BOARD of REVIEWREVIEW TTrainingraining Manual

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Advancements StepsSteps

The LearnsLearns The The Scout is Tested

The Scout is ReviewedReviewed The The Scout isis RecognizedRecognized

Policies and procedures referred to in this manual may be found in the Troop Committee Guidebook”Guidebook" (No. 34505) and in the AdvancementAdvancement Guidelines (No. 38088)38088).. If qquestionsuestions concerning advancement arise or clarification is needed, contactcontact your District Advancement Chairman.

Golden Empire Council AdvancementAdvancement Committee (rev(revisedised June 2013/1p)2013/lp)

The Board ofof ReviewReview Purpose After a Scout has completed the requirements, includingincluding a Scoutmaster'sScoutmaster’s conference, for any rank or Eagle Palm, hehe appears before a board of The The purpose of the Board is to determine the quality of the Scout'sScout’s experiences, decide whether he is qualified to advance and, if so, encourageencourage him to ccontinueontinue the quest for Eagle or the next Palm. A periodic review of the progress of a Scout is vital in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the program in the unit. The The unit committee can judge how well the Scout being reviewed is benefiting fromfrom the program. TheThe unit leader can measuremeasure the effectiveness of his or her leadership. The Scout can sense that he is, or is not, advancing properly and can be encouraged to make the most of his Scouting experience. Not only is it important to review those Scouts who have learned and been tested for a rank, but also to review those Scouts who have shown no progress in their advancement over the past several months. The review is not an examination; the board does not retest the candidate. Rather, Rather, the board should attempt to determine the Scout'sScout’s attitude and his acceptance of ideals of Scouting.Scouting. The The board should make sure that good standards have been met in all phases of the Scout'sScout’s life. AA discussion of the Scout Oath and isis in keeping wwithith thethe purposepurpose of the review, to makemake suresure that the candidate recognizes and understands the value of Scouting in his home, unit, school, and community. Misunderstandings on the role of the Board of ReviewReview have been caused by the word, “review”"review" NationalNational Advancement Guidelines includes in their definition, “not"not a re-examination".re-examination”. A good Board of ReviewReview is concerned about: •. understanding of Scouting ideals • a scout'sscout’s attitude • participation in troop and patrol activities • rate of advancement • maimaintainingntaining standards (requirements) • motivating scouts to further advancement

These points will be reviewed if openopen-ended,-ended, narrative type questions are asked. TheThe purpose is to get the scout to talk. TheThe board does not re-test-test the candidate about specific knowledge, but should encourage the scout to talk about his experiences and what he has learned. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS SHOULD REQUIRE A NARRATIVE ANSWER.ANSWER.

Scout advancement: Scouts move ahead at their own speed. They They are not competing with others,. AnAn effectiveffectivee unit is one that challengeschallenges them to gogo asas far asas their ambition will carry them. The The rate of advancement is individual, andand depends upon each Scout'sScout’s interest, effort,effort, andand ability.

Timeliness When a boy satisfactorily completes his board of review for a rank or an Eagle Palm, tenure for his next rank or Eagle Palm begins immediately. The The Board of ReviewReview date is the advancement date. Quality units hold boards at least monthly so Scouts are not delayed in beginning time--orientedoriented requirements for the nextnext rank.

This manual contains sample questions that illustrate these ideas. ThereThere is also spacespace to add questions of your own, using the examples asas guidelines. However, BOARDS OF REVIEW SHOULD NOT BE SCRIPTED.

Inappropriate Questions • TieTie a bowline knot. • DemonstrateDemonstrate CPR.CPR. • ShowShow the board how you would stop bleeding in aa severe cut.

EXTREMELY PERSONAL QUESTIONS SHOULD BE AVOIDED. • WhyWhy did your parents get divorced? • WhyWhy don’tdon't you go to church? • HowHow much money do you earn/save?

It should be noted that many questionsquestions are not specific for a particular rank, but can be asked at any level to progressively measure the effectiveness of the unit'sunit’s program. Questions Questions about the Scout Oath and Scout Law are in keepingkeeping with thethe purposepurpose of the review at any rank.rank. • WhatWhat areare your goals in scouting? • WhatWhat does Scout Spirit mean to you? • WhyWhy is service to others important in scouting?

NOTE: AlternativeAlternative requirements for advancement are available for Scouts with physical or mental disabilities if they meet the criteria listed iinn the BoyBoy SScoutcout RequirementsRequirements book ((No.No. 33215).33215). NoNo council, district,district, unit,unit, or individual hashas the authority to add to, or to subtract from any advancement requirements. ForFor help with the procedures for alternativealternative requirements, consult the Guide to AdvancementAdvancement and also discuss things with the District Advancement Chairman fforor youyourr district.

Guidelines for the Board of Review TTenderfootenderfoot through Life and Palms Boards of ReviewReview are conducted at the unit level for Tenderfoot, SecondSecond Class, First Class, Star,Star, andand Life ranks, and Eagle Palms. Eagle Eagle rank Boards of ReviewReview are conducted at the district or council level.

Notes about Boards of Review:

Unit boards of review are comprised of: At least three and not more than six members of the troop committee.committee. One One member serves as chairman, usually the committee advancement coordinator. UnitUnit leaders, assistant unit leaders, relatives, or guardians may not serve asas members of a Scout'sScout’s board of

Boards should be held in a convenientconvenient place and at a convenientconvenient time. Because many boys are ill at ease when talking to adults, it is important that the board be held in a relaxed atmosphere. The The Scout should also bring his Scout handbook so that it can be review and signed ifif he is approved.

> TheThe review shouldshould take approximately 15 minutes.minutes. A certain amount of formalityformality and meaningful questioning should be used during the review. The The board of reviewreview members should feel free to refer to the , Scoutmaster Handbook or any other references during the review,review, including this training manual, which provides sample questionsquestions..

The Scout should be neat. The uniform should be asas correct as possible, with the badges worn properly. ItIt is preferablepreferable that a ScoutScout be in full uniform for any BoardBoard of RRevieweview and the unit should establish what is acceptable attireattire..

> EncourageEncourage the scout to talk soso it can be a learning experience. Hopefully the review is a learning experience for both the candidate andand the membersmembers of the board.board. The The unit committee can judgejudge is the Scout is benefiting from the program and the committee can measure the effectiveness of the program being offered.offered. The The Scout can sense that he is, or is not, advancing properly and can be encouraged to make the most of his Scouting experience.

> BeBe a unanimous decision. At the conclusion of the review, the board should know whether a boy is qualified for the rank or Palm. The The Scout is asked to leave the room while the board members discuss his achievements. The The decision of the board is arrivedarrived at through discussion and must be unanimous. IfIf members are satisfied that the Scout is ready to advance, hehe is called in, congratulated, notified asas to when he will receive his recognition, andand encouraged to continue his advancement or earn the next Palm.Palm.

If the board decides that the Scout is not ready to advance, thethe candidate should be informed and told what he has not done satisfactorily. The The board should specify what must be done to rework the candidates’candidates' weaknessesweaknesses and schedule another board ooff reviewreview for him. AA follow-upfollow-up letter must be sent to a Scout who is turned down for rank advancement, confirming the agreementsagreements reachedreached on the

actions necessary for advancement. Should Should the Scout disagree with the decision, there is an appeal process. (see (see AdvancementAdvancement Guidelines)Guidelines)

> RememberRemember that a Scout cannot formally be recognized for advancement until it is reported on an advancement report.

Advancement Forms/Reporting Process At the time of the board, the unit should complete either a computer generatedgenerated advancement form or use a standard advancement form which all members of the board sign, verifying their attendance and decision. This This action is then reported to the Council by the unit through the online advancement system. When When completing an Eagle Palm, there is a separate application that must also be completed and signed by all three board members. Paperwork Paperwork for Eagle Palms is submitted directly to the Eagle Advisor at the Council office andand must be reviewed and approved before a palm rank Board of Review is held. Once Once online advancement forms havehave beenbeen generated, they can be taken to the Scout Shop to pick up the actual awards.

Resources: Boys Scout Requirement Book (annual publication, No.No. 33215)33215)

Troop Committee Guidebook.Guidebook. (available (available for purchase in Scout Shop or online) hap ://www. committee_guidebook.pdf

Guide to AdvancementAdvancement (available(available for purchase in Scout Shop or online)

Application for Alternative Eagle Eagle Scout Rank Merit Badges

Tenderfoot Rank

The requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks may be worked on simultaneously; however,however, thesethese ranks must be earned in sequence.

The requirements for Tenderfoot focus on introductory scoutscout skills: one camp-out,-out, somesome cooking, knowledge of scouting principles, physical fitness, somesome first aid, andand plant identification.

Sample Questions

* WhyWhy is being a Boy Scout important to you?

* HowHow will fulfilling requirement number ___ _ help

* HowHow did you help the troop enjoy thethe last campout?

* WhatWhat does your patrol flag look like?

* WhyWhy is being aware of the differentdifferent types of plants around you important?important?

* WhyWhy is first aid important to learn?

* HowHow have you demonstrated Scout Spirit?

* WhereWhere is Scout Spirit present in your daily life?

* WhatWhat is a good turn? HowHow often should it be done?done?

SeconSecondd ClassClass Rank

The requirements for Second Class build upon those neededneeded to earn Tenderfoot. There There is a continued focus on scout skillsskills,, including mapmap and compass, more participation in troop/patrol activities, fire building,building, mmoreore cooking, continued knowledgeknowledge of scouting principles, more first aid, water safety, more knots, and animal identification

Sample QuestionsQuestions

* WhatWhat did you learn/feel in giving service to others?

* WhyWhy do you think teaches map and compass?

* WhyWhy is understanding the dangersdangers of drugs important?

* AA Scout is ______(point (point of ScoutScout law). What What have you done in the lastlast week to demonstratedemonstrate this?this?

* WhatWhat have your camping experiences been like?

* WhatWhat rolerole (responsibility)(responsibility) havehave you had in these trips?

* InIn whatwhat flag ceremonyceremony did you participate?

* WhatWhat service projects did you help with?

* WhatWhat did you do for the 2nd2nd Class hike?

First ClassClass Rank

The requirements for First Class build upon those neededneeded to earnearn Second ClassClass.. There There is aa continued focus on scout skills, including orienteering,orienteering, more participation in troop/patrol activities, fire building, more cooking, continued knowledgeknowledge of scouting principles, more first aid, more knots, lashings, moremore plant identificationidentification,, and knowledge of civiccivic right and responsibilities. Sample QuestionsQuestions

* WhatWhat areare your goals in scouting?

* WhatWhat does it mean to you to be a United States citizen?

* WhyWhy do you think learning skills is important in the Boy Scout program?program?

* WhatWhat do you like/dislike most about trooptroop outings?

* HaveHave you earned any merit badges, how is it going?

* CanCan knots be useful/how?

* WhatWhat have you done to help other ScoutsScouts participate?

* WhatWhat have you done to help your patrol?

* WhatWhat part would you like to play in troop leadership in the next 6 months?months? 11 year?

Star ScoutScout Rank

The requirements for ranks above First Class require participation, leadership, serviceservice hours, andand completioncompletion of meritmerit badges, both Eagle requiredrequired badges and elective merit badges. (See(See the Boy Scout Handbook for a completecomplete list of merit badges.)badges.) Continued Continued demonstratdemonstrationion of ScScoutout spirit by living the Scout OathOath and Scout LawLaw in everyday life is important.

Sample QuestionsQuestions

* WhatWhat new skill(s) havehave you learned?

* WhatWhat new skill(s) have you taught?

* HowHow does "Show“Show Scout Spirit”Spirit" affect you moremore today than when you werewere a tenderfoot?

* WhatWhat did you like about earning merit badges?

* WhatWhat position of rresponsibilityesponsibility did you have in your ttroop?roop? What What did you learn? WhatWhat other positions areare you hoping to fulfill?

* ServiceService to others, what does this mean to you and your peers?

* IfIf youyou could change one thing about your unit, what would it be?be?

LLifeife Scout RankRank

The requirements for ranks above First Class require further participation, leadership, service hours, and completioncompletion of additionaladditional merit badges, both Eagle requiredrequired badges and elective merit badges. ((SeeSee the Boy Scout Handbook for a completecomplete list of merit badges.)badges.) Continued demonstration of Scout spirit by living the Scout OathOath and Scout LLawaw in every day life isis still important

Sample QuestionsQuestions

*• DoDo you consider yourself a teacher? *• AreAre your goals in scouting being met? * What does "be“be active"active” meanmean to you? *• WhatWhat are you looking for when you pick an elective merit badge? *• AsAs a scout, do you feel your responsibilities are the samesame asas a non-scout?-scout? *• AreAre your career choices being influenced by scouting/merit badgebadge program?program? *• HowHow have you helped younger scoutsscouts in the realm of Scout Spirit? *• WhatWhat leadership havehave you given in service projects? *• HowHow have you practiced the leadership learnedlearned in scouts in other group activities?

*• WhatWhat does ‘'DutyDuty to God'God’ meanmean to you? *• WhichWhich is thethe hardesthardest point ofof the Scout Law to live by?by? Which is the easiest?easiest?

Eagle ScoutScout Rank

Attaining the rank ofof EagleEagle requires continued participation, continuedcontinued leadership roles, completioncompletion of a total of 21 meritmerit badges,badges, 12 ofof whichwhich areare from the list of Eagle Required merit badges. Completion Completion of a Eagle service project is the fmalfinal task towards earningearning this rank. Continued Continued demonstration of ScouScoutt spirispiritt bbyy livinlivingg ththee ScouScoutt Oath (Promise) and Scout Law in everyday liflifee is still important.

Note: AllAll requirements for Eagle Scout must be completed before a candidate'scandidate’s 18th birthday. The Eagle Scout board of reviewreview is held at the district level, coordinated by the District Advancement Committee. AnAn Eagle Scout board of reviewreview can be held after the candidate'scandidate’s 18th18th birthday provided all requirements are completed prior. InIn order for a VenturerVenturer to be an EagEaglele candidate, hehe must have achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout or VarsityVarsity Scout

Eagle Board of Review

Purpose: toto determine if the scout'sscout’s attitude, values, and ideals are consistent with those of scouting. AA discussion concerning the Scout'sScout’s successes,successes, his experiences, along with the Scout Oath and Law are important in making this determination. The The Board is not re-testing,-testing, but an assurance of the candidate'scandidate’s participation in the program and his understanding of the values and ideals of The BoardBoard of RRevieweview for an Eagle candidate is composed of a minimum of three members and a maximum of six members, 2121 yearsyears of age or older. These These membersmembers do not have to be registered in Scouting, but they must have an understanding of the importanceimportance and purpose of the Eagle board of AtAt least one district or council advancement representative shall be a member of the Eagle board of The The review for Eagle rank should take approximately 30 minutes. ScoutmastersScoutmasters and AssistantAssistant ScoutmastersScoutmasters are very welcome Eagle Board members for Scouts not in their own units.

TThehe following areas of questioning are typical:typical:

• TheThe Scout'sScout’s involvement withwith troop responsibilities and activities. • DutyDuty to God • OutdoorOutdoor experiences • MeritMerit Badges and Advancement • EagleEagle Service Project • CitizenshipCitizenship • PersonalPersonal goals

If a Scout has a permanent physical or mental disability he may become an Eagle Scout by qualifying for as many required merit badges as he can and qualifying for alternative merit badges for the rest. If sosomeonemeone seeks to useuse this procedure, a special application must be submitted to thethe local council service center. The The council advancement committee must approve the application before work is donedone on alternative merit badges. Consult Consult AdvancementAdvancement Guidelines for specifics (free download).download).

AFTER BECOMING AN EAGLE SCOUSCOUT,T, Scouts can continue to participateparticipate in troop activities and continue earning merit badges until their 18th18th birthday. The The BSA recognizes achievements beyond thethe Eagle Scout rank by awarding Eagle Palms.

EEagleagle PalmsPalms

Scouts are eligible for Eagle Palms if they remain active in the troop or patrol for 3 monthsmonths after becoming an Eagle Scout or after receiving an Eagle Palm. They They must continue to demonstrate Scout Spirit by living the Scout Oath (Promise) andand Scout Law in their everyday lives. They They must earn 5 additional merit badges beyond those required for the Eagle rank or last Palm. There There is aa separateseparate Eagle Palm application that needsneeds to bebe completed, found online on the Council webpage. This This applicationapplication should be submitted to the Council for approval prior to a Board of Review being held, although the Board of ReviewReview is conducted at the unit level. The The application can be submitted anytime after 5 additional merit badges are earned but the Board can take place only when at least 3 monthsmonths have elapsed and participation has been adequate.

A Scout may wear only the proper combination of Palms for the number of merit badges hehe has earned beyond the rank ofof Eagle. TheThe Bronze Palm represents 5 merit badges,badges, thethe Gold Palm 10, and the Silver Palm 15.15. IfIf timetime allows andand enough merit badges areare earned, ScoutsScouts can earned 211d2nd bronze, gold, and silver Palms, andand then 33'rd bronze, gold, and silver, continuing until he reaches his 18th18th birthday.

*Merit badges earnedearned any time since becoming a Boy Scout may be used to meet this requirement

The Palm Board of Review Sample QuestionsQuestions

* WhichWhich additional merit badges did you earn and why those in particular?particular?

* WhatWhat has beenbeen your participation with your unit since you becamebecame an Eagle?Eagle?

* HowHow have you maintainmaintaineded and demonstrated your leadership ability?

* WhatWhat are your plans for the future concerning the Scouting program?

* WhyWhy you have continued to earn merit badges after becoming an Eagle?Eagle?

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