Published OnlineFirst May 29, 2013; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3725

Clinical Cancer Human Cancer Biology Research

S100B Promotes Glioma Growth through Chemoattraction of Myeloid-Derived Macrophages

Huaqing Wang1, Leying Zhang5, Ian Y. Zhang5, Xuebo Chen2, Anna Da Fonseca8, Shihua Wu3, Hui Ren2, Sam Badie5, Sam Sadeghi5, Mao Ouyang4, Charles D. Warden6, and Behnam Badie5,7

Abstract þ Purpose: S100B is member of a multigenic family of Ca2 -binding proteins, which is overexpressed by gliomas. Recently, we showed that low concentrations of S100B attenuated microglia activation through the induction of Stat3. We hypothesized that overexpression of S100B in gliomas could promote tumor growth by modulating the activity of tumor-associated macrophages (TAM). Experimental Design: We stably transfected GL261 glioma cell lines with constructs that overexpressed (S100Bhigh) or underexpressed (S100Blow) S100B and compared their growth characteristics to intracranial wild-type (S100Bwt) tumors. Results: Downregulation of S100B in gliomas had no impact on cell division in vitro but abrogated tumor growth in vivo. Interestingly, compared to S100Blow tumors, S100Bwt and S100Bhigh intracranial gliomas exhi- bited higher infiltration of TAMs, stronger inflammatory cytokine expression, and increased vascularity. To identify the potential mechanisms involved, the expression of the S100B receptor, receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE), was evaluated in gliomas. Although S100B expression induced RAGE in vivo, RAGE ablation in mice did not significantly inhibit TAM infiltration into gliomas, suggesting that other pathways were involved in this process. To evaluate other mechanisms responsible for TAM chemoattraction, we then examined chemokine pathways and found that C-C motif ligand 2 (CCL2) was upregulated in S100Bhigh tumors. Furthermore, analysis of The Cancer Genome Atlas’s glioma data bank showed a positive correlation between S100B and CCL2 expression in human proneural and neural glioma subtypes, supporting our finding. Conclusions: These observations suggest that S100B promotes glioma growth by TAM chemoattraction through upregulation of CCL2 and introduces the potential utility of S100B inhibitors for glioma therapy. Clin Cancer Res; 1–12. 2013 AACR.

Introduction olism, motility, and proliferation (1, 2). In the nervous þ S100B is a member of the multigene family of Ca2 system, S100B is constitutively released by into -binding proteins of the EF-hand type and has been impli- the extracellular space and at nanomolar concentrations, it cated in the regulation of cellular activities such as metab- can promote neurite outgrowth and protect neurons against oxidative stress (3). S100B expression, however, can be augmented by various stimuli such as trauma and inflam- Authors' Affiliations: 1Department of Neurosurgery, Provincial Hospital mation (4). Acting in an autocrine fashion, micromolar Affiliated to Shandong University, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong Province; 2Department of General Surgery, The Second Hospital of Jilin concentrations of S100B activate microglia and astrocytes University, Changchun, Jilin Province; 3Research Center of Siyuan Natural through the induction of iNOS and NF-kB, and increase the Pharmacy and Biotoxicology, College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang University, 4 expression of proinflammatory cytokines such as interleu- Hangzhou; Department of Cardiology, Third Xiangya Hospital, Central b a South University, Changsha Hunan, P.R. China; 5Division of Neurosurgery; kin (IL)-1 , IL-6, and TNF- (5–7). Through these func- 6Bioinformatics Core, Department of Molecular Medicine; and 7Depart- tions, S100B has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ment of Cancer Immunotherapeutics & Tumor Immunology, Beckman neurodegenerative brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s dis- Research Institute, City of Hope, Duarte, California; and 8Laboratório de Morfogênese Celular, Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas, Universidade ease (8). Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Bolsista do CNPq, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil S100B is also overexpressed by most malignant gliomas. Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical Cancer It is proposed to contribute to tumorigenesis by inhibiting Research Online ( the function of the tumor suppressor protein (9, 10)

H. Wang and L. Zhang contributed equally to this article. and regulating cell proliferation and differentiation by stimulating the activity of the mitogenic kinases Ndr (11) Corresponding Author: Behnam Badie, Division of Neurosurgery, Beck- man Research Institute, City of Hope, 1500 East Duarte Road, Duarte, CA and Akt (protein kinase B; ref. 12). Furthermore, S100B 91010. Phone: 626-471-7100; Fax: 626-471-7344; E-mail: stimulates glioma proliferation at low concentrations (13) [email protected] and modulates function through an interaction doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3725 with Src kinase (14). These reports suggest that S100B may 2013 American Association for Cancer Research. contribute to astrocyte differentiation and could promote OF1

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Wang et al.

murine s100b cDNA or shRNA vectors to respectively Translational Relevance increase (S100Bhigh) or knockdown (S100Blow) S100B Tumor-associated macrophages are heterogeneous expression in GL261 gliomas (OriGene). The control cell populations that constitute a major component vector for shRNA was used to generate the control GL261 of inflammatory cells in tumor microenvironment. cells (S100Bwt). After transfection, cells were selected by These cells, when found in gliomas, are derived in Puromycin to generate monoclonal cell lines. To validate part from brain microglia and circulating monocytes, our findings in a second glioma model, K-luc cells (which and have been implicated in glioma angiogenesis, express very low levels of S100B at baseline) were elec- invasion, local tumor recurrence, and immunosup- troporated with s100B cDNA or control vectors, and cells pression. Here, we show that S100B overexpression were cultured in presence of Puromycin to generated by tumor cells promotes the growth of gliomas and monoclonal lines. S100B expression in each cell line enhances the infiltration of macrophages through was confirmed by Western blotting every month and CCL2 upregulation. To our knowledge, this is the first remained stable throughout the study. report that shows the role of S100B in gliomagenesis and introduces the potential utility of S100B inhibitors In vitro cell-proliferation assay for glioma therapy. S100Blow, S100Bhigh, and S100Bwt GL261 cells were placed in 6-well plates (1.5 105 cells/well). Cell prolifer- ation was measured by counting the trypsinized cells at different time intervals. For proliferation rate measure- their activation and motility in the ments, cells were incubated with BrdU (10 mmol/L) for (CNS). 30 minutes before quantifying the labeled cells by flow The role of S100B in gliomagenesis has not been exten- cytometry. sively studied. We recently showed that even at low levels, S100B modulated the activity of tumor-associated macro- Tumor implantation and sample collection phages (TAM) in a glioma model by activating Stat3 (15). Mice were housed and handled in accordance to the We hypothesized that expression of S100B could also guidelines of City of Hope Institutional Animal Care promote the growth of gliomas through modulation of and Use Committee under pathogen-free conditions. All GFP TAM activity in vivo. Here, we show that S100B overexpres- mice were on C57BL/6J background. CX3CR1 Knock- sion in gliomas enhanced TAM infiltration and promoted in mice that express enhanced green fluorescent protein tumor growth in vivo. Furthermore, S100B upregulation under control of the endogenous Cx3cr1 locus were resulted in increased angiogenesis and C-C motif ligand purchased from The Jackson Laboratory. Receptor for 2 (CCL2) overexpression. These findings were confirmed advanced glycation end products (RAGE) knockout using publicly available data showing S100B directly cor- mice, a generous gift from Dr. Y. Yamamoto (Kanazawa relates with CCL2 expression in proneural and neural University, Japan), were bred at our institution and glioma subtypes. To our knowledge, this is the first report PCR genotyped using tail DNA (17). Intracranial tumor that shows the role of S100B in gliomagenesis and intro- implantation was conducted stereotactically at a depth duces the potential utility of S100B inhibitors for glioma of 3 mm through a bur hole placed 2 mm lateral and therapy. 0.5 mm anterior to the bregma as described earlier (15). Briefly, GL261 glioma cells were harvested by trypsini- zation, counted, and resuspended in culture medium. Materials and Methods Female C57BL/6 mice (The Jackson Laboratory) weigh- Reagents and cell lines ing15to25gwereanesthetized by intraperitoneal GL261 glioma cells were obtained from Dr. K. Aboody’s (i.p.) administration of ketamine (132 mg/kg) and laboratory in 2006 and stably transfected with firefly xylazine (8.8 mg/kg) and implanted with 105 tumor luciferase expression vector. Positive clones (GL261-luc) cells using a stereotactic head frame at a depth of 3 mm were selected using zeocin (1 mg/mL) and G418. Lucif- through a bur hole placed 2 mm lateral and 0.5 mm erase-expressing KR158B cells (or K-luc), an invasive anterior to the bregma. For in vivo proliferation rate glioma cell line that was derived from spontaneous gli- measurements, mice bearing 1-week-old intracranial omas in Trp53/Nf1 double-mutant mice in Dr. T. Jacks tumors were given BrdU (1 mg/day, i.p.) for 7 days, laboratory, was a generous gift from Dr. J. Sampson (16). then BrdU uptake in tumor cell suspensions was ana- Both GL261 and K-luc cells were cultured in Dulbecco’s lyzed by flow cytometry. Modified Eagle Medium supplemented with 10% FBS (BioWhittaker), 100 U/mL penicillin-G, 100 mg/mL strep- Intravital imaging tomycin, and 0.01 M Hepes buffer (Life Technologies) in Twelve days after intracranial implantation of GL261 GFP a humidified 5% CO2 atmosphere, and their tumorige- cells into CX3CR1 mice, a small cranial window was nicity was authenticated by histologic characterization of generated over the tumor site and covered with a 5-mm intracranial gliomas in mice. To modulate S100B expres- glass coverslip. Mice were then injected with tetramethylr- sion, GL261-luc cells were stably transfected with either hodamine dextran (20 mg/200 mL, i.v.) and Hoechst

OF2 Clin Cancer Res; 2013 Clinical Cancer Research

Downloaded from on September 26, 2021. © 2013 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst May 29, 2013; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3725

S100B Promotes Glioma Growth

A GL261 B Low wt High 15 S100B S100Blow S100Bwt 10 high Figure 1. Modulation of S100B GAPDH S100B cells) production does not affect 6

proliferation of GL261 glioma cells S100B * in vitro. Cells were stably 2.0 5 * * (ng/10 transected with plasmids that 1.5 carried either S100B siRNA or low 1.0 cDNA to knockdown (S100B ) ratio 0 or enhance (S100Bhigh) S100B Relative 0.5 0246 expression, respectively. Cells S100B/GAPDH 0.0 Time (d) Low wt High transfected with bank plasmid (S100Bwt) were used as control. GL261-S100B S100B production by each cell line C D S100Blow was measured by (A) Western blot wt In vitro S100B and (B) ELISA. proliferate 50 rates of S100Blow and S100Bhigh 60 S100Bhigh ns low cells were similar to control cells as 40 S100B measured by (C) cell number/plate S100Bwt or (D) BrdU uptake. Experimental 30 40 results are representative of at S100Bhigh least 2 separate experiments (n ¼ 3, SD). , P < 0.05. 20 20 10 Cell number/10,000 % BrdU-positive cells 0 0 0246 12 24 48 Time (d) Time (h)

33342 (250 mg/mice, i.v.) and imaged using the Prairie AACTACAGCTTCTTTGGGACACCT primers. Western blots Technologies Ultima 2-Photon Microscope. were conducted as describe earlier (15) using primary Abs specific for S100B (Abcam), full length RAGE (Abcam), In vivo ONO-2506 administration b-actin (Santa Cruse), S100A8 and S100A9 (R&D Systems), ONO-2506, an S100B inhibitor, was kindly provided by high-mobility group protein B1 (HMGB1), and GAPDH Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. For in vivo experiments, ONO- (Cell Signaling). 2506 was mixed with water and Tween 80, sonicated for 10 minutes and administrated (30 mg/kg, oral) 1 day after ELISA tumor implantation and continued daily for 2 weeks. Supernatant from cultured cells were used for measure- ment of HMGB1, CCL2 (MCP-1), Chemokine (C-X-C NF-kB assay motif) ligand 12 [CXCL12, stromal cell-derived factor RAW macrophages that were stably transfected with a (SDF-1a)], according to the manufacturer’s instructions. reporter construct that expresses an embryonic alkaline All kits were purchased from R&D System, except for the phosphatase gene encoding a secreted protein under the HMGB1 ELISA kit, which was purchased from NovaTein control of an NF-kB inducible promoter (RAW-Blue, Invi- Biosciences. voGen) were used to study NF-kB activation by measuring the secretion of embryonic alkaline phosphatase. S100Blow, Flow cytometry analysis S100Bwt, and S100Bhigh GL261 cells were cocultured with Cells were harvested, washed, and stained with anti- RAW-Blue cells in 96-well plates at different ratios. One day CD11b in the presence of FcR-Block, anti-CD16/32. After later, the NF-kB activity was measured by Quanti-Blue assay wash, cells were fixed using CytoFix/CytoPermbuffer. For in according to the manufacturer’s instructions. vivo RAGE, BrdU, and CCL2 staining, tumor tissue was minced and digested with trypsin for 20 minutes at 37C. Real-time reverse transcription PCR and Western blot Tissue homogenate was then filtered through a 40-mmol/L Real-time PCR was conducted in a TaqMan 5700 Se- filter and prepped using fixation/permeabilization solution quence Detection System (Applied Biosystems) as describ- according to the manufacturer’s instructions (BD Pharmin- ed previously (15). CCL2 expression was measured using gen). Multiple-color fluorescence-activated cell sorting CCL2-F ACTCACCTGCTGCTACTCATTCAC and CCL2-R (FACS) analyses was conducted at City of Hope FACS Clin Cancer Res; 2013 OF3

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Wang et al.

A B Tumor size * 20 S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh n = 4 ns n = 4 15 2 10 mm 5 n = 4

0 S100B S100B S100B Low wt High GL261-S100B Figure 2. S100B enhances tumor growth in vivo. A and B, S100Blow, S100Bhigh, and S100Bwt GL261 Low wt High cells were implanted into frontal GL261-S100B lobes of syngeneic mice and 2 C D weeks later tumor growth was BrdU evaluated by histology and tumor 100 low * S100B (n = 6) size measurements. Cross 30 n = 3 wt * sections through the largest 75 S100B (n = 6) ns * tumor area were used for size S100Bhigh (n = 6) 20 * n = 3 calculations (n ¼ 4 SD). In vivo 50 tumor growth was analyzed by (C) 10 n = 3 BrdU uptake in 2-week-old tumors

Percent survival 25 (n ¼ 3 SD) and (D) animal survival

Positive cells/field 0 (n ¼ 6). E, tumor vascular density Low wt High 0 was measured by CD31 staining GL261-S100B 0 20 40 60 80 100 (top and bar graph, n ¼ 3 SD) and Days after tumor implantation intravital imaging (bottom) in CX3 GFP CR1 mice. T, tumor; arrows E point to tumor vessels. All results S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh are representative of 2 separate CD31 CD31 CD31 CD31 experiments. , P < 0.05. ns, not significant. 60 * n = 3 n = 3

40 n = 3 × 20 × 20

GFP 20

Dextran Cells per field T T 0 T Low wt High GL261-S100B

facility using a 3-laser CyAn immunocytometry system before storage in 30% sucrose solution. Brains were (Dako Cytomation), and data were analyzed using FlowJo embedded in Tissue-Tek O.C.T. (Optimal Cutting Tem- software (TreeStar) as described earlier (18). PerCP-conju- perature) compound and 10 mm sections were cut using gated Abs to mouse CD45 (Cat. No. 557235) and purified cryostat (Leica Microsystem Inc.). Before immunofluores- mouse anti-BrdU (Cat. No. 555627) were purchased from cence staining, slides were baked at 37C and permeabi- BD Pharmingen Allophycocyanin-conjugated anti-mouse lized in methanol for 15 minutes. After a 1-hour block, CD11b (Cat. No. 17-0112-82) and the primary rabbit–anti- slides were incubated with CCL2 (1:100 dilution of rabbit mouse RAGE (Cat. No. ab3611-100) was purchased anti-CCL2 Ab; Santa Cruz Biotechnology), S100B (1:200 from Abcam. The primary rabbit–anti-mouse CCL2 (Cat. dilution of rabbit anti-mouse S100B Ab; Abcam), or No. sc-28879), secondary goat anti-rabbit-FITC (Cat. No. RAGE (1:200 dilution of Rabbit anti-mouse RAGE Ab; sc-2012), and secondary goat anti-mouse-FITC (Cat. No. Abcam) primary Abs for 1 hour. Slides were washed with sc-2010) were purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology. TBS three times for 5 minutes and incubated with sec- The primary rabbit anti-pSTAT3 (Cat. No. 9145S) was ondary antibody (goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 555 1:200 purchased from Cell Signaling Technology. dilution; Life Technologies) for another hour. Sections were mounted in Vectashield mounting medium contain- Immunofluorescence staining ing 4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (Vector). Images were Frozen brain sections were prepared from normal obtained by AX-70 fluorescent microscopy (Leica Micro- and tumor-bearing C57BL/6 mice. Immediately after har- systems Inc.) and were prepared by Zeiss LSM Image vest, brains were fixed in paraformaldehyde for 4 hours Browser software.

OF4 Clin Cancer Res; 2013 Clinical Cancer Research

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S100B Promotes Glioma Growth

AB NF-κB Stat3 pStat3 in TAMs 0.4 250 * 30 GL261low * 200 0.3 GL261wt 20 GL261high 150 Figure 3. S100B increases 0.2 100 inflammatory response in GL261 STAT3 10 0.1 tumors. A, NF-kB activation in 50 Relative activity (% total CD11b)

RAW-Blue macrophages was mRNA expression 0 0.0 0 LowNBWT High measured after a 24-hour co- LowNBWT High pSTAT3-positive CD11b 1:1 2:1 5:1 1:1 2:1 5:1 1:1 2:1 5:1 GL261:S100B incubation with GL261 cells at GL261:RAW cell ratio GL261:S100B different cell ratios (n ¼ 3). B, in vivo Stat3 upregulation in intracranial C IL-1β IL-6 TNF-α tumors [left, reverse transcription 150 2.0 PCR (RT-PCR)] and pStat3 * * 5 * expression in TAMs isolated from 1.5 4 intracranial gliomas 2 weeks after 100 3 tumor implantation (right, FACS) 1.0 IL-6 IL-1 β * * was compared to normal brain 50 2 (NB). C, S100B expression by 0.5 TNF- α

mRNA expression 1

gliomas promoted the expression mRNA expression of proinflammatory cytokines 0 0.0 mRNA expression LowNB WT High LowNB WT High 0 (RT-PCR); D, infiltration of LowNB WT High high low GL261:S100B microglia (CD11b CD45 ) GL261:S100B GL261:S100B and macrophages (CD11bhigh CD45high) into 2-week-old tumors NB D low wt high 25 low n ¼ S100B S100B S100B ** S100B ( 3 mice/group, SD). Results S100Bwt 20 are representative of 3 separate S100Bhigh P < experiments. , 0.05. 15 * 10 * CD11b

% of Cells in 5

leukocyte population 0 Microglia Macrophages CD45

The Cancer Genome Atlas analysis (S100Bhigh) or underexpressed (S100Blow) S100B were gene- To check for correlations with The Cancer Genome Atlas rated and compared to mock-transfected and wild-type GL261 (TCGA) signature genes, data from 8 inde- cells (Fig. 1). Because mock transfection had no impact on pendent cohorts (19–26) were used to test for correlations cell proliferation or S100B production (not shown), these cells between S100B, S100A8, S100A9 and the mesenchymal, were used as controls (S100Bwt) in the subsequent experi- classical, neural, and proneural signature genes from Verhaak ments. As expected, S100B expression was lower in S100Blow colleagues (27). P values were calculated using the cor.test cells (Fig. 1A), but its secretion was similar to S100Bwt cells function in R (28), and false discovery rates (FDR) were cal- (Fig. 1B). In contrast, S100Bhigh cells expressed and secreted culated using the method of Benjamini and Hochberg (29). higher levels of S100B (Fig. 1B). Irrespective of S100B expres- To look for possible correlations between S100B and sion, however, all cells had similar in vitro proliferation rates CCL2 in glioma subtypes, Pearson correlation coefficients (Fig.1CandD).Incontrast,in vivo tumor growth rate, deter- and P values were calculated using microarray gene expres- mined by tumor size, proliferation rate, and animal survival, sion values (from Affymetrix HT HGU133A arrays) for was different among the 3 cell lines (Fig. 2A–D). S100B knock- tumor samples in the training dataset from Verhaak and down significantly reduced tumor growth and prolonged colleagues (27). P values were calculated using the cor.test animal survival (Fig. 2C and D), but its upregulation did not function in R (28). have a significant impact on tumor size or animal survival. Tumor S100B expression also correlated with increased angio- Statistical analysis genesis as both S100Bwt and S100Bhigh tumors exhibited Statistical comparison in all different experimental con- higher vascularity than S100Blow intracranial gliomas (Fig. ditions was conducted with the prism software using two- 2E). Because S100B has proinflammatory functions at high con- way ANOVA or Student t test. centrations, we examined its impact on tumor inflammation.

Results S100B promotes inflammation and potentiates S100B promotes in vivo glioma growth macrophage infiltration into gliomas To examine if S100B stimulated glioma growth, stably To determine the effect of glioma-derived S100B on transfected GL261 glioma cell lines that either overexpressed macrophage activation, GL261 cells were coincubated with Clin Cancer Res; 2013 OF5

Downloaded from on September 26, 2021. © 2013 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst May 29, 2013; DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-12-3725

Wang et al.

ONO-2506 (μmol/L) A 1.5 01050 100 500 1,000 1.0 S100B 0.5 -actin ratio β β-Actin Relative S100B/ 0.0 0 10 50 100 500 1,000 ONO (μmol/L) GL261 Figure 4. Inhibition of S100B B C production abrogates the growth −Ono +Ono of GL261 gliomas. A, in vitro inhibition of S100B production in −ONO +ONO S100B S100Bwt cells by ONO-2506 at 48 GAPDH in vivo S100B S100B hours. B, for experiments, mice bearing 4-day-old 1.5 intracranial S100Bwt gliomas received daily ONO-2506 1.0 (30 mg/kg, orally) for 2 weeks, after which tumors were harvested 0.5 for (B) S100B analysis by immunohistochemistry and (C) S100B/GAPDH 0.0 −+ Western blotting. D, representative dot plot (top) and FACS Ono (30 mg/kg) quantification (bottom) of tumor D GL261 E CD11b positive cells showing −Ono +Ono inhibition of TAM infiltration into 104 104 Control (n = 6) 43.2 0.16 27.9 0.21 2-week-old intracranial GL261 (Median survival: 28 days) gliomas by ONO-2506. E, 2-week 103 103 Ono (n = 6) treatment with ONO-2506 also 102 102 (Median survival: 36 days) improved survival of mice

CD11b 100 bearing intracranial GL261- CD11B APC 101 CD11B APC 101 S100Bwt gliomas. Results are 71.1 0.73 100 56.5 0.16 100 representative of 2 separate 010K20K30K 0 10K 20K 30K P = 0.016 FS Lin:FS FS Lin:FS experiments. , P < 0.05. 50 + n = 3 50 40 n = 3 30

* Percent survival 20 0 10 0204060 (% leukocytes) Tumor CD11b 0 Days after tumor implantation −+ Ono (30 mg/kg)

RAW-Blue cells. Activation of NF-kB in these cells induces TAMs in gliomas represent a heterogeneous cell popula- the secretion of alkaline phosphatase that can be quantified tion that consist of resident CNS microglia, and macro- colorimetrically (30). Only S100Bhigh cells, which secreted phages that arise from blood monocytes. Using a previously high levels of S100B in vitro, were capable of activating NF- described flow cytometry characterization method (34), kB in RAW cells (Fig. 3A). Similarly, intracranial S100Bhigh we evaluated the TAM subpopulations and found the pro- tumors showed increased inflammatory response as mea- portion of macrophages (CD11bhigh CD45high), but not sured by tumor Stat3 expression, Stat3 phosphorylation in microglia (CD11bhigh CD45low), to be higher in S100Bwt TAMs, and inflammatory cytokine production (Fig. 3B and and S100Bhigh tumors compared to S100Blow tumors (Fig. C). In comparison to S100Blow tumors, S100Bwt gliomas 3D). S100Blow tumors had higher proportion of infiltrating also had higher levels of TAM pStat3 and tumor inflamma- microglia most likely as a result of chemoattraction of these tion (IL-1b and TNF-a expression; Fig. 3B and C). The cells into tumors and lack of macrophage trafficking. Thus, results confirmed that S100B production by tumor cells S100B seemed to promote inflammation and chemoattrac- can generate an inflammatory tumor microenvironment tion of circulating myeloid-derived cells into gliomas. that could promote tumor growth. Because S100B has been To assess if S100B function was reversible, we inhibited shown to increase microglia motility (31) and because its production in gliomas with ONO-2506, an S100B TAMs have been shown to promote tumor growth and inhibitor (35). ONO-2506 partially blocked S100B pro- angiogenesis (32, 33), we next quantified TAM infiltration duction both in vitro (Fig. 4A) and in vivo (Fig. 4B). into each tumor type. Furthermore, ONO-2506 reduced TAM infiltration (Fig.

OF6 Clin Cancer Res; 2013 Clinical Cancer Research

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S100B Promotes Glioma Growth

8 A GL261-S100B 6 Low wt High 4 FL-RAGE 2

FL-RAGE β-Actin 0 Low wt High (relative intensity) (relative GL261-S100B Figure 5. S100B stimulates RAGE B GL261-S100B C GL261-S100Bwt expression. A, Western analysis Low wt High in vitro −Ono +Ono 1.5 showing upregulation of FL-RAGE full-length (FL)–RAGE in the FL-RAGE 1.0 high S100B cells. B, in vivo FL- ratio Relative 0.5 GAPDH GAPDH

RAGE expression was measured S100B/GAPDH 0.0 in 2-week-old intracranial gliomas −Ono +Ono 25 by Western (top) and RT-PCR RAGE mRNA * 6,000 (bottom, n ¼ 3 mice/group); NB, 20 n = 3/group RAGE mRNA normal brain. C, ONO-2506 (30 15 4,000 n = 3/group mg/kg/day for 2 weeks) inhibited 10 the expression of S100B in 5 wt (relative unit) 2,000 S100B gliomas. D, RAGE RAGE mRNA * (relative unit)

0 RAGE mRNA expression (red stain) in tumor (T) NBLow WT High and tumor periphery in 3-week-old 0 GL261-S100B −Ono +Ono (S100Blow) and 2-week-old wt high (S100 and S100B ) intracranial D S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh gliomas. E, RAGE expression (red events) by tumor-associated RAGE RAGE RAGE leukocytes was measured in GL261 gliomas 2 weeks after intracranial implantation. Microglia high low T (CD11b CD45 ) RAGE T T expression was significantly lower in S100Blow gliomas (n ¼ 3 mice/ × 20 × 20 × 20 group, SD). , P < 0.05. All results are representative of 3 separate experiments. E + NL brain S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh RAGE Microglia 30 * n = 3/group 20

10 Microglia CD11b RAGERAGE RAGE RAGE 0 Normal Low WT High brain GL261-S100B CD45

4D) and prolonged the survival of animals bearing intra- Because, we previously reported RAGE expression by TAMs cranial S100Bwt gliomas (Fig. 4E). To further elucidate in gliomas (15), its expression was also quantified in these potential mechanisms involved in the promotion of cells by flow cytometry. Interestingly, RAGE expression was inflammation in gliomas, we examined the expression similar in S100Bwt and S100Bhigh gliomas, whereas S100B of RAGE, an S100B receptor. knockdown significantly inhibited RAGE expression in microglia (Fig. 5D). Thus, upregulation of S100B by glio- Activation of RAGE by S100B mas seemed not only to activate RAGE in tumor cells, but The expression of RAGE, which is upregulated after also to activate it in surrounding neurons and microglia. binding to its ligands, was increased in S100Bhigh cells To assess if activation of RAGE was due to upregulation of in vitro (Fig. 5A). Following implantation into the brain, other RAGE ligands, we evaluated the expression of S100A8, RAGE expression was also upregulated in 2-week-old S100A9, and HMGB1 in this model. Proinflammatory S100Bhigh tumors (Fig. 5B), and its expression was sup- S100A8/A9 heterodimers that are released by cells of mye- pressed by ONO-2506 (Fig. 5C). Immunohistochemical loid origin have been shown to promote the migration and analysis of tumors confirmed the in vitro data and showed retention of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in tumors upregulation of RAGE in intracranial S100Bhigh gliomas, (36). Although not expressed by glial cells, S100A8/A9 can but most of the RAGE upregulation seemed to be in the be detected in glioma-infiltrating TAMs following therapy neurons adjacent to the S100Bhigh tumor margin (Fig. 5D). (37). Protein analysis of cells from the 3 GL261-S100B Clin Cancer Res; 2013 OF7

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Wang et al.

A CCL2 (MCP-1) CXCL12 (SDF-1) 2.5 0.4 S100Blow 2.0 S100Bwt 1.5 0.3 S100Bhigh S100Blow

cells) 1.0 cells) 6 0.5 S100Bwt 6 0.2 CCL2 S100Bhigh

0.10 CXCL12 0.1 (ng/10

0.05 (ng/10 0.00 0.0 0246 0246 Time (d) Time (d) Figure 6. CCL2 upregulation by B S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh S100B. A, in vitro CCL2 (but not CXCL12) secretion; B, expression CCL2 CCL2 CCL2 (red staining) was significantly higher in S100Bwt and S100Bhigh GL261 cells (n ¼ 3/group, SD; , P < 0.05). C, in vivo CCL2 expression was also upregulated in 2-week-old intracranial S100Bwt and S100Bhigh tumors (T). Results ×20 ×20 ×20 are representative of 2 separate experiments.

C S100Blow S100Bwt S100Bhigh



T ×40 ×40 ×40

subtypes did not detect either S100A8 or S100A9 (not S100B upregulation resulted in induction of CCL2 in shown). HMGB1, however, was detectable, but its expres- GL261 cells and was responsible for TAM infiltration into sion was not different among the 3 cell lines (Supplemen- gliomas. To confirm these findings in another cell line, K-luc tary Fig. S1). The data suggested that S100B, and not other gliomas (which express very low levels of S100B at baseline) RAGE ligands, was responsible for RAGE induction in were stably transfected with s100B cDNA or the control tumors. Because RAGE enhances microglia motility in the vector, and examined for CCL2 expression. Similar to brain (31), we next studied TAM infiltration in Rage / GL261 cells, S100B upregulation in K-luc gliomas also mice. increased CCL2 expression (Fig. 7A) and TAM infiltration S100Bwt tumors were implanted into either wt or (Fig. 7B). Rage/ mice and TAMs were quantified at 1 and 2 weeks. Surprisingly, we did not detect a significant dif- Correlation to human gliomas ference in the proportion of TAMs in the 2 strains (Sup- To evaluate the relevance of our observations to human plementary Fig. S2). This result suggested that RAGE may gliomas, public data from TCGA (containing 1,376 primary not be essential for S100B-mediated TAM infiltration in samples, 44 recurrent samples, and 35 normal tissue sam- this model. To evaluate other mechanisms, we studied the ples) were analyzed for possible correlations of S100B to expression of chemokines in the 3 cell lines. different glioma subtypes. Among the 4 subtypes, mesen- chymal tumors have been shown to have higher overall Chemokine production necrosis and associated inflammatory infiltrates (27). Con- Analysis of supernatants recovered from the 3 glioma cell trary to our expectations, S100B expression positively types showed a marked increase in CCL2 secretion from correlated with proneural, neural, and classical, but not S100Bhigh cells (Fig. 6A, top left). CCL2 production by mesenchymal subtype (Fig. 8A). S100A8 and S100A9 S100Bwt cells was also higher than S100Blow cells, but not expression, in contrast to S100B, positively correlated to as much as S100Bhigh cells. In contrast, secretion of CXCL12 the mesenchymal subtype. Interestingly, S100B expression was not significantly different among the 3 cell lines (Fig. correlated with CCL2 expression in all of the TCGA HT- 6A, top right). In vitro CCL2 secretion also correlated well U133A arrays (r ¼ 0.11, P ¼ 0.037, N ¼ 339), and the with intracellular CCL2 levels in vitro (Fig. 6B) and CCL2 correlation was stronger in neuronal (r ¼ 0.61, P ¼ 0.00409, staining in intracranial GL261 tumors (Fig. 6C). Thus, N ¼ 20) and proneural (r ¼ 0.40, P ¼ 0.00336, N ¼ 52)

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S100B Promotes Glioma Growth

S100B, which is expressed by most gliomas, is an important A 15 CCL2 inducer of CCL2. K-luc-S100B * Proinflammatory S100 proteins such as S100A8 or wt High 10 S100A9 have been implicated in chemoattraction of mye- S100B 5 loid-derived cells into tumors (36), but the role of S100B CCL2 (relative units) in this process has not been studied before. The biological

β-Actin mRNA expression 0 wt High effect of S100B is strongly dependent on its intracellular K-luc-S100B and extracellular concentration in the CNS; at nanomolar quantities S100B has neurotrophic effects, whereas at wt high B K-luc-S100B K-luc-S100B micromolar concentrations S100B has proinflammatory S100B S100B and proapoptotic functions (49). Although high S100B extracellular levels are detected after brain injury or in T neurodegenerative disorders (50), the exact extracellular T T concentration of S100B in gliomas is unknown and was not measured here. Nevertheless, our study suggests that ×20 ×20 S100B-mediated TAM chemoattraction and tumor pro- gression occurred through both autocrine and paracrine CD11b CD11b pathways. Because RAGE, an S100B receptor, is involved in microglia trafficking in the brain (31), we first evalu- T atedtheroleofthisreceptoronTAMtraffickinginour T T glioma model. RAGE is constitutively expressed in the lung. In the T brain, most cells (including monocytes/macrophages, ×10 ×10 endothelial cells, and neurons) express low levels of RAGE under physiologic conditions, but the expression of RAGE in these cells can be induced by its ligands (such Figure 7. S100B upregulation stimulates CCL2 expression and TAM trafficking into intracranial K-luc gliomas. To validate our findings in a as S100 proteins and HMGB1; ref. 51). In conditions such second glioma model, a monoclonal K-luc glioma cell line that as diabetes mellitus and arthritis, expression of RAGE on overexpressed S100B was generated and assessed for CCL2 macrophages is important for their trafficking and for high production. A, K-luc-S100B , but not control cells that were mediating chronic inflammation (52). However, in our transfected with blank plasmid (K-luc-S100Bwt), expressed higher levels of CCL2 in vitro (n ¼ 3/group, SD; , P < 0.05). B, ten-day-old intracranial glioma model, TAM infiltration was not significantly / K-luc-S100Bhigh gliomas expressed higher levels of S100B (top, red altered in Rage mice, confirming that S100B-mediated stain) and exhibited stronger TAM infiltration (CD11b staining, green TAM chemoattraction was not directly due to S100B– wt stain) as compared to K-luc-S100B tumors. Most of the S100B RAGE interaction on leukocytes, but through the produc- expression in the K-luc-S100Bwt was in the astrocytes (arrows) adjacent to the invasive tumor edge (n ¼ 2 mice/group). T, tumor. tion of CCL2 by glioma cells. Although the exact mechanism by which S100B stim- ulated CCL2 production in the S100Bwt and S100Bhigh glioma subtypes (Fig. 8B), confirming our observations tumors was not studied here, our previous work and other that S100B may play a role in TAM infiltration through studies suggest Stat3 activation to be involved in this upregulation of CCL2 in some glioma subtypes. process (15). Similar to vascular smooth muscle cells (53, 54), RAGE induction by S100B may have enhanced Discussion CCL2 production by glioma cells. And although a variety TAMs are heterogeneous cell populations that constitute cytokines are capable of inducing CCL2, these cytokines a major component of inflammatory cells in tumor micro- ultimately function through Stat3, and inhibition of Stat3 environment (38). These cells, when found in gliomas, are completely abrogates the induction of CCL2 in some derived in part from CNS microglia and circulating mono- cancer cells (55). Thus, CCL2 upregulation by S100B cytes, and have been implicated in glioma angiogenesis, most likely occurred through activation of Stat3 in glioma invasion, local tumor recurrence, and immunosuppression cells. (32, 33, 39, 40). The mechanisms responsible for the In this study, S100B inhibition in GL261 gliomas infiltration of TAMs into tumors have been widely studied significantly decreased tumor progression and angiogen- and inhibition of this process has been proposed as a esis, possibly by preventing TAM trafficking. However, the general treatment strategy for cancer (41). Among a variety increased tumor growth in both S100Bwt and S100Bhigh of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors that are may have been a direct effect of S100B and not TAMs. involved in TAM trafficking in gliomas (40, 42–46), CCL2 Similar to brain inflammatory conditions (56), S100B was the first to be identified in tumor samples (47, 48). And activation of RAGE on both tumor and tumor-associated although CCL2 expression can be induced by a number of leukocytes may have generated a tumor-promoting stimuli, mechanisms responsible for its baseline expression inflammatory environment with secretion of proangio- by gliomas has not been identified. Here, we show that genic cytokines such as IL-6 and TNF-a (57). Supporting Clin Cancer Res; 2013 OF9

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Wang et al.

A TCGA subtype gene signature correlations (n = 1,420, FDR < 0.05) Figure 8. Correlation of S100B and S100B S100A8 S100A9 CCL2 expression in human 1 1 1

) 0.8 0.8 0.8 gliomas. A, correlation silhouette 0.6 0.6 0.6 plots with S100B, S100A8, and 0.4 0.4 0.4 S100A9 with the TCGA signature 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 genes from Verhaak and –0.2 –0.2 –0.2 colleagues (27). Correlation –0.4 –0.4 –0.4 coefficients for correlations with a –0.6 –0.6 –0.6 Correlation ( r FDR < 0.05 are plotted. S100A8 –0.8 –0.8 –0.8 –1 –1 –1 and S100A9 show positive correlations with the mesenchymal subtype and negative correlations with the proneural subtype, whereas S100B shows a negative S100B / CCL2 correlation B correlation with the mesenchymal Proneural Neural subtype and positive correlations Classical Mesenchymal with the proneural, neural, and (N = 52) (N = 20) (N = 34) (N = 54) classical subtypes. Correlations

121086 are calculated separately per probe per array per cohort. B, scatter plots for CCL2 and S100B within the 4 molecular subtypes in the

CCL2 TCGA training data from Verhaak and colleagues (27). CCL2 and S100B show significant positive correlation in proneural and neural 9.0 9.5 10.5 11.5 12.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 9.5 10.0 11.0 12.0 7 8 9 10 11 12 tumors, but not classical or S100B S100B S100B S100B mesenchymal tumors. P = 0.003, r = 0.4 P = 0.004, r = 0.61 P = 0.84, r = 0.04 P = 0.88, r = 0.02

our previous report, S100B-mediated activation of Stat3 its upregulation in neurons by glioma S100B could be in TAMs may have also contributed to the local immu- partly responsible for neurotoxicity associated with nosuppressive tumor milieu and tumor progression (15). malignant gliomas. What was not clear in this study, however, is why further In summary, we showed that glioma production of upregulation of S100B did not enhance the tumorigenic- S100B enhanced tumor growth through CCL2 upregulation ity of GL261 gliomas? Despite a higher proliferative rate, and TAM chemoattraction in murine models. In human animal survival and tumor growth of the S100Bhigh gliomas, however, a direct correlation between S100B and tumors were similar to the S100Bwt group. Because CCL2 expression was only detected in neural and proneu- S100B inflammatory responses are concentration depen- ral, but not classical or mesenchymal glioma types. This dent, we speculate that higher levels of S100B in observation, although unexpected initially, highlights the S100Bhigh gliomas may have shifted the tumor-promoting complexity of chemokine/cytokine networks involved microenvironment into a cytotoxic proinflammatory one, in the chemoattraction of myeloid-derived cells into glio- thus limiting tumor growth. In future studies, we will mas. Mesenchymal-type gliomas, for example, are charac- address this issue by evaluating the effect of S100B levels terized by necrosis and inflammatory infiltrates (27). In on tumor immunogenicity. these tumors, other S100 proteins (such as S100A8 and The interaction of RAGE with its ligands leads to S100A9) or chemokines that are induced by hypoxia sustained cellular perturbation in chronic diseases such (such as CXCL12) may be more important in maintaining as diabetes, inflammation, and Alzheimer’s disease (58, a proinflammatory tumor microenvironment (64). Never- 59). The activation of RAGE by glioma S100B in our study theless, our observations highlight the role of S100B in may have other implications besides induction of tumor gliomagenesis and introduce the potential utility of S100B inflammation. Although not studied in detail, we noted inhibitors for glioma therapy. that RAGE expression seemed to increase in neurons adjacent to S100Bhigh tumors. In neurons, RAGE mediates Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest oxidative stress induced by amyloid-b peptide (60), caus- No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. ing mitochondrial dysfunction (61). Targeted expression Authors' Contributions of RAGE in neurons also accelerates cognitive decline Conception and design: H. Wang, L. Zhang, B. Badie (62), and its inhibition has been shown to normalize Development of methodology: H. Wang, H. Ren, S. Badie, B. Badie Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, cognitive performance in mice models of Alzheimer’s provided facilities, etc.): H. Wang, X. Chen, A.C. Carvalho da Fonseca, disease (63). Considering the cytotoxic effects of RAGE, S. Wu, S. Badie

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S100B Promotes Glioma Growth

Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biosta- Grant Support tistics, computational analysis): H. Wang, I.Y. Zhang, S. Wu, S. Badie, C.D. This work was supported by R21CA131765, R01CA155769, James S. Warden, B. Badie McDonnell Foundation, and ThinkCure Foundation. The City of Hope Flow Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: H. Wang, I.Y. Zhang, Cytometry Core was equipped in part through funding provided by ONR B. Badie N00014-02-1 0958, DOD 1435-04-03GT-73134, and NSF DBI-9970143. Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or orga- The Bioinformatics Core was funded in part by NCI CCSG P30 CA33572. nizing data, constructing databases): H. Wang, B. Badie The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment Study supervision: L. Zhang, B. Badie of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. B. Armstrong for assisting with confocal micros- Received December 3, 2012; revised April 18, 2013; accepted May 14, copy and intravital imaging, and Dr. M. Morgan for editorial support. 2013; published OnlineFirst May 29, 2013.

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S100B Promotes Glioma Growth through Chemoattraction of Myeloid-Derived Macrophages

Huaqing Wang, Leying Zhang, Ian Y. Zhang, et al.

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