Package ‘MSEtool’ August 13, 2021 Title Management Strategy Evaluation Toolkit Version 3.2.0 Description Development, simulation testing, and implementation of management procedures for fisheries (see Carruthers & Hordyk (2018) <doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13081>). License GPL-3 Encoding UTF-8 LazyData true RoxygenNote 7.1.1 Depends R (>= 3.5.0), snowfall Imports abind, dplyr, methods, grDevices, ggplot2, parallel, Rcpp, stats, utils Suggests boot, broom, covr, crayon, devtools, DT, fmsb, ggrepel, gridExtra, kableExtra, knitr, MASS, mvtnorm, openxlsx, purrr, r4ss, readxl, reshape2, rfishbase, rmarkdown, shiny, testthat, tidyr LinkingTo Rcpp, RcppArmadillo BugReports NeedsCompilation yes Author Adrian Hordyk [aut, cre], Quang Huynh [aut], Tom Carruthers [aut], Chris Grandin [ctb] (iSCAM functions) Maintainer Adrian Hordyk <
[email protected]> Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2021-08-13 10:10:17 UTC 1 2 R topics documented: R topics documented: Albacore . .5 Albacore_TwoFleet . .6 applyMMP . .7 applyMP . .7 Atlantic_mackerel . .8 avail.............................................9 boxplot.Data . 10 calcRefYield . 10 CALsimp . 11 Can ............................................. 12 CheckDuplicate . 13 CheckMPs . 13 checkMSE . 14 Choose . 15 CombineMMP . 16 Converge . 16 Cos_thresh_tab . 18 cparscheck . 18 Cplot . 19 Data-class . 20 Data2csv . 24 DataDescription . 24 DataDir . 25 DataInit . 25 DataSlots . 26 Data_xl . 27 DecE_Dom . 28 DFO_bar . 29 DFO_hist . 30 DFO_plot . 30 DFO_plot2 . 31 DFO_proj . 31 DFO_quant . 32 DFO_report . 33 DFO_spider . 33 DFO_tab . 34 DFO_tab_formatted . 34 DLMDataDir . 35 dnormal . 36 Dom............................................. 36 expandHerm . 37 Fease . 38 Fleet-class . 39 FleetDescription . 41 FMSYref . 42 Generic_Obs . 43 R topics documented: 3 getclass . 44 getDataList . 45 getfirstlev . 45 getmov2 . 46 getsel . 47 Hist-class . 47 hist2 . 49 HistDescription . 50 Imp-class . 50 ImpDescription .