PRSRT STD and Oakton U.S. Postage PAID Martinsburg, WV Vienna PERMIT #86 Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 05-21-09 ViVa! Vienna! attracts hundreds of area residents each year over the Memorial Day weekend. ViVa!ViVa! Vienna!Vienna! ComesComes toto TownTown Schools,Schools, PagePage 33 Classifieds, Page 13 Classifieds, ❖ Sports, Page 12 ❖ Former White Calendar, Page 8 ❖ House Chef Visits Vienna School News, Page 13 Opinion, Page 6 ool Oakton School House Preserved News, Page 12 Photo by Sarah Kashanian/Oakton High Sch Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comMay 20-26, 2009 ❖ Volume XXIII, Number 20 online at www.connectionnewspapers.comVienna Connection ❖ May 20-26, 2009 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Vienna Connection ❖ May 20-26, 2009 Vienna/Oakton Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-917-6428 or
[email protected] Thirty-Two FCPS Students Win ViVa! Vienna! Comes to Town National Merit Annual Memorial Day Scholarships The National Merit Scholarship Cor- poration (NMSC) has named 32 Fairfax festival biggest one yet. by Photo County Public Schools (FCPS) students win- ners of $2,500 National Merit® Scholar- By Donna Manz ships. The students are part of a group of The Connection Robbie Hammer approximately 2,500 National Merit® final- ists chosen to receive scholarships prima- f this is Memorial Day weekend, it rily financed by the NMSC. Winners of the must be ViVa! Vienna!, the town’s scholarships, with their probable career Ithree-day festival celebrating enter fields in parentheses, are: tainment, food, carnival rides, ven- ❖ /The Connection Alexandra Tanner of Lake Braddock Sec- dors and more food.