Deposition of: Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 In the Matter of: Talbot County Council Meeting Veritext Legal Solutions 800-734-5292 |
[email protected] | Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 1 1 TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND 2 3 4 COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING 5 6 7 February 11, 2020, 6:00 p.m. 8 9 10 Talbot County Courthouse, Easton, Maryland 11 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS: 14 Corey Pack, President 15 Chuck Callahan 16 Frank Divilio 17 Pete Lesher 18 Laura Price 19 20 21 REPORTED BY: David Corbin, RPR Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting February 11, 2020 Page 2 Page 4 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 1 that they also be accepted with unanimous 2 MR. PACK: Okay. Good evening, everyone. 2 consent. Thank you. Next item on your agenda, 3 If you wouldn't mind standing with us and 3 Council, you have a Proclamation for American 4 Mr. Lesher is going to lead us in the opening 4 Heart Month, February of 2020. We have with us 5 prayer followed by the pledge of allegiance. 5 Mr. Clay Stamp, director of emergency services 6 (Prayer and pledge of allegiance.) 6 and assistant County Manager. Clay, good to 7 MR. PACK: Thank you. Welcome, everyone. 7 see. 8 Thanks for coming out with us. We do have one 8 CLAY STAMP: Good to see you, Mr. Council 9 change to the agenda. One of the public 9 President and members of the Council. I've 10 hearings that we have scheduled for this 10 invited Gary Jones from the Talbot County 11 evening on Bill 1442 will be postponed this 11 Paramedic Foundation, and Greg Fries is our 12 evening.