2019 OFFICIAL GUIDE SUSQUEHANNA “ - RIVER VALLEY Traveling EVERY TURN A TREASURE it leaves you speechless,, then turns you into a STORYTELLER.” - IBN BATTUTA Maps, Travel Tips, Local Faves and Ideas! VisitCentralPA.org Promoting Northumberland, Snyder & Union Counties 36 Table of Contents WELCOME! 46 Whether you’re feeling adventurous to take on the open water of the Susquehanna River, or looking for some breathtaking scenery, or seeking a secluded hideaway for the weekend, we’re ready to make every turn a treasure. 16 56 52 Regions: NORTHERN NortHERN RIVER VALLEY RIVER 16 | VALLEY Lewisburg, Milton, Watsontown HEArt OF THE RIVER WESTERN 36 | Northumberland, Selinsgrove, Sunbury FOREST HEArt OF LANDS THE RIVER COAL HERITAGE COAL 46 | Elysburg, Shamokin, Mount Carmel HERITAGE SOUTHERN FIELDS SOUTHERN FIELDS 52 | McClure, Middleburg WESTERN FOREST LANDS 56 | Mifflinburg, New Berlin, Penns Creek EXPLORE THE REGIONS year-round for springtime splendor, sultry summers, fall forests, and wintry wonderlands! 5 81 Hafer Road Lewisburg, PA 17837 800-525-7320 570-524-7234 Fax 570-524-7282
[email protected] VisitCentralPA.org 70 800-VISIT-PA | visitPA.com SRVVB is the officially recognized tourist promotion agency for Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties in Central Pennsylvania. ©2019 Susquehanna River Valley Visitors Bureau This work is the property of the Susquehanna River Valley Visitors 63 78 Bureau and no part of it may be used or reproduced without permission. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of content, Regions: Features: contact information is provided to NortHERN RIVER VALLEY EVENTS allow verification prior to visiting. SRVVB 16 | Lewisburg, Milton, Watsontown 5 | What, where, and when makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the availability, accuracy, DINING completeness, currency, or suitability of HEArt OF THE RIVER 36 | Northumberland, Selinsgrove, Sunbury 63 | Taste the Valley the information printed in this guide.