COVID-19 and Misinformation Social Media Analysis COVID-19 on Social Media, Blogs & Forums | COVID-19 Social Media Post Volume

Volume Over Time, by Day Total Mentions 7 Unique Authors 6.3 million

▲None ▲None 6 115M Previous Period: 0 Previous Period: 0 92M 4.9 million 5 Language: English-only Location: United States-only 4 Platforms: , Reddit, Blogs, Forums, Tumblr


2 1.7 million

1 Number of Social Media Mentions (millions)Mentions of SocialMediaNumber

0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 JanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanJanFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebFebMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMarMar (A) February 28 (B) March 12 (C) March 17 • The day after Vice President • The day after World Health • issues state-wide Pence announced Organization announces stay at home order; US Navy appointments to the COVID-19 has reached ship to deploy to NY; coronavirus task force status widespread closings and cancelations begin Social Media Mentions and Online Search Behavior

Coronavirus: US Social Media Mentions and Google Searches • Trends in online search 7,000,000 100 behavior generally mirrored

90 mentions of the virus on 6,000,000 social media. 80 • Google searches peaked on 5,000,000 70 March 12. After a brief dip,

60 they rebounded and then 4,000,000 gradually declined along 50 with social media discourse 3,000,000

40 Google Google Search Score

2,000,000 30

Number of social mediamentionsof social Number 20 1,000,000 10

0 0

Social Media Mentions Google Search Score Wide Range of Topics Discussed • A 6-week period from mid 2/19/20 – 3/31/20 February through the end of March captured major events in the development and spread of the virus in the U.S. • Trending topics were wide ranging, and included discussion around: • The pandemic status and spread of the • The impact on specific geographic locations (, America, ) • The impact on individual health and the healthcare system • Prevention and mitigation strategies • Testing and healthcare resources 4 Dynamic Shift in COVID-19 Topics

• Toward discussions around social, organizational, and governmental control measures •

3/10/20 social distancing

– • • “Stay at home” measures • With these measures, people will

2/19/20 2/19/20 increasingly rely on social media • Get and share information • Work • Make/maintain social connections • Role of social and other digital

media companies (and others) in 3/31/20

– managing misinformation is

crucial 3/11/20 3/11/20 5 Misinformation, Disinformation, and Confusion

• The World Health Organization specifically joined TikTok to launch a TikTok information series that provides credible information about the virus. • As news develops and discussion topics shift, trends indicate that misinformation will follow. For example: • Misinformation around social distancing and shelter in place rules are likely to increase given current trends. • In addition to misinformation (incorrect information), and disinformation (intentionally incorrect information), confusion is also evident. For example: • Social distancing rules, specific policies in new/developing “shelter in place” or “stay at home” • Treatment guidelines (e.g., malaria drugs, ibuprofen vs. paracetamol/acetaminophen).

6 COVID-19 Misinformation Examples & Response MYTH RESPONSE

7 COVID-19 Misinformation Examples & Response


8 COVID-19 Misinformation: Social Media Platform Response

9 COVID-19 Digital Media Response Wikipedia Statement on COVID-19 COVID-19 Pop-Up on Google Search

World Health Organization Myth/ Fact Infographics

10 COVID-19 & Vaping: 2/25-3/23