Murray State's Digital Commons Fulton Daily Leader Newspapers 10-16-1946 Fulton Daily Leader, October 16, 1946 Fulton Daily Leader Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Fulton Daily Leader, "Fulton Daily Leader, October 16, 1946" (1946). Fulton Daily Leader. 480. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Fulton Daily Leader by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. -73- "1 -7-2M. STANDARD PRLNTING 1946 co Kentucky—Fair in east pig. Hen, Increasing cloudiness in west IT'S A BEAUTY' pert,on this afternoon, with mild What? The new Ford at Mudd- temperatures: showers in west ieston Motor Co. We suggest 7,ers portion tonight and scattered that you stop by for an inspec- ifs--(AP± showers Thursday, sealer in west tion as soon as possible—and ie annual portion Thursday night. labeittriS ask all about deg°214t011 ty Grand --1 Daily tabftr hiss, will 4- advance- Volume XLVII Associated Press Leased , J. W. Wire Fulton, Kentucky, Wednesday Evening. October 16, 1946 Five Cents Per Copy No. 247 present , moving ,nd chan- Master Farmers Quintet Of Potential Brown "No Soap" For D. Riley, Pewitt, Reed Constituents Noose-Cheating Goering Joins Receive Awards Tuesday Night GOP - Brown Ten Other Top Nazis Today In At Says Their Principal Dinner In Methodist Church Argument Is Gone With Nameless Graves For War Guilt Magazine Editor• Removal Of Controls By The Associated Press I)epu tv Fitch rer Presents Plaques Fulton Milk The decontrol of meat and its Fulton Cirl effect on the Nov.