AMERSHAM:, with COLESHILL and WINCHMORE HILL. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &C. Amersham

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AMERSHAM:, with COLESHILL and WINCHMORE HILL. Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &C. Amersham . • tnucxs.J AMERSHAM. 418 (POST OFFiCE AMERSHAM:, with COLESHILL and WINCHMORE HILL. A:\IERSHAM is a market and union town, situated in a I by Sir William Drake, formerly proprietor of Sbardeloes, delightful valley, in the parish of it~ name, and hundred in the year 1657, for the benefit of six poor widows of farmers of Burnham, Chesham county court district, rural deanery and tradesmen, who each receive 6s. per week and a new of Amershnm, archdeaconry of Buckingham, and diocese of gown every two yearq, also on the longest day 9s. 4d., and Oxford; it consists of two streets, intersecting in tlwir on the shortest day Is. 4d. eacl1, besides two loads of wood centres, where the 1\Iarket House stand~, distant 2G miles annually for firing. There are also the Tothill, Snell's, from London, 7 from High Wycombe railway station, 8 Waller's, Hales', ·wharton's, and :Mrs. Bent's Charitil'S, from Berkhampstead station, 5 from Beaconsfield, 5 from comprising Yarious sums, altogether amounting to about £400 Chalfont St. Peter, 4 from Penn, and 3 from Chesham, near per annum. There are the J:<'ree Endowed Latin Grammar the 1\Iisbourne stream. 'l'he clmn.~h of St. l\Iary is a hand- and National school11, also British and Infant ~chools. some Gothic structure, extremPly ancient, with tower ; 'l'he g-entlemen's seats are Shardeloes, occupied by Thomas within are some elegant monuments to the Drake and other Tyrwhitt Drake, I~sq., J.P.; Little Shardeloes, by Mrs. J. tamilies. and in the chancel is a superb window of stained T. Drake ; and Bcel House, by the Rev. K J. Luce, )[,.~. p:la~;s representing the Twelve Apostles and Evangelists. Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake, Esq., J.r., is lord of the manor. 'l'he registers date from 1561. The living is a rectory, with. The market d:-ty is Tuesday ; and fairs are held on Whit the chapelry of Coleshill· annexed, commuted at £I,f>OO, Nfonday, and on tl1e 19th of September. The population in with residencf', in the gift of'l'homas Tyrwhitt Drake, Esq., 18Gl was 3,019; the acreage is 7,731, chiefly arable, with and held by the Rev. Edward Tyrwhitt Drakt>, )LA., of mnch woodland; the soil is principally chalk and flint. ~Iagdalene College, Cambridg-e. Here are tl1ree flour mills Coi,ESHJLI, is a hamlet and chapelry in the parish of and an extensive brewery. The Particular :Baptists, General Amersham, in the county of Hertford, about one mile and a Baptists, and 'Vesleyrms have each a <'hapel; here is also half ii·om Amersham, situated on a hill, with much wood­ a l\Ieeting House for the Society of }'riends. 'fhe Union land. The trade is that of manufacturing earthenware pots Workhouse is a handsome building, in the Elizabethan style and pans. Among- the curiosities is the celebrated Wailer's of architecture, erected in Ul38. The union comprises the Oak. The population in 18G1 was 531; the acreage is 2,810. following places :-Amersham, Beaconsfield, Cha1font St. WINCH)IORE HILI, is a small hamlet between Coleehill Giles, Chalfont St. Peter, Chenies or Jslehampsteacl Cheynes, and Penn, situated partly within the boundaries of both Chesham, Chesham :Bois, Coleshill, Lee, Great l\Iissenden, I tboBe places. Penn, and Seer Green. There is a savings bank in connection ! Parish Clerlt, Gcorg·e Priest, High street. with the Wycombe savings bank; also six almshouses, built Official Establishments, Local Institutions, &c. PosT & Mo:-:EY ORDER OFFICE, & PosT OFFICE RegitJtmrs of JJiarriage.'f for the Amm·slutm Dist1·ict, SAVINGS BANK.-Mr. John Robinson Bettsworth, post- George 'Vashington :Morris, & Arthur Clarke, High street master, High street. Letters arrive from London & all Registmr of Births~· Deaths, Richard Sims, High street parts of the South of England per mail cart from Taplow PuBLIC ScHOOLS:- at 5.21 a. m.; di!::patched at7 .3G p.m. Letters from Berk- F1·ee Endowed Latin G1·mnmar, High street, Rel'. hampstead, including North of England, Scotch & Irish William Henry Williams, D.A. master letters, arrive at 7 a. m.; dispatched at 5.45 p.m. Box for Free Endowed National, High street, Robert Stoneley London closes at 7 p.m. Box for Berkhampstead closes Andrews, master j :Miss Rebecca Sandf(n·d, mistress at 5.25 p.m British, Meeting House yard, Benjamin Witty, master INSURANCE AGENTs:- Infant, High street, Miss Eliza Haynes, mistress Farmers' Fire §r Life, William Broadwater, High stt·eet PosTING HousE.-Cro·wn inn, William George General Fire~ Life, Wilkes & Spurin, Union street CoNVEYANCE TO LONDON.-·wendover coach passes Imperial Fire, 'l'homas H. Morten, High street through from Wcndover, stopping at Crown inn, every L~fc Association of Scotland, Samuel Ford morning about 8, via Chalfont St. Peter's & Uxbridge, .1.~fanchester Fire. William Adams, High street returning the same evening about 7 p.m Phmnix Fire~ Life, George Isaacson, High street CARRIERS TO:- Railway Passengers', \Vilkes & Spurin, Union street AYLESBURY-Robert Hill, Bury end, every wed. & eat • .Royal, George Isaacson, High street via Chef!ham, Great Missenden & Wendoyer, & returns Royal Exch(mge, E. Hailey the same evening; Joseph Halt, Bury end, every wed. & Royal Farmers', James Stratford, High street sat. returning the same evenings Sun Fire~ Life, J. R. Bettsworth, High street BERXHAMPSTEAD-Joseph Halt, Bury end, every wed- Victoria ~ Legal ~ Commercial, William Adams, High st nesday morning & returns the same evening :MAGISTRATE.-Thomas Tyrwhitt Drake, esq. Shardeloes CllESHAM-Joseph Halt, Bury end, every wed. morn. & PUBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS:- returns the same even.; Cheese, from the' King's Arms,' Union ·workhouse, Union street, William Lowndes, esq. ev€ry wed. & sat. at 12, & returns same evenings at 6 chairman; P. Goddard, esq. vice chairman; John Teb- LONDON-Mrs. Sarah Crockett, High street, every n:on. & butt, gov~rnor; :Mrs. Ann Tehbutt, matron; Mr. Samuel thurs. viii Chalfont St. Giles & St. Peter's, & Uxbridge, Bryan, schoolmaster; 1\-I;ss Gillett, schoolmistress; Rev. to the Angel inn, Farringdon street, returning every wed. Edmund Jones Luce, M.A. chaplain; William Prowse, & sat.; Henry Sbrimpton, High street, every mon. & surgeon; George Isaacson, clerk to board of guardians; thurs. t•ia Chalfont St. Giles & St. Peter's, & Uxbridge, Wm. Bryan & Henr:r Scarr, of Cheslwm, relieving officers to the 'Oxford Arms,' 'Varwick lane, Old Bailey, return- Inland Revenue Office, Crown inn, Hig·h street ing every wed. & sat Stamp Office, High street, J. R. Bettswortll, distributor WINDSOR-Joseplt Halt, Bury end, every mon. & thurs. PUBLIC OFFICERS:- . _ mornin!!, 1'id Chalfont St. Giles & St. Peter's, Gerrard's Clerk to Justices, to Charities, to Income ~· Property Cross, Fulmer & Slough, to the Bull inn, Peascod street, Tax~· to the Trustees o.ftheTun~pi.keRoad, ~ Connnis- returning every tues. morn. via Beaconsfield & Farnham ,<rioner for taking Affidavits in Queen's Bench, Super- ·wYcOMBE-Cheese, from the' King's Arms,' every wed. intendent Registrar, ~ Deputy CoroneT, Geo. lsaacson & sat. eveni11g at 6 Amersham. Drake Rev. Edward Tyrwbitt, M.A~ Morten Thomas Honnor, esq. High st PRJVATE RESIDENTs. [rector], Rectory, Chesham road Potter Mrs. High street "Blay ::\Iisses Sarah & l\Iary, High st Drake 'l'homas Tyrwhitt, esq. J ,p. Prowse \Villiam, esq. High street Brickwell Benjamin, esq. High street Shardeloes Rogers Mrs. High street :Brickwell Thomas, esq. Church street Holloway Rev. Georgc, lLA. Church st Statham Charles, esq. High street Carpenter William Guest, esq. High st Isaacson George, esq. Hig·h street Statham Mrs. High street Chaddock Mrs. High street Kingdon Rev. Robert Hawker, ~LA. Wnrd Major-General l<'rancis, R.A. Daniel Thomas, esq. High street . [curate], High street ·woodside house Day Williaru, esq. High street Lawrence )Iiss, High street Williams l\Ir. William llenry, High st nowning ~Ii&~>, Union street Luce Rev. EdmundJone!!, N.A. Beelho Wingrove Robert, esq. High street Drake )'Irs. J. T. Little Shardeloes ~Iarshalll\Irs. High street CO)IMERCIAL. Bailey Ephraim, painter, ltigh street ..Adams William, butcher, High street Bailey Thomas, carpenter, llig-b street Andrew Charles, tailor, High street Daldwin Charles, buhl cutter, High street Arnott Thomas, boot :lnaker, The Common Ball Satnuel, bee1• retailer, High street Avis Nathaniel, chair maker, Bury end Batson Mary (.Mrs.), beer retailer, Tl1e Comtnoh Ayres William, farrier, The Common Beeson & Crowhurst, veterinary surgeons, High street JJailey Caroline (1\lis.s), professor of music, High etreet Berry WHliam, Kinu's Arms, High street .
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