05/2014 . Technical statements are subject to alterations and printing errors ROOFS WITHAFUTURE Urban rooftopfarming Growing Benefits

In this “Age of Less“ and of the “Slow and is tastier. Movement”, local and seasonal produce Thinking in terms of the circular economy are more popular than ever before. A re- that incorporates urban vegetable pro- presentative survey carried out by the Forsa duction is lucrative, as rooftop farming Institute on behalf of the Federal Depart- uses local resources: rain water and filtered ment of showed that, when waste water from the households; solar purchasing groceries, 65% of consumers energy and the heat generated by the usually or always ensure that the produce building. Conversely, the urban is sourced regionally. The market desires can be of benefit to the building, as the regionality. provide cooling in the summer and Long supply routes and consequently costs thermal insulation in the winter: it’s good and emissions are minimized as the pro- for the building climate and just as good duce is produced close to the consumer. for the waterproof membrane, which Produce can be sold when very fresh and is then exposed to less severe temperature is, therefore, marketable for a longer period fluctuations. In addition, plants help to of time. Besides, freshly-harvested agricul- improve the urban climate. tural produce is much richer in vitamins

Technology for a fruitful harvest

In order for market to work in currants and the like. The level of irrigation planning phase. As is the case with all an extreme location such as a rooftop, how- and fertilisation required will depend on roofs that are going to be used by people, ever, all relevant factors must be taken into the vegetables to be grown and local climate fall-protection measures must be inclu- consideration. For this reason, ZinCo has conditions. ded. ZinCo provides suitable systems and created the permanent reliable System Generally speaking, pathways are useful rail solutions, all of which can be in- Build-up “Urban Rooftop Farming”. The in a vegetable garden. The ZinCo System stalled without penetrating the roof mem- drainage element Floradrain® FD 40 is at Build-up “Urban Rooftop Farming” provides brane. In any case, it is important to the heart of this build-up. With about 200 mm for drainage throughout the entire green ensure safe access to and on the roof area. of ZinCo system substrate, this Build-up is roof, even where there is a combination of suitable for growing many different types surfaces, with the result that roof run-offs of vegetable and fruit for example lettuce, can be situated in places where they are We recommend installing a tap for easy onions, herbs, courgettes, aubergines, least disruptive. roof-top irrigation. pumpkins, cabbage, melons and straw- The specific requirements of a rooftop berries. A somewhat deeper substrate layer location (for example in terms of wind, (300 to 400 mm) is required for tomatoes, structural requirements, water run-off) must French beans, raspberries, blackberries, be taken into consideration during the Weight Height kg/m² mm

Fruits and vegetables dry water- saturated

190 280 200 System Substrate “Lawn”, 200–400 mm – – –

380 560 400

Filter Sheet TG 3 11 50 Floradrain® FD 40-E 193 291 Protection Mat ISM 50 – – Roof construction with Root Barrier WSB 100-PO, root resistant waterproofing 383 571 if waterproofing is not root-resistant

Build-up height: ab ca. 250 mm Weight, saturated: ab ca. 300 kg/m2 Water retention capacity: ab ca. 100 l/m2


• With 200 mm ZinCo System Substrate, The use of an organic fertilizer is • Please note: the Build-up described this Build-up is suitable for fruit and recommended. To minimize the impact above is suitable for the moderate vegetables such as lettuce, onions, on the runoff avoid over-fertilizing. continental climate of Central Europe. squash, zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, For information on possible adaptations melons, strawberries, herbs and such • The specific conditions of a roof location for other climates please contact the like. (e.g. wind, structural requirements, ZinCo Technical Department. water run-off) must be observed when • For vegetables and fruits such as green planning. • According to European Technical beans, tomatoes, raspberries, black- Approval “Roof Garden”. berries, currants and such like a • Can easily be used in combination substrate depth of 300 to 400 mm is with roof , patios, walkways http://www.zinco-greenroof.com/EN/ greenroof_systems/index.php recommended. and other uses.

• The amount of fertilizer and irrigation • When working on rooftops personal depends on the requirements of the safety equipment is to be used Description cultivated fruit and vegetable wherever risks cannot be avoided. species and on local climate conditions. Roofs with a future

What may initially appear to be futuristic can become reality if the correct technical expertise is applied – growing vegetables on a roof. Urban roofs are providing new fields of activity – as farmland or gardens where we can experience nature at first hand or social areas where the community can come together. Whether it’s on a small or a grand scale, for private or commercial use, there are many benefits to urban far- ming. It is also a way of addressing the lack of resources and farmland that has resulted from increasing urbanization. Technical statements are subject to Technical ZinCo GmbH . Lise-Meitner-Strasse 2 . 72622 Nuertingen . Germany . Phone +49 7022 6003-0 [email protected] . www.zinco-greenroof.com alterations and printing errors 05/2014