North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee

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North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee Item 2 North York Moors National Park Authority Planning Committee Public Minutes of the meeting held at The Old Vicarage, Helmsley on Thursday 14 December 2017 at 10am. Present: Leslie Atkinson, Jim Bailey, Malcolm Bowes, Guy Coulson, Ena Dent, Michael Dick, Alison Fisher, Janet Frank, David Hugill, David Jeffels, Christopher Massey, Heather Moorhouse, Caroline Patmore, Clive Pearson, Ted Sanderson, Andrew Scott It should be noted that Leslie Atkinson arrived at the Meeting after the consideration and determination of Plans List Item 1. Apologies: Sarah Oswald Copies of all Documents Considered are in the Minute Book 79/17 Minutes Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 16 November 2017, having been printed and circulated, be taken as read and be confirmed and signed by the Chair as a correct record. 80/17 Members Interests Members were reminded of their responsibility to declare any personal, prejudicial and/or discloseable interests relating to any agenda item prior to its consideration. 81/17 Emergency Evacuation Procedure The Chairman informed Members of the Public of the emergency evacuation Procedure. 82/17 Exclusion of the Public Resolved: That, pursuant to Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of Item 9 on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1, 5 & 6 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972. 83/17 Miscellaneous Items Considered: The report of the Director of Planning. Resolved: That the report be noted. Item 2 84/17 Brownfield Land Register Considered: The report of the Head of Strategic Policy. Resolved: That Members noted the contents of the report and agreed that the list of sites in Section 4 of the report is included on Part 1 only of the Authority’s Brownfield Land Register on or prior to 31 December 2017. 85/17 Applications for Planning Permission The following members of the public addressed the meeting regarding the Plans List Items indicated: Plans List Item 1 – Gareth Edmunds (External Affairs Director, Sirius Minerals) spoke in favour of the application and Tom Chadwick (North Yorkshire Moors Association) spoke against the application. Plans List Item 2 – Richard Grimes spoke in favour of the application and Councillor Mike Hodgson spoke on behalf of the Town Council. Plans List Item 4 – Mrs Forbes spoke against the application Plans List Item 7 – David Andrews spoke in favour of the application. Considered: The report listing applications and the Director of Planning’s recommendations thereon. Members also considered further information circulated on the Members’ Update Sheet at the meeting including; updated recommendations from the Director of Planning and comments received after the agenda was printed from: consultees, objectors and supporters. Resolved: (a) That with regard to all applications listed in the report and subject to: (i) the amendments specified below; and (ii) the imposition of conditions in accordance with the relevant provisions of Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, except in those instances where an alternative condition is contained in the Director of Planning’s recommendation or in an amendment referred to in (i) above; decisions be given in accordance with the Director of Planning’s recommendations: List Plan No and Description of Proposal No 1. NYM/2017/0505/MEIA – Variation of condition 5 of planning permission NYM/2014/0676/MEIA to allow minor material amendments relating to that part of the development at the Woodsmith Mine site (formerly known as Doves Nest Farm and Haxby Plantation), including; re-design of foreshafts and shaft construction methodology, changes to building layout and shaft access arrangements, revisions to construction and operational shaft platform levels, revisions to location and layout of surface water attenuation ponds, revisions to groundwater management arrangements and amendments to internal access road arrangements at land at Woodsmith Mine (formerly Doves Nest Farm & Haxby Plantation), Sneatonthorpe (minehead); underneath 252 km2 of the NYMNPA (winning & working of minerals); a corridor extending underground from the edge of the NP boundary to Wilton Complex (mineral transport system); Ladycross Plantation near Egton, Lockwood Beck Farm near Moorsholm, Tocketts Lythe, near Guisborough (intermediate shaft sites); site within the eastern limits of the Wilton Complex, Teeside (tunnel portal) for Sirius Minerals Plc, fao: Mr Richard Staniland, c/o agent. Item 2 Guy Coulson declared a prejudicial interest in this item as a shareholder in Sirius Minerals and left the room. David Jeffels declared a personal interest in this item as a member of the North Yorkshire Moors Association. Michael Dick and Christopher Massey both declared a personal interest in this item as members of Redcar & Cleveland Borough Council. Decision Approved as recommended. 2. NYM/2017/0372/FL – Conversion of stable block to café, farm shop, reception/shop/welcome area together with 3 no. holiday cottages, 57 holiday lodges with associated car park and ancillary facilities at Grinkle Park Hotel, Grinkle Lane, Easington for Classic Lodges. Decision Three proposals were put forward, moved and seconded which were: deferment for a Member Site Visit to take place; deferment for further negotiations with the applicant to take place; refusal as recommended with the amended reasons set out on the Members Update Sheet. The vote undertaken for a Member site visit was lost, however subsequently the vote undertaken for deferment for a fundamentally different scheme was carried. The application was therefore deferred to enable Officers to enter in further detailed negotiations with the applicant to seek a reduction in number and relocation of holiday lodges away from the lakeside together with amendments to the lodge design and the layout within the Walled Garden. Members were advised that the Authority is currently engaging with Historic England concerning the landscape significance and potential designation. 3. NYM/ 2017/0630/CU – Permanent use of existing overflow car park to allow overnight camper van parking at Car Park, Cleveland Way, Helmsley for Ryedale District Council fao: Mrs Rosy Smith, Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, YO17 7HH. Janet Frank declared a prejudicial interest in this item as her daughter has written in support of the application and is a member of Helmsley in Business, and left the room. Decision Approved as recommended. 4. NYM/2017/0737/FL – Erection of 1.5 metre high fence (retrospective) at Caravan Site, Cross Bank Cottage, Whorlton Lane, Swainby for Mrs Angela Hymer, Cross Bank Cottage, Whorlton Lane, Swainby Northallerton, DL6 3HT David Hugill declared a personal interest in this item as he attended a Parish Council meeting where the application was considered, however took no part in the discussions at that Meeting and his spouse historically used the equestrian centre. Decision Approved with three additional conditions and an amendment to condition 3 as set out on the Members Update Sheet and with the Director of Planning to clear further amendments to conditions 3 and 6 to secure the use of semi-mature hedging and that it is maintained at a height of 2 metres: 3. No further work shall commence to clear the site in preparation for the development hereby permitted until full details of the proposed boundary treatment to the site, including the size and species of any hedging or trees and the timetable to implement the proposed works have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The site boundary works shall then be implemented in accordance with the approved details in the next planting season following the date of this permission. Item 2 Any trees or plants planted in accordance with this condition which die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the current or next planting season with others of similar size and species. The boundary treatment shall be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 4. No part of the fence or hedge shall encroach onto the adjacent highway. 5. The caravans sited along the north-eastern boundary of the site to which this permission relates, shall within three months of the date of this permission, be moved into the site so they are positioned a minimum of three metres from the boundary. Prior to works commencing on site, a site location plan showing the caravans in relation to the boundary shall be submitted to and agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority. 6. The hedge hereby approved shall be allowed to grow to obscure the metal fence and maintained at a height not less than 1.5 metres (unless prejudicial to highway safety). 5. NYM/2017/0798/FL – Erection of general purpose agricultural building at High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley for Mr Ian Teasdale, High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley, YO62 7TG. Decision Approved as recommended. 6. NYM/2017/0799/FL – Erection of general purpose agricultural building at High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley for Mr Ian Teasdale, High Farm, Beadlam Rigg, Pockley, YO62 7TG. Decision Approved as recommended. 7. NYM/2017/0610/R3/FL – Siting of storage container on aggregate base at land adjacent to Lakeside car park between the north wall and the beck, Thornton le Dale for Thornton le Dale Christmas Lights, fao: Mr David Andrews, c/o Potters Barn, Brook Lane, Thornton le Dale, Pickering, YO18 7RZ. Decision Approved with the Director of Planning to clear an amendment to condition 1 to allow a temporary 10 year permission, additional condition to ensure the removal of the container if no longer in use and with the inclusion of an informative as set out on the Members Update Sheet: 1. Prior to arrangements being made for delivery, lifting and siting of the container, the applicant should liaise with the National Park's Ranger Service.
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