Selling your

soul to C professors don't get what they bargained for when signing contract for research and de"elopment. Millions U of dollars are at stake whenever a research project is . successful, and the author or inventor signs away hls nghts to the Vre the institution funding the project. please lum 10 rage 7 ·UCSD Police Chief

"Computer literacy is highly stressed here at UCSD, but reading and writing Don't cut it off boy. The I TACT Cal Gr,lnt B), .md vocatlonill .lptitude skills are deemphasized to the point of being negligent," said Carol Rogers, enforces new image Educational Foundation .lOd RehglOus­ (for Col i Gmnt C) are Jmong the crilerl.l newly appointed AS commissioner of Academic Affairs. Rogers' comment Freethinkers present a seminar on for qUillifying for a Cal Gmnr. preluded a Los Angdes Times expose entitled. "UCSD Working to Spell OUt Sunday from 1-3 pm at the Balboa Park o Tougher Student Writing Requirements." . . . By CHRISTOPHER CANOLE House of Hospitality tilled "Routine "One of my main goals IS to press for a more stnngent writing program at Infant CircumcISion." They Will argue, Vote! The C.lmpUS u mp'lign for Warren where the passi no-pass system weakens the incentive: Rogers ~id . Revelle students ni cknamed him But these numbers are not yet "T here is no medical, civilized, soctal or Voter P.lrtlcipation (CCVP) today kicks "There needs to be more writing courses added to the general education Smoky. His 5'10" rouna, bear-li ke frame satisfactory to Chief Anderson: "We are off its 1984 c,lmpaign promising to turn valid religlOu5.Justiflcallon for roullne requirements." . in a forest ranger-styled unifonn was co ncerned about the need for a larger infant circumcision. Therefore It is a out -500,000 new student, faculty and Many students express that the present writing courses are a waste of time. topped by a Teddy Roosevelt Rough number of minority and female officers. tragic .lOd shameful violent sex cnme staff voters lo r both the June 5 and SlUdents enjoy keeping journals and writing about current events, but these Rider campaign hat. He roamed the Right now the force is about 90% white (Amenca's most prevalent) now being November 6 Sl.lleWld e elections." assignments do not prepare them to write essays for other classes. "For me, donns telling off-color jokes and Navy males, The problem is they are not perpetrated against about 90% of the According to Jim Lofgren of the CCVP writing is learning how to communicate," said Rogers. stories about his [Wenty years of service. applying for the positions. helpless Infant boys in the USA due to steenng committee, collegiate voting Students befriended and helped him in "In Novembe r of laSl year we c hanged Ignorance, characler weakness and power is not a myth. "This campaign "I am lonnulating a survey to sohclt student input on needed changes in the writing programs," Rogers said. Writing program changes under present his limited duties. From 1964-68 Smoky from a law enforcement agency to a criminal mOllves." For more mformallon focuses upon potential voters who consideration are: requiring students to take more writing classes. more was The Law at UCSD. community service program. CSO is the call 222-1044. otherwise would not be likely to ' ·Ole. "Due to the volatile si tuation in 1968 student branch of this new program," Through our voter registration, voter classes to be taught by tenured faculty instead of teaching assistants and o replacing some creative writing segments with traditional essays based on the University of Cali forma Regent s said Anderson. The CSO's duties are to ed ucati on and get-out-the-vote effons, decided to profeSS ionalize all UC poli e escort students to any destination on & rea~ings . Female Athlete: Reality Myth, the campus community vote will be a departments." said UCSD Police Chi er ca mpus, check parking lot and building o ITered through UCSD Extension, will be m.lJor fJctor in this year's elections." For John Anderson, Until 1969, most UCSD security problems and report safety held 8:30am-5:30pm on Saturday, more inform.ltion call 442-3827. police olTicers were retired military who hazards. CSO operates seven days a February 18 at the an Diego wanted to just be security guards." week, from 5 pm- l:30 am, and can be Medicme Ce nter, 6699 Alvarado Road o From 1969-81 the officers increased reached by calling HELP. (Tel. 452 -34(0). Topics include exercise Two-party system chaUenged. "Does in numbers as UCSD expanded. The "Every once in a while a regular offier phYSiology, anatomy, nutrition, strength the Two-P.lrty System Limit Americans' majority were still retired Navy will call us to check out a disturbance to training, conditioning, health risk ChOices?" is the question addressed by personnel and their average age was 55. make an appearance as a visual factors, menStruation, fe rtility In the second progr

J967 .. . beneficial endeavors, such as J free Berkeley, UClA .lnd UCSC. John 1978 .. , The bicycle patrol eliminates the presence of the squad car and provides police access to uCSD Youce l..mej Jonn I\natTlOn nas seen a LUmover in his depanment , aecreaslng the At Id st Friday's evenmg me,l\. people breJkf.lst program , .lre suspect of being Helmich finished second in the The bi oc hemistry of mystical problem areas. average age oj the officers from 55 to 35. e.lIing In the Revelle cJletenJ were merely sly indoctrination schemcs The individwl and led the epee team to tOP experience - some would say it is served something reportedly c.ll1ed overall goal of the Black PJnthers is honors. almost a contradiction in terms. Dr. SJlisbury steak. B)' the end of th e me.ll quill' Simply .1 I'.llr sh,lke for minority Arnold Mandell, professor of psychiatry one 01 the back wbles 01 th e dining h.lli people throughout the n.llion." 1974,.. at the UCSD Medic.II School, would say had .I ptle of thiS mem Wit h signs The UCSD fencing team upheld their 1971... that both biochemistry and mystic UCLA EXTENSION & CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY reJdlng, -Where's the cow?" Jnd "M.lke three and a half year winning streJk laSl experiences are the same, separated love nO[ slop." PreSident Nixon , b), executive order, weekend Jt the All -Cal tournament. L.lst !:nded student deferments for those only by the fences of a cultural point of 1968 .. ,'s victory margin was one point. students wh o were nOt undergr.ldu.1les view. "We were working on the On Tuesd.l)' n'ght, Dr. Schultz of the This year the Tritons defeated all before todJY. The intent of the change mech.lnism of action of hallucinogens Physics Dep.lrTment presented wh.lI he challengers by fony points. This is eve n like LSD and mescaline with p.lrticular is to m,lke more equitnble the burden 01 feels is the optimum solution to the more impressive considering the many Selective Service Jmong "Minus clements reference to the brain mechanism we cdfetena problem - theft or food b)' first yeJr fencers on this year's squad. 01 our population. think is related to habituation," .mtJgonlstlc students ,IS retJhation lor .1 explJined Mandell, 1976 ... general IJck of quaht},. Schultz fel! lh.1t 1972 .. , 1979.. , l.lsers .lOd Leon.lrdo Dol Vinci will be The Cambridge/UCLA Program is market towns and villages. London 8ritain • 8ritain: Empir. and smce th e c.lfeteria hJS no competltlon Women's Liber.. lIon CJme to UCSD in Represent.Hives from both Coor the subject of .1 speci,ll lecture tomorrow designed for adults looking for a is only 60 miles from Cambridge, Commonwealth. Celt., Roman., there is no ince ntive lor Improvement, sr)'le last SJturd.I)', .1 5 lemlnist Gloria Brewing Company ,md the Boycott night. John Asmus, .1S 'Issoci.lte research unique educational and cultural therefore he suggested est.lblishing lood Stcinem spoke belore ,10 overflowing Coors Committee, which ch.lrged and Saxon. • The Architecture of physicist lor the UCSD Institute I") r Pure experience, For a short time, .llt e rn.Hi ves, crowd 01 300-400 people in the Re ve ll e Coors with unl:lir labor pmctices, will be COURSES PLANNED: England. Engli.h Country Hou.e. c,llcteri,l. Her .lcldress de.lling with "nOl and Applrcd Physical Sciences, will become a resident student in a The Engli.h Village. Dick.n. and 1969 ... deSCribe the usc 01 I.lscr technology in on c.lInpus today to .lnswer questions in JUSt the oppressIO n 01 wome n, but Df .111 community with a 700-year-old the Victorian Age • Churchill and Two thr.. -week ••••ion. are A coup, of sons, hJS been pulled of! ,lrt rescor.ltIon . ,\ forum at the St udent Ce nter North •1l MUir College. In J '," .1, s.lid ~l'n.ltm George Murph),. -Christopher Canole .t .. February 2. 1984 February 2, 1981. 5 UPl~IO:\ OPI ..... I()~ • • ~ , ... .' • "A"' ..,' • • • CQmmenta~ ... the writer'. II Editor Two-way street Sexual harassment Tim August Managing Editor Phil Lauder Copy Editor continued from page 4 In Flashd(/J\('l' , Be.lls· dre.lm was 10 Students, reality and is a two-way street . Joe Desideno Not many people rurn themselves in ha'nded her edsily. by "the IllJn who for exchanging a little sex for a higher signs my pdyc heck ... the mall In Ihe Opinion Editor grade thdn they deserved . Why? Black Porsc he." the mod em eq Uivalent Grace Nielsen BeCJuse they ilre b()(n pilrtners rn the of the M.ln on the White Hor e. The 10 woman wh o charms her way £0 .1 n the hungry stomach By DR. WARREN FARRELL News Editor crime. When a person offers money a police officer. who is bribing whom? edsier aCJdemic life. looking for her Dr. Warrtn Fam:U is the author of The Liberated Man. He has served Usa Lapin flltn look at how to treat the symptom. The police officer. like the professor. "Professor on a White Horse" while on the Board of the National Organ~ation of Womtn and co-foundtd tht Contributing News Editors First, sexual harassment is the outgrowth of a culture in which we h.:Is power viJ authonry. The offer of hJving Ihe £001 of SCXUJI harass ment By PHIL LAUDER National Orxan~tion for Mm. Ht has taught political scitnCt:, psychology, teU men to take the sexual initiative. When they arc too polite ("May Christopher Canole 1110ney. though. is a bribe and also a there £0 slug him wllh If she doesn't like womtn'S studits and sociology at Rutgers, GeO~ttOW7l, San Dit:go Stale I kiss you, please?"), they're wimps or worms. When they ignore the Steven R. Friedman form of power. the outcome. should. if anything. be It's rime £0 go home. growling or yo u'll eal nai ls - tota l cost: University and tht School oj Professional Psychology. preliminaries, they're womanizers at best, rapiSts at worst and Phil Willon sped by men. Vou've just spent eight hours at len minutes. tn lytS,j. I was wnung a 0001< at Len.tral uorary caUed, iromcaUy, harassers if they have authority. Until we encourage both sexes £0 When a woman IS talkrng to a Feahl~s Editor sc hool. studyi ng and go ing to class dnd I'U address option one at a later date Why Mtn Art tht Way They An: . It was ironic because while on a share the sexual initiative. sexual harassment will be one of the professor and she gives him a "come In real life. Flashdance is all Mound us. James Ralph Papp perhdps workmg al I n on-campus Job. in time. As for option rwO , there are a break I walked past a male professor's office and heard some chairs negative side effects. hither" look (the equivalent of exposing The M.lry Cunningh.lm Cdse illusrr.lIes it as related to sexual harassment. Mary It·s been a tough d.lY. It·s Jbour to get lot of disgusting food -like items to fall moving an~ some. panting. A of a pap~r that played the role of Sexual harassment is also the outgrowth of a culture in which we Arts Editor d $100 bill?). IS rhat sexual bribery? Is tougher. back upon . My favorite is the macilroni Cunningham was d CJuse celebre who. window curtain had corac undone, exposing a prolessor and an 18- tell men that if you want. young. attractive women you must offer Andrew Keeler charming her way into permission to and cheese dinner. which I had last year-oldish woman kissing and passionately making ouI. more than your body, or even your soul - you must have power. turn in an exam l,lIe (the equivalent of a almost every commentator agreed. was You walk in Ihe fro m door. lurn on As5ocia~ Am Editor night... .Ind the orght before. I'm talking BOf.h the new srudy of sexual harassment from HalVard University Then when they obtain the power we blame them for exercising it. A $50 bill exposed?) yet anorher form of unfairly accused of having sexual the light. close the door behind you .. John Nee relations with William Agee. thr about the stuff that comes ina box - and the guidelines for dismissing harassing professors just woman who uses her sexual power at the age of 20 is "growing up" sexual bribery? dnd then it hits you. It hits you like a costs 23¢ and is worth every penny. My ChairmJn of the Board of Bendix. Both implemented at the inc rude the new - preparing for marriage. A man who uses his "a~hority power" at Spans Editor In an academic context. sexual brick upside the f.l ce: it's time to fix bmnd is generiC: plain white box with of them agreed she had "risen like a 10 definitions of harassment, broadened to incorporate body language, the age of 45 is in mid-life crisis. Jeff Savage flirtation . charming. and "come hither yourself somethmg ed l. black letters outside and yellow-yellow star" (from nowhere to assistant £0 the gestures and sexist jokes, making what I smiled at in 1983 a major looks" are the equivalent of showing the "cheese" inSide. Good luck. Next comes tiut sexual harassment is a misnomer: depending on the Photo Editor chairman) because she was "j USt plain The dreaded thought hJd occurred to issue of 1984. Ihe frozen burrito. As you open it you circumstances it can be either male authority bribery or female sexual Rich Pecjak wallet. exrosing a bill. then giving il good" and that there was "absolutely you once in Econ. section - actUdlly Had I reponed them. and had they turned out to be student and nonverba cue. The police officer has an think. "I hope to God this doesn't taste bribery - or both. Both can be misuses of the instirution by people nothing berween rhem but respect. " four times in Econ. secti on - bUI each professor. who should have been punished? Neither one, because so concerned with trading the power they possess for the power they General Mmasu obligation to not pick up on rhe offer. they were two consenting adults? Or if she was 17. should the are desire that the integrity of the institution is diminished. However. Chris Milke and the driver can be arrested for Literally everyone used this case to professor have been charged with statUlOry rape. but if she was 18. stopping the symptom without altering the cause will lead to more making the offer. As with the prostitute, illustrate how a woman - even when So now it's the moment of truth. Haslcally, two with sexual harassment? Or, ~cause of their roles, is it a type of Associal£ General MlDI8ers hypocrisy than justice. John and pimp, either aU should be she was · perfect" would be subject to incest? Linda Lewis arrested or none should be arrested. ugly rumors. and how she would options present themselves: (1) get creative; scrounge Should the female's classmates have filed a class action (no pun As il It were not dangerous enough to call "mall' authority bribery" Valerie McMullin and "female sexual bribery" by the simplistic misnomer of sexual ultimately be the one to make the around for a large, balanced meal; or (2) get banal. intended) suit against her for sexual bribery. a type of conflict of Photographers The symbols of this "come hither" sacrifice of losing her job. The man. in interest that leaves her with potential academic advantage over the harassment. we now extend the use o( the term to that which is Richard Caterina look are rife on college campuses. Take the power position, had norhing to lose. men and less anractive women who are unable £0 pursue such offensive: sexist jokes from those in authority (but not from those time you suppressed It. reigning Interest like it looks." Luer you wish it had. Rob Friedenthal for example the Fla sndance shin. In She was "the victim." opporrunities? Or. should male students file the suit since tht:)' are without authority) and sexual gestUres from those with atahority (but Flasltdance the boss asked Jennifer Beals in the effecr of govemment spending So ups are good quick-and-cheap not from those wishing, perhaps, to get a quick ride £0 authority). Mark Johnson the ones discriminated against because of their sex? David NeweU fo r a dilte between eight and 15 limes. The facts. it turned out. we re , upon the Laffer curve. But yo u're nOl student-type meals. Anything with the What happens if no one repons them? If it results in a During my research, it became clear to me that if we caU gcsrures She refused him. snubbed him, ignored different. They both left their jobs - he. la[fing any more. It's time £0 fJce you r word "ramen" in its name is usually safe. relationship. will they call it love? If she gets rejected will she call it and jokes sexual harassment and we put people'S jobs on the line, no lUWibators him and then said ·Yes." He turned out a career he t:ad worked toward all his enemy. You open the refrigemtor door ... Boil the Wdter, dump the stuff in , and John Ashlee harassment? If so, he may sacrifice his entire career and be professor. rn&c or female. would have a job that was not in jeopardy to 10 life. she. one she had nashdanced to. there you have it: boiled water with stull be her passpon a dream. Had he K'ffd there II is. Emptiness. Cold. professionaUy humiliated. If married, he may lose his wife, be subject for more than a day. GameD Fitt-Henley dumped in. Canned soups do the job nOl , she could have yelled sexual Cunningham was offered over a lonely white em ptiness - bl,lck if the £0 a divorce suit and lose contact with his children - not an Sexism , and the resulting jokes and gcsrures, is within each of us. TypeKtters harassment. hundred new positions . including the 100; only minutes £0 make, and you get Blaming one group (e.g .. males) is a way to avoid examining light's burned out. Actually , it't not bJck what you pUI into it. unrealistic ripple effect. Is the punishment disproponionate to the Joe Desiderio vice preSi denci es of major companies complele emptiness. There is a pr of crime? ourselves. What. exactly. is the message here? and the vice preSidency of Seagrams. In fact. canned anything will usually Anggie Lapid mustard In the far comer and ,I sti ck of If a university has anything £0 offer, it is the training to understand The more aware we are, the more we sec that if sexual harassment Phil Lauder Women who weJr Flashdance shirts (off­ which she lOok. Agee started an tum the quick trick. C.lnned beans, the-shoulder) are nauntlng themselves in margarine 5n the middle shelf. Hmmm .. . cdnned corn . canned tuna. cilnned liver problems beyond the good guy/ bad guy level or, in the case of sexual is defined as the bad joke ponraycd in the Guardian canoon, then Andy Laurence international conglomerate. Months later ndh. harassment, beyond the oppresive professor/ victimized woman level. the canoon itself. if shown by a professor in class. is a type of front of IT)en who risk constant rejection they were married (there was "absolutely (7). cdnned spam. spam. spam. spam ... . This is not £0 suggest that we should ignore the offense. Because. as harassment in its caricature of male professors. Production for their beduty and professors who nOlhing berween them but re spect") and There d~ a 101 of th,ngs I like .tbout it's .III the same in the end. Serve it with with prostirution. when we don't address the cause of the problem, TeUing a stUdent she or he must have sex to keep from failing a Hana Abrams would nsk fdmil y and career for a kiss. within months afrer the marriilge she )tying on my own. Fixing meals is not Ihe burrito. But do keep nutrilion in clamping down on the symptom JUSt alters the rurf of the prostirute; course is reprehensible. Fonunately, that form of extonion is easy to Susan Emmerson [s th e woman wearing the shin-off-her­ left SeJgrams and n.lshdJnced her way one of them. All in ;lll . I'd much rather mind JI .1\1 times. 1 try 10 get al least Lizz Fuller or, as with prohibition. it shoves the real problem underground. trap because submission of test scores would leave any professor on shoulder the equivalent of ,1 driver with to an equal pannership with her new ed r a mea l th ,m cre,ue ol1e. Munch th ree of the four basic food groups in Regarding sexual harassment. professors and students. employers the verge of academic suicide. We can educate students and Vesna Kulasinovic d "fi fty " Iyi ng on th e dJshbo.mJ j.ust in husbdnd in his International rdther. Eve n dorm food IS beuer Ih,m no eve ry meal: fdts . salts. cholesterol and and employees will persist in it even more on the sly than now - employees £0 expose authority bribery without throwing in sexist KeUey Neal case someone wh o can be of help conglomera te. food ,u .11i : Jt least it's always Ihere (rh at StJrch. calling it love if it results in a relationship and harassment if it gestures and jokes to polrute the clarity. notices? is probably the nicesl thing dnyone has Perhaps you feel I lit th e mold of th e Staff Writus When will we learn Ihat female I, - doesn·t. Let's look at the culture that breeds sexual harassment and Lance Bernard, Ethan Feerst. ever written about UCSD dorm food ). cI.lss ic male student who can't do diddly FlasndclI1fe involved J woman who sexuality is an extraordinary form of Sergio Klier, Michael Panos. For those of you who are living in the for himself. Vou're perceptive. skipped pdSl hundreds of women ,md power. more thiln the chiluvinist man dorms and think you're living "on yo ur I remember J student writrng in last Dena Rosen. David Wolf. men who had worked hJrder and lo nger II s.1r}, to put the rl'cmd Dcp.1f{l11l'nt \l'ould IWill nnw <.Ill COU nt ry such JS our Uni ted objeclOrs these people serve in opinions of the editorial board . str.ught. The Dl'p,mml'm 01 nrdcr ils bonks 11'(\111 SJles. Vet I believe thiu the 'lon-combilt roles supponing the Reproduction . publication . or any CllmIllUnIL\ lti'lIl no Grllundwllrks. wid rhl' rep(mcr editoriJI stall' W,IS irresponsible rest 01 the defenders of their usc without permission of ,my dcp.mllll'nt.11 poltc), gm'crnlllg t'xp!iritly th,1I lutllrl' b,Ink orders in ItS displ,l)' of the ,uric1es. both freedom . I believe il world ponion of this newspaper course-bonk (Irders . .lIld nll Do it in Comfort! w<.Iu ld depend llil \l'h,1I till' were pl'Ked Jt the lOp of the without Jrms would be without prior notification is Clllllpl.unts .IS .1 dcp.lnl11cnt Intll\·ldu.11 f.lclihy w.ll1Il'd 1(1 d'l ) p,lge with vel)' bold I}'pe and wonderful. but let us face reality. stricrly prohibited. ,lb.. IUt thl' C.UllpUS 130(lkst(lrc. Our We .I pl,lngi:t· 'tH' .1Il}' rhe}' ,lppc,lred to be stmight No one in this country or Jny The Guardian welcomes signed 1,1l'uhy h,lVl' .1 ,·.tricry 01 dtllcrcllt l'l11b.IIT.ISSl11l'nt Ih lS inCldl' lll news .uric1es; neirher letter was lllher Ilme country ean gUilmntee lellers and commentary as pnltclcs: SSUO: 01 thc Gll(mli(1II thert' frced(1111 \\'l' .111 cr.II'C. 1/ ~lll11l' but lei us f'lcl' 1,I<.' ts. Let AIIl('rtC.1 II ill hI.' 111.lllt'd first d.lss fnr SIS Illr Ihl' 1.ll'ult)'. Hc Ihl'l1 werl' (\I'll "comment,II)'" .Imdt·s It'rl'ign gOVl'rnll1ent <.Ir .1I1}'b<.ltl y he Pll'p.ll'l'd tll defend our per qu.lI1c r. UD1v8rs1ty Towne Dental Group pnx'l'l'dnl 1<.1 1,llxl ht'r ,I IITmen on tht' subJl'cr 01 ,I drah 01 pt·r.,on!> Wlthlll rhls <.:ou nt l)· -CllI11I11UI1 IC ,111<.111 Dc 1'.lI1l11e III s<.I ughl In srrip us llf nllr IJrl'Cll'US r rccd. 1111 . II Ill'cess-II)·. Irtllll University Towne Centre Thl')' t'h""ged Iht' United :;'(.Ilcs .1I1)'ont' who l11ighl W.11l! In 1.lkt' Spllkc"I11,IIl ." 1111 "rcp I't·"elliing 01 111111l.lrism in ll'ring \'bi<.lns (II Irect/olll . thl' millt.ll), wnukl be 4525 Village Dr. It .m".l)' Inllll us Frt't'dnl11 .tr.d The UCSD Guardian both ht'r gCl1dt'r ,lIld pllSllIllll . gnnse-steppmg N.IZ IS. Tilts IS ,I t11l'n: III dcll'nd Iht' Rlghl s "I ,II I Dl'll'nsl' IS llu r Rt' splll1sihiltry. UCSD,8-016 •lIld ntt' her rt'I11Mk~ .b Ihl'ugh nt .ltte 111 pt .11 I I)' i ng 10 Il1dl\'idu.IIs In .In:ord.1I1l'l' wllh La Jolla, California 92093 453-2070 Ihe}' rcprl'!>(.'nrnl ,I Illfl11.11 dbton Ihl' IrUl' pKIUrt' <.II the Cn nslIllIli on nl rhl' United Peter Renevitt (619) .52-3.66 6 February 2, 1984

"Ir we can ask the right questions in the rollow up studies, there is a Cover StolY- petenllal ror making those (policy) UC eligibility requirements don't recommendations," he said. Results from the follow up may also determine how well high schools Professor Ken Bowles loses disseminate infonnation concerning match high school courses grants and outreach programs to their students. The effectiveness or counseling programs may also be revealed. "This will be students' principal millions by signing a UC contract By JACKIE AFFONSO opponunity to tell the system why it does or does not work," Harrison said. Sacnammto Comspondtnt CPEC's biggest concem is getting A study which could shape ruture leaming how the new admission times a year. The postgmduates will be everyone involved to participate. For """ ill II"" /"'111 I~j);l' 1 to stop all business transactions. appears that a consensus agrees rna.t sottware taUs state policy decisions regarding student guidelines, requiring .1 third year high sent an initial questionnaire and then example, a 50 percent return rate is In 1955, Ken Bowles I1nished his thesis on radar The UC Regents were forced to look at the dilemma. under the copyright law. This point brings us back to preparedness ror higher education is school m<\th course (effective in 1986) .Idditional ones corresponding to their necessary on the follow up surveys to studies of the upper atmosphere, using computers to An institutional decision was made to sell the the UC policy concerning copyrightable material "other being undertaken by the California will "ffect eligibility, Director of UC lifestyles. validate the results. Consequently, CPEC compile his data at CorneU University under the copyright license to a private business; a San Diego than" books, musical or dramatic compositions, etc., PostSecondary Education Committee. Admissions Ed Apodaca said. CPEC hopes to find out what factors is now launching a media campaign to guidance of the already world-renowned Henry Booker. firm named Softech Microsystems WdS chosen. where the material "shaU be the propeny of the The 1983 Eligtbllity Study, the first of -We are particularly interested In contributed to the graduate'S decision to impress upon all panicipants the value That research spawned the use and subsequent It should be understood that there IS a gredt University ... (and) the University mayaUow its kind, aims to estimate and monitor finding out the eligibility rate among the go on to college or work. of the study. development of computer technology which would difference in the standdrd UC policy regarding employees ... to share in any royalties which accrue high school graduates' eligibility to ethnIC groups," he said. The State Department of Education, A preliminary report on the first pan of follow Bowles for the rest of his life and cause him to copyright Jgreements dnd patent agreements. Policy V- from the sales or ledse of such material outside the enroll at the University of California .md Apodaca said the information which according to consultant Paul Gussman, the study will be presented to the rise in both dcademic acclaim and serious controversy. A, Section 2 of the official University copyright policy University ." (Note the key words "may aUow .") The UC Calirornia State University. the study provides will also "allow the finds part three of the study most commission on January '30. The total After years or work and research on radar studies states: "Copyrightable materidl. other than books, Regents don't have to pay any royalties if [hey deem Now in the prelimin.try stages, the university 10 set re.llistic goals in terms valuable. He said information derived cost of the study is S 200 ,000. with the famous Aurora Borealis at the University of musical or dramatic compositions, architectural that [he University'S costs and income share exceed study consists of three pans. Pan one is of minority enrollment." from these results may be innuential in CPEC is a citizen board established Alask.t, Bowles joined the UCSD staff in 1965. He designs, paintings, sculptures, or other works of that of the authors' contribution. This differs from the a survey of 1402 public and pnvate high The final part of the study is a live future legislative policy-making in 1974 by the legislature to provide joined Booker, who came in iolS chairman the same comparable type, shall be the propeny of the patent policy in which the inventor would receive his school course offenngs to determine )'CJr follow up of high school grad u,l[es , decisions. This would d~[lI'nd, however. policy analysis and recommendations to year. as the second member of the SI.1ff which housed University dnd shaU , at the University'S option, be fair share of the royalties and fees. whether or not they m.ltch those conducted by mail questionnaires three on the accuracy of the study, he said. the legislature and the governor. approximately 1,000 graduate and lSO undergraduate copyrighted in the name of the Regents." (Note the key Asked if he received any royalties from UCSD required for admission to the UC or students. From 1965 to 1967 computer use phrase "other than.") Computer software f.llls under Pascal, Bowles answered an emphatiC, "No! " Why n

To be tasted, swallowed or chewed and digested Tritons look to Spirit for help John Cole's Books By MIKE GREENBERG Almaugh it is probably S(iD too early in the season to be pushing the panic Reve Ue ) used il as a guest house, among si nce the death of her husband some TEAMS: UCSO Tritons vs. Point Lorna Nazarene Crusaders button, tomorrow night's contest with which guests was included the naturalist years ago, ascribes their nearly fort y diviSion-leading Point Lorna Nazarene is WHERE: Triton Pavilion john Burroughs. Later it housed the years of success to the luck at having hit one the UCSD men's basketbaD team Friday, February 3, 7:30 pm Balmer School. Mrs, B,llmer letting it upon a good clientele, both Iiteraty and WHEN: must win if it has visions of a home from the Revelle s. The Balmer School faithful. The quality of the clientele one lV-RADIO: KPBS-N 15 (tape delay). Live on KSOT radio 95,7 Cable FM, 540 AM COUIt advantage in this year's NAJA grew into La joll.1 Country Day Sc hool. can just as easily asc ribe to the quality District III playoffs. UCSD TRITONS: 1-5 in league, 5-13 overaU. Head Coach: Tom Marshall, first year now on the eastern outskirts of UCSD , of the shop, which has a comfortable In losing to Cal Lutheran 84-80 PT, NAZARENE 4-2 in league, 13-9 overall, Head Coach: Ben Foster, 7th year and 17 years i.lgo, when john Cole's atmosphere, visits from a number of its LOMA CRUSADERS: needed a new old bouse, the Revelles Tuesday night, Tom MarshaD saw his authors dnd d I.lrge cl)Uection of books. club faD to 1-5 in league play, three fuD offered the cortage. Mrs . Cole does not have "the vaguest STARTING UNE-UPS games beyond Point Lorna, But for the idea" how many titles she carries. PT, LOMA NAZARENE CRUSADERS The buildmg IS safe from the first time mis year, the Pavilion wiD be UC SAN DIEGO TRITONS 7 covelO usness of La Jolla's fi nanCIal "Maybe 4O ,OOO? Maybe 75 ,000 Who packed as a Spirit Night crowd Mark Barecca Forward Scott Vaughns knows1" community , If community is the right estimaled at 1,000 will gadler to see if 6-7 junior 10 points, 7 rebounds (per game) 6-5 Junior 13,4 pOints, 5.3 rebounds word , because it is now a hi storiC Of course the measure of any good UCSD can pull off me up5Ct of the year, By JAMES RALPH PAPP landmark. It forms , as the Revelle's bookstore is not how many books it Tip off is at 7:30. Steve Rint Forward Kevin Kenney c.1rries but whether it carries the right hoped it would , a cultural square, or Rtvenge should be a factor as the 6-7 Senior 15,2 pOints, 6.8 rebounds 6-5 Sophomore 9.3 points, 5,3 rebounds The collegiate character celebrated in ones. john Cole's does not jusr carry rhe some sort of polygon, with the Museum The house and its contents attract Tritons stiR remember laS( year's defeat popular novels, and no doubt unpopular chai n bookstore fare of pulp besr sellers Mike Dabasinskas Center Deon Richard of Art , the Lajo\la Women's Club, the people from the University (and the at horne to the Crusaders mat caused ones as well , consists mostly of the and potential best seUers. Its selecrion is 6-8 junior 5.3 points, 6.1 rebounds 6-6 Sophomore, 15.9 points, 8.5 rebounds Recreation Center and the Presbyterian University attrJcts Mrs. Cole , a Friend 01 UCSD to play its first pla)lOff game on undergraduate's youthful high spints, or carefuly researched, and there is J smJII and Episcopalian churches. the Library), the Museum of An, the the road instead of at home (me tum Randy Bennett Guard Brian Caradonna bad manners, meeting with the sober section for books our of print, including Valencia Hotel, the foreign community lost to Azusa Pacific). The two teams 5-10 junior 9,4 points, 5.1 assists 6-1 Senior 95 points, 5,2 assists academic traditions of the university's But more im portant th'lIl the building some interesting trdve! books from the (it stocks children's books in various met earlier in me year with Point Lorna last hundred, four hundred, or thousand are the books in it, ,md perhaps eve n 19th and 20rh centuries, For wh.l{ Mrs. languages) and all over La jolla and the -Brandon Nixon Guard Tony Troncale winning 80~4 . In fact, head coach Ben years. At UCSD we have the more importJnt than the books are rhe Cole does not carry, which is a not large city. It is equally successful in attracting Fosrer has a four-game winning S(reak 6-1 junior 14,8 points, 4,4 assists 6-1 Senior 6.7 points disadvantage the college traditions people who write and buy them. Barbara category, she sends people to D. G, authors, and its scrap book has, among against the Tritons on the line tomorrow When Point Loma is on offense: ExPect the Crusaders to try and muscle UCSD inside. Sophomore Deon Richard can be awesome at times, are largely younger than the Cole, who has kept running the shop Wills', and vice versa, many other things, drawings by Gus und ergradUJtes. Our own bad m,lJlners night playing above the rim while control1ing the boards on both ends of the Door. 111.6-6, Richard 15 agile enough to pose serious problems for UCSD's 3-2 Arriol.1 and Dr. Seuss .1nd some verse by zone defense. Scott Vaughns and Kevin K~:l have good range, especially Kenney from the baseline. Bri Caradonna handles the ball weB and can fil in rather weU with our archlleclUre, Fosrer, the rnarvelous Crusader coach Christopher Morley, as well as notes who led his spirited club to the NAIA score from the outside. Even though the C crs \os( folWard Glenn Peters for the season, their suength is still up front, Look for Point loma to crash and the), are as Emily POSI 10 our from authors of books like Airports oj semifinals in Kansas City last year, the boards on every possession. Coach Ben Foster has insWled a passing offense that demands patience, and so far the club has responded with a "'-2 Interior decoratIOn. UCSD not onl)' IS Baja Ca lifornia and In Sea rch of An cient record in 1equc play - good enough for firsl place in the Southem O~. you ng but mes to give every appearance seems 10 be accomplishing me same Asl YO n0111 C rs . trick this season as Point Lorna has What UCSD is on otIe ..: Th~TrlronscJe.ityhaYl!'the-_ftm It comes to outside shooting. Flint, Nixon and rcscrvejeffOchroch can light of It as well , so for an)' son of [radmon it up if they're hot. The problem with UCSD this year is that the team has too often relied on the perimeter shot even when their shooters are cold. Also saved 111 rh e scrap book is .1 note surprised me critics with its earty one must go elsewhere. One such place Dabasinkas and Barecca wiD be gamely inside. but neither one possesses great offensive capabilities. Barecca, however, has put together a string of fine IS nowhere more else than La jolla; it IS from Andy Wright of our Literature season success. Much of the accolades attribured to performances, and if he can score early, taking the Crusaders' concentration off of Aint and Nixon, UCSD wiD ha~ a good chance of winning. The john Colc's Book Shop, which has bern Department, whose new book on Tritons have 10 playa nearly Oawless game if they e~ct to bell[ the front· runners. Thai means NO turnovers - something that has plagued [he club here ,lbOUI twice as long .. s UC 0 has. Trollope is for sale In the shop, on an the ream have surrounded sophomore from the season's outset. Aint and Nixon must sdlIf outside and Barecca inside if UCSD is going to prevail. Look for a 101 of ball movemenl in [he Australi.1n author who f1l11shed up Ceon Richard. The strong yet agile 6-6 Tritons' motion offense (passing game). john Cole , Irom the hook busmess In Sa ndi/ on for j.1ne Austen. The bookcover cenrer leads the Crusaders in scoring KEY MATCHUPS ChICago, and Barb.H.I Cole , from Ihe for Explon ng the Deep Pacific, by HOlien (15.9 points per game) and rdlounding Yale Libr.I!)', began the shop m 1946. Its Raitt , wife of professor emeritus Russell (8.5 points per game). Richard is Point Loma '5 Richard vs. UCSD's Dabasinsbs: The \as( time the [W() Faced each other, Richard was too quick for Dabo, scoring a game­ first loc.ltion, which Ih ey occupied for Raitt, is there, picturing the aurhor at flanked by two power forwards that high 20 points in the Crusaders' season-cnding victo'X that knocked the Tritons out of a home-coult advanragc in the first round of the playoffs (they subsequently Ios[ that playorr game at Azusa). If Dabo t'an intimidate Ricahrd enough 10 alter the 6-6 sophomore's shot, UCSD wiD be in great shape 20 years, \\'as m the center of wh,lt IS her Iypewriter on the deck of one of rhe make up the strength of this Point Loma now La joll.1's busmess dislrlcr, an old since Richard is such an integral pan of Point lorna's offense. Look for UCSD 10 go to Dabo early in the game on offense to try to get Richard into &iul Scripps ships. ballclub. ScOtt Vaughns and Kevin trouble. But stopping Richard is first on the Tritons' priority list . house that was 10m down to m,lke way Kenney average 2] points and 11 to UCSD's Nixon and kDMIl vs. Point Loma's Caradonna and TroncaJe: Clearly this iSlhe most definite advantage UCSDhas. Nixon lor an ,lrchlleclur,11 exc resence hold ,I In most coll ege towns, bookstores rebounds combined and pose problems bank. The present localion IS much for teams in zone defenses, since both and 8ennetlare better shooters and all-around players than any of the Crusaders' backcoun men. Nixo~ an~ Bennett must .produce,30 points betwttn grow up around the colleges. In ours, if them and commit very few turnovers, ThIS marchup IS PIVOtal for lhe Trttons because Pmnt loma s 11IaJor weakness IS UCSD s sucngth. more mteresting to us, both hecJuse of we have not exactly grown up around players can score from the outside. Its continu1Jl!! eXlstpnre ,md becJuse of John Cole's, it has been a magnet for Since UCSD has played a 3-2 zone a Point Loma Head Coach Ben Foster vs UCSD Head Coach Tom MarshaU: FOSler has the experience, something Marshall lacks. The its connection with UC D. good poltion of the season, look for Point lorna head coach took his team to Kansas City las( year against all odds, winning on the road in such places as Weslmont, Biola, sec and UCSL>. th,1t part of the campus community thar Meanwhile, the Tritons have lost both of their league contests at home, a trend Marshall conceded has to stOp 10monow night. Whar UCSD's skipper MarshaD to cross Point Lorna up by It is a cOllage set m ,I large 1.1\\11 next knows about it We hope thar part will lacks in experience, he makes up for in ingenuity. Look For the Tritons 10 attack the Crusaders with some type of trapping fuD-court press early. to the Museum 01 ContemporJry An . grow in pro portion to the whole, for changing defenses throughout. The Pavilion crowd vs. Point Loma: Time and time again , miniscule crowds have shown up in the Pavilion, only long enough to review their Virgmia Jnd Ellen Browning Scri pps John Cole's Book Shop is possibly one As for the TrilOns, Steve Aint and Brandon Nixon are averaging 15 points bio-chemistry homework. That will not be the case tomorrow night.. . or will it? Two weeks ago against Southern California College (a game in which (the la tter benefactor of Scripps Barbara Cole in Che children 's room of the Baok Shop. of th e most places in San Diego UCSD Fell 96-89), the 200 or so Triton fans were drowned out by the 30-10 Vanguard boosters who made the trip down from Los Angeles. Despite Institution ,I nd aunt of Mrs. Roger to buy, or even nor to buy, a book. apiece, but no one else has stepped in having an undergraduate population of 12,000, UCSD has yet to learn lhe meaning of the phrase "home COUrt advantage ." A pumped up Spirit Niglu as a scoring threat. with the exception crowd could ignite the Tritons to an upset of the division leaders. of Mark Barecca and Jeff Ochroch on - Mike GrcaIbaa ex pl'lining this, wh.1t we Colli the cutHne, "lI'(I,,' 1111'11 '." I"I.~" 1() BLACKWELL'S WJS cu!. Since this is our second Rook..,lIcra insmllmenr in our series sc,lrch ing lor Letter of rhJr kind of bookstOre , we consider thiS Persuasion an .Ippropri,uc momenr to c1Jrify our lIl" II ,I 1')"1,. il"'"n~ pl.lH· ~ /I". previous cryPtiC Jcti ons. There are so many ways SH'n ' h",ok,\ .. , ..I I "'M ~ .. I~tl "" lin ­ Dear Sir: n l with ~ h.. : h. ·~ full uf hucl k.. , full 01 SOFT CONTACT LENSES t.,hl." . n\I'r,.. 1 \\ IIh '"" tk .. , I'.l .....l!!.·' In thc J,muJI) 12rh cdltlon III TIt.' ,Inti knees. Whl C'l \\'oilld expl,lIn lhe oIm l " .. i,... 1"" .. 1 "hh .1Il,1 1'.kling t" Th is Friel ,l)' is the 1,lst d,I)' to deposil ilion' 1... ,1., .. . TIl\' 'tr, II ..... ,. \\ .h peSD GlllIIdwll Yllur Cllr rc ~ponucnt .Ibsl'nce of cxtl'rn.11 hrulses but would in h",1I~:d up" it" huu l.. ~ "".- hnl\' " II )'our Iiter,lry .lJld .Irtisrie Il ots..lm ,md to have a at Emil)' ShJ(:h .Iskcu. "Wh.1I br.1I n InIUfiCS not precludc concussion tlue to ••, I"i' m" , :'101\1 "'" ,',lIIh ' I n .1I .. lurh jCts,lI\l Ill r cnnsidcr.1tion iLlr TIt .. BinI. (/,~ .. One Hour Service most CISCS u .. ur,}.... II" 10 h\l\ . wcrc sullcn:tI hy LOUIS.I MusgTllI'l' III •In:eicr,lIIng Inluf)' F,lr lrom "th,' l ~l· ""W. '"'''' 'II\M"\" \ ':111" .", "'"Hth This sllnple l·ullllin.Hinn nl the Ch.lprl'r 12 nl ].mc Au~tl'l1 " I'crSU,ISIL111 7 Inlunl', belllg suspect" Ih,' IIlCldcllt JS ere.ltI"C proces, 1ll.1)' be perii,mllcd .It tlCWDlS: Although /o..l1s5 Austc 11 InCllllllllS ,I descnbed h)' MISS Au,tcll I, mctitc,llI y the nllkes nl th r Dep,lrtlllcnts III Contact lenses, examination, • Broomball • Fundraisers "co ntUSI(l11 " I.lter 111 thc Ch.lplCf hn credlhk C,lpl.111l f3cl1twiL!< 's re1l1.lrk Llter.Hurl', VISU.t1 Art s, C01l1Illu111 c:,ltilln-., patient training, follow up, • Public Skating descrlptloll IS Cllll~ I Str11l with .1 .Ihour lhe .I(cldeilt bl'lllg lu~r ".1 sl lghr Dr,I111.1 .md Ml1 ~k. ~lI hllli sslll 11 is n pl'n , • Group Rates .,II l'<" I.. , chemical care kit and fttting, co nCU SS IOIl or ~uddcn los~ 111 Il11!" I' f)'plc.11 1:ngitsh underst.It,'1l1l'llI • A),:111\· .... 1' .. " .. 01 coursl', nil I) ' tll ,"cict)'\' re.II .lrtI Sb. • Private Skating " I (hl.. r,1 IIWIt • Group Lessons Cll IlSClllUSnl',S rc uiling h01l1 .1 tr,IU1l1.lIll "Illcrgmg n(1 dllllbt Iro1l1 .1 sriff uppcr •1I1t1 h!loL. III\in!.! UC~D u11dl'1'gr.ldll.ltl'S . iXTiHDID WEAl LINRI Parties IIKltlC11t A ClIllt U ~~J()11 Ill'cd nol lip d .. hlll""i 10 II~ ' lIniH "'I~ l 11\ ONLY be .lLlllmp.llllcd b), brUl511lg Sincerely \Vl' ~ h (1u ld Ilkl' III rC1\IInd re.lders .l11d tI65.oo ll'OntU, IOIl ) .lnd re sult, rro1l1 sn.l pplllg Henry C. Powell, MD P"tl'11U. t1 \\TItL'I'S th.lI 11ext l ucsd.l), ,It EXTRA 50¢ DISCOUNT for aU UCSO IIROAD ST., OXFORD III ,1\(In~ , Uclll,:.IIC, clong,lll'd 'trUULl1T~ Assoc iate Professor n<1 11 n 1;, thclr 1.1 ,1 ch,l11n' III ,Icld tn thL' THE CLASSICAL EYE I students (in addition to your $ \.00 discount) with which Ll11lnCll IlCrVl' cdb to lhc ,>CIl'>llr) Pathology Department l'\ ,'I' l11lTl'.bl11g pill' II I l'l1lneS Illr the DR. ROIEIT .... P OPTOMETIUST: UCSD 10 throughout Pubhc Sessions during org.IJlS ,IIlU muscles The hr,lIn IS ,I '>oft lInrl'.ld.lbk Iln'lb C<1 11tc"t )ll111 Revelle's 2nd Annual Broomball dcllc,ltl, org.11l whlLh ,Ihhllugh \\('11 ,\ Illllnhl'I 01 \\l'l'b ,Ig" \\,' pnlll,'d l'tllllP,I11 ), with till' dl;.tll1gul.,hl'd gnlup. La JoIle VlIIege Square protcued by Ihe skull I'> \'ulnl'r.lhk tll \\l' ,\I th,' 1'l'r~Pl'l.lI\l'~ 11Il'1,II') ~l'1IIl11l thb ,ldH'I1I'>l'1l1l' 11i 1\11 1l1,lck\\l'1I ~ l11ciudl11g ,111 l'.\·C.t1l111l't I-Ii11bl,' r wlmh (Inside the Mall; Lower Level) Tournament, Jan, 30-Feb, 22, the InJUri CS ,lssoti.ltcLi with .lLn'll'r.1tIllll, I,,"k \\ Ith ~1I1~1.1l[1"1l .11 Ihl' h.l(1p> Bllllkselkr;, IIllI 1111"l1d1l1g til ~lIgg"'>1 \ll' el1 tl'1'l'd rhl' i)l'I,',I,lhk C h,II'.ILler 8657 Ville La Jolla 0rIw • SUite 136 For more inJormanon ca' DUring ,I I,til lhc br,lIn UlIlUllue,> III rl':."luIIl1l' "I thl;. plllhle111 ~ct 1<11 th Il'WI\(' ,I p,llrll11,lgc In111l Ih .1I ,llIgu,t L'llI1 IC~[ r\ lL'\\" III dl'fCI1'l' III Tom T",ddlal 455-1791. Inll\'C ,dter thl' Iwd) h.I' Ll11l1e to rl'~l "'1m' 1;';'lIC,> ,1):11 \\'C rh.l11\" hlllh 1111t1 ,J\tilllugh \\(' \\ I ~ h It \\l'1'e ", hUI <1 Ill' , dlt11l l' .ill' .i11 th.1t I:. Ill'etkd. 451-7374 hCIl .1 short 1.111 C,1Il 111\'01\" '>lgnilll',lllt Cl1 ITl"Pl111d"11I' Il1l' lil,'11 It'tll'I' .l11d Ihlng 11 ,I~ ,Ill ,'\,11111,1<: III th l' '

I.. ~ p.rc~f ~~oo or more I Running Thoughts • We ".0 honor all

Need a typist? Reasonable. Speedy. 15 years Bldg. Ar:>rww. on 3rd College after noon a 1/23. Coli smoking. na drugs. conservative. femote. PIefer oaepe.. By JEFF SAVAGE eocperIence. Guarantee work. Call Kathie 570.1277 to identify. lWlda 455-6447. (2/2) math/SCience Of engineering maJOf. Satary anytime. (2/16) ~~. Call ~2551 . (2/2) c ••tome .. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE DEPT. An electrifying 70-foot drive and lay up by Bob Goodman at the buzzer capped a wild ovenime victory, brought UCSD's record to 3-2, ANNOUNCEMENTS CbNn lor Rent: Rent a clOwn fOf your favorite FOrty Of Reward 520.00 to first ptOllider a a ~sIty a 1030 Torrey Pine. Rd. Now Openl --.t. r-vone ICMH a clown. Oleap: 453-6S05. Colif./La Jolla 198Q.81 student name and address and gave adeliriousSpirit Night crowd a UCSD memory they'll never forget Friday (2/2) director; Call Mall eve aI (800)423-293'1. 8:00 am at Herechel 1774 Gamet Aye. ntght In Tnton PaVliton . After he took the inbounds pass from Steve Aint and weaved PERSONALS - 5: oo~ . PCT. (2/9) TYPING - 51 per page discount Kinko's Copies La CONSCIOUS EDUCATION 'lJIe 10 talk about La Jolla Pacific Plaza his way through mree defenders, Goodman drove down me left side of the lane and .Jolla IAliage Squae. 232-9797. (3/15) HELP WANTED. RECEPIIOIIIST. an-campus oIIIce. part youl18lf? 'Feel slucle? 'Wont a beller lamlty 11fe?t'm a time. aIIernoons. work·study required. _ job bOard banged in a double pump lay up off the glass lo give the Tritons a 59-58 squeaker over student teacher in an education hoIning program. I AstrOIOgIcOl ~bllity Chats w/ analysis. or call 452·2521, am arYv. (2/6) ~ 5lud9nt, to educate ~I Pregnann ChOose oItematlves ' to abOrtion. San a stunned Fresno Pacific ballclub .... That was last year. The game on the court and the Irwaluabte 10 any serious romanllc relationship 298· ~1447. (2/2) Diego Pro-Life League Honine: 583-5433. 941 · 1515. energy in the stands transfonned the Pavilion into the House of Pride. ThiS year's 1123. (2/13) WIll buy Casio calCulators. Model PW-80. D. (2/6) Undburg. Research Dept.. Son Diego lDo. 231· 1515. Triton squad will try to duplicate last year's thriller when they host league­ Audilians for ''Once LPon A MatIIess" Revelle', Fall. accurole. higIl-quOIity. IOIT1e day typing (2/6) Spring Mwk:ol will be held on Sal. 110110:00 Bornobv • Andrea . Tim • A retrospective leading Point Loma Nazarene College tomorrow evening on Spirit Nigh!. But the feb. seMce near UCSO. 16 years a.perIence. Call F9ry am In Not HeI8?(NelCltotheRel.1llleCofelerla). exhibitionism. gallery 12·5 Frl.. .. then. 'IIrr>t 452·1393. (2/9) Annex ttvu FOrty scenano has changed in many ways. This year's team has a new coach. five new (2/9) (2/2) starters and a formidable challenger In PLNC ro contend with. And the Trirons are not Excepttanal typing. all kinds. Super IBMII. Fast. GIlle your parents a wrile-d! and yourseft a place to Princes and Princesses: We ~ you tor RevelIe's In a comfortable position in the standings (as they were last year) where a loss would pl8Cbe. IIJIIItlnQ. 5" min. awa.t Marlann 45().1138. live In L.J. S73.5OO. Aot. 459-0501/457-2218. (2/6) pteses l.\Xln dissertalians edlttng 453-0656 (eve) 452·5188. (6/7) District 3 playoffs. Spring Mullcal. Stop bv 'IIrr>t Not Here? (NeICl to Gamma Omega Oett OIurmi: SnobbISh Fountain Futan with couch frame and r8llerSlble blue/wIllte ~ Cat) an Sal. Feb. 11th 01 10:00 am. (2/9) up coming. lie Wlen you \l\l()RO PROCESSING. Speedv service. PIck up &. Social Is and prepared. caver. lJIe ~. 5125 Of best ctler. 452-9514. (2/6) leas! expect ff . don'tl beec. WhOo-dee. (2/2) detlllely on ccmpus. Calt at 279-8066 anytime. WAIT A MINUTE DEPT. You've got to feel for Juan Bomlld. After missing most of the Singers. dancers. acton. and actr_: Audilians for ArOI (2/2) Ultra Acoustics JOO 125 walt 3 way studla spiers. Best 1982 season with a fractured wrist, the Padre second baseman came ro spring training "Once Upon A MatII8u" will be held Sal. Feb 11th 01 MIKE MATA: Happy BIrthday my babv baIooga! 'Mth aIIer. Tim 452· 1508. (2/2) 10:00 am In \Ntr.t Not Hale? (NeICl to R8\IeIIe Cat) Be 011 my ioIIe. .. Tina. (2/2) overweight last yedr and went on to bdt just .237, his lowest average in three major . there 019:30 am 10 sign In. (2/9) Trek 110m 4 sale. 22'..,' CrMa double bulled tubing league seasons. Add to that his placemem in a four month drug rehabilitation progmm. Becky· Sue! I want to be With you I Pete I thruout. 40 '~' wheel base. S150 coli David 481·1858. and life hasn't exactly been a big bowl of mustard for the self-proclaimed hot dog. Yet Muif COllege Is row accepting applicationS from lCan·IbeIMMIIt. (2/2) (2/6) acadernicalty quatIIIed students to aulst with HOUSING Padre management is offering poor Juan a nice raise in saldry from $130,000 to freshman orIentalian and registration dt6ing June. REVELLE MEDIA BOARD REP - POSITION OPEN. Yamaha FG-150 steel string guitar. smatl body & $175,000 anyway. Funny thing is, Bonilla feels he deserves more. He has this agent Obtain a job retenol at student Employment and APPLICATIONS DUE BY \MO. ffB. 8th aI 5 pm. neck. beautiful tone. w/r;au,. Coli ctler 6. 455-6447. bring ~ to the pro..ut's otnce 2126 HSS. DeactIne: ~lcatlons and Interview sign-ups in the Rewlie DOIJIJAR who has convinced him to file arbitration in an anempt to get a cool $325.000 or so. (2/2) 2/7/84. (2/6) Roamate wanted to II'oaNI huge master bedroom Pr $25 also·ran potential. Seriously, the boys placed third in last Spring's AAA I.M. EEO/AA wIde, as well. flU•. Trl(. $20. _NJ $15 ThIs Is a rare and unique ground·floor opportunI, softball, and this year they have their sights set on the title. Their competetive Spirit Night MUH;nrr~. rrg. $7. _", $5 ty which probably will not repeat, once the Write yet good·natured style of play makes them detinite contenders, and their Quldalalar. f'lidi"Hri!li. rrg. $16. 110", $12 friendly ribbing of teammates and opponents alike brings new meaning to the t (1 11I''''h:ti Jltli ll 1\ h..!1' ~) problems will have to improve if UCSD necessary personnel have been acquired. jlllielle Wrap, reg. $14. 11011> $12 term "chatter". Ever the fun·loving bunch, the 'Matics displayed obscene u~Ldsion. Marshall has stated the need is going lO emerge viclOrious. To apply, semI a self·addressed, stamped, Summer Schill objects for their team photo. Realizing this is a family feature, good Dan for a third scorer to emerge, preferably If not, the Tritons will be 1-6 in buslness·slze envelope. ApplicatIon form and In· 8950 Vi',. U. }01", Yr. formation will reach you by return mall. RIbIrt L ...... 206 "Make Mine Miller" Walters telt the artifacts should be censored using the from (he small forward spot, but as of league. and Instead of wonylng about S.iJ~ 1122 UninnltJ II Ari .. U. Jo'lII, c.. 92037 "welcome" logo. Good Idea, Dan. yet thi s has not happened. the home coun adv.mtage in this year's TIICIIII16721 Two criucJI areas for UCSD tomorrow playoffs, they will have ro tum their 01/,,- ./lfrw 2/8/114 Quest ron Corporation 1_,821-4721 night are field goal shooting and auentioJl to just making the post-season Suite 204 tumovers. The Tritons are dead last in toumament. This seemed assured a few 2012 Grove Avenue TEAM OF THE WEEK the conference in shooting percentJge weeks ago since eight of the ten teams RIchmond, VA 23220 SPONSORED BY THE MILLER BREWING COMPANY (43.6% as opposed to POint Loma's panicipatc every year. The current four­ 52.5%) and second to Ielst In &lme lOSing 3treak has put even that co m milling turnovcrs. These two foregone conclusion an Jeopardy. 12 FtbnMlry 2, 1984 r------SENIOR NURSE STUDENTS y\\EC\S~~ • 1--' SD Or-en winner ,,~\\t women $15 men $12 Adventure ... Challenge ... Includes shampoo, condition Professionalism! long hair extra cut, & blow dry. Koch is it! Long hair extra. An exciting job with opportunities for world·wide 10% off 10% off travel, career development, By IAN LANGDON .with this coupon with this coupon professional growth, excellent benefits. BSN graduates or The game of golf IS vcry difficult to cxplain. not only to the non.golfer but I La""" CISION HAIRCUTS I senior students are eligible. If to the prote sion.ll himself. Last week. :.,WIIIA for men & women : you're going to be someone, out at Torrey Pines Golf Course. special...Be a Navy Nurse! For I •r.U'lal·~ ..til 737 Pearl, La Jolla I spectator witnessed the 17th Annual more informa tion call 293· Andy Wllli.lms S.ln Diego Open. What I COIIJUY 456-1170, 456-1815 : 6746,8 am ·4 pm, Monday· they saw W.l!:>.l uspense-hlled fm'll ! With this coupon only. Offer expires 2-16-84. .. Wednesday. round in which three men elf­ ------_._---- destructed .lnd one rose to the LOp Gary Koch - J 1. out of T.lmpa Flonda, shot .I final round 6'5 tlcd defending ch.lmplOn G.lIY Holllbcrg and forced ol sudden dedth playoff. .. , re,lIly had no cxpect

The future comes to UCSD with the rock 'n' roll drama . 'Tooth oj Crime'

"1 , Contents Jane Tassi , Without Thought, Planting Cacti - The Magazine of the '80s From the sour soil a scorpion r.a.. Cover: The Rock and Koll appears. leathered like dinosaur. Nl)RN KU~R world of the future is depicted Darkgrey a dragon, AIIocIIte Arta Editor Making way for undergraduates JOnl'll'lEt in the UCSD Drama Depart­ size nty fmgerjoint; ..... ment's latest production The tank. MIKt Ann. JAn IIRts- Tooth of Crime. See story page Trowel pummels it and their alternative art 1ALlER. CHRISTOI'HU CNIOlL but she's almost steel armored JONI roRSKRG. RONA nu. M.S. 4. num (GIJdaIlng). PAUL M. so I strike him again but it By 1l~1l SftftlUISM each continuing through the moment there IS more space JOI'II';S. CLYDUI t ntt squins into soft loam shaking Usten. there is undergradu- end of the quarter). with three than art. THe fact that one ofthe snake or eel resembling, ate art. and somebodys taking more planned. two shows of last quarter and an Interest. Last spring. The group assembled to deal one of the three present shows fdItoriaI ..,J . .J44i6 Space as page .1 saving herself. art ...... members of the Uterature. with the problem of limited AAS AthertM", ",u·,.. At last guess get him, feature the work of an UCSO's reputation as a visual arts 1 I Drama. Physical r.ducation. and space for undergraduate studio member Illustrates the "i.'IU is pubU5IItd Cvtry center forges ahead into the new killed. Arts Thur~y 0( lilt IChooI ~ IS I Visual departments put art shOWings and the lack of problem. One solution may lie suppltmul 10 . lilt UCSD year. What lies ahead for the young Without thought. planting cacti. together the Undergraduate opportunities for public In the way the group ran the CaVA"*". RqIfodultlon or UK artists of today and tomorrow? Arts festival. They joined the screenings of undergraduate second fall show. the video wltllollt .lIItn pmnlsslon otuy already existing Birdcage videas and nlms. At present the presentation. The object of that portion 0( tIIb -eu11lt Is a .. 110. _ wtkOlM unJOflclkd San Diego Black ...... ,.e 5 Review. a Journal of only show space continually show was to collect one or two Ittten.. _sui,* and .m-1l. KGB Radio releases yet another Linda Nelson Colley undergraduate literary work. available to undergraduates Is videos from different but -.- nO ~blllly f« lIomegrown lP with talent from and the Undergraduate Theatre the Mandeville Annex gallery individuals. In this way the show Iht rdurn 0' sue II . Sud festival providing tools for the located in the northern did not depend entirely upon information 10: San Diego's finest bands. Uncle Carl . "lATUS exposure of undergraduate art courtyard of Mandeville Center. the work of a single person. The &016. U Jolla Hecuba ...... page 6 makings. /'tow Individuals The availability of this space Is group also originally intended . (I .. 9109l connected with the Visual Arts limited. The gallery Is shared by the show to include a The UCSH Drama Company brings As h~ drifts off to sleep department have come together both undergraduates and compilation of work from Visual its production of Hecuba to campus the ch~ap whim' to reveal even more graduates. Arts 174. a video production for a special performance. in his rough. crumbly VOIC~ undergraduate artwork. AM has contacted each class. AAS says they encourage Whistles at the peak This group. calling Itself Art department on campus and the undergraduates to present Goings On page 7 for Alternative Space (MS). medical school and has located classwork. of each long snore. formed last quarter to connect spaces where art can be placed. In spite of calling attention available space from anywhere This move has brought about specifically to undergraduate on campus with undergraduates Its own problems. To begin with, work. AAS does not discourage seeking a place to display their much of this space Is open only an association with graduate work. In fall AM prepared two during school business hours, students In the Visual Arts such exhibits: a show In the allowing only those who department. Instead they are 6 . Third College Humanities typically use the space to see looking for help from grad Building of principal founder the pieces. To Increase students as they set up the Jennifer Andersen's photo- exposure. AM has planned shows. To grant added graphs and a screening of ' "open houses," giving others an significance to the work of undergraduate videos In the opportunity to see tlte1Wft'k. ltftdeI:§PIduates and to spur TrIton Pub. more campus Interest. M.S lbls quarter the group. A second but more hopes to have graduate students consisting of artmakers fundamental prllem for the critique the work they display. Andersen. lJIura Cooper. Alice group has be acquiring Art for Alternative Spaces is BARTOK Martin. Sonia Chun. PhyUIs artwork. At prese . members of flushing the work of Cohen. and Grant Aikin, has the group make appeals for undergraduate artists out into three shows already In progress work to students in Visual Arts the open. and someday you may STRING QUARTET the, (Ink drawings In TCHB 244. production classes. They also find yourself surrounded byart. sculpture In the Pub, send out a newsletter to VA In the meantime. keep a photographs in TCHB 142 - undergraduates. However. at the lookout FROM HUNGARY Birdcage Review • UCSD's Undergraduate Journal of the Fine Arts

furtpldes' Greek Tragedy hecubA Presented by the UC Sanu Barbara Department of Dl3matic An 1 9 8 3 8 4 SEA SON M.tnddl Weiss Center .tnu UCSD The.ure • I ly laue• Love's Labour's Lost direcled by Eric Christmas ....,. IMpiring. powttful ."d - a JatlCijul ((J llIcdy of low (md life: - PETER KOMLOS. vi olin GEZA NEMElH. vi o la Dloid gllm~ Into (jreek February 16 - 19, 23 - 26, 29 - March 3 BELA BANFAUR.. violin LASZW MEZO. cello Deadline for submissions has been extended mJlUtolog...5upemtg Ttdeas On Sale Now! to Fridav, February 3 (Tomorrow). perfDmted ."d dllflCted. .. " -SuI...... Ife..rra. ---WINTER REPERTORY-- - ­ February 4, Saturday, 8:00 p.m. Venice Preserved Mandeville Auditorium Pick up forms in the departments of Thomas Otway's RC\loratl(lIl tragedy (if power and passIO n Literature, Visual Arts, Communications, March 8, 10,14 and 16 UCSD Students $5.50, G.A. $12.00 Drama and Music, as well as EDNA and rebnltIIJ 4 and 5, 8100 p.m. Tickets at VCSD Central Box Office, <152·4559 The Playboy of the Western World " at Ticketron Outlets the Review Office Mandeville Redtal Hall A'l ln ~rml1g Insh J() /lftale by J,M. Synge Presented by UCSO's Univtrsity Events Ofrice (Room 204, Student Center) Tickets: $2.00 Students I $4.00 Public. available at door only , March 9, 11, 15 and 17 el-e74 Tickets on Sale 201 Call 452-4574 2 nilWu february 2. 1984 february 2. 1984 nllltu 3 A musical Computers 'Tooth of Crime': Rock '0' roll bibute to as tools for with a bite opens on campus San Diego the artist "So ya wanna . be a rocker. reap big bucks in manufactur­ music to examine our lives. Those interested in the latest Study the moves. Jerry Lee ing illusions of the ideal life. values and dreams. and the By Al'IDRfW KlEIER state-of-the art technology wllI Lewis, Buy some blue suede These "high priests of hype" "games" we play, Set In a It started ten years ago with a enjoy dance. music. and Him shoes. Move yer head like Rod induce us to play the "game." to futuristic society. The Tooth of song about Chula Vista. KGB presentation Involving Stewart. Put yer ass in a grind, gain power. wealth. and prestige Crime presents a confrontation then released an entire album of computer as realized by Talkin ' sock it to it, get the by outmaneuvering the other between two musicians. Hoss. material dealing with life In San composer/photographer Phil image in line. Get the image in the aging superstar, slipping Diego. The Itome Grown albums Winsor and. dancer/composer line. Get the image in line boy. from the top of the charts. is over the years showcased local Debra Chang Thursday. rebruary The fantasy rhyme, It's all over challenged by Crow. the young. talent and raised money for 2. 8 pm, Mandeville Recital Hall. the streets and you can't buy aspiring rocker. Battling each local charities. These discs under the auspices of the UCSD the time. You can 't buy the other for turf. each strives to provided a source of both pride Music Department. bebop. You can 't buy the slide. " kill" his opponent with style, and humor In America's finest The program Includes: The Got the fantasy blues and no The rules of the "game" are City. Bride stripped Bare. a Him place to hide. " controlled by the "keepers." an four years ago the hJgh price accompanied by a wide range of Sam Sbepard. an excerpt unseen. all-powerful. collective Jazz improvisation will of petroleum forced KGB to look traditional and electronic from The Tooth of Crime influence. for another local promotlon/ sounds In collage fashion 'The Tooth of Crime Is open musical festival fun raiser. The Skyshow was corresponding to the dealing with the cutting edge of Initiated and has met with articulation of Him sections: By JOAJ'II fORSBf:RG crime. beyond the realm of the " Resonance and Reverbera­ The second day of the mixed success. This year the "STR.GAM." a computer­ Rock 'n' Roll and the physical. In a battle of ~yches. tions." an evening of Jazz festival. Wednesday at 8 pm. radio station has brought Itome generated piece simulating the American Dream , These of minds." explains Dichter, Improvisation. opens the UCSD KIVA. the UCSD fxperimeDtal Gl'OWn back flom the dead. affective quality of slowed-down reigning symbols of our culture "Shepard is saying. yes. you can Music Department's three-day Ensemble. offers a program' of This year's entries were not gamelan music; Kalihi. are united in Sam Shepard's destroy a man's flesh but the Improvisation restival at 8 pm dance/music demonstrating restricted to songs about San dedicated to jazz pianist ernie chilling drama, The Tooth of greater crime Is the destruction Tuesday at the newly new performance techniques. Diego. just the best material Washington. manipulates Crime. playing february 8-12 at of his mind and his spirit. refurbiltled Center for Music original gestures and new local bands had to offer. Over sounds derived from improvisa­ the Warren Theatre, With set and costumes fxperlment. instruments. as developed by 400 submissions Hooded the tions at the piano: for a change Directed by graduate student designed by UCSD graduate The evening of Improvised dancer Hi-ah Park (currently station and a panel of local of mood and style, synthesized Jon Dichter. this UCSD drama guy, We become trapped in an student Uta rink and an original music features floyd Gaffney of chosen by the noted theater music personalities made the Muzak. Missa Brevis. an department production features artificial world in which our rock and roll score composed by the UCSD Drama Department as director Grotowskl to work with Hnal decision. Many of the example of minimalist total a performance of rock and new worth as human beings is Victor lupane and Jeff Barnet. narrator. Jim rrench on his group at UC Irvine). musicians appearing on the theater. and America: New and wave music by the professional determined by the clothes we this e.lciting production frenchaphones. Daryl Pratt percussionist Jean-Charles record play regularly at local Used and The Bride Stripped San Diego based group "The wear. the cars we drive. the promises to examine the percussion. Tripp Sprague francols and trombonist John nightclubs and occasionally Bare. two collaborative works Mirrors," homes in which we live. the toys " Arnerkan Dream" and where it saxophones. and Bert Turetzkey. Silber. KIVA Is about to go on UCSD lGs. rour [yes. Dirk by cinematographer Tom In today's society of People we own, In this process. our has gone In our Impersonal. bass, The provocative repertory tour to Philadelphia. Debonalre. Blitz Brothers and PaJazzolo and composer Phil magazine and fnterlainment spirits are slowly destroyed. competitive world. Includes such pieces as Washington D.C. and l'1ew York Moving Targets have also Winsor. exploring different Tonight Rolling Stone. and Shepard uses the metaphor of ror ticket information. call "Straight no Chaser." "Duke CltY'1 released EPs locally. approaches to the combination !'flY, rlacllson Avenue magnates the narcissistic realm of rock 452-4574, Ellington, a Portrait." and AI concerts are free. for Of the twelve songs. "You of visual effects and organized " Blues for Mr. Orwell." among more Information call 452- Lost a Gold Mine" comes across sound. others, 3229. as the most Impressive. The rockablly number by the Beat farmers features the same kind video spots where the "in" "Spend the /"fIght With Mary" by now you're Just fried chicken," Animation fest of wild energy tbat has made the people hang out. (,'I'm a lost CJ. Hutton (who appeared on an Also appearing on Home SPECIAL TO Business and Blasters one of the premier boy. In a sick world. full of earlier Home Grown album) Grown '84 are Average Citizen, addstwosbow$ LONDON. Technical Majors bands In the country. Vocalist lonely people who party.") deviates from the rock norm Darius and the Magnets and Bobby Blue and the boys are fast Another song depicting the with Its folksy style. Frank Grubbs. From the cover In addition to the current SJ20onew.y· Highly responsible positions schedule the Animation festival for college seniors and becoming the band with the underbelly of nightclub life Is The last cut Is a rowdy. rock art by John Webster to the high LAX to Landon has added a midnight show on graduates (through age 34) in local dance crowd. "The Boys Go Home" performed number with a twist of humor, quality of sound on the vinyl. -Must purctlase ticket ~ Probably San Diego's best by Marty Eldridge with Ron and "fried Chicken" by Modem Home Grown '84 recaptures the Friday and a 2 pm matinee on Feb. 10. Valid for 6 months. financial and logistic support. The Navy Supply Corps needs known performer (next to the Roy Jones and John Slowlczek Rhythm c1ascs the album with spirit of the earlier recordings Saturday, Tickets are available We would like to introouce to you our highly qualified, dynamic Chicken) Dirk Debonalre Is at on Synthesizers. Victim. a band these words of wisdom: "Pass and offers San Diego a rare at the La Jolla Museum Box new and talentc'J hair desi~ners, SPECIAL TO individuals to lead and his best with " Lost Boy," It is a of heavy-metal headbangers, the biscuits. pass the gravy, you musical spotlight. Besides, Office beginning tomorrow. ror Felipe & Karen Kay (K.K.) AUI'IIIALIA manage large inventory and wry tale of a desperate soul lost does a great Impression ofJudas gotla know how to pick 'em. you 're not going to find a better further information call 454- 1499 round trip financial networks. Salary in the jungle of Dlegos-type Priest with their sonA "Victim," what you got is way too hot. and album for $2.50, 0267, Women $15, rL'!~ . $25 Nat ,ona StuOen t Trave l Bureau $18,500 to start. $34,000 after Men $12, n:~ . $19 01 tne US A 4 years. Excellent benefits For appointment please call 457-2930. 452-0630 package. Need BAIBS, U.S. citizenship. Call Naval F 10 R V e: I~ 8950 Villa La Jolla Dr., Suite 2 120, La Jolla Council Travel u 111 H you've majored In (lkhlnJ EI T

.. NWU5 february 2. 1964 rebTUiry 2. 1984 NIMu .5 ..

The UCSD Music Department and from 12:30 until 5:00 pm on and the San Diego Public week.ends, without charge. UCSB troupe brings 'Hecuba' TRANSLATOR Theater are laLllchlng a new Also scheduled Is Young joint venture presenting a !eries lKptP.ssionism. a video tape Euripides' Hecuba will be members include Cecelia Rebecca Covey. Choreographed of Monday evening Concerts of exploration of the work of three performed by members of the Kouma. Ben-Jamin 8ratt. Ron by Susan Barber Frink with contemporary music beginning artJsts. Jean ..Iebel Basqulat. UC Santa Barbara Department of Mussared. Tom Elliot. Matthew scenic design by Sharon Monday. february 1.5. at 8 pm .. I'ranceaco Clemente and Julian Dramatic Arts at the Mandeville Bailin. Cynthia Campman and Per I m u t t e r . San Diego Public Theater. 8th Schnabel. The tape Includes Recital Hall on february 3 and 4 and K Streets. InterYlews with Jean Mkhel at 8:00 pm nightly: Tickets are The series. conceived as a Basqulat and Julian Schnabel. $4.00. available at the door cabaret of diverse media. The La Jolla Museum's only. features UC5D faculty artists videotape !eries augments the "ecuba deals with the plight and graduate students from the Museum's temporary exhibi­ of Hecuba. former queen of Troy departments of Music. Visual tions and permanent collection. and wife of Priam. during an The MU!eum is located at 700 episode following the sacking of Prospect Street In La Jolla. for Troy by Greek forces under more Information call 454- Achilles and Agamemnon. This 0267. ancient tale of social i~ustice ••• and personal anguish, translated by William Arts. and Drama. The ftrst The rrlday film series Arrowsmith. Is a vivid glimpse Monday henlng offers Song continues this week with the of Greek mythology. Hecuba is IJook.s by John Cage, M.""" Dustin Hoffman film Tootsie, played by Susan Verducci; Eric by tardew, a poetJy reading by The film centers around an out­ Lewis plays the ghost of her son, Jerry Rothenberg. and solo of-work actor whose only Polydorus: Kurt 8raunrelter performances by Bert Turetzky. prospect of landing a role is by assumes the role of Agamem- No Time Like Feb. 6th bass, Jean-tharles francols. posing as a woman. The 111m Is at 8 pm. Admission Is only $2. H plano. John ronvllle, ftute, and non: and Greg Hubbard appears "Hec:aba wII be penorwed Ia Na.dewUle I'rtday aIId Sa...... for more Information call 452- as the son of Achilles. Other cast '-1 Gym ~ HarklM, trumpet In a piece at Noon on the step entitled ll«tric Trumpet 4559. Admission Is $5. ror more ••• A IIuoqH 6oedo_: The highly community. 1bdr current tol8' brings them to Information call 452-3229 or The I'tew York drama UCSD~Team 232-7378. acclaimed Bartok String Quartet has played campus for an evening of jamming with the presen s rei' the crown heads of europe and Asia as well music 01 the masters. l1cket prices are production Adam Ci,llyton • • • as nmnerolB put gigs for the UCSD ac:acIemlc reasonable. ror more Info call 452- 45~9.· Powell will perform at the Old • AUDIENCES WIll SIMPlY CltBll$H FREE Violinist Gregory Walker will Town Opera House in San 'B11EA1C1N6 _r." 1011 umino Del Mar, Suite 108, Del Mar / .81-6739 IMtfIMI SdIcMI n MfIllAfOAlllf[ perform Tartlnl's Deuil's Trill Diego's Historic Old Town Now Offers Sonata. the first movement and ~I Rayo -X. Undley gained traveling circus. The two starts at the La Jolla Museum of District, february 2 through from prominence a few years back encounter an acrobat. portrayed Contemporary Art on January 21 february 12. The drama stars • Complete Skin Care 6;[ MakeUp Techniques Sibellus' Violin Concerto FACIAL and Recitatiuo and Scherzo by with his hit JlfeTcuty. DIe show Is by Richard Buehart. who ellJoYs and continues through March 4 the original I'tew York cast and • Manicures, Pedicures 6;[ Sculptured Nails Look Your Best fritz Kreisler. Sunday. february at 8 pm. Tickets are available at teasing him. The performance of In corUunctlon with two new portrays the life and legend of l~t; Classes available. 5. at 8 pm. Room 8210, the Rodeo box oftIce and all Gluletta Maslna as the tragic exhibitions being shown at the Adam fowell. Jr.. the ALWAYS Mandeville Center. Tele8eat outlets. ror more waif. has ~en universally Museum, Ifair Breadth - f'lew Oamboyant and controversial In adelltlon to his Interest In information call 483-6339. lauded as it' tour de {otr:e of Will Dlilwings by Mike Qlier. Congressman, revolutionary BREAKING AWAY Call Jar complimentary the violin. walker is also suoerlatlve actina. and John Pfahl - Power and man of God. who has a Thanday, february 2 Hair Design Special ••• Jacial and make-over. studying computer music. He ~ sua. an Italian drama. ~ stradlls director federlco fraces, 29 color photographs of powerful political force under 8:00 • 10:00 pm Women's Style $1 7 has perfmned at musk festivals . winner of the 1956 Academy fellln!'s most widely admired monumental energy sources. the Truman. eisenhower, Petenoa Ball Men 's Style $14 and recitals throughout the Award for Best foreign I'Ilm, ftlm. It Is shown In Italian with Photogtaphy t:.Khibition.s. a Kennedy and Johnson New Th"rl College Lecture Hall United States. screens Wednesday, february 8. fngllsh subtitles. DIe ftlm is the series of three Interviews with presidential administrations. Tickets $1.75 457-4860 (fIrSt time only - Tim) Groups Welcome! The concert Is free. for at '7:30 pm at the La Jolla second of ftve Italian works artists/photographers Hans The curtain will rise at 8 pm Available at the Box Office Information call 452-3219. Museum of Contemporary Art. featured In rebnary in the I'tamuth, Cindy Shaman and Thursdays through Saturdays /. I ~ .. Anthony Quinn stars as a Museum's ~enlng I'Ilm Robert Rauschenberg. can be and at 3:JO pm on SUndays. • • • brutish strongman who takes a !ales; .- seen dally In the Museum General admission Is $8.50. An Invitation to Great rock and roll hlb the simple-minded girl with him as • • • galleries from 10:00 until 5:00 for tickets and Information. all UCSD Undergraduates: Rodeo Sundavwfth Dave Undky hE tours from town to town In a pm on Tuesday through rriday call 298-0082. enter the Tenth Annual Color Bltnd? Book Burroughs Corporation. a world leader in the electronics baaed infonnation systems industry, is ready for the future. We are firmly Collection established in one of the moat promising growth industries of our time ... we have addressed all of the essentials - human resources, technology and J!;~'~ ~~ customers - constructively and comprehensively. Contest It you are color blind we Our principal revenues will pay you $5.00 per hour are derived from the sale of infonnation systems. 1984 to participate in perception equipment services. media products, experiments on the nature special purpose products The Friends of the UCSD Library are sponsoring the of color blindness. For more and services, as well as Tenth Annual Book Collection Contest to encourage business forms intonnation contact: Kathy and supplies. undergraduate interest in reading and to stimulate Purl or AI Nagy at 452-4762 personal book collecting by students. between 9:00 and noon. Entries May Be: ACADIMY__ AWMD POI Our products -oo~ A, A collection centering on any subject (e.g .• Baja Ca/ifo~nia, Bioethics, IDT IUPPOImN8 ~h~':!:~~~ ~~~ 1.' . Diegeno Indians, Epic Theater, John F. Kennedy. World War 1). ~ . include computers. B, A collection focusing on a single author or group of authors (e.g., C_18Ip) office automation systems. computel' f NAVY NUCLEAR' Carroll, Chekhou, Feminist Poets, Heinlein. Lessing, The Modernists). ENGINEERING based systems. peripheral devices. C_ A collection of works by a printer, book·binder or designer, or and a range of applications software illustrator (e.g .• Ward Ritchie, Maurice Sendak. Adrian Wilson). products and professional services. any better offers? $24,000 Burroughs' ongoing success in the design, engineering, Calendar to $54,000 after 6 years. manufacturing. marketing and support of information systems Monday, April 16, 1'84 - Closing date for submission of If you are 19 to 26 years and related equipment has resulted In opportunities for top graduates in: the bibliographical essays. of age majoring in math, • Computer Science • Electronic Engineers. Chemical Engineers Monday, April 23, 1'84 - Preliminary screening chemistry, physics or of essays. engineering and would ON·CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Monday, April 30, 1'84 - Final judging. like to learn more about February 14 this opportunity .----Prizes:------. See your college placement office to arrange an interview. , CALL $175 (first) COLLECT An Affirmalivil Aclion Emplo)!cr M/f' $125 (second) 75 third This friday. february 3, 8 p.m. (619) Burroughs For more in/ormatIon or a lea/let, please contact Marc ItIandeviUe Auditorium 293-6746 Gittelsohn at 452-3065, or inquire at the Cluster Only $1.00 Call between 'the hours of 9 Undergraduate Library Reference Desk. am to 5 pm , Mon . thru Wed. =-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Uc''iD Boll OffIce: .,2-455 9 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6 iil.tus february 2. 1984 rebruary 2. 1984 IIUtu 7 1984 85 Plaalldal AIel ~ Scholanhlp AppUcadoD DeadUn•• $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ --All current financial aid recipients were mailed 1984-85 applications to re-apply. --All continuing students with a 3.50 cumulative GPA were mailed 1984-85 scholarship applications. APPUCAnONS MUST BE POSTMARKED FEBRUARY 9, 1984. All financial aid applications who are eligible to apply for a Cal Grant are required to apply for a Cal Grant; failure to do so will result in a loss of UCSD financial assistance -- the Cal Grant deadline for new applicants is February 9, 1984. The deadline to complete your financial aid file for Fall Quarter 1984 aid is May 1, 1984. If you do not receiv~ an application packet in the mail, please request one from your college financial aid office. Workshops for completing the financial aid and/or scholarship application will be held in the North Conference Room in the Student Center at the following times:

Thursday-FeblU8lY 2-9:00 am

Frlday-Febnwy 3-1:00 pm

Monday-Febtuary 6--11:00 am

Plan to attend one of these workshops. Please bring your applica~on forms with you to the workshop.

m~m S~~n!~sth d o~ ~ "'''''''1 ~u.c . .... -.o ______••~ .. r. . SKA 'N' B SPIRIT with TRITON Friday Night, BASKETBALL February 3rd.

5:15 pm UCSD vs. UC-Riverside (Women) 7:30 pm UCSD vs. Point Loma (Men)

with Paul Carrack BIG SHOT Free Throw Contest plus special guest STUDENTS vs ADMINISTRAnON Half-time of Men's game Mr. Mr. REDUCm ADMISSION For UC5D Community .50 ltudents $1 faculty & ltaff Friday, March 2, 8:00 pm 1.0.'5 required UCSDGYM AND DANCE to the Tix on sale now at ~ars ana all Ticketron outlets. Also at the UCSD Box Office. R..4.MING HIBACHI'S Call 452-4559 for more information. REC GYM 10:00 pm-12:30am Sponsored by the Sports Activities Board

--.N~.AA.JIIJ.'''''''''-...... , .~."T.'-IU'I,-AI',--.,IV-- Southland Concerts .....,-..... I'rI'rAJYrIY'J'JY1I'YV'I1'W' 8 "'atus February 2, 1984