Llmeliters, he had plans for going AND AN OVERPOWERING ONE AT THAT. IF YOU'D RATHER HAVE A FEW COCKTAILS, GIGGLE ALL EVENING, around the world on his own yacht, but before he left, RCA urged AND FORGET ABOUT YOUR TROUBLES, GO SEE THE KING DODO him to make one more album which was appropriately entitled "One PLAYHOUSE PRESENTATION THIS WEEK-END ITS VERY ENTER- More Round." TAINING! TWIST & SHOUT TO "It was so successful I couldn't stop singing," he commented. Shoes for THE EXCITING, ...LIVE" BUT IF YOU'D RATHER THINK A LITTLE IN ADDITION, AND GAIN But he still has not forgotten his proposed trip and hopes to take it 501 511'- 1.1, THE A RICH EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCE AS WELL (WE WON'T SAY IT WILL next year. He recently purchased a 40-foot sailboat called the solBeautiful BE A PLEASANT ONE) PLEASE DON'T MISS OUR PRODUCTION! F %HI TM TO GAIN THAT $5 DEFICIT WE'VE SCHEDULED THREE ADDITIONAL "Armorel," which was built in England. alL1 PERFORMANCES THIS WEEK -END WHICH WILL LOWER OUR TOTAL Yarbrough's first album is "Time to Move On," and his most COST AND YET ALLOW YOU TO SEE THE SHOW AT A REDUCTION. recent popular recording is "Let the Honeywinds Blow." yITIS JESTERS TONIGHT, THURSDAY, NOV. 5-8:30 P.M. If his performance at the Civic Auditorium tomorrow night is half as enjoyable and colorful as his stand at the hungry i, the double SUNDAY MATINEE, NOV. 8-2:00 P.M. Hi-heels Mid-heeliN SUNDAY EVENING, NOV. bill will be entirely worth seeing. 8-7:30 P.M. Frais- Wedgies DROP OUT TONIGHT! All 3 Performances at a Special Two -for Ws have your size -One Price: THANK YOU! $2.50 PER COUPLE AAAAA to B Work of Chicago Artists 81/2 to 12 OR IF YOU'RE A COMPLETELY NORMAL THEATERGOER. COME (FRIDAY NIGHT), NOV. 6, 8:30 P.M., AND PAY THE REGULAR RATE! BUT DON'T COME SATURDAY THERE'S NO PERFORMANCE $92.945. 9 I Rcservations: 292-9795, or the San Jose Box Office. Featured in New Exhibit AWFUL-AWFUL 'this announcement made as a public service for the wump-coascious! "Chicago Artists Exhibition," John Flynn, Miyoko Ito, George charge accounts SALOON featuring 25 works, will open Kokines, Ruth Midgal, Luis Or- open thurs. 'til tiz and Kerig Pope, Monday in the Art Gallery, AND PIZZA EMPORIUM WHATEVER YOUR PLANS ARE A129, and continue through No- 12860 SO, 1ST I Ml. SO. FAIRGROUNDS vember 25. The gallery will be Music Fraternity (Neer Hillsdale Ave.) Phone BA 7-8390 FOR THE WEEKEND... open weekdays 9 a.m.-4 30 I. SAN ANTONIO CY3-3090 Downtime Ste i.e. and Sundays 1:15-5 p.m. Slates Workshop, f7et7i1rd7it7’-iv ... START OFF AT A wide variety of techniques, Plans for Recital SILVA SERVICE styles and viewpoints will be dis- suia1424teA,C0'. played by the Chicago artists. The SJS chapter 01 Phi Mu In art, they are known for their Alpha Sinfonia, men's profes- Let us get your car prepared for strong individualism, according sional music fraternity, will con- weekend driving. You always find to Dr. Raymond Brose, public duct a Northern California Province Workshop Sunday and the best service at Silva Service. relations chairman for the Art present a recital to SJS stu- Professional Art Supplies Gallery, and assistant professor 7 Blends of Major Name Gas dents Tuesday. Travel Posters of art. Representatives participating Brighten up those dingy walls in your apartment or room. Tune -Up "Honesty of expression and in the workshop at SJS are from These full -color 25" x 37" posters will give some life to your seriousness of purpose are char- Wheel Balance and Alignment the University of Pacific, Fresno humble abode. Here is an economical way to give your COMPLETE BRAKE acteristics of Chicago artists," State College, San Francisco WORK apartment some class. $4 00 described Dr. Brose. State College and Sacramento Only I EA. Artists who will be exhibiting State College. 112 South 2nd Sf. and Valley Fair 295-8968 78 S. 4th St. in the Art Gallery represent Purpose of the Province Work- SILVA SERVICE the middle school of the Art shop is to train new chapter Institute of Chicago. officers and review and evaluate LATE FOR CLASS/ WE'LL PARK IT FOR YOU Almost every kind of con- past and future chapter activi- temporary experimental tech- ties. nique and approach will be in Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia's mid- the upcoming display. Included semester recital Tuesday will are college and construction, be presented at 8:15 p.m. in assemblage, pure abstraction Concert Hall. The program will SOMETHING NEW and formal image. feature selections from Bach, Presenting Several of them have won Haydn, Handel, Schubert, Bar- national and international rep- tok and Tielman Susato. 1 HAS BEEN ADDED! utations and are represented in Highlight of the evening will collections and museums be the Woodwind Quintet con- For your convenience you can now throughout the United Stales. sisting of guest Karen Brandon, Glen Yarbrough Bill Cosby Chicago artists exhibiting flute; Elliott Charnow, clarinet: enter Zokor's from second street. works are Robert Ahlstrom, Mor- Gary Gray, oboe; Paul Navarro. ris Barazani, Claude Bentley, French horn, and Larry Fry- In Concert Dorothy Brooks, Nancy Costa, As always we have an extensive selec- man, bassoon. tion in sportswear, dresses, coats, and THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 EXPERT Foothill College GYMNASIUM LUBRICATION 98, 8 P.M. REWARD! $10 REWARD IF WE MISS Admission $2.50 A FACTORY INSTALLED GREASE FITTING Pick up tickets at the Door or Tire Repairs Battery Charge Brake Adjustment 98c Tire Rotation 35c per wheel Save on Oil Filters! Box Office in the Foethill College Book Stoic from NOW only two blocks rampus Fully Guaranteed Recaps $7.48 mrT 13,4,4 SPONSORED BY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF FOOTHILL COLLEGE 132 S. First St. 295-8231 PURITAN OIL CO., 6th & Keyes Proceeds Go to College Scholarship Funds ************************************************+ Poloists tirr s -it SIT.) Friday, Nov. 6. 1964 Ion Can Tell Daily Sports Pigskin Prognosticators tht Ilifference... PAYNE STROM SIMBURG SIMMONS I TITCHENAL I *KARL 11111111111111111111111111 Meet Cal, _511-33-3 50-38-3 60-28-3 1 61-27-3 I 110-3113 I CHULICK SJS at Colorado State SJS by 7 SJS by 10 US by 3 I SJS by 12 lin cuncen When you eat at Bohannon's. Air Force at UCLA UCLA by 7 UCLA by 9 UCLA by 3_ UCLA by 7 i UCLA by 7 Air Force by 6 LSU at Alabama Alabama by 3 Alabama by) Alabama by 6 Alabama by 6 Alabama by 6 LSU by 7 Enjoy one of our succulent, Alumni Idaho at Arizona Idaho by 7_ Idaho by I Arizona by 10 Idaho by 3 Idaho b114 Arizona by 3 Gle1111 gourmet meat dishes. Or you Rice at Arkansas Arkansas by 1 Arkansas by_6 Arkansas by 12 Arkansas _by 6 Arkansas by 14 Arkansas by? water poloists The Spartan C1 at Washington _ Cal by 6 Cal by 3 Cal by 3 _ Wash. by 3 Wash. by 7 Wash. by 7 -- - of many varieties can try one warmed up for their weekend Tennesse at Geo.:Nei, Geo. Tech by 3 Geo. Teckby 8 Geo. Tech by 7 Geo. Tech by I Geo. Tea by 6' Gee. Tech by 2 games against the San Jose State of fresh fish prepared by our Illinois at Michigan Michig.nby 3 Illinois by I Michigan by 6 Illinois by 1 . Michigan by Michigan by 10 alumni and the University of Cali- Indiana at Oregon Si. OSU by 7 OSU by6 OSU by 7 OSU by 4 I Indiana by 6 OSU by 14 Bill Cosin master chef. Choose from fornia at Berkeley with a resound- Iowa at Minnesota Minnesote by 2 Iowa by 3 Iowa by 7 Iowa by 2 ' lows by 6 Iowa by 3 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th-8:30 P.M. ing 21-1 victory over hapless San Santa Clara at UOP SC by 6 UOP by 10 I SC by 12 SC by 3 UOP by 6 either the taste -tempting -A the SAN JOSE CIVIC AUDITORIUM Francisco State Wednesday at USC at Stanford Stanford by 7 USC by I I USC by 7 Stanford by 6 USC by 7 SUCSCbYby76 TICKETS: 54.50, 53.50, 52.50 La Carte Menu'' or the -West- loser's pool. Utah St. at Wyomg Wyoming by 6 Wyoming by I ! Utah St by 3 Utah St. b93 Wyoming by 6 Wyoming by 1 The alumni game will be held at SAN JOSE BOX OFFICE 49ers at Minnesota_ Minn. by 7 Minn. by 7 I Minn. by 14 Minn. by 10 Minn. by 7 49er5 by 3 ON ern Dinners" menu. away 40 W. San Carlos - CV 5-0888 7:30 tonight. Saturday's Philadelphia at Rams Rams by 13 Rams by 10 I balls by 3 Rams by 1 1 Rams by 7 Rams by 6 _ SALE Next to St. Claire Hotel game against Cal begins at 11:30 Green Bey by 4 Green Detroit at Green Bay , _ I ley by 7 Green lay by 7 a.m, in the Cal pool. RIMMIll I XIIIIMMISErn Visit us this weekend Weekly guest predictor; winner of last weeks Spartan Grid Picks. The Spartan scoring distribu- tion against SFS was balanced as usual. Hill Parker and Ray (('ontinued on Page 8) Yearlings Entertain Bakmas Flower Bearcubs Tonight Shop Coach John Webb's fnish foot- for an 80-yard TD in the win, and ball team will face its stiffest test Jim Farmer. Hard-running Jim First at San Carlos ... Known for Good Food Flowre of the season tonight when it en- Zito gets the call at fullback. dial 294-4200 and tertains University of California's Webb is anxious to test his Corsags yearling offense which has av- 1401 S. 1st CT 2.126 yearlings at Spartan Stadium. for Il Kickoff time is 8 o'clock. The eraged 3 IN.5 yards a game Occasions game will be aired over KMJS- against the tough Cal defense. 10th & Santa Clara CV 2-0462 FM Ken Allan and Rich With Toledo haying completed Devitt will broadcast the game. 28 of 64 passes for 594 yards and five touchdowns, San Jose is ex- sw..'0kM.N01). The Bearcubs are 3-0-1 thus far pected to put the ball in the air ' with only a 7-7 tie against Uni- L a lot. Reserve quarterback Jim versity of Southern California's Webster has completed 15 of 29 's Most Beautiful Hofbrau Troybabes marring an otherwise aerials for 183 yards also. unblemished record. They downed Stanford 21-7 in Trujillo and Zito spark the SPECIAL $149 the Little Big game last week to ground attack. Trujillo leads the STUDENTS DINNER extend their three-year undefeated ball carriers with 10.3 yards per skein to 10 games. carry, while Zito has been the Mon. & Thur. Nights workhorse with 22 carries. The Spartababes are 4-1 this Served Deily: Deacon Shimmin & His season, but lost their only game 430 8 00 p.m. Dixieland Piano to Stanford 20-12 earlier this Sunday: Fr.. & Sat. year. San Jose, however, threw Bill Ardis II:00 *fn. -8:00 p.m. Don Marley and six interceptions in the lone to 1,.. His Hofbrau Band nullify fine defensive play. The l'ap04/%4.1 capitalized on Sparta- garden City ..Wofirau babe errant aerials for all three Leads ATO touchdowns. 51 So, Nlarket CI 7-20112 San Jose is fresh from a 30-8 no oni,nonon \ono a clobbering of Fresno State. Quar- Football Win terback Bob Toledo led the win as he fired two long touchdown Red Horde will face ATO No. 2 passes and set up others with and Phi Sigma Kappa No. 2 will s:Os. pinpoint passing. battle the Newman Knights Mon- Toledo is expected to start to- day in second round playoff foot- night in the backfield along with ball games. TROUBLE WITH halfbacks Bob Trujillo, who ran ATO, behind. Bill ,Ardis' five. TD passes, and the Knights took YOUR BUDGET? aliening round wins Wednesday to advance in the independent tour- Why not join GEM now for a quick course nament. CUT in year-round savings? The Tau's bombed Air Force HUMIDOR ROTC No. 2 32-6, while Newman With GEM's new college membership offer, anyone enrolled in a Club edged the Fugitives 6-0. OUT collage or university may obtain a GEM card for only 50c! (GEM SMOKE SHOP Ardis figured in all the ATO Membership is usually $3 initial fee plus Si annual renewal.) GEM has lower prices every single day in more than SO departments. And 339 S. 1st St. ;coring as he tossed two TD passes FOR these savings are on fop quality, name brand merchandise. Whether each to Rich Kuechle and Ted you're looking for clothing and accessories, food and b (across from Hal.',) Brannon. sporting goods, automotive accessories or gasoline ... you will save Rick Stef fins hauled in Jim on everything when you own a GEM card. Your GEM card will intro- CY 7-4653 WER duce you to prices that start Dewell's touchdown pass for the low . . . and stay fowl So fill lone Newman score. \S below and out the application Winners of Monday's games will bring it in (plus your student body card) and start shop- meet Nov. 16 for the independent CAt4PUS ... clothes make the man, and this ping and saying at GEM today! GEM championship. handsome herringbone will do the trick! All wool, 1717 N. lot St. The Ali-College Championship flap Tame will be played Nov. 20. rayon lined; center vent, 2 pockets. In clay "Little 500" qualifying races or blue with olive. Sizes 36-42 reg., 37-40 long ... 29.95 GEM SPECIAL STUDENT REGISTRATION APPLICATION will be run today on the South MEN S STORE STREET FLOOR Name Date Campus track. The 22 fastest teams will qualify for next Address * Imported Pipits and Tobaccos Wednesday's bicycle race. Home Phone * Meerscham cad School Phone Calabash Pipes City * Smokers Accessories College or University ...... * Complete Stock of Maga:Ines Student I.D. No and Paperbacks * Barnes ti Noble Spouse's Signature Signature College Outline Series

Approved ...... Spouse's Scheel/Employ brisk, bracingthe original spice -fresh lotion 1.25 ends drag, pull, speeds up /Alit -Wave 7o o electric shaving 1.00 Zolig Way . . . evd;oie To beat JULIAN IV helps "educate" your hair, AMR SHAVE LC steak dinners! 7114mi, grooms naturally, 1!,11111o;\ prevents drying 1.00 11111111Madamallill. NEW YORK STEAK $1.59 Dinner includes: At ELECTRIC Garlic bread, chili, salad, baked potato

FREE to SJS students one full quart of milk

with every New York Steak order.

(Must show ASB card)

For good steak dinners at prices students can afford, fry JULIAN IV "ice -with that crisp, clean masculine aroma! & JULIAN NEXT TO BURGER BAR FOURTH aci) No'.' 6, ..,1.titTAN DAILY 7 The Boat Is Getting Weak . . by Sullivan 'I' "" GOLF RENT Denver-San Jose Play 111L1,..y TYPEWRITERS is Hole Itagulation Standard Portable Electric As Orb as 20c per day RELAX/ I KNOW $1.00 In Top Soccer Action MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Modern Office WNERE WE ARE Now- (With faculty or I MOPE cio! studont idantification Machine Company TARE's A PLACE TO In a possible preview of the league championship with I Pion kivE'R& NoT NCAA Western Regional match, game remaining to play. San 2050 S. WHITE ROAD 124 E. San Fernando 1914211 2 Milos South of Story Road LAND TUST ARNO San Jose State's soccer team faces (6-11 still has to meet second-pi, . Nest door to Cal Book Storal ANo1-1-tER TNE BEND JUST UP Denver University tomorrow in Stanford (4-3) at Spartan Stadium ii CREEK Colorado. Nov. 7. Kickoff time is 10 a.m. (MST), Denver, coached by Willy JOIN THE FUN! for the intersectional clash. Schaeffler, is led by three ex- The Spartans, who clinched the change students, Norwegians Erik . . Northern California Intercollegi- Jansen, Oivind Skauerud and Lib- _ og ate League title Tuesday with a yan Abdul Gadamsl. 24 win over Stanford, will meet The Pioneers are atop the Rocky one of two teams being consid- Mountain League standings, while 0- ered for the Nov. 19 regional chief competitor Air Force Acad- Guitar t )) match in San Jose. emy is 9-1 playing an independent The high-scoring Pioneers are schedule. Sale 5-0 in league play and have scored Menendez indicated after Tues- got% guitars RENT A MOTORCYCLE 58 goals. Denver tangles with Air day's win that his squad is ready for an hour of pure Force Academy next week for the for any competition. "The Lays Classic guitars excitement and enjoyment. right to meet the Spartans for are riding high," he said. A Spar- the Far West Championship. tan win would give them the in- electric guitars WE ALSO SELL: San Jose has already been tied side track to the NCAA Semi-fi- nals in St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 28. CAP RIOLO by the Air Force 3-3 and would Everything in The Spartans enplane for Colo- PARILLA like to annex a win over Denver. Musical Instruments This will be the first intersectional rado today. DKW IL and soccer match in San Jose States QUITE A HAUL history outside California. Accessories .... NEW YORK Call 292-2022 4rmimmrill...... - (UPI) Sonny / ..,.(ar..-) Al Korbus, all-American candi- .6 A Randle of the St. Louis Cardinals Harvey's ..._ .0. date, will lead the Spartans against caught 16 passes for 256 yards .1 Musical Instruments HARTKE MOTORS a Pioneer defense which has al- and one touchdown. Nov. 4, as the ) 32 So, 2nd St. ph. 2864858 lowed only two goals and is ranked Cardinals bowed to the New York 333 W San Carlos Free parking at Kirby's lot among the best in the nation. Giants of the National League...... ) Korbus kicked In San Jose's 600 coach Julie Menendez' booters the YOUR winning goal Tuesday to give KEY SAUCY TO Football in the Rockies NEW 1965 FIAT ROADSTER LOW COST INSURANCE disc brakes seat belts Looking for Win at Colorado radio heater SJS whitewall tires AUTO lt DAVI: that the Rams are primarily a two good runners in left halfback The rest of the squad has done The SJS football team will try running team. "This is the num- Jess Willis and fullback Jerry very little contact work because $2709 INSURANCE ber one thing we are going to Barnes. Willis has good speed and Titchenal was afraid of to get back on the winning beam having easy financing available YOU can afford! have to stop," explained Titch. does most of outside running. more casualties to the players. YOU PAY MONTHLY at the expense of Colorado State throw the ball Barnes No interest "But they also is used more inside on a "We can't even field three full el No carrying charge in Fort Collins tomorrow after- pretty well." belly option play. He may be a teams, including red shirts, finance companies for 41 No r lyment books noon. key third down and one or two practice sessions," pointed out ',soot Rates CSU has a tough defensive line. A crowd of 10,000 will be on Its five losses this year have been yards to go man against the Spar- Titch. tans. CSU has 10022" hand to see the Rams try and attributed more to a weak pass one of the nation's defense. Arizona State netted al- Titch also pin-pointed Jim Fos- longest losing streaks at 26 -in break a three game losing streak. depending on where you most 300 yards In the air against ter, who calls CSU's defensive a row. The Rams defeated UOP love latter payment of CSU is 2-5, its wins coming over in their one-time only Policy Feel CSU last Saturday. plays, as being a tough linebacker first game last year to I, the total current UOP, 7-0, and BYU, 7-6. Losses snap the string. .nonthly cost to lowest "We'll have to move the ball to contend with. rated PREFERRED RISKS Wyoming, 31-7; Air air," related the SJS SJS will be faced fur all the coverage re- have been to through the with that re- Lode has built the Rams up into edited by California Fi- coach. "And we'll have to start peated nemesis, injuries. Backs a better unit than they've shown nancial Responsibility Law. SI0000. $20000 throwing the ball early." .Ken Berry, Charlie Harraway, and in past years. This year's team has Bodily Injury. 55.000 and Danny Hill will I4''' Property Damage includ- Bob Blunt Ram coach Mike Lude runs his John Travis have missed practice 11 seniors from a roster of 70. ing protection against microphonets for HOWARD NEIPP, INC. uninsured motorists. be at the team by a platoon systemof- this week due to injuries. It is Tomorrow's game will be the Rates are subject to KEEN's exclusive broadcast of fensively and defensively. not known how much 5080 STEVENS CREEK BLVD change without notice. /tenon they teams' second meeting. The Spar- the San Jose State-Colorado The Rocky Mountain team has will see tomorrow. tans beat the Rams, 19-0, in 1961. SAN JOSE 244-9141 Call your State football game Saturday nearest office afternoon at 12:15. SAN JOSE 294-6269 Campus Refigioui Roger Williams Fellowship SUNNYVALE Force, 14-6; Utah, 13-3; Utah tth 735-5215 State, 42-13; and Arizona State Topic: Mississippi and Cioil Rights FREMONT Tempe, 34-6. Speaker: Margaret Aley WORSHIP WITH 793-8220 Only one comparison of scores can be made between SJS and UNITED CAMPUS CHRISTIAN MINISTRY 6 p.m. Supper 50e Open daily 9 to 9 win over UOP PresbyterianCongregationalDisciples 6:30 p.m. Meeting For details write to CSU. The Rams 7-0 three weeks ago wasn't easy. They at had to stop the Tigers three times Sunday 11:00 a.m. KEY COCeitaiii airCh Grace Baptist Church within the five yard line. Sermon: GOD IS LORD OF HISTORY/ Insurance Exchange Coe & Riverside Amer:r-In ftiot Crsnvent;, n The Spartans started slow in Rev. Don Emma', Presbyterian 26 No. Second St. their game against UOP, but fin- (Dialogue sermon: where students can isnter into dialogue Services 484 East San Fernando N. a, Santa Clara St.) ished strong for a 37-13 win. with pastor during sermon) San .1050, California Covenant Collegians meet at 9:45 a.m. 8:45, 11:00 and 7:45 p.m. Coach Bob Titchenal revealed The Teacher: Jim May, Campus Crusade Director Church Ser..ice Chapel of Reconcilation College Youth Fellowship 8:30 p.m. 9:50 arts. College Bible Class Sing and Fellowship after CYF 300 So. 10th (across from men's dorms) Collins John H Services: 11:00 a.m.; 7:00 p.m. George "Shorty" Aims Students of all races are welcomed Baptist College Chaplain Pastor ArP any of these your questions? Pastor Arvid Carlson. D.D. 9:30 a.m. Coffee Discussion at Christian Center Pastors: Don Emma', Mark Rutledge

Wesley First Immanuel Lutheran Church The Church of and Foundation Student Center Jesus Christ t (Methodist Student Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Center) of Latter-Day Saints 374 So. 3rd Street 441 South 10th Sunday Morning Services: Street 8:15. 9:30 and 11:00 6.00p.m. . Supper FRIDAY LECTURE SERIES 40c 2 bloclis from or hool College discussion group 9.45 Today - 12:30 7:00 p.m. .. Program A J BROMMER, Pastor - 8:00 p.m Worship SPEAKER: Elwon Lance 292-5404 Coordinator of R. Fiedler, Dirnctor Program Topic Where can I get a job Do I have to learn Northern California of Music; B. Dahms, Vicar - 294-7033 typing and shorthand Institutes of Religion PROs and CONs of Christian Unity that will make use of Part 3 my college training to get good-paying EVERYONE INVITED Mr. Barry Keiser work SPARTAN TRI-C Worship Sunday INSTITUTE OF RELIGION 3rd & San Antonio First St. Paul's Santa Clara & 5th 10th or San Salvador Paul R. Searle, Director 10th at San Fernando 297-7600 9:46 a.m. Seminar. Barry Keiser 9.30 & II 30 am. 9.30 & 11:00 am "LIFE WITH MEANING"

5:45 p.m. College Hour CENTER DISCUSSION: SUPREME COURT DECISION ALC LCA NEWMAN ON PRAYER Catholic Student Center College Dept. - First Baptist Church 79 So. 7itb St. 295.1771 Lutheran Worship

Ice-tore Serif, Tuesday Eve., 7:30-9:00 Sunday 9.30 A.M. No..erobr 10 Christian Marriage Today for the complete collegiate experier L. The be on campus Fr. Robert Dailey, S.J. worship this Sunday at Is it necessary Chapel of Reconciliation to have business soon to bring you experience to get a the answers you want Daily Mass . 11:45 A.M. First Baptist Church 300 So. 10th good job to hear Catholic Women's Center the downtown church Interested In working with the See the placement dike now for catering to the college community Program Meeting public in a job that challenges an appointment 8 30 & 11.00 a Morning Worsbp 7:00 P.M. Tuesday your ability? Our Avis Langness Tuesday, November 10, 1969 Meetings... Wednesday Evenings ... 8 P.M. 9 45 a.m. Collg "Seminar" will be at the placement office to nyt-A. AN EQUAL ()PP,W1-11NITY ['14P) Chaplain: Father 5 45 pm Fri C Club tell you about the good-paying I.argente 198 So. Second St., San Joss Roy C. Hock, Campus Pastor positions we have for college Telephone Newman Club President: Don Berti girls. Pacific Dr. Clarence R. Sands, Pastor 91

11.41PARTA1I DAILY TPrIlny 'Inv. 6, 1964 Sal Math Prof To Speak Varsity, Alumni Battle Pick Up and Delivery Service Taylor, Hepburn Star in Flicks COLLEGE DRY "Suddenly Last Sununer," star- 7 and 9:45 in TH55. Chapter fi. CLEANERS ring Elizabeth Taylor, Montgomery Irtf 'The Mark of Zorro" and a cat - On Contest Math Problems Tonight in Local Pool (lift Katharine Hepburn. will I loon and will also be presented. The SJS Student Mathematical algebra and trigonometry, was ac- *LAUNDRY SERVICh he featured at the IL, ! ; .',,n is 35 cents f Page considerably, however," said Wal- Society is sponsoring a talk by ting Chairman of Santa Clara (Continued 61 led the scoring suit h "Not only have their players *ALTERATIDN’ Dr. A. P. Hillman, Professor of University's math department last Aryrson ton. each. Five Spartans mellowed, but a Hungarian star Mathematics at the University of year. four goals *REPAIRS intik Waal gamie scoring they have been hiding was recently --ianta Clara, who will speak on The Putnam Competition is a captured honors this season. declared eligible." FREE GAS! FREE GAS! -Classical Problems from the MAA nation-wide mathematics contest 484 E. San Curios 2934501 I Coach Lee Walton, al- The SJS freshmen who defeated Putnam Competition." open to all undergraduate stuednts. SJS the score, was the SFS reserves 13-4, will be idle 'rhe lecture will be given on The contest is composed of prob- though pleased with with the pool. "The Friday, but will travel to Berkeley 1 CLIP 'N' SAVE I Monday at 3 p.m. in Home Ec. 5. lems which are designed to test dissatisfield r 71 Northern California State College with the varsity on Saturday. The Dr. Hillman, author of texts on the student's comprehension and Nov. 20 and 21 freshman preliminary game against ability to think clearly, rather Tournament on in this pool," said the Cal freshman team which in- I I than just mathemathical knowl- will be staged TWO NEW BEACON All-Ameri- zed Walton. eludes six high school ;(airkedSconrelltohnantheindcoivnidtuesati demonstrated the cans, is at 10:30 a.m. STATIONS I Cafe Capers "Our team I possesses in a team basis. vast potential it the lighting was no Bowling Entries Due The Putnam Competition exam large pool, but I 1 -FREE GALLON GAS -1 I several of our players d will be given at SJS in December. poor that Bowling entries are due today in To Be He! were severely hampered as a re- MG121. '1 with Purchcp.e of 5 Gallons of Gas For more information, contact the I I Math Society in Building 0. sult." League action begins Nov. 16 at Spartans, playing one of the 2nd & East William The the Downtown and Alma bowls. most difficult schedules in the Forty teams are expected to enter, I in San Jose & I In Cafeteria Fishing U.S., will face several SJS Hall of according to Dan Unruh, director ARCHIE'S Deep-Sea Famers in the alumni game. The of intramurals. 555 West Santa Clara The lit's( Cale Canera, free aft- I I alumni team includes All-Ameri- amerwatesummorimaoraw Santa Clara ernoon entertainment in the cafe- Jim Monsees and Hall of Fam- STEAK In Set For Tomorrow can teria sponsored by the Social Af- Art Lambert and John Henry. I...... 1 The Weekend Co-Rec deep sea ers RENT A Henry is one of the greatest goal- fairs Committee, will be presented fishing group leaves tomorrow for HOUSE Spartan history. Monday, Nov. 9, at 2:30 p.m. Santa Cruz at 6 a.m, in front of ies in TYPEWRITER The alumni will be coached by BREAKFAST SPECIAL All students are urged to take the Women's Gym, Seventh and Dr. Charlie Walker who coached Special Student Rates San Carlos Streets. AT COLLEGE PRICES a break and listen to The Senti- San Jose State water polo teams The trip will be by car caravan mentals, a versatile combo that for 20 years. Saturday and Sunday Spartan Daily Classifieds to Stagnaro's on Municipal Wharf, 3 mos. $18 The away game against Cal Is will play jazz, old standards, and Santa Cruz. Drivers and riders 6 A.M. - I I P.M. expected to be an easier game rock 'n roll . will meet in front of the Women's USE OUR "RE AT BUY for the Spartans Iwcause they 'EM! The combo is led by Dave Pugh. Gym at 5:50 a.m., according to Steak & Eggs ....1.49 defeated Cal 20-6 earlier in the TO OWN" PLAN Other members include Gordon project co-director Milanna Nick- season. Sausage, Ham or A 2 BDRMS. - liss, ANNOUNCEMENTS 111 Furn. 6 pools, patios. Murphy on sax, Jack Groban on "The Cal team has improved Lozely atmosphere. 1251 E. Julien. Regular Saturday Co-Rec will Bacon & Eggs ....95c trumpet, Stan Koehler on bass, usual events, UNWANTED hair removed by electroly $30 MONTH - Room V2 bib. 5.15 take place with the BUSINASS MACHINES sis. NANILLLE R. E., 210 5, 1st. 294- Wits. pd. Polar kitchen, showers, 292- Ron Hare on piano and Dave plays including the recently added AND OFFICE EQUirmi ?.. 1327. 542 South 2nd Street 4499. the drums. Diane "Pup" Arake- weight lifting, 12:30-4:30 p.m., ac- International Club "THE MECCA" Men's YOU RECEIVE MORE when we acrept Approved cording to Miss Nickliss. 170 South Second FREE PARKING your best apparel tor re sale . . . We !lousing. Clean large rooms. Excellent lian will be featured as vocalist. Further information concerning rent and sell new bridal qowns, veils, food._ Close to _SJS. 292.2635. All members of the group are Invites Students trip may be obtained crowns, etc. UNIQUE St-lOPPE, 1589 UNFURN. 2 bed rm. apt. Drapes thru SJS students and have been play- the fishing Meridian. 264.7552. Closed Mon. out., wtr./obo. paid. $100 for 3. 294- by calling program director Gary (476, ing together for a year. DINING CO-OP open. 5 suppers per 292-4610. Brenneman, 286-5043, or Miss To Attend Meeting Iiteetente week. 55. 295.9412. NEED Girl roommate. Pugh said the combo plays "as APU9 CO. Unapproved apt. Nickliss, 296-1525. The International Student Or- in W;.0 Glen area. DIWALI - Indian lesti.ul oi 923 Northrup, a hobby -just for fun." They have ganization 11S0) will hold its first Dinner. Variety entertainment. No. ANTHONY D. CAMPAGNA, Jr. worked at the Hawaiian Gardens, for the semester NEED 2 MALES to share hou;e1 general meeting 2 blks. Coconut Grove, the Interna- AUTOMOTIVE 1.21 $28 mei. 167 E. St. John. the 'Persian Night' this afternoon at 3:30 in cafeteria, .s. Pharmacists 1 FEMALE ROOMMATE un. tional Inn and at various private room A and B, announced Thomas Professional USED CARS, $99 and up. FREEMAN S to share 'Pp, Opt, with 3 others, $40. 423 S adviser to foreign USED CARS, 345 E. Julian (bet. 7th & ,th Apt. I. 292_6593. Features Dancers Coke, assistant 8thl. 295-0465. The International Student cen- students. PHONE 293-7500 GORDON HALL contrecz .6 sale, 159 AUSTIN HEAL - ter IISC), 285 S. Market St., will ISO, according to Coke, is a t A . ,t?rinci semester. Discount. Call 292-12!1- TELEPHONE SECOND AND SANTA CLARA STREETS 2 p.m. present a "Persian Night" pro- campus organization for both for- SAN JOSE, CALIF. MEN i leafl rooms, hitch. priv., ANSWERING gram tonight at 8. eign and American students to OPEN 'TM MIDNIGHT 51 FORD VS. -.6.1, $75= One al 56'. I hire. Singles & doubles. 726 SERVICE A color film on Iran and the promote mutual understanding 53 TR-TWIN, see to upprec.- New Iranians will be shown. and fellowship. 1=1=r FURNISHED UNAPPR. APT. 2 & 3 Mlle, 1,0 !; 4t6, 20_ Traditional Iranian dances and Discussions for its future plans i So. 7th, 294-9686. USED HONDA'S 1BDRM.,, FUR songs will be performed by native and recognition of memberships $249, -N. - $75 and $85. 2065 $229 , Court. 286-6799. Iranian students. are scheduled at the meetings. Classical Guitar ROOM - MEN. Kit. priv. 115 So. 14th All students are invited to at- All interested students may at- $399 . z or wkencis. tend, according to ISC spokesmen. tend. 327 4215 $100 RENT PRE-PAID - Furnished vi" Nylon Strings '64 YAHAMA 5 !. 408 So. 5th, N ._. ! 2 PS. By , Spruce Back 58 RENAULT LOST AND FOUND 161 Job Interviews WESTERN UNION fe- HONDA LOST: ' ^1 Cupertino Many Years' Experience MONDAY: nel-citizenship required and Telephone Answering United States Air Force Recruit- males only. ing Detachnsent 606: all majors for Southern Pacific Company: B.A. PERSONALS (71 24-hour service 11111111=1211M 365 Days a Year wide variety of positions in busi- or M.B.A. in business administra- Special WEDDING INVITATIONS. 360 for 5.'; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ness administration, personnel, in- tion: B.A. or B.S. in mathematics, '3395 Low Rates, Reliable ; Pros, 295 s,946. Confidential Service telligence, air police, pilot, etc.- engineering or liberal arts with TUNE-UP METERS. Dwell tech -coil & HE1.1.0. QUEENIE Call now for rates citizenship required-males and fe- some mathematics or engineering Batt Ir. $15. George.. 292.1405._ . ! and information ... males between 20 and 29 years. BICYCLE 26-, .iirl 3 speed. basket , ability- citizenship required. Camp! titmgc Co. SERVICES 181 ! I. z 294 6/73. 294-3884 (7.S. Naval Laboratories: Pacific Sylvania: electrical engineering Missile Range: electrical and me- at all levels; mechanical engineer- AUTO INSURANCE for students. Chet 36 Valle, NI So, let f,t. HELP WANTED 141 chanical engineering and physics and M.S.; industrial He. ez 749 5386 449 W San Carlos ing with B.S. OPPORTUNITY work for mal.. EXPERT TYPING SERVICE. Experienced majors interested in electronics for engineering with U.S., physics with r wi c le to earn $400 . Call 292-8483. engineer positions-citizenship re- MS. and Ph.D.; business adminis- PAID RELIGIOUS ADVIATISLM s I 51 in ire ri,st 4 months. Jirri S,,, Call TYPING - All kinds. reasonable. Pick. quired. A tration with B.S. or M.B.A.; ac- '' Kiev. SU 1 P550. -4111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllHiUlllll?till de'.ver. 294-3772, 9 a.m.-6 P.m Goodyear Aerospace: electrical counting with B.S. or RA-citi- WAITRESS MOTHER TYPING. per page. Spelling & errors and mechanical engineering, B.S. zenship required and military de- 292.2346. SIG EP or M.S., and physics majors for ferments. TYPING -'Term paper, thesis, etc. Pica The Powers that Be 243-6313. engineer positions- citizenship re- GUITAR PLAYER GOOD wanted To - T V s quired. Inc.. FOR RENT- Special student Election-time and the nation has gone to the polls to select the dance burro .’.- red You elect the rocknroll. A .. as, contact Dick Her r month. Call after 4 p.m. Pledge Slave I U.S. Army Recruiting District: men whom the Bible says God has chosen to rule over as. For as men nandez. Don C yning, 286,30. any major interested for Army nicest people on a move freely. God acts sovereignly: GIRLS - Part time eve r. Salary $1.3i. TRANSPORTATION 191 second lieutenants in public rela- "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there $7.50 r- P . rens,' Sale tions, intelligence, finance, infor- is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted 5 to 9 t. to HONDA NEED RIDE L.A./REDLANDS. Pay. Nov mation and education and person- 17,- ' 1r.,2 !. 794 sc., 7 by God." (Romans 13:1). 3_ 1. We beseech to teach A proper view of God, a glimpse of His greatness will dispel quickly all doubt and concern about the powers that be, for God is very much EXTRA CASH 7-, 71 To race* an ad: TUES., NOV. 10 2. We wait to demonstrate Call at Classified Adv. in charge over all that happens in the world which He Himself brought J206, MW F 9,30.11,30512.30-3:3C Spartaguide 3. We are bent to rent into being. 7Th 1100.3.30 4. We repair without despair "Have you not known, have you not heard? 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Attar quite a wrestling match with God, this great king finally Send to: Spartan 4 lines 2.00 3.00 4.00 teria A. came to the point where he saw reality: "I, Nebuchadnezzar, lilted up mine eyes to heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Deily CLASSIFIEDS, Bidding opens at $1.00 Delta Phi Upsilon (honorary 5 lines 2.50 5.00 Most High, J206, San Jose State 3.75 fraternity for early childhood edu- Visit Us Soon and praised and honored Him who lives forever; for His dominion is an everlasting dominion, endures from College, San Jose 14, Add this cation), 5 p.m., ED118, pledge tea. and His kingdom generation to are accounted amount for .50 .75 1.00 We have a variety of books generation; all the inhabitants of the earth each addi- as nothing; and He does according to His will in the host of heaven and other items to tional line 1 please you. and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay His hand or CHECK A say to Him, 'what doest thou?' . . . 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Be included in His family, those C Personals (7) Fiction and Non-fiction who know Him as "the faithful witness, the first-born of the dead, and ED Services (8) We can order for you the ruler of the kings of the earth . .. Him who loves us and has freed D Transportation (9) Fashion House us from our sins by His blood ..." (Revelation 1:4.6).

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