ISSUE #16 MAY 2016


A WORD FROM DUNCAN A welcome from the Business Opportunity Manager

A WORD FROM ALISTAIR An update from the Project Director

SHEAR RESTRAINTS Learn more about what shear restraints are and how they will be used on Brent

ATTIC OIL RECOVERY A look at the Brent Delta attic oil recovery project

RESEARCH See how research is supporting the Brent decommissioning project

PROJECT LESSONS AND EXPERIENCE Sharing over 10 years of project lessons and experience

RECYCLING Brent helps the with an interesting reuse project BRENT E-NEWS Issue #16 May 2016


Welcome to issue 16 of Brent e-news. We also plan wider communications later they will be made into two bridges. in the year. Read the dedicated article later in this In this issue we will share our latest offshore newsletter to find out more about this progress, explore how we are sharing our “SHELL VIEWS creative reuse opportunity.Finally, please knowledge and key learning with other KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER note the refreshed content on our website. colleagues in the industry and tell you The site is constantly evolving with new about an exciting project where Shell has AS KEY TO IMPROVING content, videos and images added as been able to support the Deeside Railway. THE DECOMMISSIONING often as possible to ensure that new We will also update you on our refreshed INDUSTRY AND HAVE information is available and that we can website which is one of the main resources keep you up to date with our activities. for all Brent updates and project information. ENGAGED WHEREVER In 2016 this will be a more regular feature. POSSIBLE TO SHARE Our aim is to capture the decommissioning In 2016 we are looking ahead to a busy THE BRENT STORY AND work as it happens. period when the team will be visiting stakeholders to discuss project findings; LESSONS LEARNED.” You will see that new material such as an this follows on from engagements last image gallery and videos from the Brent year which concluded with our Cell If you would be interested in meeting to team have already been added. I hope Management Stakeholder Task Group discuss our Brent Field decommissioning that you will find this information useful (CMSTG) plenary event in November proposals, I would be happy to hear from and informative. where the detailed analyses of the cell you. You will be able to get in touch with the sediments were discussed. team via the ‘Contact us’ link on the website. Duncan Business Opportunity Manager Shell views knowledge transfer as key to improving the decommissioning industry and have engaged wherever possible to share the Brent story and lessons learned. Alistair, my colleagues and I attend many industry ONE-TO-ONE conferences, events and seminars and you ENGAGEMENT can read more about this later in this issue. If you would like to be briefed An example of creative reuse one-to-one on any aspect of the was demonstrated Brent Decommissioning Project’s recently by the developments, or would like to raise Deeside Railway who any particular queries or issues with contacted Shell to the Project team, please contact us at ask if they could use the or you underdeck runway beams, can also get in touch with the team via once they were no longer needed. the ‘Contact us’ link on the website. Shell has donated the beams and

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There has been a lot of activity both Readiness for the topside lift is going “READINESS FOR THE on and offshore from an engineering well and one of our key aspects is the TOPSIDE LIFT IS GOING perspective since our last newsletter production and installation of shear WELL AND ONE OF OUR at the end of 2015. restraints. These are the giant clamps that will be added to the legs prior to KEY ASPECTS IS THE Our key focus for Brent Delta remains the lifting of the platform – you can read PRODUCTION AND the preparation for the topside lift. more about the shear restraints later in INSTALLATION OF this issue of e-news. We are working closely with Allseas, who SHEAR RESTRAINTS.” we have commissioned for the heavy lift of On Bravo our focus has been on plugging the Brent Delta platform using the Pioneering wells. This is one of the most significant Spirit vessel. Allseas have advised us that areas of activity for any decommissioning the topside lift is now expected to take project, and industry data suggests this place in Summer 2017. The lifting of the typically accounts for 40% or more of all Brent Delta topside is not specifically time expenditure. Using the lessons we have bound, and Shell has always been clear learned from Delta we have generally that the lift will only take place when the been able to apply great time and cost topside, vessel, and Able UK Ltd. Seaton savings to our operations on Bravo. This Port yard are ready, and all necessary is experience that we have shared both permits and consents have been granted. internally with colleagues in Shell and with others in the industry. Our attic oil techniques will use innovative technology adapted specifically to The team who has been working on remove the small portion of oil trapped plugging activities have been operating SIT site tour at the top of the cells on Delta. During the on the platforms since 2008. Many winter period, large baseplates, which lessons have been learnt which have are almost 2.5 metres in length were been invaluable. In this e-news we will installed 80 metres under the sea onto the share some examples as well as details top of Delta’s storage cells, each of which of where representatives from the team stand 60 metres tall by 20 metres wide. have been to recently to engage more broadly about the project. Onshore System Integration Testing (SIT) CONTACT US for attic oil methods was completed Alistair in early March near Inverurie in Project Director For further information on the , – I met with Project, please visit a representative from Oil and Gas brentdecomm or, you can also get in Authority (OGA) at the testing to view touch with the team via the ‘Contact this new technology and we also took Us’ link on the website. the opportunity for a site tour.

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In issue 15 of Brent e-news, we updated Production of the high grade steel fast turn-around, but the work is very you on our extensive offshore activities. restraints commenced in the small specialist and occurs in tight spaces, to This detailed the installation of eight Aberdeenshire town of in precise specifications and challenging giant cruciform points which Allseas will November last year and by early conditions. To see the first successful use as lifting points for the Pioneering March, the giant rings were ready for installation was a great triumph.” Spirit vessel to execute the Brent Delta transportation. A trial assembly was platform single lift. undertaken onshore; as transportation of The lessons that we have learned from the rings offshore necessitated the rings the installation of these restraints on Brent Successful installation was completed to be sent in smaller segments, it was Delta will be captured and shared with over the winter and some of the surplus vital that they could be pieced together the team ahead of similar operations equipment has been donated to the perfectly on arrival and after a successful on Bravo. Deeside Railway which you can read onshore trial, they were ready to be about elsewhere in this newsletter. shipped offshore for installation. “...THE WORK IS VERY Now the offshore focus has moved to The journey took the rings from the SPECIALIST AND OCCURS reinforcing Delta’s three legs, each with manufacturer to where they a diameter of almost 12 metres – about were transferred to a vessel before being IN TIGHT SPACES, TO the same size as three small hatchback shipped to the platform. Once offshore a PRECISE SPECIFICATIONS cars nose to tail – ahead of the lift. team securely fitted them to the inside of AND CHALLENGING the legs – no mean feat considering the The steel ring shaped restraints are being size and weight of each component. CONDITIONS.” attached to the inside of each of the The work also had to be conducted within platform legs ahead of the cut and lift the confines of a 40-year-old platform leg operations in order to provide additional in the middle of the North Sea. strengthening provisions. Each ring will weigh approximately 35 tonnes when The first full installation was completed at fully installed, the equivalent of five the end of March with the other two rings double decker busses. transported and installed in April.

Shell’s Brent engineering team has Project Engineer Eric McWilliam worked on the design of the rings in described the work as unique. conjunction with civil engineering “On the surface, this sounds quite a specialists. simple project and we have had a really

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There is a small portion of oil within the Each piece of equipment has to be top dome of the Brent Delta cells. The expertly guided into place by a team of oil cannot be recovered with the internal ROV ‘pilots’ who work on rotational shifts. process piping due to the design of the cell outlet piping and the fact that oil is Individual baseplates allow for the buoyant on water. operations to take place and are required

on each of Delta’s 16 cells. 60m Height Operations to recover the attic oil will be conducted offshore using Remote Anchor hubs form a connection into the Operated Vehicle (ROV) technology. concrete cell tops via the base plates and A hole will be drilled in each cell and provide a seal – they prevent flow of the oil will be extracted using flexible piping attic oil outside the cell. This is where the system where it will be temporarily other tools connect into the pump so that the 18.5m Width Attic Oil Cell detail gathered into one storage cell for oil can be extracted via the piping system. removal by ship. The offshore crews supporting the attic Alistair Hope says “We have reduced Project Engineer Chris Morris explains oil project are working 24/7 with safety exposure with the method we are “The design of the Delta cells allowed a support from around 25 personnel. using and the team has shown innovative portion of oil to be stored above the oil thinking in their approach. The work export pipe. With our technique we are Activities have been gathering momentum has taken place in an impressive time going to access the cell via a hole drilled since early in 2014 with successful for an operation that has not been done in the top and then we will combine the deployment of the first baseplates in previously. Together, the team has done a oil into one cell before going back to autumn 2015. great job.” collect it.” In March 2016, Project Director Alistair Shell’s attic oil operations have been Hope met with the Decommissioning ongoing since 2014, after the cell survey Manager for the Oil and Gas Authority, project surveyed three of the cells. John Ibbotson, to tour test facilities in Inverurie.

Safety is Shell’s top priority so operations The next phase of the project will see have been designed to eliminate the use the amalgamation of the oil commence of divers, placing greater emphasis on offshore and at a later date, retrieval of ROV operations. the oil from the last cell.

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From the start of the Project in 2006 studies that Shell would undertake to Sea. Collaboration and cooperation with it was always understood that the enable it to prepare for decommissioning world-class academic institutes has to be Decommissioning of the Brent field was of the Brent Field.” So far the IRG has the way ahead”. going to take some time! Project Director reviewed over 300 major reports, Alistair Hope has been focused on maintaining its impartiality throughout. “I am looking forward to the results of the ensuring the team has had access to the pipeline surveys, where Shell is supporting best available research data and the most The project has commissioned a wide Marine Scotland in investigating the current relevant technical studies. range of studies covering a diverse range influence on habitats, using four Brent of topics including cutting, lifting, and pipelines as part of the study, and the work “Decommissioning Brent poses many environmental impacts. we have commissioned from SRSL (the complex engineering challenges and commercial research service of Scottish dilemmas, and we needed to be certain Brent has also benefitted from Shell’s long Association for Marine Science) looking that we had explored every option”, term strategic relationship with NERC at the possibilities of enhanced habitat said Alistair. “It was clear that research (Natural Environment Research Council) recovery on Gravity Based Structures.” programmes could help in progressing our who are now focusing on decommissioning understanding, and inform the development as an emerging area for innovation. In “Although we are bound to using of solutions and recommendations, based 2015 the team worked closely with NERC Best Available Technologies for the on sound and verifiable science”. in developing their call for collaborative development of our Decommissioning decommissioning research projects focused Programme for Brent, there is always a “We have always been open about on partnerships from academia and the oil requirement to monitor the future direction the lessons that were learned from the and gas industry. and developments in R&D. proposed Brent Spar decommissioning in 1995. These included the importance “Within the project, we have set up a We have to think about the applications of early, and very broad stakeholder working group to co-ordinate and drive of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, engagement and the requirement for sound the strategic direction of our research and other similar emerging technologies science which has been independently activities” said Alistair. “Currently we are that could be available for monitoring, reviewed. Recognising that it would be involved in some very interesting research inspection and sensing programmes well unlikely that many of our stakeholders programmes, either directly or indirectly, into the future. Technical innovation has would have the expertise to analyse the and we are looking ahead to understand been key to our decommissioning strategy details of project specifics, Professor John what data or technologies might be so far, and I am sure it will continue to be Shepherd was invited to establish a group available to us in the future, perhaps for so as we move into the execution of our of leading academics – The Independent improved long-term monitoring, or better DP in the years to come.” Review Group (IRG) – to review the various understanding of the ecology of the North

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Since 2006, Shell’s Brent used innovative technology to undertake since 2006 when the Brent Flare was Decommissioning project team has this work. A lot of interest has been presented. At last year’s NPF conference, engaged with the regulator, industry shown in the Brent decommissioning Project Director Alistair Hope once again bodies, other operators and the supply process with many people seeking to gave his annual progress update on the chain to share project lessons and understand what we are going through. decommissioning of the Brent field. experience as is lawfully possible. Similarly, we have appreciated the With only around 10% of fields in the UK opportunity to learn from operators who Former Brent Decommissioning Execution Continental Shelf (UKCS) having submitted also have large topside facilities and Manager Paul Smy returned to his roots their decommissioning proposals to date, concrete gravity base structures.” and travelled to both Houston and Kuala the UK offshore decommissioning industry Lumpur in February and March 2016 is in its relative infancy. With a core team of almost 50 people where he was able to share some learning over 10 years, the Brent team has a as part of his new role in Shell’s global When Shell first announced that it was considerable bank of accumulated decommissioning team. to begin decommissioning the Brent field knowledge to share. a decade ago, the company committed “Brent is one of those projects that to share its key learning. “...A LOT OF INTEREST everyone in the industry is interested in – there is just so much knowledge to In the last 12 months, representatives HAS BEEN SHOWN share and people can learn from the from the project have visited Norway, IN THE BRENT real experiences that we have been Malaysia and the USA to share DECOMMISSIONING through as we look into the best way to experiences at various conferences decommission”, said Paul. “That, coupled and decommissioning forums. PROCESS WITH MANY with the fact so many people have worked PEOPLE SEEKING TO on Brent at some point in their career, is “Having been at the forefront of the UNDERSTAND WHAT WE what makes it different.” industry during commissioning, the field is now amongst the first reaching the end ARE GOING THROUGH.” Looking ahead, the team will continue to of its productive lifecycle”, said Duncan share the work done on the project ahead Manning, Business Opportunity Manager In 2015, Shell hosted the International of submission of the decommissioning for Brent. Association of Oil and Gas Producers programme. (IOGP) meeting in Aberdeen. This “By sharing the lessons we have learnt on followed attendance at the Norske Brent, we can help others develop their Petroleumsforening (NPF) – a conference proposals and they can see how Shell the project has attended regularly

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Railway enthusiasts and ramblers alike “The railway is a 100% voluntary “THE DONATION OF THE are set to benefit from Shell’s Brent organisation. While income from BEAMS FROM THE BRENT decommissioning project thanks to a ticket sales and special events covers DECOMMISSIONING donation of several large steel beams. operational costs of the locomotives and rolling stock, we rely on donations PROJECT IS A MAJOR The beams, used originally to aid and grants for our expansion work. CONTRIBUTION TO the installation of giant lift points on The donation of the beams from the Brent EXTENDING THE the Brent Delta platform ahead of decommissioning project is a major removing the platform’s topside in one contribution to extending the railway.” RAILWAY.” lift have been handed over to Deeside Railway following a request from one Richard and his fellow volunteers are the railway to expand eastwards of its volunteers. restoring the Deeside Railway along part towards Drumoak and will cross the of its original trackbed. The Deeside service road to the Milton of Crathes The steel beams will be used to construct Railway once travelled from Aberdeen craft village. two new bridges in the Deeside area – to , but its tracks have since been a footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists removed and the path opened as a well- Alistair Hope, Project Director for and a second for trains. used public walking and cycling track. Brent Decommissioning, said: “We’re delighted to be able to donate the Richard Hamlet, who is Lead Technical While in operation, the railway was runway beams from the Brent Delta Safety Engineer for the Wood Group on used by the British Royal Family to travel underdeck work and give them a new the Decommissioning Services Contract, to their Scottish retreat at Balmoral. lease of life. Ultimately Shell’s aim is to made the request for the beams. In his The Royal Deeside Railway Preservation recycle 97% of the Brent Delta topside so spare time he acts as Treasurer of the Society is using part of the way to it’s great to start as we mean to go on.” Royal Deeside Railway Preservation build a heritage railway. Society and volunteers at the railway. The steel beams from the Brent Delta “I noticed that the steel beams had been platform will be used to build two earmarked for melting down following bridges: a 17-metre footbridge and a completion of the underdeck work on railway bridge. The footbridge will be Brent Delta. It occurred to me that they for users of the and will would be perfect for constructing the cross the Burn O’Bennie in , bridges we need as part of our extension running parallel to the existing railway work,” said Richard. bridge. The second bridge will enable

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For further information on the Project, please visit or, you can also get in touch with the team via the ‘Contact Us’ link on the website.

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