Party Conferences 2016

LABOUR PARTY CONFERENCE CONSERVATIVE PARTY CONFERENCE Monday 26 September Tuesday 4 October Hilton Liverpool City Centre - Meeting Room 6 Jurys Inn Birmingham The Longer School Day: A Revolution in Character Education? The Longer School Day: A Revolution in Character Education? 08.00 - 09.30 08.00 - 09.30 - Room 105 Lucy Powell MP; Prof. James Arthur, The Jubilee Centre for Justine Greening MP (invited); Prof. James Arthur, The Jubilee Character and Virtues; Shelagh Hirst, ATL; Ralph Scott, Demos; Centre for Character and Virtues; Charlotte Hill, Step Up To Laura McInerney, Schools Week (Chair) Serve; Ralph Scott, Demos; Sonia Sodha, The Observer (Chair) Supported by The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues Supported by The Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues TEF vs REF: Are Teaching and Research now Adversaries? TEF vs REF: Are Teaching and Research now Adversaries? 08.00 - 09.30 - Room 107 10.00 - 11.30 Lord Willetts; Prof. Lucy Donaldson, The Physiological Society; Louis Dr Roberta Blackman-Woods MP; Prof. Lucy Donaldson, The Reynolds, Demos (Chair) Physiological Society; Ralph Scott, Demos (Chair) This event is by invitation only. Please email [email protected] This event is by invitation only. Please email [email protected] Supported by The Physiological Society Supported by The Physiological Society Community Chest: A Vision for Local Banking 10.00 - 11.30 - Room 107 Banking For All: Tackling Financial Exclusion Together Guy Opperman MP; Louis Reynolds, Demos (Chair) 12.30 - 14.00 This event is by invitation only. Please email [email protected] Helen Goodman MP; Charlie Cadywould, Demos; Michelle Highman, Supported by The Friends Provident Foundation The Money Charity; Michael Mercieca, Young Enterprise; Alan Banking For All: Tackling Financial Exclusion Together Nicholls, Lloyds Banking Group; Zoe Williams, The Guardian (Chair) 12.30 - 14.00 - Room 105 Supported by Lloyds Banking Group Richard Harrington MP; Charlie Cadywould, Demos; Joanna Elson, Disrupting Democracy: Is Social Media Helping or Harming Politics? Money Advice Trust; Alan Nicholls, Lloyds Banking Group; Sir Brian Pomeroy; Philip Collins, Demos and The Times (Chair) 17.30 - 19.00 Supported by Lloyds Banking Group MP (invited); David Evans, BCS; Alex Krasodomski- Challenges Ahead: Balancing Security, Democracy and Civil Jones, CASM; Nick Pickles, ; Jim Waterson, Buzzfeed (Chair) Supported by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT Liberties in an Age of Terrorism 12.30 - 14.00 - Room 107 Sarah Newton MP (invited); Dominic Grieve MP (invited); Rachael After : Reclaiming Patriotism from the Right Jolley, Index on Censorship; Rick Muir, The Police Foundation; Louis 19.15 - 20.45 Reynolds, Demos; Kate McCann, The Telegraph (Chair, invited) Tristram Hunt MP; Liz Kendall MP; Stephen Kinnock MP; Emma Supported by Index on Censorship Reynolds MP; Philip Collins, Demos and The Times (Chair) Disrupting Democracy: Is Social Media Helping or Harming Politics? 17.30 - 19.00 - Room 105 Tuesday 27 September Matt Warman MP; David Evans, BCS; Alex Krasodomski-Jones, CASM; Hilton Liverpool City Centre - Meeting Room 2 Nick Pickles, Twitter; Mike Sani, Bite the Ballot; Kate Russell, BBC (Chair) Supported by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT Power to the People: What does the Public want from A Country That Works: Can the Government Deliver Brexit and Devolution? 14.30 - 16.00 Domestic Reform? Joe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool; Jim McMahon MP (invited); Tina 19.30 - 21.00 - Room 105 Hallett, PwC; Ben Shimshon, Britain Thinks; Claudia Wood, Demos George Freeman MP; Liam Fox MP (invited); James Blitz, The Financial (Chair) Times; Julian McCrae, The Institue for Government; Claudia Wood, This event is by invitation only. Please email [email protected] Demos; Philip Collins, Demos and The Times (Chair) Supported by PwC In Partnership with the Institute for Government

SNP CONFERENCE Friday 14 October - Glasgow Universities: Are Teaching and Research now Adversaries? Disrupting Democracy: Is Social Media Helping or Harming Politics? 09.00 - 11.00 - Crowne Plaza Hotel 12.30 - 13.30 - Hilton Garden Inn Carol Monaghan MP; Roger Mullin MP; Shirley-Anne Sommerville MSP; Pete Wishart MP; Clare Adamson MSP (invited); David Evans, BCS; Alex Prof. Blair Grubb, University of Liverpool; Ralph Scott, Demos (Chair) Krasodomski-Jones, CASM; Kirk Torrance, Industrial New Media; This event is by invitation only. Please email [email protected] George Eaton, New Statesman (Chair, invited) Supported by The Physiological Society Supported by BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT