16 Pages Price 20,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 39th year No.13376 Tuesday APRIL 30, 2019 Ordibehesht 10, 1398 Sha’aban 24, 1440 Negotiations with U.S. Larijani calls talks Croatia Olympic chief Danish film festival at current situation is with U.S. a ‘strategic meets Iranian to open in Tehran equal to surrender 2 mistake’ 2 top sports officials 15 on Wednesday 16

See page 16 Iran, Turkey ink MOU on transportation co-op TEHRAN — Iran and Turkey signed Minister Mohammad Eslami, Turkish Minis- a memorandum of understanding for ter of Transport and Infrastructure Mehmet expanding transportation cooperation, Cahit Turhan, Ali Ihsan the chief executive IRIB reported. of Turkish railways (known as TCDD) and The MOU was inked during the eighth Saeed Rasouli head of Islamic Republic of Iran meeting of Iran-Turkey joint transporta- Railways (known as RAI) along with repre- tion committee which was held in Tehran sentatives of major transportation companies on Monday. from both sides were among the attendees Iran’s Transport and Urban Development of the gathering. 4

World should stand up to health-related human rights violation: minister TEHRAN — The Iranian health minister healthcare rights due to sanctions, no has called on health policy makers to fully healthcare center in Yemen, Libya, or stand up to those who violate health-re- Republic of the Congo should be raided lated human rights by imposing brutal and no healthcare provider should be sanctions on countries. murdered like Dr Richard Mouzoko. Saeed Namaki made the remarks dur- Dr Richard Valery Mouzoko Kiboung, ing the opening ceremony of 7th World an epidemiologist deployed by WHO in Health Summit Regional Meeting in the the response to the Ebola outbreak in Persian Gulf island of Kish on Monday, DRC, was killed in an attack on Butembo ISNA news agency reported. University Hospital on Friday, 19 April No one should be deprived of their 2019. 12

Leader visits Imran Khan says after stronger ties with Tehran TEHRAN — Imran Khan, the Paki- China on Monday, Fars news agency stani prime minister, has reiterated reported. Tehran Intl. that his country attaches importance He also referred to the insecurities at to ties with Iran and intends to bol- border areas, saying, “We make efforts ster relations and cooperation with to establish a tranquil region and want its western neighbor. Iran’s cooperation to this end.” “Pakistan enjoys good relations with Khan said that Pakistani people’s eco- Iran and we are after strengthening nomic welfare is impossible without stability leader.ir Book Fair these ties,” Khan said while on tour of and security in the region. 2 ARTICLE Theorizing about religion one of the core areas of inquiry in IR: Peter Haas ARTICLE Farrokh Hesabi Mudasir Sheikh By Javad Heirannia always been one of the core areas inquiry in IR.” the secular state has always been a normative Researcher and writer Tehran Times journalist TEHRAN — Peter M. Haas, a professor of Po- Following is the full text of the interview: feature and aspiration of the international sys- from Kashmir litical Science at the University of Massachusetts When have been the religious issues a tem, although the degree of conformity with the Amherst says that the crux of the argument about matter of great in Theorizing of International secular state has varied over time and extent. secular and religious states in IR is still seen Relations? For instance, currently religion seems to trump Saudi-U.S. nuclear as the conflict between animating pressures on Theorizing about religion has always been the secular state in Israel and Saudi Arabia; Violence in Iranian hypocrisy exposed people: religious, post religious, secular. one of the core areas inquiry in IR. Modern IR religion is in an ongoing contest with secular Karl Deutsch Visiting Professor at the Wissen- emerged out of the 1548 Treaty of Westphalia orientations in Turkey and Iran; different spaces football needs ccording to author and radio host, schaftszentrum Berlin adds that “While there is and the corresponding toppling of the authority are assigned to religious and secular rules in to stop Harvey Wasserman, U.S. President no singular theory of religion, religion is mean- of the Catholic Church over domestic politics in Japan, China and the USA; and secular beliefs Donald Trump’s recent decision ingfully studied as a form of cultural analysis.” Western Europe. prevail over religious ones in France, the UK, he Iranian domestic football, known A He also adds “Theorizing about religion has As the legacy of the Treaty of Westphalia, and . 6 to infuse $3.7 billion dollars into Vogtle as Iran Professional League, has nuclear power plants is a criminal act. Tbeen marred by violence and abu- The U.S nuclear industry is facing stiff sive language. competition from cheap natural gas and What Iranian flood victims said to the Supreme Leader The rivalry between Persepolis and renewable energy, so financial assistance By Huda Z perhaps not expecting a normal seasonal rain- international community to send cash assistance to Sepahan, two old and popular football is critical for the survival of the industry. clubs in Iran, is a footballing rivalry which TEHRAN — About a month ago, devastating fall to turn into a catastrophic natural calamity. the Iranian Red Crescent Society (IRCS) to respond Trump administration is not only infus- dates back to many years ago. floods hit a number of provinces in north and Over the past several weeks, people across the to the crisis, which Foreign Minister Javad Zarif ing money into the troubled U.S. nuclear However, in recent years the rivalry west of Iran, killing at least 70 people, render- country, despite crippling sanctions and adverse aptly termed as ‘economic terrorism’. energy sector but strongly advocating the between these two teams, who have al- ing thousands homeless, flattening residential economic condition, have been pooling money “Even though certain countries and organiza- transfer of sensitive nuclear technology ways been among the favorites to win the properties, destroying farmland and cutting off for the flood victims. As per rough estimates, the tions have announced their readiness to offer cash to the regime in Riyadh. It has adopted Iran Professional League (IPL), has often access to remote villages. damage caused by this year’s flood accounts to contributions, given the inhumane U.S. sanctions a well-coordinated strategy to guarantee stirred controversy. The deluge was unprecedented and came un- almost USD 2.5 billion. against Iran, there is no channel for cash aids the survival of the U.S. nuclear industry. Chaotic scenes broke out during match announced. Disaster management authorities Some regional countries did come forward with to be sent to IRCS as of this date,” IRCS said in The unilateral withdrawal of the U.S. between Persepolis and Sepahan on Fri- in flood-prone areas seemed unprepared for it, offers of help but the U.S. sanctions prevented the a statement. 6 from JCPOA, malign interests of the U.S. day as visiting fans broke the seats and military-industrial complex and a compre- clashed with the security forces. hensive plan to contain Iranian influence In a rather disastrous afternoon, angry in the Middle East are some important Saudis destabilizing Middle East, paying for U.S.-Israeli crimes: Hezbollah Sepahan fans started ripping plastic seats links that can explain the Saudi-U.S. nu- from the stands before hurling them onto clear hypocrisy. TEHRAN — The deputy secretary general of society in the kingdom. Saudi rulers have Qassim added that the ruling Saudi family is the pitch at the Azadi Stadium in Tehran. At the superficial level, Saudi regime Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement turned the country into the kingdom of evil. a sheer example of an oppressive and dictatorial Later the fans of both teams scrapped with considers itself a strong advocate of weap- has described Saudi Arabia as the root cause Saudi money rests behind all crises and regime, which practices all kinds of pressure and each other in the stands before the start ons of mass destruction free zone (WMD- of instability in the Middle East, stating that problems in the region, besides the agents injustice under American orders to legitimize of the match and according to Tehran FZ) in the Middle East but by praising the incumbent regime in Riyadh is sponsoring that are on the American-Israeli side,” Ar- Arabs’ normalization of diplomatic relations with emergency center more than 250 fans the unilateral withdrawal of U.S. from fiendish U.S. and Israeli crimes in the region. abic-language al-Ahed news website quoted the Israeli regime, the so-called deal of the century were injured in the clashes before and JCPOA and an open admission to acquire “Saudi officials are paying for American-Zi- Sheikh Naim Qassim as saying at a ceremony that deprives Palestinians of their motherland after the game. nuclear weapons in case Iran undertakes onist crimes from the pockets of poor and in the southern Lebanese town of Kfar Fila on and their future, in addition to aggression and On Friday April 19, similar issues hap- a nuclear program is a testament to Saudi impoverished people among other walks of Sunday evening. occupation, Press TV reported. 13 pened in Tabriz. After the match between hypocrisy. Tractor Sazi and Paykan the Tabriz fans It seems logical to put deterrence were devastated at their team’s 0-1 home against a rival but Saudi intentions loss and started causing a public nuisance to acquire nuclear weapons date back Iran to celebrate Persian as a display of their anger. to the inception of Pakistan’s nuclear The Football Federation of Iran Dis- program. Gulf National Day ciplinary Committee on Saturday made The justification for deterrence against temporary rulings in some disciplinary Iran is a fabricated story as we analyze TEHRAN – Today, Iranians from all walks of life are to cases regarding the match between Perse- the Iran nuclear deal which reduced the celebrate Persian Gulf National Day, an occasion to com- polis and Sepahan. The committee has enriched uranium stockpile of Iran by memorate the exit of colonial and foreign forces from the also made penalties for some clubs and 98% and the number of gas centrifuges strategic waterway. their violent fans in previous similar reduced to two-thirds for 13 years. Tenth of Ordibehesht month (April 30) in the Iranian cases. The punishments were temporary. Iran even agreed to halt building new calendar marks the anniversary of Shah Abbas I of Persia’s So were the solutions. That behavior has heavy water facilities and enrich uranium successful military campaign when the Portuguese navy been repeated again and again at pitches up to 3.67%. Further it agreed on regular was forced out of the Strait of Hormuz in the Capture of everywhere in Iran and of course it is inspection of its nuclear program by inter- Ormuz (1622). 10 something that can be seen in stadiums national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). all over the world. In this context, the statement of former Sport can heal and unite cultures. But UK ambassador to UN and IAEA, Peter sometimes the anger of biased fans of Jenkins that “as long as Iran is comply- Mahmoud Khakbaz some teams lead to unpleasant scenes ing with the JCPOA, the U.S., Israel, and in sports, especially football. Violent Saudi Arabia are deprived of any basis incidents of Iranian football in recent for claiming that Iran presents a nuclear years have reached alarming levels, threat which must be eliminated by use putting pressure on the Iran Football of force” sufficiently explains the Saudi Tehran Times/ Federation (FFIRI) to adopt stronger nuclear hypocrisy. 6 measures. 15 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y POLITICS APRIL 30, 2019

Iran, Russia to stage joint naval war games in Persian Gulf Larijani calls talks with U.S.

POLITICAL TEHRAN — Rear-Admiral Hossein Khanzadi, deskthe commander of Iran’s navy, announced on Monday that Iranian and Russian military forces will stage a ‘strategic mistake’ a naval drill in the Persian Gulf later this year. The top military official made the announcement during a POLITICAL TEHRAN – Iranian Ma- Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said press conference upon return to Tehran from a high-profile visit to deskjlis Speaker Ali Larijani in September 2018 that the Trump admin- China, where he met with his counterparts from other countries. said on Monday that talks with the U.S. is a istration constantly sends messages to Iran “Our negotiations with Russia revolved mostly around technical “strategic mistake”. to begin negotiations. and operational topic and we plan to hold a joint naval exercise” “U.S. officials should know that they are “From one side, they put pressure against this year, he stated. facing a tough opponent,” Larijani said during the Iranian people and on the other side they While Iranian and Russian naval forces have received training a conference on monetary policies. send us messages through various methods together in the Caspian Sea before, the upcoming Persian Gulf He noted that Iran sat at the negotiating that we should come and negotiate together,” drill takes cooperation between the two sides to a new level. table for 12 years, however, U.S. President he said. Donald Trump violated the 2015 nuclear ‘Saudis have taken wrong path’ agreement and quit it. Larijani also said that “Iran has not closed Larijani was referring to Iran’s nuclear the door of negotiations”, but the Saudis have talks with the West which first started with taken a wrong path. Europeans in 2003 and then included the Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas U.S. in following years and concluded in 2015. Mousavi on Saturday dismissed claims by Larijani himself was Iran’s chief nuclear ne- foreign media outlets that Iran is seeking talks gotiator in the early years of the Ahmadinejad with the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, calling them presidency. He sat for talks with Javier Solana “unfounded”. who in those years was the European Union’s “There has been no request for talks with chief diplomat. the U.S. and there is no negotiation with Saudi Larijani, a philosopher-turned politician, The announcement comes at a time that Iran has threatened Arabia except for the issue of Hajj which is said the U.S. has adopted a “discourse of hu- to close the Strait of Hormuz, a strategic chokepoint for maritime apart from political relations,” Mousavi said. miliation” and this approach has made talks exports and banks, were snapped back on oil transportation, in response to threats by the United States to a cabinet meeting. Iran’s policy towards neighboring coun- with Washington nonsensical. November 4. zero out Tehran’s oil exports. Also, in remarks on August 13, 2018, the tries is based on good neighborliness and “Anything should be done in its appro- On July 31, 2018, Trump offered to meet The Persian Gulf has also become the center of another showdown Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah mutual respect, he noted. “All the neighbors priate time. Now is not the time to negotiate Iran’s leaders with “no preconditions” and between Iranian and American forces following U.S. President Ali Khamenei said there will be no war be- who consider realities and the international with the America. This is a strategic mistake “any time they want”. Donald Trump’s recent move to designate the Islamic Revolution tween Iran and the U.S. and nor will be any developments are prioritized in productive if one think that issues will be solved with this “I’d meet with anybody. I believe in meet- Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization. negotiation between the two countries. relations.” dangerous creature,” he stated. ings,” Trump told reporters at the White House. Iran has in response designated the U.S. central Command The Leader noted that as Imam Khomeini The ministry spokesman added, “From U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally In remarks on April 29, President Hassan (CENTCOM), which oversees all U.S. forces’ operations in the “banned talks with the U.S. I also ban it”. He the point of view of the Islamic Republic of pulled Washington out of the 2015 nuclear Rouhani likened Trump to a knifeman with region, as terrorist and vowed to confront them in case of any added that negotiation with the current U.S. Iran, Saudi Arabia is an important country deal in May 2018 and ordered reimposition whom Iran will not negotiate. “Undoubt- trespassing on its territorial waters in the Persian Gulf. administration is impossible. “Even if we in our region which has taken a wrong path of sanctions against Iran. The first round of edly, accepting the demands of a knifeman In January, Admiral Khanzadi said upon announcing joint were to negotiate with America, we would and adopted counter-constructive approach sanctions went into force on August 6 and who through bullying and lying is seeking drills in the Caspian Sea that military-to-military work with Rus- never hold talks with the current American which have led to many problems and crises the second round, which targets Iran’s oil negotiation will get nowhere,” Rouhani told sia “will surely take us to a new level of cooperation in strategic, administration.” in the region.” tactical, and operational areas at sea.” The Iranian navy has celebrated significant advances over the past years and expanded its global operating range. Admiral Khanzadi announced that the force would soon re- Jahangiri urges intl. bodies not to be silent on U.S. illegal policies ceive the Damavand destroyer, which he said is currently being equipped with the latest domestic technologies for naval combat. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian First Vice President tration’s officials that sanctions against Iran do not include deskEs’haq Jahangiri said on Monday that the food and medicine, however, the sanctions have restricted Iran, China sign military cooperation agreement international bodies especially the World Health Assembly transfer of money which affects importation of food and The navy chief also announced that he had signed an ex- should not be silent on the U.S. illegal policies. medicine. tensive cooperation agreement with his Chinese counterparts “We expect the international bodies especially the World U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed in a tweet during the trip. Health Assembly not be silent on the U.S. administration’s on November 12, 2018, “The U.S. does not, and never did, “Expanding technical and training capacities will be some illegal policies which are directly related to the people’s sanction food and medicine. They are exempt from sanctions.” of the issues we have on agenda for our interactions with the lives and use all the tools they have to counter the U.S. ad- Kianoush Jahanpour, spokesman for Iran’s Food and Chinese navy,” he added. ministration’s inhuman policies,” he said during a speech Drug Administration, told ISNA in an interview published on Khanzadi noted that besides China, Iran has received invi- at a World Health Assembly forum on Kish Island in the November 2018 that the claim by Washington that medicine tations from India, Pakistan and even Italy for joint training. Persian Gulf. is exempted from sanctions is a “big clear lie”. “Currently, our officers are being trained in some of these The U.S. is lying when it says sanctions have targeted Sanctions include food and medicine and the only point countries and some of them have sent officers to Iran to receive Iran’s government and not the Iranian people, he said. is that these two items have not been mentioned in the sanc- training,” he said. “Unfortunately, the U.S. administration has caused prob- tions list announced by the Trump administration, he said. Iran to defend oil tankers against Israel lems in area of medicine by imposing toughest sanctions Limits on financial transactions cause problems in the Asked about Israeli Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu’s and has endangered lives of many people despite all the process of buying and producing medicine, Jahanpour added. recent remarks about the possibility of using military action to human rights’ law,” he said. The Trump administration imposed sanctions on Par- hinder Iranian oil exports, Khanzadi said the armed forces were to international standards, said Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, President of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the sian Bank in October 2018, one of Iran’s most reputable ready to protect Iran’s tanker fleet. an expert on business relations between Iran and Western Islamic Republic of Iran Alireza Marandi said in a speech private-sector institutions. “The Islamic Republic’s tankers are part of our country’s soil countries. at the forum that the U.S. had endangered the lives of many Policy analysts and sanctions experts say Parsian pro- and surely we will protect them,” he asserted. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif posted Iranian patients by imposing “unjust” food and drug sanc- cessed much of Iran’s humanitarian trade transactions and letters on Twitter in November 2018 which he indicated were tions, according to Fars news agency. was trusted by European firms. It was one of the Iranian from four European pharmaceutical companies announcing Imran Khan says after It has been repeatedly claimed by the Trump adminis- banks whose anti-money-laundering procedures were up the end of their business activities in Iran. stronger ties with Tehran

1 Prime Minister Khan visited Tehran on April 21-22 to Quds Force chief: Negotiations with U.S. at current situation is equal to surrender take part in a number of meetings with senior Iranian officials, POLITICAL TEHRAN — Qassem current conditions is pure surrender and believe that the resistance economy intro- 14 reports each time confirming Iran’s full including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and desk President Hassan Rouhani. Soleimani, commander we will not give in to such an indignity,” the duced by Leader of the Islamic Revolution compliance to the terms of the agreement. Rouhani and Khan in a joint statement underlined the need to of the IRGC Qods Force, told a police gath- major general remarked. should have been implemented since the Under the nuclear agreement, officially widen mutual cooperation between the two countries, especially ering in Tehran on Monday that negotiations On April 22 the United States ended beginning of the revolution in 1979. known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of in trade and economy. with the Trump administration at the current sanctions waivers to importers of Iran’s oil, The Trump administration withdrew from Action (JCPOA), Iran agreed to put limits on Rouhani and the Pakistani premier vowed to boost energy situation is equal to total surrender. threatening that any company that imports the multilateral nuclear deal in May 2018 and its nuclear activities in exchange for termi- relations, including Iran’s electricity export to Pakistan. “Through economic pressure the enemy oil from Iran will be subject to sanctions. ordered banking and oil sanctions against nation of economic and financial sanctions. The two sides also agreed to hold the next Joint Consular wants to bring us to the negotiating table but The sanctions will go into force in early May. Iran. This happened despite the fact that the By withdrawing the international deal, Commission meeting in late 2019 in order to examine the pro- such a negotiation would be an example of Soleimani said that the way out of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United States actually breached inter- gress made and chart the progress made in facilitating people’s surrender; however, our people are vigilant current conditions is “resistance economy”. which is tasked to police Iran’s compliance national law as the JCPOA was endorsed by travel from the two countries. and clever and believe that negotiation in the Top general said today all economic experts to the 2015 nuclear agreement, has issued the UN Security Council Resolution 2231. The two officials also reit- erated that common borders should be the border of peace Iran to give U.S. a proper response soon: Araqchi and friendship. POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian Deputy Foreign Min- committed to supporting the deal,” Gerstl stated. The Pakistani side, mean- desk time, welcomed the Iranian gov- ister Abbas Araqchi said on Sunday that He noted that the European Union rejects Washington’s ernment’s announcement of the Iran’s patience is not limitless and will give a proper response decision in quitting the nuclear deal and is worried about decline release of a number of Pakistani to the U.S. illegal actions soon. of its importance and value. inmates and the adoption of “The Islamic Republic’s patience is not limitless and will U.S. President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled Wash- measures for their immediate give proper response to the U.S. illegal actions soon by com- ington out of the 2015 nuclear deal in May 2018 and ordered extradition. prehensive assessment of the current situation and without reimposition of sanctions against Iran. The first round of The two sides required their emotional reactions,” he said in a meeting with a group of sanctions went into force on August 6 and the second round, respective ministries to use all Austrian MPs in Tehran. which targets Iran’s oil exports and banks, were snapped back potentials to put in place all He also criticized Europe’s delay in implementing its special on November 4. necessary mechanisms to max- mechanism to save the nuclear deal, officially known as the Also, on April 22 the U.S. announced that Washington has imize monetary, financial, and Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. decided not to extend waivers allowing major importers to commercial activities. Iran has given enough time to Europe to make up for con- continue buying oil from Iran when they expire in early May. Elsewhere, he noted that Iran will not allow any country to They also agreed to hold the 21st round of Joint Economic sequences of the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA, he noted. On January 31, France, Germany and Britain announced the become an alternate to Iran in the oil market. Committee meeting in Pakistan in late 2019 in order to consult “We welcome political position of the European Union, creation of INSTEX, a special purpose vehicle aimed at facili- For his part, head of Austrian Parliamentary Friendship on the above issues. but political support will be no help to keeping the JCPOA. tating legitimate trade between European economic operators Group Wolfgang Gerstl said that the EU is determined to pre- Referring to the need for a secure, stable and independent The JCPOA is not an economic agreement and has security and Iran. EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini, French serve the JCPOA. Afghanistan to promote peace and stability in the region, the nature. If it matters to Europe, it should also pay the costs to Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, German Foreign Minister “This is a fact that Europe needs the JCPOA more than the Iranian president and the Pakistani prime minister called for keep it,” added Araqchi who acted as senior nuclear negotiator Heiko Maas and British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt have U.S. does. So, Austria, along with the European Union, remains the establishment of peace talks between Afghan groups, and with the 5+1 group and the European Union. said INSTEX will support legitimate European trade with Iran. called on the countries in the region and outside to cooperate with each other to put an end to the conflicts and return peace to Afghanistan. Rouhani and Khan also condemned all forms of terrorism Larijani says EU has lost its credibility while acknowledging the great achievements of the two countries POLITICAL TEHRAN — Iranian Plan of Action. the U.S. behavior in words?” he remarked. years of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presidency. in combatting terrorism. deskParliament Speaker Ali In May 2018, U.S. President Donald “Definitely, you might say there are prob- Gerstl admitted that the recent devel- With regard to the importance of extending roads to develop Larijani said on Sunday that the European Trump unilaterally pulled Washington out lems because of U.S. pressure and it might opments showed how deeply Europe was and facilitate bilateral and regional cooperation, the two sides Union should not seek any demands because of the JCPOA and ordered reimposition of sound logical. However, we look at this from dependent on the U.S. agreed on the implementation of bilateral and multilateral agree- it is has lost its credibility. sanctions against Iran. The first round of our own point of view and the most impor- He noted that the EU has had the will to ments, including the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), CPEC and During a meeting with Wolfgang Gerstl, sanctions went into force on August 6 and tant thing for us is that this behavior has have economic interaction with Iran. the North-South, and East-West Transit Corridors in Iran. head of Austrian Parliamentary Friendship the second round, which targets Iran’s oil raised questions about the European Union’s France, Germany and Britain announced The two sides, meantime, emphasized the need to resolve Group, in Tehran, Larijani criticized the Eu- exports and banks, were snapped back on credibility and it means that the European on January 31 the creation of INSTEX, a the issue of Jammu and Kashmir through dialogue based on ropean countries for failing to make up for November 4. Union lacks the weight to solve problems,” special purpose vehicle aimed at facilitating the will of the people of that region and in accordance with the the U.S. withdrawal from the 2015 nuclear “We have this question why the European remarked Larijani who served as Iran’s chief legitimate trade between European economic UN Security Council resolution. deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive leaders just support us or express regret over nuclear negotiator with the EU in the early operators and Iran. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 30, 2019 IRAN IN FOCUS

Iran cannot pin hopes on its Reformist council holds first Europe ties: expert meeting in new Iranian year POLITICAL TEHRAN – An expert INSTEX can have good benefits for Eu- deskon international affairs rope and is a good opportunity for European believes that Iran cannot be hopeful about countries to regain their lost independence the future of its relations with Europe. of opinion, he argued. “Taking into account the conflict of in- The Instrument in Support of Trade terests among Europe, America and Iran in Exchanges (INSTEX) which was launched different issues, it can be said that we cannot in January, has been designed by France, be hopeful about the future of relations with Germany and the UK – the three European Europe and their cooperation with [Iran],” signatories to the 2015 Iran deal – to help Esmail Bashari said, Mehr news agency re- European companies circumvent the U.S. ported on Monday. bans and continue trading with Iran. “Perhaps in some cases, Europe has had In its initial stage, the transactions chan- disagreements with U.S. policies on certain nel was intended to be used for selling food, countries or issues, but in general, they are in medicine and medical devices to Iran, but POLITICAL TEHRAN – The Supreme Reformist Council the same direction because of their mutual efforts are underway by the trio to expand deskfor Policy-Making has held its first meeting in interests,” he stated. INSTEX to cover other areas of trade, in- the new Iranian year which stared on March 21, Mehr reported The commentator said Europe has asked cluding oil sales. on Sunday. Iran not to exit the nuclear agreement and The United States reinstated its sanctions The meeting was chaired by Mohammad Reza Aref, chairman remain committed to its obligations “and against Iran after leaving the historic multi- of the pro-reform Hope faction in the parliament. meanwhile, they themselves have not fulfilled lateral nuclear agreement with Tehran, also During the meeting, members of the council reviewed the their commitments.” known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of latest political developments in the country and voiced their Bashari pointed to the issue of human Action (JCPOA). The move, however, drew gratitude to the country’s diplomatic apparatus, headed by For- rights, saying it is clear that human rights criticism from the other signatories, which eign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. is used by Europe and the U.S. as a political He also said Europe has tried to stand up “but how successful they’ll be in this regard pledged efforts to protect the agreement and They denounced the United States’ behavior toward Iran leverage in dealing with other countries. to Washington’s greed by launching INSTEX, remains to be seen.” keep Tehran in it. as a violation of all international treaties and a breach of the Iranian people’s rights. They also pointed to the people’s economic problems and called on the relevant government bodies to try their best to resolve the issues, especially with regard to the problems faced Will Trump let B-team to drag U.S. into by the victims of the recent nationwide floods. Extreme rainfall, starting on March 19, has caused flooding in 28 out of 31 provinces affecting 42,269,129 inhabitants in 253 ‘forever war’ with Iran? Zarif asks cities and causing widespread damage to municipal facilities, POLITICAL TEHRAN – In a post on his Twitter “While John Bolton and the B-team say the Iranian including roads, sewage systems, health centers, hospitals, etc. deskpage late on Sunday, Foreign Minister people ‘deserve better’, they’ve admitted to targeting them The floods have left 78 people dead and 1,137 injured. As Mohammad Javad Zarif has asked whether Donald Trump with Economic Terrorism —and even war— in a delusional many as 295,787 people have been displaced. will his national security advisor John Bolton along with pursuit of ‘regime-change’. But will Donald Trump let them Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Israel “realize their dreams” to realize their dreams of another Forever War?” Zarif asked. push the U.S. toward an unending war with Iran. In an earlier interview with Fox News, Zarif said the Zarif has classified Bolton, Saudi Crown Prince Mo- goal of the B-team is “at least” to change the regime in Iran. hammad Bin Salman, UAE Emir Khalifa bin Zayed, and Bolton immediately responded to Zarif’s remarks on Ali Alqasi-Mehr named Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as “B-team” the same network, claiming his statement is “completely Tehran’s new prosecutor who have “shown an interest in dragging the United States ridiculous” and “an effort to sow disinformation”. He also into a conflict” with Iran. claimed that “the Iranian people deserve a better government”. POLITICAL TEHRAN – Ali Alqasi-Mehr has been appoint- desked as the new prosecutor general of Tehran, replacing Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi who had been serving in the Ex-official: Iran-U.S. talks impossible U.S. foolish to think it can force Iran post since 2009. According to Tasnim news agency’s Monday report, Alqa- owing to Trump’s policies back to negotiating table: expert si-Mehr was head of Fars province’s Justice Department. He was replaced by Kazem Mousavi. Jafari Dolatabadi will bid farewell to his post by the end of the week. Judiciary spokesman Gholam-Hossein Esmaili said Jafari Dolatabadi has been named adviser to the Supreme Disciplinary Court of Judges.

Party chief: Iran won’t be milked like certain Arab states

POLITICAL TEHRAN – Iran is an independent country deskwhich is ruled by its people and therefore the United States will never be able to “milk” it the same way it does certain Arab countries, says Hossein Kan’ani, secretary general POLITICAL TEHRAN – A former sanctions, “but the recent years’ experience POLITICAL TEHRAN – Hossein But, he continued, the structure of desk desk of the Green Party. presidential chief of staff showed that bypassing the sanctions could Sheikholeslam, an ex- the U.S. establishment has fundamental “The Americans expect the Iranian government to behave like says Tehran and Washington cannot hold lead to corruption.” pert on international affairs who served as problems because one president signs an other governments which are obedient to U.S. policies and be talks and reach an agreement because of He advised the government to beware deputy foreign minister and ambassador agreement and the next can easily with- a ‘lactating cow’ like some Arab countries,” Kan’ani said, Mehr U.S. President Donald Trump’s approach of and fight such corruption, but said at for years, has said the United States can draw from it. reported on Sunday. toward the Islamic Republic. the same time the government needs to never force Iran back to the negotiating table “Hence, trusting such regime is an He also said U.S. President Donald Trump’s policies toward “In the current situation, due to the be bold in circumventing the sanctions. and the U.S. administration is “foolish” to unforgivable strategic error,” he argued. Iran is based on the intelligence and guidance he receives from approach and policies of Trump, there’s Abtahi also pointed out that the best ap- think otherwise. Meanwhile, Iran’s Foreign Ministry the MEK, monarchists, Zionists, Saudis and all other enemies no possibility of dialogue and reaching an proach to counter the sanctions is to create “I believe that holding talks with Amer- has rejected as baseless and false claims on Iran. agreement between Iran and America,” Mo- an atmosphere in which everyone feels a ica was wrong from the very beginning,” by certain foreign media outlets about Kan’ani said the best way to counter U.S. pressure is through hammad Ali Abtahi told IRNA on Monday. sense of participation in the country’s affairs. Tasnim news agency on Monday quoted Tehran’s request for negotiations with perseverance and resistance. “Therefore, we should abandon hesi- He added, “Different political and re- Sheikholeslam as saying. the United States. “Perhaps one of the reasons that we can resist against the tation and know that there’s no way oth- ligious fronts should be active in the field, With a reference to the 1981 Algeria “There has been no request for talks sanctions and bring the enemy to its knees is our years of struggle er than moving forward and looking for and looking to the future, they should set Declaration, Sheikholeslam said, “At the with the U.S.,” Foreign Ministry spokesman and resistance,” he added. ways to mitigate the effects of sanctions,” aside their differences.” beginning of the [Islamic] Revolution, a Abbas Mousavi said on Saturday. remarked Abtahi who served under the Tensions between Tehran and Wash- dialogue between Iran and America was Speaking at a cabinet session on Wednes- Khatami administration. ington have risen since the Trump admin- formed for the release of the American hos- day, President Hassan Rouhani said claims No one doubts the cruelty of U.S. sanc- istration withdrew last year from a 2015 tages, and in return the U.S. government by the U.S. that it seeking negotiations with tions, he stressed, adding that Trump’s international nuclear deal with Iran and pledged not to interfere in Iran’s internal Iran were “mere lies”, noting the U.S., in Ex-FM: Iranians will never claim that the sanctions put pressure on began reimposing sanctions. affairs.” fact, intends to bring the Iranian nation Iran’s establishment is “nothing but a joke” Earlier this month, the United States The former diplomat said some believe to its knees. sell independence under U.S. since the main victims of the sanctions are blacklisted Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards that only the Trump administration is to Contrary to what some are trying the ordinary people. Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization blame for exiting the 2015 nuclear deal, to promote, “the U.S. does not have pressure Abtahi, who is a reformist, further said and demanded buyers of Iranian oil stop officially known as the Joint Comprehensive the willingness for negotiations at all,” there are many ways to circumvent the purchases by May or face sanctions. Plan of Action (JCPOA). Rouhani said. Former Foreign Minister Kamal Kharrazi, who currently acts as the head of Iran’s Strategic Foreign Relations Council, has blasted Washington for imposing the toughest-ever sanctions against Teh- ran, stressing that the U.S. pressures will never force the people of Iran to lose their independence. MP: U.S. not able to drive Iran’s oil exports to zero “One of our common problems is the West and U.S. sanctions. A member of the parliament’s National Security and For- up for any potential oil supply shortages that may result in The Iranian people are not willing to accept that their independence eign Policy Committee has underlined the large number the absence of Iranian oil in the global market. be harmed under these pressures,” Kharrazi said in a meeting with of customers for Iran’s oil, saying the U.S. won’t be able to The ambitious pledges by Washington’s staunch Arab Director of Institute of Oriental Studies Vitaly Naumkin on drive the country’s oil exports to zero. allies came shortly after the White House announced that it Monday. Elsewhere, he referred to the legal presence of Iran and “The U.S. president’s threat to decrease Iran’s oil sales is would no longer renew waivers that allowed Tehran’s eight Russia in Syria, stressing that cooperation between the two coun- an illusion. Iran can easily sell oil and gas condensates in the largest customers purchase Iranian oil. tries within the framework of the Astana conference is important global market and there will be no problem because many The measure threatens buyers of Iranian oil with sanctions to establish peace and stability in the war-hit Syria. countries need Iran’s oil,” Seyed Hossein Naqavi Hosseini and other punishments if they fail to stop their purchases Naumkin, for his part, underscored Iran’s important role in told FNA on Monday. beyond May 1. The move quickly sent global crude prices the establishment of stability in Syria, and condemned the U.S. He referred to Turkey and Russia’s protest at the U.S. to their highest levels since last November. sanctions against Tehran. decision not to extend waivers on Iran’s oil exports, and said, Zanganeh on Friday addressed concerns about the seri- Washington withdrew from the internationally-endorsed 2015 “Therefore, the U.S. threat can never be materialized and ousness of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent drive “to nuclear deal with Iran and reimposed sanctions against the country. they will not be able to prevent Iran’s oil sales.” bring Iran’s oil exports to zero”, stressing that U.S. sanc- Under the nuclear agreement reached between Iran and six world Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said on Fri- tions-related measures were “no bluff”. powers in July 2015, Tehran undertook to put limits on its nuclear day that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and the United “(These measures) are very brutal provocations against program in exchange for the removal of nuclear-related sanctions. Arab Emirates (UAE) did not have the capacity to replace his the Iranian nation,” he added. Despite Washington’s measures, Iran has not left the deal, country’s supply in the oil market, after the new round of U.S. of a renewed push by Washington to zero Tehran’s exports U.S. oil sanctions on Iran is not a political bluff, rather, stressing that the remaining signatories to the agreement have to sanctions on Iran’s oil exports are implemented on May 1. by implementing “brutal” economic sanctions. it is extreme hostility waged by the United States against work to offset the negative impacts of the U.S. pullout for Iran if Zanganeh accused Saudi Arabia and the UAE of exag- “I believe they are overstating their oil capacities,” Zan- the noble nation of Islamic Iran, the minister reiterated. they want Tehran to remain committed to it. gerating their ability to replace the country’s oil in the wake ganeh said, after Saudi and Emirati officials pledged to make (Source: FNA) (Source: FNA) II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY 44 ADVERTISEMENTSECONOMY APRILAPRIL 30,30, 20192019

STOCK MARKET Iran, Turkey TEDPIX 214867.5 IFX 2613.6 ink MOU on Sources: tse.ir, Ifb.ir transportation co-op CURRENCIES USD 42,000 rials 1 the possibility transit to Iran from Addressing the press, the official under- Turkey’s ports and free zones, removal of re- lined important issues discussed during the EUR 46,859 rials strictions imposed by Turkey on the amount event, including connecting border provinces GBP 54,303 rials of fuel for Iran’s fleet in transiting to Tur- of the two countries by rail, connecting the key, the removal of restrictions imposed on two countries comprehensive freight and AED 11,437 rials transportation of empty fleet into the territory passenger computer systems and signing an agreement on tariffs. Source: cbi.ir of the both sides, and accelerating the cus- toms clearance procedrures between the two “An agreement was reached today [Mon- countries, were among the subjects covered day] to raise the rail freight exchange between in the MOU. the two countries to one million metric tons Iran’s Transport Minister Mohammad Eslami (R) and Turkish Minister of Transport COMMODITIES Tehran-Ankara train to roll in from the current 500,000 metric tons.” the and Infrastructure Mehmet Cahit Turhan shaking hand after signing a memorandum early July official further noted. of understanding in Tehran on Monday Brent $71.05/b Speaking in a press conference held after the Ali Ehsan for his part expressed satisfaction with the positive talks held during the eighth in Iran’s transportation projects especially ing factors in realizing the goal of increasing WTI $62.92/b meeting, head of Iranian railway announced that a direct Tehran-Ankara train connection joint transportation committee meeting. in railway areas. the two countries’ annual trade turnover to OPEC Basket $74.04/b is due to be launched in early July, Banking relations, investment Eslami stressed the need for close coop- $30 billion. “The two sides concluded to finalize the and opportunities eration between the two countries’ central The official also expressed Iran’s readi- Gold $1,282.90/oz agreement in this regard after Ramadan (May The Iranian transport minister also wel- banks in order to create a mutual financial ness for holding the 27th Iran-Turkey joint channel, as one of the most important facilitat- economic committee meeting in Ankara. Silver $15.02/oz 5-June 4).” Saeed Rasouli said. comed the Turkish companies’ investments Platinium $900.05/oz Sources: oilprice.com, Moneymetals.com NIMA supplies €1.84b for imports A year with 6,447 NEWS IN BRIEF of goods, services more exporters ECONOMY TEHRAN — Iran’s ECONOMY TEHRAN — The deskdomestic Forex Man- desknumber of Iran’s ‘No country can agement Integrated System (locally known exporters rose 6,447 in the past Iranian replace Iran in oil as NIMA) has supplied €1.840 billion for calendar year (ended on March 20, 2019), market’ imports of goods and services since the the acting head of Trade Promotion beginning of the current Iranian calen- Organization (TPO) announced on Monday. dar year (March 21) up to Sunday, IRNA Mohammadreza Modoudi said these reported. new real and legal entities exported $5.4 According to the Governor of Central billion worth of non-oil products during ENERGY TEHRAN— No country can replace Iran Bank of Iran (CBI) Abdolnasser Hem- the past year, ISNA reported. desk in the global oil market, Iranian Deputy Oil mati, establishing direct communica- to sell their foreign currency earnings to The official further said that of the shipped into the country. Minister Amir-Hossein Zamaninia stressed. tion between importers and exporters importers of consumer products. $44.3-billion worth of Iran’s non-oil Iran shares border with fifteen The official said that such imagination that some countries has significantly increased the volume In mid-November, CBI issued the in- exports in the previous year, some $24.1 countries, namely the United Arab can replace Iran in the global oil market is wrong technically of exchanges in the NIMA system during structions on return details of the hard billion have been to the neighboring Emirates, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, and politically, Tasnim news agency reported. the past month. currency earned by exporters back to the countries, which shows three percent Pakistan, Russia, Oman, Azerbaijan, U.S.’ sanctions against Iranian oil industry hurts stability NIMA, which seeks to boost trans- domestic financial system. rise year on year. Turkmenistan, Kuwait, Qatar, Kazakhstan, of global oil markets; the deputy minister added. parency, create competitiveness among The instructions, aimed to lead the According to the head of Islamic Armenia, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Earlier this month, the Trump administration announced it exchange shops and a secure environment export revenues from the non-oil exports Republic of Iran Customs Administration Based on the latest data published will end waivers on crude purchase granted to Iran’s primary for traders, is a new chance for importers back into the country’s economy through (IRICA), the country’s non-oil trade by TPO, the value of trade with the oil buyers in a bid to push Tehran oil sales to zero. to supply their required foreign currency NIMA, mandate all the exporters of goods balance was $1.7 billion positive in the neighboring countries stood at over $36.5 without specific problems and for exporters and services to guarantee bringing back to past Iranian calendar year. billion in the past Iranian calendar year, ‘Progress in to re-inject their earned foreign currency to the country the foreign currency amount The value of non-oil exports stood at that is about 41 percent of the country’s domestic forex market. It was inaugurated allocated to them by the government at $44.3 billion in the previous year while total non-oil trade in the mentioned time equipment to allow exporters of non-oil commodities lower prices than the free market. $42.6 billion worth of commodities were span. production projects at 60%’ Uganda determined ECONOMY TEHRAN — Director General of Machin- deskery Manufacturing and Equipment Office to boost economic at Iran’s Ministry of Industry, Mining and Trade said several equipment production projects were launched last year, their total progress of which has exceeded 60 percent. ties with Iran According to Amir-Hossein Shiravi, the mentioned projects ECONOMY TEHRAN — In a meeting with which are mostly aimed at producing the necessary equipment deskIran›s Ambassador to Uganda for the production lines at petrochemical, oil and steel sectors Morteza Mortazavi, Uganda›s Foreign Minister Sam will improve the country’s domestic production and reduce Kutesa underlined his country›s determination to IN THE NAME OF GOD the reliance on imports. expand economic ties with Iran, IRNA reported. First Announcement Mentioning the exports of machinery and equipment, the official noted that most of the machinery and equipment pro- ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING duced inside the country are also used inside and only parts like pumps and compressors are exported. INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 98/133-02/03 Annual aluminum Tender Holder: ingot production ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB) exceeds 276,000 Subject of Tender: tons Leasing 18MHz space on Eutelsat 3B (E3B) for three years in accordance with the technical specifications and other terms and conditions mentioned in the tender documents. ECONOMY TEHRAN— Iran produced 276,575 tons of Iran›s Ambassador to Uganda Morteza Mortazavi Deadline and How to Receive the Tender Documents: deskaluminum ingots in the past Iranian calendar (L) shaking hands with Uganda’s Foreign Minister th th year (ended on March 20, 2019), IRNA reported citing the data Sam Kutesa From Tuesday 30 April 2019 (1398/02/10) until Saturday 04 May 2019 (1398/02/14) by 16:00 released by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development p.m. with presentation of introductory letter by company or its representative and the receipt of paying Kutesa welcomed maintaining cooperation with and Renovation Organization. the Iranian companies to participate in Uganda›s the documents fee. As reported, Iranian Aluminum Company (IRALCO) ac- economic development plans. counted for producing 53 percent of the total production in Uganda has made efforts to pave the grounds Place of Receiving the Tender Document: the past year. for attracting foreign investments, he said while th As the world’s 18th producer of aluminum, Iran plans to reach Interested participants may refer to purchasing (KALA) Dept., 4 Floor of IRIB Administration Complex, inviting the Iranian companies to participate in the annual production of 1.5 million tons of aluminum ingot Hotel Esteghlal St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran Iran. Uganda›s projects to establish cooperation. by the Iranian calendar year 1404 (March 2025-March 2026). Rejecting the unilateral approach adopted by some countries, Kutesa said Uganda is an independ- The Fee of the Tender Documents and How to Deposit it: ent country and does not consider itself obliged to Submission of payment receipt for the amount of 1,000,000 Rials to account No. 4101029171204273 with Trade between Iran, Azerbaijan follow pressuring to stop working with Iran. BIC No. IR310100004101029171204273 IRAN Central Bank in the name of IRIB. Elsewhere in his remarks, he emphasized increases 3.4% in Q1 Uganda›s determination for reinforcing coop- Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participation to Tender: eration with Iran in regional and international The amount of deposit for participant in tender is USD 41,180 fixed or its equivalent in 5,765,000,000 ECONOMY TEHRAN — The value of trade between Iran organizations. deskand Azerbaijan increased 3.4 percent during Expressing happiness for his Iranian counterpart›s Rials which should be in the form of Bank Guarantee. the first quarter of 2019 compared to the first quarter of 2018, invitation, he said he will visit Iran within months. IRNA reported. Meanwhile, Mortazavi reviewed bilateral, regional Time and Place of Delivering Bidding Envelopes: and international cooperation, and underlined the The sealed packages/envelopes should be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Saturday 08 of June 2019 importance of removing bottlenecks. He emphasized making attempts to implement (1398/03/18) and at the address mentioned in the 4th clause. the MOUs signed between the two countries. The Iranian diplomat also highlighted tak- Time and Place of Opening Envelopes: ing advantage of valuable experiences of Iran›s The date of opening the envelopes is on Sunday 09 June 2019 at 03:00 p.m. (1398/03/19) in the knowledge-based companies. office of Financial Vice President. In case of complete content in the envelopes A, the envelope B including Earlier, Ugandan Minister of Science, Technol- ogy and Innovation, Elioda Tumwesigye in a meet- contract draft, Technical specifications and qualitative assessment analysis will be considered and opened. ing with Iranian Vice-President for Scientific and The Envelop C will be opened of only those eligible participants who meets the qualification criterion and Technological Affairs Sorena Sattari urged more approval of Technical and Commercial committee at the same time and place. cooperation between Tehran and Kampala on sci- For more information, please see: www.iriboffice.ir/tenders and http://iets.mporg.ir/ Tel: 00982122167053 entific areas. Noting that Uganda wants more active presence Purchasing (Kala) Dept. of IRIB Iran-Azerbaijan three-month trade stood at $230.6 million of Iranian science-based companies in the country, in 2019 while it was $162.2 million in 2018. the Ugandan minister said that his government is In the third quarter of this year, the value of Azerbaijani ex- ready to make the necessary preparations for the ports to Iran was more than $11 million, and the worth of that presence of Iranian companies and joint manu- country’s imports from Iran was $219.6 million. facturing of science-based products. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 30, 2019 ENERGY 5

Iranian official warns of oil What oil at $100 a barrel would mean for the world economy

Surging crude prices are posing another headwind for the world econ- omy after President Donald Trump’s “zero” pledge on Iran oil sales. going above $100 According to a Bloomberg report, Brent crude has risen about 33 percent this year and is close to the highest in six months. While ENERGY TEHRAN — Chairman of against Iran. higher prices due to strong demand typically reflects a robust world desk Majlis (Parliament) En- Iran has said it may close the Strait of economy, a shock from constrained supply is a negative. ergy Commission, Fereydoun Hasanvand Hormuz if prevented from using the wa- Much will depend on how sustained the spike proves to be. Export- warned that oil prices are going to surge terway, which links crude producers in the ing nations will enjoy a boost to corporate and government revenues, above $100 per barrel following the U.S. Middle East to markets in Europe, Asia Pa- while consuming nations will bear the cost at the pump, potentially decision to end the waivers. cific, North America and beyond. fanning inflation and hurting demand. Ultimately, there comes a “Not extending the oil waivers of some In a recent interview with Reuters, For- point where higher prices may be countries is another side of the U.S. meas- eign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said damaging to everyone. ures against Iran. But if Iran’s oil is fully that Iran was “not going to take any action” 1. What does it mean for global sanctioned, oil price will go higher than should the U.S. continue observing the rules growth? $100 per barrel,” IRIB quoted Hasanvand of engagement. The impact will vary. Rising as saying. Earlier this month, the Trump admin- oil prices will hurt household in- “Trump is struggling to win the next [pres- istration announced it will end waivers on come and spending and it could idential] elections” in 2020, the official said. crude purchase granted to Iran’s primary oil accelerate inflation. As the world’s He noted that Washington’s plans to “take buyers in a bid to push Tehran oil sales to zero. biggest importer of oil, China is over Venezuela, cause trouble in Libya, and The waivers currently issued for China, vulnerable, and many countries establishing martial law in Sudan” are all Greece, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, in Europe also rely on import- intended to boost support for U.S. sanctions Taiwan and Turkey expire on May 2. ed energy. Seasonal effects will also impact. With the Northern Hemisphere summer approach- ing, consumers can switch energy U.S. sanctions on Iran, Venezuela set up crunch for heavier oil sources and scale back usage. A ENERGY Tighter U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil es, others are holding back. “We’re resisting it as much as slowing world economy will also deskplanned for May are adding to a wealth possible,” one potential buyer said. hurt demand and by extension keep a lid on prices. of factors curbing global supply of heavy-medium crude, Some of Sonangol’s regular customers balked at the mark- 2. How can the world economy absorb oil at $100? driving up prices for scarcer barrels and setting up a stand- ups, prompting the company to offer the crude to other For a sustained hit to growth, economists say oil would need to off between buyers and sellers, Reuters reported. buyers instead as spot cargoes. These have sold quickly, hold above $100. It also depends on dollar strength or weakness, The new curbs on Iranian exports come on top of Wash- trading sources said. given crude is priced in greenbacks. Analysis by Oxford Economics ington’s earlier ban on Venezuelan crude and output snags The current stand-off between buyers and sellers comes found that Brent at $100 per barrel by the end of 2019 means the in Angola, another big producer of the dense crude grades down partly to uncertainty over just how much Iranian crude level of global gross domestic product would be 0.6 percent lower that best yield lucrative refined products like jet fuel. may still flow, crucially to top consumer China, after the than currently projected by end-2020, with inflation on average 0.7 Refiners are also seeking more of the heavy sweet crude May 1 deadline the U.S. has imposed for importers to halt percentage points higher. Iran and Venezuela once provided in abundance to produce purchases. “We see increased risks of significantly higher oil prices,” Oxford low-sulfur fuel oil ahead of new shipping emissions rules China’s foreign ministry this week said Beijing had formally economists John Payne and Gabriel Sterne wrote in a note. “In the due next year. complained to the United States about the move. short-run, it is likely the supply impact will be offset by higher pro- U.S. officials say overall global oil supply will remain Analysts expect China may flout the restrictions, espe- duction elsewhere, but the market is tightening and all it would take plentiful despite its sanctions, not least from the boom cially since Washington may be loath to sanction Chinese is one more shock to supply and oil could reach $100.” in U.S. shale. But much of the profusion in supply, led companies importing Iranian crude which are at the same 3. How will Iran and Trump impact the market? by the United States, Saudi Arabia and Russia, is in time key buyers of U.S. oil and liquid natural gas. An upending of global oil trade around the Iran-Trump spat could lighter grades. Sweden’s SEB says Beijing could lift its imports of Iranian continue to have a sizable impact on financial markets, as the affected The price for heavier crudes like Norway’s Grane and Price offerings for several Angolan streams, an approx- crude in the coming months from some 600,000 barrels per supply is as much as 800,000 barrels a day. Uncertainties around Heidrun has been firming over the last few months, a North imate alternative to Iranian and Venezuelan crude, were at day in March to around 1 million bpd, bucking U.S. pressure, availability have already whipsawed oil markets. And the political Sea trader said. Over April, the price of Grane rose from their highest ever, traders said. while exports elsewhere under the sanctions radar could sensitivities of these developments have other markets bracing for around dated Brent plus 10 cents to close to dated Brent State oil company Sonangol was said to have sold a cargo reach another 500,000 bpd. volatility. plus $1.00 a barrel. of one of its heaviest grades, Dalia, over the last week for That would make it harder for sellers to get away with Trump has pledged to help, alongside Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E., This month Iraq’s SOMO sold 2 million barrels of Bas- $2 a barrel above dated Brent, a $7 increase from two years higher prices. those needing to shift orders from Iran to another supplier. But U.S. ra Heavy crude to China’s Unipec at a premium of over ago. Typically, the grade trades at a discount of $1 or more. “Decisions on buying will be easier to make when it’s claims that its domestic supply can help offset the loss are a high bar $2 a barrel to its official selling price (OSP), the highest in Buyers resist clearer how much Iranian (crude) will still be flowing,” a to meet, given that the daily American output for similar crude is months, sources said. While some clients are prepared to buy at elevated pric- trading source said. about a quarter of Iran’s. 4. Who wins from higher oil prices? Emerging economies dominate the list of oil-producing nations which is why they’re affected more than developed ones. The increase in revenues will help to repair budgets and current account deficits, Oil falls after Trump presses OPEC to make up for Iranian sanctions allowing governments to increase spending that will spur investment. Oil prices fell on Monday, extending a I called up OPEC, I said you’ve got to will increase output as soon as May, Winners include Saudi Arabia, Russia, Norway, Nigeria and Ecuador slump from Friday that ended weeks of bring them down. You’ve got to bring them something they were likely to do anyway according to analysis by Nomura. rallying, after President Donald Trump down,” Trump told reporters. in the lead up to summer,” ING bank said. 5. Who loses? demanded that producer club OPEC “Spoke to Saudi Arabia and others about “The Kingdom could increase output Those emerging economies nursing current account and fiscal raise output to soften the impact of U.S. increasing oil flow. All are in agreement,” by 500 million barrels per day (bpd) and deficits run the risk of large capital outflows and weaker currencies, sanctions against Iran. the president later tweeted. still be in compliance with the OPEC+ which in turn would spark inflation. That in turn will force governments According to a report by Reuters, Brent Trump’s remarks triggered a selloff, deal for the month of May.” and central banks to weigh up their options: hike interest rates even crude futures were at $71.59 per barrel putting at least a temporary ceiling on a The cuts have been supported by some as growth slows or ride it out and risk capital flight. Nomura’s losers at 0840 GMT, down 56 cents, or 0.78 40 percent price rally in oil prices since non-OPEC producers, notably Russia, but list includes Turkey, Ukraine and India. percent, from their last close. the start of the year. analysts said this cooperation may not last 6. What does it mean for the world’s biggest economy? U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) The rally had gained momentum in beyond a meeting between OPEC and its While U.S. oil producers try to take advantage of any sales boost crude futures were at $62.93 per barrel, April after Trump tightened sanctions other allies, a group known as OPEC+, from customers moving away from Iran, the broader U.S. economy down 37 cents, or 0.58 percent, from their against Iran by ending all exemptions scheduled for June. won’t necessarily see benefits with oil price tags as high as $100 a barrel. previous settlement. that major buyers, especially in Asia, Russia has said it would be able to It would be a squeeze on American consumers that are the backbone Both benchmarks fell around 3 percent previously had. meet China’s oil demand needs as Beijing of still-steady economic growth. Prices at the gas pump already have in the previous session. Traders said the market was shifting tries to replace the imports it usually gets (that) we will not see OPEC+ agree upon risen more than 7 percent this month to $2.89 a gallon, which could Trump said on Friday he told the its focus to the voluntary supply cuts led from Iran. extending production cuts, with tweaks weigh on retail sales that jumped in March by the most since 2017. Organization of the Petroleum Exporting by OPEC, de facto headed by the world’s “Russia appears to have every reason to cover the shortfall from Iran,” said And if things go awry in global oil markets, there’s risk that political Countries (OPEC) to lower oil prices. top exporter Saudi Arabia. to resume ramping up production levels Edward Moya, senior analyst at futures blame shifts back to the U.S. for the sanctions, which could mean “Gasoline prices are coming down. “We are of the view that Saudi Arabia and the base case should start to become brokerage OANDA. backlash via investment or other channels that threatens economic stability. 7. Will it lead to higher inflation around the world? Because energy features prominently in consumer price gauges, policy makers look to core indexes that remove volatile components. Why an OPEC oil supply surge won’t happen If the run-up in prices proves to be substantial, and sustained, those OPEC producers fall into the trap of increasing production to costs will filter through to transportation and utilities. By Cyril Widdershoven squeeze Iran out of the market. The most sensible approach 8. What does it mean for central banks? would be a further tightening of the market resulting in Led by the Federal Reserve, central banks around the world have The end of the Iranian sanction waivers by the Trump Ad- a draw from the still elevated global storage but without taken a dovish tilt as the absence of inflation allows policy makers to ministration has put oil traders on edge. creating a shortage. shift their focus to slowing growth. That’s unlikely to quickly change. While most analysts are optimistic about OPEC leader The Iranian sanctions situation is not going to change The International Monetary Fund this month lowered its global growth Saudi Arabia being able to fill the gap left by lower Iranian Riyadh’s current position. The only unknowns at present forecast and said the world is in a “delicate moment.” oil exports, reality could be totally different. Looking at the are the impact of Libyan and Venezuelan supply outages. ongoing discussions between OPEC’s two key members, Saudi A potential loss of Libyan crude volumes could change Arabia and the UAE, there are no real signs that the Kingdom OPEC’s overall strategy in the short term. The Venezue- Oil bulls on longest run in of Oil will be willing to increase its overall oil production lan production decline has already has been priced in by 13 years as Trump demands to keep prices at the pump low in oil importing nations. most parties. The real crux at present is what the market will do when, Riyadh also will be looking at the developments in Rus- price cut on the 2nd of May, the Iran sanction waivers end. Histo- sia. Even though Russia is part of the OPEC+ agreement, ry has shown that oil importers are very well equipped to there seems to be some reluctance to sustain output cuts Oil is on its longest bull run in 13 years, fueling a rally that has U.S. take mitigating measures to counter the effects of the Iran in Moscow. Russia and Saudi Arabia will need to consider President Donald Trump fretting about higher prices, Bloomberg sanctions. Saudi Arabia, and others, will have to be very their approach as U.S. shale production could leap higher reported. careful to stabilize the market without falling into a Trum- bin Salman. Oil market stability has also generated enough when prices rise too much. Moscow and Riyadh will have Hedge funds have increased bullish sentiment on U.S. crude prices pian trap, which could result in an oversupply situation in positive sentiment in the market that NOCs like Aramco are to deal with an increasingly tight market, especially during for the last nine weeks, the longest such run since 2006, according to the short term. able to enter the international bond market by force. Low U.S. driving season, while trying to keep prices in check. data released Friday. Almost 14 times as many bets have been placed At present, all signs point to higher oil prices. If no real cost financing is an attractive tool for Saudi Arabia and the Regardless of this, tight markets are much more important on prices going up as on a decline, as investors see supply threats additional oil is brought onto the market, shortages will UAE to boost their economies in the short run. for OPEC+ than a happy Trump Administration is. Price multiplying around the globe. become visible within months. Statements made by U.S. Western analysts are still addressing the loss of Iranian levels between $70-80 per barrel will not cut into economic Gasoline prices have risen in tandem this year, and Trump on president Trump and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo volumes in the light of OPEC’s spare production capacity. growth dramatically, while the coffers of OPEC members Friday said that he has pressured OPEC to boost output to reverse that Saudi Arabia and the UAE will add supplies to coun- This, however is not a major concern, as the market is well will be filled. Trump’s tweets such as the one on Friday will the trend. That helped stall a rally that drove oil to a six-month high, ter the loss of Iranian volumes are currently only wishful enough supplied for the next months. There’s no real ne- likely fall on deaf ears. partly due to tightened U.S. sanctions against Iran. But the ebullient thinking, and not based on any hard promises from Riyadh cessity to force Saudi Arabia and the UAE to open up their OPEC also will also be able, without officially ending it tilt in speculative wagers suggested a correction was likely no matter or Abu Dhabi. taps to flood the market. Current crude oil prices are also production cut agreement, to supply additional volumes to what, said Phil Flynn of Price Futures Group Inc. OPEC’s leaders are in a powerful position to react to not at levels that really erode global economic growth. Saudi the market in order to keep prices within certain boundaries. “The market is so bulled up right now,” said Flynn, a senior market Trump’s calls for additional volumes and lower prices as Arabia and UAE could easily add around 1.5-2 million bpd in Saudi Arabia, for example, could increase production by analyst. “There’s been a lot of hedge fund buying, a lot of speculative they wish. Washington’s strategy may well have backfired, the market, but looking at the irrational emotional behavior another 500,000 bpd without going over its OPEC-imposed interest, and we probably need to hit the pause button for now.” as U.S. shale will not be able to supply the markets with of the oil market at present, a Saudi output increase could quota. If OPEC members, and Russia, are able to constrain West Texas Intermediate crude sank 2.9 percent to $63.30 on the necessary crude grades. At the same time, national oil lead to a price slump or worse. The OPEC+ cut agreement their own eagerness to take over Iran’s market share, the Friday, capping its first weekly loss in two months. Brent, the inter- companies are willing to take a backseat, as long as OPEC+ is up for review in June 2019, and no moves should be ex- market will be kept stable for longer. No news should be national benchmark price, lost 3 percent. production cuts are in place. pected before then. expected ahead of the June meeting in Vienna, not even The net-long WTI position -- the difference between bets on higher For Saudi Arabia, additional production increases are Another major issue is hanging over the market already. during the OPEC+ ministerial monitoring meeting on May prices and wagers on a drop -- rose 3.6 percent to 314,387 futures and not needed. The current price and production levels are Oil importing countries, such as China or India, will use the 19th. Trump will soon need to find a way to explain to his options contracts in the week ending April 23, the U.S. Commodity sufficient to support the ongoing economic diversification next couple of weeks to negotiate new oil contracts with Iran. voters why he can’t keep gasoline prices in check. Futures Trading Commission said. Long positions edged up 1.7 per- plans, stabilizing the position of Crown Prince Mohammed These volumes could partly destabilize the market if other (Source: oilprice.com) cent, while shorts declined 18 percent. ساعت: 17:00 امضاء صفحه آرا: ساعت: امضاء مسئول صفحه: ساعت: امضاء ادیتور: ساعت: امضاء سردبیر:

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 INTERNATIONAL APRIL 30, 2019 Saudi-U.S. nuclear hypocrisy exposed What Iranian flood victims 1 Saudi criticism of Iran’s civilian nu- reactors is a great business opportunity for said to the Supreme Leader clear program highlights its double standard troubled the U.S. nuclear industry and the as according to Abdul Hameed Nayyer, a Wall Street perceives peaceful Middle East Pakistani nuclear physicist, Saudi Arabia can as a nightmare for its military-industrial demand nuclear weapons from Pakistan due complex. to its generous investment in the country. According to some experts, the nuclear Additionally, Brigadier Feroz Hassan Khan technology transfer to Saudi Arabia will initi- in his book “Eating Grass: The Making Of ate an arms race in the Middle East that is the Pakistani Bomb” also explains the Saudi what U.S. military-industrial complex wants. ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons. According to Tom Collin, policy director Considering the nuclear option from at Ploughshares Fund, Saudis don’t require Pakistan and potentially a huge space to nuclear power and if the U.S. transfers such exploit solar energy for clean power renders technology to the kingdom it will force Iran the establishment of nuclear infrastructure to restart its nuclear program. by Saudi regime useless. But the report from The arms race will serve both the U.S. investigative journalist Kim Kleppin has re- military industrial complex and the Saudi vealed how Saudi lobby is pushing Trump regime because Saudi regime wants to administration to transfer the sensitive nu- derail Iranian economy by draining its clear technology to the regime. According to resources through arms race as they are the report a U.S. law firm linked to Trump frustrated by Iran’s influence and progress In a situation where no international aid organizations 1 vigorously lobbied the U.S. administration in the region. could possibly come forward for assistance, the Iranian Revo- for nuclear technology transfer and received It is similar to U.S. strategy to contain lutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), which functions under the half a million dollars within one month of friend of Trump who raised $107 million for Corporation Bechtel Corp and Siemens have Russian influence by initiating arms race as command of the Supreme Leader and was recently labeled a its establishment. Trump’s inaugural committee. Michael Flynn promoted the plan to sell nuclear technol- the U.S. economy has an unlimited supply “terrorist” organization by the Trump administration, filled the The vested business interests in Saudi is another central figure to the report who ogy to Riyadh. of petrodollars but Russian economy has gap in manpower, aided by the IRCS and the army. nuclear program were revealed on Febru- has worked as a paid advisor to a subsidiary The retired generals who founded IP3 have limited options to finance its military and IRGC volunteers could be seen at Friday congregational prayer ary 19, 2019 in a report by the ‘house over- of IP3 while serving in Trump’s presidential always portrayed Iran as a nuclear threat but civilian projects. centers across the country and in public events collecting funds sight and reform committee’ that disclosed campaign. Flynn promoted IP3’s intention now their intentions to transfer such technol- IAEA has denied any military vector of for those affected by the floods. They were also actively involved Trump administration’s plan to bypass U.S. to sell nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia ogy to Saudi regime is meant to serve their Iran’s nuclear program but Saudi-U.S. hy- in relief and rehabilitation work in flood-hit areas, evacuating Congress for nuclear technology transfer to to white house officials. monetary interests. The house oversight com- pocrisy to portray Iran as is a nuclear threat people and providing them food and shelter. Saudi Arabia. McFarlane, the former national security mittee quoting a senior Trumps official said is meant to serve their vested interests. They Although local media did an admirable job by covering the The report of the committee highlights advisor to the U.S. and currently an advi- “the proposal of IP3 is not a business plan consider nuclear arms race as a tool to serve stories of indomitable resilience displayed by survivors and the intentions of IP3 international, a consortium sor to IP3, compared the transfer of nuclear but rather a scheme for these generals to private business interest and simultaneously vital role played by IRGC volunteers to help them, the mainstream of nuclear power producers. IP3 was founded technology to Saudi Arabia to the Marshall make some money.” a counterweight against Iran’s axis of resist- Western media was missing because the theme here did not suit by retired army general Jack Keane and its plan for the Middle East. According to the In an interview with Sputnik, Tom Sauer ance that consists of Iran, Assad government, their anti-Iran and anti-IRGC narrative. proposal was presented to White House of- report, the founders of the IP3, McFarlane, and of University of Antwerp Belgium said the Hezbollah and the alliance of Russia and Some ‘citizen journalists’ using their smartphones filled the ficials by Thomas Barrack. Barrack is a close CEOs of Toshiba energy, GE power, Exelon Saudi proposal to build about 40 nuclear China. information gap by bringing to light important stories of survival against odds. They interviewed people in flood-affected areas and the videos were shared widely over social media. In one such interview, which became viral on Facebook and Twitter, a middle-aged woman, possibly from Khuzestan, speaks Theorizing about religion been one of the core areas about her ordeal, and while struggling to hold back her tears wants to send a message to the Supreme Leader. “Deliver this (message) to my dear (Supreme) leader,” she is heard saying. “And tell him that we resisted despite all difficul- inquiry in IR: Peter Haas ties and we will continue to stand (firm). We are standing till 1 Theorists of authority in world politics continue ties, or even coherent discourses. There are multiple types the last drop of our blood, and we will sacrifice our lives for him. to heed changes in religious beliefs, religious discourses of religions, with different beliefs and different degrees of Tell him to pray for us.” and the politics of religion as they affect broader attitudes binding consequences of those beliefs on behavior, identity This woman claims that her house was submerged in flood about political authority in the world. For instance, Ron and with whom one may meaningfully cooperate. Similarly water but she saw it as a natural disaster and thanked God none- Hassner examines the impact of religious ideas, symbols modernity began as a set of Enlightenment beliefs intended theless. She also thanks the IRGC and IRCS for their support in and practices on military decision making in 20th century to undermine the historical influence of religion (Weber dealing with the crisis. wars. (Hassner 2016) 1958; Hirschman 1977; Toulmin 1990; Mann 1993) “I thank the volunteers of the Red Crescent, the IRGC, and Some argue that if the theory of International Rela- A current macro-topic is how changes in religious belief, the army. All of those who came here (for help),” she says in a tions means a constitutive and critical theory, then bringing and the resurgence of forms of fundamentalism worldwide single breath, visibly overwhelmed by emotions. religion into International Relations is possible, but if the influence modernity. To what extent is climate denialism and A man from Lorestan province, in his mid-forties, also ap- theory of International Relations is a explanatory-empirical the assault on the authority of scientific legitimacy possibly peared in one video interview, full of remorse and guilt. He said theory, the theorizing religion in International Relations is a consequence of changes in religious beliefs? he used to ridicule and humiliate the Supreme Leader, but the not possible and, in fact, there is not theological positivism Some argue that the current International Relations reality had finally dawned on him, after what he saw IRGC and theory in International Relations. What is your opinion? theory cannot explain some of the current phenomena of others doing on the instructions of the Leader. We can understand the question of whether religion mat- international relations and we need a religious theory of “Really, I am ashamed (today),” he says. “I have ridiculed him ters in IR in more general constructivist terms about how International Relations, especially with regard to religious and shown disrespect to him... if it was not for my [Supreme] and when different types of beliefs influence human action. issues. What is your opinion? In general, theorizing Religion Leader, our alleys and roads would never have been cleared.” Constructivist literature focuses empirically on normative or in International Relations is feasible? He acknowledges the fact that the Supreme Leader relieved principled ideas by the NGO and norm entrepreneur com- A: The crux of the argument about secular and religious the IRGC of other responsibilities in the wake of floods, and munities; and on causal ideas by the epistemic community’s presumed superiority over sects or other religions. Thus states in IR is still seen as the conflict between animating instructed them to provide helping hand to the flood victims. community; and on broader cultural values, including religion. the degree and nature of effects of religious beliefs varies pressures on people: religious, post religious, secular. While “Till we have Syed Ali, the IRGC and the army, we don’t need A: wide and broadly applied set of questions and concepts by the beliefs themselves. For instance, Confucianism there is no singular theory of religion, religion is meaning- the [services of the parliamentary] government,” he says, with look at differential national and global patterns of beliefs: provides far less detailed guidance to its members than fully studied as a form of cultural analysis, such as Peter J. a sense of gratitude. namely who believes what and how strongly, and what are do varieties of Islam or Judaism, just as varieties of Is- Katzenstein’s series of edited works on comparative civiliza- Writer is an Iran-based student and documentary filmmaker the behavioral and identity implications of such beliefs. lam and Judaism vary in their own degree of permissive tions. (Katzenstein 2010) Despite Stalin’s perfunctory dismissal of the influence of doctrines for their members. Finnemore, M. and K. Sikkink (1998). “International religion when he quipped “how many divisions does the Pope Fruitful research might take the form of comparative Norm Dynamics and Political Change.” IO 52(4). have,” Stalin and most other social analysts have not been panel studies of religions to capture variation between ideo- Haas, E. B. (1997). Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress. US Expels SDF from Big blind to the role played by social beliefs in political organ- logical perspectives, akin to the work which Ernst B Haas Ithaca, NY, Cornell. izing. Religion, and other social dogma (environmentalism, conducted on nationalist beliefs (Haas 1997; Haas 2000). Haas, E. B. (2000). Nationalism, Liberalism and Pro- Energy Zone in Eastern Syria sustainability, and nationalism, among others) have been In greater sync with contemporary sensibilities, research- gress. Ithaca, Cornell. analytically important for identify politics. Consider the ers should look at the contestation and dialogues between Hassner, R. (2016). Religion on the Battlefield. Ithaca, TEHRAN (FNA) — The US Army has forced the Syrian Demo- religious affiliations of European political parties and the religions and religious figures. Work on norm entrepre- Cornell. cratic Forces (SDF) out of the largest energy zone in Eastern Syria willingness of their members to approve cooperation and neurs (Finnemore and Sikkink 1998) may be relevant for Hirschman, A. O. (1977). The Passions and the Inter- for unknown reasons, media sources said, adding that the US army partnerships with other groups. understanding the development and diffusion of doctrinal ests: Political Arguments for Capitalism before Its Triumph. is now the only force in control of the field. Through the conceptual reconfiguration described above, beliefs and their impacts. Princeton, Princeton University Press. The American troops stationed in Conico gas plant in Eastern religion is no different from other social beliefs that provide Some scholars such as “Michael Allen Gillespie” in Katzenstein, P., Ed. (2010). Civilizations in World Politics. Deir Ezzur have ordered the SDF fighters to leave the region, the guidance to group members. Indeed, the relative turn against the book “The Theological Origins of Modernity” believe Ithaca, Cornell University. Arabic-language Al-Alam quoted special sources affiliated to the religious authority in the West (and to some extent in China) that modernity was not initially against religion, and in later Mann, M. E. (1993). The Sources of Social Power. Cam- militants as saying. was due to an intentional effort to subvert and counter the years, as a result of social, cultural and political conditions, it bridge, Cambridge University Press. The sources, meantime, said that the SDF patrols have also been political authority and legitimacy of dynastic, religious and has led to secularism. So Based on this conception, religion Toulmin, S. (1990). Cosmopolis: The Hidden Agenda of expelled by the US from the gates of Conico gas production plant. monarchic power from the 17th century on. is not conflict with modernity, so can it be said that religion Modernization. New York, Free Press. However, the reason for expelling the SDF from Conico energy But it cannot be emphasized strongly enough that not is not conflict with the International Relations theory stem- Weber, M. (1958). Bureaucracy. From Max Weber: Es- zone has not been specified as yet. all religions are the same. They vary in terms of their ming from modernity? says in Sociology. H. H. Gerth and C. W. Mills. New York, The SDF stationed in Deir Ezzur have exchanged Eastern Syria’s orthodoxy, discipline over members and their degree of A: I do not regard religion nor modernity as singular enti- Oxford University Press: 196-244. oil in lieu of receiving American and Israeli arms and military equip- ment, sources said. In a relevant development earlier on Sunday, the Syrian Obser- vatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported that a military convoy comprising 70 trucks carrying military and logistic equipment (made Bluebook reflects Tokyo fine-tuning diplomacy in the US and Israel) has been dispatched by the US-led coalition By Chen Yang recent years. However, it can also be seen that tions issue through leveraging the international the most important bilateral relationships” for from Iraq to Syria. the Shinzo Abe’s administration is eager to community’s pressure on North Korea.” Japan. It is the first time such a statement has Meantime, the Arabic-language Rai al-Youm quoted local sources Global Times —According to Asahi Shimbun, make diplomatic achievements. For instance, The Abe administration used to adopt a been made since seven Diplomatic Bluebooks in Eastern Syria as saying that the SDF has swapped Syria’s oil and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA) on Tokyo-Seoul relations, the expression “to tough foreign policy toward North Korea. But have been released since Abe took office for the gas with US and Israeli weapons. released the 2019 Diplomatic Bluebook on April move the Japan-ROK relationship forward in this diplomatic approach toward North Korea second time in 2012. This is both a reflection The sources told the Kuwaiti paper that the SDF is currently 23. As the last bluebook of the Heisei period, it a future-oriented manner” in the 2018 edition has been unable to make progress. After North that China-Japan ties took a turn for the bet- engaged in implementing the US occupation plots after the US de- uses new expressions such as playing down the is omitted, and it is instead pointed out that Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s meeting with ter last year, and a signal that there is more to clared the end of the ISIL in Eastern Syria. The US-backed Kurdish significance of Japan-South Korea relations, Japan-South Korea ties were “extremely dif- Russian President Vladimir Putin, among come for the Abe government in dealing with fighters have adopted hostile policies against people in the region. sending friendly signals to North Korea and ficult” last year. Since November last year, Six-Party Talks participants, only Japanese ties with China. Meantime, people in the towns of al-Sovar, Moileh, al-Shahil showing a proactive attitude on ties with Rus- relations between the two countries have rap- leader hasn’t met with Kim. Yet in the meantime, Japan’s disputes with and al-Hasan in Eastern and Southeastern Deir Ezzur continued sia. Positive statement over the China-Japan idly cooled down and anti-Seoul sentiment in When it comes to territorial dispute with China on issues concerning the East China Sea protests against the SDF and their measures such as stealing oil relationship also emerged in the Bluebook. Japanese society has been rising as a result of Russia, the 2019 edition said Tokyo and Moscow and the South China Sea have been mentioned in cooperation with some foreign energy firms, and blocked Deir The Diplomatic Bluebook is an annual docu- the decisions by the Supreme Court of South are working toward resolving the disputes under this year. These reflect Abe government’s nar- Ezzur-Hasaka Road to keep SDF militias outside their town. ment produced by MOFA to record Japan’s Korea asking Japanese companies to pay com- the “strong leadership” of Abe and Putin. This row-minded side on these issues and the fact In a relevant development on Saturday, the US-backed Kurdish diplomatic trends. It is not only a reflection of pensation for forced labor during World War actually shows that the Abe’s administration that Japan is not treating China-Japan ties militants received state-of-the-art weapons and military equipment, Japan’s foreign policy and a preview of future II, the radar lock-on incident, South Korean is well aware of difficulties over resolving ter- from a strategic perspective. including Israeli arms in Eastern Euphrates, the Arabic-language trends, but also serves as a first-hand material National Assembly Speaker’s call to Japanese ritorial disputes and signing the peace treaty The latest Diplomatic Bluebook sends media reports said. for Japanese nationals to understand the latest Emperor Akihito to apologize for historical is- with Russia and only by showing goodwill to some contradictory signals on China-Japan The pro-militant Arabic-language Al-Khabor news agency quoted diplomatic practices. sues, etc. Therefore, watered-down statements Russia can the negotiation process be expedited. relations. The Abe government is eager to deepen informed sources as saying that the US-led coalition has delivered Like Japan’s defense white paper, produced on Japan-South Korea relations in the Diplo- The reason why Japan’s Diplomatic Blue- China-Japan relations, but at the same time it new military and logistical supports through Simalka crossing to by Japan’s Ministry of Defense, the Diplomatic matic Bluebook imply that the Abe regime is book is tough on South Korea, softer on the is unwilling to change its mind-set on certain its allied Kurdish fighters in Eastern Syria. Bluebook receives great attention by all par- catering to current Japanese public opinion. North, and friendlier toward Russia is that it long-term complicated issues. Tokyo wants It noted that the said military shipment included advanced ties every year. They try to figure out Japan’s The 2019 Diplomatic Bluebook removed has been difficult for Abe to make diplomatic to develop bilateral relations with Beijing and missiles, US air defense systems, Israeli anti-Tank Spike missiles, diplomatic future from the document. expressions such as “to maximize pressure on progress this year. strengthen economic and trade exchanges with shoulder-mounted surface-to-air Stinger missiles and drones. In the 2019 Diplomatic Bluebook, the North Korea by all available means”, “the en- Even though holding three talks with US the latter, but it also worries about annoying The advanced weapons delivered to the Kurdish fighters were changes in expressions concerning Japan-South hancement of nuclear and missile capabilities President Donald Trump in a row from April the US. Therefore, the key to develop China- transferred to a clandestine depot near Ramilan Airbase in Hasaka Korea, Japan-North Korea, and Japan-Russia by North Korea constitutes an unprecedented, to June will be a highlight, it will only be a Japan ties still lies with Japan. It is hoped that province which is guarded by the US marine forces and Kurdish are actually a reflection of changes in relations grave and imminent threat to Japan,” “to press highlight, not breakthrough. the Abe regime will be more sincere in dealing fighters. between Tokyo and neighboring countries in North Korea for the early resolution of the abduc- The 2019 Bluebook counts China as “one of with ties with neighbors. ساعت: امضاء صفحه آرا: ساعت: امضاء مسئول صفحه: ساعت: امضاء ادیتور:ADVERTISEMENTS ساعت: امضاء سردبیر:

II NN TT EE RR NN AA TT II OO NN AA LL DD AA II LL YY APRILAPRIL 30, 2019 ANALYSISADVERTISEMENT & INTERVIEW 7 Tips on the results of the Spanish Yemen Death Toll to Surpass general election 230,000 – What Next?

Saeed Sobhani representing the far right’s return to Spanish TEHRAN (FNA) — Now that United Nations warns that about national politics. Sanchez announced that he 231,000 Yemenis will have died from hunger, disease and lack The Spanish general election was held at a would soon open talks with other political of health clinics by the end of this year, it should do the next best time when the country did not have a good parties to form a coalition. thing: force the Saudis to stop the war on this defenseless nation. economic situation.Spain, traditionally, and In Catalonia, which has its own language, At least this could help prevent further fighting which the due to its vulnerability to the economic crisis, voters turned out beyond expectations.The world body says will have claimed about 102,000 lives by the has the potential of becoming one of the main Catalan Republican Left (ERC) - headed by end of 2019. This includes those who might die “from hunger, centers of the crisis in the United Europe Oriol Junqueras, who is facing trial on charg- disease and the lack of health clinics and other infrastructure and the Eurozone. This was proven during es of sedition, rebellion and embezzlement than from fighting.” protests that took place after the economic of public funds over a 2017 referendum on According to the UN’s latest report called Assessing the Impact crisis, and from 2007 to 2010 in Europe. Catalan independence - is projected to win of War on Development in Yemen, many people will have died Subsequently, Spanish citizens pursued their 13 or 14 seats.That number is unprecedent- from the side effects of the conflict and not the actual fighting, economic demands in the elections, or in ed for the Catalan nationalist party. If ERC with the combined death toll - from fighting and disease – at public polls. However, the equation seems agrees to a coalition with PSOE and UP, a “233,000, or 0.8 percent of Yemen’s 30 million-strong population.” to be different this time! It seems that the government could likely be formed. This is not to mention the costs of those five years of conflict that rise of the “yellow vests” in Paris and other However, PSOE leader Pedro Sanchez has already cost Yemen’s economy $89 billion and counting. It’s all French cities has also affected the Spanish has taken a tough stance against Catalan the reason why the war-torn country, the poorest nation in the Arab internal and social equations. independence, saying there would be “no world, needs a temporary cessation of hostilities now. There is no The recent protests in Spain have raised referendum and no independence” during need for the failed war to drag on until 2030 or further – an unnec- many concerns at both domestic and Eu- a rally in Barcelona on Friday. Gerardo Rod- essary war that the UN says could set back the country by 26 years. ropean levels. At the domestic level, Pedro taking place in Spain (since 2007) is such has won the country’s general election with riguez, a 42-year-old having lunch in front All this, of course, depends on the United States. The country Sanchez is concerned about the escalation of that administration is incapable to manage 123 seats after 99.9 percent of the votes were of a church, said he voted PSOE in part to has been arming Saudi Arabia and its allies since March 2015, the protests and the collapse of his govern- it. In the past, economic and social protests counted.PSOE’s historical centre-right ri- Sanchez’s tough stance on Catalan independ- including refueling their warplanes mid-air and providing re- ment. Because the current economic crisis in the European Union began in countries val, the People’s Party (PP), won 66 seats ence.”Politically, I am in the centre. I have connaissance and targeting intelligence information. The in- in Spain is so severe that he can’t offer many like Greece and Spain, and spread to other in Sunday’s election in Spain.Speaking to voted for both PP and PSOE in the past,” Rod- ternational backlash has been so widespread that Congress was concessions to the protesters. At the same countries. This created the opportunity for supporters in Madrid, PSOE leader and Prime riguez said.”I didn’t want to vote PP because forced to approve a bill to end US support for the Saudi-UAE time, the protesters are so angry with the the European troika to “temporarily curb Minister Pedro Sanchez said “the future has of Vox, but I was concerned with Sanchez’s war on Yemen, which was vetoed by President Donald Trump. Spanish government that perhaps only some the crisis.” But this time the current protests won” after his party won about 30 percent stance towards Catalan independence,” he However, according to the UN, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty economic and welfare benefits can calm them in Europe started from France, which is the of the vote. Turnout was about 75 percent. continued. “When he said there would be no International and a maze of other international rights groups and down. In this regard, it is possible to compare second economy in the Eurozone, and then Supporters chanted “With Rivera, no!” independence, I was convinced.” aid agencies, the air raids by the Us-backed, Saudi-UAE coalition the anger of Spanish demonstrators with the spread to other countries. Obviously, under at the rally, referring to Albert Rivera, the Rodriguez said he admired PP leader Pab- have mostly hit civilians, hospitals and water treatment facilities. anger of the yellow vests in France. Some such circumstances, restraining the crisis by leader of Citizens, a party that considers itself lo Casado’s tough stance towards Catalan They estimate as many as 60,000 civilians have been killed in experts believe that if the protest rallies in the European authorities would be far more centrist but allied with PP and Vox, leading independence, but found his willingness to these raids and “as many as 85,000 children starved to death, Spain are repeated, and it becomes a trend, difficult, and the impact of the crisis on other to further criticism that it is far right. partner with far-right Vox distasteful. with millions more one step away from famine.” the administration can’t stop the protesters’ member states and even non-members in PP leader Pablo Casado told supporters on “I grew up hearing stories from my family Worse still, international aid groups say the Saudi-UAE mil- anger even by granting some economic and the Eurozone will be even greater, and Spain Sunday evening that the party will “continue about how horrible” life was under fascist itary authorities are recruiting Yemeni children, many of them welfare benefits. is no exception to this rule. to lead the opposition and the centre-right” dictator Franco.Members of Vox spoke warmly desperately poor, to fight along the Saudi border against the However, it seems that the anger of Spanish As Aljazeera reported, The governing of Spain.Citizens won 57 seats, a gain of 25, of Franco. “I couldn’t vote for anyone who popular Ansarullah forces. This goes against the Charter of the citizens of the economic process that has been Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) while Vox made historic gains with 24 seats would work with them,” Rodriguez said. United Nations and international law, which prohibit the use of children in armed conflicts. Into the argument, Washington claims its military support to Saudi Arabia is designed to stop Iran’s influence in Yemen, which is not true and substantiated by any evidence. Iran has no forces John Mason: Trump Makes Political Situation Dramatically in Yemen. It was in fact the first country that warned against the war’s terrible consequences. Even after five years, the Islamic Republic keeps telling the warring factions that the only way out of the current deadlock is dialogue and national reconciliation. Worse by Taking Advantage of Wealth Inequality The problem is that the US government refuses to stop arming and supporting the Saudis and their allies, let alone supporting TEHRAN (FNA) — Dr. John G. Mason, Professor of long predates Trump’s arrival in the White House, as income such initiatives. It gets worse to hear that president Trump says Politics, says to win the US presidential election, Donald and wealth inequality became increasingly skewed toward he has every intention to give a second veto to the Congress bill Trump secured the oligarchs’ support, whose price was “the the top over the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. that demands an end to the US-backed war on Yemen. passage of a Tax Reform Bill that transferred over trillion But Trump has made the political situation dramatically Unless this madness stops, some 22 million souls will remain dollars to America’s richest Banks, Corporations and Upper worse by taking advantage of it. at risk of dying, or being killed. Many civilians will also starve to class households… while offering little help to middle class First, he overcame the resistance of the Republican death or die from medical problems for which they can receive no households”. establishment to his candidacy by weaponizing the social medicines. The poorest country in the Muslim world is still under Speaking to FNA in an exclusive interview, Dr. Mason insecurity, financial precarity, and the racial resentments, blockade, and despite a ceasefire agreement in Hodeida (the only made comments on unequal wealth distribution in the US, of rural White America. And then repeated this trick against port from which humanitarian aid can get into the country) that is saying, “America’s income and wealth distribution has be- the Neo-liberal elites, even while he mobilized the financial no fully respected by the Saudis and their allies, major humanitarian come dramatically “top heavy” over the past thirty years, resources of Conservative oligarchs such as Sheldon Adelson, assistance cannot get into many parts of Yemen yet. so that the United States is now the most unequal of the Robert Mercer, and David and Charles Koch to build his It gets worse. Even if Trump doesn’t veto the Yemen war bill for a advanced industrial countries by far.” campaign war chest, and win the presidential election in second time, US drone attacks and Special Forces operations against Dr. John G. Mason, Professor of Politics, is the Chair the Electoral College. While losing the popular vote by 2%. the war-torn country will continue apace – just like in Afghanistan. of the Political Science Department at William Paterson In fact, Trump did not win more votes than Mitt Romney The bill doesn’t prohibit US forces from carrying air and drone at- University in New York. His areas of expertise are the pol- had in 2012, and owed his victory to the large number of tacks against what they claim are Al-Qaeda targets. According to itics of Europe and the former and American abstentions among Democratic voters. The price of the international aid groups, in many cases these ‘precision’ air raids security policy. Dr. Mason is a on the Board of Directors of Oligarchs support was the passage of a Tax Reform Bill that and bombings also kill innocent civilians in populated areas. the Socialist Scholars Conference in New York. transferred over trillion dollars to America’s richest Banks, Below is the full text of the interview: Corporations and Upper N.I.O.C President Trump tax overhaul has benefited the rich, income rise from 8.9% in 1978 to 22% in 2014. The share class households – who 1398.543 National Iranian Drilling Company unlike his promise that the middle class were supposed to be of the bottom 90% has fallen over the same period to less will receive 87% of the First Announcement First Announcement the biggest beneficiaries. What does it mean that Trump has than 20%, with the bottom half owning effectively nothing, future benefits, while Call for public tender (First/Second publish) offered socialism for the rich but capitalism for everyone else? since their debts outweigh their assets. Their middle class offering little help to Call for public tender (First/Second publish) A: The argument that “we all too often have socialism “betters” in bottom 90% have the distinction of “owning” middle class households. Two-Stages (semi compressed) tender N.I.O.C Two-Stages (semi compressed) tender for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor” 75% of all consumer debt, as debt accumulation replaces Many Trump voters in National Iranian Subject1398.543 of Tender: Subject of Tender: BOP Control Line Hose long predates Trump, and was first attributed to the Amer- salary increases that are missing due to wage stagnation. the Blue States have now BOP Control Line Hose Drilling Company ican Socialist, Michael Harrington in his book on American The median weekly wage has only increased to $832 in 2015 seen their federal taxes Tender descriptions: poverty, The Other America, which was published in 1962. from $762 in 1979, while the average wage of the bottom actually increase, and the Registration No. through national electronic Tender No. Estimated value It then reappeared in many of Dr. Martin Luther King’s 10% has declined over that same period from $414 to $392. refunds upon which many The Tender holder tendering system speeches during his “Poor People’s Campaign” up until his The real revolution, however, is within that top 1% category, working class households /Indent No. (Rial/Euro) assassination in 1968. Already among one of the most un- where the income share of the top 0.01% of households have depend, have shrunk by Tender No. :FP/09-97/045 equal of the OCED countries a half century ago, America’s now captured 5.1% of the national income, and hold more of 8.7%. “Socialism for the National Iranian Drilling Company 3,198,337 8,460,843,204 (Rial) Indent No.:08-22-9645024 income and wealth distribution has become dramatically the national wealth than the bottom 90%. The hyper-con- Rich,” indeed. “top heavy” over the past thirty years, so that the United centration of wealth and income in Today’s America is best And austerity for the States is now the most unequal of the advanced industrial represented by one statistic – the three richest individuals bottom 80%. It remains  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers countries by far. at the top of the US Class hierarchy, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos to be seen how Trump can Method R Based on minimum scoring (60) made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification Why is there a disparity between the rich employers and Warren Buffet, now own more of the national wealth spin the disappointment forms. and the low-income employees? than the bottom half of American households. of his base and win the 1- Applicants which have more than 4 in process contracts with NIDC are not allowed to participate in A: We have seen a massive redistribution of wealth and How does wealth inequality affect US politics? 2020 election, given that this tender . 2- Applicants which have more than 2 in process contracts with NIDC in similar subject ( exclusively income to the Top 1% of American households, who has A: What hold true for wealth may be equally true for po- only four in ten likely vot- same subject) are not allowed to participate in another tender seen their share of the national wealth increase from 12% litical influence of America’s oligarchs. In a sense, America is ers say they are prepared in the 1970’s to 40% in 2015, and their share of national their country, because they own so much of it. This situation to vote for him again.  Purchasing & Submitting

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Cultural exchanges under BRI will deepen understanding th Distribution Place Hall No.:113, 1 floor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling

modernization and promotes the implementation of the BRI. After Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN By Li Qingqing  Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of 510,000 all, how can a country make any achievement if it only draws up plans Iranian Rials under account number 4001114004020491( Shaba No. IR Global Times — The University of Sargodha based in Pakistan has behind closed doors? 520100004001114004020491) in name of “NIDC Incomes Centralized Fund” forged close and friendly relations with China. It has built academic China’s openness echoes the spirit of the BRI’s cultural exchanges. Submitting Method issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank. links with many of China’s universities and set up the Pakistan Institute  Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender The Second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) Documents. of China Studies. This is only one example of China’s academic coopera- ended Saturday in Beijing, and more than 150 countries and internation- tion in recent years. Successful academic exchanges between China and al organizations have signed cooperation documents with China. Such Closing date .Days after the last time of Purchasing 14  other countries have been increasing rapidly within the framework of exchanges will be win-win cooperation. Documents Receiving Method st China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, it is still a pity that India did not join the BRF. Why? Because Hall No. 107, 1 floor, Tender Committee, Operation building, National Address Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. As many Chinese universities are deepening exchanges with foreign it still lacks a comprehensive understanding of China. Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 universities under the framework of BRI, the US has restricted ties with To understand China better, cultural exchanges are of great importance. China in academic exchanges and cooperation. Many US universities, Some Indian people have doubts about China’s BRI, but we still hope to  Tender Guarantee including some that are world-renowned, have cut ties with China’s Hua- expand cultural exchanges, including cooperation between Chinese and wei Technologies and the Confucius Institute. Indian universities, because this helps cast away their misunderstandings. Value of guarantee 423,100,000 Rial / 8,760 Euro Although the US and some other Western countries’ governments The BRI will act as an effective platform to promote Chinese universities’ Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain activity license from the are politicizing the normal academic cooperation, China will not shut exchanges with the world. central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Type of guarantee its door. Nor will it stop academic communication and research with The BRI not only focuses on economic construction, it also aims at Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636 ( Shaba No. IR 350100004001114006376636) in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic Washington. This shows our open-mindedness. China is increasingly promoting exchanges between countries. Educational and cultural ex- Republic of Iran. open to cooperation with universities and institutes worldwide. changes between universities are an important foundation of economic Duration of credit & quotation Tender Guarantee and quotation should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for one time China keeps expanding its circle of friends, because such cultural and trade cooperation. in initial validity duration. and academic exchanges have brought real benefits to the country in Foreign countries may understand the cultural and educational factors (Foreign Procurement Dept.) (Foreign Procurement Dept.) its 40 years of reform and opening-up. During the past four decades, in China’s economic development through exchange and cooperation, More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr China sent its students and scholars overseas on academic exchanges, while China also needs to understand foreign countries’ development More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr تهران تایمز نوبت اول 10/2/98نوبت دوم which greatly widened their views. This also accelerates our country’s experience and cultural backgrounds 98/2/11 تهران تایمز نوبت اول 10/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/11


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Fly me to the moon: Germany eyes Endangered green sea turtles may be making a comeback slice of lucrative space market in the U.S. Pacific Beleaguered populations of green sea turtles living in and around Facing tough competition from China, but individual countries have their own Hawaii and American Pacific island territories are increasing the United States and even tiny Luxem- research and interests, funded outside in number. bourg, Germany is racing to draft new the ESA budget. From 2002 to 2015, scuba diving researchers circumnavigated laws and attract private investment to Matthias Wachter, aerospace expert at 53 islands, atolls and coral reefs throughout the U.S. Pacific, secure a slice of an emerging space market the BDI German Federation of Industry, conducting the first comprehensive survey in that region of the that could be worth $1 trillion a year by said advances in space were crucial for turtles’ ocean habitats. Over the 13 years, the divers counted the 2040s. future technologies such as autonomous more than 3,400 sea turtles. The vast majority — 90.1 percent The drive to give Germany a bigger driving. — were green sea turtles; only 8.3 percent were hawksbills and role in space comes as European, Asian “Germany is limping behind,” he said. 1.6 percent were unidentified. and U.S. companies stake out ground Any spending plans would have to The number of green sea turtles spotted around Hawaii in- in an evolving segment that promises contend with rising budget pressures creased by an average of 8 percent each year, the team reports contracts for everything from explora- and an economic slowdown. Germany April 24 in PLOS ONE. Around American Samoa and the Mar- tion to mining of outer-space resources. is in its 10th year of expansion, but only iana Islands, the turtles’ numbers increased by an average of 4 Firms likely to benefit from any fu- narrowly avoided recession last year. percent per year. ture spending rise in Germany include Senior executives from Deutsche Bank Airbus, which co-owns the maker of and Munich Re and others met in Berlin Europe’s Ariane space rockets, and this month to brainstorm ways to fund Bremen-based OHB. and insure new space projects. The new legislation would limit fi- One problem is Germany’s conserva- nancial and legal liabilities of private tive approach to investment and financ- companies should accidents happen in ing as entrepreneurs seek capital, said orbit, set standards for space operations Sebastian Straube, CEO of investment and offer incentives for new projects, the firm Interstellar Ventures. German economy ministry told Reuters. in the market. have a piece of the cake that we should Straube is building a 100-million-euro The ministry’s aerospace and space “In my view, it is hugely important have as a leading export nation.” investment fund that will fund projects. commissioner, Thomas Jarzombek, could that we participate as equal partners so Two other heads of small German He is also working with companies like submit the laws to parliament later this that we are primed to develop and build space companies told Reuters they were rail operator Deutsche Bahn to encour- year. The move comes as companies and technologies for such a gateway,” he said. considering leaving the country. age them to support new ventures that trade groups press for German authorities The program involves designing and But Germany is not standing still. build applications taking advantage of to establish a regulatory framework for developing a small spaceship that will Space commissioner Jarzombek is increased access to space through sat- “From a conservationist’s point of view, that’s pretty phenom- the lucrative new market to encourage orbit the Moon and serve as a temporary working with trade groups, companies ellites in low-earth orbit. enal,” says study coauthor Rusty Brainard, an oceanographer private investment. home for astronauts and as a base for and other experts to draft the space laws, SpaceX Battle based in Honolulu who supervises the U.S. National Oceanic and “We are sounding the alarm that Ger- work on the moon’s surface and, later, and plans to submit it them parliament Marco Fuchs, CEO of satellite build- Atmospheric Administration’s coral reef ecosystem program. many and Europe are falling behind in missions to Mars. NASA had aimed to sometime after September. er OHB, said Germany needed bigger Green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) are considered endangered space vis-a-vis China and the United finish the Gateway by 2026, but Wash- “We are aiming for a lean basic law that increases in national space funding to by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. The picture States,” Dirk Hoke, defense and space ington is now aiming to put humans back is open to the future,” said a spokeswoman pay for pioneering developments, citing is less rosy for hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), which chief at Franco-German-led aerospace on the Moon by 2024, which could lead for Jarzombek and the economy ministry. growing competition worldwide. the IUCN lists as critically endangered. In the United States, both group Airbus, told Reuters. “We’re at to an accelerated schedule. “A national space law should focus above The company carried out a privately species are protected by the Endangered Species Act. a critical juncture to ensure we stay in Even before then, Germany is facing all on incentives and make it possible funded commercial mission with China “We didn’t spot enough of hawksbills to be able to analyze the top league.” a brain-drain as companies worldwide for the German space industry to play to orbit the moon in 2014. their population trends over time. It’s a sign that their population Germany is Europe’s economic pow- ponder how to extract minerals from a bigger role in global developments.” OHB is a key player in the battle be- is really struggling,” says ecologist Sarah Becker of the Monte- erhouse and the world’s fourth-largest asteroids and water from the moon Berlin is also pressing the United Nations tween Europe’s new Ariane 6 rocket and rey Bay Aquarium in California. She coauthored the paper with economy. However it had just the world’s within a decade. to set standards for mining of the Moon, the Falcon 9 built by Elon Musk’s SpaceX Brainard and aquarium colleague and conservation ecologist seventh-largest national space budget Some companies are already consid- asteroids and other objects in space. to launch the first of two new OHB spy Kyle Van Houtan. in 2018, an estimated $1.1 billion, just ering moving to Luxembourg, which has The United States passed a law in 2015 satellites, called Georg, for Germany’s The number of green sea turtles nesting in Hawaii and some over half the amount generated by fifth- taken a lead in Europe by enacting laws that encouraged private companies to foreign intelligence agency in 2022. Pacific island regions has been slowly increasing over the last placed France, according to preliminary to limit liabilities and ease restrictions undertake mining work beyond Earth, The contract, worth tens of millions two decades. But until now, scientists have had little information data from Paris-based research firm on mining operations. It has also set and gives its firms the right to claim of dollars, is drawing political attention on how hatchlings fare once they leave their sandy cradles and Euroconsult. up a 100-million-euro ($112 million) resources they may one day be able to after SpaceX and Ariane traded barbs venture out into the ocean. The figure, which excludes contri- investment fund for projects. extract from celestial bodies. about access to each other’s markets, To track turtles and other reef-dwelling organisms, researchers butions to pan-European programs, is “It’s a global market. We have our cus- Jarzombek helped secure a 269-mil- which could presage a transatlantic trade were attached by a line to slow-moving boats that dragged them dwarfed by the United States - by far tomers and we will keep them, even if we lion-euro increase in planned funding dispute in coming years. — in pairs — across stretches of coral reefs. “It’s a spectacular the largest spender on space at almost have to run the company from somewhere for the European Space Agency (ESA) in OHB and the German government are way to see the reef system, one hour at a time,” Brainard says. $40 billion. else,” said Walter Ballheimer, CEO of 2020-2023. But Germany’s total space expected to select the winner by late 2020, He saw turtles young and old, curious and shy. “They’re just so Ironically, American space ambitions German Orbital Systems, a Berlin-based funding, which includes ESA and national and Fuchs said the decision would be graceful,” Brainard says. “We’d see them sort of gliding along or could offer a lifeline. start-up that builds small satellites. programs, is not expected to rise in that based on many factors, including launch sleeping in the caves and overhangs of the reefs.” Hoke said a new lunar Gateway pro- “Germany was overtaken a long time period. It edged slightly lower to 1.57 dates and available budgets. He also floated past shipwrecks that had leached iron, mark- gram backed by U.S. space agency NASA ago,” he said. “But it’s not too late. If billion euros in 2019. “In the end, it’s always a question of edly altering local ecosystems, and “large fishing nets — some of offered a chance for Germany and others they are courageous enough and adopt The 18-member ESA oversees cooper- the price - or a political decision,” he said. which had probably traveled thousands of miles,” Brainard says. in Europe to stake a claim to a key role a clear space policy ... then we can still ation on space exploration and launches, (Source: Reuters) “They’d catch and snag on the reefs, breaking off bits of coral in this kind of path of destruction.” Turtles sometimes get caught in them, too, he says. The reptiles face other perils, including warming global tem- Ecologists solve coral reef halo mystery, but questions remain peratures and habitat loss. Last year, Hawaii’s East Island — an important green sea turtle nesting site — was all but submerged, The ecological forces driving the development of sandy on the sand, expanding the halo. at least temporarily, in the wake of Hurricane Walaka. halos surrounding coral reefs are more complex than Analysis of satellite imagery showed halos wer- “But at least — thanks to protections under the Endangered scientists previously realized. en’t likely to be larger in marine preserves, where Species Act — they are no longer harassed or harvested for con- For years, scientists had observed a mysterious the populations of predator fish are larger. However, sumption,” Brainard says. He suspects that the legal protections phenomenon. Many coral reefs are surrounded by scientists found reefs in preserves were more likely help explain why turtle populations appear to be increasing despite expansive halos of bare sand, some measuring hun- to host halos. the remaining threats. dreds of thousands of square feet. Typically, thick “Halo size seems to be dictated in large part by the The new study gives researchers a better sense of how the meadows of seagrass or algae grow beyond the edge size of the reef it surrounds, which is logical, yet the turtles are doing out in the ocean, says James Spotila, a biologist of these halos. specific mechanics for why this is remain unclear,” at Drexel University in Philadelphia who studies sea turtles. “We Coral reef halos were first officially observed - and Madin said. know the most about the Hawaiian populations,” Spotila says. documented in the scientific literature - in the Car- As the planet’s oceans warm and become more acid- “But some of the remote island areas looked at in this study have ibbean, in St. John in 1965 and in St. Croix in 1972. ic, and as unsustainable fishing practices proliferate, really been black boxes.” Until now, scientists’ explanation for the phenom- coral reefs are increasingly threatened. Madin and her Those results may be the only information scientists have ena was rather basic. colleagues hope their work - published this week in about in-ocean populations of turtles in and around U.S. Pacific “They’ve been known for ages, and have been long the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B - will territories for a while, Spotila says. NOAA stopped conducting assumed to be due to a simple chain of interactions: lead to more efficient ways to monitor reef health. towed-diver surveys of Hawaii and other Pacific islands in 2017 predators, fish-and invertebrate-eating fish, or her- “Right now we’re working hard to decode what the due to a reallocation of funding. bivores, scare prey, plant-and algae-eating fish, who “Plant-eating fishes never ventured as far from halos are telling us specifically about reef ecosystem (Source: sciencenews.org) stay near shelter to avoid the predators and hence the reef as the halo boundary extended,” Madin said. health,” she said. “In other words, we’re trying to graze more heavily around the safety of coral reefs,” “This left us scratching our heads as to why, given that figure out the answers to the outstanding questions, Elizabeth Madin, assistant research professor at the something was obviously casing the halo to extend such as what causes differences in the sizes of halos.” Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, told UPI. out as far as it did.” Once scientists can completely explain the mech- Oldest human footprint But many marine scientists wondered how some When researchers monitored fish activity at night anisms behind reef halo formation and size, analysis halos could grow so large if herbivores were scared using GoPro cameras outfitted with special lights, of halos via satellite imagery could be used as a con- found in the Americas to venture very far from the protection of the reef. they found an explanation: “bioturbating” fishes servation and management tool. confirmed in Chile: Indeed, when Madin and her colleagues filmed the that root through the sand, turning up and eating “That’s my ultimate goal - and the reason this some- behavior of fish around reefs with halos, they found invertebrate prey – “sort of like pigs rooting through what mysterious phenomenon has had my collaborators researcher herbivore behavior alone failed to account for the mud,” Madin said. and I captivated for the past few years,” Madin said. barren sand. All that rooting around dislodges the algae growing (Source: upi.com) A 15,600-year old footprint discovered in southern Chile is believed to be the oldest ever found in the Americas, according to researchers. A global survey finds that the Arctic Ocean is a hot spot for viruses The footprint was first discovered in 2010 by a Arctic waters turn out to be teeming with some of the attack bacteria — not people. student at the Universidad world’s smallest entities — viruses. “So you can swim in the ocean and not worry about it,” Austral of Chile. Scientists Water samples taken during a three-year expedition says Ahmed Zayed, a microbiologist at Ohio State Uni- then worked for years to rule around the world’s oceans identified around 200,000 versity in Columbus. out the possibility that the virus species, roughly 12 times the number found in a Bacteriophages and other viruses are credited with print may have belonged to previous smaller survey. And 42 percent of those viruses killing roughly 20 percent of bacteria in the ocean every some other species of ani- were found exclusively in the Arctic, researchers report day. That process stops carbon in the bacteria from passing mal, and to determine the April 25 in Cell. up the food chain, and instead releases the carbon back fossil’s estimated age. The results come from the Tara Oceans global oceano- into the ocean for other microorganisms — some of which Karen Moreno, a paleon- graphic research expedition. From 2009 to 2013, researchers also consume carbon dioxide. These microbes eventually tologist with the Universidad dropped tanks off of an aluminum sailboat called Tara produce a form of carbon that can’t be recycled and stays Austral who has overseen the to collect 145 water samples from dozens of sites world- stored in the ocean. studies, said researchers had wide, at water depths from 0 to 4,000 meters. Scientists Viruses may serve an important role in counteracting also found bones of animals collected everything ranging in size from fish eggs down human-induced climate change by indirectly stashing away an environmental virologist at the University of British near the site, including those of primitive elephants, but de- to viruses. Filtering isolated the viruses, which were then carbon in this way, though viruses have rarely been includ- Colombia in Vancouver who wasn’t involved in the study. termined that the footprint was evidence of human presence. genetically compared. ed in climate simulations. Having the global map of virus And because microbiologists can only isolate and identify Moreno said this was the first evidence of humans in The researchers identified 195,728 virus species parsed locations could help scientists know where carbon fallout viral species with DNA, viruses with RNA were excluded the Americas older than 12,000 years. into five global regions that are home to distinct viral com- occurs and increase the accuracy of climate simulations. from the new analysis, despite being thought to make up “Little by little in South America we’re starting to find munities. The most diversity was found in shallow, temperate But the study gives only a limited view of viruses at half of the ocean’s virus diversity. “So we’re still really sites with evidence of human presence, but this is this and tropical waters, followed closely by Arctic waters. play. “There’s still swaths of the ocean that haven’t been only scratching the surface of what’s there,” Suttle says. oldest in the Americas,” she said. Almost all of the viruses were bacteriophages, which looked at,” such as the Western Pacific, says Curtis Suttle, (Source: sciencenews.org) (Source: Reuters) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 HERITAGE & TOURISM APRIL 30, 2019

Tourism in Uruguay closed Iran to celebrate with a 29% drop in foreign tourists Persian Gulf Tourism in Uruguay reported a drop in the number of foreign tourists. Argentinian visitors, the most important source market for Uruguay, have been hit by the currency crisis and consequently the numbers of travelers. While there were measures in Uruguay National Day focused on mitigating the negative effects (with discounts and were under British protection until 1971 sales of Value Added Tax) the blow is still felt. 1 The modern strategic importance (in the case of Kuwait, 1961). Iran (Persia) In the period January-March the amount of incoming foreign of the Persian Gulf dates from the mid- was never a colony, and for much of the tourists dropped by almost 29% in comparison with the same 19th century, when three great empires 19th and 20th century Britain competed period of 2018. It was the first drop since 2014 and the second confronted each other there: British In- with Russia for influence there. biggest since the Ministry of Tourism started the statistics. dia, Tsarist Russia and Ottoman Turkey. The British established political control Spanning some 250,000 square kilo- over much of the Persian Gulf in the meters, the Persian Gulf is bounded by early 1800s and kept it for 150 years, the Shatt al-Arab waterway in the north, establishing a tradition of outside in- which forms the frontier between Iran volvement that persists today. Britain and Iraq, and the Strait of Hormuz in did not establish formal protectorates (as the south, which connects the sea to the in the case, for example, of Egypt), but Gulf of Oman and the Indian Ocean. did enter into treaties with local sheikhs It shares boundaries with littoral states offering them protection in return for Iran (Persia), Oman, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi control over their foreign policy. In 1899, Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Kuwait, then considered a dependency Emirates. The Strait of Hormuz, connects of the Ottomans, was brought into this the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Oman. system. The Persian Gulf is also important as After World War I, the political map an international trade route connect- of much of the Middle East was redrawn ing the Middle East to Africa, India and as the Ottoman Empire was replaced by China. It has historically been an inte- grated region characterized by constant According to the numbers, in the first trimester of 2019, 1.092.015 modern states, including Turkey, Iraq and interchange of people, commerce and foreign tourists arrived from abroad. It was the second biggest Saudi Arabia. The small Arab sheikhdoms Map by Abraham Ortelius, dated 1580 using the term “Persicus” (MAR MESENDIN religious movements. drop since 2002, when the arrival of visitors saw a reduction of on the western shore of the Persian Gulf formerly Sinus Persicus). 45% (they were a little over 500.000). However, the amount of visitors continued to be above a million, a barrier that was first crossed in 2011 and that was only not reached in 2014 (when about 890.000 visitors entered) and in 2015 (990.000). Intl. conference to discuss sustainable tourism Inbound tourism in Uruguay generated $776 million during the period of January-March, almost $317 million less (–30%) than in the same period of 2018. It was the first drop for a tri- in Lut Desert mester since 2016 and the most significant drop since the 2002 TOURISM TEHRAN — The University of Birjand, auspices of Iranian National Commission for UNESCO crisis (then the drop was 44%). That lower billing took place in deskwhich is edged by the UNESCO-tagged and the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism all the destinations of the country. Lut Desert, will be hosting an international conference Organization. The total expense per tourist ($711 in average) remained almost on sustainable tourism in the vast desert, ISNA reported. Lut Desert, which dominates eastern Iranian territory, unchanged and the daily consumption slightly increased ($110). Titled “Lut Desert Tourism, Local and International offers its adventurers epic journeys of breathtaking The president of the Uruguayan Chamber of Tourism, Juan Opportunities”, the event will explore how to empower beauty and wilderness. Amongst its top attractions Martinez, said that: “It was an important drop and it’s worrisome. local communities and it will also touch upon geo-tourism, are giant dunes, shifting sands, salt plains and wind- It affected three-star hotels, middle gastronomy and almost all attractions, sports tourism, eco-tourism, transportation hewn rocks. destinations”. in the arid land. Between June and October, this arid subtropical area This scenario will produce an increase of the “strike insurances”, “130 papers from countries such as Spain, Italy, is swept by strong winds, which transport sediment and he estimated, and he informed that in the face of this scenario, Malaysia and India will be presented at the conference, cause aeolian erosion on a colossal scale. Consequently, meetings have already been promoted in order to accomplish and a workshop on sustainable development in Lut will the site presents some of the most spectacular examples reductions in the fees of UTE and OSE for tour operators. In be held on the sidelines,” said Mohammadreza Majidi, of massive corrugated ridges, according to the UNESCO. front of a region that is still “complicated”, the union demands to a former Iranian representative at UNESCO. The region has been described in the past as a place maintain all the tax benefits for tourists, which expire this month. Majidi also urged the need for running training courses of ‘no life’ and information on the biological resources in According to Martinez, “No tourists came from abroad, it was for inhabitants in order to raise awareness of how to this area is limited. Nevertheless the property possesses internal tourism and that doesn’t generate foreign currencies. preserving this natural environment. flora and fauna adapted to the harsh conditions including There was movement but not a dollar was moved. Only one day The event will be held on May 1 and 2 under the an interesting adapted insect fauna. there was 100% occupation in the Thermals; then the coast had between 60% and 65%, and Colonia 88%. There are small com- panies closing and others thinking about what they’re going to do come winter”. Royal food supplier car goes on show in Tehran Hotels and restaurants from the main destinations depend on HERITAGE TEHRAN — An electric underwent a restoring mission under the the cash that they make since December in order to define how deskvehicle, which was once supervision of a classic cars expert, the they will face the winter. Historic data from the area –available supplying food to royal family of the last report said. since 1995- show that, on average, half the revenues of a year are Shah of Iran, has been put on show at the Iran tourism body registered over half a made between January and March. Sa’dabad Cultural-Historical Complex in million visits to Sa’dabad’s various museums The drop registered in the first trimester in 2019 was explained northern Tehran. during the New Year (Noruz) holidays (March basically by the Argentinean public, whose influx dropped by “On Sunday, a special carriage that used 21-April 5), with Mellat Palace Museum, about 40% in comparison with the same period last year. It was to carry food from a royal kitchen to the the museum of royal vehicles, the Green the second steepest drop since 2002, a year of crisis in Argentina [currently known] Mellat Palace Museum Palace, and a museum dedicated to majestic that affected Uruguay. [which was once a residence of royal fam- clothing receiving topmost visitors during (Source: Tourism Review) ily] went on show for the first time since the period. 40 years ago [when the monarchy fell],” Sprawled on about 110 hectares of a moun- IRNA reported. tainside parkland, the Sa’dabad complex ROUND THE GLOBE The abandoned vehicle was found in a was once a royal summer residence during stock where other royal objects and means Qajar era (1789–1925) and its subsequent Old Towns of Djenne of transportation were being kept. Later, it Pahlavi epoch (1925–1979).

Inhabited since 250 BC, Djenne in central Mali became a market center and an important link in the trans-Saharan gold trade. In the 15th and 16th centuries, it was one of the How to make friends while traveling solo centers for the propagation of Islam. Its traditional houses, Even in the best cases, traveling alone can get lonely. Here’s out smaller or independent tour companies that may be better of which nearly 2,000 have survived, are built on hillocks how to connect safely with the people you meet along the way. tailored to specific destinations. Visit the company website (toguere) as protection from the seasonal floods. Experiencing another culture on your own terms, at your and read reviews left by travelers to make sure everything own pace, with a budget of your own choosing can be an checks out. You can also look at ratings on separate websites incredibly rewarding and insightful adventure. But while like TripAdvisor for a more comprehensive view. some may find such a journey liberating, others might worry If you’re staying in a hostel, the staff often has relation- about safety or a period of solitude in a strange, unfamiliar ships with tour companies in the city. A hotel receptionist place. Humans, after all, are social animals. or concierge would also have recommendations. Prospective solo travelers should know that, despite its Use Airbnb to go on unique experiences hosted label, solo travel does not have to mean you’re alone all the by locals time. There are local communities to safely interact with as Airbnb may be known more for its lodging arrangements, well as fellow globe-trotters in a similar position. but it also wants to give you something to do at your des- A 2016 report from travel research company Phocuswright tination. Airbnb Experiences connects travelers with local found that a whopping 72 percent of hostel guests in the guides who lead guests on paid activities ranging from city United States were traveling alone. Airbnb saw similar a tours to bar crawls and hobby and skill classes. Launched trend in its data, with cities like Ho Chi Minh City, Cologne, in late 2016, Experiences quickly became a popular feature. groups based on similar interests. You can also create a feed and experiencing more than a 130 percent So what’s the appeal? Similar to walking tours, Airbnb by posting photos and updates. increase in individual bookings in 2016. Experiences can be a fun way to mingle with fellow sight- Tourlina, also free on iOS and Android, is exclusively With solo traveling growing in popularity, it’s clear there seers while gaining firsthand knowledge from experienced for women and operates a lot like a dating app by swiping are options to socialize with other travelers — it’s just a locals. And while you do have to pay upfront, costs usually on potential travel companions with similar itineraries and A view of the Great Mosque in Djenne, it is one of the largest matter of putting yourself in the right position to do so. Here cover expenses like transportation, food or equipment. Each timing. Women can also use the dating app Bumble’s BFF mud brick buildings in the world are some tactics you can use to meet and befriend people booking page includes information from the host on what feature to meet platonic companions in the area. Other social The cultural property “Old Towns of Djenne” is a serial abroad, from tried-and-true methods to innovative new items they’ll provide, as well as what items you should bring, media apps are 0ol options, with region-specific Facebook property comprising four archaeological sites, namely Djenne- apps and technology. like activity-specific clothing or extra cash (for souvenirs, groups and subreddits to engage with travelers, expats, and Djeno, Hambarketolo, Kaniana and Tonomba, along with the Go on ‘free’ walking tours for example). locals in your destination of choice. old fabric of the present town of Djenne covering an area of The word free is in quotations because, assuming your tour Since Experiences is embedded on the standard Airbnb As with any first encounter brokered through social media, 48.5 ha and divided into ten districts. guide is at least half-decent, you should tip them at the end platform, you’ll want to show the same caution when booking use caution when meeting people in real life. Meet in public The property is an ensemble that over many years has (many earn the majority of their income on commission). But activities as you would with booking housing. Make sure to spaces and consider video chatting beforehand. Travello also symbolized the typical African city. It is also particularly these walking tours can be worth every penny. Not only will read through the description and photos carefully and pay has a block/report feature if anyone conducts themselves representative of Islamic architecture in sub-Saharan Africa. the guide give you an informed and hopefully entertaining attention to the Experience’s rating and reviews (Airbnb inappropriately, resulting in an immediate ban from the app. The property is characterized by the intensive and remark- view of the locale, but you’ll have a chance to interact with has neat little trophies visible on the page if the Experience Stay in hostels able use of earth specifically in its architecture. The outstand- other tourists and possibly come away with a new friend. has been rated five stars by a certain number of people.) If In a world of hospitable hotels and authentic Airbnbs, ing mosque of great monumental and religious value is an The leisurely pace in between stops gives you the oppor- you have any questions or concerns, Airbnb will put you in why do travelers elect to stay in hostels? Two reasons, really: outstanding example of this. The town is renowned for its tunity to chat with fellow tour-goers, who you may discover touch with the host through its messaging system even if Hostels are cheap and sociable. You’ll find college-esque civic constructions, with the distinctive style of verticality are also traveling alone or as part of a small group they’re you haven’t booked the activity yet. dormitories with common lounge rooms and kitchens, and and buttresses as well as the elegant monumental houses willing to let you join. Prominent cities often have multiple Connect with like-minded explorers on social sometimes a bar or cafe. with intricate facades. specialized tours — street art or local cuisine, for example travel apps It’s an ideal environment to meet other travelers, and Excavations carried out in 1977, 1981, 1996 and 1997, re- — which provide additional chances to meet people and Prefer to cut out the middleman and connect directly hostel staffs are well aware of this — some will lead city tours vealed an extraordinary page of human history dating back further learn about the place hosting you. with other travelers? Try your hand at the crop of social or pub crawls designed to foster interaction between hostel to the 3rd century BC. Several tour companies, like Sandeman’s New Europe or networking apps specifically designed for travel. Travello, mates. Others might host game nights in the common room (Source: UNESCO) Free Tours by Foot, have outposts in popular cities and are free on iOS and Android, allows you to discover other trav- or arrange family dinners. generally safe options for the solo traveler. But don’t count elers nearby, match itineraries for planned trips and join (Source: The New York Times) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 30, 2019 TECHNOLOGY 11

National flood warning Five innovation factories system in the pipeline

TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – The Supreme Council of Space deskis working on establishment of national flood to be established soon warning system as a high priority, Mehr reported on Sunday. The establishment of flood warning system is a necessity for the country and the crisis management working group of the TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – Innova- ground for establishment of an 18,000-meter council is providing a comprehensive bill on crisis management desktion factories will be factory,” he added. in near future, the head of the group Mohammad Masoud Ta- established in five Iranian cities of Mash- The innovation factories in Yazd and jrishi announced. had, Tabriz, Isfahan, Shiraz and Yazd in Isfahan are also placed in abandoned fac- He said that the usage of space technology in natural disas- the near future, the head of the Strategic tories, he added. ter management is one of the issues, which should be clarified Technologies Center announced, Mehr He said that the municipality, governor- during the event. reported on Sunday. ship and the Ministry of Roads and Urban Innovation factory is a platform that effi- Development are responsible for establish- ciently connects people, knowledge and ideas ment of the innovation factories. and at the same time encourages collaboration The innovation centers are also very im- and innovation. Organizational issues are portant in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, presented as ‘idea challenges’. Inspiring and Qaderifar announced. motivational assignments like these encourage In Tabriz, two innovation centers are people to share and elaborate ideas. It allows established at the University of Tabriz and you to utilize collective knowledge and it Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in increases employee engagement. next month, he said. Esmaeil Qaderifar said that some Iranian In late February, the vice president for metropolitans plan to establish innovation science and technology Sourena Sattari Since the beginning of the current Iranian calendar year on factories in order to diversify the national announced the first innovation factory of March 21 provinces of Fars, Lorestan, North Khorasan, Golestan, innovation ecosystem. The vice presidency for science and tech- regional and local priorities and based their the country will start running in Tehran in Mazandaran, Hamedan, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Semnan, Kohgi- In Mashhad, an old abandoned factory nology supports the innovation factories, activities on them, he said. the Iranian calendar month Ordibehesht luyeh and Boyer-Ahmad and Khorasan Razavi were hit hard by is turning into an innovation factory. The however they are completely private and Mashhad, as a religious city, focuses on the (April 21-May 21). devastating floods incurring a dramatic loss. place is now under construction and will will be run by private accelerators, he added. pilgrimage, souvenir and creative industry Over 3,500 young entrepreneurs with Iranian Space Research Center estimates the damage caused probably open during the Iranian calendar The center is affiliated to the vice presi- for innovation, he explained. over 10 accelerator centers in different fields by the recent flood to the agriculture sector in Golestan province month Shahrivar (August 23-September dency for science and technology. “We plan to sign an agreement in Shi- will begin their activity in the innovation through using remote sensing technology. 22), he explained. The innovation factories focus on the raz during next week in order to break the factory, he said. It aims to assess the damages to crops with sampling and it also provides the Poldokhtar citizens in Lorestan province with 4G network through 50 internet balloon. Innovation center opens Service sector holds lion’s Headed by President Hassan Rouhani, the Supreme Council of Space observes activities of Iran Space Agency, which is man- at University of Tehran share of space industry dated to cover and support all the activities in Iran concerning the peaceful applications of space science and technology.

Iranian startups receive Rastak Innovation Award

TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – Three Iranian startups were deskselected during the first Rastak Innovation Award on Sunday, IRNA reported. The startups were selected from nine startups participated in the event, which is supported by the innovation and prosperity fund. The Rastak Innovation Award goes to startups, which have great activities in their key fields nationwide and aims to support startups and entrepreneurship ecosystem. The Smart Medico team won the first award. It provides an app for patients with diabetes. The second award went to the ‘Hoom’, a startup which is used for smart homes and the third TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – The services Today 28 knowledge-based companies TECHNOLOGY TEHRAN – The first The universities can be funded prize went to “Behzee”, a startup provides smart program for desk deskdevelopment sector holds are working in the field of space technology, phase of an innovation through selling technologies and signing better healthy living. the biggest share of space industry, the head he said. center was completed at the University agreements with startups, he said. The startup “Cactus” received the honorable mention. The of Iranian Space Agency (ISA) announced. The ISA also plans to develop startups of Tehran’s College of Engineering on “I believe that research results cannot startup provides mobile app for education. Sunday, Mehr reported. turn into products by the state-run Morteza Barari said that 80 percent of job active in the field of GPS, astronomy and The 30 innovative products, which are organizations, this is only possible by creation and economic activities happen in space discoveries in the near future, he added. available at the center, were also unveiled the investment of the private sector,” the field of space services. According to Morgan Stanley, an Amer- during the opening ceremony, which was he said. The universities can pave the way for ican multinational investment bank and New technique builds sensor attended by the vice president for science The government should invest in entrepreneurs and innovative young gen- financial services company, it is estimated and technology Sourena Sattari. cutting-edge technology projects, he said. eration, he said. that the global space industry could generate structures within chips The University of Tehran is considered During the event, director of the The universities should focus on innova- revenue of $1.1 trillion or more in 2040, up as a pioneer academic center, however University of Tehran’s School of tion and creative industries and be pioneers from $350 billion, currently. Yet, the most Smart devices, including wearable electronics and Internet of Things the innovation center provides a new Mathematics, Statistics and Computer through establishment of innovation centers, significant short- and medium-term oppor- (IoT) technology, could be equipped with more sensors and bigger outlook toward technology development, Science Majid Nili explained about the he added. tunities may come from satellite broadband batteries, thanks to a new production technique from Nanusens. he said. innovation center. Nanotechnology, energy, environment Internet access. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) are a vital com- By establishing such centers, the The center was built in two years to and biotechnology are the fields, which the It estimates that satellite broadband will ponent in most electronic devices, as they provide the sensing universities will gradually turn into complete the educational complex with universities can focus on. represent 50% of the projected growth of capabilities that make the technology smart. third and fourth generations in the near an innovation center, he said. He pointed to the space economy as an the global space economy by 2040—and as However, since every MEMS sensor design is unique, each future, he added. This is a necessity for transformation in important part of the worldwide economy much as 70% in the most bullish scenario. needs its own specially-developed manufacturing process, making ICT and biotechnology are on high the structure of the university, he added. and the knowledge-based companies has Launching satellites that offer broadband it difficult to quickly ramp up to large volume production. agenda for knowledge-based companies, The professional courses on skill can the share of 76 percent. Internet service will help to drive down Now London-based Nanusens has developed a technique to however, the engineering is third on the develop the culture of innovation at the The ISA aims to develop space services, the cost of data, just as demand for that use the same standard production process used to make electronic list, he added. universities, he concluded. operators and space industry in the near future. data explodes. chips, known as the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) process, to build MEMs sensors. In this way, the devices can be produced in any fabrication plant, in large volumes, according to Dr Josep Montanyà, CEO An electric scooter that can get you home when you forget where you are of Nanusens. A British design studio and a Chinese automotive and smart speed or range specifications, but each scooter would come mobility firm collaborated to develop Pal, a smart, electric with a home charger. If one battery charge isn’t enough scooter. Design firm Layer and mobility specialists Nio to complete a journey, the owner can swap in a charged propose the stylish, single-rider transport as a “near-future battery for the depleted cell. concept” solution for growing traffic congestion in large Nio cars and SUVs have a battery charging port in the cities, according to Dezeen. trunk. Because the Pal is so light (again, no specifics for The Pal uses artificial intelligence machine-learning to weight), the owner can collapse the steering column and recognize common routes. The scooter links to the owner’s lift the scooter in and out of a car trunk. For people who smartphone or smartwatch via Bluetooth, and from the phone work in a city but live elsewhere, the electric scooter could to Nomi, Nio‘s cloud-based A.I. system. Once the system be an effective last-mile solution. Owners could park in is familiar with a route, the owner can state a destination economical lots outside the city center, extract their Pal into a wireless earpiece and the scooter will take the rider from the trunk and ride it to work. The scooter’s light weight home autonomously. would allow the owner to fold and pull it to their desk or In the CMOS process, silicon dioxide is etched away to pro- The scooter has a separate motor in each of its four workstation where the battery could recharge during the duce the mechanical structure. In the new MEMS process, these wheel hubs. When you drive Pal by leaning, its pressure- workday. structures can include nanoscale moving parts such as springs, sensitive suspension can vary wheel speeds to speed up, material extensively. The scooter’s light weight adds to “At Layer, we believe that the future is autonomous which form the sensor. slow down, or turn left or right. its energy efficiency because it can extend the Pal’s range and sustainable, and it is important to create products “You need empty space to allow the movement [of the MEMS The concept scooter’s graphene-coated carbon fiber per battery charge. that offer more convenience without inconveniencing the device],” said Montanyà. “So we etch away the silicon dioxide very chassis and steering column are extremely strong and Pal uses a modular battery that fits in a receptacle on planet,” said Layer founder Benjamin Hubert. quickly, and leave the metal. In this way we generate the empty lightweight, which is why formula one race cars use the the scooter’s steering column. Layer did not give maximum (Source: digitaltrends.com) spaces we need in order to allow the metal to move,” he said. The use of the CMOS process also allows Nanusens to take advantage of Moore’s Law of electronics, meaning they can build smaller, nanoscale sensor devices. Existing MEMS devices, in New images show asteroid hit by Japanese spacecraft contrast, are typically one micron or larger in size. Japan’s aerospace agency sent a remote device packed advances in planetary science”. The nanoscale MEMS, or NEMS, structures can be built on the with explosives to an asteroid earlier this month. Here’s The total impact area of the explosion is approximately same chip as the electronics needed to control them, with the entire what happened. 20 metres wide but JAXA says it “did not expect such a package just 1mm3 in size. In contrast, packages consisting of chips The grainy before and after shots show the previously big alternation” and the images of the new crater have containing conventional MEMS structures, alongside a separate untouched surface of Ryugu, an asteroid about 186 miles prompted “a lively debate”. chip for the control electronics, are typically around 4mm3 in size. from Earth. The small device carrying the explosives was deployed The technology is likely to be initially applied to earbuds, where The images confirm a milestone in what the Japan from Hayabusa2 - a Japanese spacecraft that was launched they will free up space for larger batteries with improved operational Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) called “the world’s in December 2014 and has been stationed near Ryugu life. It could also be used in smart phones and wearable devices. first collision experiment with an asteroid” on Twitter. since last year. However, the company believes the sensors will ultimately JAXA sent a remote device packed with explosives to Teams are now assessing whether it’s safe to send have the most significant impact on the IoT, which has so far been the asteroid earlier this month. It blasted an artificial the spacecraft to the surface to collect samples. If it’s limited by the lack of cheap, mass-produced MEMS sensors, said crater into Ryugu’s surface to try and learn more about given the go ahead, Hayabusa2 is expected to touchdown Montanyà. the composition and formation of the space rock. sometime after May and return to Earth at the end of NASA is currently on its own space mission for asteroid “In a sense our technology is an enabler for the massive de- Unlike the surface of the asteroid, which has been the year. samples. The OSIRIS-REx mission was launched in 2018 ployment of IoT,” he said. “Because the idea of IoT is that it is exposed to space for billions of years, the crater uncovers JAXA says the samples, which date back billions of but is not expected to collect materials from the surface everywhere, so the technology must be very small and very low untouched material from the earliest days of the asteroid. years, from the mission would help scientists “learn about of the Bennu asteroid until 2020. cost, and you must be able to produce it in large quantities.” JAXA tweeted that it expects the crater to lead to “new the origin and evolution of Earth, the oceans, and life”. (Source: news.sky.com) (Source: theengineer.co.uk) ADVERTISEMENTS


World should stand up to A blessing in disguise: health-related human rights violation: minister Benefits of flood in Iran’s capital 1 Minister Namaki went on to explain that the importance of the Summit is being held at the time of unfair sanctions ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Some avoided and may lead to damage. Some imposed by the U.S on Iran. deskofficials believe that the disasters can be so devastating that it wipes While the U.S is striving to close all doors to Iran, thankfully long-term advantages of a probable flood in out human life in some areas. Whatever scientists and academics who are fond of development of Iran’s capital, Tehran, outweigh its disastrous the disaster may be, it affects societies both world health system travelled to Iran from around the world, effects. negatively and positively. he highlighted. Based on the figures announced by The society and economy of a country regional water company in Tehran water suffers in many ways after a flood. The loss of stored behind the five dams in Tehran lives, vegetation, and infrastructure means measures at 322 million cubic meters while there will be fewer people on the labor force, the overall capacity of the dams amount less agriculture available for locals and to 495 million cubic meters, IRNA news exportation, and less businesses to contribute agency reported on Monday. to the economy of the country. There will be This is while a great deal of water stored mass dislocation of people, many of whom behind the dam was released to avoid the may be left homeless and jobless. In order danger of flooding, the report highlighted. to fill this gap the government will have to Mohammad Reza Bakhtiari director spend a little more. The country may seek general of Tehran water and wastewater assistance from foreign countries to supply company also explained that should the city food and materials to clean and replace continue to receive precipitations all dams infrastructure. While some countries will be filled to their fullest extent by May 22. will assist freely, some will charge for its Thanks to the above normal precipitations efforts, putting the country in debt and at water supply dams behind the dams are pretty which is nothing compared to the 230 trillion also reveals a 44.2 percent increase compared an economic loss. He went on to say that politics can directly affect health much favorable, he added. rials (nearly $5.5 billion) revenues made in to long-term means. Nonetheless there are benefits of flooding systems worldwide, as regional conflicts have created Furthermore, some 35 million cubic meters agriculture sector in the province. The province of Tehran also received despite its immediate ill effects. For farmers instability in countries like Libya and Yemen, or when of water flow into Bandali-Khan wetland in Based on the latest data published on 310 millimeters of rain in the same period and those in the agricultural sector, it helps countries like Sri Lanka and New Zealand are subjected Varamin, southeastern Tehran, and restored Sunday by National Drought Warning which indicates 113.5 percent rise compared them in the long run by providing nutrients to violate terrorist attacks, and while one-sided, brutal the wetland after so many years. and Monitoring Center affiliated to Iran’s to last water year and a 41.5 percent increase to the soil that were lacking. This makes the sanctions have restricted countries access to vaccines, While Tehran is fighting land subsidence Meteorological Organization since the start compared to the long-term averages. soil more fertile and increases agricultural treatment services and medications. rainfalls can play a significant role in slowing of the current water year (September 23, Natural disasters advantages production. Nutrients are also added to Elsewhere in his remarks, commenting on Iran’s rank in down the process and stopping soil erosion 2018) the whole country received 293.7 Natural disasters are environmental rivers and lakes, improving the health of medical research worldwide and in the region the minister as well. millimeters of rain. phenomena that are destructive and occur fishes that can be consumed. There may be explained that using the potential of science and technology Director of Agriculture Organization of The number amounted to 123.7 naturally. The disasters include floods, relocation of fishes and organisms living parks as well as incubator centers have resulted in increased Tehran Province, Karim Zolfaqari, also told millimeters in the previous water year and volcanic activity, hurricanes, droughts, and in water bodies. This may improve the number of medical researches and clinical trials. IRNA news agency that the loss inflicted upon 203.7 millimeters in the long-term, the data earthquakes. Owlcation.com writes while ecosystem. New predators and prey are There are more than 1,200 knowledge-based companies farming lands in Tehran province is valued indicated. The numbers show a drastic increase some of these disasters can be predicted introduced to areas, balancing the aquatic active in health sector in Iran’s market as well as he regional at 360 billion rials (nearly $8.95 million) of 137.5 percent compared to last water year. It and prepared for, they cannot be completely population. market, he said, adding that some 96 percent of the medications are being domestically produced. He further noted that Iran has made great advancement in fields such as stem cell technology, bone marrow transplant, Public donations to flood-hit victims nanotechnology, and infertility treatments worldwide. For one according to World Atlas Iran ranks the second amount to $34m [after the U.S.] in the list of countries where stem cell research SOCIETY TEHRAN — People have donated Alireza Asgarian deputy director of Imam Khomeini is popular. Royan Institute located in the Iranian city of desksome 1.43 trillion rials (nearly $34 Relief Foundation announced on April 24 Iranian Tehran is the leading center in Stem Cell research in the million) to victims of the recent floods in Iran, IRNA donors have contributed an amount of 1.47 trillion country. Iran has so far had 119 clinical trials of stem cell news agency reported on Monday. rials (nearly $35 million) to those affected by flood. research. According to Iran’s Red Crescent Society, in Extreme rainfall, starting on March 19, has caused The 7th World Health Summit Regional Meeting, underway addition to the financial aids, people have made in- flooding in 28 out of 31 provinces affecting 42,269,129 in Kish Island, is hosted by Tehran University of Medical kind contributions of 770 billion rials (nearly $18.5 inhabitants in 253 cities and causing widespread damage Sciences this year. million) as well. to municipal facilities, including roads, sewage systems, According to World Health Organization (WHO), the In order to provide the flood-stricken people with health centers, hospitals, etc. event brings global health experts from different sectors to home appliances some 4 trillion rials (nearly $95 The floods have left 78 people dead and 1,137 injured. Iran’s Kish Island, where they work together to strengthen million) is needed, the report added. As many as 295,787 people have been displaced. cooperation and improve health worldwide. Health in uncertain situations, global health in a transitional world, sustainable health development, noncommunicable diseases (NCDS) and mental health, planetary health and Biodegradable plastic bags can still hold full load of shopping after medical education are among the main topics of the event. By choosing the World Health Summit as its central platform, the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, three years in ocean, study shows Universities and National Academies has provided the Supposedly biodegradable plastic bags calls for single-use plastics in coffee cups and down into larger chunks in the sea, they were was knowing that not one of the bags could com- summit with an excellent academic foundation. The alliance marketed as eco-friendly alternatives to cut other materials to be phased out. still able to carry shopping after three years pletely degrade in all environments,” she said. is an international collaboration between leading academic pollution are still able to carry a full load University of Plymouth researchers trialled buried in soil.Dr Imogen Napper, lead author of While all the bags left in the open air for institutions aimed at using academic excellence to improve of shopping after three years in the soil or eco-alternative plastics from major super- the study published in Environmental Science three years broke down into smaller chunks global health. The M8 Alliance acts as an academic think- ocean, a study has found. markets and found that biodegradable and & Technology, said she had been motivated to within nine months, Dr Napper said she tank for the World Health Summit. Increasing public awareness of the lev- so-called oxo-biodegradable bags left in the see if these new bags lived up to their promises hopes people will consider what their bags els of plastic pollution has led to ministers ocean could still carry a load of groceries. and “did what they said on the tin”. will do when they’re put in the bin.

introducing a levy on plastic bags, as well as While bags labelled “compostable” broke “The most surprising result of this research (Source: The Independent) WORDS IN THE NEWS N.I.O.C 1398.545 National Iranian Drilling Company The opening of the Cairo metro Daily waste generation decreased First AnnouncementFirst Announcement

call for public tender (First/Second publish) (April 22, 1999) by 1,000 tons in Tehran call for public tender (First/Second publish) The Cairo metro, which is being called a new wonder N.I.O.C One-StageOne-Stage (semi-compressed) (semi-compressed) tender tender National Iranian of the modern world, opened. Barbara Plett, the BBC’s Subject1398.545 of Tender: : Tires & Tubes Subject of Tender: : Tires & Tubes Correspondent in Cairo, reported. Drilling Company Everything about the Cairo metro system radiates national  Tender descriptions: pride. All of the country’s presidents have downtown stations Registration No. through national electronic Tender No. Estimated value The Tender holder named after them and pharaonic statues sit in glass tendering system cages on the immaculate air conditioned platforms. Even /Indent No. (Rial/Euro) the two gigantic drilling machines that dug underneath Tender No. :FP/09-97/056 National Iranian Drilling Company 3,198,338 7,333,100,000 (Rial) the River Nile are named after ancient Egyptian queens, Indent No.:01-22-9647687 Hatshepsut and Nefertiti. The Cairo metro system is one of Egypt›s most ambitious projects. International contractors led by the French started tunneling  Qualitative evaluation of tenderers under this city of fifteen million in the early eighties to help Method relieve horrendous congestion. This latest extension R Based on minimum scoring (60) made in award criterion reflected in the tenderers pre-qualification forms. is part of a second line. By the year 2005 Egypt hopes to 1- Applicants who have more than 4 in process contracts with NIDC are not allowed to participate in this have more than one hundred and fifty kilometers of track in tender. 2- Applicants which have more than 2 in process contracts with NIDC in similar subject ( exclusively same both Cairo and the city of Alexandria carrying seven million subject) are not allowed to participate in another tender passengers a day. The entire project is expected to cost ENVIRONMENT TEHRAN — Generation of waste in metropolis of more than seven billion dollars but without it surface deskTehran has dropped by 1,000 tons per day in the  Purchasing & Submitting traffic would become unmanageable. Officials say it›s current year (started March 21) compared to a year earlier, director worth the expense. Some will even tell you they are modern Tender Document Distribution by Company The distribution of the documents will be started one day after the publishing of second general of Tehran Waste Management Organization affiliated to Tehran advertisement and ended on the following tenth day thereof. day pharaohs building Egypt’s fourth pyramid. Municipality has said. Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign Procurement Dept., National Iranian

Words Over a session on smart waste management held on Monday Reza Distribution Place Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN – Tel : 061 radiates national pride: reflects how proud Egyptians Abdoli explained that there are 62,000 villages and 1,280 cities in the 34148601 are of it country producing 58,000 tons of waste on a daily basis and Tehran’s  Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt in the amount of named after: are given the names of share in waste generation constitute 15 percent of the total number. 510,000 Iranian Rials under account number 4001114004020491( Shaba No. IR 520100004001114004020491) in name of “NIDC Incomes pharaonic: pharaohs were kings of ancient Egypt Decreased by 1,000 tons, Tehraners now produce some 8,400 tons Submitting Method Centralized Fund” issued by I.R. of Iran Central Bank. relieve horrendous congestion: get rid of the crowding of waste daily, ISNA news agency quoted Abdoli as saying.  Submitting format Request for the purpose of receiving Tender caused by all the vehicles Reforming consumption habits among the citizens and taking effective Documents. is expected to cost: people believe it will cost measures in managing waste resulted in reduction of waste production Closing date .Days after the last time of Purchasing 14  surface traffic: traffic above ground - on the roads in the capital, he added. unmanageable: officials would not be able to control it Currently per capita waste production is 500 grams in rural areas Documents Receiving Method Hall No. 107, 1stfloor, Tender Committee, Operation building, Address fourth pyramid: the pharaohs built the first three pyramids and 800 grams in urban areas, he said, adding that the amount is about National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. Tel: +98-61-34148580 +98-61-34148569 in Cairo - also a major feat of engineering one kilograms for Tehraners.

(Source: BBC) Nearly some 200 to 400 cubic meters of leachate is produced in  Tender Guarantee Tehran which is being managed, he added. Before manufacturing any products some factors including using Value of guarantee 367,000,000 Rials / 7,686 Euro recyclable packages should be taken into consideration, he concluded. Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that obtain activity license Waste management is metropolises especially northern cities of the from the central bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Without water, country have become a serious issue for the past few years. Unfortunately Type of guarantee Submitting one original Bank Fund Receipt under account number 4001114006376636 ( waste segregation at source is not being fully practice in the country. Shaba No. IR 350100004001114006376636) in name of “NIDC saving account” by the central bank of Islamic Republic of Iran. everything Effective segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill Duration of credit & quotation Tender Guarantee and quotation should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum for which makes it cheaper and better for people and the environment. It is one time in initial validity duration. also important to segregate for public health. In particular, hazardous (Foreign Procurement Dept.) withers (Foreign Procurement Dept.) wastes can cause long term health problems, so it is very important More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: www.nidc.ir http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr that they are disposed of correctly and safely and not mixed in with the More of this & other tenders are accessible by click on: تهران تایمز نوبت اول http://sapp.ir/nidc_pr 10/2/98نوبت دوم normal waste coming out of home or office. 98/2/11www.nidc.ir

تهران تایمز نوبت اول 10/2/98نوبت دوم 98/2/11


Afghanistan kicks off grand Saudis destabilizing Middle East, paying for U.S.-Israeli peace assembly in Kabul crimes: Hezbollah TEHRAN — Thousands of Afghans have month, saying the two sides had reached 1 “Saudi Arabia committed a massacre by executing a got together under tight security in the cap- an “agreement in draft” on the issues of number of its citizens without a fair trial and through false con- ital Kabul to hold four days of negotiations troops withdrawal and counter-terrorism fessions. The individuals were charged only because of expressing aimed at finding ways to strike a peace deal assurances. their views and speaking truth. This is only part of the crimes the with the Taliban militant group. Conversely, he said in an interview with Al Saud regime, which has also killed (Shia cleric) Sheikh Nimr President Ashraf Ghani opened the rare Afghanistan’s largest private television sta- Baqir al-Nimr and (renowned journalist) Jamal Khashoggi, and gathering, known as a Loya Jirga, under a tion, Tolo News, that “No agreement will be destroyed life in Yemen for more than four years without being huge tent in central Kabul on Monday, with done if we don’t see a permanent ceasefire penalized,” the senior Hezbollah official pointed out. some 3,200 tribal elders as well as senior and a commitment to end the war.” community and religious figures from all “If the Taliban insist on going back to the over the country in attendance. system they used to have, in my personal “It is a proud moment for me to have opinion, it means the continuation of war, representatives from all over the country not peace,” he said. here and today we are gathered to speak The Taliban’s demands are focused on about the peace talks,” Ghani said in the the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the opening ceremony. country. Much of the capital has been locked down “We are seeking peace and [a] political under security measures for the event, which settlement... We want peace to give us the started weeks after the Taliban announced possibility to withdraw,” Khalilzad added. their so-called spring offensive, during which According to Press TV, the Taliban’s the militant group steps up its attacks across five-year rule over at least three quarters the country. of Afghanistan came to an end following Opposition leaders and government Ghani has invited the Taliban, but the find ways to further sideline the shaky ad- the U.S.-led invasion in 2001, but 18 years critics, including former president Hamid militants have rejected the offer and urged ministration of Kabul,” Taliban spokesman on, Washington is seeking truce with the Karzai, have however boycotted the event. others to boycott it. Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement. militants, who still control large swathes “The Al Saud is the one who destroyed Syria, introduced They accuse the president of using the The group has also alleged that this is an The Taliban has, however, held sever- of land. (the radical ideology of) Wahhabism, dispatched al-Qaeda, grand traditional assembly as a platform to attempt by the government to deceive the al rounds of talks with the U.S. in Qatar’s U.S. forces have remained bogged down Nusra and their terrorist allies to Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and boost his status in anticipation of winning country and extend its ‘illegitimate rule.’ capital Doha. in Afghanistan through the presidencies of elsewhere in the Middle East region, and provoked sectarian a second term in the presidential election “Do not participate in the enemy’s con- U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and now strife. They are the ones who are sabotaging Libya, Sudan set for September. spiracy under the name of Jirga; instead Khalilzad signaled progress in the talks last Donald Trump. and Algeria. This regime is preventing stability in the region,” Qassim commented. He highlighted that Riyadh has the least respect for the standards of human rights and grossly distorts Islamic Indonesia: More than 270 election Suspected UAE spy held in Turkey teachings. staff died from fatigue commits suicide TEHRAN — Ten days after Indonesia held TEHRAN — One of the two suspected Global military spending at the world’s biggest single-day elections, UAE spies detained by Turkey earlier this new post-Cold War high more than 270 election staff have died, month has committed suicide, Turkey’s mostly of fatigue-related illnesses caused media outlets said on Monday. TEHRAN — Global military expenditure reached its highest by long hours of work counting millions The detainee committed suicide in Silivri level last year since the end of the Cold War, fueled by increased of ballot papers by hand, an official said. prison on the outskirts of Istanbul, they spending in the United States and China, the world’s two biggest The April 17 elections were the first time said. A source within Turkey’s Justice economies, a leading defense think-tank said on Monday. the country of 260 million people com- Ministry also confirmed the report. In its annual report, the Stockholm International Peace Re- bined the presidential vote with national The two suspects were arrested in Is- search Institute (SIPRI) said overall global military spending and regional parliamentary ones, with an tanbul on April 15 as part of a counter-in- in 2018 hit $1.82 trillion, up 2.6 percent on the previous year. aim to cut costs. telligence investigation. That is the highest figure since 1988, when such data first Voting was largely peaceful and was The pair confessed to spying on Arab became available as the Cold War began winding down. estimated to have drawn 80 percent of the nationals on behalf of the Untied Arab Emir- According to Reuters, U.S. military spending rose 4.6 percent total 193 million voters, each of whom had ates, a senior Turkish official said, adding last year to reach $649 billion, leaving it still by far the world’s to punch up to five ballot papers in more that Turkey was investigating whether the biggest spender. It accounted for 36 percent of total global military than 800,000 polling stations. arrival of one of them could be linked to expenditure, nearly equal to the following eight biggest-spending bowo Subianto, reported by news website As of Saturday night, 272 election offi- the murder of Saudi dissident journalist indirectly suggested that bin Salman or- countries combined, SIPRI said. Kumparan.com. cials had died, mostly from overwork-relat- Jamal Khashoggi last year. dered his killing. China, the second biggest spender, saw military expenditure Prabowo, who independent pollsters ed illnesses, while 1,878 others had fallen “We are investigating whether the pri- The Washington Post, for which Khashog- rise 5.0 percent to $250 billion last year, the 24th consecutive said had lost the 2019 polls based on quick ill, Arief Priyo Susanto, spokesman of the mary individual’s arrival in Turkey was gi was a columnist, reported in November annual increase. counts, has alleged widespread cheat- General Elections Commission (KPU), told related to the Jamal Khashoggi murder,” last year that the CIA had also concluded “In 2018 the USA and China accounted for half of the world’s ing and his campaign claimed some officials Reuters news agency on Sunday. the official said, adding the suspect had that bin Salman ordered his killing. military spending,” Nan Tian, a researcher with the SIPRI Arms punched ballots in favour of incumbent The health ministry issued a circular been monitored for the past six months. After weeks of outright denial, the Ri- and Military Expenditure (AMEX) program, said. letter on April 23 urging health facilities to President Joko Widodo. “It is possible that there was an attempt yadh regime eventually acknowledged the offer the utmost care to sick election staff, According to al Jazeera, Widodo’s se- to collect information about Arabs, includ- murder but has attempted since to shift while the finance ministry is working on curity minister said the allegations were ing political dissidents, living in Turkey.” the blame to bin Salman’s underlings and compensation for families of the deceased, baseless. Khashoggi — a prominent critic of Saudi away from the prince himself. Sri Lanka on alert for attacks Susanto added. Both candidates have declared victory, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman — International suspicion, however, re- The KPU has come under fire because though quick counts suggested Widodo was killed and his body was dismembered by mains largely directed at the heir to the as archbishop slams poor of the rising vote-count death toll. won the election by about 9-10 percent- a Saudi hit squad after being lured into the Saudi throne. church security “The KPU is not prudent in managing age points. consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018. Ankara has demanded that Riyadh ex- The KPU will conclude vote counting tradite the suspects in the case to stand the workload of staff,” said Ahmad Mu- Turkey, which said it was in possession TEHRAN — Sri Lankan security officials have warned that and announce winners of the presidential trial in Turkey. Saudi Arabia has refused zani, deputy chairman of the campaign of audio evidence of Khashoggi’s murder extremist militants behind Easter Sunday’s suicide bombings and parliamentary elections on May 22. to do so. of opposition presidential candidate Pra- soon after he failed to exit the consulate, has are planning attacks and could be dressed in uniform, as the archbishop of Colombo complained about insufficient security around churches. The militants were targeting five locations for attacks on Sunday Spain election: Socialist PSOE wins but no clear majority just passed or on Monday, security sources said. “There could be another wave of attacks,” the head of the police he governing Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) has Sanchez announced that he would soon open talks with ministerial security division (MSD) said in a letter to lawmakers won the country’s general election with 123 seats after 99.9 other political parties to form a coalition. and other officials seen by Reuters on Monday. percent of the votes were counted. Catalan question “The relevant information further notes that persons dressed PSOE’s historical centre-right rival, the People’s Party In Catalonia, which has its own language, voters turned in military uniforms and using a van could be involved in the (PP), won 66 seats in Sunday’s election in Spain. out beyond expectations. attacks.” Speaking to supporters in Madrid, PSOE leader and The Catalan Republican Left (ERC) - headed by Ori- According to Reuters, there were no attacks on Sunday and Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said “the future has won” ol Junqueras, who is facing trial on charges of sedition, security across Buddhist-majority Sri Lanka has been ramped after his party won about 30 percent of the vote. Turnout rebellion and embezzlement of public funds over a 2017 up, with scores of suspected arrested since the April 21 attacks on was about 75 percent. referendum on Catalan independence - is projected to win hotels and churches that killed more than 250 people, including Supporters chanted “With Rivera, no!” at the rally, 13 or 14 seats. 40 foreign nationals. referring to Albert Rivera, the leader of Citizens, a That number is unprecedented for the Catalan nation- party that considers itself centrist but allied with PP alist party. If ERC agrees to a coalition with PSOE and UP, and Vox, leading to further criticism that it is far right. a government could likely be formed. PP won 66 seats, a decrease of 71 seats from the previous However, PSOE leader Pedro Sanchez has taken a tough U.S. warships pass through government. stance against Catalan independence, saying there would PP leader Pablo Casado told supporters on Sunday eve- Citizens won 57 seats, a gain of 25, while Vox made be “no referendum and no independence” during a rally strategic Taiwan Strait amid ning that the party will “continue to lead the opposition historic gains with 24 seats representing the far right’s in Barcelona on Friday. tensions with China and the centre-right” of Spain. return to Spanish national politics. (Source: Al Jazeera) TEHRAN — The U.S. military has once again sent warships through the Strait of Taiwan despite China’s repeated calls for Washington to refrain from such military moves — one of the U.S. warships pass through strategic Erdogan: Turkey will either ‘live or several sources of tension in bilateral ties. Two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, namely USS Stethem Taiwan Strait amid tensions with China die’ in confronting foreign powers (DDG-63) and USS William P. Lawrence (DDG-110), sailed through the 180-km-wide Taiwan Strait, which separates the TEHRAN — The U.S. military has once no unsafe or unprofessional interactions TEHRAN — Turkish President Recep been a target in the past six years,” he said. self-ruled island from mainland China, on Sunday. again sent warships through the Strait of with other countries’ vessels during the Tayyip Erdogan says Turkey will not sur- At least eight people were killed and “The ships’ transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrates the Taiwan despite China’s repeated calls for transit. render to economic terrorism of “foreign thousands more injured in demonstra- U.S. commitment to a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Commander Washington to refrain from such military According to Press TV, there has been powers”, vowing to confront “those who tions which followed the announcement Clay Doss, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet, said moves — one of the several sources of ten- no immediate comment from China, but are plotting against our people”. of a controversial plan to redevelop a park in a statement. sion in bilateral ties. it usually responds to such measures with “Though challenges we face have re- in central Istanbul back in 2013. Doss further stated that there were no unsafe or unprofession- Two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, anger. Beijing urged other countries last minded us that we should never give up According to Press TV, Erdogan said al interactions with other countries’ vessels during the transit. namely USS Stethem (DDG-63) and USS week to refrain from using free and open on our ambition to build a big and strong an attempted coup in July 2016, which According to Press TV, there has been no immediate com- William P. Lawrence (DDG-110), sailed navigation as a pretext to infringe upon Turkey,” Erdogan told a gathering of his Ankara says was orchestrated by U.S.-based ment from China, but it usually responds to such measures with through the 180-km-wide Taiwan Strait, the rights of others. ruling AK party in Ankara Sunday. opposition cleric Fethullah Gulen, “was anger. Beijing urged other countries last week to refrain from which separates the self-ruled island from China’s Navy chief Shen Jinlong said on “We have seen once again that we will also a move to sabotage our economy.” using free and open navigation as a pretext to infringe upon the mainland China, on Sunday. Wednesday that freedom of navigation was either live or die. There is no other way,” “We believe these dark clouds will dis- rights of others. “The ships’ transit through the Taiwan a widely recognized concept that should he added. sipate as we take necessary steps to relieve China’s Navy chief Shen Jinlong said on Wednesday that free- Strait demonstrates the U.S. commitment to not be misused, in what was interpreted as The Turkish economy, Erdogan said, has our citizens,” Erdogan said. dom of navigation was a widely recognized concept that should a free and open Indo-Pacific,” Commander a clear warning to the United States, which been under attack by foreign powers since the Turkey has been the target of U.S. sanc- not be misused, in what was interpreted as a clear warning to Clay Doss, a spokesman for the U.S. Navy’s routinely sails warships to and flies war- anti-government demonstrations in 2013. tions since last summer, when Washington the United States, which routinely sails warships to and flies Seventh Fleet, said in a statement. planes over the territories claimed by China “Economy and security will take priority imposed heavy tariffs on imports from the warplanes over the territories claimed by China but disputed Doss further stated that there were but disputed by other regional countries. in the upcoming period. Our economy has country. by other regional countries. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 WORLD SPORTS APRIL 30, 2019 How Ajax young guns upset Champions Alanyaspor bus crash: Josef Sural killed on bus journey back from Kayserispor League rich boys He’s still only 19, but has than purchase them. Czech international striker Josef Sural has been killed after a bus already experienced more big football mo- After a number of barren years -- this carrying several of Turkish club Aytemiz Alanyaspor’s players ments than most top-level professionals can season marked the first time Ajax had pro- crashed. Sural, 28, died at the hospital where he and six of his hope for in their entire career. gressed from the Champions League group team-mates were taken after a bus carrying them back from a He became the youngest ever captain in a stage since 2006 -- a fresh batch of superstars game at Kayserispor crashed on Sunday. Champions League knockout game when Ajax has once again come through the famed Ajax Ex-Cardiff and QPR defender Steven Caulker was on the bus dispatched Real Madrid in March, following “De Toekmost” academy. and is unharmed physically but emotionally distraught. that milestone with a quarterfinal winning The Egyptian striker, , who starred for Chairman Hasan Cavusoglu claimed the driver had fallen goal against Juventus a few weeks later. both Ajax and Tottenham during his 13-year asleep at the wheel. Yet what Ajax and de Ligt would achieve playing career told CNN that the Ajax secret A second on-board driver was also reportedly asleep when should it beat Tottenham in the forthcoming is how they teach young players “to be brave” the accident happened around three miles from the club’s home Champions League semifinal would surpass while giving them the belief that they belong city of Alanya. Cavusoglu said the six players other than Sural anything the young Dutchman has managed at the highest level. A high degree of technical were not in a critical condition. thus far. competence is also instilled in all young players Seven of the Super Lig’s club’s players had rented the private In the era of the mega-rich superclubs -- that come through the Ajax system. minibus, while the rest of the club’s players and staff travelled many the play things of billionaires, oligarchs, A challenge the Dutch club always fac- on a team bus or on their own. petro states and distant investors -- that pay es, however, is losing the gems it hones to On Twitter, the club posted: “We have learned with deep eye-watering wages and transfer fees, Ajax wealthier rivals from Europe’s bigger leagues. sorrow that Josef Sural lost his life as a result of an accident has bucked the trend in reaching the latter Mido speaks of his own experience when the carrying seven football players from Alanyaspor.” stages of the Champions League by sticking team he starred in -- which featured the likes ons League this year. While it has purchased Ex-Newcastle striker Papiss Cisse also plays for Alanyaspor to its core identity and promoting youth like ventus, which contains Cristiano Ronaldo of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, , experienced players such as Daley Blind and but it is not known whether he was on board. the impressive de Ligt. in its ranks, but it has played more games Christian Chivu, , Steven Pienaar Dusan Tadic, the expense of these transfers Sural joined Alanyaspor from Sparta Prague in January. It is now just two games from the final, a and traveled considerably further than any and Maxwell -- was broken up. pales when compared to the money splashed He made 20 appearances for his country, last featuring in run that will provide a welcome boost to the of the teams remaining in the competition. It looks likely that a number of the cur- out by more wealthy European teams. their Nations League defeat by Ukraine in October. club’s coffers. In last season’s tournament, To put the scale of Ajax’s achievement into rent Ajax team could move on come the end The total value of Ajax’s squad is estimated to The Football Association of the Czech Republic said news of organizers UEFA distributed over $1.5 billion perspective, the club started its Champions of the season. Midfielder Frenkie de Jong be 378 million Euros ($421 million), according Sural’s death brought “great sorrow”, adding: “We will never to clubs participating in the competition. League campaign in July, just 10 days after has already agreed to join Barcelona while to the Transfermarkt website. That compares forget you.” Winners Real earned nearly $100 million, the 2018 World Cup final, and almost two a number of major clubs are rumored to be to Tottenham’s $930 million, Liverpool’s $953 (Source: BBC) while semifinalists Bayern and Roma respec- months before the other semifinalists -- Tot- interested in de Ligt. tively took home $81 million and $96 million. tenham Hotspur, Barcelona and Liverpool million and Barcelona’s $1.18 billion. If it does not win the Champions League, Creating legends -- played their first games in the group stages. Ajax CEO and former goalkeeper Edwin Ajax is also likely to face another lengthy run Not only has Ajax outplayed the reigning Ajax’s wage bill is also a fraction of most van der Saar told CNN in February that the of qualifiers just to reach the group stage. champion Real and the much fancied Ju- clubs it has competed against in the Champi- strategy of the club is to create legends rather (Source: CNN) Wenger hails Leeds’ Bielsa for sportsmanship in Villa Mercedes success is boring, says Liverpool’s Van Dijk wins PFA player of draw Sebastian Vettel year award Leeds United manager Marcelo Bielsa’s sportsmanlike decision to allow Aston Villa to score unopposed in Sunday’s 1-1 draw is all the more remarkable given what is at stake for the Championship club, former Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger has said. Leeds, who are looking to secure promotion to the Premier League, netted the opener through Mateusz Klich in controver- sial circumstances as Villa’s Jonathan Kodjia lay injured on the pitch, sparking a melee. Villa’s Anwar Al Ghazi was sent off for his role in the ensuing protests after which Bielsa asked his players to allow the visitors to score unchallenged when the game was restarted. “It is a remarkable gesture. They are playing to come up to the Premier League and there is something at stake... the whole world has to watch that,” Wenger, who left Arsenal in May last year after 22 years in charge, told beIN Sports. The draw meant that second-placed Sheffield United joined leaders Norwich City in earning promotion to the top flight while third-placed Leeds’ hopes lie in winning the Championship play- Ferrari’s Sebastian Vettel says Mercedes of minutes. We have really clever people Liverpool center-back Virgil van Dijk was It’s special. I’m very proud and honoured offs, with West Bromwich Albion and Villa also involved. consistent success in Formula 1 is “boring”. but we are working on a large-size Rubik’s named as England’s PFA Player of the Year to receive it.” The fourth and final spot is yet to be decided with Derby County, The world champions have taken one- Cube.” for 2019 on Sunday. Van Dijk, who also has a Champions Middlesbrough and Bristol City all in contention. two finishes in the first four races of 2019 Team boss Mattia Binotto added: “Obvi- Van Dijk succeeded Liverpool team- League semi-final against Barcelona to Wenger said Villa had erred by taking their foot off the gas - after winning the past five drivers’ and ously four races into the season, no win for mate Mohamed Salah in winning the award, look forward to this week, added: “If you with a player down injured and expecting Leeds to kick the ball constructors’ titles. Ferrari, four wins for Mercedes, no doubt voted for by his fellow players and saw off see the standard of strikers or playmakers out of play. “Only the referee can stop the game. Villa should “Boring, isn’t it?” Vettel said. “So boring. they are very strong. competition from Manchester City strik- we have in the league, it’s unbelievable.” not have stopped to play. Leeds took advantage of it and that is It’s not just four races. It has been four “Certainly they have got a slightly better er Raheem Sterling. But Sterling, 24, was England international Sterling has been where they were guilty,” the Frenchman added. years, more or less.” car, but I think that the gap is not so big named the Professional Footballers’ Asso- praised both for his on-field performances “It is a kind of fair play that is usually on the football pitch. But the German, 31, believes Ferrari and the points are not reflecting the true ciation Young Player of the Year, following and a willingness to speak out about foot- Only the ref can stop the game but it is remarkable from Bielsa.” have the potential to challenge Mercedes potential of the cars.” on from City colleague Leroy Sane. ball’s continuing problems with racism. (Source: Mirror) this year. “[We have to] work harder, work Binotto pointed to the pace shown by Van Dijk joined Liverpool from South- Arsenal Women forward Vivianne better. We are pushing as hard as we can,” Ferrari’s other driver Charles Leclerc, who ampton for £75 million ($97 million, 87 Miedema won the Women’s Player of Vettel, who won four consecutive titles with dominated in Azerbaijan at the weekend million euros) in January 2018. the Year award after scoring 22 times to Red Bull from 2010 to 2013, said. until crashing in second qualifying on Sat- The 27-year-old Dutchman has been an lead the Gunners to their first title since “But you need to respect that they are urday, as evidence of the team’s potential. ever-present for Liverpool in their bid to 2012, with her and Van Dijk completing Fans attempt to mug Napoli’s doing phenomenally well and getting their “With Charles, we [had] the potential dethrone City as Premier League champions a Dutch double. cars most of the time in the right place. for pole, and if you’ve got a car fast enough this season, with Sterling’s side one point The north London side were crowned Ounas after match “But I’m confident. I believe in this team to score potentially the pole, you’ve got a clear of the Reds at the top of the table with champions with a 4-0 win away to Brighton and I know we can improve. I think we good car overall,” he said. just two games left to play. on Sunday. Miedema was also nominated for Napoli midfielder Adam Ounas suffered a cut knee during an at- have a good car. We just haven’t manage Leclerc also lost out on a potential win Van Dijk has starred in a hugely im- the Young Player of the Year award won by tempted mugging following his side’s 2-0 victory away at Frosinone. yet to put it always where it belongs, so it after dominating in Bahrain, at the second proved Liverpool defence that has kept Manchester City forward Georgia Stanway. Ounas was reportedly approached by a group of Frosinone is difficult to have the trust and the feel, race of the season, when he suffered an 20 clean sheets and conceded a mere 20 Miedema said: “I’m obviously really supporters outside the Benito Stirpe stadium, who unsuccessfully but I am sure it is going to turn around.” engine problem that dropped him from goals in the current campaign. proud to represent my team here. I think attempted to steal his bag. Vettel said Ferrari were knew they had the lead to third in the closing laps. “It’s pretty difficult to put into words,” we’ve had an amazing year, especially with “Thanks to everyone for your messages, but everything is a quick car but were struggling to get the The 21-year-old, who finished fifth in said Van Dijk, the first defender to win the winning the league today.” OK,” the 22-year-old wrote on Instagram. “I got my bag back.” best out of it. Baku on Sunday after starting eighth on award since Chelsea’s John Terry 14 years ago. Meanwhile, the PFA’s special achieve- The comment was posted as an Instagram story, along with a “It’s like a Rubik’s Cube,” he said. “We the grid, said: “The performance was there “I think it’s the highest honor you can ment award went to Manchester City and picture of his recuperated bag and a patch covering his right knee. just need to solve it. We have a lot of people to do pole position but it was my mistake. get as a player to get voted player of the year England captain Steph Houghton. The episode capped off a difficult day for Napoli’s players who can do the Rubik’s Cube in a couple (Source: BBC) by the players you play against every week. (Source: AFP) after forward Jose Callejon saw his shirt thrown back at him after he offered to give it to a supporter at the end of the game. Napoli are almost certain to finish the season in second place with Inter eight points behind them in third with four matches remaining. However, their points total of 70 is 21 fewer than Premier League top-four contenders limp towards line they reached under Maurizio Sarri in the previous campaign, while they suffered disappointing, early exits in the Champions Tottenham, Chelsea, Arsenal and Manchester United all his players’ mentality followed capitulations on the road at League, Europa League and Coppa Italia. failed to muster a win for the second consecutive Premier Arsenal, Bournemouth and Everton, while his demand for (Source: ESPN) League weekend as the contenders for a place in next sea- the loan signing of Gonzalo Higuain in January has reaped son’s Champions League stumble towards the finish line. precious little reward. Spurs, in third place behind runaway pacesetters Man- Arsenal - 66 points chester City and Liverpool, are best-placed to secure a fourth Much of the good work done by Unai Emery over nine straight season of Champions League football. months to rebuild the Gunners in the first season since Arsene Onuoha rejects Ibra’s Their 1-0 win over Brighton on Tuesday is the only time Wenger’s departure has come undone over three defeats to in the past 10 games involving the four sides that one of Crystal Palace, Wolves and Leicester in eight days. ‘unacceptable’ apology them has won. The defensive issues that dogged Wenger’s final years Chelsea are in pole position for fourth, two points ahead in charge still need to be resolved, while Emery constantly Nedum Onuoha has rejected an apology from striker Zlatan of Arsenal, with United’s chances now looking slim -- they chops and changes his formation and personnel in midfield Ibrahimovic after the two players clashed during La Galaxy’s are a point behind Arsenal with a significantly inferior goal and attack. 2-1 win over Real Salt Lake on Sunday. difference. A three-time Europa League winner with Sevilla, that Ibrahimovic, who scored the winning goal late on, received Tottenham - 70 points competition may now prove Arsenal’s best route back to a yellow card after 60 minutes for grabbing the former Man- A first defeat at the club’s new stadium, against West Spurs’ skeleton squad have understandably ran out of the Champions League but a tough tie against Emery’s old chester City defender and throwing him to the floor, sparking a Ham on Saturday, means Spurs have now lost 12 times in gas, but thanks to the profligacy of their rivals, one more side Valencia awaits in the semi-finals. fiery confrontation. After the match, the players continued the the league this season. win from their final two games against Bournemouth and Manchester United - 65 points argument in the dressing room and Onouha later confirmed that Yet it has still been a campaign of overachievement by Everton will guarantee much-needed Champions League Despite a run of seven defeats in nine games, United he wasn’t willing to make amends with the Swedish forward. Mauricio Pochettino’s men. cash again next season. remarkably still had a good chance of hauling themselves “He came in to apologize after the game, because from 60 Despite not signing a single player, spending most of Chelsea - 68 points into the top four had they held onto an early lead against minutes in, he’s saying to me he’s going to do me, he’s going to the season at their temporary home of Wembley, and los- Maurizio Sarri launched an uncharacteristically staunch Chelsea on Sunday. hurt me for that game,” Onuoha told reporters. “And this is the ing talismanic striker Harry Kane for two prolonged spells defence of his first season in charge at Stamford Bridge after However, United’s current malaise is personified by a guy who’s the face of MLS, as he calls himself, but this is the way through injury, Spurs are still the best of the rest in the a 1-1 draw away to United on Sunday consolidated his side’s dramatic dip in form for goalkeeper David de Gea, who has he plays on the field. Premier League behind City and Liverpool and have reached place in the top four. so often been his side’s saviour in recent seasons. “So I don’t care. Someone comes in and tries to do that to me the Champions League semi-finals. “We played the final in the League Cup, we are fighting A trip to hapless Huddersfield and Cardiff’s visit to Old -- you don’t say that on the field. I don’t care. I’m not going to “The stress and the fatigue arrived, We are competing with for the top four, we are in the semi-finals of the Europa Trafford on the final day of the season at least offer an ex- accept his apology. It’s unacceptable.” circumstances that are not the best,” admitted Pochettino League. I think we have done a good season.” cellent chance to lift the mood heading into the summer. (Source: Soccernet) after a sixth defeat in 10 league games. Sarri has had his troubles this season. He publicly criticised (Source: AFP) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y APRIL 30, 2019 SPORTS 15

Croatia Olympic chief Zlatko Mateša Violence in Iranian football meets Iranian top sports officials needs to stop 1 To prevent the recurrence of such incidents, there is a need to take it seriously. Coordinated measures by federation TEHRAN — The Croatian Olympic SPORTS of football, government, security authorities and football clubs deskCommittee (COC) President Zlatko might be useful. Weak security procedures and ineffective man- Mateša is in Iran to meet the Iranian top sport officials. agement have paved the way for violence. In a meeting held in the National Olympic Com- English football was once plagued with violence between mittee of Iran headquarters, the two committees supporters. The English football association introduced new inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to measures to prevent rival fans from conflict. Stadiums were boost sports cooperation between two countries. re-designed so that visiting supporters are confined to one area Mateša was warmly welcomed by Iran NOC Pres- with its own entrance and exit. ident Reza Salehi Amiri in the meeting and they pre- New ticketing systems also required English supporters to dicted a bright future for sports cooperation between give their contact details when purchasing tickets. This allowed two parties. individual buyers to be traced back to their seats. The new system Mateša also held a meeting with Iranian Minister made it possible for officials to identify potential conflict areas of Youth Affairs and Sports Masoud Soltanifar. before violence occurred. During the visit, the COC President awarded Luka In Iran, integrating similar ticketing system would need the Modric No. 10 jersey to Soltanifar. government’s backing to improve infrastructures in stadiums “We look forward to deepening cooperation and around Iran. This ranges from sophisticated magnetic scanners building stronger ties between Iran and Croatia. to an elaborate camera system. Iran can help Croatia in sports including weight- The clubs themselves should also take responsibility and play lifting, taekwondo, wrestling, karate and wushu an active role in stamping out violence among their supporters. and Croatia is sporting powerhouse in athletic, Violence and abusive language won’t disappear overnight. gymnastic, swimming and water polo. We have to Fundamental steps are needed to eliminate these issues from promote the exchange of programs, experiences, football little by little. skills, and knowledge to support our athletes,” Soltanifar said. Mateša also said Croatia is looking forward to further strengthen the bilateral cooperation with Iran. Minister congratulates wrestling “We are here to boost sports collaboration between two countries. We can exchange coaches and athletes team on championship and hold seminars in sports education. Branko Ivank- ovic (Persepolis coach) is one of the popular sports IRNA — Minister of Sport and Youth Masoud Soltanifar in a characters in Croatia and we are happy there is a message congratulated championship of Iran’s Greco-Roman connection between two nations by football,” he said. wrestling team. Zlatko Mateša also met the Iranian handball and The message reads that congratulations to the Iranian brave basketball federations’ presidents and signed MoU men who greeted the Iranian nation with honor, dignity and with them to boost cooperation in these sports. joy in this sensitive juncture as well as to the Iranian dignified people whose children hoisted the Iranian flag with an exem- plified bravery.“I appreciate the national team, technical staff Farhad Majidi appointed Esteghlal coach linked with Iran job: report and members of the wrestling federation and wish them dignity and good health,” Soltanifar said. Iranian wrestlers gained four gold medals and three bronze ones to crown champion in 2019 Asian Greco-Raman Wrestling Championships in Xi’an, China on Sunday. Iran had ranked sixth in the previous edition of the competitions.

Trabzonspor to extend Majid Hosseini’s contract

TASNIM — Turkish top-flight football club Trabzonspor are going to extend the contract of their Iranian defender Majid Hosseini. The 23-year-old defender joined the Turkish club on a three- year contract in the summer and received a salary of 500,000 euros for each season. Now, gazetedamga.com.tr has reported that Trabzonspor have shown interest in extending the defender’s contract. Trabzonspor coach Ünal Karaman is pleased with Hosseini and it was learned that the parties will come together to sign a new contract. It’s expected the Turkish club to sign a long-term SPORTS TEHRAN — Farhad the IPL title after suffering a defeat against SPORTS TEHRAN — Veter- He has coached a number of clubs in contract with Hosseini without options. deskMajidi has been named Padideh in Mashhad Saturday night, which deskan Dutch coach Dick the Netherlands and abroad (including as new head coach of Esteghlal football team left them in the third place, six points behind Advocaat is the latest big name to be the Russian club Zenit Saint Petersburg, on Monday until the end of the season. leaders Persepolis. linked with the Iran job. with which he won the 2008 UEFA Cup Majidi, 42, will lead the Iranian Blues The Tehran based football team also According to Scottish newspaper The Final), as well as the national teams of Cannavaro steps down as in the remaining third matches in Iran have a difficult task to book a place in the Sunday Post, Iranian football federation a number of countries, including South Professional League (IPL) and two match- ACL knock out stage, as they sit bottom of want to take the 71-year-old as their Korea, Belgium and Russia. China PR head coach es in the 2019 AFC Champions League the table of Group C with just four points national coach when he stands down Iran are without coach after parting group stage against Qatar’s Al Duhail from four matches. from his role as FC Utrecht head coach ways with Carlos Queiroz in late January. Shanghai: Italian World Cup winner Fabio Cannavaro has resigned and Al Ain of the UAE. Al Hilal have nine points at the top while in June. The Portuguese coach stood down as head coach of China PR after just two matches in charge, both Majidi started his coaching career as Al Duhail sit second with seven points. The Dutch also is in the frame to suc- after nearly eight years as Team Melli 1-0 home defeats. assistant in Esteghlal in early January. Majidi, who is a fan favourite at the club, ceed Alex McLeish as Scotland coach, coach following his team’s 3-0 loss to The 45-year-old Cannavaro made the announcement on social The former Rapid Wien striker re- gets his first test against Esteghlal Khuzestan who was sacked earlier this month. Japan in the semi-finals of the Asian Cup. media and said it was to focus on his family and his job as coach placed German coach Winfried Schaefer in domestic action on Wednesday and will Advocaat was successful as a football Morocco French coach Herve Renard of Chinese Super League (CSL) side Guangzhou Evergrande. in Esteghlal. face Al Duhail in the 2019 AFC Champions player and as a coach, including three also is a candidate to take charge of Iran “With due respect for China as a great country, I feel it’s nec- Esteghlal have little chance of winning League on Matchday Five. stints with the Netherlands national team. national football team. essary to announce my decision to give up my position as the Chinese men’s coach,” Cannavaro wrote on Weibo. Cannavaro was appointed Marcelo Lippi’s successor in mid- March. Fellow Italian Lippi stepped down after the AFC Asian Cup Azmoun brace puts Zenit on verge of UAE 2019 where China PR’s campaign ended in the quarter-finals following a 3-0 defeat to Islamic Republic of Iran. Russian title (Source: AFP) Zenit St Petersburg moved to within touching distance of a Five minutes later, shot was diverted fifth Russian league title on Sunday when Iran international into his goal by Burlak. FIBA U16 Americas scored twice in a 4-2 win over Samara. Samara refused to surrender, however, and left winger The victory kept Zenit eight points ahead of Lokomotiv Denis Tkachuk scored twice within the space of four minutes Championships 2019 Official Moscow with just four games left to play. to make it 3-2 at half-time. Draws set for Tuesday As well as Azmoun’s double, Samara skipper Taras Burlak But the visitors’ hopes of a shock recovery disappeared put through his own goal with Igor Smolnikov adding a fourth. in the 78th minute when Ramil Sheidaev was sent off for a Lokomotiv edged Yenisei Krasnoyarsk 2-1 to keep their second bookable offence. The International Basketball Federation of the Americas (FIBA slim hopes alive with Krasnodar, who beat CSKA Moscow Smolnikov rounded off the scoring in the first minute Americas) announced that the Official Draws of the FIBA U16 2-0, in third, three points further back. of added time to secure Zenit’s win. Americas Championship 2019 and the FIBA U16 Americas Wom- Azmoun opened the scoring in the ninth minute, tapping “It was quite a surprise when Samara scored twice late en’s Championship 2019 are set for April 30. home a cross by Yury Zhirkov. in the opening period,” said Zenit manager Sergei Semak. The Casa Olimpica of Puerto Rico in San Juan will host the In the 30th minute, Azmoun netted his second of the “We felt the pressure until Smolnikov scored the fourth ceremonies. The Draws will be made available on FIBA’s YouTube match and 12th of the season to join CSKA’s Fyodor Chalov goal but nevertheless we won deservedly.” channel and the official website of both events. on top of the league scorers chart. (Source: AFP) The FIBA U16 Americas Championship 2019 will be played June 3-9 in Belem, Brazil and will feature Argentina, Canada, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, USA and host Brazil. The pairs of the FIBA U16 Americas Championship 2019 German FA to investigate after Dortmund’s Sancho hit by lighter Official Draw are: The German FA (DFB) has told ESPN FC ESPN FC. they “reserve the right to take further steps 1. USA - Canada that it has opened an investigation after As Sancho was being treated Schalke against those displaying the banner.” 2. Mexico - Uruguay ’s Jadon Sancho was began a move that ended with them being Dortmund fans are also under scrutiny 3. Puerto Rico - Argentina hit by a lighter thrown from the stands awarded a penalty by a VAR review, but for a banner with an anti-gay slogan 4. Brazil – Dominican Republic during the 4-2 home defeat to Schalke Dortmund have said they will not appeal directed at Schalke fans, while both clubs The FIBA U16 Americas Women’s Championship 2019 will be on Saturday. against the result. could face consequences after supporters played June 16-22 in Aysen, Chile and will feature Brazil, Canada, England international Sancho and The DFB is now set to punish Schalke clashed following the final whistle. Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Puerto Rico, USA and host Chile. his teammates were celebrating near for the behavior of their fans, who Meanwhile, the DFB has banned The pairs for the FIBA U16 Americas Women’s Championship the travelling Schalke fans after BVB displayed a banner calling for the release Dortmund captain Marco Reus for two 2019 Official Draw are: took a 14th-minute lead when he was of Sergej W, the man sentenced to prison games following his red card on Saturday. 1. USA - Canada hit and needed treatment for a minor for the bomb attack on Dortmund’s team Germany international Reus, sent 2. Brazil - Mexico head injury. bus in 2017, and also used pyrotechnics. but demanding freedom for someone off for a challenge on Suat Serdar, will 3. Ecuador – El Salvador Dortmund police have filed charges Former Dortmund player Marc who tried to take the life of 28 people return for the final match of the season, 4. Chile – Puerto Rico against an “unknown perpetrator who Bartra, injured in the bus attack, called is another thing.” right-back Marius Wolf, sent off moments The top four teams from each continental championship will threw a lighter at Jadon Sancho from the banner “intolerable” on Twitter, Schalke have apologized for the later, was given a three-match ban. qualify to the FIBA U17 Basketball World Cup 2020. Schalke’s stand,” authorities told writing: “Rivalry might be one thing, “distasteful display,” telling ESPN FC (Source: ESPN) (source: Fiba) Prayer Times Noon:13:02 Evening: 20:09 Dawn: 4:40 (tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:13 (tomorrow) APRIL 30, 2019 ART&CULTURE I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Ghaderi Danish film festival to open Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 in Tehran on Wednesday Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. ARTTEHRAN — A Danish film festival will Tel: 88911433 deskopen at the Film Museum of Iran in Webmaster: [email protected] Tehran on Wednesday. Printed at: Hamshahri No. 3 - ISSN: 1017-94 The festival, which is scheduled to run for four days, will also be organized in the four other Iranian cities Tehrantimes79 Tehrantimesdaily of Kashan, Isfahan, Shiraz and Yazd at the same time, the Iranian Youth Cinema Society, the organizer of the No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 program, announced on Sunday. Zip Code: 1599814713 The festival will be held in collaboration with the Embassy of Denmark in Tehran. Lotte Svendsen, commissioner for children’s films at the Danish Film Institute, is scheduled to deliver a short speech about the Danish film industry during the opening ceremony of the festival, which will be attended by Danish Ambassador Danny Annan. The lecture will be followed by screening director Jesper Westerlin Nielsen’s 2016 drama “The Day Will Come”. Short films “10 Minutes of My Life” by Denmark-based GUIDE TO Iranian filmmaker Reza Rezazadeh, “Exit” by Michael SPIRITUAL AWAKENING Gug Kongshaug and “Whale Valley” by Guomundur Arnar Guomundsson, and the documentary film “The President from the North” by Lars Feldballe-Petersen will be screened in the opening day. To redress the wrong of the oppressed and The festival will go on with screening a lineup of six other to gladden the hearts of the sorrowful is the films, including the documentaries “Big Time” by Kaspar best expiation of great sins. Astrup Schröder and “The Great Game” by Andreas Dalsgaard. Imam Ali (AS) The lineup also includes the animated movie “Circleen, Coco and the Wild Rhinoceros” by Jannik Hastrup and the feature-length films “I Am William” by Jonas Elmer, “Land of Mine” Martin Pieter Zandvliet and “The Shamer’s Martin Pieter Zandvliet’s acclaimed war drama “Land of Mine” will be screened during a Danish film Daughter” by Kenneth Kainz. festival in Iran. Leader urges culture ministry to produce quality books for Gharibpur to restage “Khayyam” opera Parisian gallery displays collection by younger generation puppet show in Tehran Iranian photographers ARTTEHRAN — Leader of the Islamic Revolution deskAyatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei urged the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance to put out quality books for the younger generation. /Naser Jafari /Naser TASNIM

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei visits the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair on April 29, 2019. (Leader.ir) A scene from the “Khayyam” opera puppet show by Behruz Gharibpur. A poster for “Iran Photo (Inside & Outside)” in Paris. He made the remarks in a visit to the 32nd Tehran International ARTTEHRAN — Director performed the opera puppet at ARTTEHRAN — A photographers, Maryam Zandi and Kaveh Book Fair on Monday. deskBehruz Gharibpur Ferdowsi Hall. deskcollection composed of Kazemi, are due to be introduced at the “The culture ministry should try to put out good books plans to restage the “Khayyam” opera Khayyam, a Persian mathematician, works by 20 young Iranian photographers gallery on May 3, while selections of high- with valuable materials for the younger generation,” said puppet show with his Aran Puppet astronomer and poet, was renowned in living inside and outside of the country quality photos will be offered to the visitors. Ayatollah Khamenei who was accompanied by Culture Minister Theater Group at Tehran’s Ferdowsi his own country and in his own lifetime is on display at the gallery of the Cité The two books are “The 1979 Islamic Seyyed Abbas Salehi. Hall on Wednesday. for his scientific achievements, but is Internationale des Arts in Paris. Revolution” by Zandi and “Revolutionaries, “We should not be concerned over the distortion of information The puppet show focuses on the chiefly known to English-speaking Zahra Jahanbakhsh is the curator of the First Decade” by Kazemi. by the West about freedom of expression in Iran,” he said and life story Omar Khayyam, the Persian readers through the translation by the exhibition titled “Iran Photo (Inside The event has been organized by the added, “Western countries are suffering from censorship of books mathematician, astronomer and poet the English writer Edward Fitzgerald & Outside)”. Badguir Association in collaboration with but they do not want to acknowledge it.” who lived during the eleventh and twelfth of a collection of his quatrains in “The Ghazal Amidi, Soha Asadi, Sadra Baqeri, the Embassy of France in Tehran, Asar Ayatollah Khamenei praised Revayate Fat’h Publications for centuries. Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam”. Hamed Farhangi, Mohsen Kaboli, Mehdi Gallery and Nazar Publications. publishing “Farhad’s Footprint”, a biography of a Zoroastrian Composer Amir Behzad, vocalist Gharibpur has previously staged Moradpur and Sina Shiri are among the Badguir is an association, which aims soldier who was martyred during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war. Mohammad Motamedi and conductor the puppet shows “Hafez”, “Rumi” participating artists whose works have been to present and promote modern and He also expressed his admiration of Ofoq Publications for Farnush Behzad will also collaborate in and “Macbeth”, all of which have selected for the showcase, which will be contemporary artists’ activities from its books from the world’s classical literature, including Charles the puppet opera. been warmly received in Iran and at running until May 7. the Middle East and Iran in France Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”. In earlier July 2017, the group international events. In addition, two books by Iranian and Europe. The Tehran International Book Fair is currently underway at Imam Khomeini Mosalla and will run until May 4. World turns out for record “Avengers: As war rages, Tripoli art gallery opens in Iranian choir to highlight Endgame” movie debut rundown old city LOS ANGELES (Reuters) — Fans at hitting $300 million in the domestic TRIPOLI (Reuters) — As a new war Muammar Gaddafi was toppled in 2011. Dvorak’s “Requiem” at around the globe packed movie theaters market. The movie blew past that level and reached the Libyan capital, businessman Under Gaddafi, authorities restored Tehran concert for the debut of “Avengers: Endgame” over landed far above the previous record of Mustafa Iskandar opened an art gallery a handful of old buildings and were the weekend, pushing total ticket sales for $257.7 million set a year ago by “Avengers: and cultural center, hoping to draw planning a larger rehabilitation project ARTTEHRAN — The Iran Philharmonic Choir the Walt Disney Co superhero spectacle Infinity War.” attention to a long-neglected old city when the 2011 uprising broke out, deskplans to perform Czech composer Antonin to a stunning $1.2 billion and crushing That film ended with a cliffhanger in in need of revival. stopping the work. Dvorak’s “Requiem” during a concert at Tehran’s Vahdat Hall records in dozens of countries. which many heroes appeared to turn to One of the best preserved in North Little has happened since then, given on Thursday. “Endgame” generated an unprecedented dust, stoking anticipation for “Endgame.” Africa with monuments going back to the country’s chaos, but officials hope “Requiem” is a funeral Mass scored for soloists, choir and $350 million in the United States and Can- To meet demand, theaters added show- the Romans, Tripoli’s old city has been to reopen the national museum housed orchestra, which was composed in 1890 and performed for ada from Thursday night through Sunday, times and sold out shows at odd hours such rundown for years, with garbage filling in the Red Castle from the Ottoman the first time on 9 October 1891, in Birmingham, England, according to Disney estimates. The three- as 7 a.m. AMC Entertainment, operators the narrow streets and its ancient white era, closed since 2015 over security with the composer conducting. hour action spectacle that revealed the of the world’s largest theater chain, kept buildings in dire need of repair. concerns. Iranian pianist Karen Mehrabian will accompany the fates of Iron Man, Thor and other popular some locations open for 72 hours straight Most Libyans who can afford it have “We are trying,” said Mohamad 100-person choir during the performance, which will be comic-book heroes also made history in to keep running “Endgame”. long moved out of the old city to more Farraj Mohamad, the head of the conducted by Alireza Shafaqinejad. China, Brazil, France, Egypt, Even the lofty estimates from box office modern districts of Tripoli, home to 2.5 museum’s antiquities department, and 38 other markets. prognosticators proved too low. million. But Iskandar bought a derelict when asked whether the museum will In China, the world’s second-largest “What we didn’t count on is that fans house close to the landmark Roman open next year after a rehabilitation. movie market, “Endgame” collected $330.5 would show up happily at three in the Mark Aurelius arch, investing one For that, French experts who have University of Tehran million since its debut on Wednesday. morning for a three-hour movie,” said Paul million dinars ($720,000) to refurbish been advising Libya on how to improve The historic weekend helps put Disney Dergarabedian, senior media analyst at it as a gathering point for artists. the exhibition need to be willing to come to honor Georgian on course for what analysts say looks like measurement company Comscore. “We are He sent an invitation to embassies back once the fighting is over to help Iranologist Grigol Beradze an unparalleled year. The company is set in completely uncharted territory here.” and artists but in the end diplomats did as the ancient authority lacks funding to release “The Lion King”, “Toy Story 4” “Endgame” proved to be a global cul- not come, having fled the city as eastern and expertise. ARTTEHRAN — A number of Iranian and foreign and several other potential blockbusters tural phenomenon. Libyan forces started a campaign to take In the old city, a group of young deskscholars will come together in a session at the in the coming months. A sign at a London subway station urged the capital using ground forces and jets. people organize walks to explore University of Tehran on Wednesday “Endgame” is unique because it is the riders not to talk about the movie’s plot It didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of sites and build ties with the remaining to honor Georgian Iranologist Grigol culmination of a story told in 22 Marvel so they would not spoil it for others, ac- the businessman, who still lives in the inhabitants, many of which are West Beradze. Studios films that have drawn crowds to cording to a photo posted on Twitter by old city, a settlement once inhabited by African workers or poor Libyans. Beradze, who is a lecturer at the cinemas for a decade. Disney Chief Executive Bob Iger. Ottomans and later Italian colonialists, Relying on their own funds and Tsereteli Institute of Oriental Studies Audiences “have proven over and over Some fans in China paid more than 500 with Muslims, Jews and Christians living donations, they repainted a rundown of Ilia State University in Tbilisi, who is again that they care about these charac- yuan, or $74.14, for “Endgame” tickets on the for centuries in harmony. wall in white, a small start for what mostly famous for his in-depth studies ters,” said Cathleen Taff, Disney’s head of gray market, far more than the average 60 “I want to give a signal for people to they hope will be a rehabilitation in on the Safavid and Qajar dynasties. theatrical distribution. “I think they wanted yuan average price at cinemas nationwide. come back to the old city where I grew the future. American historian Rudi Matthee, to see how this epic story resolves itself.” In Hollywood, Susan Macias, 44, up and still live,” said Iskandar, who “We are trying to raise awareness of the Dutch Iranologist Willem Floor, “Endgame” stars Robert Downey Jr., watched all 22 Marvel films at the historic works for a Danish firm. heritage of the old city “said Hiba Shalabi, A poster for the commemo- Georgian scholar George Sanikidze, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson and El Capitan Theatre in a sold-out marathon He hung paintings and moved in old founder of the #SaveTheOldCityofTripoli ration of Georgian Iranol- Georgian Ambassador Ioseb others as a group of superheroes battling that concluded with “Endgame.” furniture collected for years in Europe campaign. “We are building relations ogist Grigol Beradze at the Chakhvashvili and Iranian scholars the villain Thanos, played by Josh Brolin. “It was well worth the three days of for his center, which is located next with people in old city and look up in University of Tehran. Rasul Jafarian, Mansur Sefatgol and Just days ago, the movie industry was being in there,” Macias said afterward. to a hotel that was once bustling with archives information about history of Gudarz Rashtiani are scheduled to attend the meeting. divided on whether “Endgame” had a shot “I’m just full of emotions.” tourists who used to come to Libya until houses.”