Present: Councillor Robin Banks (In the Chair)

Councillor Campbell Cameron Councillor Ellen Morton Councillor Paul Coleshill Councillor William Petrie Councillor John Findlay Councillor Bruce Robertson Councillor George Freeman Councillor Moyra Stewart Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Isobel Strong Councillor Ronald Kinloch Councillor Eric Thompson Councillor Stanley Latimer Councillor Sheila Wilson Councillor Allan Macaskill Councillor David Webster(did Councillor Archie McCallum not attend afternoon meeting) Councillor Alistair McKinlay Councillor Bruce Marshall

Also Present: Councillor Douglas Currie Councillor Robert Macintyre Councillor Ian Gillies Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor Donald McIntosh Councillor James McQueen

Attending: George Harper, Director of Development & Environment Services Andy Law, Head of Amenity & Direct Services Angus Gilmour, Head of Development & Building Control Seamus Lalor, Head of Economic Development, Tourism & Leisure Stewart McGregor, Director of Finance Charles Reppke, Head of Democratic & Community Services

Apologies: Councillor Elspeth McTaggart Councillor Len Scoullar


Councillor Banks declared an interest in item 6 (Landfill Tax Support To Environmental Bodies) and item 12 (Funding For Royal National Mod 2003 Oban- Centenary Mod) of the agenda.

Councillor Petrie declared an interest in item 7 (Request by & The Trossachs Interim National Park Committee to defer decision making on Forestry/Planting Consultative Applications), of the agenda.

Councillor Hay declared an interest in item 21 (Mr & Mrs J Bevan – Demolition of Derelict Barn, Erection of 1½ Storey Dwellinghouse, Erection of Detached Garage and Oil Storage Tank at Barfad, Ardfern (Ref: 00/00535/DET) of the agenda.


The Chairman advised that in terms of Standing Order 14 the following Notice of Motion by Councillor Marshall, seconded by Councillor Douglas Currie had been received for consideration as a matter of urgency.

The Council notes:-

- That there has been a ban on trawling boats in the for at least 70 years

- The River Echaig and Loch Eck remains one of the few river systems on the west coast with reasonable levels of salmon and sea trout breeding stocks

- That the local economy benefits to excess of £150,000 per annum from recreational fishing on the Echaig

In the interests of conserving these breeding stocks, and of the local tourism economy, the Council calls on the Scottish Executive Minister for Rural Affairs to co- ordinate with other relevant UK Government Departments, including the Ministry of Defence, in relation to their activities or interests in respect of marine access to the Holy Loch in order that the ban on access by trawling and netting boats within the limits of the Holy Loch after the current clean up operation of the loch has been completed is maintained.

The Chairman ruled that he considered the Motion was urgent by reasons of the need to bring this matter to the Scottish Executive and other UK Government Departments including the Ministry of Defence’s attention. The Committee agreed to consider the Motion and this is dealt with at item 20 of this Minute.


The Committee approved the Minute of their meeting of 24 May 2000 as a correct record subject to the item referred to in the last line of the first page being amended from 16 to 18.

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for the following item of business on the grounds that it was likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 9 of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.


The Head of Amenity Services submitted a report advising Members of the recommended items for inclusion in a Best and Final Offer specification to be issued to the contractor as the final tendering part of the Waste Management Public Private Partnership Contract. The report advised of a revision to the Council’s estimate of likely costs obtained by updating the Public Sector Comparator figures and examined consequential issues around the PPP process with regard to time-tabling of the work and budgetary implications.


1. To approve the broad terms of the specification of work to be carried out as outlined in appendix 1 of the Head of Amenity Services’ report dated 20 July 2000.

2. To note the potential change to the overall cost of the project and the Council’s affordability gap between current resources and the expected costs of the project outlined in appendix 2 of the Head of Amenity Services’ report dated 20 July 2000.

3. To note the potential effect on the Revenue Budget of the changes in service provision to the Islands of Coll and Colonsay and that the relevant Area Committees be appraised of the particulars of the service changes in due course.

4. To request the Head of Amenity Services to submit a report on costs to a future meeting of this Committee.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Amenity Services dated 20 July 2000, submitted)

The Press and Public re-joined the Meeting.


The Head of Amenity Services submitted a report dated 9 August 2000 advising that the Council had submitted an application for an Award Scheme run by the Green Organisation, which is sponsored by the Municipal Journal, EMP Contract Publishing and the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health.

He advised that the Award Scheme for Environmental Best Practice was run on an nation wide basis and winners were given “Green Apple Awards”.


1. To note the award to the Council of the top prize for Scottish Local Authorities, a crystal Green Apple for its activities in conjunction with other partners in recycling.

2. The Chairman congratulated the Head of Amenity Services and his staff on their success and acknowledged the part played by the people of Argyll & Bute in committing themselves to recycling. Thereafter the Chairman accepted the Award on behalf of the Council.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Amenity Services dated 9 August 2000, submitted).

The Chairman having previously declared an interest in the following item due to his interest in the Waste Management Group, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory vacated the Chair and left the room and Vice-Chairman Latimer took the Chair.


The Committee had previously been advised that the Council is able to rebate up to 25% of its liability for Landfill Tax to approved Environmental Bodies (as defined in the guidance on the tax issues by HM Customs & Excise) for purposes linked to improvement of the environment. The Committee had previously considered the terms of the rebate provisions and instructed that reports be brought to this Committee following an advertising process to interested parties. The Head of Amenity Services submitted a report dated 14 July 2000 requesting the Committee to consider projects which have a council wide impact and advised the four Area Committees would consider projects with more localised issues.

The Head of Services’ report made recommendations on awards of rebate and also considered the future payment of Landfill Tax should the Council enter into a contract under the Waste Management Public Private Partnership.


1. To agree to make the following payments from Landfill Tax Rebates generated during the current financial year:-

Recipient – 2000/2001 Amount

Campbeltown Waste Watchers £17,900 Group for Recycling In Argyll & Bute £25,250 Green Light Environmental £16,150 Loch Awe Improvement Association £2,000 The Argyll & Bute Trust £6,000 Waste Management Group, Dunstaffnage Marine Laboratory £9,198

2. It was agreed that the Head of Amenity Services would submit a report on Greenlight Environmental activities to Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee in October 2000.

3. To agree that the Award of Landfill Tax on an area basis be considered this financial year by all Area Committees except Helensburgh & Lomond where other arrangements are made with a private landfill site operator and where a report on the expenditure for Landfill Tax by that operator will be brought forward to that Committee.

4. To agree the Awards made in decision 1 above will be subject to a pro rata adjustment as the availability of rebate income due to over or under funding takes place.

5. To agree that the forthcoming Waste Management PPP should seek to ensure that environmental bodies operating in Argyll & Bute will gain as much benefit as possible from the continuation of rebate from Landfill Tax Awards.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Amenity Services dated 14 July 2000, submitted).

Councillor Banks resumed the Chair.

Councillor Petrie having declared an interest in the following item left the room.


The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 31 July 2000 advising that he had received a request from the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Interim Park Committee to consider deferring the Council’s role as Statutory Consultee on all significant forestry planting and felling application consultations to the Interim Committee. The effect and consequences of acceding to this request were considered in the Director’s report.


To agree

1. That the Park Authority be consulted on all consultations received from the Forestry Commission, within the Park boundary.

2. That the Council give the Park Authority 14 days to respond to the consultation. If no written response is received within 14 days then it would be assumed the Park Authority had no objections

3. In the case where the Park Authority raise formal objections to a consultation and Argyll & Bute Council disagree with the objections, the consultation will be notified to the Park Authority for “call-in” and final determination.

4. In the case where the Park Authority raise formal objections and Argyll & Bute Council agree with those objections, these will be formally notified to the Forestry Commission without notification to the Park Authority.

5. In all cases where there are no formal objections from the Park Authority, the consultation will be dealt with solely by Argyll & Bute Council, taking on board and giving due consideration to any points raised by the Park Authority.

Moved by Councillor Banks, seconded by Councillor Marshall.


To approve the above Motion subject to the deletion of paragraph 3.

Moved by Councillor Freeman, seconded by Councillor Kinloch.


The Motion was carried by 17 votes to 2 and accordingly the Motion as detailed above became the decision of the Committee.

(Reference: Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services dated 31 July 2000, submitted).


The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 9 August 2000 advising that the Council had been consulted on the Scottish Executive’s proposals to extend planning controls to Marine Fish & Shellfish Farming Developments. The Consultation Paper explained the background, the existing arrangements for authorising the siting of fish farms and the proposals to bring Marine Fish and Shellfish Farming within the planning regime. The Scottish Executive were seeking comments on both the principles of the proposals and on the specific issues highlighted.


1. To note the contents of the Director of Development & Environment Services’ report dated 9 August 2000.

2. To agree that final determination and recommendation be remitted to the Director of Development & Environment Services in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Development & Environment Committee after further consideration of a full report on the issues to be discussed and consulted with the respective Area Committees in September 2000.

(Reference: Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services)

Councillor Hay declared an interest and left the room during consideration of the next item of business.


The Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee Special Meeting of 18 August 2000 referred determination of the matter to this Committee in terms of the Council’s Scheme of Delegations as they were minded to grant approval.


To refuse the application for the reasons detailed in the Head of Development & Building Control’s report dated 19 May 2000.

Moved by Councillor Banks, seconded by Councillor Latimer.


To approve the application for the reasons recommended by the Special Meeting of the Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee of 18 August 2000.

Moved by Councillor McCallum, seconded by Councillor McKinlay.


The Motion was carried by 12 votes to 5 and accordingly:-

agreed to refuse the application for the following reasons:-

1. The proposal is contrary to Policy POL HO 11 of the Mid Argyll Local Plan (Second Alteration) 1993 as the site lies outwith the housing development areas identified for Ardfern and no exceptional circumstances have been submitted in support of the proposal sufficient to justify allowing a dwellinghouse outwith rather than within the designated areas, with specific regard to a locational/operational need.

2. Policy RRA 2 (D) (3) of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 recognises that there shall be a presumption in favour of single or small scale residential development in the countryside in the Remoter Rural Areas except where Local plans have established that such presumption should not apply. In terms of the proposed site, Policy POL HO 11 of the Mid Argyll Local Plan (Second Alteration) 1993 has removed this presumption in favour and, consequently, the proposal is contrary to Policy RRA 2 (D) (3) of the Structure Plan.

3. The proposal, by virtue of the excessive scale and inappropriate design of the dwellinghouse and the visual prominence of the site, would represent a dominant and incongruous feature in the landscape which would have an adverse environmental impact upon the Knapdale/Melfort Regional Scenic Area. As such the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of STRAT 2 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 in which there is a presumption against development which would have an adverse impact upon the conservation and use of natural resources that cannot be readily regenerated or reproduced, in this case the Knapdale/Melfort Regional Scenic Area.

4. The proposal, by virtue of the excessive scale and inappropriate design of the dwellinghouse and the visual prominence of the site, would request a dominant and incongruous feature in the landscape which would have an adverse environmental impact upon the Knapdale/Melfort Regional Scenic Area. As such, the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of Policy SAS 1 of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and Policy POL RUR (1) of the Mid Argyll Local Plan (Second Alteration) 1993 both of which seek to resist development which would have an adverse environmental impact upon this Regional Scenic Area.

5. The proposal, by virtue of the excessive scale and inappropriate design of the dwellinghouse and the visual prominence of the site, would represent a dominant and incongruous feature in the landscape which would have an adverse environmental impact upon the Knapdale/Melfort Regional Scenic Area. As such , the proposal would be contrary to the provisions of Policy STRAT 2A of the Strathclyde Structure Plan 1995 and Policy POL RUR (2) of the Mid Argyll Local Plan (Second Alteration) 1993. Without an overriding locational/operational need, an approval would be likely to set an undesirable precedent for further dominant and incongruous development which, incrementally and cumulatively, would detract for the scenic value of this area.

6. The proposal would result in a significant increase in vehicular traffic at an access point where visibility splays of 2.5 metres by 120 metres are required to be provided and maintained. As these visibility splays are neither within the application site nor within the sole control of the applicants, the development would be unacceptable in road safety terms.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Development & Building Control dated 19 May 2000, Extract of Minutes of Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committees of 5 July 2000, 2 August 2000 and 18 August 2000, submitted).


The Head of Statutory Plans submitted a report on a study which had been jointly commissioned by Argyll & Bute Council and Scottish Natural Heritage to help the Council develop the concept of Area Capacity Evaluation and trial methods to assess the capacity of an area to successfully accommodate change. The report included a summary of the method and key findings in appendix 1.


1. To endorse the development of Area Capacity Evaluation methods as part of the Structure Plan, Local Plan and Development Control Processes.

2. To welcome Scottish Natural Heritage support for and contributions made to this Study.

3. To welcome the contribution of the commissioned Consultants, David Tyldesley and Associates and to note the contents of the study.

4. To agree that the Head of Statutory Plans and the Head of Development & Building Control continue to develop and apply “Area Capacity Evaluations” as part of the ongoing Local Plan preparation and development control processes taking on board the learning experience of this Study.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Statutory Plans dated 19 July 2000)


Following the Committee decision of 24 May 2000 that the Structure Plan should be considered formally by the 4 Area Committees prior to going out to public consultation the Head of Statutory Plans submitted a report dated 14 August 2000 advising of the outcome of these considerations together with a revised draft Structure Plan for consideration and recommendation that it be made available for public consultation.


1. To agree that the Argyll & Bute Structure Plan – Consultative Draft (August 2000) form the basis for publicity and further consultation.

2. To authorise the Director of Development & Environment Services to make minor drafting, updating and editing amendments to the Consultative Draft Structure Plan Documents prior to making them available for public inspection.

3. To agree that the publicity for this Consultative Draft Structure Plan proceed on the following basis:

(a) Publicity in a local newspaper in each of the Council’s four administrative areas and in the Glasgow Herald by 29 September 2000.

(b) Publicity on the Argyll & Bute Council Website.

(c) To agree the Head of Statutory Plans in liaison with the Chairman of Development & Environment Committee and the Communications Manager prepare and arrange publicity notices for responses to be received within 12 weeks of the date of publicity.

(d) To agree that the Structure Plan – Consultative Draft (August 2000) Documents be made available for inspection over the corresponding 12 week period at each of the following locations:-

Main Council offices in each of the four administrative areas i.e. -

(a) , Helensburgh, Lochgilphead, Oban

(b) The Council Offices in Bowmore, Campbeltown, Rothesay and Tobermory

(c) The Public Libraries in the above and other settlements

(d) Post Offices in Arinagour (Coll), Bridge of Orchy (Lorn) Craighouse (Jura), Fionnphort (Mull) Inveraray (Mid Argyll) Luss (Loch Lomond) Scalasaig (Colonsay) and Scarinish (Tiree)

(e) To agree that presentation panels be set up at the above council offices (or suitable alternative locations) and this presentation be manned with appropriate council staff (enlisting support, if practical from “Planning Aid” staff) for specified periods (within resource availability) sequenced over the 12 week consultation period.

(f) To agree a summary leaflet be prepared (also for inclusion on the Council Website) to outline the main elements of the Plan and explain the process leading up to its submission to the Scottish Executive. This leaflet to be made widely available through the facilities identified in (d) above.

(g) That the Head of Statutory Plans, in consultation with the Chairman of Development and Environment Committee arrange public meetings in each of the four administrative areas to confirm the Corporate nature of the Structure Plan and to encourage Community engagement with its processes.

4. That the Argyll & Bute Local Plan continue to be prepared within the framework of this draft Structure Plan.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Statutory Plans dated 14 August 2000, submitted)


The Head of Statutory Plans submitted a report dated 19 July 2000 advising on the progress on the preparation of the Argyll & Bute Local Plan. The main tasks completed and remaining to be completed up to Consultative Draft stage were detailed within the report and it was anticipated completion of the Consultative Draft Local Plan would be carried out by the end of this year.


1. To note the progress made in preparation of the Argyll & Bute Local Plan.

2. To agree to target December 2000 for the completion of the Consultative Draft Document.

3. To agree that prior to the Consultative Draft being presented to the Development & Environment Committee as the basis for public consultation it first be considered by the Council’s four Area Committees at their meetings in January 2001.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Statutory Plans dated 19 July 2000, submitted).

The Chairman having declared an interest in the following item of business left the meeting and the Vice-Chair, Councillor Latimer took the Chair.


The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 27 June 2000 advising that Oban had been chosen as the venue for the Royal National Mod 2003- the Centenary Mod, and that a recent meeting held with An Comunn Gaidhealach resulted in a request for grant assistance. The Council is currently contributing to the Millennium Royal National Mod 2000 in Dunoon and it was recommended that this identified source of funding is used in future years to assist the holding of the Royal National Centenary Mod 2003 in Oban.


To agree that the sum of £30,000 plus inflation in accordance with the Council’s policy at that time regarding inflation, is granted towards the organisation of the Royal National Centenary Mod 2003 from the Economic Development & Tourism Leisure Budgets in the years 2001/2002, 2002/2003 and 2003/2004

(Reference; Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services dated 27 June 2000, submitted).

Councillor Banks resumed the Chair.


A recommendation from the Bute & Cowal Area Committee held on 4 July 2000 that:

(1) the Cowal Initiative should continue as the Council’s Economic Strategy Group for Cowal

(2) that the re-structured Cowal Enterprise Trust should continue to be a partner in the Cowal Initiative and

(3) the £20,000 allocated from the Development & Environment Services budget for Cowal Enterprise Trust be re-allocated to the Cowal Initiative Steering Group, was considered.


1. To agree that Cowal Initiative should continue as the Council’s Economic Strategy Group for Cowal.

2. To agree that the re-constructed Cowal Enterprise Trust should continue to be a partner in the Cowal Initiative.

3. To agree that the £20,000 allocated from the Development & Environment Services Budget for Cowal Enterprise Trust be re-allocated to the Cowal Initiative Steering Group.

(Reference: Report by the Bute and Cowal Area Committee dated 4 July 2000, submitted).


A report by the Director of Development and Environment Services on proposed changes to the use of the Entertainment Budget had been presented to each of the Area Committees earlier in the year and the majority view was that the changes were acceptable with local needs being taken into account. The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 26 July 2000 updating Members on the Entertainment Programme to date and explaining its importance in the development of opportunities in communities who have limited access to the performing arts.


1. To endorse the current policy on Entertainment and encourage the development of partnerships with external bodies.

2. That a small Sub-Committee consisting of the Chair and Vice-Chair of Development & Environment Committee plus one representative from Bute & Cowal Area Committee and one representative from Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee be appointed to monitor and input to the programme and report to the Development & Environment Committee initially at their November 2000 and February 2001 meetings.

Moved by Councillor Banks, seconded by Councillor Freeman.


That the Development & Environment Committee:-

1. Recognises that the needs of the Helensburgh & Lomond Area differ from those of the other Areas in terms of the Leisure & Entertainment Budget and accept the principle that at the beginning of the financial year 25% of that budget is allocated to the Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee to spend in DES related items, the remaining 75% to be spent centrally on Leisure & Entertainment for the other three areas.

2. That in view of the monies so far spent this year (25% of the remaining budgeted expenditure) is allocated to Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee to spend on DES related items.

Moved by Councillor Morton, seconded by Councillor Thompson.

The requisite number of Members required the vote to be taken by calling the roll and Members voted as follows:-

For the Motion For the Amendment

Councillor Banks Councillor Coleshill Councillor Findlay Councillor Hay Councillor Freeman Councillor Marshall Councillor Latimer Councillor Morton Councillor Macaskill Councillor Stewart Councillor McCallum Councillor Thompson Councillor McKinlay Councillor Wilson Councillor Petrie Councillor Robertson


1. The Motion was carried by 9 votes to 7 and accordingly agreed

2. To endorse the current policy on entertainment and encourage the development of partnerships with external bodies

3. That a small Sub-Committee consisting of Chair and Vice-Chair of Development & Environment Committee plus one representative from Bute & Cowal and one representative from Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay be appointed to monitor and input to the programme and report to the Development & Environment Committee initially at their November 2000 and February 2001 Meetings.

4. That the representatives from the Bute & Cowal Area Committee and Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee be appointed at their next meeting and names be reported to the Director of Corporate & Legal Services.

(Reference: Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services dated 26 July 2000, Report by the Principal Leisure Officer to Development & Environment Committee on 2 February 2000, extract of Minutes from the Oban, Lorn & The Isles Area Committee of 5 April 2000, and January 2000, extract of Minutes of Bute & Cowal Area Committee of 4 July 2000, extract from Minutes of Helensburgh & Lomond Area Committee of 7 March 2000, extract of Minutes of Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee of 5 April 2000 and 2 February 2000, submitted).


At the Meeting of this Committee on 24 May 2000 it was agreed to support further development of the Environment Task Force to increase placement opportunities across the whole range of Council Services. The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 26 July 2000 updating Members on the Environment Task Force and requesting that the Committee support the application to extend the current contract with the Employment Service For Scotland to continue to operate the Environment Task Force in Argyll & The Islands to continue after April 2001.


1. To note the contents of the Director of Development & Environment Services’ report dated 26 July 2000.

2. To support the application to extend the current contract with the Employment Service for Scotland to continue to operate Environment Task Force in Argyll & The Islands to continue after April 2001.

3. To support building on the experience of developing and delivering the Environment Task Force option of New Deal to further develop the Council’s commitment to New Deal across the range of options, assisting long term unemployed back into employment.

4. To agree that the Director of Development & Environment Services should explore and develop mechanisms for providing further New Deal opportunities to those in the 25 plus age group and 50 plus age group.

(Reference: Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services dated 26 July 2000, submitted).


The Head of Public Protection submitted a report dated 31 July 2000 advising that the Council delivers a Statutory Food Safety Law Enforcement Service and that there was an established need to develop approved service planning and enforcement guidance. The report sought formal approval for three fundamental planning service documents.


1. To approve the three food safety policy documents which provide the basis for developing a quality system.

2. To note that the Food Safety Service Plan will fall to be approved by the Committee annually as part of the Service Planning & Budgetary Processes.

3. To agree that changes will be made to the Plan during the year but in the event that these are deemed significant they will be presented to the Chairman for his consideration as to the need for presentation to the Committee.

4. That the Head of Public Protection submit a further report on financial issues to a future meeting of this Committee.

5. To request the Specialist Environmental Health Officer appointed in January 1999 to submit reports and address the four Area Committees on Food Safety Law Enforcement at their October or November meetings.

(Reference: Report by Head of Public Protection dated 31 July 2000, submitted).


The Head of Public Protection reported that West of Scotland Water’s annual report for 1999 had been published which reported the quality monitoring results for public drinking water and waste water in that year. He advised that the Council has a statutory duty to monitor the quality of the public water supply, to consider the annual report and to report on its assessment to the Scottish Executive.


1. To note the contents of the Head of Public Protection’s report dated 20 July 2000 and acknowledged the role of the Council’s Environmental Health staff in the monitoring of public supplies.

2. To agree that the Head of Public Protection should write to the Scottish Executive acknowledging the investment in Argyll & Bute to date, necessary to improve the quality of the public water supply and waste water treatment in coastal communities. The report to include specific reference to the need to maintain progress of these programmes, having regard to the ongoing problems at Claddich Sewage Treatment Works, Helensburgh and the comparatively high percentage of failures in the Argyll & Bute supplies.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Public Protection dated 20 July 2000, submitted).


The Director of Development & Environment Services submitted a report dated 9 August 2000 dealing with the problem of Japanese Knotweed and the desire to control its spread in Argyll & Bute. He advised that the Mid Argyll, Kintyre & Islay Area Committee had taken the decision to write to the Scottish Executive and Scottish Natural Heritage to advise of the problem and request help with solutions.


1. To agree to set up a Working Group comprising four Councillors one to be nominated from each Area Committee, Council Officers and Environmental Bodies to plan a strategy to control and where possible eradicate Japanese Knotweed and other noxious weeds. The Group to be led by the Head of Public Protection.

2. That the Group contact the Scottish Executive and Scottish Natural Heritage to request advice on solutions for the widespread problem in Argyll & Bute.

3. To agree to include conditions in planning consents to ensure that movement of weed is controlled as per terms of the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, which would help to ensure that private landowners are aware of their responsibilities under the aforementioned Act by press release or feature on the Council Web page.

4. To agree to consider control measures for other noxious weeds such as Giant Hogweed and Ragwort once success of this proposal is measured.

(Reference: Report by the Director of Development & Environment Services dated 9 August 2000, submitted)


When the Council adopted the annual accounts for 1999/2000 on 29 June 2000 it was agreed that departments would report details of their major variances from budget at the August/September cycle of Committee Meetings.

The Head of Accounting submitted a report with calculations from the expenditure shown in the annual accounts the element for which the department is accountable. It also identified and explained the major items which make up the overall variance and identified any ongoing implications for 2000/2001.


To note the Head of Accounting’s report dated 1 August 2000.

(Reference: Report by the Head of Accounting dated 1 August 2000, submitted).


The Head of Accounting submitted a report on the budget monitoring exercise as at 30 June 2000. Attached to the report was a financial statement which compares the year to date and projected outturn expenditure to budget for each service objective head. A variance explanation schedule which details the major variances arising, by reason for the variance, any action taken or proposed and any impact attached to the report and the overall projected increase in expenditure was £95,000. It was noted that the income from planning fees and building control fees was showing an upward trend and an increase over budgeted income is expected. Discretionary work on ground maintenance will be curtailed and savings achieved and it is anticipated these two measures will bring the budget into balance.


1. To note the Revenue Budget Monitoring Report and Variance Explanation.

2. To approve the action required by the Director of Development & Environment Services to bring the projected expenditure in line with budget.


A Notice of Motion by Councillor Marshal, seconded by Councillor D Currie had been submitted in the following terms.

The Council notes:-

- that there has been a ban on trawling boats in the Holy Loch for at least 70 years

- the River Echaig and Loch Eck remains one of the few river systems on the west coast with reasonable levels of salmon and sea trout breeding stocks

- that the local economy benefits to excess of £150,000 per annum from recreational fishing on the Echaig

In the interests of conserving these breeding stocks, and of the local tourism economy, the Council calls on the Scottish Executive Minister for Rural Affairs to co- ordinate with other relevant UK Government Departments, including the Ministry of Defence, in relation to their activities or interests in respect of marine access to the Holy Loch in order that the ban on access by trawling and netting boats within the limits of the Holy Loch after the current clean up operation of the loch has been completed is maintained.


The Motion was unanimously approved and accordingly the Director of Development and Environment Services was requested to make representations as detailed in the above Motion.

(Reference:- Motion by Councillor Marshall, seconded by Councillor D Currie, submitted)